CC 06-10-86 Cl'lY OF aJPERl'IlÐ, SlME OF awœa:A 10300 Tc......... Av8'J.J8, CUpertino, CA 95014 ~: (408) 252-4505 MDI7l!S OP 'IHE AD1OO1MD ~ hua:.l1'G OP 'IHE ClT'l CXDCL HEID (If JtIŒ 10, 1986 IH 'IHE cx:Iœ'ERDIŒ RXH, ClT'l HAIL, w~.uIO, CALIRRŒA 00-696A At 7:02 p.m., Mayer ~ t"J011ed the meetJn} to œ:der in the Ocmf....enœ B:xID. R>IL CAlL Came. P.I._ íL: Gatto, Jå'InsC:n, Plungy, Sparks, Mayor ~s . staff P1. S :nt: city Manager 011n1an city Clerk cœ:ne1.ius Director at PUblic ~ vis1cDviå1 Director at Plar1nin1 and Døvel~tt Q:JWan Director at Finance snyder Director at PaxkB and Rt.........&t1a\ DcwlinJ Assistant to the City Manager BJ:cwn ""-1I'Ù.ty Relatiaw Officer SC:urlc:h city Attœ:ney KiI.:iæ1 1. RiI!vieI.I at the 1986-87 þ~, :inc:J.udirJ¡ use of Rs\IerA]Ø Sharirq f'uB:Is. city Mæaager Quinlan .... s ,d.ed an CYeNiew per his þ~ letter. Camcil ~ an update fraIa B9'- & Heiss regæ:d1DJ the polf,... servicel ___...-y caamic:atia1 ...~ :inc:J.udirJ¡ additiaBl costs far I'""L-....ü. and legal staff. 'Jhis aM11 be ~M.!1Jted to Camcil at a meetJn} in AuJUst· Director at Finance snyder røvi&Ied the reverua projecti.a1s with Camcil. Camcil ~ idsJt.ificatim at significant iJ1creases in SUW)i- and sørviœs and a list at tbœe CNfIr mid1 the City has .....at.....ul. It was JIICII8d by Camc. Gatto, s-..ŒIded by Camc. Plungy and p"'--r unaniJDJsly to aut:harize that artI balance in Activity 223 at the en:i at the 1985-86 f~1 year be transf.........d to the insurance reSIIY8. Camcil cUrected that staff look at 1ecœaticn fees far the winter n--ion and a resident/nCI1-reøjMr,t reservaticn policy and cUrected that fees be )nnII-' at arnJally. It was JIICII8d by Camc. Sparts, seexuØi by Camc. Gatto and p8~"""'" unaniJDJsly to GWL........1ate $12,000 fraIa the Gera:4:al Furñ to subeiilb,e the Rec:reaticn Activity (449). -1- . . MIlÐlES OF 'lIŒ JUNE 10, 1986 c:I'lY axJN('TL JoJua'J.1'G (CC-696A) cwncil direc:ted the Public ¡U]cø DeI:L t..-&t to review the ptUIÚJ'II1 of the a.ny to. . cwncil recpested an explanat!m of fixed SE',,;sts, c:s.."......cl..atian arñ ~.eral 1Ja..'~. cwncil ref....~...cl the matter of BollJn;Jer wi.denirg at ~"'n..us CJ:eek to staff far alt.ra.u&tives an:! œ> _._.~. Diœctar of Finance snyder pointed cut that the æømt tui;Jeted far the 1986-87 pi_1 Year under 0:x3e 110-0123, mman Services P1.~......., shcW.d be $22,600. City Manager Quinlan 0 "1. "".-ed the f\m1in;J request frcm the ~r of O····.Ar'-ia with last year's CXJSts. It was IIICN8d by 0::Iunc. Jåmscn, seccIŒi by 0::Iunc. Gatto and p"....- 4-0 with 0::Iunc. ~& abstainin¡ to authorize the same level of f\m1in;J as the 1985-86 Pi_1 Year for the (]o....I.er of ('>····-·ce citizen of the Year œJOgIlitian. Ocuncil authorized fIJrIiiD¡ of Quo,.I.er events as follows: Mallin¡ ccst:a - $780; ...........WÛty eoculllic profile - $376.50; QJpertino aurlness Director - $500: clubs and organizatia1S list - $481; sales praŒJticn project - $2,000, with the sales praŒJticn project 1'fo''I'csed ~"hnitted to ocunci1 far review prior to a'/'tž fIJrIiiD¡. It was IIICN8d by 0::Iunc. Gatto, ...........:Jed by 0::Iunc. Sparks and J:""....ed 3-2 with 0::Iunc. Plurçy arñ ~.. iH &tin;J to :remove f\m1in;J of the Optioœl System frcm the ...~. It was IIICN8d by 0::Iunc. SpBrks, ..ecaded by 0::Iunc. Plurçy and p--ed unarûmcusly to authorize $21,700 far professiCl1al services far the 00d8 Ð'4w...........ít activity. It was IIICN8d by 0::Iunc. Spuiœ arñ àeCaiided by 0::Iunc. ~s to delay the BollJn;Jer laid wideninI¡ until the 1987-88 Fi~1 Year. 'Ibe mct.icn arñ ...-.....d were w1tl'A....l. Ocuncil diJ:ected Mayor &'1g8rS to cx:ntact the Beam of SUperVisors regaxdiD} the o..d...al Fire Pr-x.ect:im District Beam. 2. 0r:I1S4,~.ðtian of liability:insurance, self-fUnded pool under &llRpi.ce9 of Associatia1 of Bay Area GcMm'IIB1ts (ABIIG). Ca> iles:ùuticn No. 6864: "A Resoluticn of the city ocunci1 of the city of QJpertino Autharizin¡ ExJecIttiat and Delivery of ABi\G Plan I rn-.-,ts." -2- tmmm QP 'R Dt! 10, 1986 en"{ o:nm. \4EmlC (œ-696M It was ~ by Q:Iunc. JÙà-..., -x.ided by Q:Iunc. SpII%kø and pe"-'Sd 4-1 with Q:Iunc. SpBrlaI "4-- tl.J.n¡ to ~L RBsolutia1 No. 6864. 3. ~ i4-.x'! far I"rmn,.,j,ty C81ter locatia1. It was M¥1IId by Q:Iunc. SpukB, secon3ed by cmn::. Gatto and P¡"-'9d unarUmcusly to CIt¥L....... Altemate A setting a pi:>11Q be!IriDJ at a city c:DJncil1Øltin¡ to œceive p.¡blic hp1t regardin;J site lcœtia1. ~ EDmŒSS Settl_d'¡Jåm Bianchi - It was moved by cmn::. SpII%kø, ~ded by <kAn::. Plunnr and pe'- unaniD:œly to CIt¥L..,µ.1.ate $7,500 t.raa the 1985-86 RevenJe SbariDJ !\Jnds far settl-.4tt. MIIyar ~ reIp!St:ed that at a fUture 1ØItin¡, cœnci1 ccnd.der the famaticn of an advisaIy ....--.. ....iat perta1nin;J to cultural and artistic events. Ann ArgBr, Q]pBrtino res"&.rJt, Jnquired regardin;J the p"""'" of 0IamBl 30 '1-1- m:s and also -MlCsed the 2IIIICUrJt of 'ffØ'SIJ )'L'¥ssd to be used far the city Hall L-·· ...., "rq. At 10:20 p.m., the IØItin¡ was adjcmned to a closed sessicn. At 10:37 p..., cœnci1 œcx:I'1IIeneCl in c.pen sessicn. P'-o:lb1. ""'qI.4ai.tiœ of )'L~Lÿ - seven Spri.rgB aœe,tSan Jose water - It was moved by QQ1c. Gatto, EoooCaded by Q:Iunc. Plunnr and pen'!ld unan1JIIcusly to 1111011 the dsYelc:per to 8RÙY far a -rlii'icat.icn to the t.elJtative I8p to provide far an in-lieu fee rather than œceiviDJ water tJ:aI the Q]pBrtino Water t1t:.i1ity. It was moved by Q:Iunc. Gatto, ..........:1éà by Q:Iunc. Plunnr and p"'-scl 4-1 with QQ1c. 8[.... \..... d.in¡ to dimct the city Attamsy to )'L.,.....œ an œdinanœ setting )'L' <-........ far :t__.&4~tia1 of an itEm by the City 0CImcil. At 10:40 p..., the JIB8tirq was adjcmned. -3-