CC 07-07-86
~03OO Terre AVØI'I.18, 0Jpertin0, CA 95014
Telc¡ (408) 252-4505
HEW œ JtJIa 7, 1986 IN 'lBB a:oa::IL ~,
Cl'l'\( HAIL, UJ1'1!õK1'JJ'Ð, CAIn'CRt[A
Mayar ~ called the meetiD¡ to œ:œr in o:amcil C!J-..i «r at 6:45 p.m.
BOIL CALL Plß:ol.t:
Gatto, Jåmsa1, P1UIYW, Kayar Rogers Absent:
staff PoL S¡ht:
City Manager 0rln1an
City Clerk cornelius
Director of Public waDes vis1a:ll1iå1
Director of Planninq and DeIIeJ., '1:....... it 0CWan
Director of Finance Snyder (left at 8:37 p.m.)
Director of Pañæ and Recreaticn DcrorJ.iD)
Assistant to the City Manager BI:cM1
th'l'll'n1tity Relat1a'1S Officer Scuric:h
Planner I Binnendyk (9:00 p.m.)
City Attorney Kilian
~ AND NEW AGÐmP. :I'l'Eæ
It was 1IICJIJed by Gatto, 1!Io:oCa);)ed by and pe--¡d 4-0 to
J:eIOO\/8 Item No. 42 fxaD the a,pm and that staff brin;J it b!Ick to Qu1cil
when ready.
~::-:){Jlliticn of Hyun:]-~ Ise, !h.D. and Dl-yi BIle as bcn....aEY citizens of
the City of 0Jpert1n0.
'!be Dr. lee and Ms. Baa received their proc1.amat.ia1s and a City
Proclamation hooorinJ Garden Gate Sàx>ol - 'Ihe princ1pBl of Garden Gate
School received the proc:1amatian on behalf of the staff.
'!be co.mcil expressed C1}¥L....iaticn to Pañæ and ~....ticn Director steve
DcrorliJ'Ç for the Foorth of JUly celebration.
MnmJ!S QP 'l\1! :nml 1, ~a6 crl'l cmNCIL 1Œmm lCC-6~a)
æ!AFF 1<I!iK&U1:í
1. Oral ...........l.s by staft 11'-.1«1::8 and lII,hni....ia1 of written lo::'i,"'.&.ts.
City ~ '8 Rt....u..l
Golden '1'rlmr:Jle study S im - By <XI'ISenSUS, CDmcil authorized. that a
sbñy ø- Tim be be1d wed! n'-ay, August 6, at 7:00 p.m. 'Ihe City Manager
was directed to nctity interested parties.
Q.tb:each and Esoort - It was JD:JVed by came. Gatto, seoouded by camc.
Plungy and pa-«1 4-0 to GWLuv'8 an GWL"¥Llation of $6,000 trail the
senior Citizen )Io-..i -e:...>Ihip Acccunt on a cne-timB aùy basis.
Civic center !\1ndin;J - CDmcil received the infotmation and by CXJI'1Ser1SUS
directed that the 8-1/2 minrt:e video tape prepared tor infotmation for
these givin¡ the City its l:x:n:l ratin:J be shcwn to the pmlic.
ABC Licensin¡ - Ding Ia Fan¡ - CDmcil ciliected that the need for
ctI1fcmœnce to the haDe occupation ordinance and a bJsiness license be
sent to the alochol1c beve1age licensin¡ u.atL..úl 1!ItJf!!'C'J.
4. CDmcil Riepo1.ts - camc. Jåmscn - Legislative Review CCIJI".J.ttee -
CDmcil unarrlmcus1y took the follcwin;J acticns regardin;J ~~sed
legislation: Stow- ~led SB 338 and AB 2051, ballot """'IIIJreS pertainiD:J to
bc:n:B for senior h<:JoV":trg; SB 1930 (Presley), tort refcmJl; AB 3554
(Jf>n''Mr), state-aut:horiz insurance pool fœ. local agencies¡ SB 1694
(Bt...",_CI1), limitation of cities' liability for natural ccnti.ticns of
p'lblic ~~Lj¡ a-itOJlll Safety Act of 1986. ~ed AS 4415 (Bane),
sales tax Ø'o-'1'Licn tor state J:ut mt: local or så1oo1
pm:i1ases¡ AB 3314 (, developer fees, and refer to staff for
.. ····-tt; SB 2173 (Rcbnti), Brcwn Act bill; refer AB 3875 CW. Brcwn),
limitation on cancellaticn and 1'ICI1-1.8I~ of insurance pol i...i...., to
Mayer Rogers J:IIIICJII8d IteDs 13, 22 and 24 and Director of PI'Iblic Works
visJa:wich J:8IIC\/8d Item No. 16.
It was JD:JVed by camc. Plungy, sec:a1ded by came. Gatto and l"'-ed 4-0 to
8ßIroY8 the balance ot the a..._ ít Calendar as $I,_itted.
7. Resolution No. 6885: "A Resolution of the City camcil of the City of
0Ipertin0 Allowirg certain Claims and DeIDan3s Payable in the A1:ømts
and frail the F\1ms as Hereinafter Desc:::ribed for salaries and Wages tor
the Payroll Period Erñirg J\me 10, 1986."
HIM1l!S OF B JUIJl 7, 1986 CIT!( CXXH:IL ~.r.uG (cx::-598)
8. Resclutic.a No. 6886: "A Resol'JtJ.a1 of the City CD.mci1 of the city of
~ AllowiJg certain ("....4".. and Demanc1s Payable in the A1JIamts
and FraIl the PUnds as HI!II:81nafter Desc::r:ibed far Ger...ral and
MiBcellanecus Expenditures far the PIBricd Erñinq JUne 20, 1986."
9. Rell~utia1 No. 6887: "A ResÑ.utia1 of the City camci1 of the City of
~ AllcwiDJ 0Brtain C'I "i.... tmd DI!IJBrœ Payable in the A1Jø.1nts
and t.raa the PUnds as Hereinafter Described far salaries and Wat}8I' far
the Payroll PIBricd Erñinq JUne 24, 1986."
10. t"J"i1ll far A.......J18 filed en behalf of !!any s. and Aliœ M. I.ecrIard.
11. (,b-l1ll far "......~ death, 1""'914oþlC8, emat:icr1al &LL -~, survivorship
filed en behalf of ~ D. Kirq, Jane Kirq and the Estate of
Geoffrøy Kirq.
12. Rrs::¡utia1 No. 6881: "A Resolutia\ of the City CD.mci1 of the City of
~ Init.iating P.L..¡;e-~hlgB and settin¡ Time and Plaoe far Public
BeariD;J far OcII8M...atia1 of ReoJ:ganizaticn of the Area Designated 'El
CaIIIino Hospital 85-05; I Ger1erally IDeated west of I-280 Bet:ut>"""\
Q]pertino and Iœ Altœ."
13. RemrJved.
14. Resclutia1 No. 6894: "A ÐeBclutia\ of the City CD.mci1 of the city of
Q]pertino ~ Q..ìLL....1. 0mJ18 0J:der No. 2 far Barrier ReIIr:Mù,
Project 86-04."
15. Resolut:.1.a1 No. 6895: "A ReE'''¡uticn of the City CD.mci1 of the city of
~ AL"X>o:o¡JL.iD;J a Q;GtJt of ~-_.d. for public utilities fran
Miltcn 1bIk, Melvin 1bIk, and Fay Goo'll·...., Iøœted en the west side of
scuth De Anza Ba.Jlavzmi North of Scofield Drive; Aw<....oñ-te1.y 0.0086
Acre. "
16. Remr:Ned.
17. Resclutia\ No. 6897: "A Rm:J.ut.icn of the City camci1 of the city of
Q]pertino ~ IDt: Line Adj'uDt:......l BetlJlnr 'l\Jo Parcels of lard
Wit:lx:Alt a Perc8l Map in JIo·:· with sect.ien 66412 (d) of
&1bdivisicn MIIp Act as Mended Jarœry 1, 1984; IDeated at the
Sa1thwest OCIr.l_ of lI::Clellan Rœd and MI!Idrid Read."
18. Ruclut.icn No. 6898: "A Res:>lut1cn of the City CD.mci1 of the city of
Q]pertino AcceptjnÇJ Grant of --do for ~ Plu.l'csee fran
»-dobMil Afsharl and Mahvasb Behbood OcII8istirJJ of Aw<......nt'IAtely 0.02
Acres, Itx:ated en san Felipe Road."
19. Rn::lutia\ No. 6899: "A Resolutien of the City CD.mci1 of the city of
0Jpertjn0 JID~.t.i.rg a Grant of --'It for Public utilities fran
AMolMad Afsharl and Mahvash Behbood Itx:ated en san Felipe Read;
J.w.....n-tely 0.03 Acres."
MD«mS OP '!HE JrJl}l 7, 1986 CI'lY CXXH:IL hua'.uG (cx:-698)
20. Aœeptance of amicdpal1DprcMaents:
(a) Eb:Jto Drivø-up - saratoga,IBUmyvale RaId æd Wi1i1fiower.
(b) PrcIIIet:bEaJs - stewns creek BcW.øvm:d æd Tu....... ~.
(No ~tiJg ~ nq.rlœd.)
21. 1\«é of city projects i'O"L£'" ..--j under
(a) Jollyman SUbdiviaicn ~uy.....d.a, 84-11, Pmject A.
(b) Barrier RIIII:Nal, Pmject 86-40.
(c) R8cxnItruct:ia\ of SP-Jâlk, 0lIb aM Qltter, Pmject 86-105.
(No 8Vw'...Un¡ .........1IIIM1taticn nq.rlœd.)
23. p..,;,-t far grant:iDJ of NeqaUve DecJ.arat.icn far samtoga-Sumyvale
Rœd Widenin;J, Pmject 85-01, aM Traffic Signal H:dificatia1, Pmject
24. REmcIIIed.
25. MiJUtes of the adjoumed regular EetiD¡ of JUne 10, 1986 (00-696A).
26. Mi.mtæ of the regular EetiD¡ of JUne 16, 1986 (00-697).
Y2t§ Ik·....·á of the City lh.",.,n
AYæ: Gatto, Jdmsa1, Plungy, ~..
ø::e;: Hale
ABSml': Sparks
ABS'mIK: Hale
l'I'ÐS RÐÐI7m iKH cx:.tISÐll' CAIÐm1\R
13. Minar ð-aA-d. J:8 arå1itectural ~ to lli:IraJ:y additicn
(~ 47-u-85).
It 1IIU IIMiId by CDmc. Gatto, seconded. by CDmc. Jàmsa'1 æd pel sl2 4-0 to
eIWLu0J8 the .mar amaA-d. to ~ 47-u-85.
16. Resolut:.icrt No. 6896: RA Reøolutiœ of the City CDmcil of the city of
0Jpertin0 ~ I.ot Line Mj\at.-d. beboi - '1\10 ~ of !.and
Wit'hr."tt a FI!Im81. Map in 1\co '" c:1à._ with sectiœ 66412 (d) of
sutxti.visicn Map Act as AmelIded Jaraa%Y 1, 1984: Am 342-05-63 æd APN
342-05-064, Lands of a.-... cat-h\1jl! R4mv-p of san Jose.R
It 1IIU IIMiId by CDmc. Jcbnøon, seQoudecl by Ocunc. Plungy æd p---ed 4-0
to ~l the ßesolutiœ _Ided to state that it ~ ..- effective
i.....wtiA1:e1.y upc:n annexatia1 of the area to the City of Q]pertino.
HIlI1.ŒS OF 'lHE JfJIJl 7, 1986 CI'IY cx:œc:IL JIu:;t¡,L'.uG (~98)
22. 0cnI!J4~'Aticn of LoI4~ of \A&d.lðCt for r&1tal meði~tia1 service
(0peratia1 sentinel).
(a) RIBeolut1a1 No. 6900: "A RIBeolutiat of the City Council of the
city of QJpertino Authcrizin) ElœcUtitn of ¥ >oetwon the
city of QJpertino an:i stanford Mid-Peninsula UJ:ban COalititn for
Røntal Mediaticr1 services (tparatien ser.tinel)."
It was mcved by ocunc. ~s, sec:x:n3ed by ocunc. Jdmsa1 an:i paBe'9d 4-0
to ~L Resolutiat No. 6900 amerx3ed to read City of 0Jpert:in0.
24. MirI.1tæ of the regular meetin¡ of JUne 2, 1986 (~96).
It was mcved by ocunc. ~II, sec:x:n3ed by ocunc. Jdmsa1 an:i I""eøed 4-0
to .........we the mimJt:es.
28. )L.i era of the "'''Hence :regami.rJ1 matters rot tn the agenda - Na1e.
29. ~1~œticn 3-Z-86 of n.Jane Walstrc:m - Rezaúnq 1'raD Al-43 to Rl
(, SiDJle-f"""i 1y) an:i Envira1mental Review: '!he plar1nin;J
,..,..,."i....,,1,., reo:> .....-.dB the grantiD] of a Negative ~1araticn. '!he
~"¥'"LLi is located tn the west side of Ramy lane, ...........,rh....tely 250
ft. north of Merritt Avenue (10557 Ramy lane). Ré(' ....-'1ded for
.............nù .
(a) First readin:¡ of ordinanoe No. 1379: "An ordinanoe of the city
of 0Jpertjn0 A1DeJñin¡ secticn 1 of ordinanoe No. 2 by Rezaúnq
P%operty fraI1 Al-43 ZCX1e to Rl ZCX1e; IDeated tn the West Side of
Ramy lane, ~..ori......tely 250 Ft. North of Merritt Aveme (10557
Ramy lane)."
(Nate: Request this itea be ñ4......'e..- with Itea 39).
39. FatJ-t 1'raD Plannin¡ ,..,..,.,,4....ial to initiate a ~ of Za18 for
Ramy lane an:i IIJrr:/ way 1'raD Al-43 to Rl-7.5. (Request this be
ñi......~ in CXX1junct:ia1 with Applicaticn 3-Z-86, Itea 29.)
Director of plarlnin;J an:i Devel~.t CØian reviewed the plar1nin;J
,..,..,.,,4_ial reo ····-rdaticn with ocunci1.
RiEqJests CXI'It:ainirJ¡ 13 signatures were circulated urgiDJ Council rot the
reza'I8 the entire area.
vh.......t R. ¡ci1nha11, Jr., 10601 Larry way, requested that CaIncil sen:i &rrI
rezaúnq of the entire area to the Pla:nnin:J ('nmIi ....itn for a p.lblic
hearin;J prior to a decisitn.
MINUI'!S OF '!HE JUL1l 7, 1986 Cl'lY CDJNCIL ma:;J.'J.lC (œ-698)
SëmI Mas...J W'I, Ramy Iæ18, aCkh. -øed ccuncil st:at:in¡ that they had
previoosly prrn4114i1d there wcnld be no c:banges in the area zarlnq. He
urged ccuncil not to cxndder an entire area rezaún] and not to send it
to the Plannin;J no-4-im. After pollin;J the audience, he stated tbat no
ooe was in favor of the area rezarln;J.
nJane Walstrc:III, 10557 RaMy lane, 8R'licant, requested that Camcil
"'W'-W8 the spat zaú.n;J as he wants to r....··...,..1 his hcuse. He stated thnt
the neighbors did ~.... with the spat zaú.n;J.
Mrs. Mas...lõ71t, Ramy lane, urged ccuncil to keep their p%""4.... of two
years ago and leave them alooe.
Peqqy Griffin, 10727 Ran:iy lane, spoke against the area rezaún]. She
stated that her haDe does not CCIIp1y with Rl and exprMsed ocr.cem
regardJnJ m.ùtiple flmlily dwellin;J possibilities.
Harold Jåmscn, Ian:y and Merritt, thanked the City for a great Foorth ot
JUly ili",,1ay. In reganl to an Rl area zarln:J, he ~eE''\'ed "l¥JSitiem.
It was 1DCJI.Ied by ccunc. PlUD;IY, seoc:n:1ed by ccunc. Jåmscn and passed 4-0
to close the pmlic hearin¡.
It was 1DCJI.Ied by ccunc. PlUD;IY, secc:n3ed by ccunc. Jåmsa1 and pae.,,-1 4-0
to taJœ no further ac:tia\ in the pL~csed area rezaún] and not to refer
it to tl'..e PI.anniD¡ no-h,aiem. ccuncil requested thai: a staff ...~t
regardin;J the actual ra....couc:w........œ with pns .at.. zarlnq in the area be
brc:uJh1: back.
3-Z-86 - It was 1DCJI.Ied by ccunc. PIUD;IY, seocnBl by ccunc. Gatto and
passed 4-0 to "'W'-uŸ8 the grcmtiD:J of a Negative r..:v.1......tia1.
It was 1DCJI.Ied by Came. PlUD;IY to "'W'-uŸ8 the awli,...tiem per P1.anniD¡
no-4_ial Resolutia1 No. 2818. '!be matia1 died for lack of a sec:aJd.
It was 1DCJI.Ied by Came. Gatto, SooCaIded by ccunc. Jåmsa1 with ccunc.
PIUD;IY and Rcgers il4 -T tt.irx.J to deny the a¡:plicatia1; .
It was 1DCJI.Ied by ccunc. PlUD;IY, s-Atlded by Came. ~s with ccunc. Gatto
and Jåmscn dissentJn;J to "'W'-.N8 Awlicatiem 3-Z-86 per P1.anniD¡
no-i....iem Reso1utiem No. 2818.
It was 1DCJI.Ied b'.f Came. PlUD;IY, secc:n3ed by ccunc. Gatto and pae~ 4-0 to the pmlic hearin.J.
It was 1DCJI.Ied by Came. PIUD;IY, secc:n3ed by ccunc. Jàmsa1 and pa!¡Oa<>ñ 4-0
to CXI1t1nue the hearing to the mætin;J of JUly 21, 1986.
It was re<:' ...."""Òed that ccunc. Sparks listen to the tape of this hearin;J
so that he may vote em the matter at the JUly 211lleEltin;J.
30. Renewal of birxp l""'""'it for 0Jpertin0 High SChool Boosters Club, Inc.
MINtJm3 OF 'l1Œ JUIH 7, 1986 CI'IY CXXJNCIL MEE.Tm:; (cc-698)
It was 1IIIJII8d by counc. Jå1nsa1, secxn:3ed by counc. Plurmr am P'''sed 4-0
to clOH the public hearinq.
It was 1IIIJII8d by counc. Plurmr, secx;njed by counc. JciInsa1 am pell"eed 4-0
to ðwL...... the l__al of the bin;¡o pmmit.
31. Adc:.¢ia1 of Fiscal year 1986-1987 OperatinJ am CCI1Structiœ 8.Idget.
(a) Resolut.ia1 No. 6878: "A Resolut.ia1 of the City Ccuncil of the
City of Q]pert:jno M:¢in:J an 0peratiD:J am CCI'Isb:uctiœ BxJ9Pt
for Fi-1 Year 1986-87 by Ratifyin¡ EstbBtes of Rsvemes to be
Received in E2Iå1 FUrñ am ~,¥-latiD:J H:nies'lherefrall for
SJ?-i ~ied PL~CWI 1Ictivities am Acocu1ts am Sett:in) Forth
Ccniit.icms of AdIII1nist:erin said 8Jà;Jet."
(b) Resolut.ia1 No. 6879: "A Resolutien of the City cooneil of the
City of Q]pert:jno settin:J Borx3ed Debt Tax Rate for the Ft_1
Year 1986-87."
(c) Resolut.ia1 No. 6880: "A Resolutien of t.~ City Ccuncil of the
City of Q]pert:jno Establi.shm:J an App:rcpriatiœ Limit for Fi_1
Year 1986-87."
City Manager Quinlan ~ S l"tt.ed tbe b.d;Jet to tbe City Ccuncil.
Ann Anger, H:x1ta vista, expressed oouœ:m regarcUng the ~. ~111~. She
stated that the citizens had been 14 sent at the last meetinq addressin]
the bIdget am had not been asked for irp.rt;. She said it has ocx:urred
that W<rž before. She had quest!cns regarcUng the televisiœ gcv...........ìt
channel ""?t am ",.."""-1 haw many peqlle watch that channel. She also
stated that the last ~ regarcUng the bJdget was not œ a regular
meetinq night, nor was ~ œ cable televisiœ. She ~.....sed the feelin]
that the City was spenc1irq Dm'8 am not gettin:¡ encu:Jh irp.rt;. In regæ:d
to the City Hall 1-·· .100.1 in], she stated that Ccuncil had talked about
parJdn¡, traffic, etc., b.1t not aba1t the price tag. She ~ !d
""MJOSitiœ to the ....hle gcv...........1t. àIannel as she felt the 0__4...... ~
fUlfilled the need for """"nù.ty informt.1a1. Mostly she à:Jjec:ted to the
~. <JeeS used am that these þ1:__Jt were not asked for irp.rt;.
It was DMd by Ccunc. P1un:y, secx;njed by Ccunc. Gatto am peI.-ed 4-0 to
close the public hearlrg.
Ccuncil directed that staff lock at¡ all l:u:Jget hearirxJs next
Di1:ector of Public 1i.u.k.. viskDvich þ1:1Slhted his .LqJOl:t am variQJs
altematives regardhr¡ the ~..y.:sed Boll~ Read wi.denin:J.
It was DMd by Ccunc. P1urmr, seocn:ied by Ccunc. Jàu1sa1 am 1'1'''''''''' 4-0
not to do this project in the 86-87 fisr-;ol year.
It was maved by coone. Jdmsan, seoc:n:æd by coone. Plun:y am 1'1'''''''''' 4-0
to adc¢ Resol\.ltia1 No. 6878.
MINt1I'ES OF '!HE JULY 7, 1986 Cl'lY CXXJNCIL MŒl'nC (cc-698)
It was JIICIIIed by Oounc. Gatto, seocn:Jed by Oounc. PlUDy and pasm 4-0 to
ZIdcpt Resoluticn No. 6879.
It was JIICIIIed by Oounc. Gatto, seocn:Jed by Oounc. PlUDy and I"'--sd 4-0 to
~L Resolutiem No. 6880.
32. Ocnsideratia1 of vacatia1 of p¡blic utility .............·it em camen am.
(a) Resoluticn No. 6882: "A Resoluticn of the City Council of the
City of Q]pertino 0rderin;J vacatia1 of a Ten Foot Public utility
--....iL em l'Jo,.",.." RaId Pursuant to sectim 50430 of the
GaIIaL._it 0Jde of the state of california."
It was JIICIIIed by 0:Junc. Gatto, SEICCI'1dec1 by 0:Junc. JåIrIsa1 and passed 4-0 to
close the p.¡blic hearln;r.
It was 1IIOVed by 0:Junc. Gatto, SEICCI'1dec1 by 0:Junc. JåIrIsa1 and passed 4-0 to
cÙ.¥L Rescluticn No. 6882.
33. CmsideJ:at.icn of vacatiat of a po:rt.iCI1 of Peninsular Avenue.
(a) Resoluticn No. 6883: "A Resoluticn of the City Council of the
City of Q]pertino 0rderin;J Vacatia1 of a Portien of Peninsular
Aver1I8 at Highway 280 as Provided in sectiem 8320 Et Beg. of the
StLC~t:s and Highways COde of the state of california."
It was 1IIOVed by Came. P1UDy, seccnded by 0:Junc. Jåmsan and I"'aaed 4-0
to close the public hearirç.
It was 1IIOVed by 0:Junc. Gatto, seccnded by Came. PIUDy and passed 4-0 to
~t Resoluticn No. 6883.
34. Applica1:iat 16-U-86 of W. R. Grace (Baxter's) - Use Pe:Dnit to enoJ.OM
a 760 sq. ft. restaurant: patio area and Envb:amIental Review: 'Ibe
project is categarically &-n,·L, hence no envira1mental is
M':""'a~J:y. 'Ibe project is located at the orå1a%d valley Mark&<1 pJ-,
sart:beast oœ....... of stevens creek Ba1levard and FOrtal Avenue.
Director of Plannin:¡ and Devel~it COWan reviewed the applicat.ia1 with
(City ClEl%it's Note: Director of Finance Snyder left the meetin;J at 8:37
Bill TaDi:ùyn, 1927 Bbcby Drive, ca:1:'h.=5ed neighbort1cod OCIIplaints. He
stated that there has been a positive c:han;¡e, !Jut there is still an odor
and noise problem fraa the shcg)in] center. He stated that the odor
problem s'!-"'" to be oanirg fraa euployees of the ~ Sticker ~ the
back door and the help at the pizza parlor is noisy at night in the back
alley way.
MINt1l'æ OF 'mE JULY 7, 1986 CITY CXXJNCIL PJu;.1.m:; (œ-698)
Mark 1òIA~"""" 1:epres lat1rç \:he owners of ~ shcwinJ œdœrt ataUd tha.t. hê
has ~ to alleviate the prc:blems with the tenantsjneighbors. He
treats the residents' prc:b1ems seriaJsly. He stated that that use
rest:rictiaw place the dI.DJpterB l61æ;/ fJ:aD the restaurant ard BIployees
have to walk the 9I'~ dawn to the¡ter. He said these ~biTJts
are "'Eparate frcm the Baxter's a¡:plicat:ia1, b.1t they will be treated.
Mr. Tadùyn a.1h;"'-"- Qucll regardinJ the square footage used as
restaurant space. He said that the e4"-1alJe tables were not included in
that squam footage an::l that he does not want too many restaurants in that
pa.rt.:ia1lar center.
It was DICIIIed by Came. Gatto, seocnBl by Came. Jchnsa1 an::l peIS'$led 4-0 to
"'W-LU'/8 the aßÙicat:ia1 per PI.annin¡ lhIIni....ia\ Res'Olutia1 No. 2S16.
Council c1h:ected staff to .L~t back in 30 days regamin;J ~bi1'1ts
35. ~ 18-u-&6 of Matt 1IJr1ey (Town Center PLv¢ - Use
Pæ:1ait to amend an use PØ""it to in::rease the 1""""""'" of
apartment units fJ:aD 80 to "'W-Lu.rl......tely 105 units an::l Er1Vira1mental
Review: 'Ibe project is cate;arically e;.-.,.L, hence no enviJ:aIIIIenta
acticn is J'IeI:"""'''ary. 'Ibe project is located a1 the sa1th side of
stevens creek Ballevard "'W-L...,ri......tely 400 ft. east of Torre AverA.I8.
:Re(~ ····-rdecl for ~vWÙ..
Director of PJ.annin¡ an::l Devel~at.. Cowan reviewed the rEqJeSt with
Del1nis HeI1mi, architect, ..ckh. ,:OeQ Council regardinJ the square footage.
It was DICIIIed by Came. Jchnsa1, sea::01ded by Came. Gatto an::l peI"~ed 4-0 to
a¡pt'CII8 A¡:plicatim lS-U-S6 per PI.annin¡ I' Reso1utim No. 2S17.
It was DICIIIed by Came. Gatto, seocnBl by Came. Pluny an::l passed 4-0 to
"'W-LuY8 the¡ of a Negative Dec:-1....-atim.
36. ArP-1 of AS'At; denial of signage }AL"'1'uod far southern expœure of
0Jpertin0 Inn, DeAnza BallEMU:d at Highway 280. (A¡:plicat:ia1 AS'At;
51,655.1; Associated Inns Mar-_~,-,lt, "[P"l1ant).
Direct:ar of PJ.armin¡ an::l Devel~lt Cowan reviewed the a¡:plic:::atia1 an::l
"l'P"'" 1 with Council.
(City Clerk's Note: Plamer I Binnendyk arrived at 9:00 p.m.)
Fred K. Reed of Aesoc!ated Inns Manaor,.Þ'/t stated that he wants sign liB"
far northbcIurñ traffic m DeAnza Ballevard, not far those drivilq m the
[H a ray. He $I,}o·..dtted ¡i1otœ of the Inn an::l pointed out where the
œquested s~ waùd be located.
MINUlES OF 7HE JUIl 7, 1986 CITY CXX1NCIL _l·.uG (œ-698)
Bå,:) Smith of Creative signs also ...,.....itt;ed ¡:hctcs. He stated that the
æ:ea of the sign en the sart:herly side of the blildiD;J wculd be 60 sq. ft.
half of Wat was arlginally ~~sad.
Betty Mann, 22968 CricJœt Hill RoeId, 1tS1,C ...-.ner, spoke against the
~. ",and sign even with the size reducticn. She ~v-""'" the opinicn
that the sign is superfluaJS æñ 8dds to the W...,.,1 pollutia1 wh!å11tS1,C
is tryin:¡ to avoid. Until the sign ordinance is å1an3ed, she will follow
it. She stated that ~iUa1S ercde the ordinance.
Marty )fi11er, 24308 Clay SLLéèt, 1tS1,C _J.--, ~=Md OCU:)E!!D¡ regaxdi.n:J
a <> ....-. cla1 sign directly en 280. He felt this wculd set a ~~ for
pollutia1 en the A_.ray. If traffic is the i661.18, deal with it another
wæ¡, pelhaps even a sign alcrq DeAnza Baùevard.
Bå,:) smith expr.......'!!d the opL""Ù.CI1 that the art wmX of the sign is
beautiful. He stated that ASAC OCA.Ùd not ~.... with ~t they wanted. he
shewed color renderin1s of the ~.;p(Jsad sign.
J~. Reed said that the Inn's cust:aDers wculd not be familiar with
QJpertino æñ wcW.d not kncIIi their wtr¡ anmd. '!he Inn m-........ name
It was IIICIIed by Came. Plurçy, sec:arŒd by Came. Jå1nSa1 æñ pa"s«J 3-1
with Came. Gatto ciissent:irg to u¡:i)old the A%dù.tectural æñ site ApprOYal
n-n...ittee's re<." ····-"Idatien æñ to deny the aß>""'1.
It was IIICIIed by Came. Gatto, sec:arŒd by Came. Plurçy æñ paf'''~ 4-0
that staff wmX with the a¡:.plicant to "D'(iIi fly sign "A" for 1Jm'8 legibility,
possibly lin!nq up the "e" of 0Jpertin0 with the edge of the win:XM.
37. NCI1e.
Nœ 1IJS:I1<1æS
38. Rep:4.t en bid cpmin;J, Li.Jm Vista Pëmc, Project 86-114, æñ award of
Director of pnh} ie Works viskcviål reviewed the bids ard the
r&:>····-rxmticn with CameU. It was IIICIIed by Came. Plurçy, EiéCCIIJded by
came. Jå1nsa1 ard ~""'Bd 4-0 that in light of the iJx:reased cost, the
project be refeu:eà to the Parks æñ Recreaticn CQmIkqien for revi.EM,
...~t., æñ reaffimatien of a¡:praval, æñ that it be brœght back to
Camcil at their meet:in:¡ of JUly 21, 1986. If there are J'¥) c::han;es, the
item is to oaœ back en the Ca1sent caleroar.
39. Actien taken in OCI'ljunc:tien with Item 29.
MINt7m) OF '!HE JUU 7, 1986 CI'lY CXXJNCIL lu;t;.1',UI; (œ-698)
40. Ccndœraticn of an œ:åinanoe establishinq a prooeðl1?'Q for
reca..t.t·..·atiat of iteJJø at City Council ~.
(a) FiJ:&t read1n:] of ordinance No. 1378: "An Ordinance of the City
of Q]pertino 1ddin3' Sectien 2.08.095 to the Rmicipal ~
0:Ide Prescribing a Pot· <'e'i"I'9 for RecalSideratien of It.- at City
cnmcil Meet.iDJs."
It was IIICMId by c:nmc. Plun;w, seoc::I1ded by Counc. Gatto ani pa~9d 4-0 to
read ordinance No. 1378 by title aùy and the City Clerk's reading to
COd..titute the first reading thereof.
41. Adjust 'lWlfth Year (1986-87) t"rnnI1I1ity Devel~.t Block ~...ít
(a) Resoluticn No. 6884: "A Resolutien of the city c:nmcil of the
city of Q]pertino Adjustin:¡ the 'IWlfth (1986-87) Year n-wm.1I1ity
Devel~.L Block Grant Allocatia1."
Planner I Binnendyk reviewed the 1:e¡At. with Council.
sam 0Iriest, ATIL, stated an u..""",.L need for hcusing for the haJ'v'li~~.
He stated that his partiaüar facility nn::!g space which means he nnw
J1ØSY. He stated that he dces not have enough roc:m to a,x. ...··"-iate these
he ns--"- to hcuse. He recp!Sted $66,000.
Lima smith, n-wm.1I1ity Hcusing Develcpers, stated that her aqe4'D;[ is
providing tedm1cal assistance for ATIL and that they do need turr.:o.
Sally Bt:èulI,m, 0Jpertin0 n-wm.1I1ity Services, said that ATIL is a worthy
project. She stated that senior hcusing is also worthy ani it wcW.d be
r-"-"-?'~ to do a little at a time. She reo .....-11ded Oamcil look closely
at f\.mdinJ ATIL in at least saœ fashlen if they can bIt not cut of the
Iman Services tovigPt.
It was IIICMId by c:nmc. Plun;w, seoc::I1ded by Counc. Gatto an:l pa"'sed 4-0 to
~L Resoluticn 6884.
It was IIICMId by c:nmc. Plun;w and seoonded by c:nmc. ~ to fUnd ATIL
in the anamt of $66,000 for rehabilitaticn an:l expansicn of their
facility tnJD the Senior Hcusin)!\Ind. '!he 1IWXien ani &eOCI1d were
By 0CI1SefISUS, Oamcil directed that the draft RFP for hcusin) ~~auð be
scheduled for the August 4 Oamcil meetin:¡ alcn:J with a review of the ATIL
facility and their pl~CIIU for p.u:pœes of pœs:ible fI.Irxiirç.
RÐ :.,....;: 10:20-10:30 p.m.
42. Report en bid ~, mi""",Uaneoos water main, Project 86-113, and
award of v.,¡uL..éSCt.
Previoosly ccntinuec1.
MIl«1ŒS OF '!HE JULY 7 I 1986 C1'IY CXXJNCIL 1oJI:itil..LJ'G (œ--698)
43. Prchibitien of parIdn:J en private ~~ly for ~1JCn of vehit'!l1'"''
Ca) Fin.t :t'8I!Iding of Ordinance No. 1380: "An ordinance of the City
of 0Jpertin0 AmerñinJ M.micipal QxSa Sectia\ 1l.24.140 to
Pnilibit ParJdn;J Vehicles Upcn Art¡ Private ¡p.s.ø.y ar Private
p¡,~li' within the city Limits for the PuIpœe of Disp1.ayirç
SUch Vehicle for Sale or for P"'!"'i,. Without the ~ -.., written
pon-mi....ien of the P.L~li' owner."
Assistant to the City Manager Brown answered questiŒlS fraJa a:uncil.
It was DX:III8d by came. Plun:y, seocn:Jed by came. Gatto and p"'........ 4-0 to
read ordinance No. 1380 by title cn1.y and the City Clerk's readinq to
ccustitute the first readinJ thereof.
44. Request for a¡:proval of grant frail Cable Mvisory l'rwmIittee.
It was DX:III8d by came. Gatto, seocn:Jed by came. Johnsen and pip...... 4-0 to
request that this item be removed for clarificatien.
45. ~i. en bid cpeninq for SLLeet ~UY........1t Projects, Projects 86-09,
81-27A, 81-27B, 86-11, and award of .......LLaet.
It was DX:III8d by came. Plun:y, seocn:Jed by came. Johnsen and P"'~"- 4-0
to reject bids for Project 86-09; to award Project 81-27A to Hogue for
$76,590.71 and to authorize a c:art:in;¡ency far a total of $83,600 and
authorize ðkAl~iatien of $24,600 fraJa the Minor 1b!Id ~UY_rt: ~;
to award Project 81-27B to Hogue in the aJIØII1t of $54,412.61 and authorize
a c:art:in;¡ency for a total aJIØII1t of $59,500; to reject bids for Project
86-11, direct staff to """"'ii'y plans and readvertise.
46. 0tnIideraticn of æoeudlD811t to bicycle ard1nance.
Ca) Fimt :t'8I!Iding of Ordinance No. 1381: "An ~ of the City
of 0Jpertin0 Amendin¡ Q1apter ll.O8, Bicycles, of the Ømicipal
COde. "
It was DX:III8d by came. Plun:y, SéOO6àJed. by came. Gatto and peI~-ed 4-0 to
read Ordinance No. 1381 by title cn1.y and the City Clerk's readinq to
cnlStitute the first readinJ thereof.
By c:xmsensus, a:uncil directed that the Public safety l'rwmIi....ia1 look at a
bicycle eduœt.icI'I ~~CUI"
47. Calsiderati.en of an w.~"'1 0I.'dinar0e to revised ~ No. 1286 re
merger of parcels.
MI1I11ES OF '!HE JULY 7, 1986 Cl'lY CXXJNCIL !u:;t;.l'.L!'C (œ-698)
47. (a) U.L"""'....y Ordinance No. 1382: "An 0rdh1ance of \:he city of
01pertin0 A1IIerIdirg Article 5 of Title 18 (SUbdivisi\.'l1S) of the
City's Ordinance Cbie A1IIerIdirg section 18-1.1001 to Expan:l the
Criteria for ....".... of Parcels to Brin;J Said Article into
~l ianœ with Sectia1 66451.10 Et. Seq. of the califamia
GaIr...........«. COde am Dec1arin;J the lli'Jê1lCY 'Ibereof."
It was JDCIY8Cl by came. Plurçy, seoc:n3ed by came. Gatto am paS'eed 4-0 to
read 0J:dinance No. 1382 by title aù.yam the city Clerk's readinq to
oaJStitute the readin;J thereof.
It was JDCIY8Cl by came. Gatto, seocn:1ed by came. Jåmson am pae~ 4-0 to
enact U..."""'....y 0J:dinance No. 1382.
48. AdqJt.ia1 of resolutiCl1s pertaininq to personnel (request clœ"""
sœsial) .
(a) Reso1uticn No. 6888: "A Reso1uticn of the city CQmcil of the
City of 01pertin0 Estab1ishin;J !':Abries for Positicns not within
a SCbedule of Pay Gpt"--."
(b) Rnoluticn No. 6889: "A BssoJ.uticn of the city CQmcil of the
City of OJpertino},du' dn¡ a Mem:Jran:hmI of T.Jrœrstan:lliq Betuun
the City of 0Jpertirr, j the 0Jpertin0 Ellployees Assodaticn."
(c) :RæoJ.uticn No. 6890: "A Resaluticn of the city CQmcil of the
City of 0Jpertin0 AdqJtiDJ a Mem:Jran:hmI of t.JOOerstarñinq Be.t:t'¡~T,
the City of 0Jpertin0 am the Operatirq En:Jineer's I.ocal No.3."
(d) ResoJ.uticn No. 6891: "A Resaluticn of the City camcil of the
City of 0Jpertin0 A1Derñin:¡ the ~.=welít 0 .''1. -msation PLu,µ......."
(e) ResoJ.uticn No. 6892:
City of 0Jpertin0
Eaployment. "
"A Resoluticn of the city camcil of the
A1Dendirq the Rules on CDñiticns of
(f) ßesaluticn No. 6893:
City of 0Jpertin0
~~aw.. "
"A Res:J.uticn of the city camcil of the
A1œrñin:J the CC8'1fidentia1 o..,.ensaticn
--us rni:Ùuticns will be ñi!IInJSnd in closed session.
50. ~k1 readin;J of Ordinan::e No. 1377: "An Ordinance of the City of
0Jpertin0 Amerxiinq section 10.52.070 of the o¡pertino Rmicipal Code
Regulatirq the Distrib1tion of cœmercia1 1\dvertisinJ."
MIWmS OF 'mE JUU 7, 1986 CITY CXXJNCIL hai.1'.uG (cc-698)
It was 1ŒJY81 by Ckm::. PlurY;W I sec:xI1.Bi by CQIrx:. Gatto arñ pae....rJ 4-0 to
read orð1nance No. 1377 by title only am the Mayor's readinJ 0CI1Stitut:e
the ---..d rædin;J thereof.
It was D:MiId by ctIunC. Plun;w, secc:r1ded by C1oI.IB:. Gatto am paseed 4-0 to
enact ordimnce No. 1377.
51. Na1e.
JDl-1oGami\ EIJSINæS
52. Reo ()<]Idtia1 by Mayor of speci...1 requests.
(a) General Audience - Na1e.
(b) City CaIrcll.
Mayor Rogers requested'1 reg¡mi:in;J oaIplaints received
pertajnjn¡ to H::bil statien, requested staff look at the signal at Finål
am the signal at J:tIrta1 and stevens Creek, am requested that statf
pl~ a letter far her signature to Elwood Jàmsa1 regardin;J CPR
t:rainiJx¡ .
ctIunC. Jåm Gatto requested that the Energy n-nwn4....1en lock at poss:ib1e
grant fundirq far el-=~:l io'L~CIIID.
It was D:MiId by ctIunC. Gatto, secc:r1ded by C1oI.IB:. Plun;w and p"'....ed 4-0 to
ratify the Policy Advisory :ecam's reo::- ····...r,datiat re state IÞlte 85
'1Dnspartatia1 0:Irrid0r.
(c) staff - Na1e.
'Ihe City Attamsy ar1I'DJI'ICed that a closed sessien wculd be held far the
follcwin;J matters:
(a) Pet.....lld.
(b) JQr;r,i-1tia1 of the parcel en1drlch Barclay's Bank is located.
(c) A garage at stevens Creek Boulevard.
(d) 'Ihe 1-- negctiaticnI far the +-''1' ~ø:ry facilities far City Hall.
At U:OO p.m., the meet.Jn:¡ was adjœmed to a closed sess!en in the
O:mfàL'III.... Rcca.
At 12:30 a.m., 'I'----:lay, JUly 8, 1986, C1oI.IB:il reo:mvened in council
Q\.-....I .er .
MINt7IES OF '!HE JULY 7, 1986 CI'lY CXXJNCIL hta::!..u«; (0:-698)
H>IL <::AU,
01mc. PoL S _IL:
Gatto, Jå1nscn, PlUJ'JW, Mayor Rogers
Came. Absent:
staff P.t. S 1L:
C".ty Manager Quinlan
City Cleñt ~1I.dius
City Att:amey Kilian
T....... r~Uatia1S for City Hall - It was moved by counc. PlUJ'JW, seconded
by Came. Gatto arñ P"'''eed 4-0 to authorize staff to l'D:JUUate arñ sign
for ~-'1. oOikaJ:y City Hall facilities 1n Tcwn Center at the rate of $1. ns per
sq. ft. as tot:al rent with no _LLaS, per ~......... as di..,..,1Ssed.
Garage en stevens Creek Ba1levard - It was moved by counc. Jå1nscn,
SéCu.dt.d by Came. Gatto and l"""'S'ed 4-0 to aut:horize the amcmrt: of $25,000
plus the provisien of .sLLe..t ~ for DIC:IVirx¡ the garage en stevens
Creek Ba1levard near B1ar rap Drive.
Barclay's Bank - It was moved by 01mc. Gatto, seocn:ied by 01mc. Jàlnsa1
an:i I"""'OOd. 4-0 to ðt¥L"¥>late up to $295,000 £ran the General E\mi as
payment for "cure" for Barclay's Bank.
It was moved by 01mc. Gatto, sec:aàJl.d by Came. Johnsen arñ p'....ed 4-0 to
~L ReEiQluticn Nos. 6889, 6890, 6891, 6892 an:i 6893 arñ to adqrt;
Resoluticn No. 6888 with an at ~laxy increase for the City Manager with
the flexibility that this æamt: 'ræt';/ be applied anywhere 1n his tot:al
I"""1r.ogP; with a 6% ....b'tY:inc:rease for ~..l..uo::aìt heads plus 2-1/2% for
the Director of Finance; a 6% increase 1n the City Att:amey's ba.coe salary
an:i a $5 per haIr :inc:rease for ather services.
At 12:35 a.m., Camcil adjanned.