CC 05-05-86
10300 'I'ozre Avenue, 0Jpertin0, Q 95014
Teletb:re~ (4OQ\ 152-4505
MINUl'ES OF '!HE RE13UIAR hua'.LI'G OF '!HE Cl'lY a:acL
HELD æ MAY 5, 1986 IH '!HE œ1NCIL awœE:R,
'!be JIIe8tirq was called to œ:àer at 6:45 p.m. by Mayor It)gers in the
ca.mcil ~.
BOIL CAIL Pres!'ut:
Gatto, Johnson, Pl~, Mayor R&...,¡t..... Absent:
staff Present:
City Manager ()1inlan
City Clerk Cornelius
Director of Public Works Vis1ccvic:h
Direc::t:or of Plaminq an:i Devel'¥U='ít Cowan
Direc::t:or of Finance snyder
Direc::t:or of Parks an:i Dcw1.irq
Assistant to the City Manager Brown
ChmItrdty Affairs Officer Scuricn
City Attorney Kilian
It was DrNed by Johnson, seoa'Üed by Gatto an:i P"'''" ae!
unanimcusly (4-0) to cc:mtinue ARùicaticn I-V-86 of John vi.daYicb
(DeAnza Prcperties) fran May 19 to JUne 2 at the nqo-t: of the
awlicant. 'Ihis oontinuance will be caû'i't"lMñ at the meetin:J of Kay
P%"nt'!1........tiat declarin:J May as "Drcwnin¡ Pre\Ient.ia1Iblth" in the City
of 0Jpertin0.
P.roc1........tiat declarin:J the week of May 5-12, 1986 as "o-rotrdty
Channels Week" in the City of 0Jpertin0.
Procl........tiat declarin:J May as "Better Hearin;J & ~n:h Iblth" in the
City of 0Jpertin0.
Proclamatiat declarin:J May as "Older Americans Month" in the City of
HINt1m) OF '!HE MAY 5, 1986 CI'lY CXXJNCIL MEEI'OO (CC-694)
Prrv"!1.........tion &.-)'\J-ing Wecmss~, May 14, 1986 as "Day of t:he
TeaåIer" in the City of 0Jpert1n0.
'!be prnt'1-tia1s were þI._&Jated.
Prool.......tien declarirq the week of May 18-24, 1986 as ''Traffic safety
Week" in the City of 0Ipertin0.
'!his proclamatia1 will be mailed.
S'mFF ~$
1. oral1~t:s by staff 1IIØIIIhers ani ...,l-mi....ten of written :t:~ts.
City Manaaer's ReI:)():tt
Ce1.L..cÙ Fire Protectien District - It was 1IKMId by Coone. Plunw,
seocnJed by came. Gatto ani passed 1.1J'IaIÙJJØ.1Sy (4-0) to ~
splittirq of cost of ~can type traffic signal pm -t'tor as
follows: $75,000 - City of Q.Jpertino; $15,000 - Ot:&1L..ðl Fire
Protectia1 District.
4. Camcil Reports - Coone. Johnsa1 - Legislative Review l'rwnnittee.
Camcil unanimcusly ~secl SB 2522 (Maddy), zonin¡ powers aver beer
ani wine stores; AB 4343 (01a00n) ,"Granny flats;" AB 1995; AB 2020,
bottle bill; AB 3236 (Hannigan), Revisicn of IARX) regulaticms; AB
3314 (I.ecnmi) , collection of devel~1t fees; AB 3479 (Harris),
legal å1alleJlIgas to devel~at.. fees; AB 3757 (M,..u..a) , cable
telev1siau AB 3554 (Hauser) , state liability insurance fUJñ.
SU¡pJrted AB 2948 (Tamer) , hazaJ:tbJs waste: maI''''''JC'IU'=I1t plans am
facility siting proœ'hn-es; AB 2714 (Caxiit), Dial-a-Ride services;
AB 3677 (M.,.cne), cable televisicn f:ranåú.ses. Requested Gavemc%'s
veto of SB 547 (Alquist), earthquake safety plar1l'lirg. 'Ihe safety Act
of 1986 has been referreJ. to Cave M..u...d.l ani Sally Reed for
X'9 =. .....A1œt:iat.
cx::Rmfi' ~
(It is requested that Items 7 t:l1roogh 28 be acted en siDlltaJ-'o1Cl1y
mùess separate ili"C'~aten arxJIor actim is requested.)
Mayor Rcgers removed Items 23 ani 26.
It was 1IKMId by Ccunc. Gatto, seoorñed by Coone. Johnsa1 ani pa....ecl
unanimcusly (4-0) to a~e the balance of the Ca1sent calemar as
MINt1I'ES OF '!HE MAY 5, 1986 CI'lY CXXJNCIL MEEI'IN3 (œ-694)
7. Resolutim No. 6824: "A Resolutim of the city eamcil of 'àIa
city of 0Jpertin0 Allawin:J Certain (']..4.- and Demands Payable .in
the A1Jømts and Fran the P\Jnds as Hereinafter Desc:ri}:)ed far
General and Mi-l1anecus Expeuditures far the Period Ending
April 25, 1986."
8. Resolutia1 No. 6825: "A Resolution of the City ec.mci1 of the
City of 0Jpertin0 Allawin:J certain C)..4.- and Demands Payable .in
the A1Jømts and frail the P\Jnds as Hereinafter Desc:7:ibed far
salaries and Wages far the ~11 Period Endin¡ April 15, 1986."
9. C) for "''''''''Jes filed by Mr. and Hrs. Gurney E. ~.
10. Requests for waiver of l:Jus1ness license fees:
(a) Arthritis Fc:1uOOation.
(D) l'hmIittee far a sane Nuclear Policy.
(0) Intemat.ia1a1 oroer of Rainbc:IIor for Girls.
(d) Gocd -1"itan 01urå1 Book stere.
11. Resolutia1 No. 6836: "A Resolution of the city ocuncil of the
city of 0Jpertin0 suwortin1 ROOerti-z'Berq Block Grant
ARùiœ.ticn. "
12. su.......s and Edward wae~-"1 v. Ot..íUal Fixe
Protection District, '!he city of t\1pertino, et al.
13. Resolutia1 No. 6827: "A Resolution of the city ocuncil of the
city of 0Jpert.in0 ~ o:ntract ~ order No. 4 far
M::Clellan Read ~oveme1d:s, Project 85-02."
14. Resolutia1 No. 6828: "A Resolution of the city ocuncil of the
City of 0Jpert.in0 ~ Final Plan far the ~owmetít of
Fra1tage IDeated on silverado Avenue, East of DeAnza BcW.eva%d,
Develc:per, silverado Office Partnership; Autharizinq the City
En;Jineer to Sign the Final Plan, and Autharizinq Executicn of
Ao,¡...~ít .in Q."......."tion 'Iherewith."
15. Resolutia1 No. 6829: "A Resolution of the city ec.mci1 of the
city of 0Jpert.in0 ~utharizinq Release of that certain h"............d:.
between the city and and ØJrren ocnsb:uctia1, IJx:. and
Bennie R. Noman and Lin:la suzanne Noman and Autharizinq
Execution of DeftoLLe.l ~vv.....eJrt; Agxeemes.t beb/Ie en the City and
Bcti:Jy G. Bell and Rita R. Bell of Property I.ocated on Hi11éLest
MI:Nt1nS OF '!HE MAY 5, 1986 CITY CXXJNCIL MEE:1'm> (CX::-694)
16. Reso1ut.ia1 No. 6830: "A Reso1utien of the City eamcil of the
City of QJpert1no Acceptirr;¡ Grant of ",...............·at for ~y
Pw.þCS9S f%aD Bc:i:by G. Bell and Rita R. Bell CD1sistinq of
~urI-tely 0.023 J\creS, Located en Ct:_at Road."
17. Resolut.ia1 No. 6831: "A Resolutien of the City CWncil of the
City of QJpertino Acœptin:J a Grant of ---at for pnb] io
utility Pw.l'csee f%aD JIdol¡:h L. and Marie Firenzi Ia:ated ala'1I1
the South Side of stevens creek Boulevard West of Portal AVWIJ8,
O.OO2± Acre."
18. Resolutia1 No. 6832: "A Resolutien of the City Camcil of the
City of QJpertino ~ the ExistirJ;J Traffic signal
Maintenance o..rt....dCt and AppraVin;J Increases in Certain Rates."
19. Resolutia1 No. 6833: "A Resolutia1 of the City Camcil of the
City of QJpertino AppraVin;J Parcel Map and ~uv,,".eht Plans of
P.............t~ Located en Foothill Bouleva%d and QJpertino Road;
Developer, Don L. Beck and WIn. G. Barnes & Sa\ CO., Inc. I
Authorizin;J Ex8cutim of IhpL..msœJat Ao,.............¡tl Authcrizin::J
Signin;J of Parcel Map and b~V'IE!IDe%'It Plans.
20. Rssolutia1 No. 6837: "A Resolutia1 of the City Ca.inCi1 of the
City of QJpertino Authorizin;J the Exec::utia1 of Deferred ~! ..ÞI!t
with Paul J. and Janet J. De Benedetti, Jr. far the IhpL"JI,......4!t
of Fra1tage alCDJ 22415 Santa Paula Avenue.
21. Resolutia1 No. 6838: "A Resolutim of the City Camcil of the
City of QJpertino ~ a Public Hearirx.J to Initiate the
~1iAiticn by Eminent ~iT\ PL· <Tõ-:';TÇS the Property IDeated en
the East Side of South De Anza BcW.evard South of stevens CJ:eek
22. Aoc.q.¡t.ance of m.mic.ipal inprovements:
(a) DaJ¡ Healey project, SQItheast comer of Granada and
(b) Tract 6713, soot:hwest OOluer of stevens creek Boulevard and
Finch Avenue, Spier-Hawk.
(No Sua- II. L.1rg doCI""""1ts required.)
23. Reax:IYed.
24. 1\R:Ilicatim MW:-51,649.1 - steve SChaffer (James Boghosian) -'xJ ~ to add floor area and domer wimcwB to the
garage of an existin;J duplex. '!he property is located at 10414
I.oc::kwocd Drive. Recx:.1I1meMe:: for a~.
25. Minutes of the regular meetin;J of April 7, 1986 (CX::-692).
MINUl'ES OF 'mE HAY 5, 1986 Cl'IY C'XJNCIL MEm'I}G (00-694)
26. Remr::IYed.
27. Kin1tes of the adjcurned regular meeting of April 14, 1986
(cc-692B) .
28. Mimrt:es of the regular meet:irq of April 21, 1986 (cc-693).
Y2t§ ~·s of the City cameil
AYES: Gatto, Jåmsa1, Pluny, Rcqera
1Ðæ: Na1e
ABSml': Sparks
l'liH3 REHJVED m::H CXJmm' CAInmAR
23. A¡:plicatia1 AS1IC-Sl,638.1 - Jim Abrusci (Measurex a....~ð.tia1) -
RecpIst.irq aWlV"lal to install a fE!J'X& arourñ an existin¡ light
inmstria1 site. '!be 1Â-~ty is located at the northwest
c:pIdrant of a1I:b Read an:! McClellan Read. Recu··.~1ded far
It was JD:Ned by came. Gatto, seoax3ed by CbJnc. Pluny and passed
unaninaJsly (4-0) to ~ Awlicatien ASAC-Sl,638.1 as reo:> .....A.1ded
with the exhibit amended to shew the masonry wall.
26. MiJ'Iltes of the adjcurned regular meet:irq of April 8, 1986
(cc-692A) .
It was JD:Ned by CbJnc. Rogers, seocnded by came. Gatto ani passed
unaninaJsly (4-0) to ðWl..Ne the minutes of the April 8, 1986 Council
meeting as 1II,1-on4tt.ed.
30. þTI-.l.e:rs of the ~n;liE!J'X& regaxdiø¡ matters not en the ðIgelì1a.
Rr;i)ert Kolek, resident of the BAS Hcmes devel"'.\AI"'Ult off Foothill
BcW.evard and salem, a.1h. -eel Council regarding code enfw............íL and
1Rk.>...--t,ed that the City develc:p a IIm'8 _ nive pt:~_ in this
area. Be also ~...!.St.ed that Sheriff's Dep.1tiss receive t:rainin¡ and
kncwlecJge of the Q.Jpertino o:œ. He also c:oCIch.~"«I Council regarding
the rn1plicaticn of secticms of the Hmicipal COde far the pub] jð and
l.'e('o .......rded c::ban3es in the type of ~1 era license used by the City.
Council directed the city Manager to investigate these iSS''Iaa and
respond to Mr. Kolek.
MINUl'&S OF m HAY 5, 1986 CI'lY axJNCIL N;t;.1',üG (œ-694)
31. CDwideratia1 of annexatia1 of area designated "Alcazar AVWD8
86-01," located en the north side of Alcazar AverAJØ ):)ebMen
0ran1e Avemæ an::! Inprial AverAJØ, 1.98± acres.
(a) resolutien No. 6834: "A Resolutial of the city o:.mcil of
the City of Q]pertil'Io orderin¡ A1'IneXatia1 of Area Designatl'A
as 'Alcazar AvenJ8 86-01'."
It was 1IICJIfed by Came. Johnsa1, seocnded by Came. Gatto and pae"9d
unanimcusly (4-0) to close the p.1blic hearin:¡.
It was 1IICJIfed by Came. Jåmsa1, seocnded by Came. Gatto and J?""""oo.
unanimcusly (4-0) to adept Resolutim No. 6834.
32. Abatsment of I"Ali.same (trash) m eastem \,AA....r of parkin¡ lot of
the s}qpin¡ center located m Hcmestead Read at Foothill
Boulevard (Am 326-1-18) .
(a) Resolutial No. 6835: "A Resolutial of the City o:.mcil of
the city of Q]pertil'Io orderin¡ Abat..-.d. of Public NUisance
CDwistin¡ of Trash at the Eastem ~1ISl of Am 326-1-18."
Assistant to the City Manager Brown reviewed the history of the i""",.
with o:.mcil.
P&ter saxe, adjacent resident, .'l1hnitted a new ~ of the
mtter beinJ rH......]Ssed.
It was 1IICJIfed by Came. Johnsa1, secx:nied by Came. Gatto and pa~
unanimcusly (4-0) to close the p.1blic hearin:¡.
It was 1IICJIfed by came. Johnsa1, secx:nied by came. Gatto and P"',........
unanimcusly (4-0) to adept Resolutial No. 6835 declarinq trash to be
a p.1blic misance, givirg the ~'¥"LLj owner seven days to abate or
the City shall abate the nuisance and place a lien m the 1"o'¥"LLj.
33. Review and detendnatia1 of traffic mitigatim -'"UreB,
incl\.Idin:J varicAJS ..LLMt closures, in the Town center/Civic
centerjEat:a1 SChool areas.
Director of Public works ViskcIriål reviewed his ¿,~t with camcil.
R.1ss RåJinsa1, west Fstates Drive, spoke against tjb:~ closures. He
00jec:ted to clœin¡ of ..LLeets because of spec'iIo1 requests an::! urged
camcil to use other '^-"ILLol 1I"""CZIJreS.
Mrs. Sepulveda, 10285 Farallme Drive, ~essed the following
ooncems: '!he ''ban:1aid'' awroac:h to solvin¡ prOOlems, the
inocnvenienoe caused by barriers. She stated that with the closure,
c:hi1dren are rv::M able to play in the [........It yards. She urged camcil
HINtmS OF '!HE MAY 5, 1986 CI'lY c:œNCIL ~l·.uG (OC-694)
to close Pacifica to isolate the residential area. She ~;.n-' the
pret-...__ that such closure occur dur1nq the peak ha1rB; hcwøY8r, a
pexmar&It 24-hoor closure would be !K~,....hle.
Lee Mc('~11ier m:ged coonci1 to ~ Antoinette. He also stated that
it was l::-eo ...iyq i"'V"""'ible to make right turns frail Bollinger a1to
DeAnza after stappin¡ for the red light beca1JSe of people maJd.nq
Werœll Martin, John Drive, stated that the closure has wcrked am it
does keep cars off the aoL..eets. He urge.i Council to CXI'1tinJe with
the closure dur1nq ..........tte ha1rB.
Hiram sibley, 6729 DPu.t.....u.. AverAI8, San Jose, stated that in order to
D:IV8 traffic it's neoeesary to add lanes am get rid of lights. He
info.....éd Ccuncil that with wery street that is closed, other ..L..eets
are bpcted. He m:ged that Council ~ the main arteries am get
the traffic cut of CUpertino.
J:JaJq Hemin::Jway, stellin¡ Road, m:ged Council to keep the :rœds of the
t'Y'Wllllllnú.ty open.
Dr. Miålael SJ1c:M, 20432 Silverado AverD.Ie, stated he has aba1t 500
patients, all of whan dislike the barricades. He felt that a :raid
closure is an infrin¡eme1/t of the rights of taxpayers. He said that
people are upset am uptight.
Al DJdley, 20337 Clay st. near Antoinette Way, inquired regardJn¡
Wlit ~ùd ha¡:pm in emergencies. He stated that all neighbatboods
cannot be bloc1œd off. He mged Ccuncil not to block streets as more
than <me thœ:cughfare is ne:~.
Margaret Reilly, Farallcne Drive, ~secl the closure. She said that
.......11 bmunsns at Silverado are being' unfairly penalized.
David E2:mhm!t, 10320 Ias orœs Way, stated that he is upset abcut
the closure. He al1h11itted a petitiat with 45 signatures I.I%giø¡ that
Pacifica be left open. He suggested that Council consider the
possibility of no turns en Rœe Blœsan with active enfOXceme1/t.
susan, 20347 Clay st., expre!9'9d pl....a1Jr8 with the barriers.
She ~~_""ted that one pemanant barrier located on Pacifica west of
Whitney wcul.d be the most effective. Peq>le could use Silverado.
steve seale, 20198 Pacifica Drive, said that ncbody stops at the sign
on Fa%alla'18 am that stq> sign and sp ~ enforoement were m........
He ""'t'L 9d SI4¥O:lt for a closure durin¡ peak time.
J:JaJq Boyd, 20301 Clifden way, ~ peak hour closure.
\mIJrm OP 11m 1O.'l 5, ~9£' erN <mNC!IL mmc (œ-694\
Cliff Hamilta1, 20185 Pacifica Drive, ~_Hð pret.-rmx» far a
1-' .....'1BDt, fUll-time closure with the peak hem' gates as the IJIiniII.1Ja
that nerds to be dale.
Greq McW.t.a1, 20304 Gillick Way, was against cl.œures. He st:ated
that he felt ClIpEIrtj.m is his neighbomxxi. If the City is wi11inÇJ
to let hat.els and offices in, it 1IIJSt be a~lecl that it is lettin¡
traffic in.
Elly Wønm, 20076 Ia Rcda court, ~\9SSed SlIa- ...I;, for a I...· ....>wnt
Jerry H.1lvey, 20303 Clifden Way, urged coorx:il to conti.nJe peak hcur
Jim Reilly, 10631 Farallane, '"¥100Sed arr¡ closure. He stated that the
IIIa'IeY used to plt in the closure c:o.ùd be used in a nme positive
manner. Addin¡ nme driving tima makes the 0Yerall traffic issue
worse. He also exp¡: - ed oOllœ:rn regardin:J a<:X1e&e for -'FI'C/
David M:Œris, 10873 west Fstates Drive, stated that closing ltL..éBts
is net the answer. '!be jobjhøJsing balance ~d be add&. I!sOO.
'Ihere is also a need for iDproYed traffic enforoemmit.
Rl habeth 0XI1œa1, 10842 E. Fstates, urged better en!1J.L.....d traffic
'l'CIII Mackenzie stated that the way he reads the vehicle Code, it loc1œ
like the way the t-.,- ...cry closure is set up is illegal.
Rùl Harris, SUisun Drive, told Owncil that the I!IIIOInt of traffic œ
other residential ltL..eets has tripled silx:e the closure. He a~
~ the traffic pattern was created in the first plaC9. He........ FØed
~iticn to the closure and suggested o::mxrl.1 look at the
BoU!n:JerjDeAnza Bculevam intersectiœ.
Nathaniel Risley, 651 oneida, Bunnyvale, ~..........- ~iticn to the
carol Tsanq 10605 Farallane, ~orted the bftrr!ers.
V81....... Ib!nut, 19971 I..:i.n:ænbrock IanF., expr: T8ad the opiniœ that
Blaney has bee- I.... a gaJ:bage c:hmp for traffic.
susan Adrian, 20408 Clay street, said that there has been an increase
in traffic œ Clay since the closure and requested that if such
closure is CXI'1t.inIed sanething be done to protect Clay.
DcI1 ~, 10308 Las Ondas, spoke against the barriœdee.
MINt7n:S OF 'IHE MAY 5, 1986 CI'IY cx:vNCIL W;l'.uÇ (0)694)
Irvin:;J Altman, 20321 Clifden Way, wanted the teIrporaJ:y closures
Judith 'l\1ttle, 20305 Gillick way, ~--œd that if cnmcil wanted to
close the ..LLeet there be a vote by affected residents.
Maxy men Md""''''''''1, 10385 Farallone Drive, spoke in favor of the
Marilyn '!bran, 20333 Clifden way, spoke against the barriers am
suggested that prior to establi.shir¥] any pemanent barriers, the City
get a stat.:..att frail the Sheriff's Department regardin;J left turns
frail Mart.imiccd to Bollinger. She urged camcil to b:y -aures to
!Ù0Ii traffic.
Dan B1illips, 10734 Mart1nwocd way, spoke in BI+¥ "t of the barr.:.e..s
durirq ....nnmnte tJJœ. He suggested camcil CXI1tinue it em a trial
basis. He also requested better law enforœme1tt in the area.
David James, 20387 Gillick way, "'wooed the barriers.
Michael Del Grœso, 20346 Pinntage Parkway, '-'1¥Ised the barriers.
Sq:hie Inxinut, Lindenbrook lane, said that cansideratiem of this was
a little late since Eaten School is rr:M closed. She "'M'osed the
barriers arxi urged CCUncil to ocnsider hew traffic em Blaney has been
Alice stuart, Farallone Drive near Pacifica, stated that ¡-. ....'1ent
closure "-'CUld be best.
Jim Mitå1ell, 20210 INntcn ccm1:, VH:'csed the barriers.
A wauan res4Mrtt uzged cnmcil not to close the rœds am stated that
the City nn'3ti its awn polioe ~(
suzanne Sclar, 10581 Nrl.tney way, favored a peak ha1r closure. She
inf"I..-1 CCUncil that she felt this is not the eni of the matter.
She also expr>essed ccn::erlls regardL '1 spe-"'iTJ:1 in the area.
niwin Belles, Jàm Drive, ~,f1:'ed varicus (XIUoeU1S in::1\.¥iin¡ speed,
noise, danger, ~ vehicle aQOOS';' arxi potential for criJœ. He
stated that barriers were all right, rot there may be other
Iqrm Keberle, 10802 East Estates, urged camcil to look at the i"t""ct
east of Blaney. She spoke against 5Ueet closures arxi suggested that
prior to any there be a City elect1en.
Ta1y Scott, 20230 Jàm Drive, spoke in ~rt of the barriers, at
least durirq 1"Y'11111111U! hours.
HINt1I'ES OF '!HE MAY 5, 1986 CI'lY a:x.'NCIL }iJu;J.'.uC (cx:-694)
A man We lives at: 20378 Gilllck Way spoKe in ~itiat\ 'co clolmM.
Øù.l UnáerWccx1, 10325 Farallooe Drive, favored the bBr:'ier durin:¡ the
1'Y'01MII1I:e hcurs. Hcwever, he stated that he hcpes it ~tld be
~-·I.jlar¡ as there IIL1St be another loog-tem solutic:n to the traffic
prà:IlEIIB. He 1.JI98d CWncil to develq¡ a total solutim.
Den Barker, Otu.LLal Fire Protectim District, stated that the Fi%a
Mstrict cUd not enccurage barriers as they do slœ da.m _~
respcœe tjme. However, the most desirable wculd be a barrier at
\hich the Fire District wculd not have to step. '!be Optioca syst:æ
DIllY help. Hcwever, if it is neoessary to step, use a key am then
go, it wculd add too JIIJå1 time to their respmse in en.ergencies. He
stated that Otu.LLal Fire Protectim District is generally "l'J:'Csed to
barriers as it does slœ dcwn response.
Rc.n Nicholas, 20128 Pa.:'ifica Drive, ~"1:ed 'that the city get a
cx:r1SI.Û.tiJv,J fixm specializ~ in small city traffic problems. He said
barriers have helped, there is saœ inconvenience. He uzged camci1
have tM cx:r1SI.Û.tant look at an averall plan.
Ann AtJ]er, 0Jpertin0, ~... of the 85 Task FuLoe, spoIæ against the
closure am urged these pus_It. to ~~rt the "'""'P1etia1 of Highway
It was IIICIITEId by CWnc. PlUlJ3Y, seoa1ded by CWnc. Gatto arñ p"....ed
unarrlJJDJsly (4-0) to close the p.1blic hear~.
It was IIICIITEId by CWnc. JciU'Isa1, seoa1ded by CWnc. Gatto am P"~
with CWnc. PlUD1Y iliøL,¡ to authorize the reJJrM1l of peak 1øIr
restrictia1s, to not i:ap]......e1d:. pemanent closure, am to dL'"'8Ct staff
to i.-.4Ately explore other mitigation factors includin:J step signs.
~'3: 10:52-11:03 p.m.
34. Nme.
35. Nme.
36. Nme.
37. Alternative bidding ~~n-e of public works projects.
(a) First readin¡ of ordinance No. 1370: "Bein;J an ordinance ot
the City Coorcll ot the City ot 0Jpert.j.m A'IIIeniirq the
Q]pertino Hmicipal Code, Chapter 3.24 Relatin:] to the City
of Q]pertino' s Purå1as.iD;J Pl.. ()"'IiIn-e for PJblic Projects."
It was mved by counc. Plun;¡y, sec::cnjed by 0:!Unc. Gatto am passed
unanimc:œly (4-0) to read ordinance No. 1370 by title cn1.y am the
city Clerk's readin¡ to oOllstitute the first readinq thereof.
38. Repent. en bid ~ am awæ:d of ocntracts:
(a) Telev1sien equ1pu.:.¡t, mw 86-110.
(b) AnrAIal OVerlay, Project 86-111.
It was mved by counc. Gatto, secanded by counc. Plun;¡y ani ~--
\JJ'IaI'JÜIWsly (4-0) to a-..rcmi the ~.I.4Ct for 'IV equi¡..ue./t to cal video
Sales for their lCM bid of $23,486.41 with deletien of items 9, ll,
an:! 15, ani to awæ:d the ~.L...4Ct for anrø.1al overlay to p..4......
Ca1struc:ticn in the 8I'IOJI1t of $471,758.74 based en la.leSt bid.
39. Ame1du8hl to the Ccnfllct of Interest Code for Designated
(a) Resolution No. 6730: "A Resolution of the City council ot
the City of Olpertino A1Derñi.rq Resoluticm No. 6513 Reg¡miiD¡
the Ccnflict of Interest Code of the city of OJpert"-ino for
Offici..1!; am Designated ÐJployees."
It was mved by counc. Plun;¡y, secanded by counc. Johnson am p"........
UI1IUÛJJD.Isly (4-0) to adqIt Resoluticn No. 6730.
40. CkI1s:i.deraticn of an \u.~....y ordinance to revise the H.micipal
COde å1apter pertainin;J to handbills.
(a) th.'=""'....-y ordinance No. 13n: "An th.~1CY ordinance ot the
city of 0Jpertin0 A1Derñi.rq sectien 10.52.010 of açter
10.52, Dist:rll::utian of Hambills am J!dvertis.iD;J, of Title
10 of the Olpertino Hmicipal Code, ani statin:] the Rea,.,....
for SUå1 th.\j~."
It W&!I mved by counc. PIUl'gy, secanded by COOne. Gatto am pa.nd
unan:1JJOJSly (4-0) to read ordinance No. 1372 by title only am the
city Clerk's reë!IdJ.n:J to constitute the reë!IdJ.n:J thereof.
It was mved by counc. Gatto, seoc:IJÙ!d by counc. Plun;¡y am ~""'9d
Ul'IëIlÙJIa]sly (4-0) to enact TJrgency ordinance No. 1371.
MINt1IES OF '!HE KAY 5, 1986 CI'1Y axJNCIL )zr;.l'.u«; (cx:-694)
It was JIICJY8d by came. Plmçy, seocx1ded by came. Gatto and pel9-ed
unarúmcusly (4-0) to direct staff to J:8tum with an anUnance
allowin;J dist:rib1tia1 of (. ····-rcial blu'lt!bills with a p"""""it and U
they are left in a secured fashion.
41. Amer&:ha..aít of the CUpertino M.micipal a:œ to provide a bcrId far
the City Clerk as per califomia a:œ sectia1 36518.
(a) First readirg of ordinance No. 1371: "An Ordinance of the
city of QJpert1no A1IIe1'xU.n] 01apter 2.20, city Clerk, of the
CUpertino M.micipal COde to Provide for oath of Office and
Bonli.n;J. "
It was JIICJY8d by came. Plmçy, seoanded by came. Gatto and pll.S'lI'ed
unanimcusly (4-0) to read ordinance No. 1371 by title cnly and the
city Clerk's readirg to ooustitute the first readirg thereof.
42. Rsvisicn of the city's traffic signal ocntract.
(a) Resoluticn No. 6826: "A Resoluticn of the city Ocuncil of
the city of CUpertino McdifyiD¡ the spedfic::at.ia1s of the
Traffic Signal Maintenance o...íUact."
It was maved by came. P1mçy, seocx1ded by came. Jàmscn and l"'I"""-
unanimcusly (4-0) to adopt Resolution No. 6826.
tu<J,'.l'.w( CXJHJNICATIalS
43. Nœe.
44. Secxllk1 reading of Ordinance No. 1367: "An ordinance of the City
0amcJ.l, city of CUpertino, A1IIe1'xU.n] Paragra¡h G of Sec:t:icn
3.24.070 of the QJpert1no M.micipal a:œ, Relatin] to '91N1i'¥J of
Purchase 0CI1tracts."
It was 1IICIIIed by Counc. Pluny, seoa'1ded by came. Gatto and I"'",,-ed
unanimcusly (4-0) to read ordinance No. 1367 by title cnly and the
city Clerk's reading to cx:clSl:itute the EoèOOho1 readirg thereof.
It was maved by came. Gatto, seconJed by came. P1mçy and pa",-ed
unanimcusly (4-0) to enact ordinance No. 1367. .
45. Seocnl reading of ordinance No. 1369: "An ordinance of the city
of 0Jpertjn0 A1IIe1'xU.n] section 11.24.160 of the QJpert1no
M.micipal Code, Relatin] to stqping, standing ar ParJdnJ a1
0J:an;Je Aveme.
It was nrM!d by came. P1mçy, seoanded by came. Gatto and paeged
Ul1alÚJDoUS1y (4-0) to read ordinance No. 1369 by title only and the
city Clerk's reading to constitute the s.eoæad reading thereof.
MINUm; OF '!HE MAY 5, 1986 CI'lY CXXJNCIL ~ (cx:-694)
It was maved by CoJnc:. Gatto, seoc:med by CoJnc:. PlUD»' and pa~ltd
unanJJDcus1y (4-0) to enact oroinance No. 1369.
46. Na1e.
47. Reoogllitic:n by Mayor of speci"'l requests.
Ca) General Audience - Na1e.
(b) city CoJnc:il - Na1e.
Co) staff - None.
city Attamey Kilian aJ'II'IaII1Oed that cmncil ...,.ùd adjoum to a clœed
sessic:n to d4an1S& the aoquisitic:n of i'L~ty of DeAnza BcW.EMmi, a
garage 0CI'1V8X'Sic:n am the stevens creek ().Iany.
CoJnc:il adjcm:ned to the CatfereuC8 Rtxm at 11:28 p.m.
At 12:05 a.m., CoJnc:il reocmvened :in o-..",¡."",..
CoJnc:. Prenllt.:
Gatto, Jåmsa1, P1uny, Mayor Rogers
staff Presb-ìl:
city Manager Quinlan
city Clerk Cornelius
Director of Public WcnJœo viskDvich
Director of PlannizxJ and Devel~d:; cowan
city Att:omey Kilian
It was maved by CoJnc:. Gatto, seoc:med by CoJnc:. Plungy am 1'"'8......
unanJmous1y (4-0) to initiate legal i'"i'91 regaJ:din;J an i11ø:J!Ù
garage cxaversicn, to file an ~J with the BoIm! of SUpervisars :in
the matter of the st:eYens creek ().Iany use P""""'it, am to autharize
that an offer be made to the i'L~:.y owner aM tenant CBarclay's
Bank) far certain pl~ty alcn:¡ DeAnza BcW.eYard.
At 12:10 a.m., the meetirx:J was adjcm:ned.
Ib ~:aJ
Ci Clerk