CC 09-15-86
10300 Torre Aveme, 0Jpertin0, CA 95014
Tele¡i1ae: (408) 252-4505
MIN!.11mI OF 'IHE RmCIAR ioou;,¡,0oU'C OF 'lHE Cl'l'!C CXJIH:IL
Cl'lY H1\IL, ~'.u«>, Œ.IFœHIA
Mayor 1b;Ie1... called the meetinq to order at 6:50 p.m. in the CaJ:ncil
Ounnh<>.r .
SAIl1I'E '10 '!HE FlIG
Com1c. P.ì. i .e..,L:
Gatto, JdInsa1, Plun;¡y, Spaèœ, Kayar B:)gel..
staff PI' Hill:
City Manager Orlnlan
City Cleric OomeJ.ius
Directar of Public Works Viakcviå1
Director of p~ am DBvel.........jt CCwan
Directar of Finance ~'der
Directar of PInics am Rscreatian Dowlin;r
Assistant: to the City Manager BraoIn
l'hIonI"Úty Relaticns Officer Sc:uric:h
City Attorney Kilian
~ œ Næ AGEM1A l'1D!S
It was IIICIII8CS by CCIunc. Gatto, .......dtd by Com1c. J<l..-... am p00--1Id
~y to J:'EIIIOYed ItER No. 49.
Proc:lamatiat hatœ:in;r QJpert:ino ~ of n .............. "Shq) OJpertino"
Proc:lamatian declarin;J week of Septeai)er 21, 1986 as "Ib8) Week" in the
City of 0Jpertin0.
RepJ::S_jlatives t"- S .at acapted the prnt"1-t.icns.
1. Oral L"¥JL"ts by staff 1I_·~s and. ...'-4....ian of written 1."¥JLL....
city Manaaer's RaJuL t
Alcxnolic Beveraqe control License, P. J. H.1lligan's - It WIIS pointed cut
that there had been no recel/t ...,.,1..i.,t,s. The City Manager was request:ecS
to make sure the Sheriff's reports go to the ABC.
Þ M1NUl'ES OF 'DIE ~.LUIt1I:oK 15, 1986 c:rry cx:aICIL ME:ETIH:; (0)703)
~Clerlc's Ro.6·..t
AnnJal 0...".. of Cities - It was IIICIII8CS by COUD::. Gatto, -..aided by
CaJ:nc. Spar!œ am panel! UIIIII1iD:Jusly to appoint """"Ira ~III am RIled
Sparks as vot.hYJ .....1egat8 and altemate.
Interview of L1braxy n-i_i(ll\ a¡:p1icants - Cooncil set 6:00 p.m. 0c::tc::beJ:
6 for i.nterviaw.
2. ~t en GraM Jury ~t re Santa Clara Camty City ImI_t-.t;
PL· . 'A '-'tteS.
By cx:.œensus, Cooncil received the l~t am directed that Wen the
aJ'II"I.1al im_t.-¡t policy is 1"" S /ted, it include the P"~ used to
select broIœrs am revised lan:;uIIge specificaUy statiIg im-t-.t
3. Treasurer's and aQ;et ~t - A1J;ust, 1986
CDJNCIL ~ - Na'18.
It was IIDIIed by CaJ:nc. Gatto, ~.doed by CCIunc. JåulSa1 am ~-ed
unan±mous1y to ~ the 0.. at.. c:a1.erx!ar as sul:mitted.
9. Resolutian No. 6569: "A ~utian of the City Cooncil of the City of
Qpertino AllCJWin;J certain M..4_ am ~ Payable in the A1Dmts
and FraIl the P'UncSs as Hereinafter Describecl for General am
Miscel:Lanøc:œ Ellpeniitur. for the PerioIi En:1inJ August 29, 1986."
10. Resolutian No. 6970: "A ~utian of the City Cooncil of the City of
Qpertino AllCJWin;J certain M..4_ ani ~ Payable in the JIIIIømta
ani frail the P'UncSs as Hereinafter Døscribecl for Salaries am wages for
the Payroll PerioIi En:1inJ S8pt8IIbIr 2, 1986."
ll. Psqœst for waiver of ~ license f_ - Marå1 of Dimes.
12. Resolutian No. 6957: "A ~utian of the City Cooncil of the City of
Qpertino AccBpt.iø¡ a Grant of h---ñ: for SlqIG ~sss frail Gladys
Boyer stOC'lr1_i.,., Dean stockJ.meir am Alan L. stoc:1r1_i.,., Trustees,
I.ocatecS an stevens creek Boulevard at SOanic Bculevard.
13. Resolutian No. 6958: "A Resolutian of the City council of the City of
0Jpert:in0 AccBpt.iø¡ Grant Deed of Real Prt:.perty frail Dean stock1mBir
!&IÙ Alan L. st.ocklmeir, Trustees, Gladys Bayer stOC'lr1_4.,.,
~y 0.006 Acre I.ocatecS an stevens creek Boulevard at scenic
Bculevard. "
Þ MINt1l'ES OF 'DIE SEPmœER 15, 1986 Cl'lY a:mICIL MEE:l'IN:õ (00-703)
14. Resoluticn No. 6959: "A Resolutian of the City Cooncil of the city of
0Jpertin0 ~ a Grant of I".A--lt far Public utilities traa
Ð:!ward S. J. Cali, Trustee; Located an SaJth DeAnza BoolevaId North of
McClellan RoIId."
15. AnrA.1al Affimative ActiŒ1 Report.
16. ResolutiŒ1 No. 6960: "A ResolutiŒ1 of the city Cooncil of the City of
0Jpertin0 ~ a Grant of 1".A.........,t, far Public Utilities traa
AlfrecS J. Cali; Ð:lward 5 J. Cali; Located Œ1 SaJth DeAnza BoolevaId
at McClellan Road."
17. Resoluticn No. 6961: "A ResolutiŒ1 of the City Cooncil of the City of
o.¡pertino ~ Parcel Map am Inpro\Iement Plans of PL"l""'-ty
Located en SaJth DeAnza BoolevaId; Dsvelq¡er, Deke 1b1ter; Authorizing
Executicn of :IIIprcM!ment Ao,¡.............t; Authorizing Signing of Parcel Map
and Inpro\Iement Plans."
18. Resoluticr1 No. 6962: "A Resolutian of the City Ca.Incil of the City of
0Jpertin0 ~ a Grant of 1".A.........,t, far Public utilities traa John
J. Tracy and Bank of America, Trustees am Margaret s-- JL",¡es; Located
Œ1 SaJth DeAnza Boolevam. II
19. ResolutiŒ1 No. 6963: "A ResolutiŒ1 of the City Ocuooil of the City of
0Jpertin0 Authorizing EIœo1tian of h;Jtee...e¡at betwen the City am
Mardesiå1 c::1aIpany, A Partnership, Providin;J far the Acquisitian of
Real PL"l""'-ty in Canjunc:tiŒ1 with the DeAnza Boolevard SLL....t widening
Project. "
20. Resoluticr1 No. 6964: "A Resoluticr1 of the city Ca.Incil of the City of
0Jpertin0 ~ a Grant Deed of Real Prc:pIrty traa Mardesiå1
"'""'P"ny, A Partnership; A¡praximately 0.0297 Acres, Locateå en stevens
Creek Boolevam."
21. Resoluticr1 No. 6965: "A Resoluticr1 of to.. City Ca.Incil of the City of
0Jpertin0 Aocept:in¡ a Grant of b.........¡t for Public utilities frail
Mardesiå1 "'""'P"ny, A Partnership; Located Alen¡ stevens Creek
Bc:W.evam and SaJth DeAnza Boolevard at the Southwest 0.....,.... of said
Int:ersec:tiŒ1." .
22. Resoluticr1 No. 6966: "A ResolutiŒ1 of the city Cooncil of the City of
0Jpertin0 A¡:proving Oc:ntract 0Ian3e Order No. 1 for 1985-86
Mj.......11aneous Water main Rspl,,(........,at Project 86-ll3."
23. ResolutiŒ1 No. 6967: "A ResolutiŒ1 of the city Cooncil of the City of
QJpert:ino A¡:proving 0CI'Itract Qwge Order No. 1 far SLL....t Maintenance
- Slurry Se!Il Project 86-112."
24. ResolutiŒ1 No. 6968: "A Reso1utiŒ1 of the city Ocuooil of the City of
0Jpertin0 A¡:proving O:ntract Qwge Order No. 2 far AnrA.1al OVerlay,
Project 86-111."
. M:INtmS OF '!HE =r~UIaU( 15, 1986 C1'lY a:mICIL Mœ1'I1G (OC-703)
25. Resolutic:n No. 6974: "A Resolutian of the City o:ux:il of the City of
0Jpertin0 Dec1.ariJ1q Intent to o:nb:t a PUblJc Hearin:¡ O".......uin¡ a
Nuisance to be AbatecS at FisheJ:mn's V41'''9'" at 19930 Stevens CnIek
Bculevard. "
26. Resolutien No. 6975: "A Resolutic:n of the City o:ux:il of the City of
0Jpertin0 Declaring Intent to o:nb:t a PI.IbUc Hearin:¡ O".........inJ a
NUisanoe to be AbatecS at the ....- ock I.cun;¡e, 19980 Hc:1aII£'c:.ted RioacS."
27. Acceptance of City projects perfœ:mecl under ......lL..ct:
(a) street Maint.ena11œ - Slurxy Seal, Project 86-112.
(b) Ar.mal OII8rlay, Project 86-111.
28. ~-t frail Cable TV Advisory c:nœdttee for ~ of capital
wtlay expenditures.
29. SUIIac:i. am Cross-O::IIplaint filed by Vemcn Frank GIu:cla.
30. Mimtes of the adjca.u:necl œgular ~ of August 7, 1986 (OC-700A).
31. Mimtes of the œgular -':in¡ of August 18, 1986 (OC-701).
32. Mimtes of the adjca.u:necl œgular IIIIIEIt.iD¡ of August 19, 1986 (OC-70lA).
~ IL..I,Arø of the City n,~il
AYES: Gatto, Jàmsan, Plun;¡y, SpImœ, ~s
33. NaIe.
34. Meai:Iers of the audience regarðin¡ matters not en the agenda - NaIe.
35. ~1.. of Plannin;¡' ChmIi....ian actian - J\¡plicatien 25-U-86, st.
Andrews AImenian Churd1, So. stellin;r RioacS.
Diractor of Plannin;¡' and Dsvel'"¥""lat 0:Mm reviewed his L'¥'Lt with
CaJ:ncil. He statecS that en Page 35-1 of the 1:"'t"'Lt, the first a..
regardinq t:rucIœ in bacJc of the h1ildin;r had been resolV8Ci.
· MINt1lm OF 'DIE SEPlÐmER 15, 1986 C1T'l CXXJNCIL MEE'l'IIC (OC-703)
Kathryn Niclœrscn, 11360 s. stsllin;J Rœi:1, infcmDecl council that sh8 had
filed an "A""'1 ..........._ of cx:ncems reqaMin¡ the entrance to t.'w åmrà1,
b.1t that her o....lO.4JlS were alleviated 10hIn &he IIIIIW the plan. '!be œly
remaining preble &he felt involved the hcurs of cperatian. She pref«mlC1
they be restrict:acS to 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. ~_ of traffic. She
also ~ e i saDB OctlCéLll regardin¡ shIIdaws that wculd be cœated by the
dJul"ål as &he has solar penels. Ms. Nic1œrsc:rt also req.J88ted that the
åmrà1 have a security gate so teenagers could not CXIII8 into the ~
lot after U:OO p.m. Nemeth, U70 S. stsJ.lin;J Rœi:1, recpested that li.gtrt:inJ in the ~
lot be en at all tbDes chIrin;r the night. He also ~ the
installatien of a security gate am an 8 ft. wall en the side of the
åIurå1 adjllCBnt to his ~_ ty.
Vaughn Shahinian, civil engineer .L"'J:A'- - ,JUn.' the åIurå1, ðd:h.! ngd
Ca.mcil am stated that the åIurå1 did not want a security gate. However,
an 8 ft. wall WtUld be satisfact:oty. In regard. to the li.gtrt:inJ, he said
neighbors prcb¡!bly WtUld not really want lights en all night.
In answer to Ca.mcil's ~, Director of Plannin;J am Døvel~,t
Cowan stated that the SCIUI'd wall was typically _,,-Ired fraa ite highest
point am that the setback of the wall ~ to be aåh'8ssed. Nemeth .......- that the wall WtUld start at the 20 ft. line am that
was his pret.............
Sandra JCI1B8 _ eE'eel a pre!tsl..4.... for POplar trees alon;r the fence line.
It was IIICIII8CS by Jàmsan, secx:n:!ed by CCIunc. Pl~ am pelE'~
~y to close the pJblic hearinq.
It was stated that the lamsœpin;J wculd go to ~ as per O:n:1itian No.
'lbe City Attorney inf.........d Ca.mcil that they could mr:xiify ccniitiCl1s, deny
the ~ 1. or grant the "ß"'" 1 ".
It was IIICIII8CS by CaJ:nc. Plun;¡y, seocnB:l by CaJ:nc. Jåmøan am P"~-ad
unanimaIsly to t:aIæ the following actia1s reqaMin¡ the "ß""'1.:
Modify pemit.
RIEIIIaII8 requirsnant to 1DOII8 ..rash enclosure to nartheast .............
Not require security gate b.1t reserve the optien should a preblem
cxx:ur .
~ 8 ft. IIIaSCI1rY barrier to start at the fiIst win:k:Iw of the
adjllCBnt dwellirr;¡s.
~rove height of main tower for 61 ft.
t MINUn:s OF 'lHE SEPlD!BER 15, 1986 CI'lY CXXJNCIL MEE:1'm:; (<X:-703)
~ ho.Jrs of cperatiat at 8:00 a.m. to 1l:00 p.m. with ~LiCl\S
\tIen used as a pon~ place Md fcur holic!ays per year.
("...~ service is to be the residential method of service (cm:tlside
36. Awlicatian 5-Z-86 of H. W. and 1Issociates ~ny_
Rezc:n1n;J Rl-1Oag to Rl-7.5 ZCI\9; Awlicatiat 12-'DH16 - Tentative Map
to subiivide 4 p¡u:œls into 11 parcels with lot sizes rarçin;r frail
7,500 sq. ft. to 8,500 sq. ft.. and EnvirtrJmental Rsview: '!be Plann.1n;r
n-o-4_iat re<:· ....-.&1 the gr¡mt~ of a Negative T1D(olaratiat. '!be
project is located at the north side of Joi::Clellan Road, 150 ft. east
of stell~ Road. Rec· ····....·Idoad for ~.
(a) First readin;J of Ordinance No. 1385: "An Ordinance of the City
of QJpert:ino AIDIIRiirq Sectiat 1 of Ordinance No. 2 by Rezcnin;J
PrcpIrty frail Rl-1Oag to Rl-7.5 Zats; at the North side
of Ittlellan Road, 150 Ft. East of stellin;r Road."
Director of Planning am Dø CX:Iwan reviewed the þL' ,<JSed rezaún;J
and tentative map with Ocuncil.
Jim Jadœa'll"'io'L SElJItin; the çplicant told Ocuncil that the new tentative
map had shewn a drainage swale Md he is not sure that that is Witt the
çplicants want. He requested a ccniitiat that WQ1J.d a11CM for
eliminaticn of the swale at the final map with the cx:asent of the City
ED3ineer .
Di.......1Miat followed regazdin;r "'.........ø atto Joi::Clellan Road Md the property
to the north.
Bz:yœ Carroll, Ruth am Go~, stated that IDt No. 4 ccW.d not be pmvWI
Md that an -..........,t, is not wanted lIS it WQ1J.d ràJœ the saleability.
It was IIIOYed by CaJ:nc. Spm:ts am secxmed by Came. Jàmsan to closs the
p¡blic hearin:¡.
Fentcn Hill, 20915 Joi::Clellan Road, addressed Ocuncil in qp:ølUen to the
rezaún¡. In regard to the exit anto Joi::Clellan Road, he said it WQ1J.d !::Q
difficult for """,,"g if a left turn frail Joi::Clellan is not allowed. de
spoIœ in surp:a.l of the swale. Mr. Hill expressed OCb"..LlI regaJ:diD¡ the
height of banes at Lots No. 1 am 2. He requested an 8 ft. fence. He
urged Ocuncil to make sure that this WQ1J.d be a "quality" eubdivisiat.
Eric Lind, 10147 '1\ùa Iane, stated that he wanted absolutely no in this devel""1-""=llt, nrt: if the devel""1-""=l.l1ræI'e put in he
woold prefer a minim.mI 8 ft. fence. He stated that a u-turn at Bcm1y
woold be disastrous.
Þ It was voted UI'1IInim:u;ly to close the p¡blic hear~.
. MINt1l'ES OF 'DIE SEPrÐœER 15, 1986 CITY CDJNcrL MEE:l'DÇ (ro-703)
It was !DOlled by CaJ:nc. Jå1nsa\, seccn3ed I:Jy 0cAInc:. Sparks and passed with
0cAInc:. Gatto abstaininq beœ!'..... of poaeiblø CXJI'1flict to ~e the
Negative t)el"J..r.atian for A¡plicatiCl1 S-Z-86.
It was DIM!d by CaJ:nc. J.l..-...., seceuded I:Jy 0cAInc:. Sparks am I"'øøgd with
0cAInc:. Gatto abstaininq to ðßI['CY8 Awlicatia1 S-Z-86 per P1.annin;J
ChmIi....iCl1 Resolutian No. 2944.
It was DIM!d by CaJ:nc. PIUIJW, seccn3ed by CaJ:nc. Spm:ts and pøøed
Ul'IaIÙ.1ID.ISly to reacI 0J:dinance No. 1385 by title aùy and the City Clerk's
~ to CCI'IStitute tns first readiJJ;r thereot.
It was DIM!d I:Jy 0:u1c. Jàmsan, seccn3ed I:Jy 0cAInc:. Sparks and paee'9d with
0cAInc:. Plun;¡y ñiø-~atin;J and Gatto aI::ist:ainiJ'g to grant a Negative
Declaratioo for Awlica.tiCl1 12-'IM-86.
It was DIM!d by CaJ:nc. Sparks, seccn3ed by 0cAInc:. Johnsa1, with
OcAInc:il--rs Pl~ am lb;Jers dissentin; and c:n:r.1C. Gatto abstaininq to
ðßI['CY8 AwlicatiCl1 12-'IM-86 per Plannin¡ CCJmt.!asiCl1 Resolutioo No. 2943,
and to also ðßI['CY8 an -..-....¡t CI1 Lot 4 for in;Jress/...".. ø for L.')t 27
when develq¡ed. 'D1e JD:Jtian failed.
It was DIM!d by CaJ:nc. Sparks to CCI'Iti."1U8 OCI'ISideratioo of 12-'IM-86 two
weeks and that the &Rùicant work with staff. 'D1e motiCl1 died for lack of
a second.
It was DIM!d I:Jy 0:u1c. Sparks, seca¡ded by 0cAInc:. Plun;¡y and pa!õegd with
Coone. Gatto absta1nin;J to reqJE!I. the pmlic hearirg CI1 Awlicatian S-Z-86
and to resclJñ aߌ'OV&l.
It was DIM!d by Q:Am::. Sparks, seccn3ed by CCIunc. Plun;¡y am I"',,;,øgd with
0cAInc:. Gatto absta1nin;J to CXI\tinue hearirg until ()(:td:)er 6, 1986.
37. O:insideratiCl1 of vacati.CI1 of -- d..I located at the easterly
IxIundæy of Lots 4 am 7, Tract 3743, 0Jpertin0'lOwn Center.
(a) Resolutian No. 6971: "A Resolutian of the City CaJ:ncil of the
City of 0Jpertin0 orderinj vacati.c:n of the Public utility
h..-.,t am wire Clearance h.......... at. II:x:ated at the Easterly
Bcun3æy of Lots 4 and 7, Tract 3743, 0Jpertin0 'lOwn Center,
Pursuant to Sec::tiCI1 50430 ot the Ga.I&a........t Code of the state of
california. "
It was DIM!d by CCIunc. Johnsa1, secxnæ:l by CaJ:nc. Plun;¡y and I"'øøgd
Ul'IaIÙ.1ID.ISly to close the pmlic hearirg.
It was DIM!d by CaJ:nc. Pl~, secx:rù!d by CaJ:nc. Jàmsan and ~øøed
unaniJlDJsly to ë!dqJt ResolutiCl1 No. 6971.
38. ConsideratiCl1 of vacatiCl1 of portian of SCAJth side of stevens Creek
Bc:W.evard east of cazmen Read.
MINUl'ES OF '!HE SEE'l'DmŒ 15, 1986 CITY a:mICIL MEE:l'IJG (00-703)
(a) RIIIsOlutian No. 6972: "A ReIIOlutian of the City eœncil of the
City of 0IpCt1n0 o..doo...1n;J Vacatian of a Portian of the Sœt:h
side ot ~ CI:8ek Boulevaxd. East of <>...-, RoIId as Prcwided
in sectian 8320 Et Seq. of the SLL..ots am HighwayB 0XSe of the
state of Califamia."
Mike H::Dcwell, 7974 1'UIIpIdn Drive, cpIStia'Iecl 0aJrcll :reg¡u:din;J the
official plan line am "swap" of lard.
It was mcved by <nJnc. Gatto, woaldecl by Ocunc. JIÀ18CI1 am pot--w
unaniDølsly that the Director of Public WorIcB mest with Mr. M::Dowell am
this item be exnIidered later in the lIgID!a.
39. Ca1sideraticn of vacatiCl'l of portian of south side of stevens CI:8ek
BoulEMml west of stevens CI:8ek.
(a) Resolutian No. 6973: "A Resolutian of the City Ocuncil or the
city or O¡pertino o..doo...1n;J VacatiCl'l of a PortiCl'l or the Sœt:h
side of stevens CI:8ek Boulevaxd. west of stevens CI:8ek as Prcwided
in Sectian 8320 Et Seq. of the SLL..ots am HighwayB 0XSe of the
state of Califamia."
It was mcved by Ocunc. Sparks, secaóad by Ocunc. Gatto am p"øøw
I.D'1ëI1'1iJaouly to close the p.1blic hearinq.
It was mcved by Ocunc. Gatto, secaóad by Ocunc. Jù..1IOCI'I and potøø"ild
unanimously to IIdqJt Resolutian No. 6973 revised to in::J.ude retentian of
~icatiCl'l 12-'IH-86 of H. W. J\s8oc"i..tsø Inv.-l-oa,t 00. - Please see
Item 36.
40. ~icatiCl'l 27-u-86 of EIœa1tan, A Tanr1iD¡ salCl'l - use PlmDit to
cprate a 1,700 sq. ft. tam1n¡ BIllan am Envira1mental RBview: 'ItIe
project is cat.egarically -.,.t, hence no envira1møntal actian is
lIe""""'&!Ory. '!be project is located CI'I the scutheIIst """:118:l of
ñaDestead RoIId am stelling RoIId (HaDsstead Square Sbqpin) center) .
~,,-···-·ded for CIJ:oIt&...Nal.
It was mcved by Ocunc. Sparks, ScoOOIded by CaJ:nc. Gatto and P"-ø'!ld
unanimously to awtOl/8 ~icatiCl'l 27~86 per pJ.annin¡ t'nftnIi ....tCl'l
ResolutiCl'l No. 2952.
41. ~icatian ItSN:. 51,671.1 - Haward am Helen Low: Rsquestin} GWLvVcÙ.
of fencin;J for an imiviðœl lot within a hillside subc1ivis!ŒI. 'lbe
subject pJ:q)8rty is located an the north side of Avenida Lane,
southerly of Vose Aveme. Reo· ····.Alded for denial.
MINUlES OF'lHE SEPrœBER 15, 1986 ClT'i a:mICIL HEE:l'm:ï (0:-703)
Director of P1.anniJ'ç ard DIMù'¥""'llt COWan reviewed the histozy of the
fence with <bmcil.
Hcwim:l IDII stated that he feels the written l.~L presented to CaJ:ncil
was biasecl against him. He said he had ccnt:acted the City's 9.1ildiD]
Department am talJœd with Jos Antcnxcl after his pool had been
installed. Mr. IDII then met with his lw"""'l""1:' am selected the fence he
felt was best for that 1'L....-tl". He then went back to Mr. Ant:.a'u::cl. am
was referred to the Planning DEIpe.rtment. Mr. IDII stated that the Director
of Planning had said in regard to pool safety the fame was no problem.
Mr. Antaux:i told Mr. lCIII that if the fence had the a¡:praval of Mr. Cowan
it had his a¡:praval as well. Mr. lCIII stated that Mr. Jooes of the
BI1i1di.n:¡ DeparbDent had infomed him that no pemits 1nIld be required.
Mr. IDII expressed the qlinicn that he had done what he felt a prudent
citizen sho.1ld do. He then ccntacted his title CY'II'{"'ny 1IIhi.d1 said t.'Jat
there 'Ære no CC&Rs. He felt he had selected a fence that least
àJstxucted peq¡le's view.
Gorden Call, owner, 42, stated that Mr. IDII was aware of CC&Rs as he
had received a COf!./ IIbcut ten mcnths ago. He told Cbmcil. that the pool
was ootside the hni1din:) envelope. He fUrther stated that the
"lard~ Mr. IDII referred to is a "Plant placer." He stated that he
did ~ the fence redesignscS.
J~im Claudy, adjacent property owner and Planning ChrIniRSioner, stated
tlut at the tJJDe of the fence requirement, he was the 01ai.r. of ASN:. '!he
œildiD] envelope was meant to be a cxntained area around the haJse. He
could not spedficaliy ..-.-... .er any acticn regaJ:din:) pool ferclJx¡. He
infomed Council that he sees cnly the roof of Mr. lCIII's house fran his
seccn:1 story wimcw. He also stated that the fence is sittin;J at the
crest of the hill so it looks high to tIxIse who can see it.
Robin Rcå:l, a neighbor, said that the view was a major selling point for
his haJse. He fin:1s the pool am fence offensive. He said the fence DJSt
be smaller.
A resident at 10387 crista QJurt, infomecl CaJ:ncil that he fœrñ the fence
offensive. He said he can cnly see the fence when he looks cut his den
wimow. He said the fence is transpIIrent am sho.1ld have shrubs to hide
it. A wrc:u;ht ircr. fence paintecl1llhi.te 1IICUld be all right. He requested
that the fence be closer to the pool am off the riå:Je line.
Patricia Taylor, 10388 crista QJurt, also <:fPOSed the fence an the ridge
line. She felt the fence was too big am sho.1ld be closer to the pool.
Mr. lCIII said he felt bad abœt this. He did not mean to offerxl
neighbors. He stated fUrther that he does not wish to resort to legal
means am requests _vval of the fence.
'!be City Attorney infomed eœncil that Mr. IDII had ~lied to the city
for a pool pemit and received it. Mr. Kilian stated his belief that Mr.
lCIII has a vested right.
HINt1I'ES OF'lHE bU".1UIIX.K 15, 1986 CITY CXXJNCIL l'IuinlC (œ-703)
It was IIDYed I7j CaJ:nc. JctInsa1 ftnCi ~.dtd by CaJ:nc. Plun;¡y that the City
is sœø extent at fault, am directed the to" ,'W'IB[ to nœsign the rence
with the City pay1nq far the relocatian of said fence. b relJd:iursement
will not be IIItICIe if a difrerent material is used if .... Ult material 1r01ld
have been 1IR'I'CMd. ~ vi U review relocatiat 1Itùch shaIld IIIIIke the
fence less œtrusive to the nsighbors. '1be lqplicant will not be
reiJIbn:sed rar part.ia1S paid far that will be reIII:M!Id.
'!be motien was carried with Courx:. Ga:tto dissenting.
38. (cxnt.inJed)
Dixect:or or Public Warks infomed Council that Mr. ~11' S questiCl1S
were based en a previcus plan line arr:1 taUght's resolutien cx:af0DllS with
the latest plan line 1tú.à1 pravides far less of a widenirq of stevens
Creek BcW.evard.
Mr. M:::DcMùl SIÙd he felt there was an ¡qparanœ of inccr.sist:enc:y.
Martan Ham, t'L_li owner, said that there is a elope ....-\AI.t in that
area. He statecS he had been told it woold be reIII:M!Id am it has not been
dale. If there is goiD;J to be CCI1S1deratian of chan)in;J the plan line, he
woold like the slope ....---rt; reIII:M!Id trail his t'L_ty.
It was DDYed by CaJ:nc. Spðrks, seca1ded. by Courx:. Jàmsan arr:1 p"øeed
unaniJDcusJ.y to close the p.¡blic hear1n:¡.
It was DDYed by COUnc. SpaIics, secxmed by COUnc. Gatto arñ p!\"eed
unaniJDcusJ.y to adept Resolutien No. 6972.
Courx:il directed that staff return with a new plan line.
42. Na1e.
43. OcI1sideratien of an onlinanoe I!IIII!J1Clin:¡ QIëIpter 5.32 or the a¡pert1no
M.micipal Code cp.Ie%IÙDJ bin;¡o games.
(a> First re!Idin¡ of Ordinance No. 1386: "An Ordinanoe of the City
or QIpertino AIDen:tin;J Sectic:rIS 5.32.280(c) am 5.32.290 of
Chapter 5.32 of the QIpertino MJrIi"i~ Code GaIIemi.n3 Bin;¡o
GIøœs for OIaritable PUI:pc !1!f". "
Courx:il directed the onlinanoe be aDI8I'æcl to eliminate the 1\ fee.
steve Sàùeimar, Yavneh Day care Center, infomed CCIuncil that en 0e:t:å:Jer
8 there is a meotin;J of Bay Area distr'...ct attomeys :regarding regulatien
of birx;¡o games. '1be CCX1tact persan is Jbn callahan, (415) 322-6699.
It was IIICIII8CS by CaJoo. Gatto. secx:n:3ed. by CaJoo. Plun;¡y III'Xl l"'ø-ae!
unan:iJIIcusly to ~ CXI'ISOlidatin: all p.mlic hearin;¡s for bmp pemit
J::eI_.-1.. to the seccn:i IIII!8tin; in JarI.IaZY, to direct that the ordinance be
so aIIII!lñed am it be sdIeduleel october 6 for first readin:.J.
REX:æS: 10:45-10:52 p.m.
44. D1 """"....ien am ocnd.deratien of a o.¡pertino advisœ:y CXIIIIÙ.t:tee en the
Deborah Arden, ~t Gallery, DeAnza COllege, said that she felt the
staff leo ····-·œtien did not qo far erøJgh. She woold lllœ to see more
eqtIasis than Pimœ am Recreatien rn.mi ....ien could brln¡ an:! a larger
scope of duties. She felt it woold be advantageous to have art of all
kinds brooght to the CCIIID..DÚ.ty umer auspices with a CXIIIIÙ.t:tee that had
only that respa¡sibility.
Jan Rindfleisch, ~t Gallery, w:ged oocperatien between all Arts.
Nancy Szymanski, 873 Lily AvenJe, o.¡pertino, w:ged Ocunc:il not to ñi....i....
havirq a Fine Arts rn.miASien a.1t of bani. She ~ that staff look
at what other cities in the aIea are doinq.
RI::ma DawsaI, 11245 !ft. Crest Place, stated that she understands O:Juncil's
c.................. She did urge an indepeOOent a.ùtural arts CXIIIIÙ.ssion, am
expressed the q¡inian that not DUCh really gets da1e if this is "1:><>- _Ii ed
fni"..o aoother entitv. '!his woold be a ~ place for the City to
J:¡.o.:. ..- involved in the Arts. She felt there was interest in the ............núty
an:! sud1 a n"IIOIIi....ien enhaooes the iJDage of the CCIIID..DÚ.ty.
It was IIICM1Cl by CaJoo. Plun;¡y, secx:n:3ed. by CaJ:nc. Jà1nson am p"ø-gd with
CaJoo. SpamI dissentin;J to direct Mayor Rogers ani Came. Gatto to meet
with L'"¥L! .Latives of the ~t Gallery an:! that staff investigate
what other rYOmII"Úties are doirq am praII' that informatien. '1he grQ.Ip
shall then L"¥-'Lt back to CaJooil.
45. Request for "M-'L"l'Llatien - WeybIm lane stom drain project.
It was IIICIII8CS by O:iunc. Jàmsan, secc.n:3ed by CaJoo. Plun;¡y an:! p"p-sd
unaniJaoosly to ~"l'L1ate $7,660 frail the Stozm Drain F\m:l.
46. ~t frail SOlid Waste ~at c:nœdttee.
CCIuncil (..···-·ded the grQ.Ip an:! accepted the L"¥-'Lt an:! fÙldilJ3S. council
stated that the ~ ····...·ldatiœs listed 011 page 2 were good ideas arxl ead1
one ~ an actien plan.
By 0CI1SE!I'1SUS, CaJooil directed staff to cane back in 90 days assignin;r
. cx:sts arxl inplementatien time for each item.
Ron Kinsey of the Solid Waste Management cmmittee stated that the
cmmittee is sensitive to the issue of citizen involvement.
· MINt1I'æ OF 'DIE SEPlnœER 15, 1986 CI'lY cnJNCIL MEE:rIN:; (000-703)
staff was directecl to list the Calmittee reo ····-·datiau¡ as well as a
basic "".....,,'Y of the report in the o.mertino Scene.
47. 01an3e of date of secon:I City CaJ:ncillllgetiJ'q in 0ct:.åxIr.
It was IIXMICi by Q:A.n:. PIUIXJY, sec:xrœd by 0:An::. Gatto and I"'ø~
unani:anJsly to å1aR:Je the date of the secx:ni City cnmcil 11IE!EItin¡ in
0c::t:åJer to 0ctà::Ier 27.
48. Consideraticn of rÐII'isicns to Title 18, SUbdivisicns, of the 0Jpertin0
M.micipal Code"
(a) First readin:¡ of 01:dinance No. 1384: "An 01:dinance of the C1ty
of 0Jpertin0 Amen:iiJ'x¡ Title 18 of the M.micipal 0:Ide,
SUbdivisia1S. "
50. Letter fraa DeAnza PL'¥"Lties, park fee ordinance.
JOOn vidcvici1 ðoCkh. --;>ð CaJ:ncil :regardinJ his senior devel,¥,,"ht. He
stated that cook tops were required in order to get HIJD financ:in¡.
Tan Weathers, BæIk of America }t)rtgage and Realty, said. that in this
devel'¥""'.t three meals a day were part of the rental charqes. 'Ihe \DÙts
only have cook tops far HIJD financirg.
0:I.Irx:. Plun;¡y IIDVed for ~ of staff reo ·...-..daticn per Page 48-5.
'!he IIDticn dieel far lack of a secon:I.
By ccœensus, cnmcil a¡:prcIIIed a factor of 1.0 for seniors, that a credit
of 50t shall be granted if all stamaJ:ds can be met, am stated that
unless the b.ù.ldin;r is cxx::upied by transients (hotel, JOOtel, etc.) or the
be:!ridden the \DÙt is ccr.s.idered a dwellirg far p;mt ......icatian plIc¡=us.
O:I.Irx:il directecl that the ~ be revised am resd1edu1ed for first
reading at the JII8Stin;J of 0c:t:åJer 6, 1986.
49. Consideraticn of letter 1'xaD. am Assodaticn of San Jose, PL.~œal to
d1an¡e the Q:Amty/Cities split of ncn-designated am fIm::Is in FY
PrevialSly rencved 1'xaD. agenda.
50. Letter fraa DeAnza Prcperties, park fee ;:¡¡:ciinanœ.
Considered with Item 48.
· 51. Nate.
MIN!1l'!S OF 'lHE 1ilSt'J.U1tZK 15, 1986 Cl'lY a:mICIL ~.u«; (00-703)
52. NaIe.
53. Rsex>gllitian by MIIIyar of "P""'bl recpISts.
(a) Genel41 A",HMDa - NaIe.
(b) City o:mclJ. - None.
(c) staff - None.
M'nsEI) sæsrClf
At 12:40 a.m., the meetin;J was!ldjœmecl to a closed S '1m regarding
Q¡pertino VB. BiaP::hi, et 41, am also regaxdinq ""Cl,iaitian of -.--r¡ts.
o:mclJ. reccnvened i~ o:mclJ. 0IaJIi:)er in c:pen S ia1 at 12:50 a.m.
Ccwx:. pj. ! Il:
Gatto, J.....-..., Pl~, Mayer Rcge%s
Ccwx:. Absent:
staff r-- Hat..:
City Clerk c:mneuus of PUblic taD viskDviå1 of P1.anrùn¡ am DIMtl.......-.t 0JW!In
City Attamøy Kilian
It was IIICIII8CS by CCIunc. Gatto, ..........dtd by CCIunc. Jàmsan am poo- 1:1 with
Ccwx:. SpIu:D ..~- ,t to ~uv'8 pIJ:åIIIS8 of ..............If .~or the DIIAnza
Bculevaxd Widen1n¡ at the 0......-. of DIIAnza am lW:d.fica at $21.00 per sq.
ft. far a total of $15,916 plus up to $5,000 for xelocatian of sign for a
total of up to $21,000.
In the matter of Qpertino VB. Iso Biancni, et &1., it was IIICIII8CS by CCIunc.
Gatto, seoar:lo.d by CCIunc. Jàìl-.t. ani 1'" e 1 with CCIunc. SparIaI -'- at.. to
~ ~. <-1~n:pJ in the directian as ~ s ìt.ed by the City
Att:ozney .
At 12:55 a.m., the meetin;J was !ldjœmecl to 6:00
.m., 0c::tc:bIr 6, 1986.