CC 04-08-85 ~-,.,-,,.~.. - .... .. . . . ","'':'''''''' '(_r. ,1Jf~"~' ".~,;~,., ,,~'"', ·'C·",·'·_· CC-6681-1 CIn or CUPBRTIIO. SUTB or CALIPORJIIA 10300 Torre Avenue. CUpertino, CA 9501_ Telepbonel (408) 252-4505 MDfUTES OF TIfB ADJOURICED REGULAR MEETIIfO or THE CITY COUNCIL. BBLD ON APRIL 8, 1985 II THE LOVBR LBYBL LOUIfOB. CIn HALL. CUPBRtIIO, CALIFORlCIA At 1115 p..., Mayor JobnaoD caned the aeeUng to order. ROLL CALL Couno. Presentl Gatto, Plung)', Rogers. Sparks, Mayor Johnson Statt Present I City Manager Quinlan City Clerk Cornelius Direotor ot Publio WOrks Viskovioh Direotor ot Pl.nning and Develop.ent Sisk Assistant to the City Manager Brown (1130 p.m.) COmmunity Attairs Ottioer Blaokburn Direotor ot Planning and Development Sisk intoraed Counoil that this meeting was to hear a report regarding teasibility ot building housing in Cupertino. He introduoed Chria Carnegie. oonsultant in real estate and urban eoonomios. Mr. Carnegie intOI'lled Counoil that in investigating the teaa1bility ot R3 houa1nS. there are a large number ot variables. He telt that ODe should look at the aarket, and it people are buying R3 tJPI residenoes that 18 evidenoe ot demand. He stated that by -R3- he .-ant approxilllatelY 20-35 dWlling unite per aore. Be had looked at the wst valley housing llarket and identified ten projects raD8ing in density troll 23 to 33 dWlling units per aore. The Woodspring project in CUpertino bad the highest density ot available land, 33 units per aore. Be stated that these units seell to be doing ¥Ill, approxilllatelY tour are sold per IIOnth and ourrentlY 13 ot the 61 units are sold. Be also cited the Plaza developaent in San Jose whioh is also 33 units per aore with a s1ll11ar oonstruotion as Woodspring. He stated tM first bUilding vas oompleted in 1982 and the titth building in the project is now uuder oonstruoUon. These are oondOllinilllDS. and buildings three and tour have been bought tor rental purposes. Saratoga Gardens in west San Jose will consist ot two bUildings. CUrrentlY the tirst building is oomplete. -1- '. mNUTBS OF THE APRIL 3, 1935 crn CImCl\. \4El'rlm ( cC-668A-H ~ other developments oited inoluded The Fairway in Sunnyvale near tbe SUnken Gardens golt oourse whicb plana to oonstruot tive build1n¡a. The Garden Chateau end Garden Villas in SUDnyvale will be wood traae on grade witb attaobed garages lover than grade. Fair Oaks Plaoe 111 Sunnyvale has a density ot 28 dwelling units per aore. (City Clerk's lCotel Assistant to the City Manager Brown arrived at 1:30 p.m.) The Waterfall development in Cupertino consists ot 23 unita per acre. It is at grade proJeot with a sunken rear garage. lCort,blake, located in San .Tose, has a density ot 24 units per aore. It ia a blend with some subterranean parking anes sOlIe townhouse parking at grade. Mr. Carnegie intormed Counoil that ot seven raw land sales in tbis area witbin the last year or so, six ot the sites will be apartments. All seven sites are zoned tor a density ot 22-36 dwelling units per aore. þ At Saratoga Avenue and San Tomas in Santa Clara, PI"OIIIt tbeus Development has purchased a site tor the oost ot .17 per sq. tt. At Los Padres and Monroe in Santa Clara L1I1oolD Properties has purchased a site tor $15 per sq. tt. At Pepper Tree Lane in Santa Clara, Prometbeus bas purchased a site tor .,2.50 a sq. tt. In San Jose on San Pedro anes Bobsoa near City Hall. Barry Svenson, Developer, baa purobaaed a site tor .,0 per sq. tt. This will be built at 25 units per acre. At Middletield and Central Expressva:r in SUnnyvale. tbe tim ot Meadot'8 Ltd. bas PUl"Ohased a site at $9 a sq. tt. Three bun~~ and tbirty-six apart.ent units will be built on that site tor a density ot 21 units per aore. On DasCOlI near Aprioot Lane in San Jose. Davis. Cavanaugh anes Brezzo have purobaaed a site at $8 per sq. tt. The density 011 this area will be 25 units per aore witb 20J ot tbe units being below market rate. CUrrently 111 escrow is lanes at Fair Oaks Sunnyvale being purchased by Owen Co. development will teature 508 units tor units per aore. and EvelYn 1D The proPOlled a density ot ,b Mr. Carnegie stated that tbere is an active residential market at thia time. -2- . . · MU\1'rES OP 'M lPllt. 8, 1985 CITY COUICIt. (cc-668A-1) KEKTIRG Upoc being asked by Council, Mr. Carnegie stated that the Woodspring Development is selling tor approxL.atelY $135-$145 per sq. ft. Saratoga Gardens on San Toeaa Aquino Road ranges froll $100 per sq. ft. to $130 per sq. ft. with !lOst falling a range of $105-115 per sq. ft. The Waterfall units start at approXilllately $120 a sq. ft. Twenty-four are in escrow since selling began at the beginning ot February. Hr. Carne~ie stated that wdevelop to highest and best usew usually maans IIOSt profit. In order to do that, ODe needs marwet demand and the legally allowable use. Be stated that. R3 housin6 is teasible in Cupertino and there is a market tor it. Be told Council that banks teel that loans for R3 development would be slightly more risky than tor oftice as t.h~re 1:5 a certain cOllfort level based on the success ot otfioes. However, he stated that in a few years there will be plenty ot supply of otfice space. · When asked tor a detinition ot wprotit,W Hr. Carnegie replied that the developer will look at whatever the market oan bear. This obviously fluotuates. It seldOll exoeeds 20J of the total oost, how..ver, and it usually around 15J or 12J. Hr. Carnegie stated that it would be dittioult to compare the OC,¡ts of different types ot develo )llent as wben going f'rora a standard wood t'raIIe to something that iIOuld be a three story bUilding or !lOre with a ditferent type ot oonstruotion, there are difterent code requireaenta as well as ditterent llllite..ials used. He stated that he thinks that the developer says, lIere is what our oosta will be. Then s/he figures in finanoing costs. The develt.'..r than detel"ll1nes how lIuoh the unit oan sell for. Atter that the profit expeotation is detel"ll1ned. The remainder is what the developer can pay tor the land. In regard to bUilding, the developer antioipates what fUture zoning may be and takes a oaloulated risk. In regard to aooeptability of size and amenities in the present market, Hr. Carnegie stated that in dwelling unita for sale probably t'1e smallest one bedrooaa aoceptable would be 650 sq. n. with the smallest rental aooeptable being 525 sq. ft. In regard to the below aarket program, Mr. Carnegie stated that wben the City adopts a blanket polioy the aarket does have a way ot adapting to it. No one part10ular developer is disadvantaged - all are subjeot to the same oriteria. · In regard to a question conoerning allowing an R&D tradeoff if someone were willing to build apartments, Hr. Carnegie asked what the City would be gaining for the tradeoft if housing is feasible anyway. He stated there is a market for apartments in Cupertino. -3- . . . .~.~-_.................::;- . . ""'7"'.,;.;.-,--~':,:~?II!!!"'''''f';'''''~'~, ...... :·~··'''''''''·'~''''·''''';"'''I','''-:-'''''',-':'''·'r·,··'··''''''~··":T'''''"'>·i¡-'-..'..,..-.,-....~'.,..,-"-, ._~~ ,. . '. ;"-""':'í!~;'--;~'" .?~,~~,,,...,_c.,. , lwIurlS or TBB APRIL 8, 1985 CIn COUIICIL MUTIIO <cc-668A-1) WIleD aaIce4 it Cupert1Do inoreased densitY CD ftoant land, what would happen, Hr. earnelie rep11ed that tbe urlcet would -tap out- at approX1utel1 36 dwell1D& units per aore. nut speed of tbe process would be approX1utely the _. 11110. tbe price ot the land would adjust to the new density. 111 other thi"P be1D¡ equal. the de11".1'1 prioe to the burer or renter would &0 dovn. An exaaple would be Woodspr1D¡. 'Ibose partiOular dwelling un1ts at another locat1on &II a a1II81e-t'aII1l1 res1denoe oould probablY inorease in price approX1utelY $50.000. Mr. earnelie re1terated that urlcets cbanp and respond to deund over t1ae. Be told Counoil that be will forward a oopy ot his t1sures and infOI'll&t1CD steted at the beginn1ng ot the aeetlnS to the Director ot Plann1D& and Developaent. Ann Anger lII1ba1tted intOI'll&t1on that a sip1t1oant job þ'Owth 1n this area i. projeoted, and that workere w111 be oOlling troa out.ide th1s County. ,At 81110 p.... Counoil adjourned to 7130 a.a., Tuesday, April 9. De Ansa Collese. tor a joint ....t1D¡ with the Footbill-De ADsa eo.."1lty Collese Board. ~. Cit Clerk -11- .._.-~...... ~~'~,,~.......~ ..,._~.",-~ /....-".,.·~-.----...-.·~:~·,·..~·,"',~·~~'.i,...·:':<~~'~,·_~1Jt'<'""·"'~ ....p-' "_;."'~"~-'¡;_~¡";"'''''~':-_~~.' ~. _\-.""..~,..r.""''' . , ~,> ". "," .....,. J , cm or lOuP4lh.LllO. stATB or CALIrOJIII1 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino. CA 95011 Telepbonel (1108) 252-11505 cc-668&-2 · MIlUTBS or TBB ADJOURHBD Rm1JI.AR MBBTIIIO or TIll CIn COUICIL, A JODIT MBB'l'IIIO VITB TIll ro<mIILLIDB 1IIZ1 COLLBGB BOARD or TI'IuSl~. BBLD CJI APRIL 9. 1985. AT TBB DOIC BAUTIstA IOCII. DB 1IIZ1 cor.. amI ROLL CALL Couno. Present I Gatto. Pl\Ul8Y, Rogers, Sparks. Mayor Johnson Footbill/De Anza Board ot Trustees _bers present I 11 Cbasuk, President IIa7 Baoobetti Bob Salithwiok, DDS Bob DeHart. Collep President Footbill/De Anza Board ot Trustees _bars .bsentl Gerald Besson, HD Dolores Sandoval. Student Rep · City Statt present I City Manapr Quinlan City Clerk Cornelius At 7136 a..., tbe sroup .et tor an into....l breakt'ast. CoIIDO. P11IDIY lert at 8100 a... At 8100 ..... the Meting vas called to order. City Manaser Qu1DlaD stated that be hoped the _tlDS resulted in statt reoeiv1n¡ pneral direction they can pursue. Trattio 1mprov~ta oont:eÇlated by the City in the De Anza Vioinity shall ooour durlDS botb the 19811-85 and 1985-86 ti.cal year.. In reprd to the ro....t1oo ot . non-protit orpnization tor publio acoe.. obannel. Mr. Quinlan .tated that it IliSbt allow tor use ot private seator lIOftie.. Mr. Quinlan requested that the City reoeive notioe reprdlDS the visit ot VIP. and othere 110 it oan be dete1'll1ned it the City nsbss to contract tor proteoti.,e servioes. In reprd to a parking struoture tor Flint Center. Hr. Quinlan stated the possibility that. redevelopment agenoy oould be tOl'lled. · Dr. DeHart sussested that oollege and City statt ..et periodicallY during the year on various issued that oonoern both agenoies. _1_ """"::-""~r..f'-"'--:':"::"p".._. · MIlIUTES OF THE APRIL 9, 1985 CITY (CC-668A-2) eouno. :Õatto presented an update on Higbvay 85. lie stated that Measure A was the IIOSt s1gDltioant evei1t ot the put year as it resulted in iap1~tation ot a 1/2 oant sales tax tor improv_nts on 237. 85 and 101 oorrldors. lie did state that a _11 shortfall is expectedJ however. other _ans ot reising IIOney are be1n¡ lovest1.gated. An alternative analysis reprding the n1ne alternatives beins studied tor the 85 oorridor should be aval1ab1e tor review in September. Then. around January or February an alternative Ifill be se1eoted. Highway 85 is planned to so t'roIa Stevena Creek Boulevard to the ISH plant on south 101. After the alternative is selected a construotion dooument will be prepared. and oonstruction is expected to start 10 1989. The link trora Stevens Creek Boulevard to Prospect will be built tirst. The prooess oould be aocelerated by having the oonstruotion dooument done simultaneously with the projeot dooument, although this is not usually done. Because local tunds are being used the possibility exlsts ot setting approval tor the doouments being prepared at the sue time. However. this baa not yet been resolved. Most ot the right ot way in CUpertino has teen purohaSed. The Counoil has supported the freeway. but has not taken any other specitio position. Eaoh Counoil 10 attected oities has to sign off on the basio alternative seleoted and the tina1 projeot. Should a oity not sisn ott on the tina1 project the rest ot 85 will be built, but the portion in that partioular Oity will not. COUNCIL MD'fIJIO · Dr. DeHart stated that the oollese is in tull support ot having Highway 85 extended. Mr. Quinlan stated that it III1ght be advantalecus to have a direot accella t'roIa 85 to De Anza Collese. Bowever. the road would have to be dedicated and not private. He sussested that the oollege l1li7 want to explore thet posslbl1ity. Suoh an aooess would probably have to be tunded 10oally. It was stated that the hope is that the only eXiting tratfl0 would be local anyway. The Board ot Trustees sussested that the oollege appolot a 1ialson with the City so they _y be kept intOI'lled reprding IU.sbva1 85. Counol1 stated that they would send the oollege a oopy ot reports and the d~tt analysis when ready. It was stated that it was iaportant to malntain a level ot enthusiasm tor the completion ot Rishway 85 and to enoou~ge the oities ot Seratoge and Los Gatos to support that completion. · -2_ · MI1IUTBS OF THE APRIL 9, 1985 CITY COUICIL (CC-668A-2) KEIT1IO In reprd to a Flint Center parking struotUN, disousll1on took plaoe regarding the possible tor.ation ot a redeveloPMnt agenoy vbioh would inolude Monta Vista ad a portion ot the De Anza OIUIPus. Hr. CIU1Dla intol'lled those present that the County can hold up a projeot area by going to oourt. There are ourrentlY more restriotions invol....d in the use ot redevelopaaent money; however, there is a possibility that tormation ot an agency oould still take place. Dr. DeHart stated that De Anza College does have a aaater plan tor parking. Bowever, enrollaent at the oOllllUllity cOllege is the seoond highest in the country. The oollege also has the highest rata ot partioipation. There is a 600_800 parking place defioit during peak periods. This is being alleviated by not using Flint Center during those times (approximately nine weeks a year). Theretore, Flint Center oannot lIeet its expenses. A parlc1ng struoture is needed. Dr. DeHart stated that he did not teel that revenue bonds would raise enough funds to do that job. Be expressed support tor investigation ot the teall1bility ot tc.ra1ng a redeveloPMnt agency. Be stated that he had been intol"lled SOlIe time baok that it would cost approximately $2,000 a space to oonstruot a parlc1ng struoture. It was stated that it would currently oost about $4,000 a spaoe tor just the hard struoture oost. (City Clerk's 1C0tel Couno. Gatto lett at 8140 a.II.) Discussion t( llowed regarding a redevelopment agenoy tol'lled tor Mission College. It was suggested that the possibility ot a oity entertaillllent tax be oonsidered. Dr. DeHart stated that there is currently tIOrk underway to get an endOWlllllnt through a toundation. It 18 neoesaary that Flint Center raain OOII¡)etit1Ye and the OIInter's manager teels that iIIposing a parlc1ng tee will hurt the marketability ot Flint Center. A parlc1ng structure would also allow tor IIOre student parlc1ng aDd perhaps it would not be neoesaary to rent so IIIIDY outlying buildings tor olasses. It waa suggested that both the Board ot Trustees and the City Counoil consider exploring the possibility ot torming a redevelopment agenoy at a future lIMIeting. Dr. DeHart and Hr. Quinlan will continue to investigate the possibility ot tol"lliDg a nOD-protit organization tor the publio aocess channel. Dr. DeHart stated that be had lcoked into the possibility ot a low-power station. However, it vas not praotioal in this particular area. He intO!'lled those present that the college is connected with the City ot Sunnyvale tor cable programs and it is hoped that in the future the oollege will be connected with all cities in the District. -3- . .. þ , . . "~:.~"'.>:·':·i;O;¡":':::··'" ',".~O:"; . . }o Uu'fES or TIm lPRD. (cc-668A-2) ~, ,~QS cm COUNCIl. IdtfllG Dr. DeHart stated that the oollege thought that there was a MOIwû_ in place to keep tbe City intol'lHd regarding police services needed tor VIPs v1aiting the oaapua. Mr. Quinlan stated that the City is aleo oonoel'DecI regarding œgo1Dg police servioes. He stated that at the Foothill oaapua there is a patrol that provides a bigher level ot service on an oagoing baab. Dr. DeHart stated that the oOllege does vant not to be in the lav entoro_nt business end does not vant the seourity oupus police O&rI7ing guns but vanta to use tbeta tor security 01117. Tra1nees are being used at tbe Footbill College oaapus as an exper1llent. He will investigate that prograa and gather .ore intor'lllation. Dr. DeHart stated that he will aleo work out a S1stem in regard to notitying tbe City. Perhaps it can be arranged that wilen a v1aiting dign1tarJ sigDa a oontraot with tbe oollege, be or she is also signing ODe with the City. In su.ar1zing the ...ting, it vas detel'lliDed that Dr. DeHart and Mr. QuiDlan will oontinue to investigate the televisiOl1 oontraot, POlice servioe, speoitio trattio iaprov_ts tor the area, and will plaoe the possibility ot tol'll1D8 a redevelos-ent agenoy on the agenda tor both the City Counoil and the FoothilllDemza Board ot truatees. At 9110 a..., the .eting vas adjourned. ~~ Cit Clerk \ _4_