CC 06-02-86
10300 ~ AVC!I1'Ut, ~, CA c}5014
Telep¡œe: (408) 252-4505
MINUmS or '.lHB REGUIAR hu;.l'.11'G OF JUNE 2, 1986
aJPERl'IH), au.IFtRaA
Counc. Pres _ot;
Gatto, Jcl1nscXl, Plungy, SpIJ:b, Mayor Rogm...
staff p,¡, s_JL:
City Manager Quinlan
City Clerk Oomelius
Director of Public Ø:n.koo Viskcvich
Director of Planning an:! Devel~.t. Cowan
Director of Pðrks an:! Rec:œat.ia1 Dcwlin:]
n--"Üty Relat:ia1s Officer SC:urià1
Dep1ty City Clerk WOlfe
Dep1ty 'l'reasur&r Hoffman
Planner I Birmen:iyk
City Attamey Kilian
It was 1IICM!Id by Counc. Jå1nsa1, sec:xxÐed by Q:Imc. Gatto an:! I""8E'ed
unanimcus1y to reJJI7.I8 Item No. 24 fran the ~da.
c:EREH:IŒAL Mk.J.'~ - PRESÐlTATIœs - Na1e.
Reo ....-.).} adjO""'.......ìt to meeti.n;J of 0Jpertin0 Public ~i1 ities
At 6:50 p.m., Council adjœmed to a meetin:¡ of the 0Jpertin0 Public
Facilities Catp:)ratj.m.
At 7: 00 p.m., Council reconvened.
STAFF .l<U\JKl.1:í
1. oral .L""t"4LB by staff 1I_·~s an:! $'l1hn4,..,icn of written .L""t"4ts.
2. Repo1.t fran¡ Direc:t:ar regaMjn¡ City "'W"""1 of camty of Santa
Clara .w.isicn - stevens creek QuarJ:y. (Possible closed sessicn)
By 0C8'1SE!nSUS, Council requested that Counc. Plungy att.erñ the Santa Clara
camty meeti.n;J and that staff sen:l the letter reo ····-rœd by the Director
of Plazmin;J and Devel~jL.
MIR1IfS OF 'DIE JUNE 2, 1986 CI'lY CXXJNCIL MEEl'ING (cx::-696)
5. Counc:. Jåmsa1, I.e:¡islative Review - It was mved by Counc:.
Jåmsa1, secxxDed by Counc:. PlUDH and paB'1'ed unanimcuIly to ta]œ the
followiD;J ac:tia'Is regardin;J IJL'-¥s'9d legislatia1:
Sua" "t SCA 12 (Foran), transpartatim financln;p AB 3228 (costa), 58 300
clearJJp bill, city and oc:mrt:y _LLéØt and read 1'undin¡7 AB 3627 (Bradley),
railroad crœsi.r9J. ~ AB 2;52 (Bra1Zan), I112UŒtory mental health
cOllm:age in groop health insurance plans. Requested ~ies of AB 2379 and
AB 4334.
came. Gatto requested that Item 17 be 1"E!IIICM!d. It was mved by came.
Jàmsa1, secx:næcl by came. Gatto and pao¡¡...,.: unanimously to appraII8 the
balæx:e of the consent calemar as snhnitted.
8. Resolut.icn No. 6853: "A Resolutim of the City Counc:i1 of the City of
0Jpertin0 AllowiD;J Certain C....i1ll!Ol and Demands Payable in the ADømts
and fraI: the Rms as Hereinafter Described for salaries and way for
the Payroll Period EI'ñin:1 May 13, 1986. "
9. Reso1ut.icn No. 6854: "A B<:-,]utim of the City Counc:i1 of the City of
Q]pertino AllowiD;J Certain Claims and Dema.-æ Payable in the ADDmt:s
and FreID the Rms as Hereinafter Described for GerIl4<Ù and
M:iscellanea1s Expenditures for the Period EI'ñin:1 May 23, 1986."
10. Resolut.icn No. 6855: "A Resolut.icn ~, AuthorlziD;J and
Dimctin¡ Exec:utia1 of a P\Jràmse ~eemeut, ~ a Pxel±mUlaxy
Offjci..1 statement: and AuthcriziD;J and DiJ:ec:t:in;J certain 1\Ctia1S with
~ 'Ibs..~lo."
ll. Resolut.icn No. 6856: "A Re!:lutim of the City Counc:i1 of the City of
0Jpertin0 Rati.fyin;J Ap. --tt with Alœzo Printers for Publicatia1 of
n~41'V'11 ~."
12. Resolut.icn No. 6857: "A Rn:,lutim of the City Counc:i1 of the City of
0Jpertin0 Declarin;J its Intentia1 to oroer vaca.tim of a fOrtia1 of
Peninsular Aver1J8 Ilx:ated m the 5alth side of Peninsular Aver1J8 at
Highway 280 as Prcwided in sectim 8320 Et Seq. of the SLLadtS and
lfigmiays COde of the state of california, Fixin;J Time and Place for
Public Heari1'q and Prcvidinq for Notice 'lbereof."
13. Reso1uticn No. 6858: "A Resolution of the city Counc:i1 of the City of
0Jpertin0 Declari1'q its Intentien to oroer Vacatim of a Ten Foot
Public utility -......-·tt m Camen Read within the City of 0Jpert1n0
Pursuant to sectim 50430 Et Seq. of the Ga\IerJ'ØIIent COde of the state
of california, Fixin;J Time and Place for HeariD;J and Pravið.iIq for
Notice 'Ihereof."
MINt1lE9 OF 'mE JUNE 2, 1986 CI'IY CXXINCIL JoJua'.LJG (00-696)
14. Resolutia1 no. 6859: "A RB8olutia1 of the city Camcil of the city of
0Ipertin0 Authcriz:ln) ~ of hJt--:.t with MPA Deøjgn prcvid1nq
far IæmÞ ~. Architectural services far the st.øvwns Canyallalld
P"'V''''' Project.
15. Resolutic:n No. 6860: "A Flesolutic:n of the city Camcil of the city of
QJpertjm Aut:hcrizin¡ the Ex8cut.1c:n of Agt_£t with Jalal
ancl Nasrin Ashjaee far the ~""........t of Fra1bge at 10046 Ct..!s ..d-
Read. "
16. 0...... for ro.,,,,,,,,JeS filed at behalf of All Youse!i.
17. ReIr:M!d frail cy:oda.
18. Resolutia1 No. 6863: "A Resolutic:n of the city Camcil of the city of
0Jpertjn0 Request:in;J the Santa Clara Valley water District to Ollenn
the Task of Cleanin¡ Uþ ~ RJel Tank IeakB Within the city."
19. Mimt:es of the regular JII88tinçJ of May 19, 1986 (00-695).
Y2t§ Mo.,.l.e:t.d of the city CDJncjJ,
AYæ: Gatto, Jåmsa'1, PlurJY, SpaIks, RIogets (~'L for Item 19)
lIES: Heme
ABSENl': Heme
AæI'mIN: ~f:I (Item 19 a1ly)
17. ASN::-51,654.1 - Marriott Hotel Iarv'''' ""l.:In) P.L"".:f.LðID: Requøstin¡
GWLwal of ~ ~iD;J far a hate1 project lcc:ated at
stevens creek Bcul8llæ:d ancl Finå1 Aveme.
It was IIICIIIed by Counc. Gatto, seoonded by Counc. JàJnscn ancl ~--'!d
unanimcusJ.y to GWL""" A¡p1.icatia1 ~1,654.1 with o:mditia\ No. U
amended ancl to direct that fie1.c:l-9ram, œl1.-end-b1rlap t... II rati1er than
box be Ca1Side1:ed ancl that in m¡pmi to ~, it the larger box is not
twice the size of the -l1er spec4"""'1, go with the 24 in. box.
21. )L.i.era of the æYl"eme regardil'Ig matters not at the ag&rda.
Rcœrt QUlds, 0Jpertin0 resident, asked it the meet:in:Js of the 0Jpertin0
Public Fac"1ities ~b'ULcttiat Boa!:d of Directars were p.Iblic meet:in:Js. He
was inf." .._1 that they are ancl that they "'0"]'1 Ian ..~l1y be held at a city
Camcil JII88tinçJ. He was also W." .._~ that the ~ds of to- meetings
are p.Iblic ancl the meetings do CXIII8 under the Brown Act.
Christine CCI'1nell a.liì........."'«t Council regardinq the nmt...1ping at Mazy
Avenue. She ~_..- OCIl0....1. regardinq drlldren at bicycles going frcm
their hc:mes in Sf'Inoo1 set Square to så1col.
MINtmS OF '!HE JUNE 2, 1986 CI'lY CXXJNCIL MEEl'OO (00-696)
~ of M:llie ~ V~ statId that cmrcl1 Md ~ thI
rest:ripirç far pIDXin;J p1A.- and that Miny was a wide
01mcil requested that staff monitor the area to see if a safety problem
does develop.
David Benjamin, resident of Rainbow's Em, c:dh:....sed can::il reg¡miin¡
traffic and 8X('MElive sp-,:l in his area.
Ccuncil ref811..d the matter to staff and requested they resolve the
problem ar CCIII8 back to them with a reo:· ....-' Jdaticn.
22. HeariJq to CXI1Sider acquisiticn by eminent IbM"" iltóo:H"'4yÇ1 of the
i'<-'"'l"'"Ltj' located &lag the east side of South DeAnza Boulevard salth
of stevens Creek Boulevard, Am 369-1-1 (Barclay's Bank).
(a) Resolut:icn No. 6861: "A Resolut:icn of the City Ccuncil of the
city of Q]pertino, Ocunty of santa Clera, califomia, Det:e:DDinirx.J
that Public Interest and ~'1'ity Require the Acquisiticn of the
P.L'"'l"'"Ltj' located Alag the East side of South DeAnza Boulevard
South of stevens Creek Bculevaxd, APN 369-1-1, far IaIdway
P<...~ses and other Public ~",,_,ls and Directirq the Filin]
of Eminent 1'nn:=I"" ~. oCH:lin1s."
Dh'ectar of Public WOrks Viskcviål :reviewd his 1~t. with Ccuncil.
John D. Rogers 1""i'<-iSS:1Jtin;J Barclay's Bank stated that they did IXIt ~YJSe
the plo.;r "'4T\gS and will CXI1t.imJe to 'WCX'k with staff. He......... -s:l
OClUO....Ü regamin¡ cali Aveme. He as1œd 10IJat pcsiticn the City was taking'
regamin¡ of this tiLLéoJt. He ~ that he be advised as
SOCI1 as p""""'ible.
Mr. V:iskr::Jviå1 stated that it was the city staff's belief that the land was
dedicated to the City.
Mr. Wi11i_ Ant:arl.o1i stated that he does IXIt agree with the city's
pcsiticn regamin¡ this. He does IXIt CCI1test the p.1blic necCE'eity far the
widening of DeAnza Boulevard, but he infl.ll..uèd Ccuncil that he has a preliminaxy title .L"'f:'ULt. than that of the City staff.
Hn1c Kroll, Q]pertino City Center As~i"tes, stated that he did IXIt
CCI1test the J"A'è'~--ity but also has a dift......._ of opinicn reg¡miin¡ Cali
It was 1IICMId by can::. Jåmscn, seoc::nded by can::. Gatto and ~_..-
unanimcus1y to close the PJblic hearin¡.
It was 1IICMId by can::. Jåmscn, seoc::nded by can::. Gatto and ~-'!!d
unarrlmcus1y to adqJt Reso1uticn No. 6861 and ëiw.L"¥Liau $93,575 fraD the
General F\Jrñ.
MINt1IE) OF mE JUNE 2, 1986 CI'lY CXXJNCIL lv;t;l'~ (œ-696)
Review am reo ....-'1datia1 reg¡u:àiD;J methods of furñirg the
General Plan Hcusin] ~~CIIII, including oonsideraticn of an
_d.....Jt to the City's CXI1Sb:uc:tia1 tax 0lI:iina00e.
(1) First readinÇJ of Ordiname No. 1373: "An Ordinance of the
City of Q]pertino A1IIerxiin;J secticn 3.32.040 of the city's
0rdirIarx8 Code Increasirç Calst:ruc:ticn Tax Rates."
(b) AdqIt.icn of a III8å1anism for an in-lieu fee for below JIIIU:køt rate
\mits previcusly ~ by oooncil, bIt not yet c:x:apleted.
Director of Plannin:J am Devel~JI:. Cowan reviewed his l~L with
23. (a)
Diso1e"j'X followed reg¡u:àiD;J transient ()OCI:Ipa11Cy tax, Woodsprinq fees and
the senior hoosin] fun:i.
Jå1n vi.doviå1 stated that cne of the reasaIS to eliminats the am was
beca1]S(1 it was unfair. He exp1.~s9d the cpinicn that the ctI1Structi.a\ tax
was a true way to spread the J:m:den and waùd favor such a tax. In œgard
to the staff method of calœlatia1s, he felt the tax sbcW.d be lower for a
eenio:r hcusirç project than for apartments. He stated the "rent up"
pericxt was mre expensive for senior \mits. He stated that he was¡
to pay a reasamble fee. He stated that he has talked with the stan and
the city Attorney ani has retained oa.msel. He said that ~tever JIICI18Y
the city gets in this methcd, he waùd like to see spealt as quickly as
possible ani not kept.
Bill Seligman, stevens creek Boulevard, attorney for Mr. Vidavic:h,
a.lh......~ oooncil reg¡u:àiD;J potential legal i.....'..... He stated that zaü.D1
actiŒlS are \1eI",11y ~Led by orc1inarx2 ani the resolut1a1s being'
pt:lSl.Jtêd to ooonci1 for adapticn may not be enforceable. He stated there
is also an i....... of the takirç of ~~Li'. He stated that a third i"..,.
is the J"8~ of use P"""its involved. Mr. Seligman said that since Mr.
Vidcviå1 has not exereised a use P""""'it, he cxW.d 0CIII8 in for a neIi cne.
'!be problem with that waùd be the resultant delay.
Alf Mcxtine, Q]pertino, asked if such projects were 1'Im3ed. with cnly local
fUnds, <XJIùd they be Ibdted to residents of Q]pertino cnly. '!be city
Attorney stated he believed such a re.oLdcticn cxW.d be taplemented if
cnly Q]pertino fUnds were used.
Mark Rroll, city Center a"SOC'iates, ëùh"""sed ooonci1 reg¡m1iD¡
the i...... of pipeline \mit versus neIi unit.
wes Ehillips, SCOfield Drive, quest1a1ed the need for such a ~~CIIII. He
~_-ted that a general electicn be held askirg if the people wanted
senior projects. He also quest1a1ed the pmlic process used in this
MINrJÆS OF 7HE JUNE 2, 1986 CITY cmNCIL HEE'l'OO (cx:-696)
Beverly Iawrence, Midpen1nsula CitiJ:ens for Fair Ho.Isin:], stated that a
~4ttee had D&t ~or over a1B y&a:"I:' regardin:] this :1"_, and that: many
public hearin;)s haw been CŒ1ducted. She urged cmncil to use its pcwøra.
Bc:b Orllds, 'AIII~ lane, stated that his pcsitiat is that the City does
not belen¡ in 8004..1 ~..."........ nor shculd it be involved in the cost: of
halsin:]. He asÞOd if Cœncil had received err¡ recent ~'''''ìt .L~ts
em the haRtio:6¡prl halsin:] ptOjec:t. He stated this ptOjec:t had cost: the
taxpayers $2.5 miUicn arxl the City Cœncil shculd krøi if that mcœy had
been used effectively. He requested such a l~ t. He also requested an
electicn priar to arr;¡ low cost halsin:] bein:] J:W.1t. He stated that he has
fundinq _i1able far another nafex...dJm petitien if neoeBE'!lty.
Sally Brennan, QJpertino ~nrl.ty services, stated that the haryH. "Ilpd
halsin:] devel'¥'K'lít has been fUlly occupied am has a] list. She
stated there had been minor prcblems frail time to time. She int....·~,
Council that there is a] list thrQJghoot santa Clara CCJunty far
subsidized senior halsiD¡.
Jasen 01art:ier, develq¡er with units in the pipeline, stated that he feels
that senior hcus:!.n¡ is a need in the area of QJpertino. He does not ~ee
with an ac:rœs the board tax. He felt the "Woo:3sprin:] a¡:p:œdl" is not
JII.Jd1 of an app:rcaå1 am is not fair.
Bc:b Cowan inf... ..A3 Cœncil that the Town center Devel'¥'K'líL did not take
any density Ixnm.
Dr. JœE!fh Brawn, 20985 Pbwvr Tree lane said that he 9':Ie"'''~ that there
was a reascn Cœncil ss .... to be 0 ..,...l1ed to have low cost halsiD¡. He
was infol..-j it was that this was in lYWIplianœ with state law.
It was D:MiId by Counc. Pl1.JD3Y, secc:med by Counc. Jc:bnscn and p"'.........
unanimr::œ1y to close the public hearin¡.
It was D:MiId by Counc. Jå'JrIøcn, seccnJed by Counc. Pl1.JD3Y am ~--ed 4-0
with Counc. Spa%kB abetainin;J to not cxœider al1'J'.~lbeci oc:œt:ruct:icn tax
until after the Na\,_.i oW, 1586 electicn.
It was D:MiId by Counc. Gatto, seccnJed by Counc. Jc:bnscn am p"'....9d 4-0
with Chmc. Spa%kB abetainin;J that eaål develc:per a¡¢y far an
to hisjher use p-""it reg¡mliD¡ 11m units in the pipeline.
Council ~ Fad the feeling that the miM1e of the ~;¡ASt:ed så1edule
'oIa1ld be a reascmable cx:œideratiem far the u¡:pr limit far in-lieu fees.
Council c1ixec:ted staff to þ.L St.ít them with the results of a survey
reg¡mliD¡ the Menta vista .L"¥L..."...cwm.ln¡ of ma'Ú.es aroun:i the erñ of JUly.
By CŒ1SeI1SUS, Cœncil c1ixec:ted that a request for ~~s be p:repaœd
far a halsin:] p:t:..."....... that fits OJpertino's nn:l9.
M!Nt11'ES OF 'mE JUNE 2, 1986 Cl'lY CDJNCIL MEE:I'm; (œ-696)
Mayor 1Cjers read into the z~d letters received regamirg the prq>csød
CX'I1Sb:uctia1 tax.
24. Hearin;J to aàopt a Pssolut.ia1 of ~'Jity, Am 369-3-4, 20300 S't:8Y8ns
creek Ballewrd, far pnpose of a p.¡blic utility ---·It, tJndeJ:grcund
utility District No. 10.
(a) Resolut.ia1 No. 6862: "A Resolutiat of the City CDmcil of the
City of Q]pertino, Camty of Santa Clara, Califomia, Detemininq
that PUblic Interest am Peoeesity Require the 1\cquisiticn of the
P£.'¥"Ll.f at 20300 stevens creek BcW.evard, Am 369-3-4, far
Puzpcse of a PUblic utility b_tt, Undergrcmxi utility
Di.strict 10, am Direc::tiD;J the Filin;J of Eminent n--i"
P£.~ÍJJ;JB. "
Previously reIŒMId frail the agelda.
lID ~: 9:30-9:45 p.m.
25. AwJ, I-V-86 of John vidavid1 (DeAnza P"'¥OLties): variance
frail Ccn1it.icn 7 of O:tdinanœ No. 1223 to allow a 35 ft. ~:i
setœck in lieu of the required 50 ft. setback ani Envira1ment:a1
Review: '!he project is categorically 8:'--.~.t, hence IX) envi%a1mental
review is nEK'-ø_s"Y. '!be subject ~'¥OLt.f is located a1 the narth
side of stevens creek BcW.evard "K"-..oM""'tely 400 ft. east of DeAnza
BcW.ewrd :Reo -···,ArderJ for denial.
(a) Resolutiat No. 6822: "A Resolut1at of the City CCIunCil of the
City of 0Jpertin0 A¡:prcviD;J varian::e frail Cañitiat No. 7 of
ordinance No. 1223 to Allow a 35 Ft. I.arY» '\ oed Setback in Lieu
of the RecJrl:œd 50 Ft. setback; John vidcJYic:h (DeAnza
PL'¥OLLies), PL'¥OLt.f Iocat.ed at the North Side of stevens creek
Ballevard ~....n""'tely 400 Ft. East of DeAnza BcW.evard."
Directar of PlarInirJ¡ am Devel"¥U"'lll reviewed the request far a variance
with Can::il.
John V!dcwic:h, applicant, reviewed the history of the 8R>1icaticn.
Brian Wilsat, 20401 stevens creek Ballevard, requested that CDmcil
aw..uv'8 the variance.
TaD Boyd, aJ:ådtect, stated that he could not oarply with Cañitiat 3 of
Resolutiat No. 6822 regarding larx1~in:.J am parkin;J places.
Directar of Planninl:¡ ani Devel"¥U"'ltt Cowan stated that CDmcil OCIùd
delete that cx:.n:lit.icn ar reword it to allOii far a miJùJDJm of 136 spaces.
Mr. Boyd stated that that could be aco.,t..1ished.
KI1ÐIE9 OF '1BB .JœB 2, 1986 Cl'lY CDH:IL ftIZJ.'JlC (0)696)
Martin )l4n.., 20348 Clay SL...-t, stated that 0UIc11. ßI ,.. to œ,M.. 1d1at
el d.. ~ tile a...cù Plan are Dpartant: and ~ thœ8 to tbe
œv-l'¥u_ and 8tick by tbIII. Be aid that the la1."'<~ m1 set~
is the ain¡1e __ un1f'yiD¡ el--L em steveœ creek Bcul8vard. He stated
that Kt'. Vidcwid1 JaBI at the stm_ o......J.. ~ n........tua1 Plan
WIIS mm the ~, do.. ~--igned, J:IUt he bad it ,.a_ 4gned a certain
way~. Hr. )lin.. I11III lID justif1cat:im rar granting the
BBtty MIIm, c::ric1œt Bill Read, urgød o::uncil to dImy the var1anoe u the
>q:pl iamt Jaør the f'IOCJ.-I , _It. before he ~--1gnaS the ptoject. Sbe
stated that if tb8 varianca is ",",aaMd, it WIIkBI8 tb8 tabr1c ~ integrity
~ the plan. She stated tba No1-1~ that it .......1" be the p"'1-1ty that 1IiB1
~.. wish to ...,. histarlca1 to. n, the City "'O'.1iI be;r to
L..adt. off pmcm¡ p1_.
It WIIS IKMId by 0D1c. Plun:lY, 88OCII' by 0D1c. Roget... and P"'''-'ad 3-2
with 0D1c. GIIo:ltu and SpIIzb "4--a&tiD¡ to deny the variance.
AIUu:.&B.auML AND Sl'rE AnKNAL u.ft'U:'¡"mJ5 APPIi[CATICHI
26. Ncme.
27. Ncme.
28. Q::Irw4&.> cdJœ ~ 1 4Ah4 Hty ÛIEIUJ:æIœ, self-fUnded pool urder !ll]spiœs
~ Asscc!atiœ ~ Bay AJ:æ GoI.............1t. (ABiIG).
&...øt:h 1I:Iy, 1"'9'1 ccuœal to Asscc1aticn ~ P-'¥ AnIa GcMIrrIJB1ts,
o!dch. B Ii 0cunc1l regardinJ the self-fImed pool.
Brian O''1'cale, ~..nale,...-. jUng ABiIG, alÐo ..èkh. Ii 0UIc11..
City Att.........,y ]r'tH"" stated that thex8 were still -1- to be res:.1.ved.
It WIIS IKMId by 0D1c. Pl.1.naY, ........c1td by 0D1c. Gatto and p"--sd
unanbacus1y to ccnt:irue cc:r--I&... utJœ ~ this matt-- to the adjaumed
PgI.1A'I" I88t.iD:¡ ~ JUn8 10. 'Ib8 City IIIuIagIar œcpISt:ed that arf;/ ~
CD.Incil might baV8 be dimcted to his office by Friday so that ansL~..
"O'Illd be d:Jtained prior to the JUn8 10
29. selec::tia1 ~ City audit.ars.
It WIIS IIICJY8d by 0:IurJc. Gatto, seocn::Ied by 0D1c. PlUD1Y and peI'R'I!d
una..,iWV"llMlly to a¡.prlnt IQGjMain mm:Jman as City audit.ars for a period of
three years.
MOOIm at 'Œ! JUNE 2, 1986 Cl'l"i <XI!m. MEmm «X;-696)
30. ~t and reo ....-datia\ for traffic mitigat.icn --mIS in the town
OInter/Civic OInterj!'atcln Sc!Iool area.
Director of pUblic ~ VisIo:wic::ñ rev! -MId his .L'¥'Ll with cmnc:il.
SUsan lMIry, Clay SL.......d:, statecl the belief that CXIIIII1terB will use
resJdmtial .f..._ts regamJ.esø of --mIS taken to prevent: this.
'nx1y SWLL, 20230 Jàm Drive, addL red 0::Iunc:il reg¡mUn¡ cars em Clay
Sf..._t. Be statecl that the +--'1, <>lAIy pert time closure did not give
anycne a dJanœ to chmJe their drivin:¡ habits. He said that traffic is
1nr::œasinIJ again and B¡W--"1I am œck. He felt the best altemat:!ve was
the thhd a18 III8I1tia1ed in the staff l'¥'Lt. He -....- red ...........-ul that
there ~ be addit.ia1a1 traffic alcn¡ Blaney. He IlUß.-ILLed fUll closure
of Pacifica.
Elly w........., 20076 ~, exp..~og'9d CCI'lfusiem reg¡mUn¡ the vote Wú.å1
~4~ to tak8 down the barrier. She statecl that IIIimY who s¡dœ at that
III88t.iJJ¡ wre flaa œtside QJpertjno. She øuq;~ that the neighbœ:hocxl
be pn11ed reganUn¡ the alternatives and that the a1J.y sens.ib1e t:hiø;J
......lld be c.'l(l8uæ.
A r-4~ of 1I1itney way did not like altemative 3 and felt that the
4..... Mnn1i1 be voted en by the people. She stated that if there were a
closure en Pacifica, 0::Iunc:il BhcW.d close Antoinette as wll.
City Kæ~ Quinlan ~--œd that staff look at a CXlJi)Jnatia1 of
-9'JnIØ inc1udin:¡ step signs, closures and restricted tuminq 1IDIÆIIIII!!I1t.
'nx1y SCct:t ~J st.ed that a l'Y'OnIIittee be f... .._~ ~ wculd :1ncl1XJe a
-~ of 0::Iunc:il and fw flaa the neighbœ:hocxl. He volunteered to serve
en sucb a 1'YWft4ttee.
By ......-, 0::Iunc:il t." .._1 a l'Y'OnIIittee 0CI'ISist.!rq of 'II_.i ...IS GIItto and
Plungy and .L"'t'L I íLatives flaa eeJd1 sec::t:.icn of the area affected. A
raugb 01""1 i.. of the lolL'..:' that will be followed will be pl. ~! ,Led to
31. ~L em bid cpenin¡, Slun:y Seal - Project 86-112, and award of
It was B:Md by O:unc. Spazks, seo....ded by O:unc. P1ungy and poø-«t
unanimcus1.y to award the OOIlf...,..:t. to valley Slun:y Seal in the 2IIIICUI1t of
$138,603.10 hoged en 1CLeat bid.
32. ~t em bid cpenin¡, st:øvens Canya1 RoeId wic1enin:¡ at san JUan RoeId -
Project 83-06, and award of o....L.......:L.
I'; was .:JI/8d by O:unc. P1ungy, BeCXtàJtod by O:unc. Gatto and P"-ed
UMlÚJJIaJsly to award the o....LulCt to Anza Enqineerin:J in t:he 2IIIICUI1t of
$12,993 bued en 10l.est bid.
Hnm!S at mE JtJNE 2, 1986 CI'IY CXXH:IL 1JI:a'.ur; (00-696)
33. Heme.
34. &.c....c1 readin:J of Ordinance No. 1374: "An ordinance of the City of
~ ~1 il'lJ c:mœin Ordinances Q1tJ.ined in Secticn 2 and
EshhH""il'lJ an Ordinance Regulatm:¡ Residential, SirJ;Jle-f-ny, (Rl)
zer.&. "
It was IIICMiId by ccunc. Pl\DW, coéOCn:1ed by ccunc. Gatto and pe'øø'\!d
un.mimcœly to read Ordinance No. 1374 by title aüy and the City Clerk's
rær:liD) to ......atitute the .....o....d rær:liD) tba..-4.
It was IIICMiId by ccunc. ~'" seoouded by ccunc. Pl\DW and P""-
UI'II!IJ1baJsly to enact ordinance No. 1374.
35. s.......1d readin:J of ordinance No. 1375: "An ordinance of the City of
~ J\ddJn:¡ to Title 19, zarln;r, of the 01pertim ømicipaJ
COde. "
It was IIICMiId by ccunc. Pl\DW, seoCluded by ccunc. Gatto and paøø9d
UI'II!IJ1baJsly to read ordinance No. 1375 by title a1ly and the City Clerk's
rær:liD) to oo..sti.tute the SéOo....d xeadiD¡ thereof.
It was IIICMiId by ccunc. Gatto, seoonded by ccunc. Pl\DW and p--e-d
UI'II!IJ1baJsly to enact Ordinance No. 1375.
36. Heme.
37. RIK'C':-]ldtial by Mayor of spec'....1 requests.
(a) Gsieral an;I"enœ - Heme.
(b) City ocunci1.
It was IIICMiId by ccunc. JàulSCln, seocnded by ccunc. Gatto and paY-V::'! 4-1
with ccunc. Pl\DW it.. dJD:¡ to œc:altd...... ~ l-V-86.
It was IIICMiId by ccunc. Sparks, seoouded by ccunc. Jobnsa1 and p--sd 3-2
with ccunc. Pl\DW and ~ it.. - dJD:¡ to GWLU1/8 grantirI¡ of the
variance as per No. 6822 with CD1ditial No. 3 amellded to state
there will be a minhuI of 136 parkirç p1_ at the subject }IL'¥"Llý and
parkirç spaoee alCDJ ~ BoJlevard that am rot r ...... shall be
cx:nverted to 1.ards> "i dnq.
(0) staff.
1mIm!B at 'ŒI :J1IŒ 2, 1986 cmr anr:n. '~J.fC (cc-696)
Dinct'-:t of P1amiJJ¡ and ca-1." d. 0:IwIm requested CCIunCil to ccnfim
the grIII1t1n¡r of the ~ti". DIII::1.IIrat.i far the øcu.1ng ~- at.. of the Plan. It.. 111:..114 by CCiUnc. Gatto, MOCIa.dt.d by CCiUnc. Spub aid
rr Ii ~y to c:x:r1fJ.m the Megr&t!va Døc.laratiat.
At 12:10 a..., O:iuncil adjoumed to a clœed sess!at.
Q:Juncil r-n_..4 in CIpm T
41"11\ at 12:31 a.m.
It .. ~1Id by a:amc.
unarûD:uIly to mt:harlze
BcWAIvard by p.u.IlJ--..
Gatto, aeo...dtd by a:amc. PlUD;IY and peri:!
wq,i-itim of certain ---'IL. en DeAnza
It .. ~.1Id by a:amc. GaU:u, aeo...dtd by a:amc. Spuiœ aid peTnêl
unanbaJs1y to .............. the cost of øecurin¡ certain .....~ l~ and to ofter
BJm::lay'. BlInk and the J.ard::Jwœr a price based upcn the ~ it'ftll cœt
estiJIIatar'. ~.
At 12:33 a..., the -.tJn¡.. adjoumecl to 7:00 p.m., 'l"" ~, JUne 10,
1986 tar pI:8lDdnuy ~ of the 1986-87 bov'lgPt, incl1din¡ use of
RIr.___ Sbarlng tums.
Ci Cl8%k