CC 07-21-86
10300 ~ AVC!n.3e, ~, 0. 95014
Tele¡ila1e: (408) 252-4505
HEm Cfi JUIN 21, 1986 IN 'lBB CXDfCIL aJAMBER,
C1'lY HAIL, aJPERrnÐ, <::AI.tPœNIA
'!he meetin¡ was called to order by Mayor ~~ at 6:50 p.m. in the
0Cuncil Q-,A..¡ .el.
Came. :'?resent:
Gatto, Jåmsa1, Plurx.w, Sparks, Mayor Rogers
staff Present.:
City Manager Quinlan
City ClezX Ccm1elius
Director of Public b'Jœ Viskcvich
Director of Finance Snyder
Director of Parks and ~ _l.1a1 DcJwlinr¡
Assistant to the City Manager Btam
Assistant Planninr¡ Dixectar Piasec1d.
l"rnoNtrù.ty Relatia1s Officer Scurich
Planner I B:innendyk
City Attamey Kilian (7:00 p.m.)
~ AND NEB ~ l'I!æ
It was JJDYeCi by Cb.n::. Gatto, seccnk!d by Came. Pluny and P"'-'!Id
unan:I.maJs1y to remove Items 28, 39 and 47 and ocntin1e ItEmI 42 and 29 to
August 4, 1986.
0Cuncil direct:ect that staff return within the next l'Y!I1ple of 1DCIJt:hs with a
r~ L reganiinr¡ zaúrq and n-mpliance to that zaúrq in the Rm:iy
I.ane,IIany Way area.
Prn"-J-ticn dec1arinr¡ SUrday, August 3, 1986 as Pl1bJic ~ety sunday in
the City of Qpertino.
Mayor Rogé£s i'L s _1Led the proc:lamaticn to Dick 'Ihaxtcn of Oe.ü Fire
Protecticn District.
S'mFF ~::;
1. Oral reports by staff """"¡ers and F),hniqicn of written .L""i'ULls.
mNUl'm OF 'mE JUIX 21, ).g86 cr1'i cmNCIL mrŒ (œ-699)
City Manaaer's Re..u.. t
Q:st of Debt Taaue - D1 reviewirx] this with the city Ccuncil, Directar of
Finance snyder pointed out that the camty ocntriJJutia'1 for the libraxy
had not been taken into OCI'ISideratiœ.
(city Clerk's Note: city Attorney Kilian arrived at 7:00 p.m.)
City Clerk's Re...o..t.
It was mcved by came. Gatto, seoc:nBi by came. Plungy and pas'l!'ed
\.II'IéIJÜJJD]sy to adqIt Resoluticn No. 6915, "A Resoluticn of the City
Cooneil of the city of Q]pertino Set.tin¡ T.ime and Place of hearing for
Consideratia'1 of ~t. and 1\ List of Abate_.ut. of IT ~'" Decland
to be a PUblic NUisance."
2. Treasurer's & aJdget Riepo..t. - J\me, 1986
camcl1 received the 1"¥4t..
3. Mayor Rogers requested a c::ban:1e in the date for the study sessiœ with
the Golden Triargle Task Force.
By ocnsensus, Ccuncil directed that the;J be ~ to the week of
1wgust il, bIt not a Friday night.
camcl1 requested that the staff rl!!p01:t for that¡ äe1:h.: te the ie~Je
of hcii miwod uses wculd be hardled.
cx:tmNl' ~
(It is requested that Items 8 through 26 be acted œ siDultaneoosly tmless
~te ili......1SSia'1 and/or act:.iœ is requested.)
Coone. Gatto removed Item 10.
It was mcved by came. Jc:imsa1, SéCCo.::]",d by came. Plungy and r=-aaed
unanimcusly to adqIt the balance of the ca_ .tt. calerñar with sect.ia1
9. (b) of Resoluticn No. 6901 æJIeJ'ded to read, ". . . Deputy city Attorney
am other attorneys of the law firm . . . "
8. Erxkn:SE&ui:&.t. of $2,427 for case ~."",.l W:n:ker at the senior
rnm.trù.ty Center.
9. Resolutia'1 No. 6901: "A Resolutiœ of the city cameil of the city of
Q]pertino Amerxlin:] Resolution No. 6641, city Attorney's 0 .,\.e:nsatiœ."
MINt1m) OF '!HE JUIH 21, 1986 CI'lY CXXJNCIL J'II:J::.1'.LI'I; (00-699)
11. Resolutia1 No. 6913: "A Resolutia1 of the City cnmcil of the city
of QJpert1no ARn'ov1n;r o:ntract 01ange order No. 1 far stevens Canya1
Road Wic1enin] at san JUan Road, Project 83-06."
12. Claim of Leo Biandrl, Victor Rink, Marcia Bianårl. VB. city of
13. Resolutial No. 6902: "A Resolutien of the city cnmcil of the city of Allowing Certain C'....i...... am Demands Payable in the Amamts
am FraIl the nuv..::a as HereJnatter Described for GeneJ:al and
Misce11anecus Expelxiitures far the Period Endin:¡ JUne 27, 1986."
14. Resolutien No. 6903: "A Resolutial of the city Oamcil of the city of Allowing Certain C']..i...... am Demands Payable in the Amamts
am fran thb !\D'x!s as Hereinafter IJescr:iJJed far Salaries am wages far
the Payroll Perioci Endin:¡ J\ùy 8, 1986."
15. A¡:prcval of grant reo ····-.ded by the Cable Televisim J\dviso1:y
I'hnrni ttee.
16. Resolutien No. 6904: "A Resolutial of the city cnmcil of the city of ApprcJvin¡ Destruc:tiem of Certain Reoonls."
17. Resolutien No. 6906: "A Resolutia1 of the city Oamcil of the city of ApprcJvin¡ Final Plan far the I1IpraIrement of Frontage Located
em aIbb Road; Develc:per, James H. Sisk7 Authorizin:J the city Erçineer
to Sign the Final Plan7 am Authorizin:J Executiem of Ap.~lL in
co,........tien 'Iherewith"
18. I'ssolutiem No. 6907: "A Resolutial of the city cnmcil of the city of Acceptirq Grant of b~·tL far Rœdway Pmpœes ~ Eva
Tt'l1i.... Wassat, :He%Dert W. Regnart, am Mae S. Regnart."
19. Resolutial No. 6908: "A Resolutien of the city cnmcil of the City of ~L.1n} a Grant of far PUblic utilities ~ Eva
Tt'l1i.... To1asscn, }JA'" ert; w. Regnart, am Mae S. Regnart7 Located en aöJ
Read. "
20. Resolutial No. 6909: "A Resolutien of the city cnmcil of the city of Acceptirq a Grant of b--. tt far PUblic utilities ~
RiI:iJert D. Kelly, Iois P. Kelly, Dmte Salera, am:Ruth S. Salera7
Located en South DeAnza Bculevam."
21. Resolutien No. 6910: "A Resolutien of the city Oamcil of the city of Acceptin] a Grant of b-.......t far PUblic utilities ~
Alice P. Siegrist Located en South DeAnza Bculevam."
MINt1.ŒS OF '!HE JULY 21, 1986 Cl'lY CXXJNCIL )Ju;J.'.uG (cx:-699)
22. Reøt'luticl1 No. 6911: "A Re8Qluticl1 of the city 0cuncJJ. of the city of
0Jpert1n0 ApproYin;J Final Plan far the ~'-'Y_.L of 7J:a1tagø I.ocated
en Miller AV8I'IJ8; Developer, RMD JlnoC'iates I, A california Limited
Partnership; Autharizirq the City ED¡ineer to Sign the Pinal Plan; am
AuthorizinJ Execut:.icn of ~~1l in a....-..'ticn 'Iheœwith."
23. ~!Ø~uticI1 No. 6912: "A Rescluticl1 of the city Ocxmcil of the city of
0Jpert.in0 ~ Agr~1l far the ~'-'Y_.t. of SL...eet Fra1tage
en san Felipe Rœd at Mel.~·- Rœd; Developer, D. Shœ:8; am
Autharizirq Execut:.icn of Agr - -·.L in a:...-..'"ticn '1berewith."
24. Acx."I'l.aD:e of œmicipal iDprovements:
stelJ.ÜJj Rœd.
Tract No. 7738, BAS HaDes,
(No'...l.irq -ro1llWl1ts requhed.)
25. Resolutien No. 6914: "A Resolutien of the city OJuncil of the City of
0Jpert.in0 A1œrñin:.J Rœoluticl1 No. 6881 sett:irg Date of Public Hearin¡
far Ccnsideraticn of Reorganizaticn Designated 'El ca:mino Hcspital
26. MiJ'I1tes of the regular Jœetirg of J\1ly 7, 1986 (cc-698).
vote·~s of the City OJuncil
AYES: Gatto, Jc:hrJSCl'1, Plungy, Spæ:ks, ~et:s
NOES: Ncne
ABSm.r: Ncne
10. Maim far i.memnity am relief filed en behalf of Vemcn Frank Garcia.
It was mved by 0:Amc. Gatto, secc:n:1ed by 0:Amc. Jàmscn am p"nd
unarrlmcus1y to deny the t'!1..i1ll.
27. Ifo..·J....... of the ..,,;Hence regardinq matters not en the aget-m - Ncne.
28. App1.icaticn 3-Z-86 of I)]ane walstrc::a - Rezarln¡ fraD. Al-43 to !U
(Residential, Sirqle-family) am EnvircnDenta1 Review: '.lbe plarJniIç
0--4 -!en rec> ····-1Jds the grëU1tin¡ of a Negativa ~1"ratien. '!be
"...~Li' is located en the west side of Rardy lane, ~wi-tely 250
ft. north of Merritt Aveme (10557 Rardy lane). Rec. ··..-rded far
MINUl'ES OF '!HE JUIH 21, 1986 CI'l"l CXXJNCIL hŒ¡·.uG (00-699)
~9. (a) "fim:. ~ of ~ No. 13,g~ It~ 0tdirMœ of the City
of 0Jpert1n0 A1IIen1inq section 1 of ~ No. 2 by Reza1in}
Pì......Li' trail Al-43 Za1e to Rl Za1e; located en the west Side of
Rmñy lane, J\wL...n1NOtely 250 Ft. North of Merritt Avenue (10557
Rmñy Lane)."
29. ~1 of;J l'rnImi_icn's ccniiticm of çpraval requ.i.rin]
œci I" ......J. a~" for A¡p1ic:aticn 12-U-86 am request for
I"A41I1h.IL-.uoa1t of ~licatien fee, filed by Gary stokes on behalf of
SIlo¡ Doct:ar.
Previously CXI1I:irIJed to ~ 4, 1986.
30. Ccndderatien of vacatien of a portien of the east side of East
Fstates Drive.
(a) Resolut.ia1 No. 6905: "A Resolut.ia1 of the City coonci1 of the
City of 0Jpert1n0 Ord81:in¡ vacaticn of a PCrtien of East Fstates
Drive as Provided in ~ec::t:ia1 8320 Et Seq. of the SL......."ts and
Highways 0x3e of the S\:ate of Califomia, Retainin;J it as a
Public utility FJo~tt.."
Director of Public Works Viskcvich :reviewed the pu.¥osed vacation with
It was mved by oounc. Johnscm, seocnSed by oounc. Gatto am pa~...".:
\II'IaJÚJJO]s].y to close the p.¡blic hearin;J.
It was mved by oounc. Jåmsa1, ~.Jéd by oounc. Gatto and pa"'~
\II'IaJÚJJO]s].y to ae'Jt...,,¡L Resolut.ia1 No. 6905.
31. A¡:p1icat.1at n-u-B6 of wn,.¡- ç:¡-- and a....,.,..tates «("..-vY'I) - Use
Pemit to ........L...ùCt a 2,400 sq. ft. additicn to an exitin¡ :retail
l".nnrH'¥J am Ð1vircnœnta1 Rsviøor: 'Iha project is cat...J:.rically
e:--·l·t, hence no envira1ment:a1 acticn is J1«œeary. 'Iha project is
located en the north side of stevens creek Boulevard, be.tiJInn said1
Way am Bardley Drive. Re(> ····-rðed for ClKlLoval.
Assistant Plamlin¡ Dùect:.or pi......,.~ œviewed the 8RÙicaticn with
Irva1 Clear, project erqineer, stated that the bus è was a major
i -œ. He said that it waùd be no prå)lem to reduce the of blue
in the color sc:Nme am pointed out that the bl~te color scheme
l:~ sntted the œw imagp of ("-..r'Y\. He also stated that he felt the
~ for the roof equi......,.,t was JIIJCh better am requested that
Ccunc:il ðwLU'/8 tlús.
MINt1I'ES OF '!HE JULY 21, 1986 CITY CXXJNCIL kt;t;J.'.uC (00-699)
5cxJtt HIltz, aràù.tect far (".-..rot:), ðdr;h,---,! Camci1 regaxdin;J lan3Gcaping
am the bJs duc:kr::ut.
'!he City Attorney ~E'Jœd if the City were to use its powers of EIIIinm1t:
""'-i", is ~ in the pcsitien to pay the cost.
Disn'9&iat follCJWleà rer;¡ardin;J the pi\.yJst!d brlldirq am its colors.
various suggest.icns were made regardin¡ the pL' ~s9d b¡s duckcuts.
It was Jlø;-ed by Cbmc. Gatto, sec:::a1ded by Came. Plun:y am P"""-
unalÚJJICQI1y to GWLuv'8 A¡plicatiat ll-u-a6 per P1.annin¡ thnfti....icn
Resolutia1 No. 2821, ccniitiat 13, 2IIIIØ1'ded to stats that the blue tile is
restricted to the t...a¡.eoidal brlldirq ent%y area. '!he remainin¡ portiat
of the tL...ìl entrance cancpy shall use a ~It plaster (stuooo) finish
painted an off-white (grey ar beige tone) to match the colar of the
brlldirq. 'Ihe reveal JIJ2tIf be blue.
ccniitien No. 2 is 2IIIIØ1'ded to state that the pL'-'}'I"L l)' owner shall provide
a P'~- t....lan s4A-....,]k ~--·íl to enable ph, -~,1't of a b¡s turn-<:ut en
stevens c::œeJc Boulevard as shain en Exhibit c 1st Revisien to be located
in the pl1~lic ", right of way. Installatien of the b¡s turn-<:ut shall
not be recJili:ed at this time.
staff was directed to d1ec:k with the Transit Authority regaxãin:J their
plans far any re-nutin:l ot Þ1S_ in that area. '!here is to be 1X)]:us
dediœtiat en Saiå1. City Manager Quinlan also su;¡gested that the "stq)"
area (red zcne) oculd be ~.
ccniitiat 7 shall state that the 8R)licant shall replace existin;J roof
equipuè&4. ......._8 with metal louvered sa ""TS painted to match the
brlldirq colar.
32. A¡plicat:ic::n l5-U-86 of 'Ib:nnIood 1aØQC"iates - Use Pemit to ~be a
2,100 sq. ft. Chinese Restaurant servirg beer and wine and
EnviJ:tnJJental Review: '!he project is categorically e:--·t'l, hence IX)
enviraIaenta1 act.ia1 is J'IeO"'"'a_'J:y. 'Ihe project is located at the
SQ1theast OCI1:ìJa.l' of Haœstead Read am stellirq Read. Reco ····...,Ided far
Assistant P1.annin¡ Dizector Piasec:Jd reviewed the pL~l with Camci1.
Ca.1nc:il di...........- the possibility of an ent:rance tn:ð.'boe11t far the rear of
the hni1di'11 to enccurage use of that partien of the parkin:J lot.
It was JIICIIIed. by Came. Gatto, sec:::a1ded by Can'IC. Sparks and I"""~-9d
unalÚJJICQI1y to a¡:proye A¡pliœtien l5-U-86 per Pla1'1lÚn] thnfti
Resolutia1 No. 2822 with the aà:U.tien of ccniitien No. 7 directinq that an
entrance treatment (canc:pf, signs, ate.) be dP.velqøi far the rear
entrance of the brl1dirq. '!his treatJlleut shall be sent to ASN: far an
informal review.
KINl1I'E9 OF 'DŒ.JUU 21, 1986 CIT'l cmNCIL Mœl'nG (00-699)
33. ~ 20-u-86 of st---;:n Dsv8l~1t. ...œ:~Atien - Master Use
Femit to establish allowed uses for the existin¡ oaks Slx:.gdnq center
and ~ RIIview: 'Ihe Plar1rÜDJ n--4....tœ rec. ....-<1 œ the
grantiø¡ or Ii Nt.qative Declarat.ia1. '!be oaks Shqpin;J center is
located ca the north side of stevens Creek Bculevam, bc:aJRBi by Mary
Avena and B1gb.¡ay 85. R$(. ....-œd for COWLuŸcÙ.
Assistant Pl.-.ùn¡ Director Piasecki reviewed the Master Use ~t with
Jim Jac'Jœrw1 ~....... s d...lDJ the applicant ~us .tted a parkin:¡ study to
council. ø. stated that the ~in:¡ center will be z:....tdpin;J its
pæ:idn¡ lot. PJmdrg~ aœ :resultin:¡ f:t:aII Flint center and
thm:efore it is not fair to :t....L...ict the me:t:å1ants. O"'~11S........ --XI
wem hams car qmatia1, use limitatien and fUture pæ:idn¡ prå)lEIIEI. He
stated that t!Ia City can resœ:ve the right to :review the use pø
It was 1IICI.8Il by O:unc. Jàu1sa1, seoc::med by Counc. Gatto and
unanimc:œly to ""K'I-U'/8 the gz:antirg of a Negative Decla:t:atien.
It was DICIII8It by O:unc. Jàu1sa1, seoc::med by Counc. Gatto and pa~"ed
unanimc:œly ~ COWLU'/8 A¡plicatien 20-u-86 per PlarIJ'rlrq thnmi ....ten
Resolut1cn ~ 2823 with various cxnllticnl amended to œad as follows:
IbmI ~ ~ shall be limited f:t:aII 6:00 a.m. to midnight for
z:etai1 .. 1...., and 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. for restaurants. "Sit-down"
~ within the center aœ J?"""""itted a """vi1ll1lll of 20,400 sq.
ft. and . .....,yJ1II1IB of of 800 total seats. A minor adj\ao........Jt in
~ size JIIIi!IY be pø......itted 1ot1en it is deaxr.:oL...4ted. that the
total is not..... ~irq the above ra""""m. No danci.rq, entertainment
or live -ie is PØ""itted. 'Ihe repl~('''''......1t. z:estaurant for the f'n ........
samp~ 1....l1dirq JIIIi!IY cx:ntinue to have a separate bar facility net to
exl:u.a tIIa seatin;J of the f,n ..-... bar. 'Iheatem aœ limited to 11,000 sq. ft. of b.i1dirq area and a ""","1111111 of 900
5. iõ'lm...... PIIDtM rn 1:IrYoJh 1.......
In the.J _.L of fUtm'e parkin:¡ prå:ùems caused by a deficit in parld.n¡
spaoe<" tQ ccver uses in the Oaks Center, the plarIJ'rlrq o---I....tcn
resBr\18S 1:be right to hold a p¡blie hearin:¡ at arr.¡ time to review this
use 1-· .~t and to i'V"""" """'''':a:es to :mitigate the prå:ùEIIEI. ~les
of saae car the .......czures whid1 may be i"{<sad aœ as follows:
a. Ch._ h-e an eaployee car poolirç¡'v¡m poolin:¡ ~""'¡laltl.
b. Reo:· ,figure the parkin:¡ arral~·""1t. to increase parkin:¡ yield,
IX iIx:ludi.rg mdificaticnl of cmb and driveway islams.
c. Limi~ fUtm'e uses to low traffic generatin:¡ 0 ··.....rcial uses or
uses 104rlc:h do not attract cust.aDers durin:¡ periods ~c:h are
'¡~'k:t..ed by ex.: "ive parkin:] demarxi.
MIM1.ŒS OF mE JTJI}[ 21, 1986 CI'lY CDH::IL )u:;¡:;.1'.u.G (cx::-699)
d. Mjust uses, 1:hrcuJh attriticm, to less intensive uses or uses
Wiå1 do not .".......cite activity durin:J iDpIcted periods.
e. Modify existirq uses upon expiratia\ of their ]....-9£1 to decr8a8e
activity durin¡ iDpK:ted periods.
f. ~L..lctin:J hems of future ]....-es.
Shculd a dance floor or live lIIJSic be requested, this wcW.d involve a
hearin; to revise the use pemit.
34. A¡:p1icatien 12-U-84 am 7-'DH14 of HW am A/;J'"<X"iates - Modify an
exist:1n;J use P'"'""it am tentative map to P'"'""it the payment of a fee
in lieu of provic'ijn;J bel~ rate units am EnviramIental
Review: '!be project is categarically Øo_.~,t, hence no envircrøaent:al
ac:ticn is nEK'SSeary. '!be project is located en the south side of
Olive Avenue between IDperial Avenue am ~""""-1a Avenue. Reo .....-¡ded
for a¡;proval.
35. Applicatien 18-U-84 of 0Jpertin0 city center þ....,.,...iates - Modify an
exist:1n;J use p"'nnit to pønnit the payment of a fee in lieu of
provic'ijn;J below-market rate units am Envira1mental Review: '!be
project is categcriœlly e--·, ,l, hence no envira1mental acti.a1 is
ne<"""'aary. '!be project is located en the SCAltheast cœ:uer of stevens
creek Bc:W.evard and DeAnza Bc:W.evard. Reo ····-dad for a¡;proval.
Assistant P1.annin¡ Di.rec:tar Piasecki am Planner I Binnerñyk reviewed the
14~1A and f........'1as used with cc.mcil.
MazX KJ:oll, 0Jpertin0 city center :a~tates, stated that the matter s- ,...
to center aver ~tia1S. He gave a :r:éCð;) of the histo:r:y of city
center devel'¥'""ltt. He said that cw' he is havin:¡ difficulty
gettjn¡ firlanc:iJJ¡ for apartments, ani the office brlldin;¡s a:r:e subsidizin:¡
them right J'IC!rI. He 14' ~s'9d that oc:nli.der faUness. He felt a
hcusin:¡ 14~CIIII for seniors was warthwhile and wcW.d be wil1.iJJ¡ to pay a
:r:eascnable fee, or pe:r:haps the city wcW.d c:ha:r:ge no fee and raise the
oc::œt:mcti.a1 tax. He also ~",_--œd that OOIùd be taken frc:m the
hotel tax. He ~_egd the opinicn that the rw1llll-1ers shewn en the statf
.L"¥J.Lt were \D'Ifair.
Hilda Wcn¡, developer, said that she did not take her 1:xn.Js density
~...... of neighbothood oc:I1OemS. She stated she has a .......11 project and
would like an in-lieu fee rather than a Elm unit. She:r:eqJeSted a quick
~icn frc:m cc.mcil. ~i,",",,1P~ the difft:.L....ce.. betwnn owner
oocupied units and :r:ental units in regard to an in-lieu fee.
It was mcved by Counc. Gatto, sec:xn3ed by Counc. Jåu1sa1 and paeseð
unaniJŒ:Jusly to ~U'18 ~licaticn 12-U-84 per P1.annin¡ n-0m04....icn
Resolutien No. 2824 ameuded to state that the in-lieu fee shall be
$12,700 am the pa:r:k dedicatien fees for the Elm equivalent shall
ccntinJe to be waived. '!he fees shall be paid within cne year fraI1 this
date of ~ or Wen the unit sells, Wichever 0"- first.
MnImS or 'lH! JUU{ 21, 1986 CI'IY CXXH:IL hu;J..J.JG (00-699)
It. wu wntd ØJ ~. G&, tIIC.CI'd1d by QIre. Jcmœ an1 pilII«'
~y to ............... ~ 7~ per PlaminÇJ o--4_i.a1
Resc¡utim No. 2825 aJD8Z1ded to state the amr:mtt of the 1n-l1eu fee IIhall
be $12,700 1IIU.c:h shall be paid upa1 sale of the unit or œe year f%aa this
data of appz:tMÙ, ~ 01.- first.
It was JIII:MId by CDmc. Plm:w, secct'Ided by CDmc. JåJœa\ ani P''-'Bd with
CDmc. SpuD ;14-- l£tJnq to ............... ~ 18-u-84 per PJ.annin;J
n--4-1"t\ nesolutia\ No. 2826 aJD8Z1ded to state that the IJ!R 1n-lial fee
will be $121,800 with the park dedicaticn for the IJ!R ecpival81t waived.
It was .wed by CDmc. Plm:w, seoonded by CDmc. JIl.-.... ani defeated
with ~n1l_.i....~. Gatto, Sparks ani~. ;14- tlinq, that the 1n-lial
fee shall be 1IIIIde in Ø'lUl1 q.mrterly payIB1ts aver a t:wo-year period
st:artirg with the 4-Ul'1C8 of the OOC'1['"'nCY P""""'4t, this to be secIJrIIId by
a ~-.,t a¡:praved by the City Attomey.
It was JIII:MId by CDmc. Gatto, secx:rœd by CDmc. Johnsa\ ani pae~ with
CDmc. Plm:w ~4 --; that the payIB1ts shall be 1IIIIde in equal
quarterly amcunts aver a ~ period ':- ....-clD;J with the isS'UI'1C8 of
the 1YY"11pelICy P""""'4t am secured by a ~-'1t appz:OY8d by the City
Attamey .
36. Na1e.
37. RIepoI.t m stevens Cðnya\ Road PC!p"'h· project.
Dimctar of PnbHt! 1Lð.. visJcrNiàl pllS .Me! the l..........L to CDmcil.
eIt was IICII8d by CDmc. Johnsa\, Ire :.:ud.:l by Q:u1c. Gatto am p'....'Bd
unanimcus1.y to D'IIICJ\/8 this project faD the capital ~UY_lt P.t."':f'0III
am to diœct staff to 1JD1itar the area CNer the next 00'1p1e of years.
CDmcil a¡:praved an averlay project for the area am c1Uected staff to
oa1tact the Fede1::al Ðuergency MaJ"e<~_.-d. 1qli1ø::y to see if ðrfI ""'Gllt memes
are ayAn..hl.e for the averlay. CDmcil directed staff to ~1~ t!m:u;Jh
with the averlay ...,., if grant D:I' are net ayA41Ahle.
38. Reoh'_'-'~ f%aa the Parks am Recr:eatiat n--4-im regardiD¡
LiJda Vista Park project.
It was JIJCM!d by Q:Iunc. Spmiœ, seoollded by Q:Iunc. Gatto am ~--
unanimcusly to Award the to Shooter , art;ts as fo11<7-'B: Base Bicl
- $409,3271 Altexnative 1 - $39,9701 Altemative 2- $10,995 for a total of
$460,292. Appro\I8 an amamt of $97,000 for aråú.tactuxal fees, sanitæ.y
fees am CXI1tingenc:y, for a tat:al project ocst of $557,300. Appro\I8 an
additia1aJ. a¡ of $182,300 fJ:aD the Park D<oð4catim :rum am
rr=fi'...... tJudgeted $375,000 General :rum mcni. with Park [)eiI4catim :rum
MINUl'fS OF '!HE JUVl 21, 1986 CI'IY axJNCIL m;J.',U«; (cc-699)
39. Q\-n.l.e:r ot 0 _._._r ôê ,toM- a ulatiat of "Sbc:Jp Q.Jpertino" }oU.Ui:JLð1ô.
Pr8ViaJs1y l'E!IIrJVed.
40. ~t en bid c:pnin;Js for stevens creek Bculevcu:d/stel1ing' Road
~uv""""'1ls, Project 85-03, am for stelling' Read JoWI.....11 am
~~irq InstallatJ.';" Project 84-01, am awanl of ......íl.LëSCt.
It was 1JICIIed by Qu1c. Gatto, secarà!d by Qu1c. Sparks am passeð
\.II'IaIÚJJIOOSy to awanl the projects to Co11ishaw Canstruct:.ia1 for $209,724
am to '"WL\Ñ8 a 0CI1tingency of $20,276 for a total of $230,000.
41. ~l en bid c:penin:J for stevens creek BcW.evaJ:d bprovement (Project
82-17) am Foothill BcW.evaJ:d ~Luvemellts (Project 80-09) am award
of ......tL.dCt.
It was 1JICIIed by Qu1c. Sparks, secarà!d by cmœ. P1un;w am P'''sed with
Qu1ci '"_.J oétd Sparks am Gatto dissent:in¡ to award the CXIIIbined stevens
creek am Foothill projects to Piazza in the amc:m1t of $1,045,567, to
delete Item No. 109, Moisture Barrier, in the amc:m1t of $33,875 for a net
......,LLaCt amount of $1,011,692, to '"WL"'J:'Llate $99,540 frail the water
utility I\1rñ am $81,090 frcm the Master stœ:m Drain 1\1rñ, to authorize a
7% ~ of $70,000, to authorized $93,000 for En]ineerinq am
staJdn;J, to authorize staff to i'L":-H:1 with the bidding' i'L'œee for the
~~ing' portiam of the projects with an additional ~~iation to
be made at the time of award of ",-",LLaCt estimated to be $250,000, am to
waive the irre;Ju1arity in the bid.
42. Applicatials 18-tJ-84 am lSJ1H-84 of Praaetheus DevelV}oOllCl1t ~ny
(0Jpertin0 City Q!nter AsC!QC"iates) - Request for park dedicatien
credit for PraDetheus Devel~1l apartment oc.up1ex in City Q!nter.
Previcus1y CCI'1t.inJed to August 4, 1986.
43. Referral frcm City of santa Clara for Grosvenor International
l'JIo1 Hanù.a, Ltd.
It was 1JICIIed by Qu1c. Plun;w, secarà!d by Qu1c. Gatto am paP"'9d
\.II'IaIÚJJIOOSy to direct staff to limit its respa1S8 to diQt"J1~9icn aba1t the
need for a joint aooeE''3' plan.
44. i\-.,.)¡,ð%Y pmnit (1'".-"",.,) - Elct:ensicn of their t:.enporary tent pemit.
It was 1JICIIed by COOD:. Plun;w, secc:nBl by Qu1c. Sparks am paps'9d
urard1lW''.l1sly to '"WL\Ñ8 a three JIICI'1th extension to expire sept:eDiJer 21,
1996. CDmcil requested that staff d1eck en t~''1<>Iary trailers CI.Al.Lè\ttly
being' used at 1'".-"",.,.
'!he fo11owirq items were referred by Mayor BartJara A. Rogers:
HIlI1œ OF næ JUIJi 21, 1986 CITY a:uaL ~ (a:-699)
45. Annotatia1s of :rev- ····...oœtia1s of the Ib1te 85 Policy J\dvisozy Board.
It was lIICJII8d by 0CUnc. Gatto, seconded by 0CUnc. Jåmsa\ and pell!løed
unanbøJs1y to GK'Lu-.'8 tbat a letter be sent to the Policy aœm and
Caltrans ratifyin¡ the Board's reo····...1datia1s and ðrólh:~ ocuoems for in::1\Xiin;J the followin¡:
(1) ccœtrur.:::t.i. JIIJ8t start at the ~ is .IL 1:e1:miraJs of 85 en sæ in
a¡pertino and b1i1t fraD that point exten::liJq easterly in ir.....-atts
loqical for cxœtruct.ia1.
(2) Preplannin;¡,Icoordimt.icn with saratoga and san Jœe JIIJ8t CICCUr to
avoid an unreasœable grade differential betwr:n the elevated
interåwx.Je in Q]pertino and i~1~ta ~~ ~essia1 in San
JœejSaratoga i~h.tely sooth of P1.~1. Road.
46. P1.~ to establish a Centennial ( to plan for ~,,¥,iate
city, SàIcol and civic activities to C' .......... ·tata the si.gnin:J cf the
a...Dtitutien of the united states of America which will be celebrated
sept"~ 17, 1987.
It was lIICJII8d by 0CUnc. Gatto, seconded by 0CUnc. Pltn;IY an:l pelSsOO
unanim::Jusly to GK'Lu-.'8 the oo...qlL of a l" 0CUnci.l ~ s_d~
reo ····-tdatia18 at the August 4 meetin;J regazàiD;J 0 "'100Sitim of ...........ittee
and OCIIIIUI'1ity 1r_.~ -ers to be a.¡:p:>inted.
47. P1.. ~œal to establish a Hcusin¡ Advisory (hnmittee.
'1his itEm was removed fraD the <¥=Ia:1a and will be þ1.l.S ¡tad with the
CX'I18Ultant's RFP for a hcusin¡ ~'""J.L""'.
48. Na1e.
49. Seooud readinq of 0I:dinm::8 No. 1378: "An 0I:dinm::8 of the City of
QJpertino Addinq sect:.ia1 2.08.095 to the Rmicipal Ordinance O:de
P1...-....1bin¡ a ~. <","in... for Reoousiderat.icn of ItEII& at City 0CUnci.l
It was JJJaIIed by Ocunc. Pltn;lY, seoooJed by 0CUnc. Gatto and r-....-
unanimcus1y to read 0I:dinm::8 No. 1378 by title Cl'ÙY and the city Clem's
readinq to oo..:.titute the secaü readinq thereof.
It was JJJaIIed by 0CUnc. Gatto, secxn:3ed by 0CUnc. Pltn;IY am r---!d with
Ocunc. Sparks dissent:in;J to enact ordinance No. 1378.
50. Seoon.1 reading of Ordinance No. 1380: "An Ordinance of the City of
Olpertino A1IIenclizq MJnicipal Code section 11. 24 .140 to Prohibit
MINODS OF mE JUI}l 21, 1986 cr.lY <XDfCIL )Ju:a',u«; CCXH99)
ParJdJr¡ Vehicles t1'pa1 Art¡ Private ~ ar Private Pl."","""ty Within
the City Limits far the PUzpose of Disp1.ayiD¡ SUCh Vehic1e far sale ar
far P-Ip-h- Withcut the ~ , Written p..nni-icn of the P1.",*Lx
owner. "
It was JD:JVed by came. PlUR3Y, secarded by came. Gatto am P""-ad
unanimcœly to read omiJ1ance No. 13f,O by title a1ly ani the City CleJ:k's
readiD;J to CXIt}Dtitute the seoc:ald readJJJ¡ thereof.
It was JD:JVed by came. Gatto, secØlded by came. Plun;w ani pIlE-ad
unani:ø::Jusly to enact omiJ1ance No. 13eO.
51. ~d readiD;J of omiJ1ance No. 1381: "An 0MiMnce of the City of
()]pertino A1DerIdin¡ QIapter 1l.O'ð, Bicycles, of the ømiclpa1 0:xJe."
It was JD:JVed by came. PlUlY'N, seoc:aded by came. Gatto ani paø-'Sd
unanimcœly to read Otdinance 80. 1381 by title a1ly ani the City CleJ:k's
readiD;J to CXltlStitute the seoc:ald readiD;J the.a::éu!.
It was JD:JVed by came. Gatto, secc:n:3ed by came. Plun;w and 1""--«1
unanimcœly to enact omiJ1ance No. 1381.
52. Na1e.
53. Re<:<^Jlliticl'1 by Mayer of ~""1 recpIBtB.
Ca) Gene1:al a",~ien::e - Ncn!.
(b) City cœnci1.
came. Sparks requested that the Director of public ~ review the
traffic pattem into the new ~i.nçJ center located at HcClellan and
(c) staff - Na1e.
At 10:03 p.m., cœnci1 adjcmned to a closed sessia1.
At 10:10 p.m., cœnci1 reccnvened in q&1 sessicn in cœnci1 Q\A·....r.
Gatto, Jåmsa1, Plun;w, Spañæ, Kayar RcgmB
MI1Ð.l!S OF '1H! JUIZ 21, 1986 CI'lY CXXH:IL N;r;.¡,'.uG (CXH99)
staff P1. I at..:
City IIInager 01in1an
City Clerk O""'...ilius
City Attorney Kilian
Right of way - It was DICMiId by 0:Iunc. Plurvy, s-......da.d by 0:Iunc. Gatto ani
p"'......... unaniDø.wly to autbarize the Mayer to ~ an ~ - -.£t. as
cut.l.Jnø! by statf arr.i to clirect statf to make an ofter of $170,000 as
di%ected in closed ø-~im.
'Ihe meetin¡ was adjourned at 10:15 p.m.