CC 08-07-86
10300 Torre Avenue, QJpert:ino, CA 95014
TeleplOl'le: (408) 252-4505)
0xJrx:. rreS~ht.:
Gatto, Johnsen, Mayor Rcgers
0::Junc. Abßent:
Plun;¡y, Sparks
staff Pres¡,..t:
City Manager Q.1inlan
city Clerk Cornelius
Director of Public Works Viskcviål
Director of Plannin¡ am Devel'¥""'1t Cowan
Assistant to the City Manager Brt:M1
1. Consideratiat of placiD¡ an advisory measure at thfj NoIreIIi;)er 4, 1986
ballot regardin;J f~ a Ra3evel'¥""'at 1q!lY::';/ ard relatecS mtters;
a¡:proval of ~'-'l"'-latiat.
(a) Resolutiat No. 6932: "A Resolutian of the City CaJ:ncil of the
City of QJpertino CalliD¡ for a Specb1 Electicn for the Pw:pœe
of PlaciD¡ a Measure Before the Qualified voters."
(b) Resolutiat No. 6933: "A Resolutim of the City CCluncil of the
City of OJperti.-o of Santa Clara 0I:U1ty to Provide for the
Ca1solidAtiat of a Specb1 Elec:tim with the state of California
Electiat to be Held NoI....La.. 4, 1986."
It was mYed by CCIunc. Jàmsan, secx:njed by CaJ:nc. Gatto ani l?"øø'9d
1.IMlÚJID.1S1y (3-0) to not IIIdqJt Resolutian 6932. council cUrecteð. that
staff briD¡ bac1t infO%llll\tian regardjIg ¡mnexatians.
2. Update at award of (Mat......ct for DeAnza Boolevard Wi.denin¡ Project.
Director of Public Worlœ Viskcviål reviewed am clarifieel award of bid for
the DeAnza Boolevard wi.denin¡ Project. He statecS that O::Juncil had awæ:ded
the base bid plus the alteJ:nate (reali"" of Pacifica¡McClellan lb!Id)
ani traffic signal at Pacifica ani DeAnza. Hcwever, the actual had not yet received final "M"-V'Ial frail 0::Juncil.
Consideratim of that a¡:prcval wwld be part of the Sept:eaiJer 2, 1986
heariD¡ pertainin;J to Fatal area traffic.
0::Junc. Gatto provided an update at the Highway 85 Policy Board.
At 6:35 p.m., 0::Juncil adjourned.
. / ;;t;~,~,J.
City Clerk
10300 Torre Aven.Je, Qpertino, CA 95014
Telephone: (408) 252-4505
MINt11'ES OF 'lHE Rm:JIAR 1'IUiJ.'J.lG OF 'lHE CI'lY a:mICIL
HEID CIl NnJSr 18, 1986 IN 'lHE a:mICIL œIIMBER,
Cl'lY HAIL, uwuu·.uD, CALIPœIIA
At 6:45 p.m., Mayor Øogers callecS the meetirg to order in 0tA.Irx:il a.............
SAIl1l'E 'ro 'mE FIÞ.G
Co.In:. p"" s_,L:
Gatto, Jå1nsa1, Plun;¡y, Spatiœ, Mayor;&
Staff Ptes_JL:
City Manager Quinlan
City Cleric Q)meJ.ius
Director of PlanJ'Iin;J am DBvel___Jt 0a0Ian
Director of Finance SI'Iyder
Director of ParIes am Rec:reatian Dcwlin;J
Assistant to the City Manager Brown
Assistant City En;Jineer Whitten
O::IIIIunity Relatioos Officer Scuriå1
City Attomey Kilian
~ AND Næ AGEM1A l'1Ð!S
It was IIICIII8CS by CaJ:nc. Gatto, ~.dtd by CCIunc. Plun;¡y am p"ø~
unani.Dr:usly to ocntinue Items 2(1 am 35 am to reIIICIY8 ItEm 29.
S'mFF l<U'UI<1:>
1. Oral L"¥'Lls by staff 1I_.J.ers am 8,,"'4-1m of written l"¥'Lls.
City Manaaer's :Dm-ort
RanåIo Rinca'IéIda ArM - It was D¥M!d by CaJ:nc. Plun;¡y, ~.dtd by CaJ:nc.
Gatto am I"'9ged unani.Dr:usly to œfer the IIIltter to the City Attomøy for
a written L"¥'Lt. re IAFCD's role am the City's ability to J:efuse
annexatim of an area, am to diœct staff to Jœep Ran::bo RirIcc:œda
residents 1nfœ:med.
2. Treasurer's ani aD:¡et ~L - JUly, 1986
Co.In:il r'eO"..1ved the report.
MINUl'ES OF 'IHE AInJST 18, 1986 CI'lY a:mICIL MEE:l'IN:; (CX:-701)
CXXJNCIL 1<t;tU(1~
3. Mayor ~s:
By CCI'ISE!I1SUS, Council ~....d to su¡;p:n1: the lo'L'~ leadership ~"'::ILC"'''
Council requestecl that the matter of a 0Jpertin0 advisaxy cx:mnittee a'I the
Arts be P 1"""d a'I the SEIpt:e1iJer 15 agenda.
5. Counc. Jàmsan: I.egislath"! Review O:mnittee: It was IIDIIed by CaJ:nc.
Jà1nsat, sec:aIded by Counc. Plungy am I"'øsed 1.1I'IaIÚ1DOOSly to take the
followin¡ actiaw regardin¡ lo'L' 'l<eed legislaticn:
SI.JR)OI't AB 3875 (placizq limitatiaw an Cði'Y,..11atia'l am I1CI1-L"'_wal of
CCI1III!!t'Cial insurance policies); cga¡e AB 2926 (stirlizq) , perks anr:I
recreatiaýsuzplus sc:hcol sites; CRX88 SB '-173 (Rå,)erti), attornsy-client
privilege of Brown Act; adq!t Resolu' No. 6940 owœizq the so-called
"Califomia Fair PaY" initiative; continue to cgxJSØ AB 3314 (I.ecrIard),
~'--'IE!>.eoat.. of payment of develU~"':lìt fees); owœe AB 3398 (Oxtese),
cities' veto powers fN8r detaåmIent of lam; suwort SB 2233
(M::1CcrquocSale) , super ttu..:Jc ."""",~; SI~ AB 4361 (Costa), sewer am
water ""II""city fees.
. cnmNl' CAmm.\R
Ma}'tIr ~ reIIICIYed Items 12, 21, 22 and 24. It was IIDIIed by Counc.
Plun;¡y, sec.....:1o.d by CQmc. Gatto am p"eøgd unani:oously to approve the
balance of the Consent Calendar as sul::lllit""..ed.
8. Resolutia'l No. 6920: "A Resolutian of the City CaJ:ncil of the City of
Q¡pertino Allcwinq Certain t'1.i_ am Demands Payable in the A1IDmts
anr:I !'tal the FuncJs as Hereinafter Described for General anr:I
Miscal1aneœs Experditures for the Period ErñinJ ~ 1, 1986."
9. Resolutia'l No. 6924: "A Resolutia'l of the City CaJ:ncil of the City of
Q¡pertino Allcwinq Certain C'J..i- am Demands Payable in the A1IDmts
anr:I fraD the FuncJs as Hereinafter Described for salaries anr:I wages for
the Payroll Period ErñinJ ~ 5, 1986."
10. Resolutia'l No. 6932: "A Resolutia'l of the City CaJ:ncil of the City of
0Jpertin0 Authorizin;r EIœo1ticn of ~.....",..t between the City am
Vernat L. stnJper ProvicUn¡ for the REm:Nal of a Garage strucb.u:8 in
Cknjunctian with the SLL.-t Wi.c:Jenin¡ Project an stevens Ctø>.k
Boul8Yard between HIer lap anr:I CaZ1IIen Rœd."
11. Resolutiœ No. 6933: "A Resolutian of the City Cooncil of the City of
QJpertiro Authcrizin;J Elœcutiat of A"L.........t with the Q::II.mty of santa
Clara for the Rssurfac:in; of Ibil Lane bet\JIee¡, Finch Avenue am Miller
Aveme, am Tantau Avenue between suttan PaJ:X Place am Shady;rcr./8
Drive. "
12. Remr:Ner:i.
13. Resolutiœ No. 6935: "A Resolutiœ of the City Cooncil of the City of
QJpertiro Authcrizin;J Elœcutiat of Deferred A"..""""",¡t with David am
'Ihe1JIIa ...........11 for the IJIprovement of Frart:age Alc:n;J 22701 San Juan
14. Resolutiœ No. 6936: "A Resolution of the City CcAmcil of the City of
CUpertino Declarin;J its Intentiat to Order Vacation of a POrtion of
the Ear..erly BaJndary of IDts 4 an:i 7, of Tract 3743, CUpertino Town
Center, for PUblic utility ~..........,t, an:i wire Clearance ~..........,t;, as
Provided in Sectiœ 8320 Et Seq. of the streets an:i Highways Code of
the state of california, Fixin¡ Time an:i Place for PUblic Hearin;r am
providin¡ for Notios 'lhereof. II
15. Resoluti.a1 No. 6937: "A Resolution of the City CcAmcil of the City of
CUpertino Declarin¡ Intentiœ to Order Vacatian of a POrtion of the
Sa.rt:h side of st.evwms Creek BaIlevard, East of Carmen RoIId, as
Provided in Sectiat 8320 Et. Seq. of the streets an:i highways Code of
the state of california, Fixin¡ Time an:i Plaos for PUblic Hearin;J am
Prt:Nidin::J for Notios 'lhereof."
16. Resoluti.a1 No. 6938: "A Resolutlat of the City CcAmcil of the City of
CUpertino no.", arin;J its Intentiat to Order Vacatlat of a POrtiœ of
the Sa.rt:h side of stevens Creek BaIlevard, West of stevens Creek, as
Prcvic1ed in Sectien 8320 Et. Seq. of the streets an:i Highways Code of
the state of california, Fixin¡ Time am Place for PUblic Hearinq am
Prt:Nidin::J for Notios 'lhereof."
17. Resolutiœ No. 6939: "A Resolutiœ of the City Cooncil of the City of
CUpertino Authcrizing J\cai!ptaooe of ~L_.t be.t\lleen City of
QJpert:ino am WIJ\f P.._ties of PrcpIrty on stevens Creek
BaIlevard. "
18. J\cai!ptaooe of !b1iclpal iDprowments: ~, A california
Limited Partnership, Ramy Iane am steven;¡ Creek Bc:ulevard.
19. Co-spcn¡orship of the Arr1 !b.mtain arauù. 10K-I0 mile IUI'1.
20. Resolutiœ No. 6940: "A ResolutiŒ1 of the City of QJpertino
Authorizin;r ElœcutiŒ1 of 1.gl_at.. with the steinberg Group -
Arålitectural Services for the Ch....",Úty Center."
21. Remaved.
22. Remaved.
. MINt1l'æ OF 'IHE ~T lS, 1986 Cl'1Y <XXJNCIL MP.:El'D«; (œ-701)
23. Claim for ......_~ filed by Brerœ Hill.
ygt§ .........1 ..~ D ~ the City cn1lY!i'
~: Gatto, JohI:lco:),., Plun;¡y, Sparlœ, Rcgerø
lÐæ: Na1e
ABSENl': Na1e
12. Resoluticn No. 6934: "A Resoluticn of the City COOneil of the City of
0Jpertin0 ~ Final Plan for the DIprc\IemeI'It of Frontage Located
00 San Felipe Rcftd; Dsvelq¡er Abdclahad Afshar1 a.'Ù Mahvash Behbood.,
Authcrizin¡ the City Ð1qineer to Sign the Final Plan; ani Autharizin¡
Exec::uticn of 1tg:I:-.....1t in 0..........:1:100 'Iherewith."
It was IIICIII8CS by COOne. Rcgers, secx:r1ded by COOne. Plun;¡y am ¡:-øøed
unanimcus1y to adopt Resoluticn No. 6934.
21. A¡plicatia1 2-u-86 of JåIn vidovich (DeAnza Properties): Review of
lan'l"'""l'ÙXJ am architectural materials for an ~ ·:..···....·cial
center located an the rrxt:h side of stevens Creek Boulevard, east of
DeAnza Boulevard.
It was IIDIIed by CaJ:nc. Plun;¡y, secx:r1ded by <::0.100. Gatto am P"ili'øed
unanimcus1y to "'WLuV8 the çplicatia1 per Þ.Sl!C Resoluticn No. 1226.
22. Appl.icaticn 13-Z-71 of Carl N. SWensen Co.: Requestin;r a¡:proval to
remove CI18 O!IpØC"h""'" 0!Ik tres located at 10140 Firwcod ccmt, scutherly
of stevens Creek Ballevard.
It was IIICIII8CS by CCIunc. Plun;¡y, secx:r1ded by CaJ:nc. Gatto am p"ø-eel
unanimcus1y to appl.\N8 nm:Nal of the tres per Þ.Sl!C ResolutiCl'1 No. 122S.
24. Oo-spcnsorship of A¡ple l2K run.
Len WA1"'<i1, ooordinatar of the l2K run, addressed CoI.1nCil.
It was DIalled by CaJ:nc. Sparlœ, seoalded by Came. Jàmson anti p"ø...... with
Mayor Rcgers l'Ii--l ,Un¡ to grant the "W""'1.
It was IIDIIed by CCIunc. Gatto, secx:r1ded by CaJ:nc. Plun;¡y am P"'"toeel
unanimcus1y to oo--spalSOI' the l2K run with A¡ple Carplter åJtainin;J all
the 1""'-'1'!\ry pemi~ ~ liability :insuraJre I'1IIIIIin¡ the City as
co--spa;sor ani havÙXJ :íl registraticn foms inclme waiver of liability.
. 26. Members of the &\Jdienœ regaxdin;J matters not an the agenda - Na1e.
MINtms OF 'lHE AInBr 18, 1986 CI'lY CXXJNCIL ME:E:rm:; (CC-701)
27. PUblic hearin¡ at oost of weed abatEment.
(a) Resolutiat No. 6941: "A Resolutiat of the City CaJ:ncil of the
City of 0Jpert1n0 Providin;J for Lien As!'ee'- -·.ls am for the
Collec:tiat of SaIne;J fran the Abatement of Public
NUisances. "
It was IIICIII8CS by 0:Iunc. Johnson, seoa1ded by 0:Iunc. Gatto am ra"'......
unaniJDoosly to close the public hearin:J.
It was IIICIII8CS by 0:Iunc. Johnsan, seoa1ded by 0:Iunc. Gatto and )?"øøgd
unaniJDoosly to adopt Resolutia1 No. 6941.
28. O:ndderaticn of annexaticn of territory designated "El Camino
Hospital 85-5;" Generally Located West of 1-280 betwen 0Jpert1n0 am
I.œ Altos.
(a) Resolutia1 No. 6942: "A Resolutiat of the City Council of the
City of 0Jpert1n0 Orderin:J Annexatia1 of Area Designated as 'El
Camino Hospital 85-5' to the City of 0Jpert1n0, A¡:prc»dmately
385.6 Acres Gene1.cù.ly Located West of 1-280 between 0Jpert1n0 am
I.œ Altos."
(b) Resoluticn No. 6943: "A Rssolutiat of the City CaJ:ncil of the
City of 0Jpert1n0 Orderin:J Annexatia1 of Area Designated as 'El
Camino Hospital 85-5' to the 0Jpert1n0 sanitaIy District,
AppraIdJDately 54.04 Ac:r8s Generally Located West of I-280 bet:w8en
0Jpert1n0 and IDs Altos. II
DiJ:ector of Plannin¡ am lJBvel~.t. 0:Iwan :reviewed the annsxatia1 with
It was IIIt'IYed by CCIunc. Sparks, aeoa.dtd by 0:Iunc. Jàmsan am p"1I'ged
unaniJDoosly to close the public hearin¡.
It was IIIt'IYed by 0:Iunc. Sparks, seocnB:l by 0:Iunc. Plungy and )?"øøgd
unarrl11ø;sly to ~ the grantinq of a Negative Declaraticn.
It was IIIJVed by 0:Iunc. Sparks, seoa1ded by 0:Iunc. Johnsan am p'i'ged
unaniJDcusly to IIdopt Resoluticn No. 694r o~ the annexatiat.
.l- p.v1
It was IIIt'IYed by 0:Iunc. Gatto, seoa1ded by 0:Iunc. Plun;¡y am ~,!,,!,gd
unaniJDcusly to oontimIe cansideratiat of Resolution No. 6943 to the
JIIEIEIt:in¡ of Septemer 2, 1986.
MDCrm OF'IHE J\OOUST 18, 1986 Cl'IY <XXJNCIL ME:ErIH:; (CX::-701)
29. Aßllicatim 17-tJ-86 of Rci:mt H. Lee am Ar-btes - Use PeImit to
operata a snack shq> within an øervioa staticn am operate 24
hours a d1r¡ am Envircraental Review: '!be project is categorically
""'"'"'¥t, hence lID enviJ:t:nœntal actiŒ1 is I""'-aazy. 'lbe project is
located Œ1 the SCAIthwest comer of stevens Creek Bc:W.evarci am Miller
Aveme. ~> ···-·ded for çpraval.
Previœsl.y ~.
30. AßllicatiŒ1 23-U-86 of R. G. Smithsa!, Inc. (Pizza Pldner) - Use
permit to DKXlify an existizg sit-dcwn restaurant to a pl_1rninantly
taJæ-out restaurant am Envh.......,.atal Review: 'lbe Plannin:J l'rImIi....iŒ1
r<'o) .........,ds the grantizx¡ of a Negative ""'"l~ratiŒ1. '!be project is
located Œ1 the southeast comer of HaDestead Rœd an:!. stellin;J Read.
P&·····....·Lbad for~.
Director of Planninq arxi Devel'¥""lJt co.ran reviewed the awlication with
It was IIIOIIed by Cœnc. Sparlæ, SðOOiå.d by Cœnc. Gatto am paea'9d
~ly to appraII8 the granting of a Negative ""'"'''..-atiŒ1.
It was DDVed by Cœnc. Sparlæ, seocnB:l by O:unc. Johnsen am paøø'9d
unanimoosly to appraII8 A¡plicatiŒ1 23-tJ-86 per Plannin:J l'rImI4""im
Resolution No. 2942.
31. Na1e.
32. ~t regardinJ na~iame with Al-43 zaUn:J requireJœnt in IœMy
Iane¡Iarry way area.
Directar of Planninq an:!. Devel'¥""lJt Q:Iwan :reviewed his L~t with
It was IIICIII8CS by <hJnc. Spaxts, seocnB:l by <hJnc. Plun;¡y arxi l"'a......
unaniDaJsly that staff prepare a ..~t regardin:J zaùrq qltiaw,
sugge..1..ed Jœepin;J the Al zcne redefined so it oorrelates with 'llbat is in
the area arxi to allow prcperty owners the ability to aà:l en to their
exist.iJxJ resic:!enœs. Upcn cœpletim of t.hat :¡;~L, Planninq is to cc:me
h!Ick to the City CaJ:ncil far further
t 33. Request for authorizatiŒ1 to ocntract with a oansultant for
telec::armJrÚ.catiaw øerviœs an:!. l!oM'L"I'Liation of fUOOs.
M:INt11nJ OF 'lHE AIXìCST 18, 1986 Cl'lY CXXJNCIL MEErIOO (0::-701)
It was III:JIIed by Ooonc. Plun;¡y, -.....Idéd by CaJ:nc. Jåmsa1 anti p"øøgd
unanimously to _u.18 the ccntract with World lhmiI"Úcatioos GrCA.1p anti to
~,,¥,-iate $14,400 fraa the General !Und.
34. A¡pIal of;J rnm.i_icn a¡:prcval for pemit to %'E!D:I\I8 a large
tree at 10191 Tali (Mary Ð:Jan anti Sheny Paul, a¡:pllants) (cxnt.inJed
frail ~ of August 4, 1986).
Di.rf!ctar of Planni.n; am Devel'¥'""'at Cowan k'L s_.ted the "R""'" to
It was IIICIII8CS by CaJ:nc. Sparks, sec:xnØi by CaJ:nc. Jàmsan am p"øø'9å
unaniJIIwsly to deny the "R"""J anti u¡i'x:)ld the Planni.n;
35. Awlicatian ~4 of Praœtheus Devel'¥'""'/t CIaIpmy (CUpertino City
Center JI~il!tes) - Request for parK dedicaticn credit for PraIIBtheus
Devel'¥""'".t apartment oarplex in City Center (0CI'1tinued frail August 4,
Previoosly ccntira.Ied.
36. QIaIIIber of ~'"08 pres_.Laticn of "Shop 0Jpert1n0" k'L~CI."
It was III:JIIed by CaJ:nc. 6pmœ, seccnBi by Ooonc. Pl~ am p"ø_gd
unanimously to CXI1Sider this as the last item of the meet.iD¡.
37. Review of Use Petmit 3-U-a2 ~ c::i1an;Je of liceu.M, Foothill
McbU Service Center, 22510 stevens Crœk BcA1levard (!b'teza
Abdollahi, new liceLee).
It was III:JIIed by CaJ:nc. Plun;¡y, sec:xnØi by CaJ:nc. Jå1nsan anti pø'E'eel
unanimously to a¡:p¡::gye the a¡pJ.icant as the new cperator of the service
38. Letter fraa Martan am Elizabeth Mann regan!J.rg their k'L.....,e1. ty at
10037 SCenic Ballevard.
By CCI'ISelISUS, Oooncil directed the PUblic ~ Department to serñ the
k'L' ",.c..ed letter to Mr. an:! Mrs. Mann an:! shcW.d they have any questioos,
they may k'L T l ,t them to Oooncil.
39. Letter frail Gazy stakes, reccnsideraticn of Smog Doctor aweal.
It was DICIIIed by Ooonc. Plun;¡y, seccn::Ied by Ooonc. JåInsa'I an:! ptlt'f'gd
~ly to not :r:eootlSider the previoos appeal.
MINUDS OF '!HE J\DDST 18, 1986 Cl'I'1( <XXJNCIL MEI!:1'I1I:; (00-701)
40. Seccni I'eI!II:Un) of Otdinance No. 1376: "An Otdinance of the City of
0Jpert.i00 ~ 0J:d.inIIn0e U65 to Modify Otn1itiem 16 of an
A¡:proved Planned D"..h Zcnin) J\ctia1 to Patmit the Optic:aal
Payment of an In-Lieu Fee in Place of Prc7Ii.c!Jn¡ BelOIt MarJœt Rate
Hwsin:¡ Unite."
It was IIICYed by O::unc. P1UIXN, &o:oe....deå by CCIunc. Gatto an:! p"øøgd
uœnimcusly to read Otdinance No. 1376 by title arùy am the City Clerk's
readin¡ to CCI1Stitute the seocn:1 I'eI!II:Un) thereof.
It was IIICIII8CS by o.:unc. PIUIXN, S8CCI'Ided by CaJ:nc. Gatto am I'!''!Iøt!d
uœnimcusly to enact Otdinance No. 1376.
41. Seccni I'eI!II:Un) of Otdinance No. 1383: "An Ord.inance of the City of
0Jpertin0 A1DeniiJç Sectian 10.52.010, DistriJJutiem of O····-·cial
1odvertisin;J, of the 0Jpertin0 H.miclpal 0X!e."
It was IIICYed by Counc. PIUIXN, S8CCI'Ided by O::unc. Gatto ani I"'øø9d
uœnimcusly to read Otdinance No. 1383 by title arùy am the City Clerk's
re!IdinJ to CCI1Stitute the ...........d readin¡ thereof.
It was IIICYed by O::unc. Plun;¡y, seoCludal by CCIunc. Gatto am l?"ø~gd
uœnimcusly to enact Ord.inance No. 1383.
42. ~!a'I8.
1œ-~ !lJSINæS
43. Reoog\J.tiem by Mayor of ~b1 requests.
(a) Gen8tAl :a."...ierDl.
Ann kqetr ~ eel oppositian to the City --....4"9 a J ...... of the
Golden'l'riarçle Task Farce.
(b) City O::uncil.
Mayor ~s IIl1IDmCecl that the Golden 'l'riarçle Task Farce woold be em the
SepteIIœr 2 agenda for any actian.
(0) staff.
36. It was IIICIII8CS by CCIunc. Jàmsan, secx:n:Ied by CaJ:nc. Sparlœ ani p&øsed
uœnimcusly to ~ the request of the a-tJer of 0····-·0.. for
$2,000 for their "Shcp 0Jpert.i00" t'L"':fLCIIII.
At 8:00 p.m., O::uncil adjoumed to a IIIBE!t:in; of
of Directors.