CC 09-30-85 · ~ CITY OF CUPERl'INO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 Telephone: (409) 252-4505 MINUl'ES OF THE ADJI:XRŒD REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON SEPl'EMBER 30, 1985 IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CC-679A Mayor Johnsa1 .....lled the meeting to order in the Council Chamber at 7:05 p.m. ROLL CALL Counc. Present: Gatto, Plungy, Rogers, Sparks, Mayor Johnson Staff Present: city Manager Quinlan City Clerk Cornelius Director of Planning and Development Cowan city Attorney Kilian Consultant Present: Sheila Brutaco Housina Element - General Plan DirEI::t:cr or Planning and Devcl.c:pment Cowan reviewed the QED J: es-s1"å1 report and the Oa'1cept of including imputed rent. Ca.mcll asked what changes were p...~ from the current policy in effect. D~1....il'W\ followed regarding state law and ABAG's "fair share" figures. It was pointed out that the city of CUpertino's housing element does currently have state approval. Upa1 being asked what the state requjrements were in regard to the housing element, Sheila Brutaco, consultant, respa1ded that each city is to prepare a five year plan. The gœl is to ~ ABAG's fair share number. The figures are a goal, not a requirement. The Cfty Attorney pointed oot that art-inl1S taken by Council must be CD1Sist:ent wfth the General Plan as adopted or the City is open to judicial attack. -1- \ MINtJI'ES OF THE SEPI'EMBER 30, 1985 CITY COUNCIL MEETING (CC-679A) Council suggested that the fallowing figures be considered for CUpertjno: moderate income, $36,000 per household; low income, $24,000 per household; very low income, $18,OOO per household; above moderate income, $42,000 per household. Jasen Chartier, member, BMR Committee, suggested that if the City has a low income housing program that it be ongoing and a fair program. Nick Szabo, BMR Committee, st:ated that he felt the present program was unfair as the burden is not spread equally. Also, if a developer puts in fewer units the present BMR Program is avoided. He expressed the feeling that a program is necessary for people just getting started and wanting to buy their first home. He felt t.hat senior citizens were usually better off in housing as their hOIl',es were paid off or payments were quite low. He also stated that senior citizens are the least appropriate for con<iOllÚniulll housing as such housing is 1""I"l1y two stories. Charles Newman, Chamber of Commerce, stated that he felt it soonded like Council was at a point it was going to make some ð....,i"'ions. He also stated that it is his opinion that the state only requires that housing be addressed, not 1'1.........~1\rlly that anything be done. He said he felt that t:le CXl\sensus of Council was that that the BMR Program is no!; worldng and he suggested that the City back off and lo:>k at it and that incentives be provided to allow the f~ee market system to work. John Vidoviàt, deveI.cper, stated that he disagreed with Mr. Newman. He said that he has known for five years that the BMR PL"': LaIII is wtfair and does not work. He did not feel it was unfair to pay a fair share. l't was lIIOVed by Counc. Gatto, seoa1ded by Counc. Rogers and P<"8Sed unanimously (a) to direct the Planning Commission to explore all issues in the August 19 memo, BMR Committee Mrrli¥it::wi Prcposal; (b) that the subsidy would be 01<; (c) to direct the Planning Commission to recommend fee stzuct:ure and prooess Council suggested that the emphasis might be on the fixed income populace. -2- MINt1I'ES OF THE SEPl'EMBER 30, 1985 CITY COUNCIL MEETING (CC-679A) Council also thanked the BMR Committee tor their work. Hiahwav 85 meetina schedule - EIS 1't was IIICWed by Coune. Gatto, seoc:nded by Coune. Rogers and passed unanimously to set Wednesday, November 13 and Tuesday, ~1o.er 3 for public hearings and to direct that two ocpies of the EIS be made av"n..h1.. at the Library and one at the Chamber of Commerce. Counc. Rogers requested that any Councilmember having ocnoems regarcUng the resalut:ia1s PLU)JOSed for the League of CaU£ornia Cities annual conference express those concerns to the City Manager or her. Cfty Manager Qu.inlan stated that there had been a request for a Council study session regarding the Marriott Hotel PL'"'l^'"'ed for Vallco to assist with the design direction. A study session was scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, October 15. Council requested a memo regarcUng the meeting schedule for the balance of the year. '!be City Manager informed Council that the administrative hearing scheduled for October 2 would be an executive session in the Conference Room. At 8:50 p.m., the meeting was adjourned. #~.: city Clerk -3-