CC 05-19-86 CI'IY OF aJPER:1'n«>, STATE OF CALIFæNIA 10300 Torre Avenue, aJpertino, CA 95014 Telephone: (40S) 252-4505 MINt1lES OF '!HE MAY 19, 1986 CI'lY CXXJNCIL loJu;J:.uG HErD m '!HE <DJNCIL aÐ\MBER, CI'lY HAIL, <DPERl'nÐ, c::ALIFœŒA CC-695 Actirg Mayor Gatto œ1led the meetin¡ to Older at 6:45 p.m. SAII1l'E 'ID '!HE FIAG R:>IL CAIL Counc. P.rœ:'lt: Johnsa1, PlUB]Y, SpaJ:iœ (8:45 p.m.), Actin] Mayor Gatto Counc. Absent: Rcgers staff Present: City Manager Orlnlan City Clerk Comelius Director of FUblic works Viskcviå1 Director of P1.annin¡ an:! Devel~ìl Cowan Director of Finance snyder Director of Parks an:! Rec....at.icn Dcwl!n;J Assistant to the City Manager Brown (7:05 p.m.) Chnmnúty Affairs Officer Scuridl "" City Attomey Kilian ----- --- ~ AND Imt AGIKIA l'IDIS - It was moved by Coone. Jcimsa1, seccnded by Counc. PIUB]Y an:! P"'~-ed unanimcusly (3-0) to centime Item No. 32 to the regular meetin¡ of JUne 2. It was moved by Counc. PlUB]Y, seoc..ded by Counc. Jcimsa1 an:! I"'IE'sÐcl unaniJDalSly (3-0) to CCI1t.im1e Item No. 26 to JUne 2. It was JŒ:JYed by Counc. PIUB]Y an:! ~ded by Counc. Jcimsa1 to ocntime Item No. 35 to JUne 2. '!be DDtia1 ani seoo.d were wit:b:b:awn. Council requested that in reg¡u;d to in-lieu fees as per Item No. 26 that bacIo..1p arñ justificatim for the !:e4:' -...-I'ded fees were included in the JUne 2 material. c:EREJUnAL MIU·J.'~ - PRESmIM'ICIIS Prcclamation in ha10r of the Q]pertino aumi -er of 1"'r'nonø1"Ce - 'Ihe prnt'1.......tion was received by Helen Lewis an:! Kathy Myles. Prnt-.l.......tion dec1arin;J the week of May 18-24, 1986 as "Natia1a1 Fublic Worlæ Week." - Actin] Mayor Gatto pl S _JLed the proclamatim to Director of Fublic Works Viskcvic:h. Resolution of a~<=iation for Mià1ae1 Pisano, Parks an:! Rec:1...ation (hnmi"'Sion. - Actin¡ Mayor Gatto presented the resolutien to Mr. Pisaoo. -1- MINt1l'ES OF ~ MAY 19, 1986 CI'lY cœNCIL MEE:1'I1C (CC-695) 5'mFF k<I:itVKI.1:í 1. Oral 1~ ts by staff 1I~.i.ers and s"-4....iat of written ...~ts. ~tv Manaaer's p..r. 01. t. ,..,...,."ittee Rsport¡De-Annexatiat Haœstead High Sd1col - It was mved by CCAJnc. Plun:y and passed unaI1ÙJØ]sly (3-0) to lX) l~ cxœider ponible de-annexatia1 of HaDes1:e!Id High SdIool. ,..,...,."ittee Review of Use of General Furœ for Low and MoJerate Incaœ lÞJsirq - CCUncil requested that this item be brcuß1t back at JUne 2. City Clerk's Reoo1.t. A¡p)LtI......Jt to santa Clara county Transportatien o--i ....tat - It was 1IICIIed by CCAJnc. Plun:y, seocr1ded by CCAJnc. Jàmsan and passed \.11'1al'1ima1sy (3-0) to ~int CCAJnc. Jåm Gatto. ReaI- for A...u...UU.Liatiat. DeAnzalstevens Creek Wi~4'V - It was 1IICIIed by CCAJnc. Plun:y, seocr1ded by CCAJnc. Jàmsa1 and pa'!l~ \.11'1al'1ima1sy (3-0) to ~~iate $100,000 which will be brcuß1t forwam fraJJ the $2.2 1IIi11iat œdgeted for Fiscal Year 1986-87. tJrv'I.............nYI UH 1 itv District - stevens creek Bculevard It was 1IICIIed by CCAJnc. Plun:y, seoouid by CCAJnc. Jàmsan and p-.... unarrl.DaJsly (3-0) to schedule a pJblic hearirg regardi.n;J eminent .v-i" proc'n"irç¡ for the meetin;J of JUne 2. 2. Treasurer's and aJdget Report - April, 1986. '!he "''''l''-'rt was in::1uded in the material l"'"..1.='1!ted to CCAJncil. cœNCIL ~1:í 5. CCAJnc. Jà'Insa1 - Ieqislative Review ,..,...,."ittee - It was 1IICIIed by Came. Jà'Insa1, secax1ed by CCAJnc. Plun:y and passed \.11'1al'1ima1sy (3-0) to taJœ the follClWirq act:ia1s regardin:¡ l"'""I'csed leqi.slatiat: S\..wuL t ballot Measures 43 (lhlllll1rdty ParJc1.anjs Act of 1986), 44 (Water CkI1servatiat and water QJality Bc:ni laW of 1986) , 47 (A1locat.ic:n of Vehic1e License Fee Taxes to CDmt:ies and Cities), and 51 (Ø1lt-iple Deferœnts Tort ~""".J8 Liability: Initiative statute. ~ þ00l1ot Measure 45 (Deposit of Public McI1eys in credit Unioos) . SUWOl:t SB 2322 (H.£oLql'nib.le), big truck aooeee; AB 1809 (Tanner), hazardaJs waste; c:xmtin1e to S\.Jwu...t SCA 12 (Foran), transportaticn -2- MINtJI'ES OF mE MAY 19, 1986 CI'IY cœNCIL HEE'IOO Ca:-695) finance. ~ AB 2908 (Fergusa1) , land use, limitati.a1S en local authority to deny residential devel"'l-""""it app:ravals1 SCA 31 ('l\n........), hazardous substances. ~ May revisicn of Govelllor's 1986-87 tmqet. Owœe federal leg!slat.ia1 that requires Medicare am SOCial security oaverage for all local Employees. a:tISENI' ~ It was DX:JVed by COOne. Jåmsa1, secad-.xl by COOne. Pluny am peI~W unarúJDcusly (3-0) to 8R'J:'CV8 the CCœent calerœr as ...,.....itt.ed. 8. Resolutia1 No. 6839: "A Resolutien of the city COOneil of the city of 0Jpertin0 AllCJWin:.1 certain Clabns am Deman:!s Payable in the A1IIcunts an:i fraD the P\mds as Hereinafter Desc:ri]:)ed for Salaries an:i Wages far the Payroll Period EI'xii11q April 29, 1986." 9. ResolutiCl'1 No. 6840: "A ResolutiCl'1 of the city COOncil of the city of 0Jpertin0 AllCJWin:.1 certain Cl..i""" am Deman:!s Payable in the A1IIcunts an:i Fraa the P\mds as Hereinafter Descrj]:)ed for GeneJ:al an:i Mi.soellaneous Expenditures for the Period EI'xii11q May 9, 1986." 10. Resolutia1 No. 6841: "A Resolutien of the city COOneil of the city of 0Jpertin0 Prcvidin:] for Bonds far the Treasurer am Dep.rt:y, City Clexk am DepJt.y." 11. Resolutien No. 6842: "A Resolutien of the city COOneil of the city of 0Jpertin0 Authorizin:¡ the Exec::utia1 of Def.........d Ag:teelœlat with Frank A. am DŒIna B. Dicker far the ~uy.........t. of Fra1tage Alœq 22790 ME!lx....·-- Reed." 12. Resolutia1 No. 6843: "A Resolutia1 of the city COOneil of the city of 0Jpertin0 A¡provin:¡ Final Plan for the ~O\/aue4at of F.ra1tage IJ:x:ated en Bellevue Averme1 Develq¡er, M::r1ta vista PLUl"'"Lties; Autharizin:¡ the City Engineer to Sign the Final Plan; am Authorizin:¡ Executicn of ~........- L in a........::tiCl'1 'lberewith." 13. Resolutia1 No. 6844: "A Resolutien of the City COOneil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Acceptinq Grant of EaEIement for Rcadway PUJ:pœes fraD Elaine L. SUllivan 0:I1sistin:¡ of A¡:prcximate1y 0.010 Acres, located en or'.ine CDIrt, Tract No. 7801." 14. Request for ðM4\¥datiCl'1 of $7,500 frcm the General F\md for Persame1, Activity 839, for the balance of the 1985-86 f:isœl year. 15. A¡:plicat.ia1 8-tJ-86 - J. T. I<'a1trabecki CO., formal review of site lCll'Do::capin:¡ far an çproved office !:uild.in:¡ located a1 the wst side of Miller Avenue, sootherly of stevens creek Boulevard. Reo ....-.Ided for approval. -3- MIWl'æ OF '!HE MAY 19, 1986 CI'IY CXXJNCIL MEETm::; (œ-695) 16. Resolut.ia1 No. 6845: "A Resolutiem of the City CCUncil of the city of 0Jpert;.1n0 Authorizin¡ Execut:iat of Aq1.........at.. with MPA Design Prcvidinc¡ for ~ Aråú.t.ec:tural SeJ:vices for the stevens Creek BcJuJ.øvam ~uVeIuoaít Project." 17. Reso1uticn No. 6846: "A Reso1utiem of the city Council of the city of QJper't.i.m Acceptjn;J a Grant Deed of Real Property fnD Dean H. Andersa1 and 'l'aú. L. Arx!ersat, J"""hool'ñ and Wife, ~u¡od"""tely 181 Sq. Ft., Ia::ated em San JUan,lstevens Canycn Road." 18. Reso1uticn No. 6847: "A Reso1utiem of the City CCUncil of the city of 0Jpert;.1n0 ~'Lin¡ a Grant of F"'---lt for Slope Pu..1-<so,o; fn:m Dean H. Anderson and 'l'aú. L. Anderson, Fl1~ and wife, Iac:ated em San JUan,lstevens Canycn Road, Q:nt:ainin;J A¡:prcx!mately 3,030 Sq. Ft." 19. Resolut.ia1 No. 6848: "A Resolutiem of the City CCUncil of the city of 0Jpert;.1n0 A¡p:cvin¡ Parcel Map and ~U\f"""""ít P1an,¡ of ~~ty Ia::ated em ~ ~-- Road1 Developer, lawl...._ C. Mayer1e an:! p.m.1A L. Mayer1e1 Authorizin¡ ~em of ~~íL Ag:t:eel.....t, Autharizin¡ S!grrln;J of Parcel Map and DIpravement Plans." 20. Reso1uticn No. 6849: "A Resolutiem of the city CCUncil of the city of 0Jpert;.1n0 Autharizin¡ the ~em of Defened A.,µ.--.t with Vir-..-ít and Alisa L. Au-Yeung for the ~vV8llelít of Fra1taqe &lag 22586 San Juan Road." 21. Resolutiem No. 6850: "A Resolutiem of the city CCUncil of the City of 0Jpert;.1n0 Authcrizin¡ the 1:'Ioecutiem of Deferred AqreEme1.t with Harry and Linda Brarñt for the ~uýelbelat.. of Fra1taqe &laç 22434 Palm Averme. " 22. Resolut.ia1 No. 6851: "A Resolutiem of the city CCUncil of the City of Q]pertino Authorizin¡ the Execut.iat of Defen:ed Ag:t:.........t with C21arles and Kay D. DeIae for the ~~ìL of Fra1t:age &lag QJper't.i.m Road. " 23. Mim1t:es of the regular meet:in;J of May 5, 1986. (cc-694) Vote ~ of the City CCUncu AYES: Jà1nsa1, PIUD;JY, Gatto NOES: Na1e ABSml': Sparks, ~s ABS'mIN: Na1e l'JÐIS REHM:D m:H cœsmr ~ 24. Na1e. œAL a::tHJNICATICH; 25. ~-ers of the audience regaràirg matters not on the agenda. - Na1e. -4- HIM1lE9 OF :tHE MAY 19, 1986 cr:r'i CXX1NCIL JoJu;l:u.Ç (cc-695) rom.:rc HEAR:DCs 26. (a) Review am re.. ...._Ildatiat :regardJn¡ methcda of fundJ.n;J the General Plan Halsing pl'-"; ......., .1ncludin¡ ocnsideratiat of an ameJ~......t to the City's OCI1Structiat tax ardJ..narat. (1) First readirxJ of ordinance No. 1373: "An 0rc1inance of the city of Q.Jpertino Amerxtin¡ Sect:.iCI'1 3.32.040 of the city's Ordinance Code Increasing CCI'IstJ:uc:t:i Tax Rates." (b) Adcptiat of a mec:b!mism for an in-lieu fee far belOlf mæ:Xet rata units ~y a¡p:oved by Ocuncil, bIt not yet: t'Y'IIIp1 eted. Prevjro19ly 0att:lnJed to the m&e.t.Jn;r of JUne 2. 27. At'P-l of P1.annin¡ throni ASian a¡:prcval of Applicatien ~86 (Alden lhrpImy) to l'D'iRJ1xlivide three parœls into two parœls: located an the west side of Festival Drive, a¡:p:u.ti-tely 325 ft. south of Keuha.n... Drive. (~ filed by Jåm an:i Clara Pen1sina) Clara Perusina, "l"PØllant, told Ocuncil that the piece of prc:perty behW her pl.........t.y (a 20 ft. strip) had been sold to Mr. am Mrs. Han so they cc:W.d get to stelling Read. She stated that that 20 ft. strip h.'UI str'".-L'III drains an:i sewer lines an it an:! cannot be J:ui1t over. Upon bein;r asJœd by Ocuncil, the City Attorney stated he felt that the issue in questian does not involve the City. Jåm Petusina, "R""llant, also adh-"'9d Ocuncil regardiD¡ the sale of the strip of land. It was IIICJY8d by Q::uoo. Plurçy, seoa);)ed by Q::uoo. Jåmsa1 an:! po'JS'ed unazùmcusly (3-0) to close the pmlic hearin:]. It was IIICJY8d by Q::uoo. Plurçy, seccnded by Q::uoo. Jåmsa1 an:! poø-sd unazùmcusly (3-0) to deny the ~l. Ocuncil stated that they did not see arr;¡ City invol\..........t in the issue. 28. Appl1catiat 81,004.18 - city of Q.Jpertino - AIIIelx1in;r prcwisiatS of the Rl (Residential, Single-f.....i1y) Ordinance relating to setbacks, yards, height, definitiatS, l""""itted uses an:! lot area. Iocatiat: Citywide. :p..ç; ···.-œd far a¡:prcval. (a) First reading of Ordinance No. 1374: "An Ordinance of the City of 0Ipertjn0 ~1ing certain ominances outlined in sectiat 2 an:! Establ ishing an Ordinance Regulating Residential, Single-family, (Rl) Zones." Director of Plannin:J an:i Devel...p....ut; Cowan reviewed the awlicatian with Camcil. -5- MINt1l'ES OF '!HE MAY 19, 1986 CI'IY CXXJNCIL lv;r;.1'~ (œ-695) Ann An:Jer, Q pert:ino resident, stated her cplniat that the t*aff did a gocd jœ en this ordinance. It was 1IICMId by ccunc. Jå1nson, ........cJt,d by ccunc. PlUD;3Y aM I"" 11 unarrlJDcus1y (3-0) to close the PJblic hearirJ;J. It was 1IICMId by ChIne. Plun;w, 6e00k.:1td by ChIne. Jåmsa1 aM poo--ecl unaniJJø.Is1y (3-0) to read Ordinance No. 1374 by title a1ly aM the City Clerk's readirg to oa~tute the fizst readin:J thereof. 29. CCI1SJ.deratia1 of an amendmeut to the Electrical COde. (a) Seo....cl readi.JJ;J of Ordinance No. 1360: "An Ordinance of '1be City of 0Jpert.in0 A1DEniin:J 01apter 16.16, Electrical COde, of the 0Jpert.in0 H.1nicipal COde." It was 1IICMId by ccunc. Jåmsa1, sec:x::.med by Coone. P1UD;3Y and ~ft-1!d unanimaJsly (3-0) to close the PJblic hearirJ;J. It was 1IICMId by 0:Junc. P1UD;3Y , seo....cJt,d by 0:Junc. Jclmscn aM P"'-1!d unanimaJsly (3-0) to read Ordinance No. 1360 by title a1ly am the City Clerk's readirg to oalatitute the seo...ud readin:J thereof. It was 1IICMId by 0:Junc. PIUD;3Y, BeCCI'Œd by 0:Junc. Jclmscn am por--,e! unanimaJsly to enact Ordinance No. 1360. PIANNIH:; APPLICATICRS 30. A¡:plicaticl1 9-U-86 - steve anca (Dc:m1no's Pizza) - Use Pemit to opm:ate a 1,200 sq. ft. pizza delivexy and t.ake-a1t cperatien. '1be project is categorically e--.~.t, hence, no envira1mental act:ia1 is r-~"!'I%Y. '1be ~~li' is located en the scuthwest .........-=oL of DeAnza Boulevard and Joft'("],Al1an Read. PeoJ' ··..-Ided for ~. 31. AppJ.j.cati.m lo-u-&6 - Deb...db ~~-"""11 (BInter l'¡,'¥"Lties) - Use P"""""i:t to ope:t.ate an 880 sq. ft. sandwiå1 am ....1M store. '1be project is œtegaricaJ.ly e--'I,L, hence, no enviJ:amJental acticr1 is neo;- -ry. '1be subject site is located en the southwest OO1..mr of DeAnza Boulevard and McClellan ibid. Rec· ....-.ded for GWL\ÑëÙ. It was 1IICMId by Q:Iunc. Jcbl'lsa" BeCCI'Œd by 0:Junc. PIUD;3Y and P"'--,':1 l.1lIiUÙ:IIaISly (3-0) to ~U"Je A¡:plicaticl1 9-U-86 per PlanniDJ no-i....itwt Resolutiat No. 2801. It was 1IICMId by Q:Iunc. Jåmsat, seccn1ed by 0:Junc. PIUD;3Y and 1""--" l.1lIiUÙ:IIaISly (3-0) to ðkJLU"Je AR>licatien lo-tJ-86 per PlanniDJ no-4....:lm Resolutien No. 2802 with Item 2)b) to read, . . . limited to two (2) eaployees per shift. 32. AR>licaticl1 1-V-B6 of Jà1n Vidovich (DeAnza PrqIerties): variance !ran O:n:iitien 7 of Ordinance No. 1223 to allow a 35 ft. larñao "t Ed setback in lieu of the required 50 ft. setback and Envircnaent:a.l -6- MINt1.œ) OF '!HE MAY 19, 1986 Cl'IY cœNCIL MEEl'I1G (œ-695) Review: '!be project is categori......11y 8'--'1,'L, hence no envira1mBnt:al review is ~'!'!'ry. '!be subject r.¡:_tý is located en the nart:h side of steY8ns Creek BoW.evaJ:d _.....imately 400 ft. east of DeAnza Boulevard Reo " -...- dad tor denial. (a) Resoluticn No. 6822: "A Resoluticn of the city ocuncil of the City of 0Jpertim A¡:prcvin¡ variance trCD Q:n:liticn No. 7 of 0rd1nanœ No. 1223 to Allœ a 35 Ft. lands- "14d Set-'" in L1a1 of the Recpired SO Ft. Setb!Ick; JàIn VJ.dcviål (DeAnza P..._ties) , P1._lý located at the North Side of St:8Yens CI:æk BoW.evaJ:d ~. .A--tely 400 Ft. East of DeAnza BoW.øvam." (Previcus1y CCI'1t.inued to JUne 2, 1986) ~ AND SITE APæJ\1AL CXHŒTIEE APPLICATICŒ 33. A¡:plicatiat ASAC-51,651.1 - <lJpert1no civic center: Req\.Iest.ing' a¡:proval of laro""""PiD:J, light:in] and canstructien debf 1.. for the o··!"ehensive :¡;.......v.1 of 0Jpertin0 Civic center. '!be site is located at Torre Avenue between Rodrigues Avenus and Pacifica Drive. ~ ····-rded for çproval. Director of P1.anr1in] and Devel~.t. COWan reviewed the appl1caticn with Council. It was mcved by Ccurx:. Pl\JD1Y, seccn!ed by Ccurx:. Jàmsa1 and I""~ unanimcuù.y (3-0) to ðßl.LU'0/8 A¡:plic:atiat ASAC-51,651.1 per ~ :AU'~luticn No. 1209 with ccniiticn ll.b) deleted. UNFlNISHED IÐSINESS 34. Autbarizat:icn to ~..::- T~ with sale of lxn:m for DIJI'Ift'!tpal ~. (a) Resolutiat No. 6852: "A Resoluticn of the City Q:AmcU of the city of 0Jpertin0 Authcrizin¡ Sale of Bc:nB for Hmic1pal ~~Ils." It was mcved by Ccurx:. Jåmscn, seocuJed by Ccurx:. Plurçy and P"'--¡d unanimcuù.y (3-0) to ~L Rnñuticn No. 6852. Nœ J:I.JSDŒSS 35. ~l and reo ...._11daticn for traffic mitigaticn ........ooures in the yo:¡.....ðl area of t: .! Eaten Sd1oo1 site. Director of Public ~ Visk:cvich reviewed the history of events and recx:mœndatiaw with Council. Elly Werner addressed Council, statin¡ that a l"Y'IIIIIfttee had studied the prà:>lem over 1-1/2 years. She said the Q:Amcil has i9J1Or8d what the staff has z..(> ........k3ed and that she did not understand the "'-n.. ...atic pr..<JeSs -7- MINImS OF mE MAY 19, 1986 CI'IY axJNCIL Jou2¡,L'.uG (OC-695) goin¡ en in this instance. She aa1œð Council ~ they had staff. She stated that a dedsia1 shculd not be III!Ide withalt all five Counci 11I_.J -.. 1Jein] }'L s .at... She aAt'L a9d the cpinia1 that Council mr~ more staff, ~4ttee and public irplt. Ann JJqer, 0Jpertin0 citizen, addressed Council regardin:¡ the OCIIplet:ia1 of Higi1Way 85. It was IŒMId by Counc. Jd1nscn, ~ùed by Counc. Pluny and 1'1'....- unanimcusly e3-o) to ctI'It:iJme oonsiderat.icn of this item to the meet:in¡ of J\me 2. Council requested that staff briD] back nateria1 addressin¡ all aspects of area traffic i ........... includiD:J Rcdrigues as the sole aooee'!' to City center (not cpeninJ Torre AV8I'D.18), signal at Pacifica and DeAnza and prohibiting traffic frail goin¡ south en Torre. Council stated that all aspects of traffic -...¡res throoghcut the area 1IIJSt work together. 36. 1Iß-1 of Plannir.:;J Diœctar's respcI'IS8 to santa Clara CDmty Referral for a }'L' ¥=sed S8CX:'Id unit lcx::ated at 10710 Baxter AV8I'D.18. Director of P1annin;J and Devel~at.. Ccwan :reviewed the CDmty :referral with Council. It was IŒMId by Counc. Jàmscn, secx:nBi by Coone. Pluny and p"....9d unanimcusly (3-0) to direct staff to advise the CDmty regardin] potential ocnflicts. Council also directed staff to inform the property owner he may annex to the City of 01pertirx). 37. RieC. ····.AlXlat.icn frail the thrmnrlty center l'hmIittee regardin¡ project æ:å1itect. It was IŒMId by Counc. Jd1nscn, secx:n:B:l by Coone. Gatto and p""~ unanimcusly e3-o) to authorize staff to ~tiate a .......tLLdCt with the steinberg Group and that the thrmnrlty center ~i ttee oc::I1t.Jme to serve dIJJ:in¡ the design ¡:base. 38. OCI'Isideratien of an ordinance regulating cavenants for ....-.t. ea) First readin;J of ordinance No. 1375: "An ordinance of the City of 0Jpertin0 Aà:Un¡ to Title 19, Zcnin;J, of the QJpertim MJniclpa1 Q)de." It was IŒMId by Counc. Pluny, secx:nBi by Coone. Jàmscn and {"'....ed unanimcusly (3-0) to read ordinance No. 1375 by title a1ly and the City Clerk's readin;J to oalStitute the first readin;J thereof. WRITl'EN CXJHJNICATIOOS 39. Na1e. -8- MIWIES O't 'lJŒ MAY 19, 1986 CITY CXXJNCIL )Ju¡~'.uG (00-695) œDINANC:æ 40. Sec..of reading of 0J:d1nance No. 1370: "Being an 0I:dinance of ~ City council of the City of 0JpeJ:t.1m A1JIInti.rJ¡ the 0Jpert.in0 JlJnicipal Q:)de, Q1apt:er 3.24 RelatiD:¡ to the City of QJpertino's puråwdn¡ PL' oori.... far PUblic Projects." It was DIMId by 0Junc. Plun;¡y, seca'Ided by 0Junc. Gatto and P"-"ect unaniJJaJsly (3-0) to read Ordinance No. 1370 by title CI1ly and the City CleJ:it's readin¡ to ......øtitute the seccui readin¡ tt.ereot. It was DIMId by 0Junc. Plun;¡y, seca'Ided by 0Junc. Gatto and pa~-ed unaJÜJJIr:JuH1.y (3-0) to enact Ordinance No. 1370. 41. secaù readin¡ of Ordinance No. 1371: "An Ordinance of the city of QJpertino 1IDIeRiJn¡ Qmpter 2.20, city CleDt, of the 0JpeJ:t.1m JlJnicipal Q:)de to Provide far oath of Office and Bcx1din¡." It was DIMId by 0Junc. Plun;¡y, seca'Ided by 0Junc. JåInSa'1 and pa--ect unaniJJaJsly (3-0) to read Ordinance No. 1371 by title CI1ly and the city CleJ:it's readin¡ to COIIStitute the SéOGtù readin¡ thereof. It was DIMId by 0Junc. Plun;¡y, seca'Ided by 0Junc. JåInSa'1 and pall'i'ed 1.IMlÚJJD.1Bly (3-0) to enact Ordinance No. 1371. (City CleDt'S .'fate: 0Junc. Sparks arrived at 8:45 p.m.) RESOII1l'ICIIS 42. Na1e. !DJ-AGmm.\. EDmIESS 43. RsoogJdtia1 by Mayer of specb1 recpIBts. (a) Genm:al Audience - Na1e. (b) city council - Na1e. (c) staff - Na1e. At 8: 50 p.m., council adjamøi to the Oi:mte...'a..Oê RDcm far a closed sessicn to ili___ persamel JD,rJLiat.i.cns. At 9: 00 p.m., council recc:I'Mi!ned in c:pm E'-"icn in O'-..i.er. K>LL CAIL 0Junc. P.J:Ies ,tl: Jå1nsa1, Plun;¡y, Sparks, Actin:J Mayor Gatto 0Junc. Absent: Rogers -9- HIlV.l!S OF B MAY 19, 1986 CITY CXXJNCIL &;r;.L:uG (00-695) ~f p¿, B tL: City Ma11ag8r 0J1n1an City Clck a...._lh. City Attamey Kilian It was mav8d by Came. Plungy, S6Cudtod by Came. Jl.lb...... ard pared. unani:a:UIly (4-0) to aut:harize Assistant: to the City Manager to )IL....:nd with ~1!M1I1IIl ~Uat.ia'JB. At 9:C'5 p.lI, the meetinq was adjcumed.. az~·) Ci Clerk -10-