CC 12-02-85
10300 'l'u...... AwnJ8, 0Jpertin0, CA 95014
~: (408) 252-4505
MIH7.ŒS (Jp '!HE REmIAR øua:uG or '!HE CI'lY aDfCIL
HEW C1f LI:'A.UIIZK 2, 1985 IH '!HE cx:oar. œ/IMBER,
Mayer JL,¡.:.... called the meet.1D¡ to ....dt... at 6:45 p.m.
Ccunc. ~ .I iL:
Gatto, JWISa'l, PlutlJY, Spmcs, Mayer ~&
staff P.ì. J IL:
City Mà.~ ()únlan
City CleJ:X c.....u..lius
Director of Public Works viskclrid1
Directar of P1.anniD¡ am D8II9.1T·-¡L Cowan
Directar of PiœrIce snyder
Assistant to the City ~ Brown
n-o...o..uty Affairs Officer Mays
City Attamey Kilian
~ æ Nœ J\GE2ID\ ITfX9
Item !'I- 27 to be CXI'ItiruEId to the meet:in:J of [Iec:-.~ Eor
16, 1985.
It was 1IICMId by 0:u1c. Pl\lDð, seoctd..d by 0:u1c. Gatto and
I""ee'l!d U1'IaIÙ!IICAJsly to cx:ntinJe Item No. 27 to the meet:in:J
of [10,.: _.J -eJ: 16, 1985.
CERDDaAL Mlu·.ŒtC:i~:
PJ:tx:1zœstia¡ decl.ariJç the 1IIB8It of De.: _.~ « 9-15, 1985 as
"Bill of Rights Week."
'!he proc::1.aaticn was read am ~ ¡led to Felice Alejo.
f!1rAFF R::".KRl'S
1. Oral ..~LB by staff 1LDb!Irs and ..nhn~""ia1 of written
City Kanaaer's Rt.uu.. L
City Insurance - It was mved by Ccunc. Sparks, seocn3ed by
CC\mc:. Gatto and passed unanimoosly to "'W""'l"date $500,000
frail the General F\m:i for fIJn:iiD] to pay liability claim.
MD«.1l'!S OF '!HE ŒXDœER 2, 1985 Cl'l"l OXK:IL J'IUa'.uÐ -
~L, El Qmdn:) Hœpital District a....~Aticn - In reg¡mI
to the JDatter of a security gate, it was IIIaII8d by Q:Iunc.
Gatto, ~ded by Q:Iunc. SparJœ am p"--ecl \JI1IIJ'ÚJIØJSly
that the additim of a security gate wculð be a
p-rli f'icatia1 of the use pemit am therefore shcu1d be
p.¡rsued through the regular i"-' < .
City Clerk's Rt:...u... t.
It was 1IICN8d by Q:Iunc. Gatto, seccn:Jed by Q:Iunc. JOOIIScn
am p"-~ unaIÚJIØJSly to waive turlness license fees far
the Citizens J\ League through Jaruary, 1986.
IntergcYemmenta cnmcil - It was 1IICN8d by Q:Iunc. Plun;¡y,
seooudecl by Q:Iunc. Jàmsc:n am P"'--1!:i unaIÚJIØJSly to
ëIR)Oint Reed Sparks as alternate to ~1"ho\ra ~8 who is
the ~~ S' .d..ative.
Natia1al League of Cities Alternate - It was 1IICN8d by
Q:Iunc. Gatto, secc:mecl by Q:Iunc. JåInsa'1 am pe~eed
unaniJDcusly to ëIR)Oint Jåm Plun;¡y as the alternate to
~*ara RJgers.
2. Rq....,ls at false alam hearinJs: Mrs. Vickie Wilms,
Hanym!m's Fashia1s.
It was 1IICN8d by Q:Iunc. Gatto, eèooudecl by Q:Iunc. Jù...........
am p---itl unaIÚJIØJSly to u¡iIolcl the charges of $63.00 am
$80.00 far Mrs. vickie Wilms.
It was 1IICN8d by 0CUnc. Plun;¡y, seocn:1ed by Q:Iunc. JåInsa'1
am P"'--s:l \In2IlÛJIDJ81y to :œDC\I8 ccnJideratim of
Han:ymn's Fashia1s trc:m thA agenda.
a:mmr c::AIÐiDI\R
(It is req.JeStecl that Items 8 through 20 be acteð. :n
s:imJltanecusly unless separate ~iat"'l1"''' and/ar actiat is
requested. )
It was 1IICN8d by Q:Iunc. Gatto, eeoctded by Q:Iunc. JåInsa'1
am P"'-'9d unanimcus1y to GMlLu-J8 the 0..._ ;t Calendar as
8. Resolutia1 No. 6705: "A Resolutia1 of the City Camci1
of the City of 0Jpertin0 AllcwiD:J certain Cl"i"". am
DeIIIarJds Payable in the AmaJnts am trc:m the rums as
Hereinafter Desc:ribecl far General am Misœllanec:us
Expenditures far the Period Erxlin¡ N<::M!IIiJer 22, 1985."
HnÐrES OF '!HE ~ 2, 1985 CI'l'\t' CXUCL ME!'l'DG -
9. Applicatia1 ASAC-Sl,630.1 - stevens creek Office center
- RecpIstin;J "WLuŸcÙ to oa..t.....x:t: two trellises (C1'18
with signage) far an existin¡ .. ····-,cial tt1i1ðirq
locatecl a1 stevens creek Boolevam near sa1å1 way
(20813, 20833, 20863, am 20883 stevens creek
Boolevard) .
10. SUIIIIaIS & ChIp'Airrt; far ~"""J8S: Rœe IæJ;J, Plaintiff
11. Acceptance of ItJrIjeip"l ~uý"""",ls - Scbrato Project,
DeAnza & Iazaneo Drive.
u. ClAi1ll for 1)...""JeS: James aobeJ:t ØIrray
13. Resolutia1 No. 6706: "A Resolutia1 of the City coorx:il
of the City of 0Jpn:tin0 Aßlraving Final Plan for the
~"","""",.L of ~ at the Northwest Cw.J.æ:- of
Granada am p..~ Avenue, Developer Terry Brown
0a1str\x:tia1 0). Inc. Authorizing the City ED;ineer to
sign the Final Plan: am Authorizing Executia1 of
JI.,µ,........../t in Q.......::t:ia'1 '1herewith.".
14. Resolutia1 No. 6707: "A Resolutia1 of the City camcil
of the City of 0Jpertim AßIraving Q...t....aet Q1an:]e
Order No. 2 far lÞ::lellan Read at DB Anza Er1t:r'arx»."
15. Resolutia1 No. 6708: "A Resolutia1 of the City camcil
of the City of 0Jpe:rtinc AßIravinq Q..d..J.aCt Q1an:]e
Order No. 2 It:JCl..llA,, Read at DeAnza OOllege Er1t:r'arx»,
Project 85-02 B."
16. Resolutia1 No. 6709: "A :t<'eSOlutia1 of the City camcil
of the City of 0Jpe:rtinc Authorizing EIcBcIItia1 of
Deferred tJ'ndergraJrxii JI.,µ, Ma1ta Vista
AsS<X"iates far the bpraYement of fra1tage alCDJ
Pasadeœ,lGranada. "
17. Resolutia1 No. 6710: "A Resolutiat of the City camcil
of the City of 0Jpertim Acceptinq Grant of ~--d.
far ~y F\...l<nS' frcm Jå1n P. ØJqiIy am Lima A.
ØJqiIy cxnlisting of ~tely .001 acres, located
alCDJ no........." Read."
18. Acoeptarx;e of City Projects 1.1l'Der .......t....aet - Hoover
SUbdivisia1 ~............lls 84-11, Project A
19. Min.1tes of the regular meeting of NoveIi:Jer 4, 1985.
20. Min.1tes of the adjan:ned regular meeting November U,
MOO.l!S OF 'lHB œ;uœt;R Z, 1985 Cl'lY CXXJNCIL MfB1'IlG -
Ys2t§ )11....1_. a or t:h8 Ci1:v th.1IY!i 1
AYES: Gatto, JåWICn, Pl\D3Y, Sparks, BoqelS
1ÐES: Na18
AEmm': Na18
AI!S'D.JN: Na18
l'1'n4S RœJ\1ED !KJI CXHŒNl' ~
21. Na18
22. Ø-·J.exs of the ......ienœ regamin;J mtters net en the
Jerry MatJ:ar¥1a of the 0Jpertim unicn Sd1oo1 District
adch. !,ad CaJncil recpI8tinq "WI-U1Ial fez: General Plan
Amer.dlu.4}t ~.
It was JIICII8d by came. Sparks, eec>..t.ded by tmrx:. Gatto and
~:;n~ with Mayor a.-.. t'li- d..1D¡ to deny the rec;pæst to
initiate _.cb.-d. ~.
23. Ccnd.ðeraticn of revisia1 of the Transient 00CIl[""1'q
(a) First ~-"'i'"9 of ordiMnce No. 1341: "An
ord.i.nanœ of the City of OJpertil'lo Amerxlinq
QJapter 3.12, T.œ1'ISient OOCI1p""q' Tax, of the
0Jper:tjn0 Jb>i"ip"l COde."
Directar of Finance snyder reviewed his ..~t with
It was JIICII8d by came. Plunnr, ...o..n:Jed by tmrx:. Gatto and
I'"''!'-ad unanbøJsly to C'lose the PJblic hearin¡.
It was JIICII8d by CQJnc. Gatto, ....c..,..:]ed by tmrx:. P1unnr and
I'"'--ed unanbøJsly to "WI-u-Je a 1\ ilx:rease in the
transient 000I1""'ICY tax.
It was D'Ned by came. Pl\D3Y, seccn3ed by tmrx:. Gatto and
rett'9«t wmûmcusly to read ord.i.nanœ No. 1341 by title cnly
and the City Clerk's J:'eI!Idin] to ooostitute the first
J:'eI!Idin] thereof.
24. Rsvie!of and oc::nrldemtien of revisien of City fees.
MIl«1mI 01 B IIXDmER Z, 1985 Cl'lY cmraL 1'JUi{!lIì -
24. (6)
ReIIoluticn No. 67lJ: "A ReIIoluticn of the City
cœncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 EBtabli.shin¡ User
Directar ot Finance Snyder reviewed the PL' ~.JSed tee
structure with 0:IuIcll.
Katherine ~les, 0Jpertin0 QunnNt>- ot n ....-. ee, œcpIBted
that 0:IuIcll taka into c::awi.deratiat that tees BhcWd be
~ti..... with cities suå1 as JbIntain view am
It was JIICMId by Q:aJnc. Plun;w, secc:n3ed by Q:aJnc. Gatto am
p"8900. unanimcuø1y to close the p¡blic~.
It was JIICMId by Q:aJnc. Plun;w, secc:n3ed by Q:aJnc. Gatto am
l""8"ed unanimaIsly to adc¢ Resolutim No. 6713 with tees
for a variance net to ~ $500. 0:IuIcll direc:t.ed the
Rl1i'~ Department to recpI8t f~k frail hlildsrs am
developers am that there be an anrual review of fees.
25. A¡;p-' ot Plannirg n-o-i aeia1 ~ ot AwJ,icatim
23J.1H-85 (Paul K. Tai).
Directar of Plannirg ani DeIIel,¥",",d. Q:,wan reviewed the
a¡:plicaticn with 0:IuIcll.
Alan BrinJœr, 20202 Rodrigues, ~_sed Cß)OSitim to the
a¡:plicaticn's '"i¥'uv'IÙ.
City Attomey Kilian reviewed the tindiD;¡s to be IIIi!Ide if
the ~, is to be granted.
It was JIICMId by Q:aJnc. Gatto, SØCXI1ded by Q:aJnc. Plun;w and
l""8nd unanimcuø1y to close the p¡blic ~.eBrln;J.
It was JIICMId by Q:aJnc. Plun;w, .........cJed by Q:aJnc. Gatto and
l"""-ed unanimcuø1y to deny the 'Iß""'" bued m findiD;¡s
that there was no evidenoe of criteria required tor the
grantin;J of the ~l.
26. AwJ,icatim 23-Z-85 of IIJtm!:R PR:)~'~ TO REZCIŒ
~"""'-tely .21 acres frail Rl-I0 (residential,
sin;J1e-flllllily 10,000 sq. ft. IIIinhuIIlot size) ZCI1Ø t J
P. USE FEIIIlT (43-u-85) to <Xb.~.x::t a 2,300;!: sq. ft.
aŒiitim to an ~.....s ......-....ial bl1i1ding.
~ REVJ.Ðf: 'Ihe Ð'IYira1mental RBview
a:maittee ~ ...··-Ids the g:rantin;J ot a Negative
Declarat.ia1. 'Ihe subject þL"t'"ILL)' is 'P.....ðlly located
m the scut:hwest cm,¡er of DeAnza Blvd. and McClellan
Road. (~licatiŒ1S No' ...._.~ for denial.)
tmm'iS OF 'liŒ tmmR 2 1985 Cl'l"í CXXJNCIL MŒrOO -
26. (a) First Readinq of Ordinance No. 1342: "An
Ordinance of the city co.mcil of the City of
0Jpertin0 Amen:iin;J sectia1 1 of ordinance No. 2 by
rezaUn;J ~y .21 acres traD Rl-I0 to P
zeme; Generally located CI1 the southwest 001:,..... of
DeAnza BoolevaId and McClellan Road."
Director of Planning and Ðevel"'i"'''IIL cowan re\Tiewed the
~icatiCl1s with co.mcil.
Joan O1lver, 20520 Bloo'Sall lane, told co.mcil that at the
P1.annin;J n-oroni-iCl1 meetin:J, these pJ:!S!ht had been told
that these ~icatia1S \ be CI1 the De< 16 co.mcil
agenda. She stated that she did not wish to S6 the area
develqø1 pi-1 .
Mrs. waltrip, prcparty omer adjoinin;J Mrs. O1lver's lot,
stated the cpiniCl1 that a wall blocJdnq just a part of the
devel,¥""",L was r:! ~i culcus.
It was IIICIIed by Plurxy, secr:t'Ded by JåInsCI1
and l""~-!d unanim::Iusly to oc:ntime OCI1Sideratial of these
~:i.ca1:iCI1s to the regula:..1IIE!etin3 of D&."""~ 16.
27. GI!NERAL CXHŒ:RCIAL œDIN1INCE to OCI1Sider an amerd...."L
to the ex; (General (I....-.cla1) zaún:J district.
aNIKHŒNI2U. RE.VInf: 'Ihe EnviramIental Review
CœIIIittee pt'o ....""'1ds the granti.n:J of a Negative
n-l"'-ratiCl1. 'Ihe 8IIII!!I¿"",t. will u:)o......'L...ate CI1
prcvisia1S of the ordiœnœ reI.a.ti.rg to uses pmmitted
in the zeme.
(CD1t.irJJed to the IIIE!etin3 of ~ _.1~ 16, 1985.)
28. APPLICATIŒ (24-Z-8S) OF Cl'lY OF aJPERl'DI) '.ro REZaŒ
_url-tely 4.7 acres fnD P (Planned Devel,¥""",l)
with Professia1al Office intent) to & (Ptblic
1~l1ildin;J) zeme. 'Ihe subject prcparty is located south
of ØOdrigues 1MnJe east of Torre, north -,f Pacifica
Drive and is Lu..dt....ed by the Regnart Creek d1annel
(Civic center) . mvm::HŒNrAL RE.VInf: 'Ihe
Envircnaental Rsview caœdttee n<..···-·ds the grantjn¡
of a Negative ÐecbratiCl1. ~,....-.ded for ~V'Ial)
(a) First Readirg of ordinance No. 1343: "An
ordinance of the City co.mcil of the City of
0Jpertin0 Amer1din;J secticn 1 of ordinanoe No. 2 by
Rezaù.nl a¡::proxiJaately 4.7 acres frail P to &
ZaIe; Generally located south of Rcdrigues Aveme
east of Torre, north of Pacific Drive, and
bordered by Regnart Creek 01annel."
KIl«7æ Of 'DfE ŒX»JBER Z, 1985 CI'1Y a:œ::IL MŒl'IlG -
Director of Planning' an:! DBY8L 1"·-·.L o:wan )'L s ..Led the
1IßIliœtia1 to 0aJnci1.
It was 1IICMId by SpIIrkB, EléCaœd by Plun;w
an:! pawed unanbø.Jsly to clœe the po"'] 10 hearin;J.
It was 1IICMId by Sparks, seoaœd by Gatto and
l?"'ft-'9d unanbø.Jsly to ~C1\/8 the grantin;J of a Negative
na"."'1"1itim for A¡:plicatia1 24-Z-85.
It was 1IICMId by Sparks, s........ð..d by Gatto an:!
l?"'ftftM unanimc:ŒIly to awo-V'18 Awlicatia1 24-Z-85 per
PJ.annin¡ /'nrmi ....ten Resolutia1 No. 2737.
It was 1IICMId by Plun;w, seccI'Ided by Sparks
an:! I""8fted unanimc:ŒIly to read Ordinance No. 1343 by title
aù.y an:! the City Clerk's reading to castitute the first
reading thereof.
29. cmsi.deratia1 of adqrt:im of a Water Q:r1servatia1
~ ·-IL Plan.
(a) Resolutia1 No. 6711: "A Resolut:ia1 of the City
0aJnci1 of the City of 0Jpertin0 J\ an UJ:ban
Water Mar...., .- ,L Plan for the 0Jpertin0 lofater
It was 1IICMId by Sparks, ~Ided by Jåmsa\
an:! J?"8-'9d unanimcusly to clœe the PJbl1c heerin¡.
It was 1IICMId by SpIIrkB, ..eoalded by Jåmsa\
an:! plved UI'IIIl'1imI:usy to adept Resolutia1 No. 6711.
30. o:ndderaticn of vaœtia1 of a partiat of a PJblic
service -...... .L, IDt 44, Tract No. 3322, easterly of
Deep Cliffe Drive.
(a) Rs8ol.utia1 No. 6712: "A Resolut:ia1 of the City
0aJnci1 of the City ...: ~ 0J:dørin} Vacaticn
of a partiat of a Public Service --.-d. within
the City of 0Jpertin0 pursuant to sect.icn 50430
Et. seq. of the Gov_......d. COde of the state of
Cal1famia, IDt 44, Tract No. 3322, easterly of
Deep Cliffe Drive"
It was 1IICMId by Sparks, ~ð..d by Jåmsa\
an:! !?,,--ed unanimcusly to clœe the PJbH~ heerin¡.
It was 1IICMId by Jàmsa1, -.a~ by Gatto
an:! J?"88ed unanimcusly to adept Resc,1utia1 No. 6712.
Mn«mS OF 'lHE IIYJl4iR 2, 1985 CI.'l"i anaL MŒrOO ·
31. Please refer to item "I""¡""" 26, ARùicatiat 43-tJ-S5.
32. Na1e.
33. Cl"i", for ~ filed by Rcnald W. Sc4¡gæ;.
It was 11XM!d b.y CWlx:. Gatto, sec:x:n8:l by CWlx:. Jc:tJnsa1
am P""""'d I.InaI\ba1sly to authcrize payment ot the clAi", in
the amount of $62.50 upon signin;¡ ot a release fonn by the
34. Pres_IUltiat ot Ðu=':CI....i' lhmnnicatiat study.
City Manager Orlnlan reviewed the history of the sttñy with
COmcil am iuL..· .1IYWI Dan W. Fleisner, ~- Ca1sultinq
Grœp who reviewed the L'¥'Lt with CWlx:i1.
It was 11XM!d by CWlx:. Gatto, seoatded by CWlx:. Plun:y am
p"'....OO UI'1aJÛJIDJsly to diIect staft as soc:n as possible to
0CIII8 back with infœ:matiat regarding the Sheriff's positicn
ot havinJ deplties di~tched by ather than their own
staft, the pluses am miJ'I.Ises of the JPA ~~ as
"fPOSed to the City's own ownership. Cooncil ~ -9d
preference to havin;J the ~n'\icatiŒlS center located in
QJpertino, net at the Sheriff's sul:lstatiat, am that if a
JPA is used them I:Ie a weighted vote.
35. (a) Clarificatiat of enfw."""""".L ot QIpertino
Mmicipal Q)de am related œ:dinaroes.
(1:1) Enf...."""""".L of cxnliticnù pemits.
City Manager Orlnlan, Assistant to the City Manager Brown,
am Director of P1.anninJ am DeYeJ............,L CcMIn reviewed the
variœs enfOL"""""",L ~. ('Ao'"~ with CWlx:i1.
James Dyer, QJpertino resident, ~ 00 SUW' o1.t for the
new pl.v..""""'noes. He stated that he will I:Ie subDittinq a
list of 1"Y'WIt" ..h'lts to l:x:It:h l'hmIn'\ity sezvices am
Plannin:J. Assistant to the City Manager Brown will ~
with Mr. Dyer am capt. 'IhaDas regarding the City's noise
HnmES OF 'IHE œ:::EJIBER 2, 1985 CI'lY CXXJNCIL HE!.'1'nG -
Ann Arqer, McI1ta Vista resident, requested that the city
enact: an ordinimce statin;J MIat can and c:annct be œilt
wit:hcut a l"""""it. She was infœmed that the issue was too
oœplex far a sin;Jle ordinance.
It was IIIO\/8d by COOne. Plun;nr, seocrlded by 0::Iunc. Johnsa1
and I'"'ee'9d unaniJIDJsly to accept an ancI'IYIIQIS gift of
$5,000 to be set in a seperat.e fIOO"O.1I1t as the Mayor's nm
h1t with the ability to cœWçle far inv_t..-It pn;p<:sM'
ani pz:tNide far of interest; to authcrize that
~te1y $2,500 be dcrIated to 0Jpertin0 t"rooMnúty
services with ~urI_te1y 80% p1~ in the shelter fUrxi
and ~u....h""te1y 20% to be r1~ in the directøa
aoooont.; to direct staff to 0CIII8 bIIck with f"""'"
guidelines far the cpmitia1 of the Mayor's nm.
36. Na1e
37. Seccni ..........i"q of Ordinance No. 1335: "An ordinance of
the city of QJpertino A1IIerxiin;J sect:ia1 1 of ordinance
No. 2 by PrezaùD;J ~te1y 53 Acres frail Coonty
of santa Clara A and Rl-IO Zcœs to city of ~ A
Zœe; IDeated Betwen stevens creek Ba1levard and
~...sto Rsy Drive ~te1y 1,000 Sq. Ft. West of
Foothill Boulevard."
It was IIIO\/8d by COOne. Plun;nr, secc:nBi by 0::Iunc. Gatto and
~eeed unarwllcusly to read Ordinance No. 1335 by title ally
ani the city Clerk's to CXIIStitute the secxni tt.ea::eor.
It was IIIO\/8d by 0::Iunc. Gatto, seocrlded by COOne. Plurx:JY and
P"'-gd UlIIIlÜ:II:Iusly to enact ordinance No. 1335.
38. Seccni - ~i'"9 of 0I:d1nance No. 1336: "An ordinance of
the city of 0Jpertin0 A1Dørñing sect:ia1 1 of ordinance
No. 2 by PrezaùD;J ~y 1l± Acres trc:a santa
Clara Coonty A and Rl-IO ZCI1eø to city of 0Jpertin0 T
Zœe; IDeated bebIeen stevens creek Boulevard and
cristo Rsy Drive Apprc::1IdJœI.ty 1,000 Ft. West of
Foat:hil1 Ba1levard."
It was IIIO\/8d by COOne. Plun;nr, w.calded by COOne. Gatto and
~"sed UI1IUÚJIICJUS1y to read Ordinance No. 1336 by title ally
and the city Clerk's to CXIIStitute the secxni
rellJing thereof.
HINUm) OF mE ~ 2, 1985 Cl'IY CXXH:IL iuz.1:uG -
rt was maved by 0::u'IC. Gatto, WoCGtded by O:unc. Plun;w and
P"-~ 1.1I1IUÚJIØJSly to enact ordinance No. 1336.
39. secxn1 p--"irq of 0I:dinanœ No. 1337: "An ordinance of
the City of 0Jpertin0 A1Der1din:J sectim 1 of 0J:ùiJ'wxJe
No. 2 by RIBZa1inq A¡:prt1ICimately .31± Gress Acres fraR P
Za1e to P Za1e; EId.stin1 7-11 CD1IIenienoe stare at
10650 a1I:b Reed."
rt was maved by 0::u'IC. Plun;w, secaded by Q:AInc. Gatto and
P"88ed 1.1I1IUÚJIØJSly to read ordinance No. 1337 by title aù.y
and the City Cle:èt's readin;J to CXI1Stitute the lileexllli
readir¥3 thereof.
rt was maved by Q:AInc. Gatto, seoc:n;Ø! by O:unc. Plun;w and
I"'8...... unanimously to enact: ordinance No. 1337.
40. secxn1 ReIIdirç of ordinance No. 1338: "An ordinance of
the City of 0Jpertin0 A1Der1din:J Sectim 1l.24.15O of the
0Jpert:in0 ltJrIi,.,ip"" Q:1de to Pråùbit st:qpin;J, stanlln;J
or Pa%idn3 at Adriana 1M!nIe"
rt WIIS maved by Q:AInc. Plun;w, WoCGtded by Q:AInc. Gatto and
I""t"!!'ed unïmiJIøJsly to read ominanœ No. 1338 by title aù.y
and the City Manager's readiD;J to cx:œtitute the SðOCId
readj.n} thereof.
rt was mcved by 0::u'IC. Gatto, sec:x::nBl by 0::u'IC. P1un;w and
J"I€,iied unïmiJIøJsly to enact ordinance No. 1338.
41. secxn1 ReIIdirç of ordinance No. 1339: "An ordinance of
the City of 0Jpert1n0 A1Dendirç Secticns 1l.20.020 and
1l.20.030 of the 0Jpert1n0 II.miclpal Code to rncl\de
Granada Aveme and ULaogB, Oliva Aveme and Pa~,
and Granada Aven» and po~ Aveme."
rt WIIS maved by CDJnc. PlUB]Y, ...........:Jed by 0::u'IC. ~tto and
P"-'9!i unanimcusly to read ordinance No. 1339 by title aù.y
and the City ManagIBr's readiD;J to cx:œtitute the secad
~ thereof.
rt WIIS maved by CDJnc. Gat+'..o,]ed by Q:AInc. PlUB]Y and
I"'TH~ unanimcusly to enact ordinance No. 1339.
42. seoc:rñ p--"irq of Ordinance No. 1340: "An ordinance of
the City of 0Jpert1n0 AmendiD;J Sectim 11.24.180 of the
0Jpert1n0 ltmi,.,iI"'l Q:1de Designatinq Diagc:I1al Parldn:]
m ~ia1 Aveme, Ha%y Avenue, Pa~ Aveme and
Pt::s ....>"11t: Place."
~ OF '!HE lImIBER 2, 1985 c:rrr a:am :œTDG -
It was IIICIIed by cœnc. Plungy, secc::I1ded by o:unc. Gatto and
P'" -1¡! unanimcuø1y to read Ordinance No. 1340 by title cnly
and th8 City M!IMger'. l'8I!Idin1 to CXI'IStitute th8 secc:ni
readiD¡ thereof.
It MUI IIICIIed by cœnc. Gatto, secc::I1ded by o:unc. P1un;¡y and
p"'--11 unanimously to enact Ordinance No. 1340.
43. Ib10
44. Reoogl11tim by Mayor of speci>o1 requests.
(a) General ...1rlienoe - None.
(b) City cœnc1l.
Q;unc. Gatto ~ that Parks an::l Recreatim review
material regëmlin¡ th8 west Valley ~~ìa'\Y am det:exmine
if 8aIØ ki.rñ of coordinatiat oculd be ........kéd cut.
Q;unc. P1un;¡y requested any extra oq>ies of th8 n_>+iTn
s.......... be av:oi1~h1.e far various scñools.
(c) staff - None.
'!be IØItiD¡ adjc:mned to closed s ~lm regarciin¡ possible
"""I,i~itim of l'L..........ty and review of possible litigatim
at 9:45 p.m. '!be IIIB8t:.iJq reca1II'E!nIId in o:uncil Ounnhar in
qB1 s rim at 10:45 p.m.
All o:uncih_·~ers wm:e I'L S d., as wm:e City ManIIgBr
Quinlan, City Clez:k O,.uoA1 ius and Directar of Plannin:J and
DeII8l"¥",,,,L Q:Iwan.
P"-ibJe "<'1',iaitim of l'L..........ty - It was IIICIIed by o:unc.
Plungy, SèO..a.da.d by o:unc. Jà1nsat and ~,....... with o:unc.
Gatto di"" Lirç that staff cmt.irJ.Je with fact finlin;J
cnly, net negotiaticns, and .L..........L beck D&:-.J-er 16.
P"-ibJ.e litigatim - 10200 EIIpire Aveme - It was IIICIIed by
Q;unc. Gatto, .........da.d by o:unc. Plun;¡y am I""ft~""
unaniIIr::uIly that a resolutim settiD;J a public hearinq
regaMinq abatement be øàIedu1ed far D&:-· 16, that th8
~"1ity services Officer oc:nt.ira.Je to t%y to cxntact th8
l'L'¥'.Lty owner and cite viOlatiŒlS.
MIlIJlts œ 'JD tmKBPll 2, 1985 CI!l'Y aJR!I¡ M!'IrOO ·
~iÞ1. litigat.ia\ - 10022 P8ninsu1a AwrIJe - It was mr:M!d
by Q:Iunc. Gatto, -.....dac1 by Q:Iunc. Plurçy and P"'--,ð
~y that IItaff ¡,o..~ with t.he IY'"""1 ~. -1:1 '1
œgardiD¡ citaticm m! that civil acticn be initiated.
'!be III8EItirg was adjoumed at 10:55 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.,
'l'UesdzIy, I)oo: _.1 __ 3, 1985.
City Clcit