CC 12-03-85
· .
10300 'l'u....... Aveme, QJpertino, CA 95014
'l'elepx..e: (408) 252-4505
<DJNC:IL JŒU) elf ~ 3, 1985 IN 'DIE <DJNC:IL
'!he meetin;J was called to order in cœnci1 Q\....~C at 7:00
p.m. by MIIyar RcgelS.
0::Jun:::. P.L e- uL:
Gatto, Jåmøcn, Plungy, SpIIrlcs, MIIyar Rogexs
staff P... s _Jl.:
City Mi!IMger 01in1an
City Cleñc COmelius
Directar of PUblic WOrks viskcvich
Directar of P1.ar1nin¡ ani Devel___Jl. ocwan
l"nmII"1ity Affairs Officer Mays
PlarInin] ChmIi "Siemers l'res ,IL:
B. =- J.íL fJ:aD Caltrans:
~",i'" Fakharzadeh
MIIyar Rogel:'8 reviewed thø bac:kgn:uñ of Highway 85 and the
~.. "'''''''' that waùd be followed cmring the meeting.
Hr. Fakharzadeh stated that be ......,,.. be !lV"ibh1<E1 cmring
the meeting to IU'II!IL_ any cpøt.ic:nJ.
David RadtJœ, 7449 ~ Driw, stated that be
pretm:red no reed at all. He felt it .......,,.. create .:Jœ
noise in the ne!ght- ..1. .-¡dø ani warB81 air pollution. He
~ eel ................ that it '«""'" al80 lr....._ the ~ic
en local ..t..._ta as the b"n"in¡ of Jri~ 85 OO'l1d wall
result in deve1___Jl. of aœIIS that COIM at:bImdse net be
deve1c:ped. He stated that be did not ...., i_ 0Jpertin0
residents 1IICIÜd use Higt-y 85 in cxmmtinq ani that Los
Gates, ~,~ valley ani santa Ct'!Jz wculd be the a1I!S
benefitin:¡ .
MiJœ Ianclis, 1087 Kent:wcod Aveme, adjacent to the right of
way, ~-~ .............. regardin;J at ~ point people 1IICIÜd
step builcllix] fi. I!'lJayB. He stated that it Highway 85
bee. -.- j......w, then amt:her solution will have to be
fCAJrñ, so 1oi1y net fiIrl that solutiat new. He stated that
an eight-lane fi. I!'lIa}' with no m""Ji",,, and all pavement wculd
MDIUl'ES OF '!HE ŒX:ÐmER 3, 1985 C1'lY axJNCIL MEE'l'DÇ -
be detrilŒntal to the area. He inquired regardin:J Þ.1tfers
am øam:i 1IIal1s. He stated ~..........d. with the oCb.qlL of a
~ scl b: vmy am if p:lSSible, truck :restri.ctiœ.
Althoogh he liJœ the ~&.qoIt of light rail, he did net feel
that the density was 1-"- s ,It to justify the cost. He
su,¡.~-ted, that the Highway 85 right of way be used far a
~'=ICd belt.
lb1 Gc:W.d, 81ll Presidio Drive, spoIœ in EII«"'.Lt of a
b. euay. He stated -~t he has net been ham' with all the
~ that have occurred in 0Jpertin0!:ut c.:harx3e àœs
occur. He said he didn't liJœ the st:op signs a¡ aJtD Read
at first, !:ut new they are all right. He stated the
c:pini.œ that at least at first the b. S1¡ my wœld net maJœ
the traffic wcr&e. He expressed a prefereooe far a
~ '!"scl b. '!q of six ar eight lanes with the 11IiMl e
open far eventual light rail.
Nancy Szymanski, 873 Lily AverJJe, EAW o1.ted a six-lane
b. S1¡/aY with JÐ\T lanes. She also ~ e'9d prefereooe far
a ~-~scl b. ~/aY with yv-e down H::Clellan to Ib1ta
vista High Sà1col. She questia1ed camcil's lack of
sun>.. L far a fœr-lane b. Slimy as ;re. . ···.-.Ided by staff,
am was infnntWI that staff merely 1-"- Sl1.tê!d j.......... am did
net 8IW '.L L the fœr-lane b. ~my. 'D1eir 0CI1CE!D'l was the
L......lSitien frail the new 85 to the old 85. Ms. szymanski
stated she did IXIt supp Q. t eight lanes nor did she supp- '.L L
light rail.
Ral¡:i1 Riddle, 1061 Nav-t..:... Drive, su¡:p the efficient
IIICM!IIII!r1t of traffic throogh 0Jpertin0. He is net
that the b. 1I/aY is the best way as it dceø enccmage
deYe1"t-RjL. He st.J~-ted, a fQ.1r-lane ~ s-Mð highway
am asJœd 1IIIat plans far 85 there were throogh Saratoqa am
IA::8 GataI. He was infcmæd that the '-'isien has net yet
been JIIIIIde. Mr. Riddle urged tuat the b. IIJay' be JIIIIIde the
S2IIIB throogh 8IIICh City. He was infnntWI that there wa1ld
have to be a oo._1SUS en an altemative. Mr. Riddle
favored a 1IBSS transit system suål as B1\Rl' that wœld
0.....-..'1: into a larger system.
cnmc. Gatto reviewed the raxte, 1-"-vu=S of ~isicn,
variaJs altematives, J:'LUj,<JSed int:erc::han:1e, project
profile, costs, status of ~ of right of way an:! the
timetable far the project.
Eleanor Werner, 20076 L:!Rcda, stated that the l""88!WJe of
!WI"'Jre A assured the b1i.1din:J of Highway 85. 0Jpertin0
needs the tl. ] I!'II!Iy am a p,lblic transit system. She
SlW",lB a six-lane tl. l!'lray with the pcssibility of future
additicn of BARr. She stated that 8CIII8t:.imes it is mre
c:cstly to be shartsighted rather than futuristic.
Brett Borah, 843 Lily Aven¡e, said that ~ he pm::based
his haDe he did realize he was 1::IUyinJ near ::he right of way
for a fUture ~ I!'lJay. He _ --1 EIUßX)il t for eight lanes
with light rail to get peqùe cut of their cars. He stated
that the Hmi in san Francisco has many p"~-mgers am the
prøvi.œs key system is 1IIieeed. He felt the eight lanes
with the light rail waùd be the best alternative for the
area as a 1ob:>le.
Ann ArJ]er, Highway 85 Task Force, stated that saratoga am
Los Gates are causin;J prc:blems am that saratoga has been
quoted as statinJ that they will pllServe the envL.UI......Jt
of their pec¢e. She stated that saratoga am Los Gates
0CIIIII.1ters are goirg through 0Jpertin0 am it is time for a
f1. "may.
Mark Brodsky, 10380 Malvent O:::urt, stated that he has been
meetin:;J with varialS people regardin;J Highway 85. '1here
seems to be SCIII8 ooosensus that the f1. [ I!'I ray is a stopgap
""""''''Iœ. He exþ&.-~ed the opiniat that HJ\T works en
HigtM¡y 237 ani en san 'I'aDas and that it is neoeI!!\!'Iary to
keep the space for future transit ways. He sugcJ8dted a
fi. I!'lJay of six lanes with Œ18 lan9 in ead1 directien as a
"i~ lan9 with a center lan9 for future deIIel~lt.
JJm Mart, 10325 Pl\.uuL...... L!Ine, supp..,d.,ad an eight-lane
~ HJay with a _H",,, of bolo lanes for bJsss am IÐ\1s that
.......'ld be oawerted to light rail.
Shishir lt1kherjee, 1174 SOatland Drive, felt a f1._JRrj with
p,lblic transit ToICUld fail ani that the ..... v»ed ~_wy
will attract mre traffic. He stated that because the
oorridar was detemined 25 years lIqO there is no need to
hnild through the City today. He stated that ßt1~ies shew
III.Id1 traffic en the ..L....dts is local traffic. He suggested
a p1blic transit system si1lli1ar to BARr or light rail. Mr.
lt1kherjee stated that if the f1. 'ay is a 1IIJSt, it sha1ld
not be made an attractive oorridar tut four to six lanes
balanced with the pr:EUJt 85.
Marta Sa1nenblick, Uþ1and Way, stated that the West
0Jpertin0 Traffic b'tuiy was not very accurate ani needs to
be œdaIe. She stated that the group did not get every car
ocunted. She stated that the eight-lane freeway is
prefezred by mœt of the people in West 0Jpertin0. I'Eq>le
MINUI'I;S OF '!HE r.Ð:»œER 3, 1985 Cl'IY axJNCIL !ŒE.TI1G -
do lika their cars hAMo1'.... it gives them She
~--ed a pretn;~~ for an eight-lane t1. l!'lray, an:i in
the fUture if it is ~ the aåiitiœ of light rail.
.J\.ñy 0........., 7551 Squizewcod way, .~ an eight-lane
b. l!'lray an:i ~¡ppc...led four lanes with transit in the
Ratmyn ~les, 0Jpertin0 QumNor of ~1'"Q8, exp:~~
c....-'-;II reqardiD;J the CCI'ISistency betueen the neII 85 an:i
the old 85 an:i stated a pret.............. for eight lanes. She
inf01"ftlOOd these ~ s ,IL that the evaluatiœ of wideniD:l the
~ Õ _JL Highway 85 to eight lanes shculd be cc:mpleted in
awrcodmately eighteen JID1ths. She also stated that
~"'lre A fI.1njs cxW.d be used m the existin;J partim of
Leland Keys, 7885 Festival Drive stated that peeple liviD}
next to the b. l!'lray will have problems and mged cameil to
lessen the hpct of noise and air quality problems.
Rich Bl-_, 7708 Qroq:rimde Place, cxpl: aed ca.......u
regæ:àin;J an eight-lane b. E'1ray. He did feel that a light
rail woold be good and stated that he had maved to
0Jpertin0 £ran Los ~es ~\Se of the quality of life.
He ~-teð, a four-lane b. v'!Ij' with light rail.
Wayne 0........., Squirewood way, also ~ ssed oa.cen,
reqardirg eight lanes, part:icuJ.arly the fact that the eight
lanes woold nan'OW to two at Mamtain View.
It was maved by came. SpIU:iœ, sec:x:t1ded by came. Gatto an:i
I""esed unaIÙJIø.Isly to close the public hearinJ.
Den MacJœnzie, Plann1n;J n-orni_im, stated that he
did not believe that Highway 85 would divide a neiqhbœ:hood
or 1n1rt the City's planrù.n}. He stated that the'II'1i1ç
n-orni -im has taIœn great efforts to mitigate noise
problems. He urged a dq....-"'ed b. I!'lJay. He also stated
that 0Jpertin0 woold not have the density to make light
rail effective and that staff issue needs to be aàh.: T~ed,
especially the transitiœ £ran the ~. ~sed 85 to the
CUlL...IL 85.
Director of Public Worlœ Viskavich .............-ized his LO:'~A.'LL
and the i.......... . He stated that even with the J::ui1din} of
Highway 85 local ..LL.....ts will be can:yirq capacity.
Camcil ñi",....·.."'ed the various alternatives and ~
ca--rn reqardiIxJ the transitim fran 1JL<'~ to ptese.llt
Highway 85.
· '
MDI(1l'!S œ 'DIE II!C!XdI!'.R 3, 1985 CI'lY <DJNCIL J'IUiJ...u«¡ -
It .. IIICMId by Q:IQnc. Gatto, 680ClUded by 0CAmc. SperJcllIID1
p"--,IS unarWaIsly to IIIW~t the eight-læw b:Jllray
altcnativa with the fw:t:hBr stipulatia1 that CII8 læw in
~ c:Urect:.icn be ~ 1IJ'l.
By 0... ...., 0CAmcil requested that the 2nlllray be
~ nlS ~ eoQ..i.....11y fAl!tllih1. IID1 not just: ~ THIS
in CII8 l'Y'IIMO"1ity unl888 that partiœlar l't'IIIIO"'Iity WZ'8
wil1iD¡ to pay far it; ocuncil also imicated that they
.....'ld not be int:c8øted in a psyII81t of an extra $10-15
",nHm to ~ the b. Amy just: in 0Jpertin0; <A,LBn&US
.. J:8IIåIed that truck traffic be rest:rict:ed IID1 that
~_t...\JCtim start with the partia1 in 0Jpertin0.
At 9:05 p.D., the III88tJD;J was adjcumed.
~~ æ¿-~-
City C1.e.>:k