CC 09-03-85 -" ,~. - -, ~...-...,. ,~.. ~.,"~~~ "00- ~ .,.....J...1V':.',. , , . CI'lY OF aJPER1'II«), STAn: OF c::AI.ntRŒA 10300 Torre Aveme, Q¡pertino, CA 95014 TelEfløle: (408) 252-4505 MINUl'm OF 'DIE RmUIAR J'II2i.1'.uG OF 'DIE CI'lY CDJNC:IL HEU) œ :>&".AUII:ZK 3, 1985 IN 'DIE CDJNC:IL am-, CI'lY HML, aJPERl'DÐ, c::AI.IPœŒA cx:-678 Mayer Jå1nsa1 called the meet:.in¡ to order at 6:45 p.lI. in the O:uncil QurtINno. SAII1l'E 'It) 'mE FIAG R)IL CAIL COOne. InSe1It: Gatto, P1ungy, Roge1.s, Sparlcs, Mayer Jå1nsa1 staff Ins ~IL: City Manager ~ Deputy City Clerk vi11arante Director of PUblic Works visJa:wich Director of PIu:iœI am Recreatic:n Dcw1in¡ Director of Plannin:] ani DBvel...........L cowan Planner I Binnemyk Assistant to the City Manager Brown City Attorney Kilian ~ CR NEW 1IGE1mA l'.lÐ!S It was mved by COOne. Sparlcs, s..o....dod by COOne. ~s am I""~-,!d UI1aJ1ima.1Sly to ~~.e Itea& 18 ani 21 to the meet:inq of SepbmbIr 16, 1985. S'IM'F 1<I:itU<J.~ 1. oral .L~ls by staff '._.i....... am ...'...."-icn of written .I.~Ls. City Manacær's ~L City Manager ()1inlan pl su!ted his staff l~t to O:uncil. -1- MD«11'ES OF 'IHE SEPIDIBER 3, 1985 err¡ axJNCIL hui.L".uG (CX:-678) o::.mt:y Library (hIIIIi-icn Aß)OLIt.-.d. - It was JIICIIIed by Cciunc. Plungy, seo....&.d by Cciunc. Rogcs am p"'..-' UI'IIIJ1imamly to appoL'1t Mr. Rà1de to the santa Clara Q:Iunty Library thmIi_lat. letter trcm I'ßJ Tem Waste Mar_IL CCIIIIIittee - It was JIICIIIed by Oounc. Spmœ, r.eoca.ded by Oounc. Gatto and p"--11 UI1IIIÚIII:UIly to reduce the I'ßJ Tem SOlid Waste Mana.. - íL CCIIIIIittee by me -...1 er. City Clerk's Reoo.LL - Deputy City Clerk vi11arante .... !! ,Iled a staff "'¥'Lt to the City Oouncil. 0Juncil meetin;J resc:hedu1irq - It was the ooosensus of the 0Juncil to set october 15, 1985 at 6:45 p.m. for the first regular meetin;J in octcber and to set Oct:c:à!r 2 at 7: 00 p.m. for an adjœmed regular meetin;J for an administrative hearin:;J . Director of PUblic Works vis!tavid1 requested that the PJblic hearirq at the Eatat neighJ:mhcod traffic prà:llem set for ~""~~I 16, 1985 be _~Ied as staff had been unable to meet with all the OCIIIIdttee 11_.~ ets. It was JIICIIIed by Oounc. Rogcs, secc:njed by Oounc. Sparks am P"'-M unaniJDc:qlJ.y to _~18 the PJblic hearin:;J of the Eata1 nei.ghbœ:hood traffic until after staff had met with .........ittee 1I-.1"".LD. Mayor Johnsat IIII!Ide a pt: !! : lltatiat of proclamatia'lS to Motoichi AlIano, CbJzo sato and aúkaiå1i SUgiura frail em- sister City of Tayakawa, Japan. Oounc. Plungy stated that the MIX1ta vista Madrigals lIIOl11t'1 be goirq to Toyokawa in the spri:rq. Nor! Kcn:1o IIII!Ide a 14 S lJJtatiat of a gift frail Toyokawa to Mayor Jdu......... Mayor Johnsat IIII!Ide a .... !! lIl.atiat of a plaque to Kenneth Wright for his participatiat in the 5th Annual Veterans' Wheelå1air Games. -2- MDÐlES OF 1HE ~.LUU:IU< 3, 1985 CITY CXXJNCIL MJœ1'DÇ (cr.--678) CXXJNCIL ~ 2. Mayor Jå1œcn ............Led en West valley MayorsjManalJlrll IIIØ8t:1rIJ . 3. 01Inc. ~ ............Led en Iægue of california Cities '1'rIIœpaI:tati 1IIØ8t:1rIJ, 85 Task Fatœ, Draft Em, ard a brief ............L en the '1'2000 Task Fatœ. 4. 01Inc. Plun;w, Ieqislative RsvieIt OCIIIIIittee - Dy oct HI_, 01Incil ..~. \L Led N:A 7 (lbmtjoy), ncn-partisan elect!cnJ: no act:icn en SB 1091 ('~"I¡""")' no I"'~ tax and laII I"'_ty tax cities: opposed ACA 27 (Seymour), tax ir.....- -n: by o..._EII1IIUS nq.¡ested letters to federal ..._.1 d.ative regardiD;J I""~ EPA regulaticr1s which 1iQÜd req.Ure all cities to cbtain disc:harge permits for their stmm water m .n systems. 01Inc. lb;æ:s OCIIIIIittee and sev Ie 12. , . - tt.ed en the EnviraIIIenta1 ().1ality stated that the ICC meetin;J wa.ù.d be 01Inc. SpI!Irks ,... tt.ed en flood .....1L...ul and the spec"'" ä-f"",' bein} prt: into the county·s drinJdn;J water. cx::Rmlr CAIÐmt\R It was BMd by 01Inc. lb; ers, aðCaùed by 01Inc. SpI!Irks and P"'- e:l unanimcus1y to "W...uve the CcnIent calendar as sublitted. 7. RBsolut1cn No. 6663: "A RBsolut1cn of the City 01Incil of the City of 0Ipert.in0 Allawin;J certain Claims and t' I aœ l'8yabla in the Amcunts and Fz:aII the !\JIÙI 88 Bereinatt:ør ~ tor Gs'.....al and Misce11anecuø Expenditures tor the Period EI'IIm1 August 16, 1985." 8. RBsolution No. 6664: "A Resolution of the City 01Incil of the City of 0Ipert.in0 Allawin;J certain Claims and t' 'Ids Payable in the Amcunts and !rail the F\D1ds as Heœinafter Deøcribed for 5alari_ and wages for the Payroll Period EndJ.n¡ August 20, 1985." 9. ~ of grants as :vec:. ····-Ided by the Cable Televisien Advisory OCIIIIIittee. 10. P-l-t for waiver of OOsiness license fees filed by Voltmtairs, Inc. -3- MDÐrES OF næ tiU".L1II'IIZK 3, 1985 Cl'l'I!' a:oIC:IL ftua:.uG (00-678) 11. )¡:pHcat.ia1 ~1,619.l - K8lly-Gotdcn D8Y8l......-llì't a....~cd..ic:n RIq.Jest.inJ lIßI1'CIV8l to oa.L....-::t a detat::hed sing:l.-faily residential ......11iJç unit per Oc:rIditiem 17 of Planrún:J n-...._j~ RBsolut.1cn No. 2546. '1b8 amject i'L'¥N-ty is lcx:ate:I em the narth side of n...e.þl DrlV8 ~y 200 ft. wst: of Prlmrœe WIly (eastem fÙ]8 of tULJuaL Hcc:IIIer El-*æy SdIcol) . R&- . xJed far ApprcIYal. 12. MiJutes of the regular ~ of August 19, 1985 (~77) . Ys!t§ ~.J..",.. of the citv Q:Juncil Mæ: Gatto, Plun;¡y, a..."......, Spðrks, Jànø:n 1IE9: Na1e ABS!Nl': Na1e AæmIN: Na1e l'ID6 REH:J\1ED PBJI CXHII!Nl' CAT.DIDAR t 13. Na1e. œAL o.:IMJNICATICH3 14. )L.J........ of the ",Vlience regm:ding matters net em the ~. RJBLIC HF.ARD«;S 15. city of QJpIrt1no: AdqItiem of policy Kip.ùat.iD:¡ the bel~ nta ro-il'Jl ~ fa: a ..uar citizen haaiJJJ p:oject. Reo· ····...xJed far awo-...m1.. (a) RBsolut.1cn Nt>. 6595: "A RBsolut.1cn of the City Q:Juncil of the city of QIpertino MqJtJ.n¡ a M.icy 1IÜd1 stAtes the BeloIt MImœt Rata Hcu8iJç p..t;p1i . 4... far RiIItirBDent FIIci1ities." Planner I Binnen:!yk :œviewed the "'''¥'LL with Q:Juncil. Q:Junc. Pluny recpested clarificat.ia1 em the stat..-.IL "no lager ad:iulatary" Wùd1 was used in the ,'- cripticn. Q:Juncil di 11("" a j the wardin;J used in the da!scriptia1. -4- þ . MINI1IES OF 'DIE I>U"~ 3, 1985 CI'IY CXUICIL MEE1'I1G (cx:-678) Jdm Vidovich stated to council that the plan was CXlWista1t: with the legal requirements for J:xn2s for the County . It was JII:M!d by Cbmc. G;¡tto, seoaùed by Cbmc. Sparks and l"'--'!d una.niJIwsly to close the p.lblic heariJXj. It was JII:M!d by Cbmc. Sparks, secx:.déd by Cbmc. Gatto and l"'--'9d una.niJIwsly to adept Resolutien No. 6595 adc¢inq policy stat1n:.J below market rate haJsin;J requirements for retirement facilities. 16. Rsview of traffic situaticn in the H::nta Vista area and CXlWideratia:; of mitigatien -~JreS. Di.rectar of Public WOrjœ Viskcvich .."'t"4led en the M:xrt:a Vista traffic situat1cn and gave b!Ickgrcurxi infomatien to the council. CDJnc. lb3ers ili.....·--Bd the letter received !ran Mrs. ""9J01ll. . council and staff ..H.....--ed the site prcblem in the area. Jerry 1tlD¡, 10320 ~ Averue, l.~ s! Ilative of the Menta Vista ¡¡. ...... 'WI...... T.raffic OaIIIdttee, inf"""'" council t:.t;at the p~ cne priority shcu1d be Granada Aveme and that iDprayeœnts en Ckcu¡ge Averue need to be ""<P"'Hted and the .........1 priority .......lld be pr:àrlbiticn of left hand t::urœ trca ~ia1 to st.evøw creek BcW.evard Am AnI,Jer stated she was pI--d with the iDprc:M!mønt:s in the Menta Vista area. Rarxiy Hall, 21761 Olive AverDI, stated he felt that the stq> signs were a priority and ~ ot led rcut.izg all traffic to ~ AverDI and the need for more traffic survei11anoe. Q:aJnc. Sparlœ stated that it is the Highway Patrol and not the Sheriff I S Depertment lotio patrol the uninoo1.pœ:ð.ted areas in 0Jpertin0. Mr. Jensen reiterated the 0... f!rISUS for the need f% stq> signs in the Menta vista area and stated that the:l shoold make the ..-Ii..., en stevens creek Boulevard lower. þ -5- MDÐmS OF 'IHE ~ 3, 1985 c:I'lY COONCIL MEE:l'I)Ç (cx:-678 ) JIIIII88 amœ, 21750 olive Avw1.Ie, stated that he oax:urœd with the need far step signs at Olive an:! p.~, 1:ut stated that he cUd not want the ~..... of Granada an:I Ch...._ to allœ traffic cut of the H::r1ta vista Area a'Il.y. Cleo Marshall, 21811 Granada Averue, stated she felt that a step sign 10IaÜd be silly at the er.d of the ..L...Nt an:! that a yiold sign 10IaÜd be more _"'t'Liate. It was IIIJVed by ~. Gatto, seccn3ed by ~. Rogers and p"'p-ed 1.Ir1a!1iJDaJSly to close the p1blic hearin;J. Di ..,.."....ia1 ensued bet\Jeen camci1 and staff ~ the traffic situation in Menta Vista in refe.....~ to the master plan far the area. It was IIIJVed by ~. Sparks, seccn3ed by ~. a:x.Jers an:! l"'B-d unanimcuùy to ð(. ,.L the staff r",;. ··..-.ldatia\ an:! to haw a review in CX\8 year. ~. Gatto cœpl:buented the worlc of ':he staff and the CCIIIIIi ttee. It was IIIJVed by ~. Gatto, seccn3ed by ~. Rogm:s and p"'--01d unanimcuùy to _i... the int:ersec"-..iCX\ of ~ia1 and stewns creek Boulevard as to the need for left turns ar no left turns in that area. 17. ApplicatiCl'1 11-Z-85 of Town Center Prq)erties (JðSCI'1 01artier): Røzc:ninq _......imately 13.4 acres fraD P (Planned DIMIl_.L with O...._...1al, Office !IlXI Resid81tia1 15-30 -, 1 irq units per gross acre intent ZQ'I8 to P (Planned DBY91"1 .L with (I......., cia1, Office an:! Re8ident.ia1 25-30 -111n¡ units per gross acre iJf'.ent) ZQ'I8 an:! Envin:naenta1 Review: '!be P1.arInin:J n--i_tcn rec·····-k:!. the grant.irg of a Negative DecJ:.œtiCI'1. '!be subject 1"-"'l'""Lty is located betwlen lÐ:ìrigues Averue an:! stevens creek Boulevard east of Torre Averue. Rb:· ....dad far~. ('Ibis ðR)licatiCl'1 to be heard in o::njunctiat with AwlicatiCl'1 17-{J-83 - Revised). (a) First read1n¡ of Ordinance No. 1317: "An Ordinance of the City of Q¡pertino ~ Ordinance No. 1165 (AwlicatiCl'1 27-Z-81. Town Center PL"'l'""Lties, Ltd.) to Delete O::n:titiCfì N:>. 15 of Exhibit c." -6- MD«11'ES OF '!HE ::iU'.LUIIZK 3, 1985 Cl'lY cx:oICIL ftUiJ.'.uG (a>-678) Direc:tar: of Plar1r1iJJ:J am Devel,¥"",,d. cowan stated to CbJncil that the item had been ocntinJed frail August 5 to iJ.......i'ULate à\an;Jes by the City CbJncil. He gave a brief explanatic.n of the plllJ1 d1arges. Jåm Vidavic::h, develqJer, aC1:h.-øed deleticn ~ the aparbDents am stated that the office is essential to the project at the locaticn. He went en to pres ..t additicnù exhibits am gave brief explanaticns of them. Di9CO-tcn ensued betwen Mr. Vidavic::h am the CbJncil regardin:J their ......LCLllS aver the phasin;J of the project. Dennis Henmi, ardútect, gave a brief awrview of the exhibits to CbJncil. BlMlrly r-rence, Mid Peninsula Citizens for Fair Hcusin;J, cpesticned ~ or net they wcW.d ~i ......- haJsin;J mitjgation an:i if it wcW.d a¡:¢y to the project. It was moved by cnmc. Sparks, seoc:ald&lby cnmc. RcgeJ::s am p"ftft~ \Jl1IIIÚJIDJs1y to ..:lose the public heariD¡. CbJncil ...Ii......'-ien ensued regardiD:J the project. cnmc. PIUB]Y stated his oc...~,u with the design am qJ8Sti.a1ed the project IIII!etin:J the seniors I needs. He went en to state that he was against the project. IBle Gray stated to the CbJncil that 98t ot the residents are served three _1.. a day am stated that 75-80 year olds enjoy haviJJ¡ the service. It was moved by cnmc. Sparks, SéOCo~ by cnmc. Rogers am p"-~ unaniJD:u¡J.y to g"Lant a Negative D<>c] "..-:ation for Applicatien ll-Z-85. It was moved by cnmc. PIUB]Y, sec:xnded by cnmc. Rogers am ("'~'3~ unaniD:lusly to read Ordinance No. 1317 by title cnly am the City Clerk's readin] to CXI1Stitute the first readin] thereof. It was moved by cnmc. a:,gers, __dtod by cnmc. Gatto am ("'8"«1 with cnmc. PIUB]Y dissent.iJx.J to ðWICNe Applicatien ll-Z-85 per Pl.anninq ChmIi"^"'ien Resolutien No. 2680. -7- MIH1l'ES OF 'DIE SEW'EMBER 3, 1985 Cl'lY cnJNCIL MEETING (0=-678) PI»INDC APPLICATIœs 20. Awlicaticn 17-u-B3 (Revised) of Town center P>._ties (Jasc:n aw:t:ier): use Pemit Ame1.d1u""l to ooa.t...\JCt 496 '-11JD,J units and 90,000 sq. ft. of . . ....-. eia1/office space in lieu of a previœsly ~ 248 dwellJD,J units and 45,000 sq. ft. of .> ····-·c1al¡office sp!IC8 and EnvL..........tl.al 9Bv1ew: 'Ihe P1anni.rx3' rhrIIIi-ien reo ....-.w:Js the grantin;J of a Negative nw-"'111tJ.cn. 'Ihe~. v:>eal involves ocr1StnIcticn of a iœr-story 220 unit senior HoosJD,J project, a five-stœy 45,000 sq. ft. ~rcia1/office 1:Wldin:¡, in additicn to the 112 CŒ!danin1um units and 45,000 sq. ft. office !::u1lcUng ew....../tly urder ocr1StnIcticn. 'Ihe subject pl~ ty is located between Rcdrlgues Aveme and stevens creek BcW.evard east of Torre AvenJe. Re0 ...._I~ for awtaval. ('lh1s a¡:plicatia1 to be heaId in exnjunct1en with AR>l1catien ll-Z-85.) . It was IIICMId by cnmc. SpIIrks, 8eCX)a.Jed by cnmc. Gatto and I"'ø-ed unanimcusly to grent a Negative Declaratien for AR>licatien 17-u-B3 (Revised). It was 1IICMiId by cnmc. Gatto, seocnded by cnmc. ~s and I"'-ed unanimcusly to _uVe Awlicat1en 17-tJ-83 (Revi£ed) per Plaminq rhrIIIi -i.cn Resolutien No. 2681- It was 1IICMiId by cnmc. Gatto, seocnded by cnmc. Rcgers and )?'"aaed \JI'IalÜDDJsly to have a min.Jte order ~ requestiD;J that the senior hcusing shculd be milt in an orderly and timely fAahi..., anr::t that an OOC'1["EIroy' perœi.t sha1ld not be granted for the office until ""'"'1f""n:::y perœi.ts are granted for at least 100 of the senior hcusJD,J units. It was IIICMId by cnmc. SpIIrks, -....dt.d by cnmc. Gatto and J?""""«i unanimcusly to adqJt a special firrlinJ regardin;J hcusJD,J intensity i.ncrease. 18. Awlicaticn 12-Z-85 of law.......... Guy: Rezaùn;J _...rl-tely .26 acres frail R2-4.25 (Residential DIplex, 1 dwellJD,J unit per 4,250 sq. ft. lot area intent) Za1e to P (Planned Devel~jl with Residential SÍ1X]le-family, 1-5 dwellJD,J units per gross acre intent) Za1e anr::t EnvL.........,ldl Review: 'Ihe Plannin:.J Ch_i_icn r""· ····-·Ids the grantirq of a Ne;¡ative Declaratien. 'Ihe subject prtp!rty is located en the sœth side of Rodrigues Aveme ~tely 450 ft. -8- I KD«1I'æ OF '!HE SEP1'ÐŒIER 3, 1985 CI'lY cnJNCIL ru:;¡:;.I.'.uG (<X:-678 ) 18. (CXX1tinJed) east of Torre Averue. Rec· ....-'1ded for ~wal. '!his a¡:plicaticn to be heard in OCI1jun:tiat with A¡;plicatia1 26-0-85. (a) First readin;J of ordinan::e No. 1323: "An ordinance of the City of Q¡pertino AmendiD.J sec:t.iat 1 of Ordinance No. 2 by Reza1inq A¡:praximately .26 Acres frcm R2-4.25 Za1e to P Za1e: I.cx:ated at the South side of Rcdrigues Averue A¡:praximately 450 Ft. East of Torre Averœ. " a::ntinJed to SepteaiJer 16, 1985. 19. A¡;plicatiat 13-Z-85 of Ma1'I.Ie.l Gatzalez: Reza1inq a¡::praximately .il grœs acres frcm Rl-7.5 (Residential Sin¡le-flllllily, 7,500 sq. ft. IIIiniDL1m lot size) Za18 to P (Planned Devel,¥"""IL with Rssident:.ia1, 4.4 to 7.7 ~, 'in} units per grœs acre intent) Za18 and Emrircraent:a1 ReI.rief: '!be Plannin:J throni-iat no ····-·Ids the grantin¡ of a Negative n..claratia1. '!be subject ~'-I"".I.ty is located at the east side of Peninsula Bwløvard _...".t-tely 100 ft. south of Grand Averue. Pe-. ..........:Jt.d for ðMJlwal. '!his a¡:plicatiat to be heard in OCI1jun:tiat with AR>licatia1 28-u-85. (a) First -:eadin¡ of Ordinance No. 1324: "An ord1nanoe of the City of Q¡pertino AmendiD.J sec:t.iat 1 of ordinan::e No. 2 by Rezaùn;J A¡:praximately .il Gross Acres frcm Rl-7.5 Za1e to P Za1e: Located at the East side of Peninsula Bwl8YUÙ ~. ";-te1y 100 Ft. South of Grand Averue. " PIANNIH:; APPLI~cm (oattirIJed) 22. Al:Plicatiat 28-u-85 of Ma1'I.Ie.l Gatzalez: Use Pemit to .........t....x:t a t:wo-stmy, sin}le-family residence and Envirtrasnta1 Review: '!be P1annin:J throni -tat reo... ·-db the grantin¡ of a Negative Dec:laratiat. '!be subject ~'-I"".I.ty is located at the east l'Iide of Peninsula Bwlevard approximately 100 ft. south of Grand Averue. p.... ....-.>Jo!d for aw=val. '1his cq:plicatiat to be heard in conjunction with Awlicatiat 13-Z-85. -9- t MINf.1lE; OF '!HE SEPrnmER 3, 1985 CI'lY CXXJNCIL ~ (œ-678) Direct.ar of P1anrún;J an:! DBYti"'1_,L QJwan gave 0cunci1 a brlet explanatim m the rezaùn¡. Hr. Gmzalez stated to the 0cunci1 that he felt it was an advantage tG him to maIœ the additim. Hr. Greene, the 0Œ1trac:t0r, stated they were h.nttirq a battan floor m the house due to the size of the Gmzalez family. cnmcil tti..,..,-tcn ensued regamin:J the plan. Am AnJer c:bjected to the œtsi.de staircase an:! was OO..C....ll&.l that the brlldin1 0Œ1f01'lll to the looks of the t'YWm'Inrlty . It was mved by cnmc. Sparks an:! sec:a1ded by cnmc. Plun;¡y to deny the applicatiat. 'Ibe IIIatia1 was defeated with cnmcn1l_..1.ex.. Gatto, Jchnsa1 an:!lbJel.. tti- .t.in:J. þ It was mved by cnmc. Rcgers, aec...ÁÀd by cnmc. Gatto an:! ~--'9d unanimously to grant a Negative '"""", "'1"ëitim far Applicatim 13-Z-85. It was mved by cnmc. ~.., seoo.ÁÀd by cnmc. Gatto am p""'"«1 unanimcusly to ClK"'U1I8 Þß" i....um 13-Z-S5 per Planrú.n;J l"nNni_iat Resoluticn No. 2673. It was mved by cnmc. Plun;¡y, seoaàied by cnmc. Gatto an:! po:--ed unanimously to read ordinaroe No. 1324 by title aùy an:! the City Clerk's readin1 to cxnrtitut:e the first read.in;J t:he1.-4. It was mved by cnmc. ~s, seoaded by cnmc. Gatto am ~--ed unanimcusly to ClK"'U1I8 Þß" i~im 28-U-S5 per Planrú.n;J l"nNni -iat Resolutim No. 2674 wit.'1 Exhibits A 2nd Relrisicn an:! 8 2nd Rsvisim ...-.tt to <D1ditim 16. cnmc. Gatto stated that the 1:;..ndin1 ........ùd be iDpraved in the same type an:! åIimIct:er as the adjoininJ neighb.dl......d an:! that the arlldin1 Department shcu1d review the light:.in:¡ an:! venti1atia1 in the livirq rocm. 21. A¡:plicatial 26-U-85 of I.awrenoe Q.¡y: Use Pemit to ca""t...&JCt two det:ached t:wo-stary sirqle-family residences am EnvL........... llal RøIriew: '!he Pla11l'Û1'X3' l"nNni"""ioo reo:, ....-11ds the grantin;J of a Negative þ -10- KIK1l'ES OF '!HE ~ 3, 1985 Cl'lY CXXJNC:IL MI!El'DG (a:-678) 21. (c:x:ntiraJed) DeclaratiŒ1. '1hB subject l'L~ty is located Œ1 the saIth side of ~ Aven.J8 GWL....d:mtely 450 ft. east of Torre Averue. R&····-"ded far GWL..,¡al. 'Ibis applicatiŒ1 to be heard in o:::njunctiat with A¡¢!catiŒ1 12-Z-85. CkI1tira.Jed to sept"_.~"'([' 16. 23. ApplicatiŒ1 13-'lH-85 of Menta Vista Woods (Dc:u;J Healy): Tentative Map to subdivide a 1IIi~ use offioe¡residentia1 brlldin¡ into fem' office arxi fem' residential oc:niaDinium units arxi EnvL........d:al ~: 'Ihe project was previcusly ~~e"e'Ðd, hence, no actia1 is required. '1hB subject I'L"¥'L ty is located Œ1 the SCAJtheast camer of Granada Averue arxi PtI"""'-1a Averue in a P (Planned DBvel~.l with Neigh1:xnhcod o ....-. ...ia1, Light IJùJstrial arxi Residential 4-12 dwIBllin;J units per grœs acre intent) zcnin;J district. RIK' ....- ded far approval. It was JII:!\Ied by CDmc. Spañcs, eeocrJded by CDmc. Rcgers am p"'øø'Sd unanimr:uùy to GWLU'Je Application 13~85 per Planrúnq /'hrni"'IJiŒ1 Resolut!Œ1 No. 2682. ~ AND Sl'1'E APPR:IIlAL CXHa'ITEE APPLICATIQIS 24. Nc:ne. UNFINISHED !UmŒSS 25. ~l Œ1 Applic::atia1 23-u-&5 of Dirk am DeJœ BJnter am staff r+> ....-1dat!a1s about '-i~tia'Is. Director of Public Wœ:iCB VisJa::widl gave a brief eJCplanatiŒ1 of the real~.......t to Q:Iuncll. It was the CCI1Sel1SUS of Q:Iuncll to aooept the l.~t. NÐi !I1Snm3S 26. Revisw of facts regarding yostlercÙ 1II.IIÙcipal electiŒ1 sd1eduled far NoI..t-. 5, 1985 am OCI1SideratiŒ1 of 8ßIOLJI,."",.ls. þ -11- MD«m!S OF 'l1Œ SEPIDœER 3, 1985 Cl'I'\C <XXINCIL MŒ1'I1G (00-678) 26. (a) Ruc¡ut:icI'1 No. 6665: "A Re8oJ.ut:icI'1 of the City CkIuncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 ARointin:¡ Jem M. Gatto to the Q.Jpertino City CkIuncil." (b) Re8oJ.ut:icI'1 No. 6666: "A Re8oJ.ut:icI'1 of the City CkIuncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 ARointin:¡ ibil N. JàJœa. to the Q.Jpertino City CkIuncil. 26. (c) Reøolut:icl'1 No. 6667: "A Resolut:icl'1 of the City CkIuncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 ARointinq Jàm J. P¡UI'I]Y, Jr. to the 0Jpertin0 City CkIuncil." Deputy City Clerk Vi11arante presented the t'eView of facts regardin::J the __.....csl ~.icipal e1.ectia1 sd1ech11.ed for NoI....ø:.... 5, 1985 an:! cx:nl1deratiat of a¡:poi..t..u...íLs. It was IIICIIIed by Ocunc. ~.., seccn:Jed by Ocunc. P1.UI'I]Y an:! p"ø-ed with Ocunc. Gatto abst:aininq to adqJt Reso¡ut:icI'1 No. 6665. It was IIICIIIed by Ocunc. Ro9-,.., seoo.:dad by Ocunc. Gatto an:! P"--ed with Ocunc. Jàmsa\ abst:aininq to adqJt Reso¡ut:icI'1 No. 6666. It was IIICIIIed by Ocunc. Rcgers, seoctìJtd by Ocunc. Sp!IrJcs an:! poa--¡:1 with CkJurr:. PlUI'I]Y abstaininr:¡ to adcpt Resolut:icl'1 No. 6667. 27. Review of traffic mitigatien """"''''.IreS in the Riese BJ.. ¡-::II area. DinIc:tar of PI~ic WorU Viskaviål ~ B íted CbIncil with a brief revUIi of the traffic pt'Cble.s in the area. ni.....'-icn ensued be.'bMen Ocuncil aM resider.tIò regardinq step signs in the area. ) P. 0Jnn1n; hBm, 939 Riese BJ.œsan, stated to CkIuncil that there had been a JDañœc1 bprovement in the traffic in the area, but that there sha.ùd also be DDre spat åIecJcs by the Sheriff's Department. It was 1IICMId by Ocunc. SpI!IrJœ, seccn:Jed by Ocunc. Gatto and I"'-s1!d unIUÚJIIaJsly to ao ""I'L the .I.q.¡uLL, to CXI'1t:irue en a pel1IBlIent basis the tum prà1ibitia1B betwen the hours of 6:00 a.m. an:! 9:00 a.m. an:! 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., and to CXI'1t:irue selective enfua............rt; as the primary tool to ensure OCIIpliancc. -12- MINI1l'ES OF '!HE SEPIDœER 3, 1985 Cl'lY CXXJNCIL MEEl'IJG (00-678) 28. O:nliderati.:o. of ardinances pert.aininJ to rental i fUII'IAa. (a) ordinance No. 1325: "An ordinance of the City of 0Jpertin0 to RetJ,i'1"8 a sixty-Day Notice of Rental Increase. " (b) ordinance No. 1326: "An ordinance of the City of 0Jpertin0 Limitin¡ Residential Rent Increi!Ises to Q1ce Evely 'l\Mlve Ib1ths After Initial Increase." City Attorney Kilian ~ a 1"&' ····....ldatia1 to the City cnmcil am gave a brief e:xplanatia1 of the bac:kgramd of the ordinæ1ces. 0:A.Inc. P1uny statec1 the ardinances came at I'I!oCu......r:Jatia1 frcm the Rental Ha1sinq o:adtt.ee. Assistant to the City MImager Brown statec1 that the Rental CCIIIDitt.ee did not recpISt the legis].atia1. Ib1 GrarNille, Presidm1t of Tri County Apartment Associatia1, statec1 his .............11& œgardinq the adcpticn of the ordinæ1ces am m1f........__íL. He went a1 the state that he belisved the idea 10IU to encxm'2IIJ8 apartment managers, not legislate them. Di....."·...ia1 ensued ameug O:A.Incil, Assistant to the City Manager Brown am Kr. GrarNille regardinq landlord imentives. Assistant to the City Manager Brown gave cnmcil a brief e:xplanatiat of the rental1lll!ldJ.at.iat ~.....-. B8Yerly lawrence, Mid Pen.iJISu1a Citizens for Fair Hoosinq, questicned VIøther or not the p8IIIi1lets beinJ distrib1ted to landlords wculd encourage the sixty-day notificatia1. Assistant to the City Manager Brown ER.o,r:J"'Dted that the 16C> ····-Idatia1 be included in the p8IIIi1let. It 10IU the ooosensus of the cnmcil to table Ordinances No. 1325 am 1326. -13- MIH1lES OF 'mE SEPl'ÐŒfER 3, 1985 Cl'lY CXXJNCIL MEm.'IlC (œ-678) 29. n--"Iity Hoosirg DBvelcpers - Request far $6,350 of n--"Iity DBvel"¥""'1t Block Grant ~. Planner I Bimendyk gaw a brief explanat.icn to CDmcil of the :fUDi àIan:Jes. CDmcil held a brief <'Ii """'.....ien abcut the am OOCUPN'ICY permit prc:IJ1ems. It was maved by COOne. Sparks, sec:crœi by COOne. P1un;w and p-o--'9d unaniJIIoos1y to ~v.re allcx::atien of a _vl..._ of $10,000 of n--"Iity Devel"¥",,,,1;. Block Grant ~ with staff to review bids far waèt r -~..rI. City Attomey Kilian reminded staff that the City cc:W.d not ~jL..ul the bid ~......-.s as it wculd be !:uildirg en private l"-.........vJ. 30. Rq,.u..l en bid c:penirg far vehicles, DEW 86-104, and award of bids. It was maved by COOne. R;Jgers, sec:crœi by COOne. P1un;w and l""--að. \1l'IiUÚJIDJSly to awaxd bid item 1 to Raines O'Ievrolet in the amount of $11,249.94 and to ~,¥,1ate $3,250 fraI1 the General ~ to CXNer the overage. Bid items 2, 3 an:i 4 were rejected to allow staff time to infnnMlly negctiate in ULdt:.. to ram- costs. 31. M,.im for ..........Je& filed en hooNolf of carroll H::nte. It was maved by COOne. a..."......, -.....c1tod by COOne. Gatto and I?"--ed UI1IUÚJIICUIly to deny the "laim. 32. M,.i.. for ....."'"9'88 filed en hooNolf of Alex H::nte. It was maved by COOne. Gatto, -.AA1ded by COOne. ~s and I"'--að. UI1IUÚJIICUIly to reject the "lai1ll. 33. Rq,.u..l en bid c:penirg far ø.....œ.ia1 Parle Tennis Court Lightirg, Project 86-102, and award of ~,L....ct. COOncil ili..,.."....icn ensued with City Manager ().1inlan regardirg the inc1usien of the alternate whid1 was not inc1u:Jed in the original estimate. -14- ~ OF 'JHE ::Ir;t'.lUIIZK 3, 1985 CITï CXXJNCIL -..:a:.uG (0:::-678) It was IIO\I8d by Q:IUnC. ~â, eo.oa1ded by Q:IUnC. SpaIiœ an! poo--'''' unan1IøJs].y to GWL(N8 award of project to D&B o:øtm:::t:i.œ boa-*" en the lcwest bid in the 2IIIØJI'It of $57,000 an! to GWL"¥L.1ate $14,000 frcD the General PUrd to CXJVC' the project ani CØ1t.in]encies. Wtu:.L".LUf aHUŒCATICIIS 34. NCI1e. ~.;S 35. NCI18. RESOII1rICIIS 36. NCI1e 1Df-1IGI!2D IUmIE9S - NCI1e. ']be EØtin;J was adjœmed at 10:33 p.m. -15- .