CC 12-16-85 . . Cl'lY or aJ1'ER1'nÐ, S'IME OF CAI..IRRfIA 10300 'lWr8 AV8IUI, 0Jpert.in0, CA 915014 Telep....: (408) 252-41505 KINV'1m or 'lH! R!GJIAR 1'IUa".uG or 'lH! Cl'lY a:oar. : HEU> (If Œ1C:EJØ3œ 16, 1985 IN'IHB c:xu«::IL œ~, CIJFERrnÐ, CALIl'aIŒA ~ At 6:45 p.m., the III88t.iD¡ _ ,...11ed to (lLCIiN, by .,. Rcgers in the O:iuncil. Q\-..J _. SAW'l'E 'It) 'lH! FIAG R:>IL CAU. Counc. ~ J utt: Gatto, Jchnsa1 (left at 10:30 p.m.), Plungy, SlW"- (8:50 p.m.), Mayor Rogers staff ~ r _IL: City HalIageJ: Orlnlan City Clet1t O""....J.ius Director of Public Works Viskcvi.å1 Directar of Plaminq and DIIYe],. '1 .L Oawan . Director of Finance snyœr Direct:ar of Parks and a.crøatia1 Dc:IIoI1ing ~ to the City Manager Brown A8IIfstant Planniø;J Director pi --1d. ~m.ity Affairs Officer M'IIyB C1.tyAttomey Kilian ~ œ NÐf AGÐIDo\ l'IDI9 - NcrIe. CERI!H:tIIAL MkI...LUC:>~ - NcnI. S'I2\FF ~ 1. Oral...........ts by staff 111 J-«t:8 and --"-"m of written .L~ls. Citv~IS~·'.LL . . COm::i1 received the b¡.......L. 2 . It:Irr..h1 Y Treasurer's and añ;Jet Riepol t - NoI............ CaJr'.c.i1 received the ........... t.. 3. Report ''TerminatiŒl of Paper Recycling' Pilot PL~alllo" -1- þ MINt1lUI OF '!HE œci!MBER 16, 1985 C1'lY OX!NCIL MEEl'DG - cc-685 It was IIICIII8d by ocurx:. Gatto, seoalded by CØD::. Plungy am I"'eTB~ UDIIJÚJID1Sly by t}x se }"o s_,L to retmn $4,736 to the General !Und. 4. Repc&L reqæ:djn¡ Plann;1n;J l":'oNni....im actia1 regarding Awliœt.ia'1 47-u-85, Civic Center. By 0.._ EII'ISUS, ocurx:il directed the aràU.tect pœpere a plan stxIw1n:¡ altemate -...--.. to the }"o'~ Civic Center am larv'I-.pirç and to ~ s .£ it to the P1anninr:J ,.,..,."i ....1m at their meet.i.n;J of Jaruu:y 13. ocurx:il will review the Planning ,.,..,."i -1m ac:tia1 after the thirteent:h and detemina ~ or net to file an ÇP"'" . ocurx:il also directed staff to infam the ¡:ù)lic reqæ:djn¡ the pras .£ status of this project. 5. ~L Œ1 seoc:ni tier ~btiŒ1 - Gleri........Jt Apartments and Tenants. Assistant to the City Manager Brcwn reviewed the l."¥AL with 0a..Incil. þ axJNCIL ~'& 6. Mayer ~ 2IßX)1nted O;unoi h_.J -era SpaID and Plungy to serve en a OCIIIIIittee to review the policy mgardin¡ present:aticns of pins, resolutiaB, trays, etc. 'Ihe OCIIIIIittee was directed to ""¥AI:. back in Jaø.m:y. CDISÐfl' CAIamAR (It is r..:· ····....Ided that itsB 11 th1:aJgh 27 :be acted Œ1 sbult:ar-'o..]y unless separate ~i""''''''ia1 am¡or actiŒ1 is requested. ) Mayer Rcgn.. reDDYed ItsB 15, 16, 22 and 26. D.irectar of Public 1i....k.o Viskcvic::n r8IICM!d Item No. 17. It was IIICIII8d by ocurx:. Plungy, ........dt.d by CØD::. Gatto and I"'e-'!Id UDIIJÚJID1Sly by t}x se }"o S iL to a¡:prove the balance of the 0CI1sent Calendar as .z"hnitted. . 11. Resoluticn No. 6714: "A ResolutiŒ1 of the City Ccm1cl1 of the City of QJp2rtino Allowi.rq Certain Clabns and DeInan:!s Payable in the Amc:u1ts and frail the FUnds as Hereinafter Descr:ilied for Salaries and Wages for the Payroll Period Encl:irg NoveIJtÞer 26, 1985." -2- þ MJNJms OF '11IE ~ 16, 1985 Cl'IY <DJNCIL MŒl'IlÐ - cc-685 12. Resolution No. 6715: "A Resolution of the City counc.u of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allcwin¡ certain Cl..i-. and DeIIIim:B PayBb1e in the Amamts and FraIl the !\Jms as Hereinafter Described for General and Misœ1lanecus Experxiitures for the Period Erñin:J Ðeoc-.l'E!r 6, 1985." 13. Request far 1986 waiver of bJsiness license fees fraI1 American Cancer ~i«:y. 14. SUnlllaIS and OCIIplaint far refIm:i of taxes - sears, RoeWck & Q). 15. Remved. 16. Remved. 17. Remved. . 18. Resolutioo No. 6719: "A Resolution of the City counc.u of the City of QJpertino ~ the Final Map and DIpraYement Plans of Tract No. 7787 I/x:ated SCIuthøast eo.......... of Blaney AvenJe and Price Avenue: Developer, Pm1 Cal rnve..t.......l Q).: J\cceptiD;J certain _.........Its: Authorizirç Signinq of Final Map and ~~It Planø: Authorizirç the 1õ'IcIecutim of J!.jL..........1t in ocnnectia1. 'lherewith. " 19. Resolution No. 6720" "A Resolution of the City counc.u of the City of QJpertino Authorizirç Exec:uticn of AmerIdme1Jt;. to Aj.._.l with the state of Califœ:nia, EKt:en:iinq 'l'e.aIIinat:ia Date of a Certain h:¡1:eESœ11t for the H::xiificaticn of Traffic Q...¡l...ú1 System, Etc., at De Anza BculevaJ:ù and JbJte 280." 20. Resolution Ko. 6721: "A Resolut1m of the City counc.u of the City of QJpertino ~ Final Plan for the DIpraYement of FrŒ1tage I/x:ated m Granada Avenue: Developer, Raymcni M. RcoIœr and Betty p.......,e8-en RcoIœrr Authorizirç the City Erqineer to Sign the Final Plan: and Authorizirç Execu""...im of J!.jL........."t in COln......1:im 'lherewith." . 21. Resolutim Nc.. 6722: "A Resolutim 0:: the City Council of the City of QJpertino 1q:provirç the Amerr:led Map of Tract No. 7683, Located Adjacent to Jollyman Park: Developer, QJpertino unim School Di.e:trict: Autl10rizirç the City ET'gineer to Sign said ~ Map." 22. Remved. -3- . MINt1JJ!S OF 'mE ŒXÐŒIER 16, 1985 c:I'l'!C OXJNCIL 1'IriI!ò'....uG - 0:-685 23. Resoll.1t.iœ No. 6724: "A ~ff>ll"'i..., at the city CDJncil of the city of 0Jpertin0 Accept1n¡ Grant of ---·.L for ~ P\Jr:tJ:S"9S fraa otis P. Farga amllJrie1 N. Farga Q:ndstJ.n;J of ~y 0.016 Acres, IDeated west Side of No. De Anza BcW.8YIIId Harth at I-280." 24. ResolI.1t.iœ No. 6725: "A HIIIIolutiœ at the city CDJncil of the city of 0Jpertin0 Accept1n¡ a Grant of ---..L for ~':i""...y Vehicle Aœ and Pl1b1io service 1\n.p: ssø fraa otis P. Forg8 am JIJrie1 N. Plu.': OI IDeated west of No. De Anza Bcul8Yard, Harth and Adja:81t to I-280 0:nIist:in] of ~y 0.13 Acres." 25. Min1tes of the adjourned regular IIIII8tiD:¡ at NaIr...La.. 13, 1985. 26. ReIr:Ned. 27. Acceptanoa of city project pert--- under .....d....aet: MiBoeJ.1anec:g¡ Water Main ~,... - .L Project 85-107. . Vote l-b.ics of the City Ch1lY'!i] AYES: Gatto, Jåu1sal, P1ungy, RogeL.. NOES: Na1e ABSml': Sparks ABSmIN: Na1e l'ftH3 REH:/IJID P1Q( a:tmm' C'AIDII:aR 16. ResolI.1t.iœ No. 6716: "A Resolutia1 at the city CDJncil at the City of 0Jpertin0 Dec::1.arin¡ Intent to QDU:::t Public Hearlnq a..........hÙ1lJ a K1isance at 10200 _ire AVI!nJ8, 0Jpertin0." þ It was IIICMId by Came. Plungy, -o....dtd by Came. JchnBa1 and !'""....,M unanimcusJ.y by these ~ If L to delete No. 16. 17. Resoll.1t.iœ No. 6718: "A R8fJoluticn at the City CDJncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Set:t.in¡ a Public Hear1n¡ to 0:nI!der Mitigat:icm Measures for the Eatat Area Traffic and the Ali."........rt. of Peclfica Drlve¡'!loClellan Road. It was IIICMId by Camc. Gatto, S8OCII})ed by Camc. Jchnscn and I"'''E'ed ~y by these ~ 19' .L to adept Reso1uticn No. 6718 a¡:provi.n;J cpticn 1 whidl includes the neighborl1ood protecticn plan. -4- MDVlES OF '!HE ŒX»IBER 16, 1985 Cl'IY CXXJNCIL iosua'..I.lG - oo-E85 15. Resoluticn No. 6716: "A Resoluticn of the City coun::il of the City of Q¡pertino Bettin¡ TiE am Place tar Public Hearln;r to Q:nd.der cancellaticn of a land CCnIervaticn a..jLLaCt am waiver of cancellaticn Fee." It was 1IICIIIed by o:.mc. PlUBJY, seocaùed by o:.mc. Jåu'lSCln and pot--ed UI'IalÛIIDmly by these pl ¡ S aL to adept Resoluticn No. 6716. 22. Resoluticn No. 6723: "A Resoluticn of the City coun::il of the City of Q¡pertino callin;r a Public Hearin;r to Dete:mine 1I1eU... Public pa.-eity, health, safety or Welfare Requires the FoDIIaticn of underground utility District 11 cn De Anza Boulevard:frall stevens Creek Boulevard to 6Q) Ft. North of McClellan lb!Id." It was 1IICIIIed by o:.mc. PlUBJY, seoc:r1ded by o:.mc. Jåmsa1 and ~ssed ~y by these 1-"- ,.: ht to adc:pt Resoluticn No. 6723 with the date of the hearin;r amemed to read Jaruay 21, 1986. 26. Minttes of the regular meet.in] of NaveIiJer 18, 1985. It was Dr:Ned by o:.mc. ~.., seoc:r1ded by o:.mc. Gatto and P"'---:\ unanimcus1y by these 1-"- S _IL to "K'LVIfe the min1tes with ~ bIo, last par-.."..a¡l1 before adjcw.."""'at. to C't\....I........, amesdad to read, " staff shall do so." œAL CXJHJNICATIœ9 29. )10....1........ of the ..,,:¡ience regaxdin;r matters not cn the agema. JœUh8 ÐD1co, 8072 Paxit Villa Circle, ..c1:h.-"ed coun::il regaxdin;r traffic prcbl_ aroJIÙ the 7-11 stare cn aJl::b lÞ!Id. She _ SMitoad o:.mcll with a letter am offared SUoJ.---tlc:r1s for mit.igaticn. City Manager 0ùn1an stated that staff is aware of the prcblem and FI.Iòlic WOrks is worIdnq cn iJrplementin;r solutioos. staff was directed to serñ a cqJy of Ms. EIDIto's letter to the Sheriff's Department. R1BLIC HE:ARnœ 30. Weed Abatement P>.~CWI - p.¡blic hearing for the ~ of hearin;r any OOjec:tioos to the 1-"-'~ destructicn or remcval of ,.--:18. -5- MIN!1I'ES OF '!HE ŒXDœER 16, 1985 (I7i <XXJNCIL MEE1'I1G - <X:-685 30. (a) Reaolutia1 No. 6726: "A Resolutia'l of the City Cooncil of the City of QJpertino Otdering the Abatement of Public NUisance Fursuant to Provisia1S of Ordinance No. 724 and Resolutia1 No. 6703." Jotm W:iJDer, Santa Clara COUnty Fire Marshal, was avoof1..hle for quest!a'lS 1'raa Cooncil. Ric:tlam zamar, 155!#1 Equestrian way, Matte sereno, )'L"¥'Lty owner en Rainbow Drive, ~......."«t the q¡inic:n that it was a mistaJœ to abate 1oI8eds at this time --1~ of pœsible ercsia'l 1'raa the winter rains. Mr. wimer said that his staff ~ùd look at Mr. Zamar's lot end hold off a'l abatement it it ~rs that there \«:IU1d be an ercsia'l prå)lem. If an ð9.a--......t. c:anoot be read1ed with the prq¡erty owner, he '«:IUld return to COOIx:i1. Mr. Zamar infozmed Ccuncil that the City has a water tank a'l his prq¡erty . Joe Sparks, 22032 Lindy I.ane, å:Jjected to the abatement ooc:urrin¡ at all in his area, partiallarly di"(!in¡ or use of heJ:bioiAAa as that is an active slide area. Lee Blachly, 11450 Canya1 View Circle, stated that he did not want the COUnty sprayin;J heJ:bicide ~ he has planted ground COII8I:'. He does not want di"""in¡ beœ>1SS of the ercsim threat. He '«:IUld liJœ to talk with the COUnty regarãin:J Wat '«:IUld need to be dale and the methodology to be used. It was IID\Ied by COOIx:. Jåmsa\, seoc:nded by COOIx:. Pl\.D3Y and p"a-1Id unaniJD::Jusly by those ..... ! ..t. to close the p.¡blic hearin;J. It was IID\Ied by COOIx:. Jåuleal, 8ðu.&.c'It.c1 by COOIx:. Pl\.D3Y end p"-1Id unanimcus1y by those )'L s It. to adept Resolutia1 No. 6726 with the understalxiinq that those ..dr::h. ..in¡ Cooncil duri.n;J the heariD:.J '«:IUld meet with the COUnty regarãin:J a JIUtually ~ hIe solutia1 to their prå)lems. 31. CX:nsideraticn of aJ'II'IeDfD.tien of area designated "SOOth stellin¡ 85-03." (a) Resolutien No. 6727: "A Resolutia'l of the City CaJrx:i1 of the City of QJpertino omerin:J Annexatien of Area Designated as ' SOOth stellirç' 85-03 ' . " -6- MnÐDS OF '!HE ŒX::DœER 16, 1985 Cl'1Y IXUICIL MEEl'DG - ~5 It was IIDII8d by 0CUIc. Gatto, seoad.4 by 0CUIc. Jåmsa1 aM p---eiS Ul1IU1iJIDJsly by these pl. S It. to clcøe the pmlic ~. It was IIDII8d by 0CUIc. Gatto, secc:med by 0CUIc. Jåmsa1 and p"'~-eiS Ul1IU1iJIDJsly by these pl. S ¡it to adept Reso1utia1 No. 6727. 32. O:ndderatiat of amexatiat of area designated ''Rainbow Drive 85-04." (a) Resolutkn No. 6728: "A Reso1utia1 of the City 0CUIcil of the City of 0Jpert1n0 0rdex'in1 Annexatiat of Area Designated as 'RainI:x7.r Drive 85-04 ' . " It was IIDII8d by 0CUIc. Gatto, seocn3ed by 0CUIc. Jobnsat and p"'~9d Ul1IU1iJIDJsly by these pl. S!1it to close the pJb1ic hearirxJ . It was IIDII8d by 0CUIc. Gatto, sec....JC1t,d by 0CUIc. Pluny and p"'~~eiS Ul1IU1iJIDJsly by these)'l. 1:ht. to adcpt Resolutiat No. 6728. 33. Request !rail IooF far renewal of bin:Jo pemit. It was IIDII8d by 0CUIc. JåInsat, secc:r1ded by 0CUIc. Gatto and p"'eS'9d ~y by these pLS_Jt. to close the p.¡blic hearilX] . It was IIDII8d by Q,unc. JåInsat, secc:med by 0CUIc. Gatto and p"'~-9d Ul1IU1iJIDJsly by thœe )'I. S Mlt. to ¡çprave the bin:Jo pemit CXI1tin;Jent upon IOOF meetirq the requirements of ce.íLLal Fixe Protect:.ia1 District. 34. Hearin;J to c1et:mm.ine it certain cxniiticns at IDt 15, Tract 5990 oot.titute Ii pJb1ic ruisance and, it so, to order abatement. (a) Resolutiat No. 6731: "A Resolutiat of the City 0CUIcil of the City of 0Jpert1n0 orderin¡ Abatement of Public Nuisance Catsistin;J of --.,.ive Dirt Bein] stored at IDt 15, Tract 5990, Am 366-38-12." Assistant to the City Manager Brown &lh...-'ged CWncil and inLL· .Jl1œd Mrs. ~. Mrs. Rcb!rts, 11545 Upland Way, read a statement into the ream:! regarãi~ the histoty of the p.¡blic rurlsance. -7- MINt7l'ES OF 'DIE IEC::EJœER 16, 1985 C1'I.Y caJNCIL JŒe1'DÇ - cc-685 Mr. GarriscI'I, 1580 Palm Canya1 Drive, Palm Sprin:;pI, ""¥L!S! d.in:z Mr. Willard, stated that a plan hds been filed with PI.1blic Wolb am an 8ßÙicatia1 far a gradin;J pez:mit to take care of the dirt has been 1IIIde. Director of PUblic Works V:iskcvic:h stated that there .is a need to resolve this prcb].EIII ~ti""''''ly. Mr. Garrisat said he ocW.d arrarge far drainage mile wait.in:J far abatement of the prà:)lEIII. '!be dirt will be <XIIpCted as part: of an overall plan. Mr. Garriscn also stated that the døvelc:per had 1DCM!d a¡;prc:odmately 100 yards of dirt to the locaticn in questia1. Mr. V:iskcvic:h said that there .is new Dm'8 dirt than that. An i....-H..œ t_.'1....aIy solutiat ooold be ~, cleanin;J cut the stara dra.in am the oa.c...et:e drainage ditd1. A lOOi ,. EnJineer wa1ld be CXI'Itacted at a108 far oertificatiat of CXIIpICt:.icn of the dirt. Final pez:mit am gradin;J wa1ld CXIII8 at a later date. It was 1DCM!d by CCUnc. JàInsa1, seoc:r1ded by CCUnc. Gatto and ]?a'!s'I!d UI'I2IlÛDIcAJsly by those tAL LIt to close the public heariD¡ . It was 1DCM!d by CCUnc. JàInsa1, seoc:r1ded by came. Ga\;tl) and p"ø-'9d UI'I2IlÛDIcAJsly by those tAL ! ¡lot:. to adept Resolut:iCõ1 No. 6731 declarin;J the --"ive dirt a pm1ic I'I1isance aM orderin;J abatement. 35. GEm:RAL CXIIIEa::IAL amINANCE to CD1Sider an ........d-.t to the a; (Gene1.al n ....-. cia1) zailiq district. ~ RE.VIÐf: 'lbe Plannin¡ n-o-i-iat po:- ....-.Jds the grantin;J of a Negative """""-rat.ic:o. '!be zllller)C)b.....t will O'.........It...ate at prcvisicnl of the ominarx8 1'8lat.in;r to USe3 pez:mitted in the Za18. (a) First rædin;J of ordinance No. 1344: "l'.:! ordinance of the City of 0Jpert:in0 P<>£-'in;J Ordinan::e No. 1295 Regu1at.in:J General O· ...... cial (a;) Za1es am Rec;.uiriD¡ Use !'emit Review far certain Uses." I Director of Planning and Devel..'},.......t:. Q:Jwan reviewed the tAL· 'l":S!!:i ordinance am chan:}es it would make with CCUncil. It was 1DOIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, seo....dt.d by CCUnc. Jå111Sa1 am I"'....'I!d UI'IalÚJIø1sly by those ~ ! ult to close ~.he public hearin;¡ . -8- MINt1l'ES OF '!HE ~ 16, 1985 CIT\( CXUlCIL MEE1'I1Ç - <X:-685 It was IIICIII8d by 0:u1c. Jàmsa1, sec:cmed by 0:u1c. Gatto and pa lll'ed ~y by these 1'L S _IL to grant a Negative Dedaratiat far the project. It was IIICIII8d by 0:u1c. Plun;w, sec:cmed by 0:u1c. Gatto and P"''''''ed ~y by these þL Seflt to read 0rdinImce No. 1344 by title a1l.y and the city Clerk's readizç to IXI1Stitute the first readi.n;J thereof. It was IIICIII8d by 0:u1c. Gatto, seocn:1ed by 0:u1c. Jàmsa1 and l""""ed ~y by these 1"- s_IL to awrava tl1a sett:irg of a public hearing' to OCI1Sider I!IIIIE!I1din:¡ the 1'L' ....-'l'"iÙ 0ld1nance as per Planninq Chmtiqta1 Resolutien No. 2751. 36. AR>1icatien 23-Z-85 of HIJNl'ER FR:)M:KI.'~ 'ro REZaŒ ~tely .21 acres frcm Rl-10 (residential, sin¡le-family 10,000 sq. ft. miniJDJm lot size) za'I8 to P. USE PEanT (43-u-B5) to OClUStluct a 2,30o± sq. ft. additien to an approved ~>'Cial hl1iMh~. E2NIlUIMENrAL RE.VIEW: '!be Planninq Chmti....ta1 reo .......TÙ¡ the grantin;J of a Negative """''''ratien. '!be subject pJ:q)erty is generally located en the scut.hwest 001....... of DeAnza Blvd. and McClellan Read. (AR>1icatia'lS p..:.....-'1ded far denial.) (a) First n..-"1rg of 0rdinImce No. 1342: "An 0rdinImce of the city cnmcil of the city of 0Jpertin0 Amendinr¡ Sect:ic:n 1 of ordinance No. 2 by Rezc:nirg ~"",i-tely .21 ~ frcm Rl-10 to P Zc:ne: Genelcùly IDeated en the Southwest c.......... of DeAnza Bculevam and McClellan RoI!Id." Dizectar of PJ.annirg and Cevel...,,,umuL Q:¡wran reviewed the history of the applicatiaw with cnmcil. Albert J. Ruffo, 333 W. Santa Clara st., SUite 800, san Jose, attorney ""'t"- S~jUrg DeJœ and Dirlt 1b1ter, reviewed the 1'L' '1' -ü with CaIncil. ,city Clerk's Note: 0:u1c. SpEI%iœ arrived at 8:50 p.m.) Joan Mver, 20520 BlosSCIII Iane, stated she was upset at remarks that she was not willin¡ to sell her prqJert:y as she had never made SUål a statement. However, she said she is not willin¡ to give the prqJert:y tJMaY. She is not against rezarlrg bIt does not want it dale pi-I. SUe Kretschmann, 20568 Blossan lane, said that she has worJœd in the cnmty with housing issues and reo:> ....-rded that prqJert:y be left residential. -9- MINUŒS OF '!HE ŒX::DœER 16, 1985 CITY CXXJNCIL MEETIN:; - oc-685 Mrs. Waltr...h rEident œ the sc:uth side of t:!¥1 a.ù.-ða -'''', ilq.rlred regamin;J gradirg plans. Helen H:::Da1ald stated that she had sent a 1etter to cooncil ~ the lb1ter's døvel,¥"""L. Mr. Ruffo stated that staff oaùd check the landscapirq and gradin;J. amt:er Prc::p!rties wishes to iJi: lServe the neighboñ¡ccxl. Mrs. waltrip mentia1ed that she believed that previous1y there was a b1ueprint for the other three lots. It was m::JYed. by CJwrx::. Sparks, seocn:1ed by CDmc. Jåmson and pa6'e9d unani.DnJs1y to close the pëHc hearin:;J. CoorIcil r'li .....11'~'9d c:x::I'It.irI1i these awlications until the General Plan i-Je was adh.~'5'ed. It was m::JYed. by CJwrx::. Gatto, seocn:1ed by Q:JUnc. Sparks a."1d p"-nd unani.DnJs1y to recpen the p¥¡lic hearin;J and oc:ntime cx:ndderatiœ of these çlicatia1s to the meetin;J of Febr\¡my 3, 1986 at ~c:h ti:me the Genera1. Plan AmeIdmellt. will also be CCI'ISidered. cooncil clirec::bñ the Pl.amin¡ l'hNni -iat to review the çlications anA ...~t back. 37. city of Cl1pertino: A.ua.ilb.:.iI. to the Trailer ordinaJx e regu1atin;J pmdnI¡ and staœge of rec:reatia1 vehicles, trailers, 1IIå:Ii1e hcmøs and 8i",i"'~ vehicles in all za1iD! districts. P90 "'·II·..1ded for "K""uv'IÙ. (a) First readirJ] of 0I:àinanœ No. 1345: "An 0J:dinanœ of the cooncil of the citoI of 0Jpertin0 Amendi.n) 0J:dinan0e No. 276 Definin;J and Regulat!n;J the ~ and Ksepirq of Vehicles in the Residential and Nœ-Residential. Zœes." Assistant Plar1ni.rg Director pi"-<"ld oc:rpared the ~ S_It; and ~''}J::sed ordinances wi+.J1 CoorIcil. '!be city Attorney infomed Q:JUncil that the city does not have the power to regul.ate oversized racreatiCl1iÙ vehicles œ P¥¡1ic ..L~. Dick Fish of the Good Sam Club said that the groop had reviewed the lo'L' v-EI&J ordinan::1e and feels that it is well p.¡t together with the exceptioo of Section 5.l-C, partia.ù.arly since there is 00 allowance for a variarx:e to -10- MINt1IES OF 'mE IECEMBER 16, 1985 CI'lY CXXJNCIL ME:E:1'IH3 - œ-685 this sec:t:1m. He stated that saœ vehicles am laIger than 20 ft. in lerçth and the ally transportat1.a\ for that faIIIily. He ~ho.._11ded that a }'L'<;: forvariancebe p.0Iided. An:irew Ziegler, 825 Kim SL....et, stated that his neighbor had a larga .. ····-·cial tnx:k (has two trucks and mctor haDe) . Mr. Ziegler cannat see the roadway and traffic 1bBn œc1dn::J cut of the garage. He stated he has had several close .....11.. regardin;J an afY'i"-It. City Attmt1ey Kilian told O:ux:il that the City can p:ràùbit or re.¡L..1ct trucks of 10,000 lbs. or mre. JI'.:win McCarthy, 10490 OBJtville Averoe, expressed &Jb_.alt with Mr. Fish regardin;J usin;J the lerçth of the vehicle to solve the prcblem. He did not feel this was 8wL'"¥Liate. Earl Mo..4..., 531 Kim street, also ~....d. He stated that as leD) as it does not ban] aver the sidewalk that it shcWd be all right. He inf"""'- ownci.l that he believes that he was the CD! Mr. Ziegler was WJdn::J abœt. He said the t:xucks am gene mst of the time ~l. for weeJœnds and that they had been havin;J a J18ighbomcod feui for abcA1t 25 years. A gentleIIIIIn r-idirq at Per1nin:.Jta1 Way also ~....d with Mr. Fish ~ the lerçth of vehicles bein¡ used as a criteria. He stated that he has a 22 ft. leD) vehicle that is not hanginJ aver the .i"-Jalk. Ann Arqar, H::I1ta vista, ~ ad supp.....l. regm:ãjn¡ 8CIII8 Idm of ......íL..úl, tIUt was ocb.........od regardin;J enfùL...........lt. CIIY8 SØ\._ln, 22570 san JUlIn lbKi, ~ ad "'-i1OllUl regardin;J hew the 1'1-" of vehicles was detemined. He did not ~_ with the ardinance an:i stated he usuaJ ly has ten to twenty cars, t:xucks, busœ, at his }'L~ty. '!hey am basically inqJerable. It was 1IICIW!d by O:ux:. Gatto, seo::.med by O:ux:. Pl~ an:i reoø,!,'9d ~y to close the p.1blic i1eari.n:J. It was JIICIIIed by O:ux:. Gatto, sec:xnied by O:ux:. P1UJ'X)Y an:i passed \IJ'lllJÚJllaJsly to a¡:prove the grant:.in} of a Negative Declaratiat. -11- MINt1l'ES OF 'mE I:IXDmER 16, 1985 CI'lY CXXJNCIL MEEI'IlG - 00-685 It was DI:IYed by came. Gatto, S8CŒIded by came. Jchnsc.n am pe'ftøed unanimcusly to ~uv'8 ordinarv:8 No. 1345 with sectiCl1 5.1.C deleted ani the follcwin:¡ sec::ticr1s relet't:P.red. In additicrt sectiœ 5.3 was deleted. It was DI:IYed by came. P1un;w, S8CŒIded by came. Gatto ani I"'ø..«:t 1.1I1IUÚ.IIn1Sly to read ~ No. 1345 by title aüy ani the city Clerk's readinq to cc:r1Stitute the first readinq thereof, as per above amer.:bue4.ts. staff was directed to return to camcil at Jamary 6 with an \.1.': ...~y Œåinance pertajnin:J to "'L.......t parldn::J. 38. r.wlicatiat 2-V-85 of Reger D. Andersen: variarxxa frail ~ No. 1240 to allCM a sinJ1e-family haDe to enc::rœd!. into the required setœc:k area ani EnvL.""w""l1tal Review: 'Ibe projsct is categoric:ally exE!II¢, hence, 00 ac:tiCI1 is required. Located at the northwest Cu.,u.4, of the int:ersectiCI1 of stevens Creek BcWevaxd and ClIpertino Road. Reo . ··........ded far ~. t (a) Reso1uticrt No. 6729: "A Resoluticrt of the city camcil of the city of ClIpertino ~ variance frail ~ No. 1240 to AllCM a SinJle-FaIIIily HaDe to Encrœå1 Ir/t:) the RecpinId setback Area, Reger D. Aì.ðe1:son, ~~ty Located at the Northwest InteI:sectiCI1 of stevens Creek BcWevard ani ClIpertino RaId." It was JD:JYed by 00Jnc. Sparlcs, ~ by came. Gatto and J:"'I"ØOO 1.1I1IUÚ.IIn1Sly to close the p.1blic heariJ'q. It was DI:IYed by came. Sparks, ~.:1ed by came. Plun;w and p"'ø""«'l unanimcusly to '1RJt'OII8 A¡pHcaticrt 2-V-85 per Plann.in:J l'rwmIi....tcrt Reøolutj,at No. 2743. It was DI:IYed by came. Ga\:to, eeoouded by came. Sparks and p8øø«:t1.1I1lUÚ.lln1Sly to adept ResolutiCl1 No. 6729. RI:.'":ESS - 10:30-10:40 p.m. (city Clerk's Note: 10:30 p.m.ì came. Jchnsc.n left the meetir¥1 at þ l'IANNIOO APPLICATICRI Please refer to Item No. 34 listed =der Public Hearings (Awlicatiat 43-U-85). -12- MINUŒS OF 'ffiE J::EXÐœER 16, 1985 CI'l'\( CXXJNCJL MEP:l'IlG - 0:-685 39. Awlicatiat 2~85 of H & D P..~ties: Tentative Map to subdivide a previously a¡prcved 7,100 sq. ft. office }'ni1dirg :int.o. office cx:u.1clAimum units an! CI'I8 <' ..... " parcel an! Envircnaenta1 RsIriew: 'Ibe project is cat:egcr:l.œ1ly """"""t., hence, no acticn is reIlJired. Located in the nart:hwest quadrant of Miller AvenJ8 am At:henIcod Drive at the temiraJs of calle de Baroelata and ~l"'.lnuuk lane. R&~!o._·_·~deJ for a¡p:oval. It was 1IICMId by CbJnc. Gatto, seocu3ed by CbJnc. Spm:Xs an! I"'--ed unaniDx:uùy by these pL s .Jt. to ~U'18 Awlicatiat 2~85 per Plannirg n--i_iat Resolutia1 No. 2741. 40. Awliœtiat 6-U-85 of Gk.""4': amJœr: InteIpretatia1 of minor ~Jt. to use pemit to specify that the a¡:plicant: is not reIlJired to iJIprave the driveway o.n:b cut used to "~ø the àrlveup windcw at the adjoinin:J ¡u.~t.y. IDeated at the northwest ........... of s. saratoga SUnnyvale Rœd am Wildflower way. pa.." ····-rded for denial. ~ Directar of Plæ1niIxj II1ñ Devel<¥"""Jt cowan reviewed the a¡:plicatiat with CbJncil. It was 1IICMId by CbJnc. Pl~, seoa1ded by CbJnc. SparlcB am p"ø-sd with CbJnc. Gatto t'li·- _1t.in;J am CbJnc. Jàmsa1 ëtl::s Jt. to require caISt:ructicn of driveway lIP' n to saratoga-BunnyvaJ.e Rœd per Plannin;J n--i-iat Resolutia1 No. 2748. 41. Applicatic.n l7-u-a4 (Rsvise:i) of Gi1~!/P"'~: Amelda-d. of a previously BRJI'CMId usa pemit to .:.....l...uct a 5,300 sq. ft. office D,i1d!nq. 'Ihe _da-d. seekB to wwYti ~ cxnU.tic:nJ relatirç to œc::ipmœl i1~ II1ñ egress -- -4.a with adjacent ¡u.~ties. Envircnaenta1 RsIriew: 'Ihe project is categariœlly """""'tit., hence, no acticn is reIlJired. IDeated at the scut:heast ........er of stevens creek B.:W.øvard an! 0J:'an; 8 AvenJ8 Reo ····...,Ided for denial. Nom P"'~ stated that originally it was req.rlzed to eatfom b the !b1ta vista Plan. He stated that in the ¡u.'¥': !!sd case, he will be lcsin:J two p¡mdn¡ places. Also, the neighborin;J prcp!rty owner woold not have to pay f~ the driveway. He requested that SCIIIB (, ·'1 «ISatia1 be provided hiJII. þ It was 1IICMId by CbJnc. Sparks, seoa1ded by cnmc. Pl~ am pt'ISsed unaJÚJlWsly by thœe µlsæ/t to deny lIR'licatiat l7-U-84 (Revised) per Plð1'1lÙlg Chnmi....iat Resolution No. 2745. -13- MINUl'E9 OF 'DIE ŒXÐœER 16, 1985 CI'lY OXJNCIL MEE:l'I}Ç - CXH;8S 42. AwJ,icatiat 45-0-85 ot J. C. Iaguisa: Use P8mit to oa..l...\JCt a triplex: 17¡ addin;J two reøJdentia1 units to an exi.stiDJ sJn:¡1e tamily haJse and EnvircnIental Rsv1ew: 'lbe project is categarically ø 1. 'L, hence, no actien is nqUred Ia:ated at the nartbeast 0.....1.... of p.""""""a and IaDita Awmes. Reo ........"CJed tar aw..wal. It was moved 17¡ 0Junc. SparbJ, secxnSed 17¡ 0Junc. Gatto and ~99'9d ~y 17¡ these þl nit to _U1I8 A¡:pl.1.catia1 45-U-85 per P1.annin:J n-or...i....icn Resolut.iat No. 2747. 43. AwJ,icatien 46-0-85 of James~: Use PeJ:mit to OCIIøl...\ICt a tcur story ottice QI1i1d1n¡ en:~ ..,.......in:] 76,145 sq. ft. and Envira1menta1 Rsv1ew: 'lbe Plannin;J n-or...i ....len z- . ····-Ids the grantirJ¡ of a Negative """"1 "ratiCl1. IDeated en the west: side of North De Anza BculevaJ:å _url-tely 200 ft. 8alth ot Greenleaf Drive. PA '" _·_·~ded tor apprcval. A 1._ Sb.It:ütive of the arå1itectural finl, california Archit'!lCbD:al Group, Inc. , reviewed the 8ßÙicatiCl1 and a 1IIX!e1 with CCJurx::!l. It was moved l7.i 0Junc. Plun:.w, sec.....do:d l7.i 0Junc. Gatto and p"B-,d ~y l7.i these p.. T tL to _U1I8 the grant.irç ot a Negative Dec1arat:ia1. It was moved 17¡ 0:Junc. Plun:.w, sec.....càod 17¡ 0:Junc. Gatto and P"'--1!d ~y 17¡ thcss!"" S tL to _U118 19:1.icatia1 46-0-85 per Planninq n-or...i_icn Rssolut.iat No. 2744. ~ AND srm AmÐVAL CXHaTl'EE APPLtCATICJ6 44. Nate. UNFINISHED WSINæS 45. Nate. lÐf WSINæS 46. Request far _,,¥,-latien ot $197,267.70 trail the st= Drain F\.1rxi to a110lf payment of an a¡p:oved project {t~ lane st= Drain). It was moved l7.i 0Junc. Gatto, ~.do:d l7.i 0Junc. Sparks and p"B~ ~y l7.i these !"" S IlL to ðwL,,¥,-late $197,267.70 frail the st= Drain F\.1rxi. 47. Adcpticn of citizen participatien plan far lhmInúty Devel~IL mock Grant. -14- MINt7l'ES OF 'IHE ~ 16, 1985 Cl'lY cnJNCIL MEI!:'1'DG - æ-685 It was IIDII8d by tœnc. Gatto, seco.dtd by tœnc. Spatial and P"--ed l.II'IImimcusly by these pl s _.t. to appt....... ~. of 1IIe8t:in], direct am fUnds not be used far l1uaIm &erViœs þl~......, direct staff look at the posIJfhiHty of installatim of sideor.illœ in JbJta Vista area, look at haJsin;J, cxnhIct SUT:V8':f and Þ'<> ....-.-.d "IpeCific projects. Areaø to be oc:nd.dered are Jb1ta vista, Ranc:bo RinctI'Iada and Garden Gate. 48. Review and 8IIII!I'Idme1íL of CkI1flict of Interest COde far Designated ÐIp1ayees. (a) Resolut.iat No. 6730: "A Rssolut:ia1. of the City Ccuncil of the City of Q pertino A1DeßtirJ;J Resolut.iat No. 6513 Regëmiin;J the O::I1flict of Interest COde of the City of 0Jpertin0 far Officials and Designated ÐIp1ayees." By ccœensus, Ccuncil f~ a CXIIIDittee of tœnc. Spmcs, City Attorney Kilian and City Cede Camelius to review the þl''iœ.ad list of designated EIIplayees after the Cede reviews the list with Department HeIIIds. 49. Request far waiver of fœml bid 1-'-<....~- far refo:caatt:Jn¡ of BJI'Ifcfpal code and codificat.icn of land use ardi.nances. It was IIDII8d by 0:Junc. Plungy, secx:tdtd by tœnc. SpIWœ and ]?"!9Sed unanimcus1y by these ~ s ..t. to GKAL...... waiver of facual bid ~':- . 50. Request far waiver of fœml bid 1-'-<': T to enable 01annel 30 to puJ:åIase used editJn:l equipoent I!V"f1Ahl. pl H..Uy thrcugb a sole vendcIr. It was IIDII8d by tœnc. Gatto, secc:n:Jed by tœnc. Plungy and p"·-ed unanimcus1y by these pl__íL to waive facual bid 1-'-<""'- and ~...... pn:c:hase of used SCI1y 5850 Ð:lit PacJcao:Je frail R. E. Snader and ,,~. "'='n~ CXHIJNICATIæs 51. Nate. -15- -....-........ .- .' ~ , '^"_~._ .. 'A"'''''~. '. . MINU11!S OF '!HE ŒX:!HBŒ 16, 1985 Cl'lY CDH:IL J'IUi'J.'.uÐ - cx:-685 . œDnÐ\taS 52. Secx:rId ~ of ominance No. 1343: "An 0J:dinance ~ the City 0:uIcil ~ the City ~ QIpeJ:t.1m ~ Secticn 1 ~ ominance No. 2 by Rezc:niD¡ apprœdateJ.y 4.7 act'8B fraD P to lIP. ZaIe; GeI~..uy located 8CUth ~ IC!r1gues AvenJ8 east ~ Tarre, north ~ Pllcit1ca Drive, and t.....db..èð. by Røgnart cræJc 01annel." It was IIICIÆId by COUrIc. PlUIJ3Y, seoo.d:d by COUrIc. Gatto and !?"øøed unaniJIaIsly by these ~ B' .t. to read 0rdJnan0e No. 1343 by title ally and the City Cluk's ~ to ooostitute the seccni readin¡ thereof. It was IIICIÆId by COUrIc. Gatto, ......d:d by COUrIc. PlUIJ3Y and !?,,'!'e9d unaniJIaIsly to enact ordinance No. 1343. 53. Secx:rId readin¡ of ominance No. 1341: "An ominance of the City of 0Ipertin0 A1IIIniinq 01apter 3.12, Transient nr...1J?N1CY Tax, of the 0Ipertin0 ltJnicipell Ctx1e." It was IIICIÆId by COUrIc. PlUIJ3Y, seoaldo..d by COUrIc. Gatto and P"'--ed unaniJIaIsly by these ~! .t. to read 0rdiJ1IInce No. 1341 by title ally and the City Cluk's readin¡ to ooostitute the seccni readin¡ thereof. It was IIICIÆId by COUrIc. Gatto, seoa.:1ed by COUrIc. Sparlœ and !?"ø-ed unaniJIaIsly to enact 0rdiJ1IInce No. 1341. RæOIl7l'Iæs 54. Nœe. N::N-~ !lJSIN!SS 55. Reoo.,¡.J.tim by Mayor ~ epec.-b1 recpIBts. (a) Genm:al ;a.,....ience - Nœe. (b) City COUrIcil - Nœe. ~c) staff - Nœe. At 11..45 p.m., COUrIcil adjQ.lD'led far a closed sessicn. At 12:15 a.m., the meetin;¡ was reocnvened in Ccunc:il Qumi-.er in cp!I'I sessim. . -16- .~',.- " ... . -, ~ " .'- "",",",' ~ """.~"~~'\~~-' . MIlI7ŒS or 'D!B [Ir.,..-- 16, 1985 CITY CXUICIL MEZ1'llG - 00-68!5 QuIa. PnrJmt: Gatto, P1.un;¡y, ~, JIsyar a..."..... QuIa. a. d.: J..b.....\ staff p,¡, I d.: City ..._ 01in1an City Cl.etic car:neJ..iuø Directar or PJ.ann1n¡ and DB\I8l___.l Cowan City Attarnsy 1tilian It was 1IICII8d by QuIa. PJ.un;nr, seoc:rIded by QuIa. Sparks and 1""--el1 unanJmcuø1y by thœe .... T d. to acœpt the ..........l and direct no cm!inanr::e enf.......--íl until after beIIrirJ) or "'ß>""1 in regud to the Bec1œr ...._tyl to direct the City AttamBy to exmtim with the owner or Omlity 'l\1røJp that be is expected to rollOll the ...".............t and to cx:nt:irJJe with no ...... AAII1'9I at this tbal _.:we v-ible relocat.iœ or Barclay's Bank !Jut nat in the ~ shaped parcel. . At 12:20 a.m., the ~ was adjo.u:ned. ...l2ry&·¿) . -17-