CC 08-04-86 Cl'l"l OF aJPERrOO, srATE OF ~ 10300 Torre Aveme, 0Jpertin0, CA 95014 Tel~: (408) 252-4505 MINt1l'æ OF '!HE NDJE1r 4, 1986 Cl'lY CDJNCIL hI:iIs!'.uG HEW IN '!HE CDJNCIL awmER, Cl'1Y HAlL, aJPERl'IlI), CALIPœŒA At 6:50 p.m., Mayor Rogers calle1 the meetin:¡ to order in the ocuncil ()1;01.¡ .er . œ-700 SAIIJIE 'ro '!HE FUG R>IL CALL ocuncil FreseM.: Gatto, Jàmscn, Plurçy, Sparks, Mayor Rogers staff P.L sæJt: City Manager ().rl.n1.an City Clerk Qœ.....lius Dixec:tar of Public WœJœ Vi.skcviål Dixec:tar of Planni.rx1 and DeYel'¥""'.t cowan Director of Finance snyder Director of Parks and Recreatia1 Dcwlirq City Attorney Kilian ~ œ Næ J\GÐIDA I'!ÐI; - It was JIICM!d by ocunc. Gatto, sec:xnBi by ccunc. Plurçy and p&esed unaniJDcusly to centime Items 30 and 32 to the meetin:¡ of AI.J;Just 18 and to reIDCJII8 Item No. 28. CEREHJŒAL MlO:UKS - ~œs Reox'Juitien of Mr. Bill walsh - 0Jpertin0 Riept"asæd:.ative, council en Aqin;J . Mayer Rogers ~lS9íted a pro"'1..-tien to Mr. Walsh in ~ of his service en the ccunci1 en Aqin;J. ReootJIdticn of 0Jpertin0 no-Tl'lity ~B 01ann8l 3. A p:rocl.......ticn of ~eciaticn was ~ S91ted by the Mayer to Elliot Margolies hcnarirq 0Jpertin0 no-trdty ~.. 01annel 3 for their leadership in n"'llWllTl'lity ac'C'eS9 televisien. Mr. will KeIIpta1 þl LUllted the }fA:o"'Jre A strategic Plan. ccuncil directed that a letter be sent '--wO<oirq the wideninq of the pr~slJjl Highway 85 prior to the J:uildin;J of the new partien of Highway 85. When the draft of the strategic plan is available, it will be plaoed on an agenda of the city ccuncil. -1- MINt1lf.S OF 'lHE NSBr 4, 1986 CI'lY CXXJNCIL Jmr¡,L'.u.Ç (æ-7oo) STAFF !<&U(1~ 1. oral ì.~t.s by staf~ -....ta and sl1hn4....ia1 of written .L~-œ. City Manaaer's Ré.Nlt Golden 'l'riar¥Jle Task Force - By c::a1SE!I'ISUS, CcuIcil set 7:00 p.m., ~ 19 for an adjcmned meetin:¡ with .L",¥", sentatives of the Task Force. (City Clerk's Note: '!be time was later ~ to 7:30 p.m.) Trl City h;p:: - -.at.., Residential Hazardous waste - It was :ør:MId by CCUD::. Jå1nsa1, secxnSed by CCUD::. Plungy and paI'\!~ unaninøJsly to autharlze the City Manager to sign the '"':f.L --.It.. City Clerk'.. Rt:...v11. votirg delegate for League of California Cities - It was :ør:MId by CCUD::. Gatto, secxn3ed by CCUD::. Plungy and passed unaniJInIsly to 8R'Oint Mayor Rcgers as delegate with CCUD::. Sparks as alternate. ABAG delegate and alternate - It was :ør:MId by Came. Gatto, sec:x:njed by Came. Plungy and palSE'ed unaninøJsly to 8R'Oint Mayor Rogers as delegate with Came. Sparks as alternate. Resignat.ia1 frcm the Libra1:y no-i....i.cn - It was :ør:MId by CCUD::. Gatto, seoot~ by Came. Plurçy and passed unaninøJsly to ao:.~'l. Pat Ryan's resignat.ia1 with l:~ét, to ðiOCé¡·t ~iœtiœs until sept-...er 19 and to interview ~icants 0ctå:Ier 6. CcuIcil received a zaúD.J and ):,1i1i1irq code enfu.."""""",tt status .t:eport and œquested that me be al1hnitted monthly. It was ~ that the i:éþ01:t inc1me the date of initiatiat of act.icn. CDJNCIL !<&U(1~ 2. Mayor Rcgers: By ocnsensus, CcuIcil set a meetin:¡ with .L"'¥"':8 b/l4tives of the Board and superintendents of the F........dt unicn High School District and the 0Jpertin0 Unicn Så100l District for 6:30 p.m., Sept......er 3, 1986. 3. Came. Gatto: It was IIDIIed by Came. Gatto, secxnSed by CCUD::. Plungy and 1""....- Ul'II!J1iJIø]sly to set ~_.1 ~:r 2 for a pmlic hearln¡ to CCI1Sider the reo ····-"Idaticns of the Eaten Traffic no-ittee. 4. Came. Jå1nsa1 - Iegislative Review no-ittee - It was:ør:Mld by Came. Jå1nsa1 secxnSed by CCUD::. Gatto and palssed unaniJInIsly to take the follCNinq actiœs :regardin;J l""~sed legislaticn: -2- MINt7I'æ CJF '!HE NnBr 4, 1986 CI'lY CXXJNCIL l'1I2;l'~ (00-700) cnx- SD 21'73 ~), at±.amey-cl.ient prlvilega of BrCM\ kt:., ~ 4415 (Bane), sales tax E!)o_,~.Liat for state tut not local government or sd100l purchases; AB 2926 (stirlin:¡) , SUIplus school sites; AB 3717 (statham), œp authority CNer local traffic ,-,-",LLul; AB 3314 (Leonard), payment of devel..."......tt., capital iJJpravement fees: AB 4085 (Vicencia) , ,-,-".cealed wapa1 I""""its 1IIaI'XÙ1ted: and sa 1820 (M::Corquodale), citizen """"'t'llli!1ts. ~t. sa 1192 and sa 1194 (SeyID:m"), ñiRSSbility retirement; sa 1735 (Mello) , additia1al 911 emet:gekJCy tele¡i1one J1I""""".r fUn:1iD;J: and AB 4073 (Fi1ante), radar a1 local ttL.....d:s. cnISENl' c::AUNDAR Ccunc. Gatto remcved Items 11, 12, 13 and 14: Mayor Rcgers :œmcved Item 23. It was m::M!d by Ccunc. Johnsa1, sec:::on:Bi by Ccunc. Sparks and paE'&ed unaniJIaJsly t.o aw;t...,.¡e the balance of the CcrIsent Calemar as s"hnitted. 7. Resolutia1 No. 6916: "A Resolutia1 of the City Ccunci1 of the City of Ct1pert:in:) Allawin:¡ Certain Claims and Dea1an:is Payable in the Amamts and Fraa the F\IrxJs as Hereinafter Described for General and Misoe11aneam Experxtit:ures for the Period Erxiin;J June 30, 1986." 8. Resoluticn No. 6917: "A Resolutia1 of the City Ccunci1 of the City of Ct1pert:in:) Allawin:¡ Certain Cllli...... and Dea1an:is Payable in the Amamts and Fraa the F\IrxJs as Hereinafter Described for General and Misce11aneous Experxtit:ures for the Period Erxiin;J JUly 18, 1986." 9. Resoluticn No. 6918: "A Resoluticn of the City Ccuncil of the City of Ct1pert:in:) Allawin:¡ Certain Cllli...... and Dea1an:is Payable in the Amamts and frail the F\IrxJs as Hereinafter Described for Salaries and Wa:f8S for the Payroll Period Erxiin;J JUly 22, 1986." 10. Resoluticn No. 6919: "A Resoluticn of the City Ccunci1 of the City of Ct1pert:in:) Bettin:¡ Public Hearin;¡s for Ca1sideratia1 of a...a:1ba..atia1S of Certain Pnparties within the City of Ct1pert:in:)." 11. Removed. 12. Removed. 13. Removed. 14. Removed. 15. Resoluticn No. 6926: "A Resolutia1 of the City Ccuncil of the City of Ct1pert:in:) ~Lin:¡ Grant of 1õ'.>I--·at for Public utility Pl....}'CB9S fraJJ RàJert, nda, Oreste and Gladys Allario: IDeated a1 so. DeAnza. Boulevard, ~urI"",tely 0.0140 Acre." 16. Resolutia1 No. 6927: "A Resolutia1 of the City Ccuncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Acoeptin¡ Grant of 1=';0-'11: for Water Line PW;lXsœ frail D. 8Jck Shore and Dolores M. Shore Located on San Felipe Read, Awroxtmately 0.018 Acre." -3- MINt1l'ES OF '!HE ~ 4, 1986 CI'lY CDJNCIL huiJ.'.LI'G (00-700) 17. Ruclut.ia:l No. 6928: "A Resoluticn of t:hø City CaJn:il of t:hø City of Q.1pert1no ApproIrin¡ the F:inaJ. Map and ~uII_tL Plans of Tract No. 7866 IDeated en Salth stellin¡ Read; Developer, DeiJOOl ,a-fates; Accept:in¡ Certain ~---íls; Authcrizin¡ Signin¡ of Pinal Map and ~UY_ t Plans; Autharizin¡ t:hø EIœc:uticn of ~ --.tl in o.....-..ticn 'Iberewith." 18. Resolutiat No. 6929: "A Resolutiat of t:be City <bmci1 of t:be City of QJpertino Autharizin¡ ~en of ~ ---,L betwren t:be City and Deix:~ C01.i'ULc:ttia'u P.t'cvidin¡ far t:hø ~ of utilities en a Detm.l...cl Basis, so. stel1in¡ Read." 19. Resolutiat No. 6930: "A Resolutim of t:be City <bmci1 of t:be City of QJpertino Autharizinq ~Jticn of Quit-,..1ooi", Deed of Real Pì.~ly Ioc:ated m Regnart Read at ati) Road to t:hø William Day Cb." 20. Resolutiat No. 6931: "A Resolutiat of t:be City CaJncil of t:be City of QJpertino ApproIrin¡ Parcel Map and ~UY_ t :-lans of Property I.ocated en Torre AvetJJe and stevens Creek Boulevard; Developer, Torre AvenJe Pì.~ties; Autharizinq Execut.iat of ~UY_.t J\g!:~íl; Authorizinq Signinq of Parcel Map and ~...ve-..ít. Plans." 21. Aa::eptance of nmic:ipal inpmvements. (a) Tract 7278, Debcœ:/stel1inq 8. (b) Tract 7393, FI......._ :Vidavidl, ocn:Jaainiuaø, he"",X> COUrt. (c) Tract 7394, Fol..... :Vidavidl, Mini Btu..'¥", Franco COUrt. (d) Vidaviå1-O.1pert Limited Partnership, west side of DeAnza Boulevard beb."een Iazaneo Drive and Q._.I.eaf Drive. (e) VidcNi.cn-sisk Project, Ainsworth at vista I<holl. 22. Request far waiver of bJsiness 1iœuSé fees - Fine Arts Is!Ig...e of QJpertino. 23 . RiEIJJaved. 24. ARùicaticn ASN:; 51,668.1 - Sizzler Restaurants - REq.JeRt.inq Ç!'..raval of an awrrln¡ aà:iiticn to an mist:: q 1'reest:andiD¡ restaurant lcx:ated at t:be southwest quadrant of Bamley Aveme and Alves Drive. 25. ARùicaticn 44-U-85 - Debcor a....i'ULc:ttia1: }'nnM1 review of the definitive deve1..".....¡¡L plan inc1udiJJ;J I.ar>ð~in¡ and arårl.tectural materials far a six-unit residentia1lY11{'lex. '!be ~~Li is lcx:ated on t:be west side of stellin¡ Read sc:uth of H:Clellan Read. -4- ~ OF H 1I1J3JSr 4, 1986 CI'1Y CXXJNCIL ftu;.L:Ll'tG (CC-700) vote ~s of the City Ccuncil AYES: Gatto, Jàmsa1, Pl\n3Y, SparJes, Rogm:s IDES: Ha1e Aæm1': Ha1e ABS'1AIN: Ha1e ~ REHM:D ÐUI cx:tmm' CAIÐID.\R 11. Resolutia1 No. 6921: "A ResoJ.ut:ia1 ot the City Ccuncil of the City ot 0Jpertin0 Acoept:in¡ Grant of 1:':o__·¡t for Public utility Pm}Jcses t.raD California Fabricare Institute, Inc. IDeated a1 So. DeAnza BCAJlevani, ~urI-tely 0.0071 Acre." It was JIICNed by Ccunc. Gatto, seocn:3ed by Ccunc. Pl\n3Y am I"'....ed unarrlmusly to adept Resolution No. 6921. 12. Resolut:ia1 No. 6922: "A Resolution of the City Ccuncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Acoept:in¡ Grant of 1:':o.,.....,rt; for Public utility a....,cses t.raD DeAnza Western P...~ties IDeated a1 So. DeAnza BCAJlevani, A¡:praximately 0.0034 Acre." It was JIICNed by Ccunc. Gatto, seoc:I~ by Ccunc. Pl\n3Y am p"'....ed unarrlmusly to adept Resolut:ia1 No. 6922. 13. Resolut:ia1 No. 6923: "A ResoJ.ut:ia1 of the City Ccuncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Acoept:in¡ a Grant of 1:':o..-r_¡L for Public utility Pw.~ses fraD unicn Oil Co. of n.1ifamia, IB. tJ1«X:AL IDeated a1 So. DeAnza BCAJlevam, ~urI-tely 0.0090 Acre." It was JIICNed by Ccunc. Gatto, seo....c1ed by Ccunc. Pl\n3Y am ~"'ged unarrlmusly to ~L Resolut:ia1 No. 6923. 14. Resolut:ia1 No. 6925: "A Resalut:ia1 of the City Ccuncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~l.inq a Grant of 1:':o--¡L for Public utility Pw.¢S9S fraD David Allan ZarkD IDeated a1 So. DeAnza BCAJlevam, ~urI-tely 0.0041 Acre." It was JIICNed by Ccunc. Gatto, seocuJed by Ccunc. Pl\n3Y am I'õ''ii'!!Ied unarrlmusly to ~L Resolut:ia1 No. 692j. /7þ) ç: j'<' 23. Minutes of the xegular meet.in;J of JUly 21, 1986 (cc-699). It was JIICNed by Ccunc. ~, seoc:IÙEd by Ccunc. Pl\n3Y am p"'....ed \.1l1ani1Jn1sly to ~ the minutes with the addit.ia1 of the diaçn-ia1 regëIZ'àin¡ red Za1eS :riiAiI a1 page 6, am a1 page 11 à1an;Je "Policy Board at Caltrans" to "Polit..y Board am Caltrans." ORAL CXHIJNICATIa~ 27. ~ of the audience regëIZ'àin¡ matters not a1 the agenda - None. -5- HnCl'ES OF '1BB 1I1n ~J: 4, 1986 CI.'l'\l CXXJNCIL !oJu;.I.".uG Cœ-700) RJBLIC HFARDœ 28. Ca1s......~Atia1 of cxmfimiD:¡ cost of public n.úsanca abat_cuL am filin;J a lien agaiœt the real pL~ti CAm 326-1-8), Foothill Blvd. ard R._~ RDad. Ca) Aes~utiat No. 6920: "A Resolutia1 of the City oounci1 of the City of 0Jpertin0 QmfimiD:¡ Rq......,L of cœt of AbateDent of ~1ic NI.1i.same am Dhectin¡ City Cletk to D1'iJ'Je (""'''", of Lien and 0Brt:ific:ate of Costs of Nuisance Abatementl P.L~li Locateð. at a.......... of Foathi11 BculevaJ:d am Hc:IIIest.ead RDad, Am 326-1-8. II Removed fraa age¡¡;]a. 29. Applicat:ia1 27-Z-81 of 'l'cM1 Center P1.~esjDeAnza P~~ties- !txiify mdst.iD¡ zaûrq to l"".......it the payment of a fee in lieu of p:rovidJn¡ b8lClloHll!Uiœt rate units. Use Pemit C17-u-83 Rsvised) to mmlf'y an exist:in:J use pønn"t am Tentative Map (2()-11M-83 Revised) to pønnit the payment of a fee in lieu of p:rovidJn¡ bel~ rate units. EnviraDenta1 Review: 'Ihe project is ca~ 1.....11y ...-,..,L, hence no envira1menta1 acticn is ~!'ary. 'Ihe project is located east of 'l'arr8 Avenue beb.... en stevens creek BculevaJ:d and Rcdrigues Averut. Ca) First readinq of ordinance No. 1376: "An ordinance of the City of 0Jpertin0 A1Derx1inr¡ 0rc1J.na00e 1165 to !t:x1ify o:n:li.tiat 16 of an Appra\Ied Planned Devel"¥U""1t Za1iDJ Act.ia1 to Pemit the 0pt.ia1al Payment of an In-Lieu Fee in Place of Prcvi.dirq BelOli Mimœt :Rate Hcusirg Units." Directar of Planning and Devel"¥U""1l cowan reviewed the staff ~..........t with Ocurcll. John Vi.c:kwià1, ~icant, stated that he thc:u;Jht the City is wra1ÇJ for taxin:¡ the senior citizen project. He recp!Sted that oounci1 recognize the diffe1:__ beb.-m that project and a regular apartment """'t'1ex. Beverly IaIor~..._, Midpeninsula Citizens for Fair Halsin:¡, also adch. !ElOO Ocurcll. It was 1IICII8d by came. P1UBy, secc:rIded by came. Jåmsa1 am paE'~ unanimcus1y to close the p.¡blic hearin:¡. It was 1IICII8d by came. Gatto, secc:rIded by came. Jåmsa1 am I""0""- unanimcus1y to ðwLUIIB Applicatiat 17-U-83 per P1annin;J n-o..........ia1 Resolut.icl1 No. 2827 revised to shew an in-lieu fee of $178,000 to be paid upcn l'YY'I1lW1CY or two years £ran this date, whichever 0 ..- first, am to cc:ntinue the waivin:¡ of park fee:.; for the famer æR units. -6- Mnm!S Œ' œ N».iìt .., 1986 CI'1Y CXUCIL )Jc:Q;uÐ (00-700) It was Jlahed by Ocunc. Gatto, .. xo:Jed by Ocunc. Jchnøcn and pa....d ~y to ...........Ja A¡¢iœtiœ 2~3 (RøYised) per Pl.anniD¡ 0. i_...., ~n:J\Þ\tlm No. 2828 aJJ81ded to IIbcw an in-lieu fee of $108,750 to be paid in cprt8rly iJ18ta1.lments over a t:I1ree-year period. It was .,.".s by 0U1c. Plun;w and In ..,Jiad by Q:Junc. SparJcø to aa4-u1/8 A¡¢iœtiœ 27-Z-81 perta1n1n¡ to the sen1ar project emy with a $200,000 fee. '.lb8 a:Jticn was defeated with 0aunci1111-·J ,,"L" Gatto, JdJnsa1 and ~.. ~. It was JlcMId by Ocunc. Gatto, æoonded by Qxmc. Jåmsa\ and pass9d. with Qux:. Plungy It. - 4..1J1I) to .........uv'8 A¡¢iœtiœ 27-z-81 per Pl.anniD¡ (\ ._.~ R8IIolut:iat No. 2929 _Ided to shell a $125,000 in-lieu fee to be paid em a ~ly .......1. over a ~ period. It 101M II:N8d by 0U1c. Plun;w, seccI'Ided by Ocunc. Gatto and l""....- unanimcusly to read amJ.nIsma No. 1376 by title emy, with the orãinan::8 _dad to shell the .........~1ate in-1ieu fee and amendirq the period in \t1ich it is to be paid to thxee years, with the fJn:UD; B that the døv8lcper tI'IIiI¥ meet the IIIR 1'WJ'.' _.t8 rather than pay the fee, and that the s¡-"tfic m'larø are an ubitrm:y figure ~'" of the nature of the iteD. 'Ihe city CleEk'. V ~h-q of the title was to ocnstitute the first readiJq of the œ:db1ance. PIANNnG APPLtCATIœs ~ 17-u-83 (Revised) and 20JIH-83 (Revised) - p,-.... see Ita 29. 30. ~l of Plar1rÜ1'¥J n .-lm ..........mü of a¡:p1.icatia1 far I?"""""'.t to reIIICIV8 a large tree at 10191 'b1i CDJrt (HaJ:y Ð;¡an and She:ny Paul, ~""'1t8). 'Daq--~ cxmt.inance to August 18, 1986. PreviaJsly CCIItiraJed to August 18, 1986. 31. Aw-l of Plar1rÜ1'¥J ('. .-iat's cxnti.tia1 of .............r.ù nq.rlrl.~ ~·IA.....ù acx- - far A¡¢iœtiœ 12-u-86 and ~'--'- far roo......... -4. of appUœt.iat fee, filed by Gary sto1œs em behalf of SIIDJ Dcct:ar. It was JŒMId by Qux:. Gatto, lextded by Ocunc. Jchnsa\ and paili'sed unanimcusly to deny the 6tv-' and the N'J'-t far rooi"llft.1rs-~4. of fees. 32. A¡¢iœtiœ l.5-'IH-84 of PraIIøt:beus Døvel,¥"",íL (\ ..~tuty (Q]pert.ino city center :a~iates) - ~- -'- far park ded1catia1 credit far PraDetheus Devel''1"·-.L apartment .."",."lex in city Center. PreviQJSly 0CI'lt:irJJed to Au:]ust 18, 1986. -7- MnVlES OF 'mE AIXDn' 4, 1986 ClT!( OXJNCIL MEE:l'ING (000-700) 33. ~ 24-0-86 of Barclay's Bank - use Pemit to _4f'y an exist.inJ (. ...._" cla1 bni 1 dirq and Emrira1IIenta1 Rsviw: '1b8 P1anninr;J n-04_im ;re.. ...._~ the grant:jnJ of a Negative DeclaJ:at.ia'1. '1œ Œ'Oject is located en the east side of Salth ~ Bculøvæ:d _......Jmately 500 ft. øa1th of stevens creek Boulevard. It was JIICMId by Cbm::. Jchnsa1, secouded by Cbm::. SparlcB and paeeed unan1mcuI1.y to _..",. the grant:jnJ of a Negative Dec:laratian. It was JIICMId by Cbm::. Jchnsa1, s..........c1t.d by Cbm::. SparJœ and r--...... unan1mcuI1.y to _U1/8 A¡:p1icaticn 24-0-86 per Plannin¡ n-041111icn Resolution No. 2934 with an aàti.ticna1. cxn1iticn that the Db:ectar of Plannin¡ am De\Iel.'1-·-.t review and _.Mt the rcofiine in regard to screeninq ""l',41'""-_' jt, and to waive the i.r..A..1Sistenc'.I frail the GeIièo;ðl Plan regæ:ùin:J the setbeick because of the averridin;r CXIXJem rega%di.n:J traffic. 34. Awlicatian I-GPA-80 of City of 0Ipertim - Intetpret:atien of General Plan Policy 68.7 regaIdin¡ aß\licability to areas regulated by the Traffic Intensity P8rfcmaance starœrd. It was JIICMId by Cbm::. Jobusen, sec:x:rIded by Cbm::. SparJœ and r---ed with CaJ:nc. Gatto di- -iUzr;J to fin! that the policy &RÙies """"'''Út:y-wide per Plannin:.J n-oi..aicn Resolution No. 2935 am to authorize that the lan;Juage Jf Policy 68.7 be _i f'ied in a future General Plar. Ameooment to clarify :'.ts intent. A.~ AND Sl'Œ APPR:II1AL CXHaTŒE APPLICATIaIS 35. AJ.:1?-1 of ASK: denial of a sign þI.""P-CIIII for r-.n, 20745 stevens creek Bculevaxd, Þ¡pHcat1a1 51,648.1. Directar of Plannin¡ and Devel~ t 0CWan reviewed the ~1 with Cbm::il. Patty Avallcne, noHf'amia Nea1 PrcWcts, inf~ ~ that the sign had !:18m z-'I"'-" in size and in illuminatiat. She said that r--.r"1 is strlviD) for a neII 4......",. Sho also stated that with the nelllam~ing plan, 1;)-1yptu& U. TIJ """113 be r&IICJII8d for better vi.ewin:J of the sign. She reIJJ88ted that Cbm::il also _U118 that r.--.c) ","",1d do 1I'Ø~"Ate lan:111('ÇØ trlmDirg in the future to maintain visibility. It was JII:IYed by Cbm::. Plungy, secooJe.l by O::unc. Gatto and r---.::I unan1mcuI1.y to ~..",. the sign lil""P-CIIII and to direct that both bn41dirg am pole signs be installed at the same time. No AWLuval was given regardirg future tree ~. UNFINISHED HJSINESS 36. Na1e. -8- MINt1m; OF '!HE NXmT 4, 1986 CI1Y CXXJNcrL ME:El'IlG (œ-700) lØf EI.1S1N&SS 37. ~t am il4.....-ian regardinq neighborhoocl n'WIp1..4nts abcut noille am coaJdn¡ ocSars fraa ord1ard valley MarIœt Place. Directar of Plannin¡ and Dsvel...........t Q:Iwan reviewed his .L""'iJULt. with CXJunci1. Mark WiDmer, Manager of ord1ard Valley MarIœt Place, stated that in regard to the mtter of foed in the mts, oorrecti.aIs were beiø¡ 11121de. 'Ihe Qmt:er was waitin;r for the results of the city noise testin;J prior to any act.ia1 to noise CXIIplaints. Bill TaDi:ùyn, 19721 BiJcb.y Drive, requested that the back dear to the restaurant mentiœed be closed and the washin:¡ of mts &tqiped. CXJunci1 directed staff to .L""'iJUL t back sept_.i.er 2 regardinq the height of the wall betwen the shq:pinq œnt:er and residences that was a¡p:ayed and the shq:pin;r œnt:er's n'WIp1 iMO! with sam rest:rictia1s and 0U1ty health nguJ.atians. 38. RsIriet.r am ili..c"....ten of the establishment of a Redevel~.t Þqercy. Director of Plannin¡ am Devel"¥'""lat.. 0Jwan hILL· .h~ Bill IqIf aM reviewed. Mr. IqIf's l"'¥J.Lt. Mr. IqIf, OCI1SUltant, anm.er&J quest.iaIs regardinq any orcliname enacted to create a redevel~ìt ðf;p--l and the refe.1:e.là:h.1m periocS. Di~_aien folla¡ed regardin;J an advisaIy ballot -"'Ire. It was JIICMId by counc. Plun;¡y am ~.died by counc. Spaliœ to direct staff to take the steps nec-a'\YY to pI..... an advisaIy --Ire en the No\,~ 4 ballot perta.inin:¡ to the creaticn of a redevel~at.. ~__-y whcse plar. toICUld focus CI1 the Ran::bo Rimcnada and adjaamt: areas. Ann An]er, President, It:nta vista ~UY_ít Associaticn, aCkh. 'l"ed CXJunci1 regaIdinq said advisaIy """81S1Ire. She said that JDOSt people da1't knew Wat redevel...........t is and asJœd CXJunci1 Wy they were in suå1 a hI.u:1:y . '!be JllXien was adcpted UI'IaIÙJJIr:USly. CXJunci1 set 'lhursc!ay, August 7, 6:00 p.m. in CXJunci1 n-.....~-e:I for an adjcumed regular meetinq to cx:nsider a ballot -"'I.U:8. lID ~: 10:15-10:25 p.m. 39. Revisicn of 0Jpertin0 M.micipal oxæ sectiCl1 10.52 regu1atirg the clJ.strib.1tien of hancSbills. (a) First read.:in:] of Ordinance No. 1383: "An Ordinance of the City of Q¡pertino AIDeRiÏn:J 5ectic:n 10.52.010, DistribItien of CcmDeJ:cla1 Advert.isinq, of the 0Jpertin0 Itmicipal oxæ." MINt1l'ES OF '!HE AUGUST 4, 1!:86 c:IT\{ axJNCIL hI:òI:;,l".uÇ (CX:-700) It was mcved krj CCAmc. PIUD;JY, seoollded by CCAmc. Gatto am passed. unariliJaJsly to read 01'diJ'Iame No. 1383 by title ally am the city Clerk's readin:¡ to oo....t:itute the first readin:¡ thereof. 40. P<wr-t for re-eva1.uatien of pnå1ase of autaDat1c playback equipll8l.t far 01annel 30, 0Jpertin0 Rmicipal d1annel. It was mcved krj CCAmc. P1UD;JY, secxn:8i krj CCAmc. Gatto am passed unanimcusly to Clf:¥LuV8 delay of the purd1ase until l.-... ~.." 1rJ;J of city Hall is OCIIplete, am to clarify that the purd1ase will be made at that time, not OCI'ISidered. Cameil requested bacJ<grc:Jun:l DlJSic far 01annel 30 am was infOllll8d it WQJ1d be en within the next two 1IIa1ths. 41. FcmDatien of a centennial lhnnittee to plan for äwL,.~..riate City, Sch:x:Il am civic activities to C> ",·'-'Il::ate the signiIYJ of the Calstitutien of the united states of America whià1 will be celebrated sept'....¡ er 17, 1987. By CXI1SenSUS, 000ncil a¡:prcMId a o--4....icn (> "1..::sed. of representatives frail 01pertin0 unicn Så1oo1 District, Fl..,....,.¡\;. unicn High SChool District, De Anza College, the ~ of 0····-· ce, the Parks am Rb......atien lhnn4 -ien 0IaiJ:perscn, a high schcol student We is a resident of 01pertin0, the Historical Society, the Bar AS''iJOCiatien, the librazy am the City. Camei1~ shall each a¡:point ate tvOIIIIIittee merober krj SepteIJtIer 1. Mayor Rogers stated that she wculd CXJ!1I:act the groups frail which n-omtittee 1IIPIIIhAœ wculd be selected. 42. Rsviw of ~~ for the Affordable Hals1rJ;J ~~.LGIII, includiD:¡ the possibility of establishin¡ a Hals1rJ;J Advisoty lhnnittee am review of the Adults Toward ~oerœtt LiviD:¡ iIoL""P-GIII. Director of PJ.anrù.n¡ am Devel~ìL Cowan reviewed the history of this item with 000ncil. Beverly I.awreooe SU'J~ that a citizen in the l'Y'Wm'lnU.ty We has been active in the hoos1rJ;J area be included. en any hoos1rJ;J advisory n-omt4ttee. It was mcved krj Came. Gatto, seoollded krj CCAmc. JåU1son ani paseed. unarùmcusly to a¡:prave a project-specific type of request: for ~~. It was mcved by Came. Gatto, seex:nJed krj CCAmc. JåU1son ani pa",,,,ed. unariliJaJsly to fcmn an administrative l'Y'Mftittee of five to rev1w the RFPs ani ma)œ a reo ·.......rmtien to the city Q:mcil. 'Ibis t'nIIIIIittee shall consist of me representative each frail 000ncil, the PlaJ'II'Ù.n;J rnnmi....ien, city Manager's Office ani the PJ.anrù.n¡ Departme.!1t, as well as ate citizen appointed krj the Mayor. -10- · · · MDÐl'1!S or '1HE AlUm 4, 1986 CIty a:mICIL MEE:l'IJG (0::-700) 1ð.1ltll Toward ~at.. Living - Sam 01riest aèkh ,j CtIuncil regard1n:J the project's r..s for 1IICIISy. He stated that be had møt with the aråd~ and sutaitted an IIßI1ëÚSIÙ L"'t"""t of the project. Lima Sllith, n-o"Úty BcusiD¡ DevelCplt'S, said that she wu1d åI8Ck with the 0U1ty regard1n:J waiver of fees. She will also loaIt into the p-a4hUity of usiD¡ __ volunteer labor. It _ .."'.1......t:ed that she ccntac:t the Q,¡ìtud Iabar ac.mcil. It was IIICIII8d by CaJ:nc. Sparlcs that the City CICII'Itrib1te $20,000 toward the project. '1he matian died for lack of a secxn1. David Meehan, a ns1.ghbar of the haDe in 10hich the project is located, stated that the __.....al CXZ1Sel1SUS IIIIICI'q the neighbors is a resJ.starxxa to the project as ~. 1,<()Ø&j. He stated that the area is residsttial and ~ e¡l ccn...ems regard1n:J ~ the fiavtIr of the R-l za'I8. He stated that shaùd anyth1D¡ ~ to the ATIL ~"""''''''' the ~ wu1d be urmmkøtable as a sin;r1e-family haDe. He also _ e:1 oct.......... regaJ:d1D¡ the IJJdIer of vehicles possible with the L-···..11ed ha1e. A WŒIII1 resident an the aJl dB ~- stated that the ............... was not ~,.... ~ wœ haP1~'''U~ people bIt was ~- of the IUIIber of people in each b..ch....... and the n.IIIb!r of vans in the cazpart. Mr. au:iest stated that the b..ch.......... are small and therefore are beinq expllIIC1ed. '!here are two cbJble b..ch.......... planned with the rest as single L.::..h.~. Ron WalIœr, ~Mar'lt, stated that be cared ab:ut this group, bIt there was a lot of traffic pic:Jdn;J up and drc:HIiD¡ off residents. He _ ~ .....-.-11 regaJ:d1D¡ the mildœn in the ne4gt>h...I-«l. He also stated that that parti.QJlar residence has the 1IIOSt VE}1 c]es. Ciao.....tat fnllowed regard.in:J the IJJdIer of r.MarJt>¡ in the haDe am various JBthoc!s of providi.n;J fImjs for the project. It was EM1d by Counc. Sp¡mœ, ............:1ed by CaJ:nc. Plunnr am 1"'--'11 l.II1IIl1imcus1y to authorize up to $10,000 fxaa the senior Ifa]s1D¡ F\Jni for waddn¡ draId19s for l-'" "'11iD¡ of ATIL. Uþc:n "'""'I'letian of those drawings, Ccunc1l will review them and cxnrlder adcSitia1al fl1rdinq of up to $65,000. CCIuncil directed that volunteers be ~ted for I.1CIIIB of the wctX. 43. l'!Iepott en bid openin;J, DeAnza Ba.ù.evaxd Wideni.rg', Project 8(,..20, and award of ......L...aCt. '!he City Attorney anrxunced that Ccunc1l may wish to ..cl:h. closed sessien. this in 44. ~ en bid openin;J, Misn>11aneous Water Main Rep]ð('l'I.-at.. Pra}ect, Project 86-113, ard award of CUI/L...aCt. -11- · · þ,c J ';1 ¡:"J · MDI11'm œ'mE AD:JJS'l' 4, 1986 CITY <DK:IL 1'IUòJ.'.uG (000-700) It was 1KIV81 by CaJ:nc. J.............. -.....c1ood by CCIunc. PlIDJY and pe. ! d unanbacuøly to -m the ......LL....."1: to Vidt'II Pipeline per base bid of $l9ï ,296, Alternate 2 at $27,466.20 for a total of $224,762.20, to aut:barize a lOt CXI1tb1gBncy for a tatal project of $248,000 am to 1eive the ~u.. ~.I:.1Uf CDHJNIClaTIQI; 45. Ncœ. æDINANCES 46. Ncœ. RæOWl'Iœs 47. NaIe. 1«If-1oGÐIIP. IIJSINæS 48. ~J.ticn by Mayer of specbl recpests. (a) General :a..ñi-.ce - NaIe. (b) City CaJ:ncil. Arrf Jbmtain I.abar Day Ski Sale - It was 1IIOIIed by CCIunc. Plun;¡y, 6êOCII:ded by CaJ:nc. JàJnson am p-.- UlIIIlÛJIICAJSly to 1eive Policy statæ&1t of Q1tdoar Sales, sect.ia1 2D, for August 31, Sept:EIIbIr 1, 2, 3 am 4. Cbmc. Gatto - r" "'Ire A Transit Autbarity - By ""'* r IIISUS, CaJ:ncil directecl that a letter be sent statin;r that the 10ICdt an H ~ 85 aNII\lð >-', in 0Jpørtin0 at støIIeœ Creek Bwl8vud am ~ sart:h, am that the ~ e at.. 85 should nat be ~ided until that is dcz1e. (c) staff - NaIe. t"I'ncn;n _TQf to ..i"""'..... laM ""'Cl',i..iticn negotiAtions. At 12:15 a.III., CaJ:ncil adjoumed to closecl I il'\. At 12:55 a.m., council reccnveneclin a-r-- in cpen sessian. R:>U. CALL Cbmc. p!. g uL: Gatto, Jàmsan, Plun;¡y, Sparks, Mayer~ -12- ., MI1I71'm OF 'IHB ADDn' 4, 1986 C1'lY caJNCIL !oI=~'J.IG (CC-700) staff P.. IHIt: City ~ QI1inlan City Cl.erIt om.lius City Attamøy lU.11an BIIrcJ.ay's BlInk 1-"-_ty owners - It was mved by CbJnc. Sper œ,.ßØCCI1ded by CbJnc. Plun;¡y am 1"'-sd unanimously to ~"'i'Liate $172,ootPfran the General P\JrJi for settl8Dent with the ~_ty owners of BII:rclay'. BlInk. RJKkbeny Fam - It was mved by CbJnc. Plun;¡y, s..........éIo.d by CaJ:nc. Gatto am p"-'Id unani:aaJsI.y that staff gather IIIOr8 infOl:1llll.tian ragardin) the possible ""'l',i..itian of BlacIdJeny Fam prcperty. San Jœe t'!lter 1bjœ - Seven Sprin3s Ranå1 - It was IIICIII8CS by CaJ:nc. Sper œ, øeo....dtd by CaJ:nc. Plun;¡y am I"'øøsd unanimously to apptU1/8 the oo..~t with offer startin¡ with less than 100\ n,i1<b1t. DeAnza BcW.evard Widenin;J, Project 86-20 - It was mved by CCIunc. ~s, seoc:nSec1 by CCIunc. Gatto am p"'ø-d unanimously to acœpt; the settlement of ~Idm ccntritIUtian valued at $25,000 am to award the "",.LLaet, inclucUnq alternate, to the se:x:ni lowest bidder, Raisch 0C:rwtnIctia1, for the 8IIDJI1t of $2.4± aillian. At 12:56 a.m., CCIuncil adjCAm1ecl to August 7, 6:00 p.m. /) X~W+ fv Dárothy comsJ.ius ,~~;~4 ...y~ ¿ .J~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~/7~ ~tfØ~ -13-