CC 08-19-86 .~ ~. I ClT\( OF aJPfRl'D«), srATE OF CAI.IFCR«A 10300 Torre AV8I'I.I8, 0Jpertin0, CA 95014 TelE!J;tlcne: (408) 252-4505 MINtm:s OF 'IHE AD1Œ1RNED REmIAR MEE'l'IlG \JF 'mE ClT\( axJNCIL HEID œ NnJSr 19, 1986 m 'mE CXIIl"ERE2Q RXM, ClT\( HAIL, w~·.uÐ, œ;IPœIIA OO-70lA GOTJ'ßl TRIAN:;IE TASK FœcE 8lUI1i SESSIœ Mayor Rogers called the ~ to aroer in the ~........,::e Rccm at 7:35 p.m. ROLL CALL Came. PL S E.h't: Gatto, JctInsa1, P1ungy, Sparks (left at 8:05 p.m.), Mayor Rogers . staff 14-1s_IL: City Manager ~an City Cleric O:Imelius Direc:tar of P1.annin; ani Dev8l...........t Cowan Assistant Plannin:;J Direc:tar Piasecki 1. WelCC1118 & Intrcxh1c:tia'lS Mayor F.oger& stated t.>¡at this matter woold be scheduled as a heari.rq at the sept:sd:)er 2 City Camcil~. She Ld....·~vWI hersÐlf, am 1I_.¡~1:S of the Task Farce am City staff as wall as City Camcil LILL.. 1>..-'1 thPrn.c:elves. 2. GITF ~ship Invitatian . Jim. Zesc:h, ~4111_.¡er, Mountain View, ~lS (ILed a 1:IacIcgrom:i am history of the Golden 'l'ri.an¡le Task Farce. He stated that areas of focus are land use, capital ±aprcvœents am transportatien deIIIarñ manœ,,-.c...t. Came. Sparks infomeci those pt : If at.. that it wcW.d be œo-~~>:y for him. to leave early ani therefore he wishecl to aSk SCIIIB questicns at this time. Di,s(,";sien followed regardin; the matter of a weighted vote for a city based upa1 either dollars cx:I'Itrib1ted or popllatian. 3. Golden Trian:¡le Task Farce Ð:lie Dxœin, santa Clara Ocunty Maralfacturers' GI:Q.1p, stated that the Task Force did have a May, 1987 deadline in regard to adc:ptien of policies. She stated that the ariqinal boundary for the Golden Tri.an;Jle was Moont:ain View, Milpitas, Sunnyvale, santa Clara, the Ocunty ani the aiIport north in San Jose. Special 4.......... involved are historic downtowns ani dawntown San Jose. She ili"C'lPE'gd the .35 FAR policy en in:hJstrial ani oc:mnercial ZQ'IeS, excludin;J hotels, retail establishments, branch banJœ an:} restaurants. She stated that the FAR ani level of service ratio is to -1- þ# .'.... MIN'JI'ES OF '!HE AroUb'T 19, 1986 CI'lY OXJNCIL MEETOO (œ-701A) be develqJed. MeàJership in the Task Fotœ wculd involve $40,000 for a COI1SUltant am administrative warIt. MeIIiJers of the Task Force wculd œ asked to match the rate of dewl'1."·-·,t to the infrast:ruct:ur available. (City Cleric's Nate: Q:Q'Ic. Sparks left at 8:05 p.m.) Ms. Dorosin reviewed both Fhase I and R1ase IT of the Task Fotœ's 1-'L"":fL"'" with CaJ:ncil. 4. City staff report. City Manager \).1inlan and Director of PlaJ1l'Ùn} and Devel"¥""'1t cowan pi. s~.t.ed the staff report to these þXlsent. Mr. cowan reviewed areas of un:ævelqJed land remaining in Q¡pertino and point"..ed out the designated areas fallin;J UIœr the City's FAR 1-'L"YLClllh 5. I:øplicatiŒ1 of InvitatiŒ1. Ra'I Gcazales, Q:Q'Ici1.. ~er, SUnnyvale, CXJnClUlXd the Task Fotœ's pi. s_,latiŒ1. CaJ:ncil ..ddI. øed varioos cpIStiaIs to the three ->"9 of the Task Force l'L Lat.. inclUl:lin;J the relatia1ship of the Task Forcs to T-2000. other questiCl1S asked were Wi 0Jpertin:) was bein;J asked to join and Wat type of açoin;r meåIanism wuld œ created to DaÙ.tor the transportatiŒ1 deœn:i management in the fUture. CaJ:ncil was infomed that the Task Fcm::e was meeting Friday IIDming at 7:00 a.m. in the Jbmtain view Public Safety arlJ.din¡. 'lbey were invited to attend. Mayor RcgellJ CIICe again anncunced that the cwrcll wculd cxn3uct a hearin;J Œ1 this mtter at their meeting of SepteIIb!r 2 and make a decisiŒ1 rega.rdin¡ 1I\Ø ~ .....~ in the Task Force at that time. CCluncillldjcmnecl at 9:15 p.m. ~d?¿. , ~~~ ~ --"::) City Clerk J -2-