CC 11-13-85 Cl'lY OP ~, 5'IMZ OF CALnœNIA 10300 1\I<I<rí AvæJE, CVFfm'OO, CA 95014 .'l'21mDI2: (4M) 252-4505 MDCl'ES OP 'DIE RÐDIAR MEEn'IlI; OF 'DIE Cl'lY caJNCIL JŒU) œ 1I::IVÐmER 13, 1985 IN 'DIE CXX1NCIL awœER Cl'lY HML, C1JPERl'I1Ð, CAI.oIPœŒA œ-682B 'IbI -.tiD:J was called to .....dt... at 7:00 p.lII. in the Co.Incil C2'- .. o6I . 0:Junci.1 P... T .L: Gatto, Jc:hISOt\, Plun;w, SpBrlæ, Rogers staff Pl. ø ¡L: City MIInager Quinlan City Cleèt cmnelius Dir. of Public Works viskcvidl Dir. of Planninq & Dev. Q:Jwan Dir. of Finance Snyder n-omowdty Affairs Officer Mays Planning Calls. l'res_,L: Adams, Maclœnzie, sorensen, SzaJxI, Clauiy 2. Public hearin;J - Highway 85 Draft Ð1vircnne:nt:a1 ~I"I; statement. 101 T--." Dept. of TransportatiŒ1, state of california, }AL ø ,led transparencies illustra~ the history of planned Highway 85 aJñ variws alternatives that have been st'",1ied iD:::1udinq locat.ialS for ~, light rail. transit statJ.cx!s, ~..:às separatiœs, freeway and shewed the profile the tl. !!'tray is expected to follow. He stated that the Saratoga .......ign variatiŒ1 profile (depressed fì. !!'tray in Saratoga) will add _....n-tely 60 to 80 lIIilliŒ1 dollars to the cost of ocastruct:.ia1. He reviewed the status of the right of way JV'Y]I.i..itiat at the time )fA:omtre A was ~. Mr. T__...., stated that all alternatives have iDpacts iD:::1udinq the alternative of net tArllclliç 85. He 1IIIII1tia'I8d that the ocastruct:.ia1 iJJpact waùd be short ran:JI8 aJñ that iqm received trcm the various public heariD;pI will be IIIIIde av>!ii",hle to Calneils. In regard to a time frame, he felt the alternative will be selected early in 1986 aJñ by NalleàJer of 1986 the final EnviraImentaJ. ~ stateD&1t shaùd be~; cx:nstIUc:tiŒ1 is såIeduled to begin in 1988 aJñ it is envisiŒ1ed that Highway 85 will be reacly for use in 1993. CaIne. Gatto stated that Œ1 NoveIiJer 13 and oec-~ 3 the Q¡pert.im City 0:Junci.1 waùd be ocn:hIct.in:J public heariD3s Œ1 this matter to talk about the tirro""""1t and to receive i1p1t. frail the citizens regarding' the &ggested alternatives. Prior to 1J.L" '&o.-HTXJ to Highway 85 it is nee -ty to have a cx:r.sensus of those involved rer;rardin3 the alternative selectioo. -1- _ ,_ __ _·.a~·,,,,,__ " . KIlÐl'ES OF '!'HE ADJœRNED 1IJVÐœER 13, 1985 cr:ri. cmNCIL ":It __ 1IIØZ1ticned that the Saratcga Profile is 80 eacpel18iva beryon.... of the need to p.tt the flood plain in a 0CI'.......t.a c::hamel. 'Ihe usual ..... .cMI11"Ø is that if a city asks for a spec."iJol -'"\Ire that partic:ular city pays for t:ha additia1al cost. In this ptOject t:ha traffic autharity is the payin:¡ ___/. It was not Jcncwn if the o:unty fiood a....t...ùl District woold help with the cost. P1.arInin;J OD. Claudy asked 1ihat. wo1ld ~ œ Highway 85 fraa stevens creek Blvd. to 101 in Ibzntain View. Mr. T_...... replied that that particular h MIa'J will be a separate study. 'Ihere is a board meet.in:J to adCh. - that issue. He felt that at least 2 mare lanes wo1ld be ~. Mr. (" ...~ asIœd if the new particn of Highway 85 ccntains HJ\T Lanes or light rail. will they em at støvenø creek Blvd. or will that be MtW'I to the i'L saHt sec:t:ia1 of 85? Mr. T _.... '. stated that there cnùd be a viaduct œ the i'L rElit 85 as WBll as 2 additiœal regular lanes. cir. of Public Works viskcvichl"'lA"-Led œ the three major i,...- he felt ~ shculd adCh....,.;¡; the transitia1 of the i'L' y.:s9d 85 with existirg 85 north of Ra1te 280; vertical profile; OCI'1Sb:uctiœ phasinJ. He stated that the City of Saratoga was no la~ interested in eliminatinJ the interc:ban;Ie at DeAnza Blvd. Step1en Olsen, 7603 Hollarñer.ty Pl., a resident of the area since 1946 spoJœ in qpositiœ to a frel!!l~. He stated that he realizes IICIIIBtlùn¡ has to be dœe regardin;J traffic :but """i"L ,~~.......:n for the noisB that the t:L f'$~ wculd brinJ and also the noise of light rail. He Efu..H=D--œd that the h MIllY be ~ T!d thrœgbcut 0Jpertin0. Mr. T -.... '. stated that there is øaII8 noise frail light rail :but not as JIIJCb as truck noise. Mr. Olsat as.1rar'I if the light rail woold be t'Y'OI{"'tible with Ba\Rl' . Mr. T~ stated that Ba\Rl' is not light rail, :but light rail is mare like the IIImi transit (..t.......t cars) in San Francisco. He stated that noise walls in that portiœ of the oorridar .....'ld JOOStly be 8 to 10 feet. Mr. Olsen ~"Y"D--œd that the fi. E!II ~ be lcwered, that trucks be banned and there be a 10 foot soon:iWall. He said he did not like to see the l'Y'nM011Ùty split Þy fi.-.R1'J :but did reó..yaaize a need. -2- ..--.----....,.....,--_..~_._~..~_.. -~",,_._~..'--_. _..-. _.,- . - .........-.."... "~""""""'''~ . . HIM1lES Of a AmaJIHD lÐVÐtEER 13, 1985 CI'IY OXJNCIL 'MiJœ 8Jlloclt, 21831 }fo.o}..." AV&II'm8, ~ ,..-. the op1nia1 that the trip table used was iJM...u.....'"t. He stated that t:ransportatiat projects hIIv8 an bpact at deIIel"'1,..mut aM where people œoo. to live. 'Ibis was not taIœn into arooomt. He cpI8tia1ecl whether mœ:e or less traffic wculd be at DBAnza mvd. with the I:iui1dinJ of Highway 85. He felt that ~ J1 T~. cpmt.itative an&I>ms regardin;J the bpact of II8X'V1ce l8ll8ls at the city's ..L.._1:8. He said that either -- "'6 shculd shew him that he is Ù~L""'''t or the _1in:) shculd be OOLL.....""ted or the decisiat made will be wrcn::r. He felt that the I:iui1dinJ of the ~ enccurages lCD] ralV,J8 CXIIIII1t:iD;J am that ;"e:JëI.tive iIIpICts need to be CCII'ISidered. Mr. 8Jlloclt was infnnIIM that saD8 of these points 1oI8r8 beit'XJ calh.-eted. Mark Brodsky .... s ¡led CQmcil with the Lq>Ort regardin;J rec:iprocatirg shuttle transfer transit way Wich loolœd at the entire siliocr1 valley as a whole am not just Highway 85. It was his ~ alternative to 6 lanes with b.Js¡'H::IV transit Wlrf. O1arles Newm!In, ~ for 85 Task Force, stated a prefe1.&uC6 for the 8 lane 1'l.: ~ I'!IY alternative. He stated that the Q\....i...r of ~1"C8 is also SIW 'L tin;J an 8 lane £1. ~ Ia'J am that all seven dt--..i ~ s of <' ....-" œ directly iJJpacted favor an 8 lane 1'l. !!!I ray . He stated also that the 8 lane 1'l. ~ray alternative was favared by Valloo Park, am Lester & r-ter. As a citizen of 0Jpertin0 Mr. Neo¡-"Tl ~ -"'-' <X1&1Cé1.11 regard.inq Q"""""1upe Ccrridor I:Iein;J ~"...,.:¡ fraa 8 to 6 lanes. He felt 8 lanes would be the best choice am ........-"'-' SIW ILL for J:rN lane as it will offer addit.ia1al ~ity. Mr. Newman stated that the Santa Clara M2IrIJfacturin} Group favored 6 lanes with 2 additia1al lanes for J:rN dIJrin;J peak hairs. Good samaritan Hospital........ fd SlIpI> .~ L for the _vi1l'l"" ~city in the corridor. Paul &........blick, ll525 UpJ.am way, stated that the west 0Jpertin0 I" ..~ Associat:l.cn favared an 8 lane 1'l. !!!IJaY with CI18 lane in eaà1 directiat for J:rN traffic dIJrin;J peak periods. He stated that in other areas high walls woñœd very -u am that this may be oaA.II......ically mœ:e feasible than dq... ..in:) the 1'l. !!!I ray. Mr. Sa1nenblick stated that he was L'¥L s_,Lirq CNer 300 Þ,I..... 'W11erS. Debcncm Nobel, 22490 santa Paula, L"'i'L sEId:iJ'g the ~rk Ii:rt:el, stated that the hotel does prefer an 8 lane fi. !!!I ray. -3- '. '. ",' .-_.~ tmmm C1IJ g lD.1ŒRtm 1D1DRll13, 1985 C1T'í anaL D8Im SIIy8r, 108055 steY8ns Omycn RoIIId, _ 1:'1 the opini.cn that ~ 85 shculd tie u big u poeeibJ. with _ .uty off and at rap u pœsib1e. v.....¡on JI: CJ.\Jn!, 7539 Kin:]sblry, u"'" if the ¡ù)lic ocnld haft a oq1f of the draft EriV1rcnIø1tal IDpICt statAIDIInt. He .. ir.t> .. ........ that it was available for røviMr and pemçø he wtWd liJœ to look at it and .. ...._. íL at the [Ie. J.er 3 hiEIariDJ. Mr. Jl: CJ.ur8 stated that he did not !.)8}.1eve that the ~ IlJay will D:N8 traffic as ather ~-AJ4YB are parking lots. He stated that if growth had not been..ckh. -ø'!ld then the ~ wo1ld tie bein:J spent at a parkin¡ lot. 1orå:f smith, 854 Lilly Ave., spoJœ in sUI~'" L of a 6 lene ~ B'lJay with IÐ'I bebJeen with altAmlatin] directiat. Am 1trqer S1W do ted the o::r1Stzuct:ia1 of an 8 lane ~ IllTay with space left for fUture ,.,..i f'icatiat. She infomed these }AI. s_1t. that petit.ia1S for an 8 lane ~ vray W81'8 2!V"ilAh1e for ciraü.atiat. Jàm Claudy, IIpEIaJdnj as a citizen, ""'¥' -....... the qlinia1 that light rail .....'1d not work and woold ~,t in )::.ni1diø} parJdng lots all CNf1r. He spoke in SUR> ~ L of an 8 lane ~ IllI'aY with the ",i~'11e qet. He felt this woold tie the leaat expensive solutiat that wootl.d work. He stated that there lUSt tie a geed interface between the new and exist.in¡ 85, not 8 lanes narrow:in;J down to 4 lanes, nor IÐ'I to no IÐ'I. MiJœ B.1llock Ltt...· .'11"""" a letter to CQmcil into the ¡ù)lic Z::t::::IIo.oULd. Mr. Jl: CJ.ur8 reiterated the need to have "b"i1t'l cut" or::msidered in the ~--rt: data. Mr. T~ stated that the data in the ,yy,~ or::msidered 1990 traffic and ooordinat.es with the data for the r.o_1upe cmrldor. He stated that the final don...-,t will have to ..ckh. traffic in 2010. It was IIICMId by cnmc. Gatto, 6.,OCb~1 by cnmc. Plurgy and po' Id unanimcusly to CICI'1t.irue the public hearin;J to 7:00 p.lII. Deo-.i.eJ: 3. Mr. T~ stated that he woold tie unable to att.en:i that hiEIariDJ but another ""'t'" sentative frail Cal Trans 1òI:W.d tie ~ S Jtt.. ~: 9:10 P.M. 'IO 9:20 P.M. -4- · - , ,.y"~~<,, .;"~:~,,,,,,,,,,,.","O'4~-, MnI11!S OF 'mE AmaIRNm ~ 13, 1985 CI'lY axJNCIL P1ann1.n; I"'rftoni -ten, Dir. of P1ann1.n; , Devel'¥""&.L Q:Iwan lett. Asst. TreIIsurer Hoftman arrived. 3. Alternatives far financinq mnicipal facilities. Dir. of Finance snyder gave a brief hi.stŒy of this itBI and iut,¿..'IIvWI MaIk Bressler and Jeannie Fay8, O::.œultants. Mr. BL -1er gave a definit:ia1 of oert:Uicates of participat:ia1, reviewed exhibits, asset l.......!er J:lLup.-, and pay as you go. He stated that the infcmœrticn given was based en certain assunpt:iaw: variable rate of 6t: mt r"'andjn; arrf of the capital ÍJIp:'CMIDent reserve: ar the 7.9 millicn city reserves. It was estimated that far evæy millicn dollars of reserve tunds spent, the estimated iJ......... frail these reserves wuld be ~~ $90,000. per year. Uþc:n beinq questia1ed about the 6t rate CNer a 30 year period, Mr. Bressler replied that the cw........L pæ:.......Lage rate is arc:AJI'1d 5.5\. o....c....... was ~-"'OO ~ ~ ar not the 6\ ......."'t't!en ocW.d be substantiated. A questicn was also as1rM ~ the 10.75\ return quoted in the Exhibits. Mr. BL -] er infœ:med COOncil that they can lock into a fiJœd rate frail a variable rate en a 30 day notice, hcw8ver, the City ~1ld mt go back to a variable rate later. COOncil was inf~ that the marJœtability of fiJœd rate and variable rate was Dl.UI&,:I. 'Ihe oc.st of i.....JanC8 is ¡çpraximately 4\ fiJœd and 2.2 variable. 'I!1ere is an aàiiticnal cost to transfer frail variable rate baùJ to fiJœd rate as it is r---Al'Y to call the variable rate ba1ds and issue new Jxnjs. Variable rate Jxnjs can be paid off en an accelerated basis withcut a penalty. 'Ihe city .....,]" à10œe to pay off the debt eëlrly. Uþc:n beinq asJnw'l if the tax refom bill goes thrwgh next year, 00'1ld it be ret:rœctive to the first: of the year and awlied to "",_ already dcne, Mr. BL , er stated that yes, it has a JanJUy 1, 1986 effective date. However, there has ~ di.....-ien about àwJ;Jinq the effective date. With a rai....... of variable rate to fiJœd rate debt the new tax law l"QItld awry. COOncil ~-~ a oc........... ~ the risk factor far the citizenry with a variable rate. It was BI.I;JgeSted that pexhaps there ocu1d be a lcx::ked-in spreIId ar a cap en the variable rate. It was IIICYed by O:iunc. Gatto, secx:n:\ed by O:iunc. Sparks and P"'-~ unanimoosly to æq:prove a J:IL' Y .....1 whiål reflects a variable rate asset transfer J:IL~l with gauranteed rate differential far the la~ period available. 4. Bcn:l ccunsel selectim. -5- '~"". .,'·...,,'.,..........w~ ..¡.:r.""!:.~..~::--:~.~., ..'·",·.'t ._~~~~""-'''.".:"'~' ""1";". ' -" ~.'~-""""''"-i'''' .y,.··I_.'":---V·~~....,{i!I~~ .,.,.,.~....-..~..... ,,""', k .. "",' . . , IUN.&M at _ ~ MUM1U\ 13, 1985 œY WIAõ.UI . It _ ~...d by aux:. Plungy, -.MdIId by aux:. Gatto and r- I /'I ~y to.-l.ect the fh:la of Jcn8II, Hall, H1l1 and 1IÜte _ City a:n! ~. 5. Jdjcr..... 4- At 10:45 p... tœ - t1nJ was adjœmed to 5:45 p..., NaIr..&.... 18, 1985 far a ÊUI!y. icn with tbe Iax] 'l'em SO' id NIuIta n-.4t:tee. City Clem City of ~ -6-