CC 11-18-85
· Cl'lY œ ~.uÐ, S'IME OF CAL:IRRaA
10300 1_ AV1BJB, CI1Ff'RI'OO C\ 95014
'ŒU!:ADœ: (408) 252-4505
HBU) œ NCM!MBER 18, 1985 IN 'DIE <D1NCIL awmER
study s.sim with La¥] '!'em SOlid waste Calaittee - 5:45
MeetiDJ was called to Œder at 5:50 p.m. in the OxIfeL__
rccIII, City Ball.
CkIunc:il PL T ..L: Gatto, Jåmsa1, Pluny (arrived 6:15
p.m.), Sparks (6:20 p.m.), ~..
La¥] '!'em SOlid Waste Calmittee:
Kozinsky, Kelly, Kinsey,
Energy n--f -ia\: Bob Droege
staff &. T .L:
City Man;Jer ~
City Cleñt cmnelius
Dir. of Public Waèœ Viskcvidl
Asst. to City M;Jr. Brown(6:00 p.m)
Mr. Jt1kherjee þ&. S_Il«l Council with an update of the
CCIIIIIittee's activities am requested f~k reg¡n."dinc¡
futura cmties. He stated the opiniat that the lardfill
site in City limits of 0Jpertin0 was a political issue. He
said the CCIIIIIittee had not identified a 0 ....-....J.a1 umœt
in 0Jpm:tjn0 f~t' the sale of enm:gy am there ~œd to
be no interest. He ...., 1IMt CkIunc:il felt sht:W.d be the
priority of the:lssue. Mr.!lJkberjee infnl"'lllRd Council that
the's pea.~ of the staff pcsitia1 was that
000' fd wste diJl'P""'Ù was not a high priority \D'1tiJ. 199O.
'Ihere is }'~ rmtly sufficient larñfill at reascnIble cost.
'!he 0Jpm:tjn0 pú:.lic is re!Idy to pay a high cost, t'lf"V""""
within the city l:bllits of 0Jpertin0 is not r""""""i'Live to the
pmlic without a cr:.sis or a vary high cost ootside.
'!he wished to know Council's op1niat regard1nq 1.
Rat is the priority to the solid waste solutiC%l? 2. If
the fil1ds a larñfill 'Jite, sht:W.d staff start
negotiat.ia1S? 3. Does COuncil oca:.1der a transfer statim
MnI1I!S OF 'lBE 1I:JImmER 18, 1985 CXXK:IL MEE'l'OO
in 01pertir0 feasible'? 4. 18 tbe;J of an &rwIIr:Iñ plant
in ~ f_:ibJ.e? 5. Is it pcssib1e to locate lamtill
in 0Jpertin0?
Ocuncll was as-' if 0Jpertin0 wculd ccnd.der joininJ with
another city in a b.1rnin¡ plant (such as Santa Clara,
FMwood City, Palo Alto).
City Manager QuiJWm stated that the citizens do not want
landfill in 0Jpertin0 and that this :is a political issue.
He felt that the mcst accept:able ....."d be landtill for just
this '--"Üty and not c:utsiders (cœnc. Plun;¡y arrives
6:15 pII.) City ~ stated that pethaps it is time to
look serlcus1y at alternatives. (cœnc. Sparks arrives 6:20
It was r..ated that t"_.\ elClb.!res used in mass b.1rnin¡ do
release a gas that may cause a higher level of
ocnt:aminatia1 than Califomia standards wa.ùd allow.
Mr. Jt.1Jd1erjee stated that recyclilq has a oarplementæy
role to a solid waste ili'W""al plan and that it will not
eliminate the aJOOUnt of waste.
cœncil stated that the sitirq in 0Jpertin0 of an eneI9Y
reoovezy plant or a transfer statim is a1mcst i'V""E'ible
and that a landtill site is an aèsolute no. It was
5'~--œ:s that the CXIIIIÙ.ttee look beyañ 0Jpertin0
baJn:!aries. cœncil further stated that this issue is a
high priority as 1990 is a1J.y 4 years æ/aY. Ct:itD:il
turther directed the CXIIIIÙ.ttee to select qd.œs with pros
and cx:I1S, not 0DIiderin;J political i...."..... '1bese cptia1S
....."" be prioritized. 'Ihe CXIIIIÙ.ttee Rha11 work thrcugh the
City Manager 1od1o will go to 0cuncll1llhen he feels it is
r-: uy. If it :is J'IAC My to cc:ntact: ather
C]C\Iel1'IIIent agencies for infœ:mtiat, staff shall do so.
At 6:42 p.m. Ocuncll adjau:ned and retx:I1Yened in City Hall
Ocuncll Q\-..J ~It.
au. auL
Ocuncll Pl. ,.t: Gatto, Jàu......., Plun;¡y, Sparks, Rogers
staff ~ : .t:
City MImager QuiJWm
City Clexk Q:Irnelius
Dir. of Fubl1c L.Àø Vi.skcviåt
Dir. of P1annin:J & Dev. 0::Iwan
Dir. of Finan::e snyder
Asst. to City MaMger Brown
lhIwno"Üty Affairs Officer Mays (arrives
7:00 p.m.)
City Attorney Kilian
- ..-,~,,:;. ~,~ "''¡'I':''~'..<I ~,. .. ~,.__.._...
MIIImS or 'DIE tI:MJIBl18, 1985 aJH:IL ~.UÐ
~ CR NI!If AGœI». l'IÐtS
frrAFP ~
1. Oral ..........t. by .taft _........ ani ..n.f_iat of written
City JI!ma.. . '. ~ -.. L
City MIl_ Quinlan JnfCD:llB! CDIncil that at the n.~ ..r
2, 1985 It:inq he .....lld ~ . It. a 00d8 Erlfu..· ,L ..........L
ani an . _"'1' ~ stmy .L""t'ULL dcI1e by the
2. Rq..u..t. Q'1 falœ ",...... - M:inta1's TI1"'~/Galy De YCUDJ.
It was IIICJII81 by c:nn:. Gatto, seooucJ..d by c:nn:. PlUR3Y am
p"ð"'«i unan1mcusly to waive cbarges for first ani seocni
false ..,.......... cnly.
3. TreIIsurer's ani 9I"9"t ~t. for O:t:dm.-, 1985.
CDIncil œoaiwd ...~t..
Asat. to the City MII1~ BtaIn recpBted that CDIncil
adept No. 6704 to set a p'b' ft'! heariDJ regardi.rx¡
a rarlsance.
It was IIICJII81 by c:nn:. Sparks, seo....c'It.d by c:nn:. Jàmsa1
am P"-M \InII1Ua::Jusly to adept the 6704.
(Mays arrives 7:00 p...)
cx:æmr C2U!2aR
It was IIKMId by CWnc. Sparks, øeo.....c'It.d by CWnc. Gatto am
P"-ed \InII1Ua::Jusly to ðt¥Luv'8 the o...! .t. Calerœr as
(It is reqJSSted that Ita. 9 t!u:a.Igb 16 be acted Q'1
siDultanecusly unless IIepIrate df....._iat and/or act:icn is
recpested. )
9. No. 6699: ""A of the City
CDIncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allowinq certain
(''!;of.... am ~.c1Io~. in the AIIIount:s am fr:D the
F\Inds as Hereinafter Described for Salaries am Wages
for the Payroll Period Encling Octå:¡er 29, 1985."
HD«mS OF m! lÐVÐIBER 18, 1985 CXXJNCIL 1ZI:i.L:uG
10. RIIIIolutiat No. 6700: "A Reøolutiat of the City camci1
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allowinq 0Brtain C"1 "i_ and
Db.a.dao E'I!I.yable in the 1I1IIo.mts and FraIl the P\Inds a8
Hereinatter Described for and MisoeI.1anecu8
Expellditures for the 1Wicd Enclli~ NallIE!IJi)er 8, 1985."
11. RIIIIolutiat No. 6703: "A Reøolutiat of the City camci1
of the City of QIpertino Declarin;r Weeds GrcIoIing en
certain Deøcribed ~_L)' to be a PUblic Nuisance and
Setti.~ PIJblic 1IeariDj."
12. Pac;p-t for waiver of b.1s1ness license fees:
(a) Marå1 of Dimes - Birth Defects Fe:AJmatien.
(b) SI.Ir1nyvale VEX: Amateur Rz;dio Club.
13. J\cceptance of DID'Iicipal bprovements: Tract No. 7213,
arl.1d1. - (røiwa Hoose), South of BoU!n:Jer Read, west
of Defoe Drive.
14. J\cceptance of City project perfœ:med umer .......tL..cSCt:
Ann.Ial OVerlay, Project 85-111.
15. Resolutiat No. 6701: "A Resolutiat of the City Ccuncil
of the City of Aooept;.inJ Grant of F.:o~
for sidewalk Puzpcses frail Foothill-DeAnza n-.m.1I'1ity
College District Located en the West side of stellin:¡
South of stevens creek Boulevam CalsistinJ of 0.003 Acres, .n
16. No. 6702: "A Resolutiat of the City camci1
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Acoept.inJ Grant of F.:o--ìL
for ~ P\np HB frail Foothill-DeAnza n-.m.1I'1ity
O::\lleglB District 0::œistiIJ:J of ~tely 0.016
Acres, Located en the west Side of] South of
SbMnI creek Boulevard."
17. Ncne
~ J~.J oé~.. of the City Council
lIJ!S :
Gatto, Jåmsa1, Plungy, Spiniœ, Rogers
18. Proc:lamatien dec::larin:] the week of NaI/eDi:)er 18-24, 1985
as Iægue of WaIII!In Voters Week in O¡pertino.
-~~ '''',..,- -, 1i>\-~""~.r;:;,:,,""?:i'"':~.~'._"~'.'-
MIl«1l'œ Of 'IH! RJIJIIBŒ U, 1985 anm. ~
Marge HarmIie of the League of w......., Voters ~ ~ the
19. )fo.... J ~. of the ardience regarding matters not en the
20. Appl1catiat 25-Z-85 of City of QJpert:ino (iG&E
P..._L)') : Pœza1in;J ~y 53 ac:r:-. trca
0Junt:y of santa Clara A (Agrialltural) am Rl-I0
(Single FIIaI11y, RBsident1a1) ZCI1eS to City of QJpert:ino
A (Agrialltural) za'Ie. Envircnaent:a1 Review: '!be
Planrú.n) reo ....-rx!s the grantjn¡ of a
~w ~~~. '!be ~~~_~å
~.......ny lcx:at.ed between stevens Creek Boolevard am
Cristo Rey Driw aw........lmate1y 1,000 sq. ft. west of
Foothill Boolevard. Reo;) ·........rled for ~
(a) First reactin:;J of Ordinance No. 1335: "An
Ordinance of the City of Q¡pertino A1Derñin;J
secticn 1 of Ordinance No. 2 by Prezaún:J
~tely 53 Acres frail 0Junt:y of santa Clara
A am Rl-I0 Za1es to City of Q¡pertino A Za1e;
Iocated B&twen stevens Creek Boolevard am Cristo
Rey Driw J\¡)pLu"'¡-tely 1,000 Sq. Ft. West of
Foathill Boolevard."
It was IIICMId by CaIne. Sparks, seoa.dt.d by CaIne. Gatto am
p"s-.cI unanimcus1y to close the public hearin;J.
It was IIICMId by CaIne. 5parks, seoc:n:Ied by CaIne. JWISCln
am p"--ecl unanimcus1y to grant a Negatiw n..,..1~raticn for
It was IIICMId by CaIne. PlUD;JY, seoa.dt.d by CaIne. Ga~..o am
p""-ecl unan:Imcus to read Ordinance No.1335 by title cnly
am the City Clexk's readin¡ to cx:.r1Btitute the first
readin¡ thereof.
It was IIICMId by CaIne. Sparks, sec....dt.d by QJunc:o. J~"....,
am p--1d unanimcus1y to ðw.&.u0J8 Applica~ 25-Z-85 per
Planrú.n) n-.....i_icn R8øolutien No. 2732.
21. A¡:pJ.icaticn 26-Z-85 of City of QJpert:ino (So. Pacific
Raih:oad Right of Way): Prezaún:J aw........lmately 11±
acres frail Santa Clara 0Junt:y A (Agricultural) am
Rl-I0 (, sinI1e-family, 10,000 sq. ft.
miniDama lot size) zooe to City of OJpeI+...ino T
('1'ramportatien) Za'1e. Envircnaent:a1 Review: '!be
Plannin;J n-.....i"'$icn reo ····....Ids the graI1tin¡ of a
Negatiw Declaratien. '!he ~~ þ.._ty is
gc......cùly located between stevens Creek Boolevard am
Cristo Rey Driw ~y 1,000 ft. west of
Foathill Boolevard. Rec· .......rx3ed for ðWlwal.
'. ~'."''''
'. " '~'V,.""W:"~,'W"_';''''''·''''
~ . ~. >~""'''''''''''''~'''~~''or'. '-:::"'."'r'...;~"",.,~!,""'"
':"'/""'--'-.:...-." - ,.., .,.'
"..,.. ",' ..
'.. ,-
MDVrES 0/1 'DIE NCWDIBER 18, 1985 CXJCNCIL !osua'.uG
1. (a) First ~ ~ Ordinance No. 1336: "An
omina 1Ce of the City of QIpIIrt.ino AD8Idin:¡
Sect1a\ 1 of ordinarre No. 2 by Preza1iD;r
J\R:Il.....J.ately 11± Acres frail santa Clara cnmty A
and RlulO Za1es to City of QIpIIrt.ino T Zcm;
Iocatr-4 Bet...een stevens creek Boulevard and Cd.ato
'!:"q Drive Apprœdmately 1,000 Ft. West of Foothill
Boulevaxd. "
It was 1IDI/ed by Cbmc. Sparks, SEIOCn!ecl by COUnc. Jàmsa1
and J?"--eci to ~pLu118 the grantinJ of a
Negative Declarat.ia1 tar appliœtiat 26-Z-85.
It was 1IDI/ed by Cbmc. P1ungy, seoaA.d by C:Aux:. Gatto and
P"~-ed. 1.II1IInimcus1y to read ordinarre 1336 by title a1ly and
the City Clerk's rEII!Idin;J to ccnstitute the first rEII!Idin;J
It was 1IDI/ed by Cbmc. SparJcs, seoc:n3ed by COUnc. Gatto and
p"8-r'8d 1.II1IInimcus1y to a¡:.prcve 8R'licatien 26-Z-85 per
P1.anning' ChroIIiaeia1 Resolutien No. 2733.
22. Awlicatiat 27-Z-85 of City of 0Jpertin0 (Jackson
Parcel, ex:istinq 7-11 CCI'1VelÙ.ence store) 10650 8.tl1b
Read: Rezonin¡ ~··.n-tely .31± gross acres frcm P
(Planned Davel"¥'CI1l/O ....-.cla1) to P (Planned
Devel""J:oUClIL) Za'IØ. Reo ····-·LJtd for appJ:OVal.
(a) First readin:¡ of ordinance No. 1337: "An
ordinance ~ the City of 0Jpertin0 Amenciin¡
Sec::tiat 1. of ordinarre No. 2 by RezaúDJ
Aw-.. ...i"""tely . 31± Gress Acres frcm P Za1e to P
Za1e; Exist:in;J 7-11 CCnvenience stare at 10650
8.tl1b ibid."
Dir. of;J & Davel"¥'CIIL Cowan reviewed the
8R'lic:aticn with Cbmci1. He WCDDed these pl suit that
as a legal ~.rCI:IIdnJ use, the same use or a less
intense use as datined by the P1.anning' n-o-i....tcn (X!Iùd be
cx:nt1med em this piece of ~~ty.
Iiçh Jackson, t'L~ l)' owner, stated that he did not want
another 7-11 store en the property. He pl s.!'11leci a
petitiat to Cbmci1 '-w<JSirq I'eZaÚn3 this property to
residential Rl-7.5. He also sul:mitted a letter he had
received frcm 5a1thland 0Jxp. stat:irq that if and when they
vacated the t'L~lý the ocnpu1:atien waùd give it back to
the property owner. It also expressed ag:I.ðo:wr::.lL with an
office use for that pz'q)erty.
'!he City
Clerk read the petitien into the record as
To the City COUncu, City of 0Jpertirx> fran the
of 0Jpertin0, regardin;J Reza1e of 10650 8.tl1b R:l.,
t%aa p1amecI døvel.......aaíL to Rl-75. "Under the city
ozdinanoe gcymninq nar-.::....t0l'lDinq '--, a nBII <X'I1WIni.enoa
marlœt or mt:ail use of siWli b... intensity could 1ccate at
the site within 6(JIICI1ths) of the t-h'latia1 of ~
activity by the }I'o s_JL 7-11 tenI!Int, even if the site was
rezœed to a residential " 'Ihe alxIv8 cp:Jte
t%aa the city of 0Jpertin0 Plannin:J Divisiat staff l...,ut.t
of 10/28/85, ~1.. us to ''1~ rezaún:J this PL....-,Lf to
Rl-7.5 as it 1IIOOld leave the }I'o....-,Lf owner no ot:bBr cpt:j.œ
but to maintain a high intensity 1:usJ.ness activity
indefinitly. We urge adqdcn of Planr!Jn¡ staff
no- " -···....·ldatiat for a planned døvel_.__JL designaticn to
assure low intensity uses as identified in their "'¥'LL to
the Planr!Jn¡ n-o-i ....tat. 'Ihe petitia1 CXI1t:ained 19
Rcòert; PL -ley, resident, stated that he .._ s_Jl8
~tely 10 reqùe all of whcm wish the Þ'-....-,ty
residential. He said the area already has a lot of traffic
ani it is not a safe place. He suggested a duplex or
tri-plex for that parcel. He also åJjected to arr.¡ use that
1IIOOld require a liquor license N>.:)aIS8 of the sites
proximity to a sd1ool. A residential zarln:J 1IIOOld be a
statement frail the c::nn::il that residential was ptq)er use
of that property.
Dir. of Plannin;J & Devel........., state:! that the listed uses
frail staff do not require a liquor license.
Maria Gallo, Pm President at KI.......dy Jr. High, state:! that
she was .....---.11eå aI.:n1t anyt:hiD¡ that 1IIOOld be OCI1Sidered
an attractive mrlsanoe to drl.1dren.
Pat Dent.iDJar stated that she had pretested the oriqinal
7-11 goin¡ in.
A gentleœn stated that the increase in haJsin¡ them ani
south of that area is the reasc:n for the inc:rease in
It was IIICMId by Q:Junc. Spañcs, 86Cu0.dt:d by Q:Junc. Gatto and
I>elS'sed UMJúmcusly to close the pWlic hearin;J.
It was IIICMId by Q:Junc. Gatto, seoc::rñed by Q:Junc. Spañcs and
!,,"-'*'<i UI'IaI1iJDcusly to ~U'Je ~iœtia1 27-Z-85 with
standam cx:ntitia1S 1-15, to the extent that they do not
OCI'Iflict with the Elp8C'bl cx:ntitia1S E!I'IDIIBra'ted therein.
In the event OCI'Iflict does exist the ~i"J cx:ntitia'lS as
enumerate:! shall élRÙy. O:n:titicn No. 16 a¡:proved
emibits, that the l'""'Ò' -...-.Jatiat of ðw,LU'IiÙ is œsed at
Exhibit A of Applicatiat 27-Z-85 E!,'" ""i'L as may be amended
by ~i"1 cx:ntitia1S enumerate:!. caxtitiat No. 17 use
l.iJnitatiat, pemitted uses at subject site shall be l.iJnite:!
to the follcwin¡ subject to securirxJ of a use pemit f.rcm
the Planni.rç n-o-i....iat. Planni.rç n-o-i....iat actiat upcI\
,.,.~¡-"~,..' ~"'-~~,._r;.y~...r....~.~._~,.,_.. ""~'''''''. _.....~.>:':"'_,~
·<'C'-~l;;:OO;-T~C.~;PI"""":'·"· ,
HnIm!S OP 'IBB NC:M!MBœ 18, 1985 <XOICIL ~
any :t'8IpI8ted UIIe pemit IIhall be final _. ,.4. in instance
of >q:p-' to the City 0Junci1; A ~ ria1a1, Gen....àl, and bainese offiœs, B. BIIn1c8 aM finlmc1a1
services (exc1ndf..... dri........ f'Ioto!fHtiell), irIsurance and rMl
estate agencies, travel agencies, and protessia1a1
shYlf",. c. a.inøsø 88ZViœs IIUå1 as adY8:rtising bn'8au8,
cœdit;J, IICCXIIJntin:J and .fWln.,.. ccnøultinq
agencies, stenogrçbic andœ øerviœs, - - ..".....
and t.el~..pûc offiœs, CXJIIIIm1catim aq,f~1t.
h,n"in3s. '!he intent: is that use is limited to low
intensity activity that will nc,t aLL.._'"t traffic trail
outside the area. Or:n!itim No. 18 - 'Ihere shall be II use
pemit review far all new and """<elplnt ~ of
It was D:JYed I:7.i 0UIc. Pluny, 1!IBCII:..c1ed I:7.i 0UIc. Gatto and
l""--'d UI'IalÚJID.1sly to reed Ordinance No. 1337 I:7.i title a'I1.y
and the City CJ.8JX'S reeding to CCI18titute the first
reeding thereof and -~ to reflect zaUn] to Plamed
DeY8l''i,..cuL with limited (.. ·cl.a1/office use activity,
Or:n!itia1S as statec:t aI.xIve.
It was D:JYed I:7.i 0UIc. Sperœ, S8OCI1ded I:7.i 0UIc. Gatto and
a P"-ed UI'IalÚJID.1sly to ~\N8 the grantin;J of a Negative
Declaraticm far App] 27-Z-85.
23. six IIIa1t:h review of City's ardinance EIIIIOIcirJ)
in certain places.
Asst. to the City Manager Brown reviewed the L"'1-""-L with
It was D:JYed I:7.i 0UIc. Sperœ, S8OCI1ded I:7.i 0UIc. Jchnson
and P"'-ed UI'IalÚJID.1sly to c'..... the public hearin;J.
It was D:JYed I:7.i 0UIc. Pluny, seo...dt.cl1:7.i 0UIc. JclUlSQu
and l""- a:1 UI'IIIlÚJIIcUsly to __ no ct1anJes in the SIIådn;J
restrlcticn ordinance.
24. Applicatim 22-'DH5 of Iawrence Qly: Tentative
!':I1bd!visicm Map to ...'Qtivide an 11,500 sq. ft. offica
hlfldin;J into office cx:n:bainium units. Envircnœnta1
Review: '!he project was pœviously "'-.¡o- ad, hence, no
envira1ment:a1 acticm is NIl -ry. 'lhe subject þo,'¥SL"ty is
locatec:t cm the sart:h side of Silverado Aveme a¡:praximat.ely
150 ft. east of De Anza Boulevard in a P (Planned
Devel'¥""lIL with l'> ........cla1 and office intent) zanirg
district. }?eo:" ····...·kJed far ~u.ral.
It was JDOVed by 0UIc. Sparks, seoc::n3ed I:7.i 0UIc. Pluny
and l"""sed unanboously to ~V'oI8 the 1IR>1icatia1 per
PlanrtinJ C'hnmi"8ion Resoluticrt No. 2725.
tmIJl!S OF '1m: 1I:mI4E!ER 18, 19S5 a:m::n. tarIm
25. A¡:plicatia\ 27.JIH-79 (Rsvisa1) at JàJn an:} Patricia
s- "-'1: Tentative SUbtiviaion ~ to IIIOC!Uy a
previcusly apprcved tsttative DIp to pemit reIIICMIl of
a 35" di.!Iœter oak tree located en Lot 15 of Tract No.
6943 (0aIa:Je1l Randl) . Envira'menta1 neview: 'Ihe
!"-' .·:....1 .is c:ategariœlly e:- .,'1., hence, no
envira1ment:aJ. ac:tiœ .is nee 8t!Zy. 'Ihe 1II.Ibdivisia1 .is
located en the north side of Btev8ns Creek Bc:Jul.øvaM
~te1y 100 ft. east of br lap Drive and 140
ft. south ot oaJaSe11 Place. PA<> ..-.....Jded tor ~roval.
Diane I<'œnitzer infODDed 0Juncil that it the tree .is
J:'E!IDCJIIed , she wculd liJæ it roop,........,. She stated that no
a18 had chec-Jœd en these t... iJ 1I41en the døIIel~.l was
goin) in and the roots were cut. It the tree .is not
l'I'p"'noõ she requested a minJ:IIIJm setœc:k ot 45 ft. in the
Ray CObb, architect, stated that cna tree .is bein;J kept and
a 40 to 45 ft. setœc:k wa.C.d be an i:øpcsiticn. 'lbere will
be a 35 foot setœc:k.
It was m:JYed by 0:Junc. Spañæ, seoo..Jo.d by 0:Junc. Gatto an:}
a¡:proyed unanJmously to ~ ~ 27.JIH-85
revised per the Planrù.n:} l'romIi ....ion Resolutiat No. 2728
with Ca1diticn No. 3 amm~ to incJ.uje the statement that
the pad locaticn and Exhibit B thizd revision for lot 15
shall be p'."ed no further west than shewn and per Planrù.n:}
l'romIi_ion Resolutiat No. 2729. A¡:praval shall be by the
Planrù.n:} Director. 'Ihe b.1i1di.n} shall be located to
minimize intrusion en neighbors.
26. A¡:plic:aticn 42-u-B5 of Ter.r.y Brown OŒ1struction Q).:
Use Pemit to ~, a sin)le family residence,
incJ.udinq an ~. ..;-te1y 600 sq. ft. additicn.
Envira1mental Review: 'Ihe þ categorically
m--,,,"L, hence, no envb:a1menta1 acticn is ~ð.ry.
'Ihe subject !,,-~l}' .is located en the sa.1th side of
Byme Ca.Irt 8R1tœdmate1y 280 ft. west of Byme Aveme
in a P (Planned DeYel~.l with residential 4.4-12
dweJ.J.irq UlÚts per YL....... acre intent zcna) .
~~" -···-·ded far ðw-Lwal.
It was m:JYed by 0:Junc. Sparks, seocnied by 0:Junc. Gatto and
P"-'I!d unanJmously to "K"-U'/e a¡:plicatia:t 42-{J-85 per
P121l11'lin] l' Resolutiat No. 2731.
27. Nate.
28. Nate.
·--.-..........,.-"'¥. "
'-~~7.": ( '!..,~,~-'
. '._""":':,..-..~.T"~ ¡'..
tmm!S 0'1 B \UJDR!'1llB, 1§a5 a:lK!n.l'IŒX.uC
29. 1'If....._m of ~~.......1nq for lIIJr1i~ip¡ù cable
telwisiat åIamel an:! r-c;r-t for ~.
City MIInagIk 0Un1an l'IIVÛMId the statf l.........L an:! provided
Council with an update. He stated that after Council
actia1 a1 August: 5, 1985 the ariginal bo~ as apprayed
had not best ~, th8retoœ an ~ for
"'J1i!"",,",L 10IU not rw:- ¡!%y. He int... ..--1 Council that a
revised h"'gPt for the lIID'i~ipal cbanne1 will be brwght: to
It was DX:MId by COOne. PlUDN, seoct.dt:d by COOne. Jàmsc:n
ani P"'~-ed unanimr::us1y to ~W8 the pm::base of editing
equipœnt for c:hanne1 30.
I):I.".."aai,a1 followed regardiD¡ the quality of samd an:i
picture of the live cablecastin;J of meetinJs in Council
~. It 10IU felt that iDprcvement was -- iAiI.
30. CCnJiderat:ia1 of variœs ordinances regulating pañdn;J
an:i traffic in Ib1ta vista.
(a) First ~ of Ordinance No. 1338: "An
Ordinance of the City of 0Jpertin0 Amelñin:J
Secticn U.24.l5O of the 0Jpertin0 !tmicipal Q)de
to PråUbit stqpinj, staniin:J or PaxXin;J a1
Adriana AvenJe."
It 10IU DX:MId by COOne. PlUDN, saX'I'Ided by COOne. Gatto ani
p"-~?d unanimously to œad ominance No. 1338 by title a1ly
an:i the City Cledt's r8IIdin;J to oa1Stitute the first
r8IIdin;J thereof.
O. (b) First ~ of Ordinance No. 1339: "An
ominance of the City of 0Jpertin0 Amelñin:J
Bectia18 U.20.020 an:l U.20.030 of the 0Jpert.in0
)b1jcipal Q)de to Irx::lude Grm1I!Ida AvenJe an:l
Oran;e, Olive AvenJe ani p....~, ani Granada
AV8r11e an:l P'laMana AV8r11e."
It was IIICIII8cl by COOne. P1UDN, seo....dt:d by COOne. Gat'"...o an:i
P"'~-~ unanimously to œad Ordinance No. 1339 by title a1ly
and the City C1eñt's reactin;J to oa1Stitute the first
r8IIdin;J thereof.
(c) First reactin;J of ominance No. 1340: "An
ominance of the City of 0Jpert.in0 Amelñin:J
sectia1 U.24.180 of the 0Jpert.in0 !tmicipal Code
Designating Diagcœl Parkin] a1 Inperia1. Averue,
Mazy AV8r11e, p;..".,-w.'1a Avenue an:i ":,, ......;,e Place."
. MOOl!S (I 'lB£ Ø'DIBER 18, 1985 ancn. MPZr:Œ
It _ ~ by CDInc. Plurçy, ~A:d by n_ Gatto and
pro ,:1 unIIIIÛIItCœly to reM Otdinance No. l340 t:y title œly
and tm City Cledt's rEIIIdizx¡ to oo..,.titulba the first
readin¡ t1'........4.
\uu'i".lU'4 CXIIIJNIœ'Iæ5
31. Kent.
32. Sectn:I readin¡ of ordinance No. 1330: __ Ottlinanœ of
the City of 0Jpert:in0 Amenr:lin¡ sect.ia1 1.. at ordinance
No. 2 by Prezaún:J 325+ Gress Acres ~ santa Clara
0:u1ty A-2OS ZCIUD¡ District to City at roo _ ..Uno P, BQ
and A ZCIUD¡ Dist:rlcts; Located en t:ba South side of
Highway 280 BIIginrúnj Awraximately 8DO Ft. West of
Foothill BcW.evard."
It was IIICIII8:I by CDInc. Plurçy, seoc:n:]""j by n_ -. Gatto and
P"""«f unanimaJS1y to reM ominance No. 1.330 b.r title œly
and the City Cledt's readin¡ to COU&t..ituta the seocn:i
rEIIIdizx¡ thI!i1......f.
It was IIICIII8:I by CDInc. Gatto, seoc:ni by n - - P1urçy and
l""--eci unanimaJS1y to enact ordinance No. 1130_
33. Sectn:I rEIIIdizx¡ of ordinance No. 1331: __ Ord.inanoe of
the City of 0Jpert:in0 Amenr:lin¡ sect.ia1 1.. of ordinance
No. 2 by RezailiJ:J AßIroximately 1.2 Q.. Acres to P
Zc:n8; IDcateci at the Sc:uth side of ~-.1lar Averua
~y 60 Ft. East of Bëu.~..._ Ddve on the
FI.....u.... Sa1t:hem Pacific Railroad Right of -.y."
It was IIICIII8:I by Ocunc. Plurçy, seoañecl by n - - . Gat'"...o and
l"'''-'Sci unanimaJS1y to reM Otdinance No. l331. b.r title œly
and the City Cledt's rEIIIdizx¡ to oo..:.t.itxlta the seocn:i
reI!IdJnç¡ tb........f
It was IIICIII8:I by CDInc. Gatto, seocr.tleci by no - - P1urçy and
!?"'''-lci unm'IÚIII:Uùy to enact ontiæ.noe No. 1 ~"1 .
34. Sectn:I rædinq of ordinance No. 1332: __ Ordinanœ of
the City of 0Jpert:in0 Amenr:lin¡ Sect:iCD 1.. of ordinaooe
No. 2 by RezailiJ:J AßIroximately 2.66 Q. Acres fn:m
Rl-10 Zc:n8 to BQ ZCIte; Located en t:ba Scut:h side of
H::Clellan ~ ~...i.....tely 350 Ft. East of Sc:uth
stellinq ~."
It was IIICIII8:I by Ocunc. P1\m1Y, seoañecl by n,_. Gatto and
paS'sed unanimc:uùy to read ordinance No. l332 by title a'Ily
and the City Clerk's readL>xJ to cn.,.tit::..."t;e the secorñ
readin¡ thereof.
"~..,,~:.",--~',t..;:~.... '
. tmm!B GP B \IJJ!!MI!m 11, 19Q5 o:nm. \a!'.ImlC
It VIIS ~ by c:nmc. Gatto, -......dbd by CÞmc. Plunnr an!
r-- Ii! 1.IrIIUÜJIcœly to enact 0rc:Iinan0e No. 1332.
35. Seccn1 l'8IIdinq of 0rc:Iinan0e No. 1333: "An Ordinance of
the City of ~ A1IIBndi.n:J Sec:t.ia11 of ominar. '
No. 2 by ~ ~wi-tely 1.3 GrœII Acœ& t.r.'aI BQ
ZŒIe to Rl-6 ZCI181 IDeated a1 the SCIuth8IIst 0......... of RcIIId an! DeFoe Drive an! n__ Driva."
It VIIS 1IICIIIed by c:nmc. Plunnr, -......dbd by c:nmc. Gatto aD!
P"'-9d uœn1'11CUSly to reIId Otdinance No. 1333 by title a1ly
aD! the City Clm:k'. reIIding to CXI'IStitute the a...-.d
readin;I tba.......4.
It VIIS IIICMId by c:nmc. Gatto, seoadlod by c:nmc. Plungy aD!
P"'--s Ii urIIUÛJIIcAJ8ly to enact 0rc:Iinan0e No. 1333 .
36. Becx:rId readin;I of 0rc:Iinan0e No. 1334: "An ordinance of
the City of ~ A1IIendiIJ¡ sectia1 1 of ordinance
No. 2 by ~ ~.._i_tely 2.1 GrœII Acres frail BQ
ZŒIe tù Rl-6 ZaUnq District: Located œ the East side
of stellin¡ RcIIId, 8a1th of aD! Adjacent to the west
Valley Freelllay (Highway 85) Right of Way aD!
A¡:praximately 100 Ft. Harth of west Hill lane."
It was IIICIIed by c:nmc. Plunnr, seoa~ by c:nmc. Gatto aD!
p"'8 sli urIIIIÜIIa1sly to reIId ordinance No. 1334 by title a1ly
and the City Clm:k'. reIIding to CXI'IStitute the secc:ni
reIIdin; thereuf.
It was IIICIIed by c:nmc. Gatto, sea..t.dbd by c:nmc. P1unnr and
p"'--9d urIIIIÜIIa1sly to enact 0J:dinan0e No. 1334.
37. Nœe.
38. Rscogniticn by Mayor of specbl recp!St:s.
(a) ("-eneral Audience.
ti.e..l Pressley thanked 0:Junci1 for their cœsideratia1 a1
AR>J,icaticn 27-Z-85. In regard to cable televisia1 he
stated that he was in the area of ~ that receives
Gill cable. He irqlired as to the poeeibUity of Gill
cablec:ast.irJJ 0:Junci1 meetings.
Alf Mcdine inf""- 0:Junci1 that Peninsular Aveme held
received its lII1III8 traa the PeniJ"RI11ar Avenue rai1.rœd that
used to provide service to this area.
(b) City 0:Junci1.
, " HIM7lES 01 m! ~ 18, 1985 CXXK:IL MŒl'IlG
Jchn Plungy IIS-' Camcil qlinial œqardinq an arnal
dinner -.tin!¡ with the h........jL and ~ unicIn Sc:f'>.-ol
District Beards. '!be JIIEIet1ng 1IICUld 1ncJ.ude the City
...~ and eaà1 gz:tJUp 1IICUld taJœ a turn as hc8t. '1hia
1IICUld be CXI18idøœd a JIIEIet1ng and 1iCW.d cxma unœr the
Brawn Act.
City Ifanagør 1IIU d1nIcte:I to CXI1tact the various agencies
to arran::J8 suå1 a dinner JIIEIet1ng.
Hill. Jå1nsc:n intacœd Camcil that he had received a letter
traa Jchn Ma1......., SUnnyvëùe OOUnci h_.~ -er, œqardinq the
possibility of œe n2IIDe far the rœd c::u.......jUy ....."ed
saratcga-6Unnyvale lad, SUnnyvëùe-saratoga lad, Highway
9, Highway 85, DeAnza Blvd. Mr. Ma.1.......'s suggest.icn was
Silicon Blvd.
Jchn Gatto ........... Led back reqardin;J the petitiat received
traa residents alcn;J Alves Drive am transit roote 55. He
stated that the transit transportatiat planner is looJdnq
at re-rcutinJ that part:iaüar!::us. '!hey will ma)œ an
analysis, reo:> ····-'ldatiat, am CXI1duct hearin;¡a.
00Unc. Spazics ...........Led that the FCC is 1QI licensing low
powered teløvi.siat staticrIs startinj Janmy 1, 1986.
Priority will be given to lII.D1iCi~] ities.
(c) staff.
Upcn ~ ~ by staff to set a date to ao "'1.'1.
~u.œtiQ'B and CXI1duct interviews far lYIIni_iat
pcsitiats Camcil detemined that "IDlicatiats will be
'" ~l.ed until 5:00 p.III. Jaruuy 3, 1986; interviews will
be CCI'dJcted at 'l\Jesday, Jaruuy 7, 1986.
At 9:30 p.lII. c:x:JUD:il meetinq was adjoumed.
~ '
City Clerk