CC 11-04-85
. . ,. '", ",' "',,", ,.,,,,,~,........,.~>..,,
cny OF ....n:.&U'J.!I:), S'mDI: OF CALIFCRaA
10300 'J.a<Kr; AVDKJB, aJPERl'DÐ, CA 95014
'Œœæ:IŒ: (408)252-4505
MINt1mI or 'IHE REXmAR MEE:l'nI; or 'IHE Cl'lY cœNCIL
HErD œ !DmœER 4, 1985 m 'IHE CXJH::IL QII\MBERS,
'lhe¡ was called to order at 6:45 p.m. in the Cb.mcil
HJLL a.u.
~ p.. s_.L:
Gatto, Jåmsa1,
SpaDes, Rogers
Plungy ,
staff PJ:'eS_JL: City Manager, ()1inlan
City Clerk Cbrnelius
Dir.of PUblic Works vi.skDvic:h
Dir. of P1annin:.J & Dev. cowan
Dir. of Finarx:e SJ1yåer
Dir. ParksjRecJ:eat:iœ Dcwl1n:J
(left 8 p.m.)
Asst. to City M;Jr. Brown
(anive 7:20 p.m., left 9:15
Ch"l'n'1ity Affairs Officer Mays
City Attorney Kilian
It was mved by Counc. 1b1ers, seoc.rxied by Counc. Gatto am
p"ø-ed unaniD:ius1y to table item 37 ani ccmti""Je items 315
am 40 to the IIII!8t:1n:J of NoII~ 13, 1985.
1. Oral ""¥,,Lls by staff -.-.J-e:rs am .."hni....iŒ1 of written
City Maœgar Pl SeolMd his ""'i-.uI.L to Council.
2. ~L Œ1 status of road .aaintenan:::e.
O:Juzx:il requested that staff notify a citizen
plans for iDprayements Œ1 McClellan laid near the haUpin
curve ani send CoJn::i1:ø_.J -e:rs a cqJy of that respŒ1Se.
Cbmcil was informed that staff is aware of the caJ:pOrt Œ1
Ðlpire Avenue that was installed without a use pemit. '!he
item will be referred to the City Attomey.
O:Juzx:il requested that they be informed regardj..n] this
MINUl'm OF næ KJImtBm 0\, 1985 a:m:!tL tame
It was DD\Ied by cnmc. Plungy, secxn3ed by cnmc. Regen
and p"ø-'9d \IrIal'ÙJIIo.Isly to write the Planninq 1"nron1_icn to
attend the ~lic hearin;J of the Highway 85 Draft
EnvL...........,lal :Iq¡act statement as an official body,
part.iaJ]Mly the one beinj held NoveIIœr 13.
5. cnmc. Plungy: legislative Reviai CcmIdttee. A
L"'t'L :Sl.,Lative the Natia1a1l»..... LCLtic Policy CcmIdttee
infomed <h1nci1 that a referemum regardin¡ the AIrS
quest!at is beinj initiated in california.
It was DD\Ied by cnmc. Plungy, secxn3ed by cnmc. Sp!IJ:Xs
and p"''iI'E'ed 1.1l1a1ÛJIøJsly to take no act1at at the 'llll'"<'løl
legislaticn regardin;J AIrS.
6. cnmc. Rogers: Cerrt:ral Fire Protection District Boim:l,
cnmcil dixected the City Manager to once again c:heck
regardinq a 0Jpertin0 representative at the ~'U:d.
a:mmr ~
It was DD\Ied by cnmc. Sparlœ, secx:t1ded by cnmc. ~tto and
p"''ò's'Bd unanimously with cnmc. Rcgers al:8t:ainin; at itœa
8. Resolut:.ia1 No. 669lf "A ~utiat of the City CCJunci1
of the City of OJpP..rtino Allowin:J Certain Claims and
Demanjs Payable in the Amoonts and frail the R1ndB as
Hereinafter Described for Salaries and Wages for the
Payroll Period E:rñiJq octà:Jer 15, 1985."
9. Resoluticn No. 669-1 "A of the City CCJunci1
of the City of CJpertino Allowin:J Certain t"':.i.... and
Demanjs Payable in the Amounts and FraIl the !\mds as
Hereinafter Described for General and Misoe11anec:t!s
Expeaill.tures for the Period E:rñiJq octà:Jer 25, 1985."
10. Claim for ~ filed by Greg W. Matz.
11. ("1:1,1", against GoIIemment Entity filed at behalf of Iœe
Mazy Iarq.
12. Resolutiat No. 6697: "A Resolutiat of the City Council
of the City of CJpertino Initiatin;J Pl. .~ and
Setting Tim and Place for Public Hearin:] for
O:I1sideratiat of Annexatiat of Area Designated I So.Jth
Stellin:] 85-03 ' . "
13. Resolution No. 6698: "A Resoluticn of the City O::mcil
of the City of CJpertino Initiati.rq ~ings and
5etti.rq Time and Place for Public Hearin:] for
·""'-·~-_1,~_,"",?,r-.P~~" ~rfY'
1mIm!.a OJ 'm! ~ 4, 1985 <nH::IL ftI:õI!1X.1IC
~ at Annexat.iat of ~ D8111gnated 'Ra.trtør
Driw 85-04'." fJV
14. ResoJ.utia1 No. 669.f. "A Rssolutia1 of the City council
of the City of 0Jpert.in0 A¡:prcvin¡ ADIerx!ed Reciprccal
J'A..-.,t; ~..........L Namirr;J De ArIza Plaza .\esociates as
T ....-19; Authorizing EIœc::ut.ia1 of Amended J'A---rt; am
0::Nenant." ~
15. ResoJ.utia1 No. 66911 "A Rssolutia1 of the City COUncil
at the City of 0Jpert.in0 A¡:prcvin¡ the Final M!Ip am
:DIprovement Plans of Tract: No. 7728 IDeated at Oliw
Aveme; Developer, HN am I\~eooiates Imr....t.w....L 0)., A
california Limited I'BrtrIership; Acceptinç¡ Certain
J'A""""""1ts; Authorizing SJ.gninç¡ of Final Map and
IIIprcvement Plans; Authorizing the ~en of
AgI..........l in a...........""tien 'n1erewith."
16. Reso1utien No. S695~ ~ Rssolutien of the City COUncil
of the City of 0Jpert.in0 Declaring its Int:entia1 to
Ckder Vacatien of a Partien of a Rm1ic Service
J'A..-....,t, Within the City of QJpertino PI.Irsuant to
Sec:ticn 50430 Et Seq. of the Gc:IIrt...u......IL Cede of the
state of California, Fixin::J Time and Place for Hearin;r
and Prc:Jvidin¡ for Notice '!hereof; IDt 44, Tract: No.
3322, Easterly of Deep Cliffe Driw."
17. Reso1utien No. 6696: "A Reso1utien of the City CouIx:i1
of the City of 0Jpert.in0 Settin:J a Rm1ic Hearing to
cmsider Adcpt.icn of a Water Oa1servatiat Manaç¡.-._. It.
Plan as Req.rlred by the stats urban Water Management
P1.annin;J Act (AB797)."
18. Acoept:aooe of mnicipal bIpravements: William A. Kinst
Project en p;.......tena Averue.
19. Request for waiver of b.1siness license fees: Beyañ
20. Mira1tes of the regular meetinç¡ of october 15, 1985
(00-680) .
21. Mira1tes of the n!gI.Ùar meetinç¡ of october 21, 1985
(00-681) .
I'!Ðf; RfJIJVED FH:M cx:tISEm' C2\UmAR
22. Nate
23. None
MIM1m) OF '!HE 1ÐVEl4BER 4, 1985 <.m«!L HEErOO
24. Aßùicatien 16-Z-S5 of El Camino Hospital (Ccint:imcI.w
care Rstixement Center): Prezaún:¡ 325+ Gress ~
frail Santa Clara Q1mty A20S (J\griaJltural) to City of
0Jpertin0 P (Planned DaIIel,¥"""d. with
~i-PI.1blicjInstitut.icœ1 use intent), BQ
(Quasi-Public h,i 1 dings) and A (J\griaJltu:r"ü.) zcniD;J
districts and Envira1mentaJ. Review: 'It... PlanniD;J
~i_icn ;[I'll. ...·~·œ the grant:in¡ of i:i Negative
no".larat.icn. 'Ihe subject }"..."....:ty is located en the
&a1th side of Highway 280 beqinnin:¡ ~urh""tely 800
ft. west of Foothill Ballevard. Reo ....-."Ida1 for
ðWLu\Ial. ('!his aßIlicatien to be beam in ccnjunctien
with Aßùicatien 32-t1-S5.)
(a) First :readinJ of 0I:tlinarY:e No. 1330: "An
ordinance of the City of Q¡pertino A1DeI1c!Jn¡
Sec:ticn 1 of ominance No. 2 by Preza'Ú.n1 325+
Gross Acres frail santa Clara Q:Junt.y A-2OS Zcninq
District to City of 0Jpertin0 P, BA and A Zcninq
Districts; Iccated en the Salth Side of Highway
280 Beginnin] Awroximately soo Ft. west of
Foothill Ballevard."
29. Aßùicatien 32-t1-85 of El Camino Hospital (CCI1t.irI.DIs
Care Retirement Center): Use Penlit to oa...l.Luct and
operate a ~ care retirement center and
Envira1menta1 Review: 'Ihe P1anni.n:J t'romIi -ten
l"A()o '",-'Ids the grantin;r of a Negative Declaraticn. 'Ihe
subject prt:perty is located en the south side of
Highway 2S0 beqi.nninJ ~tely soo ft. wst of
Foothill BcW.evard. ~:- ....-'Ided for~. ('Ibis
~icatien to be beam in OCI1junctien with Aßùicaticn
16-Z-S5. )
Dir. of PlanniJ1g & Devel'¥"""jL COWan reviewed the Plannin]
ChmIi....ien N<:> ····-·œtien. He stated that the prjJaa%y
issue seems to be traffic and routes that wa1ld be used.
'!be I.cs Altos City COUncil bad requested that the Q¡pertino
City COUncil do a master plan for the dicn.e area that
~ be more qpec-ific than the þ&. lieht. plan (Dil'. of
F.:.nanœ leaves cÞ--..~exs 7:15 p.m.) Mr. COWan stated that
the traffic gate was hportant to the P1.ar1n1n; t'romIi -icn' s
I"eC' ····-rætien fur aw...u\Ial. 'Ihe _i_ic safety study
shewed that traces of the !brt:a vista fault were net under
the project site and the }".·\œed ocniitian ñA:01.. with the
proximity to the site. (Asst. to City M;¡r. arrives 7:20
Mr. HaJ:vey Hansen, ~ Care Retirement Center,
Project Director, told COUncil that traffic does seem to be
the major Cóa~ beam and that the oaaAT'L of a
0CI1tir4.IaJs care retirement center was su¡:ported.
,.~~ ""~-:~'~''or''~'''''.'
MIHm'S or H 1mDmER 4, 1985 cmt:IL ~.uC
Gw.u...".. IY8liå1, project udlitect, stated that thm:8 101CI1ld
be four types of 8(_. dat.icnJ; indepe....L, OOI~~
livinq units, pIIZ'Sa1al care and sIdl1ed rm:sin¡. He.tatecl
that cristo asy 18 the __tl....cù ent:rarxJe to the ..... ~n:'l
facility arx! that there wuld be a card qxm!tive gate ff'Jr
in arx! cut 1IICIIeIIIerIt.
Ray lave, traffic enpneer, reviewed his traffic l.~t
with 0Juncil arñ stated that the traffic wuld not be heavy
erD.Jgh to require the gate arx! that the gate was a
political decisiat.
City Manager Q.ùnlan stated that IDs Altos is wil1.iD;J to
participate in the installatiat of a traffic light bIt not
in the usual ratio.
It is estimated that _...odmately 1/4 of the traffic
geuCLAted waù.d be frail Elllployees of the facility.
Mitigatiat -aures ~. 1;~ are ooatJinin¡ trips, a
oc:ntrolled "'-"-'8 gate at the st. Jœe¡:h's side, ccnt:rol
and SåIedulinJ of vehicles, prå1ibitiat of thraJ;¡h traffic,
and ~ residents of the facility to use cristo
Mr. Hansen stated the belief that the p.."lJCeed use was
suitable for the site arx! that it OCI1fcmDS to the ClIpertino
General Plan. He expr !1E'ed the ~iniat that a small amount
of additiC21al traffic, that residents and -'FIICY
vehicles waù.d have ~'-"-'8 to the gate and ~-"'ed
pleasure with the SURX>rt for the project.
It was suggested that SCIII8 tho.ÇIt be given to 1nI t~
Duildin1s waù.d be identifiable to emergency vehicles.
stan SC:ardino, Friars lane, IDs Altos, expr"""""':¡ ~
traffic as there are blind cOIlIers at cristo Rey arx! the
..L..~t does Þeo:. ..- q.åte narrow. His cxn:::em was
integratinq the new traffic safely at the exi.stin¡
$t....~t. (Dir. of Pañœ & Recreatiat leaves 8 p.m.) Mr.
SC:ardino Pl.,'l....ud that the following be iDplemented prior
to CCI1Sb:uctiat: stq> signs at cristo Ray Dr. arx! Friars
lane, cristo Ray and Krin;J, bicycle lanes, unrestricted
"'-"-'8 frail cristo Ray and st. Jœe¡:h's, re...L..lct service
vehicles to the hcu:rs of 7 a.m. to 5 p.m..
James Dozier, 972 st. Josephs, urged O:u'1cil to ~ the
project with the ccn:1i.tiCl'lS as per the letter received frail
the City O:u'1cil of IDs Altos.
Kathym wilsat, resident near starlin¡ Dr., requested that
O:u'1cil approve the project and expressej c::ancern regarding
the restdctiCl'lS of traffic with the gate. She felt the
two ra.ztes shaùd be 1.Dn:e..t....lcted partia.ùarly in view of
any possible emergency situatioo.
, -----, r.:~~,¡T. \~r-'7'W'
MDI11'fS OF '1HE 107DœI!R 4, 1985 cx:DI::IL ~
IÃ:lbuLdh Nå:Iel also........ ad "'n' ·..L for the project cd
two a.:> J:CItds.
Mike calv1nesh liked the project and felt it was a good use
far the laJñ. Ria 0...-.-.118 f()CI1S'Ød at emergencies and
~()Ç' --. He stated that the vast mjarity of the traffic in
the area is frcm residønts and )"-'1';nd unlimited ~.
He also ~-œc1 direct ~e to the A sHay.
A gentleman frcm I.os Altos Hills åJjec:ted to the
prchibiticn of the)"-·~ projects' residents to the use
of st. Josepus ard ........_em ~!ßX\11: far the project as
Elaine 1Iù.te, Job1tclair area, stated that t.'1e "JI""""" of
tr';'~:s the road 1"Y"1111d hold depends at the lcx::atiat of the
road. As a så100l board ........,~ -&I &he expIee~m oa....e.rll
regardirxJ åú.ldren. She affi~ that the school in that
area will not be closed and stated q:pcsitian to st.
Josepus bein:J the IIIiÚn entrance and exit to the ~cposed
facility. She SlYJ'JéDted a new ~e road be in to
allOll traffic £lOll ard safety oc:niitiŒlS at Cristo Rsy ard
st. Josepus.
Felta1 AlL.....JIt, I.os Altos ocurx:il candidate, stated that
he saw traffic as a problem ard said that there is Ii need
far av&rall -"CeSS that 1IIO.1ld warlt far fUture devel'¥""".L
A resident of st. Josepus Avenæ stated that even Ii ffN
hIm;h,.,d cars more per day .......M JIIi!IJœ the st. J~ Averue
area even more ~.
Jane Washbn:n, st. Josepus Avenæ, stated that she has Ii
åú.ld att:en1inJ secxni ."....cJa. 1oiho walJœ to school and that
it is already Ii dar¥;eraIs walk.
Eleanor, Vis+'.a !(holl, 0Jpertin0, stated that the
~"'1":1SEId plan is Ii good CI18 and that the facility is
'1T-~"d. She ~-sed Ii pref.......c& for two free aooes'll'9S
to the facility.
Q1arles Newman, 0'-..0I..u: of ..... ....-. __, stated that the
Qunnñer does SU¡:P' ...L the a¡:plicatiat, they feel that it is
bath high quality, well designed ard bw-L'-'1'..iate lard use
and fills the need far epeci,,' housinJ.
Howard Foster, st. Jœep-¡s Averue, stated that there are
already traffic problems in the area because of the parle.
He BUgIgéSted that more entrances be in.
A resident suggested that Ii fire station be an the
property, that there be free aooese to the facility, a
signal at Foothill am Cristo Rsy, axrl that the city
KIlI71!S or mE H:MJœER 4, 1985 axJNCIL IIUì.U,1G
r~ Camt;y TrmIsit. look at. the P""""'U,Uity of a ø.
J:a1te at cristo Rey.
ihyllis HeåIer, League of Wallen voters, þ1.1SHmed Q:Qncil
with a letter ~ the project.
Nancy K:X:œ, Q¡pertino, told ccunci1 they shculd insist Iœ
Altœ accept its smalllm'den of traffic.
Margaret She:trill said that. traffic is an increuinq
prà)ls, however the wrd "traffic:" creates trauma an:! the
anticipaticn is often wcrse than the reality. She said
that seniors are experienced drivers am œreful. Also
seniors often give up thejr car Wen they live in a
facility such as the ale ~. ~; they share rides an:!
trawl in vans. She urged the \D1lee.t..lcted use of st..
JCJSePl A\'eI"AJe.
Ken ~, PeniJ'Isu1a Ave. Q¡pertino, stated that there
was an ell.UL in the traffic en;ineer's l~l:t. He said
that ale taJœs ale'S life in aIe's hands tmninq left at
Foothill an:! that a light is m-~ad before anythin¡.
~ H. Kàùer, 64 stewart ct. Los Altœ am a "-·~.r of
the senior hoosinq ooalitiat, stated that she IIUß>' Ilt...ed
this project with enthusiasm ani urged CCU1cil to a¡:prcY8
both the zaùn::J an:! use pezmit.
Rå:Ierta Holliman, League of Wallen voters, also urged
"K'LU'/al of the project.
DIm o·n-.....ll, Los Altos, eocp._aed S\~p. ILL of the
cx:ntiruIcus care retirement center tut requested ocunci1
0CI1Sider a new ",,",,",& road.
(Asst. to City Manager leaves 9:15 p.m.)
Grace Wilsa1, Los Altos, ~ -tId "K'LUY'al for the plan,
she stated residents in this type of a I'Y'OIIII'Imity are not
œt in CXIIIIUter traffic ani that a healthy I'Y'OIIII'IJI\.tty m ~..
all ~ graJpS.
Nancy Lee, Rrinq Way Los Altos, åJjec:ted. to traffic t1einq
displup.n.tiooately rwted. to cristo Rey. She SIJ};P.sted
that there either be a third a...........a or else the c.'U1Cil
leave the CUu...ul two open. She ""'iAL -~'9d ~ ::->:: the
Mike Bertain, 0Jpertin0 Emerqency Clinic, asJœj if an
investigation had been made regardin:J the air quality of
the area of the project. He stated that many seniors have
respiratoty "i1"""'!ts ani that the ¡c;,i-.r facility is close
to the prcp:JSed retirement center.
tmm!S or g \rJJDtI!m 4, ¡gß <mtI!IL tame
Cant ~...j..., 280 Hawtham Awrue Iœ Altos, ~~(k.ted tba
project. She also........ Iii SUR> '" l far both .:.~
raJte8. She ~.$.-ted that residImta œ%pOC11. tbair
d11ldren to øc:hcol am also carpool to wo:Jjc.
Rmy Oomell, st. JOB ¿i.... Ave., ......,_--ud an additia1al
Rssi"-1t; of 1864 ~Cllqer Ave. reo:· -'ded the ÞIi1din::J of
an otI/off rIIIIp to 280. SåJwartz of 0Jpert:1n0, J:A ~ -·-·.Arded tree ~I!!I to
the project am ~-'19d SUß'(lJ.l for the project.
JUdy Van Dyke, Iœ Altos, stated that not all residents of
st. Jose¡ñ Ave. are --H<ssli to st. Jose¡ñ bein¡ used as an
aü - read.
Ann Arqer, H:x1ta Vista, ~-~ed SURl'lJ.l for the ~~sed
It was IIDYed by Ccunc,~, sec:x:med by Ccunc. P1urgy
and p:"qsed unarù.moos1y to close tin PJblic hearin;J.
Followin:¡ di.....'....ia1 it was IIDYed by Ccunc. Plurgy,
sec:x:med by Ccunc. Roge1.s am p-'~-9d unarù.moos1y that there
be open ...........a to st. Jose¡ñ AvenJ8 and Cristo Ray and that
this will be reviewed a18 year after 000'1p<!Tv;:y of the
~: 10:05 p.m. to 10:15 p.m.
Dir. of P1.annirq , Devel_Jl 0Jwan rli.....="«.\ the ~'-I'Js'Eld
annexaticm with Ccuncil.
It was IIDYed by Spa11cs, sec:x:med by Ccunc. Gatto to
:include the st. JO&ePl's SE!IIIina%y in the annexatia1.
Bå) SUIImers, L'"¥L BE'lJUnq the RaDan catholic Bishq> of San
Jose, asJl'arl it the annexatia1 of that ~..........ty OCA.ù.d be
done at a later date. '!here were EICIII8 .reservatia1S
regardin:¡ :inclu:linq the college site in the Q¡pertim
sanitazy District. '!he cctac.....h was the cœt iDplicatia1.
Another CCh.-.h was the change of ackh:iIR>S.
'!he IIIOt:ia1 to :include the st. J~'i1's SE!IIIina%y prcperty in
the annexaticm was adc¢.ed 1.!I1IUÚJID¡sl}'.
It was IIDYed by Ccunc. Gatto, sec:x:med by Ccunc. Rcgers and
p"aeed UI'IIIlÙJIIoos1y to grant a Negative Declaratia1 for
It was JD::MId by CDJn::. Sparlœ, IIeCŒ1ded by CDJn::. a..."...rø
am I"'ö-1 unan1mcus1y to GWLuVe AR>J.ication 16-Z-8S per
PlaJmin;J l"nmIi....ten reso1utiCl'lS no. 2695, 2696, 2697 and
It was JD::MId by CDJn::. Plun;y, ............:1o.d by CDJn::. Gatto am
l""ööed unæù:ar:uùy to read ()rdinæxe No.1330 by title a'Ù.y
am the City Clerk's readin¡ to cxnJtitute tt.e first
readin¡ thereof.
It was JD::MId by CDJn::. Gatto, IIeCŒ1ded by CDJn::. :Rcgers arñ
i""'I"~ un.aninDJsly to grant a Negative Declaraticn for
A¡:plicaticm 33-U-95.
It was JD::MId by o.ux:. ~s, IIeCŒ1ded by CDJn::. Gatto ani
passÐd un.aninDJs1y to GWLuVe A¡:plicaticm 33-U-85 per
P1al'U'ÛnJ ChmIi....ien Resoluticm no. 2699 ani with cnñit.ten
17 à1DelX3ed to state that the signal will go in befCh."q
OCI'IStru...-ticm starts; the develcper may front the JfØ"Ø:/.
cnñiticm 31 was amended to adj a statement that enployees
am residents are enoaJraged to car pool. '!be awlicant
shall sut::mit a car pooling plan ild.u:iing incentives to be
reviewed by the PlaJmin;J l"nmIi ....tcm. cnñiticm 34 shall be
\An.........-œd to read "prior to. " cnñiticm 33 shall be
deleted ani replaced with the ~ of cpm aooeaö.
Directed that blilc1in] ¡...m~s be made large am visible at
night. Directed staff see if the Cristo Rey Drive bridge
is up to l!¡('i_iC st:an:1ards.
2'). A¡:plicaticm 17-Z-85 of ltld.t w. Keil.: Reza1Ì11q
~tely 1.2 gross acres to P (Plamed Devel'¥""'tt.
with Residential Single-family intent) zcne ani
EnviIa1mental Review: '1he PlaJmin;J l"nmIi....ten
re<:, ......rœ the grantinq of a NX,Jative Deçl "raticm. '1he
subject ~'"I""Ll)' is located en the sooth side of
Peninsular Aver1.18 ~u,d"""tely 60 ft. east of Barranca
Drive en the f........... Srw.Ithem l'8clfic Railroad right of
way. Reo ····-Ided for GWLuVcÙ.. ('!his awlicatien to
be heard in ocnjurx:tien with A¡:plicatiCl'lS 38-u-B5 ani
18-'IM-85. )
(a) First Reading of 0Zdir1ame No. 1331: "An
()rdinæxe of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~
5ectien 1 of 0Zdir1ame No. 2 by Reza'Iin:1
A¡:praximately 1.2 Gross J\c:res to P Zone; Located
on the Scuth Side of Peninsular AVEnUe
Awraximately 60 Ft. East of Barrarra Drive en the
Former Sout.heIn Pacific Raj,¡rœd Right of Way."
30. A¡:plications 38-{J-85 ani l8-'IH-85 of Rs:i:)ert w. Kill:
Use Permit to oo.Þw.ùCt six detached residential
sin,Jle-family hons'E!S ani Tentative SUIxlivision Map to
subdivide ~tely 1.2 acres into six parcels.
Environmental Review: '!be P1annin;¡ Canmission
MIlm!S OF 'lHE ~ 4, 1985 CDK:IL M!'.tTI1C
reo . ····-·ÙI the grantinq of a Negative Døc1aratia1. 'DIe
subject 1'L~lý is located on the south side of
Peninsular AV8I'I.Ie apprœdmat.e1y 60 tt. east of sa...o::anœ
Drive on the f~ Scuth8m Pacific Railroad right of
way. Reo ····-Ided far ~...val. ('Ih1s awlic:aticn to
be heard in CXI1jurx:ticn with A¡:plicaticn 17-Z-85.)
Director of Plannin;J & DeV8l,¥"",'l de8c::riœcl the þl~ty
to 0:Jurcll.
It was D:JYeCl by Came. Pluny, secxn:Ied by Came. ~s
and r''''';¡ed unaIÙJIDJsly to close the p¡blic hearin].
RåJert Kei1, ðRIlicant, addressed Cameil regarciin;J the
fercln] .
It was D:JYeCl by Came. Pluny, secxn:Ied by Came. ~s
and p"s--1 unanimaJsly to ðw-Luv'8 the grantin;J of a
Negative I:eclaraticn far the zaú.n].
It was D:JYeCl by Came. IOJers, secxn:Ied by Came. Gatto and
p"ð9ed unanimcus1y to ~uv'8 A¡:plicatia. l7-Z-S5 per
Plannin;J l'ntwniaeicn resolution no. 2715.
It was D:JYeCl by Came. Pluny, secxn:Ied by Came. Gatto and
passed unanimcus1y to read O:tàinance No. 1331 by title a11.y
and that the City Clerk's rædinq ocnstitute the first
rædinq thereof.
It was D:JYeCl by Came. Rcgers, secxn:Ied by Came. Gatto and
p"ð-'9d UI'IiUÚJIDJsly to ðw-LY1/8 the ~ of a Negative
Declaration far Application 3S-u-85.
It was D:JYeCl by Came. ~'" secxn:Ied by Came. Gatto and
Z"'''9'9d unanimcus1y to ðp(.I.Luv'8 J\ß>' t~tia1 3S-U-85 per
P~ l' resolut!cn no. 2716 with oc:n:1iticn no.
6 amerx:Jed to read" . ..1IIiniJuJm of ten feet to sin]le stŒy
elements and twenty feet far two story elements "....,....1red
frail the þL~lý line."
It was D:JYeCl by Came. Rcgers, secxn:Ied by Ccurx:. Pluny
and p"ssed UI'IiUÚJIDJsly to ðW]::uv'8 Applicatien lS-'IM-S5 per
Plannin;J l'ntwni_icn resolution no. 2717.
26. Applica_ten lS-Z-S5 of 0:Igun Iniustries, Inc.
(QJpertino 0Iurt::h of the Nazarene): Rezaún;J
~1MteJ.y 2.66 gross acres frail Rl-IO (Residential
Sin]l_family, 10,000 sq. ft. IIIiniJuJm lot size) za1B to
EQ (Quasi-PUblic arlldin;) zcne and ErwL...........d:al
Review: '1be Plannin;J Chnmi .....ien reo ....-œ the
grantin;J of a Negative Declaratien. !he subject
prqJerty is located en the sart:h side of McClellan Road
a~te1y 350 ft. east of So.rt:h stellin] Road.
':'~""~~'o;';:. """!"'~''''''-'
MIlCl!S æ B lIMJœER 4, 1985 <maL tIŒI'OO
RÞ· .-s far _...val. ('1b1s appl1catia1 to be
helm! in c:x:njunc:t:icn with Applic:at.iat 3!H1-85.)
(a) F1rIIt t1IBdinq of ominance No. 1332: "An
ominance of the Ciq' of 0Jpertin0 AJIIenting
sect.ia1 1 of ominance No. 2 by R8Za1iø¡
~y 2.66 Grœs Acre8 fJ:aII Rl-10 za'I8 to
I!Q za'l81 I.ccated en the Scuth side of }t;C],ellan
RaId ~u¡rI-tely 350 Ft. Fast of Scuth stel1in¡
RaId. "
31. Applic:at.iat 3!H1-85 of Q)gun :rmustries (0Jpertin0
CbD:'å1 of the Nazarene): Use Pemit to OCb.L...x::t a
sin¡le-stœy ,,1..._. ....... b.Ii1din:J cxndstin¡ of
~y 3,500 sq. ft. en an e:xi.stin¡ c:i1I.D:ål
ìJl.........l¡ and Envira1menta1 Review: '!be Planninq
C'rIrIft.....ia1 reC' ...._1 Ids the grantin:J of a Negative
Dec::1.ara1:icn. '1he subject prqmt:y is located en the
south side of }t;C],ellan Read awraximately 350 ft. east
of Scuth stellinq Read. Reo .........œd far~.
('!his awlicatio!1 to be heaIå in c:x:njunctien with
Applicatien 18-Z-85.)
38. Rsquest far aw.-U'Ia1. to retain CI18 dwble-wide (24' x
60') mc.bile unit far a five-year period - New Life
CbD:'å1 of the Nazarene, }t;C],ella!" Read.
Dir. of P1annin:3 & Develcpœnt cowan reviewed the
a¡:plicatien and the request far an extensien of the to use
the t_."œ:ðZY trailer.
ED;ene Eitzen of Q)gun rroustries ðddrea....,l Or:uncil
regardin:J the undetgrcurxUn;J of utilities en Jot:Clellan
'1he Director of l'I.1blic Works infomed Ccuncil that that
oc:W.d be deferred.
It was JDCJYed by Q:Iunc. Sparks, seoaœ.l by Q:Iunc. Rcgers
and P"!"-ed unaJÚJIIaJSly to close the public hearinq.
It was JDCJYed by Q:Iunc. Sparks, S80<.tœ.l by Q:Iunc. Riogers
and ('"'8-;:-;'1 unaJÚJIIaJSly to _uV8 the grantinq of a
Negative Dec:laratia1 far 18-Z-85.
It was JDCJYed by Q:Iunc. Sparks, seocn:B1 by Q:Iunc. Plurm'
and ('"'--ad unaniD:Jusly to _VIle 18-Z-85 per P1annin:J
C'rIrIft.....ien resolutien no. 2718 with the undetgrcurxUn;J of
utilities deferred and direc:t:.inq that the a¡:plicant join an
ass?e~ district 1oh!n me is fomed.
It was JDCJYed by Ccurx:. P1urm', secx:n:led by Ccurx:. Gatto and
pas:sed unaniDruslj to read Ordinance No. 1332 by title only
and the city Cle..'"k's readinq to constitute the f~st
readinq thereof.
JII1fm!S OF mE ~ 4, 1985 CWl«::IL tu:íIa'J.lG
It was IIICIIed by cnmc. Gatto, seoaded by cnmc. Plungy and
P"-ed unanimcus1y to eIWL<.Ñ8 the granting of a Negative
n-1"raticn far A¡:plicaticn 39-0-85.
It was IIICIIed by cnmc. Gatto, seoc::med by Co.1rx:. Rogers and
1"'''- unanbx:uùy to eIWL<.Ñ8 A¡:plicatia1 39-0-85 per
Plaminr;J thmIi_ia1 Resolutiat No. 2719.
It was IIICIIed by cnmc. Sparks, seoc::med by Co.1rx:. Rogers
and P"-M unanimcus1y to awrcve ret:.ainin:J a18 cb.1ble-wide
Jlå)i1e IDÚt far a five year period (' ....-c.i.n] Naveraber 4,
1985. cnmcil infcmœd the J.¡::plicant that this ~ be
the final extensicn far use of the t-_.\ <d.~ trailer.
27. A¡:plicatil.l1 19-Z-85 of OJarles Masters (P<>r"- -..,.
I11theran C2IuIål): Rezcrrln;J a¡:proximately 1.3 gross
acres frail BQ (Quasi-Public a.ú1din:]) Zone to Rl-6
(Res1dentia1 Sirx¡l~fami1y, 6,000 sq. ft. IIÙJ1iJIIJIIIlot
size) Za18 an:! EnvirauDent:a1 Review: 'Ihe PlanninJ
C'nIwni -ia'l r"o ....-. d9 the granting of a Negative
n-laratia1. '!he subject prt:p!rty is located a'I the
sart:heast comer of stellirx¡ Read and DeFoe Drive and
DmBs Drive. ~=' far a¡:prcval. ('Ibis
a¡:plicatia'l to be heard in cx:njun::tia'l with ~licatia'l
19-'IH-85. )
(a) FiIBt Rei!Idin;J of ordinaJx1e No. 1333: "An
0rdinæx:1e of the City of 0Jpertin0 A1IIezxiin¡
Sec:tiat 1 of ordinaJx1e No. 2 by Reza1ing
~y 1.3 GI:œs Acres frail BQ Zone to Rl-6
Zone; Ioc:ated a'I the Southeast of stellirx¡
Read and DeFoe Drive and n_a Drive."
32. A¡:plicatia'l 19-'IH-85 of OJarles Masters (Re":'I.-
I11theran C2IuIål) : Tentative SUbdivision Map to
subdivide ðßlrCXimately three acres into seven parcels
and Envira1ment:a1 Review: 'Ihe Plannin;r C'nmIi ....ion
r...· ····-·ds the granting of a Negative Declaratia'l.
Reo:- ····-·ded far aw....val. ('Ibis a¡:plicatia'l to be
heard in cx:njun::tion with ~licaticn 19-Z-85.)
'!he Dir. of Plannin;J & Devel,¥"""L and the Dir. of Public
WOrlœ reviewed the a¡:plicaticns ", Co.1rx:il.
Ed Jauch requested lime detail regarding the ~~SM
gradin;J. He asked wb!re the catch basin is 1Jl~ for
the cul-de-s>'-::.
'Ihe Dir. of ~lic WOrlœ pointed aJt the drainage.
Mrs. Jauch stated that at this time she and husban:i do
not want to devr lq¡ and that they do not want to be part of
this deve1,,¥Ut'lIL. '!hey prefer the rural a1::loosIt,'>.re with
>'.~. -"
MINt1D:S OF 'IHB ~ 4, 1985 anaL ~.l!Ð
the dirt road. She stated that there shcW.d be no
8I~..-l.......t. of Mrf kind.
OIarles Masters stated that the i'L' iJOSØd cul da r". is a
respa'IS8 to previws OOjectia1S of Hr. æù Mrs. JauåI.. He
desb:es to do SCIIIethin;J that will be satisfactoty to all.
Ði JauåI. said that he will not dedicate læù. He wants the
:iDp:raveœnts paid for æù wants a transitiœ to the c:mb
cut frail the driveway. He then stated that he 1oIOOld
r'!".:¡icate the pie shaped eegJ'\ÞI.t..
RaåIel crane inf~ cmncn that she feels the ånJrdl
will be ~ -....h to the ~,~.
City Attorney Kilian infœ:med cmncn that the <W!icaticn
is a oc:niitiCl1 æù if it is not da1e the City cœld ccademn
the þ1.~:ty.
Marv Kirlœby,
oc:niitiCl1 l'ft~
ery;¡ineer, càh. ed cmncn regaJ:'diJç
21 of Planning' l'hIofti ....1C11 Resolut1Cl1 No.
M1d1ael Rehak, pastor of p--' _?" I11theran Q1urch,
a.lh -øed Ccurx:il regardin:J the fence æù tJ1: ! S Eht
It was IŒM!d by Ccurx:. Gatto, eeccoJed by Ccurx:. P1UlYN æù
ra!;'~ed unaIÚ.IIDISly to close the F\Jblic HeariD:J.
It was IŒM!d by Ccurx:. Gatto, secx:med by Ccurx:. Rcgers ani
I"'~~ed unaIÚ.IIDIS1y to aß)X1.Ne the ~ of a Negative
DeclaratiCl1 for A[:plicatiCl1 19-Z-85.
It was IŒM!d by Ccurx:. Sparks, sec::cràId by Ccurx:. Gatto an:i
pëlesed unanbø.1sly to GWLI.Ne A¡:plicatiœ 19-Z-85 per
Planninq l'hIofti....1C11 ResolutiCl1 No. 2720.
It was JD:Mri by Ccurx:. P1UlYN, seocnjed by cn:mc. Rogers
æù pa"'~ unanimr::aJsly to read ordinance No. 1333 by title
a1ly æù that the City Clerk's readin;J to oa18titute the
first read1.n¡ theœof.
It was IŒM!d by Ccurx:. P1UlYN, seocnjed by cn:mc. Rcgers
ani raeeed unaIÚ.IIDISly to aRJXOll8 the ~ of a
Negative DeclaratiCl1 for 19-'IM-85.
It was IŒM!d by Ccurx:. Sparks, secx:med by cn:mc. Gatto ani
pass'9d unaIÚ.IIDIS1y to ~ A[:plicatiCl1 19-'IM-85 per
Planninq lhmIi....iCl1 ResolutiCl1 No. 2721 with ocn:lition m.
21 deleted ani renlaced with the statement that lot 6 front
yard shall be cñ the west ani the rear mrlt yard on the
east. CorxlitiCl1 number 22 shall be amended to inc100e the
':auch prc:perty, inc1u1in:] the internal driveway. Jauch will
dedicate that portial of his prq¡erty.
ImI1IfS or mE ~ 4, 1985 aum, IØ1'OO
28. lIpplicatia1 2o-Z-85 of Paul Tai: Rezc:rUnq
_...i-tely 2.1 gross acres fraa BQ (().1aSi-P\:blic
~1i1ðil1lJ) ZCI'I8 t:l Rl-6 (lØident.ial Sin;Jle-family,
6,000 sq. ft. minim.Jm lot size) zarln;J district and
EnvL...........Jlal Review: '1be P1.anniJ'1q o-ni-iat
~:. ....-'1ds the G:rantin;J of a Negative Declaratien. 'Ibe
subject ~,"¥",-ty is located at the east side of
stellin;J Read, sooth of ani adjacent to the west Valley
FL sl1ay (Highway 85) right of way and çpraximately 100
ft. north of west Hill Lane. ~ ....~ ded for
_V'Ial. ('!his awlicaticn to be heard in ocnjunc:tien
with AR>licatien 21-'lM-85.)
(a) First readin;J of ordinance No. 1334: "An
ordinance of the city of QJpertino A1Den:iin;J
Sectien 1 of ordinance No. 2 by Reza1i.n;J
A¡:prcociJDately 2.1 Gross Acres frail BQ Za1e to Rl-6
Za1in;J District; Located en the East Side of
Stellin;J Read, 5a1th of and Adjacent to the west
Valley Freeway (Highway 85) Right of Way ani
A¡:prcociJDately 100 Ft. North of west Hill Lane."
33. Awlic:atiat 21'''IM-85 of Paul 'lai: Tentative
SUbdivisien Map to sulxlivide ðwLu,rhMtely 2.25 acres
into 12 pa....--oels rargin;J in size frail 6,000 sq. ft. to
9,200 sq. ft. ani EnvL..........,.Jtal Review: '!he PlamU.rx.J
ChmIi "EIiat rø:> ....-. ðs the grantin¡ of a Negative
Declaratia1. '1be subject 1'L'"¥"'-ty is located at the
east side of stellin;J Road, sooth of ani adjacent to
the West Valley ~"'r:eewa.,:/ (Highway 85) right of way and
a¡:pzavi......tely 100 north of west Hill Lars. Reo;, ....-rx3ed
for ðHAV'Ial. ('!his awlic:atien to be heard in
ocnjunctiat with Awlic:atien 2o-Z-85.)
It was mc:JIIed by CWnc. SparXs, s..c...dt:.l by CWnc. Rogers
ani I"'~~ed UI1IIlWucusly to close the Public Hearin;¡'.
It was mc:JIIed by CWnc. Rogers, seoalded by CWnc. Sparks
and I"'~~"" unanimoosly to ~ the grantiIxJ of a
Negative n-1....-atien for A¡:plicatien 2o-Z-85.
It was mc:JIIed by CWnc. Rogal.., seoooded by 0:Amc. Plun;y
and I>elP9ed unan.i:aD.Jsly to a¡:pz1:We 2o-Z-85 per Plamrl.rx.J
ChmIi-iat Resolutien No. 2722.
It was mc:JIIed by CWnc. Plun;y, secc.dt:.l by 0:Amc. Rogers
and I"'~~ed unanimoosly to read ordinance No. 1334 by title
cnly ani the city Clerk's readin;J to ocnstitute the first
reading thereof.
It was mc:JIIed by CWnc. Rcgers, sec::xr1dEd by 0:Amc. Plun;y
and passed unanim::us:.y to ~ the grantin¡ of a
Negative Declaration for 21-'IH-85.
, ~ ",..;.;r;;,n.,.,_,>;'"1'":,i"
T' ~"":~C"":1'"'r.'
~,m·Y"·~:"f~~·~'::'· '
MDIm!A at '1\11 \...n._IWr. 4, 1§ß ~ '~~
. . Ht.. J ez: 13, 1985, 7:00 p... - Hi~ 85 Dratt:
~ ""'~ 8tat-* bMriD¡,
Ner.......... 18, 1985, 5:45 p... - study. icn with IØIIJ
'l'8I:II _1 it! wuta oœai~.
cmt ctERK
"-, '""""!IiII'!4"'.,..,... ~'.,_
",~-", ... - --"-~-"-'"'-'"~"''''. '. .-
-,' "'"~"" ""''''''''i''''''"''''''''' . " ,..,-'-
MIlÐ1'fS or 'lBB 1ÐV!JIEIE'.R 4, 1985 anaL ftUò.I.".uG
40. Ben! cxuwel øœ.
CkntiruId to NoI.-Æ-. 13, 1985.
41. Petition reqœ;J IIIW u.L far eUminaticn of <bmty
TrIInBit 1b1te '55 traa Alws Drive.
It 10IU ID'JY8i by C:Iunc. Plun;¡y, seocuClecl by C:Iunc. ltxJars
aM ]?'"-nd unan1mI:uI1y to cx:ntinJe the matter to the
meetiD:J of NoI......... 18, 1985. Priar to that time
~nl._.¡ ~:r: Gatto will CXI1tact the petitia'lers aM then
l:~L back.
42. Na1e.
43. Seocn:l Readin;J of Ordinance No. 1327: "An Ordinance of
the City of 0Jpertin0 Amendin:] sectiem 1 of Ordinance
No. 2 by Reza1iD¡ ~y 2.1 Gross Acres frail
Al-43 Zone to Rl-7.5 Zone; located em the Northwest
0......... of B.1I::b RaId aM Regnart RaId. II
It was ID'JY8i by C:Iunc. Plun;w, seocnded by C:Iunc. Rogers
aM ]?'"--ed unaniJŒIusly to œacl 0rd.ina'J1œ No. 1327 by title
aù.y aM the City Clerk's readin¡ to Oa1Stitute the seoc;nj
readin;J thereof.
It was ID'JY8i by C:Iunc. Plun;¡y, seocnded by COOrv:::. Rogers
aM p"ft'S'ed. unaniJŒIusly to enact Ordinance No. 1327.
44. Na1e.
45. ~.1tiem by Mayor of "P'('bl requests.
(a) General :II.,"'ience.
(b) City Ccuncil.
(c) staff.
C"TmFI) smsIœ
Meetirç was adjcmned at 12:00 p.l'l. to:
NoveIiJer 12, 1985, 7:00 p.m., - selection of Mayor and
Mayor Pro-teI1p:¡re;
· -. .,..". <,.. -~. ,-" ~.,,-- '~"""-:"'"'''''' '. "," ~.,--,,,, "'~"""~ " ,. ",."'~'-~" ,~
MDI1r!S OF '1BB hßtUK:II'.A 4, 198!5 cxuaL ~.UG
It was 1IICMId by o::unc. ~_, eeoao:'led by o::unc. SpuD
and P"'-~ unanbI::uI1y to _..... Applicat1a1 21-'IH-85 per
P1.anniDj throBi_iat Resolutiat No. ¿723.
34. App1.icaticn 14-'IH-85 of Jenn Vidavic:i1 (Mar8ball JI:)k) :
'l'c1tative snbcUviߜ MIIp to subdivide _. url-taly
3.5 ac:t-. into 12 parcels ~ in size t:raa
a¡:prœd.ately 6,600 sq. ft. to 12,000 sq. ft. and
Emrira1ment:a1 Rsview: 'lœ p1.anniDj o--i_itw1
~:u·_·AIJds the grant:.iD¡ of a Negative Dec1aratiœ. '1ha
subject i'LUi""Lty is lcx:ated ~tely 50 ft. to 250
ft. north of o..U<J.IoGlIC1e Place and extends alaq
Regnart creek t:raa the temiJ'1Is of NaIr~ Drive to
the Highway 85 right of way. po.. u···_·ded far cowLuv'al.
It was mved by o::unc. Spu:D, secx:o]ed by o::unc. Rogers
and p....aed unanimcusly to _....... the grantin:} of a
Negative n-b~tiat far Applicat.icn No. 14-'IM-85.
It "'as mved by came. Plungy, secc:med by came. Rogers
and I""aaed ¥ith a 4-0 vote, 0Ju00. SpIsrks aI:Jstainin1 to
_V118 Applicatim 14-'IM-85 per P1.anniDj t'nnni
Reso1uti.Œ1 No. 2724.
35. NŒ1e.
36. Alternatives far tinanc:Jn;J mnicipal facilitias.
Ca1tinJed to the meet:.irq of No\,~ 18, 1985.
37. ~t. t:raa ad hoc ~____,L CCIIIIIittee.
Item Tabled.
39. D~1"iat of ~i'T""'itiat of ()Jalit.y TUne Up use pemit
I.arJ:y Al.....t......." L"¥L S .Lin;J ()Jality TUne-Up, ae1:h....-~ed
o::uncil regardinq his i'L s ..L 1_ and relcx:atim.
By CŒISeJ1SUS o::uncil autharized the City Attorney to abate
the illegal use and directed him to oc:.ntact the ðW1-vf>riate
perscn far the signin;J of an ~.........jL that the illegal use
woold cease at the en:i of the pus~,t lease. (May 1, 1986)
Cl'1Y OF a,,~I:.u40, S'IME OF <::AI.IPœŒA
10300 ~U<KIS AV!K1E, CVPÐmlÐ, CA 95014
'1'EIEHD1E: (408)252-4505
caJNCIL, HEID œ ø::JIJEJØ3Œ 12, 1985 IN 'DIE caJNCIL
CHAMBERS, Cl'lY HAIL, UJn;K1'.u«) c:::ALt!tRIIA
1. Call to order.
'!he IIIII8tin3 was called to arder in O:ud.l ~ by Kayar
Jc.bnsa1 at 7:00 p.m.
Q:urY!i1w-...I-ers P1. II IL: Gatto, P1ungy, ~.., SpuD,
Mayer Jahnsa1
staff PL IIblL:
city Manager 01inlan
city Clerk Qm1e1ius
Dir. of Fublic works ViskcNiå1
Dir. of Plëll'll'1in¡ & DøIr. cowan
2. Oath of office.
city Clerk Cornelius administered the Oath of Office to
JàIn Gatto, l'hil Jahnsa1, and John Plungy.
3. 5elec:tiCl'1 of Mayor and Mayer Pro ~...
It was IIDIIed by CXiUnc. P1ungy, s-....Ided by CXiUnc. Gatto and
P"--ad with a 4-0 vote, CXiUnc. It)gers aIJstairúnJ to
nc:m1mte ~""'~ ~.. Mayor of 0Jpertim.
It was IIDIIed by CXiUnc. P1ungy, s.,calded by CXiUnc. Gatto and
p"-Yd unaniJD:Jusly to close nc:minatiCl'1s.
'!he 1IIOtia1 to elect ""'""''1''8 It)gers as Mayor was adcpted
with a 4-0 vote, CXiUnc. Hogel:& abstainin1.
It was IIDIIed by CXiUnc. Gatto, ~Ided by CXiUnc. PhJIÇY and
l"'--'d unaniJD:Jusly to elect Reed Sparks as Mayer Pro
It was IIDIIed by CXiUnc. Gatto, ~Ided by CXiUnc. Jc.bnsa1
and p"--'d unaniJD:Jusly to ~, "'re a ,mite ballot.
4 . CCiUncil OCIIIIIittees.
By "ClL snsu& the a1ly c::ban;Jes made in CCIIIDit+"..ees CI'1 ,midl
O:::JuY!i l_~ .el$ serve were as follcws: John Plungy
......... II .Lative to League of California cities Peninsula
DivisiCl'1 and BartJara Rcge1:s ......... s.mtative to the cities
5elec:tla1 amnittee. Intergcvemmenta CXIuncil and Mayer's
, "
reo' .--. .._-_. '-'>'r""-"--.~';.~.~_-,.,.".-,,;_.....: _.... ...~"'F.~_.........
,... ',' ,'Y, -,.. -'_··.;V-'~···V" """'·'~7';.:' _"J/." ~.' ....-"""....."''::::"' '?-T....·_··.v
~ œl anm. tenm!S 0I1UJMD.11, ~
5. Mja..... d.
It .. a::MId by Q:Amc. l'J.urçy, eecooded by Q:Amc. Gatto and
po I~ ~y to al!jau:n to 7:00 p..., Wid I """y,
No. . 4Ir 13, 1985.