CC 10-15-85 .. Cl'lY OF aJPERl'INO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10300 Torre Avenue, QJpertino, CA 95014 Telephone: (408) 252-4505 MINt1l'ES OF 'IH!:: REXmAR MŒl'Jm OF 'IHE Cl'lY cmNCIL HEID œ ocroBER 15, 1985 IN'IHE <XHFERENŒ RXM, Cl'lY HAIL, aJPERl'INO, CALIFORNIA cc-680 '1be JIIeetjn:¡ was called to order in the Ca1ferenœ lb:m at 5:30 p.m. by Mayor Johnsa1. :ROLL CAIL COUn::. Present: Gatto, Plurgy (5:40 p.m.), Rcg\ols, Sparlæ, Mayor Jàmsan staff Present: City Manager ()1in1an City Clerk Come1.ius D.iJ:'ector of Public Works Viskavidl D.iJ:'ector of Pl.annin:J and Devel~iL Cowan rnmu'Úty Affairs Officer Mays Assistant to the City Manager Brown (5:45 p.m.) Director of Finance Snyder (5:55 p.m.) S'IUDY SESSICN REX;ARDm; MARRIorr IDI'EL - VALIa) D.iJ:'ector of Pl.annin:J and Devel,¥,,=iL Cowan adh'>ð.O.-'I 0:1unci1 regardin:J the pn:pœe of the study sessic:n and reviewed the General :?1an. (City Clerk's Note: COUn::. Plurgy arrived at 5:40 p.m.) Don crœby, architect, stated to 0:1unci1 that the 1nrYÙ>1 bein;J pl s <1d:ed demcn3trated the __.....cù height and fom of the l::iui1din)s b.It not the ~ific '-":iJ;Jn elements at this time. He told 0:1unci1 that Marriott 1IICUld start with a 400 unit hotel l::iui1din¡ and ccnfenb.- facilities inc1udinq a ballrtxIn, JIIeetjn:¡ roaus, restaurants and a swiJœdnq p:IOl. SUrrcI.In:Un} office l::iui1din;¡s ~d be tied into Valloo Fashicn Park. '1be tall buildin¡ 1IICUld have a _11 fvu4>Llnt, and there ~d be paIid.n;J, laro~iD} and courtyazds. With the first 1X1ase, there ~d be surface parkirq. With builda.rt:, there ~d be a three-1evel parkirq structure with one level below grade. '!his ~d be hidden by lan:lscapin1. -1- Harriott Hotel - Vallco MINtJl'ES OF '!HE OC'roBER 15, 1985 CIT'i cnJNCIL MEEl'D'Ð (cc-680) (City Clerk's Note: arrived at 5:45 p.m.) Final shap~, materials, etc. wre still cpm. COJnCil ~ --~ such oc:u::=erJIS as cuttinq aIt the skyline of the hills, the architec::ture an:! the desire for a statement mildin}. Assistant to the City Manager Bram (City Clerk's Note: Director of Fi1'1ance Snyàer arrived at 5:55 p.m.) '!be majority of ewrx:il ""'f:U-...-""'" no þlecauceived height r_lLlctiŒ1S. However, they did want a product that was sensitive to the lY'OIIIIIInU.ty an:! attractive. It was t:4/r'''''''''ed that the distant view was the ooe that was 1IŒIt critical to the residents of the <YOIIII'Inú.ty. AWJ:CVal was expr!S~'ad for the overall relationship to Vallco. It was suggested that the stevens Creek Boolevard view be looked at. cnmcl.l ""'f:U- : I!'~ed ~ t for the sarxipile effect an:! stated that there was a prdJlem with two mildin;¡s of different size loaJd.n;J exactly the same other than than size. A desire was expressed for 1IDre drama in the architecture. cnmcl.l stated that the mildin;¡s as presented lack statement, an:! they will serve as a landmark of 0Jpertin0. c:mcem was expr [ ~ed regardinJ the height in relationship to the stevens Creek Boulevard side. '!he axàú.tect stated the design planned will oot be dated an:! the )'ul1din:Js wi:! look as geed 20 years frail new as at the time of ccnstJ:uctiat. He stated that the first ¡i1ase will be 19 floors 0CI'ISistiD¡ of 400 roaDS with the sec:x:ni ¡i1ase 14 floors an:! 300 roaDS. cnmcl.l stated that height per sa is oot an issue, that 1.5 to 1 ratio is a guideline, bIt they wa.ù.d be willin} to be flexible. ewrx:il stated further that the architectural design nH:"" saœ worK an:! that the use permit does require full architectural drawin::Js. -2- MINt1l'ES OF næ ocroBER 15, 1985 Cl'lY axJNCIL MEE:l'IlG (œ-680) At 6:25 p.m., Caln::i1 ad:jcmned to the Caln::i1 QumIhA..." At 6:45 p.m., Mayor Jàmsa1 called the meet:.inq to order in 0Jl100il Q\.-....I«. SAI111'E 'ro næ FL1\G R>IL CALL CaIn::. P:L 1S ...L: Gatto, P1un::w, Rcgers, SparXs, Mayor Jàmsa1 staff Pres_ll: City Manager Q.ùnlan City Clerk Comelius Director of Public WoJ:ks Viskcvich Director of P1anninq and Devel,"l...."...l Cowan Director of Finance snyder Director of Parks and Recreaticn D:Jw1inJ Assistant to the City Manager Brown ChmInúty Affairs Officer Mays ~ OR NÐf ~ ITEMS - It was JŒNed by Co.m:::. Rogers, seoc:n:Jed by Co.m:::. P1un::w and P"889d unaniDDJs1y to 0CI'Itinue Iteas 31, 32 and 34 to 0c::t:åJer 21, to cx:ntirnJe Item 38 to NoIIeai:IeJ: 4 and to reIID\I8 Item 40. STAFF ~::> 1. Oral .L~ls by staff "-·¡era and .,I1hni....tcn of written ...~ls. Citv Manaaer's ~l Drainage Qwme1 Inspectic:n¡ - It was JŒNed by Co.m:::. Rogers, seoo.Jdt.d by Co.m:::. P1un::w and 1""8...... unanimo.Bly to ~ three inspectia1s per year and that the City IIIŒ1itor this. Ccuncil also a¡:prcIYed inc....~c:\ticn with the weekend ,'Lu,µaw thra¡gh the Sheriff's Department and ~1:ed that the water District pest "no duapin:f' signs. Hazardous Waste o.../LLu1 - It was JŒNed by Co.m:::. Gatto, seoc::njed by CaIn::. P1un::w and I"'øøed 1.1l1ëIIWoous1y to agree in CC4Lq1l with the letter fran the Co.mty Exeottive's Office. -3- Items con- tinued and í or removed Drainage Channe I Inspections Hazardous Waste . Water Quality Control New County Librarian Ron Todd resignation Reglin Mutual Water Co. . Treasurer's report Toyokawa visitors . MINUl'ES OF 'IHE V\,;'J.UI:ZK 15, 1985 Cl'lY cxuaL ME:E1'DG (cc-680) n,lifomia Rsaia'l!l.l Wa+-A1" l"lluolity o.../t..ul -.... - It was JDCJYed by ocunc. Plurçy, S8OCI1ded by ocunc. Gatto and peI~- unaninIaJsly to supp.... L Federal fUndin¡ of res-->"å1. ~ T.n,..,.""¡",n Ms. P\1ller be introductiat. - 8"....n FUller - ocunci1 requested that invited to a ocuncil meet:in;J for City Clerk's Recolt Resignatiat of Public safety C'romIi....ia1er - It was maved by ocunc. Plurçy, seca1ded by QJunc. Gatto and J?"88ed unanimcus1y to 'Iooept the resignatiat of Rcn Toà1 and to fill the vacancy in Jal'IUmy with other C'romIi ....tat a¡:poL/L..-lls. ocunci1 requested that a plaque be prepared to thank Mr. Toà1 for his service to the t'Y'OmII11'1ity. Rsalin ltIMuol Wë,ot'A1" co. - It was JDCJYed by ocunc. Gatto, seca1ded by ocunc. SpaID a."'Id P"~ed unanimcus1y to autborize staff to c:xnt.i1nJe to wmX with Reglin to develcp base )an,¡ledge to be used in future negotiat.iaw to detetmine value or method of aoquirinJ Reglin ØJtual Water co. 2. Treasurer's ~L for AuJust, 1985. ocunci1 received the report. œAL <XIHJNICA'l'ICIIS 26. WelCX1118 of stIx1ents visitiDJ frail Toyokawa, Japan. Mayor Jåmsa1 read a ptYY"1-ticr1 makinq ead1 student: and instructor an ~a%y 0Jpert.im citizen. ocunc. Plurçy thanked the host families and the 0Jpert.im mùcn SdxIol District. He also LIt... ."...- the visitors. Mayor Jåmsa1 ~ ! L Jted ead1 visitor with a gift and a procl"""'t.ia1. Q¡rt Harrlsa1 gave the visitors fran Toyokawa a Halloween gift. '!he two instnx:tors ~ saJted ocunci1 with - ~!I]eS fran the Mayor of 'l'ayokawa and the Rota%y Club. '!hey also pl sa,ted gifts fran Japan. 27. Pl. s 'Ilatiat to cutgoinJ Parks & Recreatiat C'romIi ....iat O1air, 1'!ooYbora Arnold. -4- MD«1ftS OF 'nIE IJ(.;.LUI:II:;t( 15, 1985 CIT\{ CXXJNCIL MEE:rIN:; (cc-680) Mayor Jcbnsa1 ~ s"d:ed Ms. Arnold with a plaque in ~......1.atiat of her service to a¡pe.rtjno. CXXJNCIL J<UUU~ 4. Q:unc. Gatto - Highway 85 EnvL...._.t.al IDpact ~t. - Q:unc. Gatto reqJeSted respa1S'9S to the ,.v".,~ by the end of the 1IØ1th. O:uncil requested that an article regardin::J this matter be prepared for the NoveIIiJer iesue of the n......-r+ i nn Scene. ~ OUÐIDAR (It is requested that Items 8 thrcu; h 24 be acted at sim.ù.~lSly unless separate di""""·..ion and/or action is :requested. ) It was JDCYed by Q:unc. Sparks, seocn:ù!d by Q:unc. Rogels and P"~ed \II'IalÚJDaJsly to approve the Consent calerñar as ...,hftitted. 8. Resolutiat No. 6680: "A Resolution of the city Q:uncil of the city of O~rtino Allowin:J Certain Claims and Demands Payable in 1:1'1e Amwnts and FraIl the F\1njs as Hm'e1nafter De!'.cr:ibecl for General and Mi-'i'œllanea.JS Expenditures fc,r the Period Errlin;J September 13, 1985." 9. Resoluticn No. 6679: "A Resolutiat of the city camcil of the city of a¡pe.rtjno Allowin:J Certain Claims and Demands Payable in the Amounts and frail the F\1njs as He:reinatt:er Described for salaries and Wages for the Payroll Period Errlin;J september 17, 1985." 10. Resoluticn No. 6678: "A Resoluticn of the City camcil of the city of QIpertino Allowin:J certain Claims and Demands Payable in the Amwnts and FraIl the F\IrxJs as Hareinafter Descr:ibecl for General and !fi""Cellanea.JS Expenditures for the Period Errlin;J september 27, 1985." 11. Claim for riA,,""'Je& filed by Del:bie Snow. 12. Request for waiver of b.1siness license fees: (a) Puzple Heart veterans Rehabilitation Services, Inc. -5- Plaquc to Barbara Arnold Highway 85 EIR Consent Cal- endar approved MINtJl'ES OF '!HE OCIOBER 15, 1985 CIT\( c:xxJNCIL ~ (CX:-680) (b) American YOlth Sports Foundatiat. 13. Resolut.ia1 No. 6681: "A Reso1ut:ia1 of the City Can::il of the City of Q]pertino Aw:rcNiD;J Ca1tract Chan;Ie Order No. 1 for SUbdivisiat ~uv""",,"lls - HoaIIer Project 84-11 A." 14. Reso1ut.ia1 No. 6682: "A Reso1utiat of the City Can::il of the City of Q]pertino 1\ccept:.in;J a Grant of Jö'Jo"""""""\t for sidewalk Puz¡Kees fraII~, a California Limited Partnership Located at stevens Creek Baùevard at Randy Lane." 15. Resolution No. 6683: "A Reso1utiat of the City Ocuncil of the city of Q]pertino 1\ccept:.in;J Grant of Jö'Jo~ for Roadway PUJ:poses fran WDl'-OJpertino, A california Limited Pdrtnership cmsistin.J of ~tely .0369 Acres, Located Ran:iy Lane at stevens Creek Baùevard." 16. Reso1utiat No. 6684: "A Resolutiat of the City Can::il of the City of Q]pertino ~ 0:Intract Chan;Ie Order No. 6 for Foothill Baùevard and stevens Creek Baùevard Traffic Signal, Project 80-15." ..7. Resolutiat No. 6685: "A Resolutiat of the City Ocuncil of the City of Q]pertino ~ Parcel Map and IDprovement Plans of PrqJerty Located at varian Way and Ainsworth Drive Devel~ James H. Sisk¡Jàm T. Vi.dcvi.d1 AuthoriziD;J Executia1 of DIprc::IYement ~l..........jL; AuthoriziD;J Signin.J of Parcel Map and ~~jL Plans." 18. Resolutiat No. 6686: "A Resolutiat of the City Can::il of the City of QJpertino AuthoriziD;J Exec:utia1 of A"...........jL between the City of QJpertino and the 0Junty of Santa Clara for the ResurfaciD;J of Rúl Lane Betwen Fin:n Aveœe and Tantau Aveœe and Tantau AvenJe between Rúl Lane and Shadygrove Drive." 19. A¡:plicatiat 1ISAC-5l,620.1 - A¡:p1e CaIp1ter (Ikeda Associates) - RequestiD;J a¡:prcval of three satellite dish antenna receiviD;J units within a light in:Justrial c::œp1ex. SUbject property is locatrl at the scutheast comer of Valley Green Drive and Bearda1 Avenue. Peo:····,-'ded for denial. -6- MINt1l'ES OF '!HE uC1()tzI( 15, 1985 Cl'lY <XXJNCIL io!u;,L'.uG (a:-680) 20. Reso1utia'\ No. 6687: "A Reso1uttat of t} e city 0::Amcil of the city of QJpert:irÐ ~ Parcel Map am ~WE!IDeI.t Plans of P.I.,,¥=lj' I.oœt.ed at Randy lane am stevens Creek Boul8V2IJ:Ù~ Developer, WDl'-OJpertino, A C'alifamia Limited Partnership Autharizin¡ Ex801ti.cn of ~""Emei.t ~..........Jt~ Autharizin¡ Si.gnJ.n;J of Ptu;œl Map and ~",,_,t. Plans." 21. Resolutia1 No. 6688: "A Resolutiat of the city 0::Amcil of the city of QJpert:irÐ ~ o...d....aet 01an;Je Order No. 1 for !t::Clellan 1tJeId at De 1Inza COllege Entrance, Project 85-02 B." 22. Mirart:es of regular meeting of SepteId:)er 3, 1985 (CC-678) . 23. Mirart:es of regular meeting of Sept:eIItIer 16, 1985 (cc-679) 24. Mirart:es of adjc:mned regular meeting of sept'_.lc 30, 1985 (cc-679A). vote MønIho.... of the City Ccunci1 AY!S: Gatto, PlI.ID3Y, ~.., Sparlœ, Jc:bnsa1 lÐES: Na1e ABSENl': Ncr1e ABSTAIN: Nate I'lDtS RÐÐVED œ:H cx:tI5Em' ~ 25. Na,e. æAL CXHHJNICATIcm (CXX1t.iJ'uId) 28. sally Brennan cxa........uin¡ the rental ordinances tabled by Ccunci1. Ms. Brennan requested that Ccunci1 leOOIlSider the ordinanoes and r.ear both sides of the issue. She also requested that Ccunc:i1 keep a close watch at the _btiat ~\A.-.& 'UXi Operatiat sentinel. Mayor Jc:bnsa1 infODDed Ms. Brennan that Ccunc:i1 had tabled the ordinanoes to give Operatiat Sentinel a c::haooe to sn~ without 1eqis1atiat. Rental ordinances -7- · MINUl'ES OF '!HE O\.;iUJ:!U< 15, 1985 CIT'i CXXJNCIL MEEl'DG (CX::~680 ) Ma%ge HarmDe, league of WCIIIen Voters, stated that gcvemment worlcs best 1o'hen all sides are given the ~bmity to participate. 29. 1<føI...era of the mxtience ~ matters rot CI1 the agerx3a. Noise ord. James Dyer, 21865 I.cmita Avenue, addressed Council regardin:J the mise abatement ordinance. He stated that he had been told by the Sheriff's Department that the ordinance ~d rot hold up in ooort. He ~d like the City to check en this matter an:l if necessary amen:i the ordinance so it can be enforced. council directed the City Attorney, City Manager an:l o-mramity Affairs DivisiCl1 to investigate this matter. '!be City Manager requested the name of the officer frail the Sheriff's Department who had spoken with Mt". Dyer. Council requested a LqAU.L œck. · FUBIJ:C FEAlmcs 30. A¡:p1icatien 14-Z-85 of Jolm Vidovidl. (Marshall Mck): PJ:ezonin;J a¡:.proximately 3.5 acres fran A (Agrlc:ultural) to Rl-6 (Residential Sin;Jle-family, 6,000 sq. ft. mi.niJøJm lot size) ZŒI8 an:l Environmental Review: '!he Planrú.nq l"nmIi ....ia1 reo ····-tñs the grantinq of a Negative Declaraticn. '!he subject prqJerty is located ~tely 50 ft. to 250 ft. north of orcgrande Place an:l extems alc:n:¡ Regnart creek frail the teminJs of NaI........... Drive to the lii.gmlay 85 right of way. Reo:> ...._~ far GWL...rcù. ('Ibis ~icatiCl1 to be heard in ocnjunct:.iCl1 with A¡:plicatien 14-'IM-85.) 30. (a) First readi.ng of O:tdinanoe No. 1326: "An O:tdinanoe of the City of 0Jpertin0 Amerñin;J sectiCl1 1 of O:tdinanoe No. 2 Þy Preza1irxJ ~tely 3.5 Acres fran A Zone to Rl-6 ZCI1e~ Located ~u;l1IAteJ.y 50 Ft. to 250 Ft. North of orcgrande Place an:l Exten:!s AlonJ Regnart creek frail the 'I'eIIDiDJs of NovesIiJer Drive to the Highway 85 Right of Way." -8- · MINUl'æ (IF '!HE ocroBER 15, 1985 Cl'lY axJNCIL JoIEEl'IN; (a::-680) PIANNIJÇ APPLICATICNS 33. ~icatiCl'l l4-'D{-85 of Jå1n Vidavich (Marshall }t)k): Tentative SUbdivisim Map to subdivide awraxlmately 3.5 acres into 12 parcels ran:.Jllq -in size frail apprax!mately 6,600 sq. ft. to 12,000 sq. ft. and Envircnœnta1 Review: '!he P1.ar1nin¡ rnnmi ....iCl'l reo ....-11ds the grantin:J of a Negative nø.-l "ratim. '!he subject property is located ðwLu;i""'tely 50 ft. to 250 ft. north of Orogran:m Plan and extends alorg Regnart Creek frail the tenninus of NovI!sIiJer Drive to the Highway 85 right of way. Rt:ó....-rx3ed for~. ('!his application to be heard in conjunction with AR>licatiCl'l l4-Z-85.) Director of Plannirx.J am revel,"¥"""JL Cowan reviewed the ~licatiCl1S with cnmcil. Jå1n Vidavich, ~lic:ant, stated that sin::e the Plannirx.J rnnmi ....iCl'l awraval there had been BaIIEI changes in the situat.ia1. He had 1h..."'>t with the Flood Centrol District am as a œsult OO'ùd net meet the setback criteria. He requeste:1 12 lots with an average of 8,500 sq. ft. He stated that three or foor lots in the cul-de-sac ~d net meet the 60 ft. width at setback line. He stated this does have a ......~ as it was done CI'I the Shea property alorg Bollin;Jer. He ~d like the 12 lots awzuved. '!he City Attomvy stated that if Mr. Vidavich was requesti1ç a planned àevel,"¥"""JL it ~d have to be refen:ed back to the Plannirx.J rnnmi....iCl'l am it ~d also need a use pezmit. It was JDCJYed by cnmc. Sparks am s-.......:1t.d by cnmc. Plun;w to refer the matter back to the P1.ar1nin¡ rnnmi ....iCl'l and direct staff to CCIIIB back with a 1.~ L. '!he mc:rt:iCl'l was defeated with cnmci ",-.¡ ~rs Gatto, lO;Jers am Jàmsa1 "''4-- _JLirg. Director of P1.ar1nin¡ am Devel'"¥"""tt Cowan reviewed previous actiCl'lS m this ~licatiCl'l with cnmcil. A resident of 0rcgraIxæ oœplained aba.1t the traffic in the area already. He cbjected to extensiCl'l of Festival. -9- . Public hear- ing closed Entrance on Orogrande Circulation route Roadway along creek . 14-Z-85 approved Negative Dec. for 14-Z-85 First reading of Ord. 1326 Application 14-Z-85 continued . MINt1I'æ OF '!HE OC'lUJZK 15, 1985 Cl'lY CXXJNCIL Mæl'IlÐ (œ-680) City Maœger Q.únlan infoxmed Cameil that the statf feels it is better to have a ..t.r...-It parallelinJ the creek ani not have þno1<VS I:JacJdn] up to it. It was JDCIIÆId by Came. Gatto, secx:n3ed by Came. Plun:y ani passed unanimously to close the p,lblic hearlnq. It was JDCIIÆId by Came. Gatto, &ec:a1ded by Came. Jå1nsa1 ani p"aaed unanimously to awrove a secxni entrance on Orograme. It was JDCIIÆId by Came. Gatto, sec::x:med by Came. Plun:y ani poD'i'ed unanimously to awrove the circulation route goin;J through the subdivisioo bein;J considered. It was JDCIIÆId by Came. Plun;¡y, &ec:a1ded by Came. Rogers an:! P"'DDed with Camei l-··hers Gatto an:! Sparks ð..issentin;J to ðMn-uv'8 pla..........'1t of a roadway alcn:J the creek <XI'1figuratioo. It was JDCIIÆId by Came. Plun;¡y, &ec:a1ded by 0CUnc. p.cgers an:! I"'IE'8ed unanimously to direct that the rœd be CX'r1Struc:t:ed 1I41en the vertical ali"".......;t for Highway 85 is determined. It was JDCIIÆId by 0CUnc. Gatto, seconded by Came. Rogers ani P"'D'!'ed with 0CUnc. Sparks dissent:in;¡ to ðMn-...,¡e A¡:plicatioo 14-Z-85 per PJ.annin;J Chmoi_iat Resolutioo No. 2685. It was JDCIIÆId by 0CUnc. Gatto, &ec:a1ded by 0CUnc. Rogers ani ~øsed unanimaJs1y to grant a Negative Declaration far A¡:plicaticn l4-Z-85. It was JDCIIÆId by 0CUnc. Plun;¡y, &ec:a1ded by 0CUnc. Roger. ani p"aagd unanimously to read Ordinance No. 1326 by tit:le a1ly am the City Clerk's readin;J to OCI'IStitute the first readin;J thereof. It was JDCJYed by 0CUnc. Gatto, seconded by 0CUnc. Rogers ani poD'!'ed unanimaJs1y to oc:ntime consideratioo of A¡:plicatioo 14-'IH-85 to the IIIIi!eti1x] of November 4. -10- MINUl'ES OF '!HE OCIDBER 15, 1985 ern CXXJNCIL MŒl'I1G (cc-680) 31. A¡:p1icatien 15-Z-85 of the william Day ~ny: RezarlD;J awraximately 2.1 gross acres fn-. Al-43 (Agricultural-Residential, 43,000 sq. ft. miniDa.Jm lot size) zcne to Rl-7. 5 (Residential Sing1e-f2lllli1y I 7,500 sq. ft. IIÚ.niIII.DI1 lot size) zcne am EriVircnwrt:al Review: '!he Pl.annin;J n--i ....icn rec' ...- ids the grantj.rç of a Negative no.,.'....-atien. '1he subject property is located en the northwest ocn,..... of 1>'UI::ò Read arxl Regnart: Read. Reo .....M1ded far ~wa.l. ('Ihis awlicatian to be heard in cxnjuncticn with A¡:plicatien 15-'1M-85.) (a) First reading of Ordinance No. 1327: "An Ordinance of the City of OJpertino Amentin;J sectien 1 of Ordinance No. 2 by Reza'Iing A¡:p:raxiJDately 2.1 Gross Acres frail Al-43 Za1e to Rl-7.5 Zcne; IDeated en the Northwest corner of ati) Read arxi Regnart: Read." Cart:inued to 0ct.å:Jer 21, 1985. 32. Review of City fees arxi Oa1Sideratien of revisim. Cart:inued to 0ct.å:Jer 21, 1985. PIANNm; APPLICATIœs (oontinJed) 34. Awlicatic:n l5-'1M-85 of '1he William Day n-.p.ny: Tentative SUbdivisicn Map to su1:xlivide ~urI-tely 2.1 acres into nine pamels ranging in size fmII 7,500 sq. ft. Co 11,600 sq. ft. arxl Envircnœnt:al R8Yisw: '1he Pl5l1lÚJ'Ç n--i....im reo:· ....-"dB the grantj.rç of a Negative no.,."''''"'ltien. '1he subject }IL~ty is located en the nart:hwest ............. of ati) Read arxl Regnart: Road. ~>····_·Usd far~. ('Ihis applicatien to be heard in cxnjunctien with ARùicatia1 l5-Z-85.) 0:::I1tirJJed to 0ct.å:Jer 21, 1985. 35. Awlicatien 31-tJ-85 of n:1win J. Myers (Allan Byer): Use Pemit to r_L..lpe arxi wrv'Ii f'y the lam<>œping of an existing parJdng lot arxl Envira1mental Review: '!be project is categorically exeøpt, henœ no actia1 is r--aary. '1he subject }IL~ty is located en the sœth side of stevens Creek Bc:ulevard q:p:øite Barxney Drive in a P (Planned Devel~.t) zonlrv:J district. Rec- ····...rled for a~. -11- Application l5-Z-85 continued Application l5-TM-85 approved . 31-U-85 approved Sidewalk grinding bid . Development Agreement report continued Reading of Ord. 1328 Ord. 1328 enacted . MINt1l'ES OF '!HE OCIOBER 15, 1985 CI'lY CXUIC'IL MEEl'IJÇ (œ-680) Director of Plannin;J and Devel~Jt ocwan reviewed his report with 00Uncll. '!he architect reviewed the major ..,--rt:& of the ~"¥ ....1. It was mved by QJunc. ~'" seocn:Jed by QJunc. Spar)œ and paE'eed UI1alÚJIDJsly 00 aK4-uv9 A¡:plicat.i.a1 31oU-85 per Planrùn;r n-.m.i_icn Resolutiem No. 2694. ARCHITECroRAL AND srm AP.PR)I7AL a:Hfi'I'.l'EE APPLICATIæs 36. None. UNFINISHED IIJSINESS 37. Report em bid cpming for sidewalk grin:lirx¡, Project 86-101, and award of cxntract. It was mved by QJunc. Sparks, secx:n:)ed by QJunc. RtJgel:s and passÐd 1Jl'1alÜmc:usly to award the .....JL..aCt to Speedy COIa:ete Griniin:J for low bid of $44,760 as he has àJtained the aw.LV~..riate state license. Nm HJSINESS 38. ~L frail ad hcc Devel~Jt A,¡..............jL Cœmittee. Cantira.1ed to Nav..wt...... 4, 1985. 39. CCI1sideratiem of I.u.~...-y ar:dinance to allow staff aa:u:oval of parcel maps \t1iål ccœolidate legal lots into a sin;¡le parcel. (a) th~...y ominan:::e No. 1328: "An ominan:::e of the City of 0Jpertin0 Praviài.n¡ for staff 1IßroYal of Parcel Maps ~ Ca1solidate IBgal lots into a Sin}le Parcel, and Declaring the U1.~1CY 'lbereof." It was m::wed by QJunc. Plungy, seoaldtod by QJunc. ~8 and passÐd 1Jl'1alÜmc:usly to read Ordinimoe No. 1328 by titk only and the City Clerk's readiIx.J to CCI'IStitute the readin:J thereof. It was m::wed by QJunc. Plungy, sec:x:med by QJunc. Rcgexs and raes'9d unanimoosly to enact L".L.: .,dCY Ordinimoe No. 1328. -u- MINt1I'ES OF nm OCIDBER 15, 1985 CI'lY CXX1NCIL ME:E:l'I!C (œ-680) 40. Debt service financing alternatives. Removed. 41. Ox1s1deratian of an oràinance to revise order of tusiness to inc1u:æ pr: s ~j latiCl1S. (a) First reading of 0J:ãinance No. 1329: "An 0J:ãinance of the City of 0Jpertjn0 Amending Sectiat 2.08.090A., Order of DJsiness, of the 0Jpertjn0 M.micipal COde to Provide for Ceremcnial Matters. " It was IIICIVed :by cnmc. Pluny, seoc:med:by cnmc. ~s and I"''3sed UI'1iUÚ:IInJsly to read 0J:ãinance No. 1329 :by title a1ly and the City Clerk's reading to OCI1Stitute the first reading thereof. 42. Repo1l at bid c:p!IÚn:J for televisia1 equi¡:ment mw 86-106, and award of bid. It was IIICIVed :by cnmc. Pl\JD3Y, seocn:Jed:by cnmc. Gatto and l""~-ed UI'1iUÚ:IInJsly to award the bid to Cal video Sales in the amount of $22,7U.18. 'Ihe City Manager will c:heck with the Iægue of Califomia Cities regardin:J cities having to pay sales tax. 43. Dj..,.."....iat regardin:J rezaún;r to CaImercial that ~ disallow office buildings at certain parcels alen:¡ De ArIza BcW.evani (R''''-ra ~$) . It was 3-2 with ~i1.._.. oti"B ~$ and Pluny dissenting to not pn:sue rezcx1irxj of that area. WRITmf CXHIJNICMIæs 44. Nate œDINANc:æ 45. Secxni reading of 0J:ãinance No. 1323: "An 0J:ãinance of the City of CUpertino Amending Sectiat 1 of 0J:ãinance No. 2 :by Rezating AppraxiJDately .26 Acres fran R2-4.25 Zate to P Zate; Iocated at the 5a1th side of Rcdrigues Avenue ~tely 450 Ft. East of Tone Avenue." -13- First reading of Ord. 1329 TV Equipment No rezoning . Secoad read- Ing of Ord. 1323 Jrd. 1323 enacted "wards If'et1tiOn Christmas decorations NLC conferenc Voss Quarry noise . MINt1l'ES OF '!HE lA.:!VIZK 15, 1985 CIT\( axJNCIL hua'~ (cc-680) It was mved by cmnc. Plun;¡y, seocI'Ided by cmnc. Gatto and P"'''.,ed UI'IaIÛJ1D.ISly to read Ordinance No. 1323 by title a1ly and the City ClerX's readin¡ to OCI1Stitute the seoad readin¡ thereof. It was mved by cmnc. Plun;¡y, seocuded by cmnc. Ga\..to and p"'ð'S'ed UI'IaIÛJ1D.ISly to enac:t Ordinance No. 1323. R1!SOIlJl'ICIIS 46. Na1e. lQl-JIGE:Nm. WSINESS 47. Recogu.itiŒl by Mayor of special requests. (a) General Audience - None. (b) City Q:Qx:il. cmnc. Plun;¡y requested staff look at sutmittin:J haJsinq for PtYsica1ly limited in the Chmonúty Awards O.'I.etitim of the National QrganizatiŒl ŒI Disability. cwn::il :reviewed the PL' '1.~ for au-istmas deooratia'lS in the ~i;,"IS and ~%-5'ed a desire for lights a1ly. Coonci1 lIg)Ointed J.A1"h:ora Rcge1:s as vctin;J delegate and Reed Sparks as altemate at the Natiooal League of Cities CU1fbL......... in seattle. It was requested that Mayor JOOJlSŒI serñ a letter with a cqJy to Diæ1e Jt::K.er1na regardi.Jq noise frail Vœs Quany. (c) staff - None. At 9:35 p.m., ocunci1 adjcumed to the City Manager's office for a closed sessicn. At 9:47 p.m., the -ørt:in:¡ was reocnvened in Ocuncil o.-nJ-er with all cmncil~ ~ sent as wll as City Clerk Q)rnelius, Direct:ar of PlamiJx:J and Develo..ps""uL Cowan and City Attarr.ey Ki1ian. -14- MD'.JI!S OP '!HE Ul.aUl:'C:oK 15, 1985 Cl'lY CXXJNCIL MEE'fi!Ç (00-680) It WIllI II:JY8d by Qxmc. Gatto, seooudled by Qxmc. Rogers ani p--n5 UI1IIIÚmcU8ly to allow far sutstitut:iœ of attamey (Marc Hynes) in the amamt of $75 per hcur (0Jpertin0 VB. Cbmty of Santa Clara and Voss 0Jany). At 9:48 p.m. Q:Juncillldjcumed. /]~~~ ~7' -15- Substitution of atty.. Voss Quarry