D-728 Quitclaim Deed and Authorization for Underground Water Rights, 11700 Regnart Canyon Drive, APN 366-33-002'1 RECORDING REQUESTED BY City of Cupertino WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO Ci ty C lerk's Office City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014-3255 NO FEE IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOV. CODE 27281 23628533 Regina Alcomendras Santa Clara County -Clerk-Recorder 04/19/2017 10:27 AM Ti lles: 1 Fees: $0 .00 Taxes: $0 .00 Total : $0. 00 Pages: 7 (SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE) QUITCLAIM DEED AND AUTHORIZATION FOR UNDERGROUND WATER RIGHTS 11700 Regnart Canyon Drive, Cupertino, CA 95014 APN 366-33 -002 James J. Zhu and Ping Ye , husband a nd wife, as community property with right of survivorship }!( Original D For Fast Endorsement "NO FEE" City of Cupertino CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE is hereby given m order to comply with the provisions of Section 27281 of the Government Code. This is to certify that th e interest in real property conveyed by the deed or grant d a ted March 31, 2017, from 11700 Regnart Canyon Drive, Cupertino, CA 95 0 14 to the City of Cupertino, a governmental agency, is hereby acce pte d by order of the Public Works Director, and th e g rantee consents to recordation thereof b y its duly authorized officer. Dated: April 12, 20 17 By ~p ~ Senior Office Assis tant QUITCLAIM DEED AND AUTHORIZATION FOR UNDERGROUND WATER RIGHTS APN 366-33-002 11700 Regnart Canyon Drive, Cupertino, CA 95014 James J. Zhu and Ping Ye, husband and wife, as community property with right of , hereinafter referred to as the "GRANTOR", this ~ l ~ f-day of _ __._'-----------=i-""'-----' 2017 , hereby grants , bargains, assigns , conveys , remises , releases and forever quitclaims unto the CITY OF CUPERTINO, a municipal corporation , hereinafter referred to as the "GRANTEE", its successors and assigns , all the rights , titles , interests , estates , claims and demands , both at law and in equity , and as well in possession as in expectancy of the GRANTOR as owner of that certain real property situate in the County of Santa Clara , State of California, and specifically described as follows: SEE A TT ACHED EXHIBIT "A " The right to pump, take or otherwise extract water from the underground basin or any underground strata in the Santa Clara Valley for beneficial use upon the lands overlying said underground basin , and GRANTOR hereby irrevocably authorized GRANTEE, its successors and assigns , on behalf of the GRANTOR and its successors in ownership of overlying lands in the lot to take from the underground basin ,vithin the lot any and all water which the owner or owners of said overlying lands may be entitled to take for beneficial use on said lands and to supply such water to such owner or owners or others as a public utility ; provided , however, that nothing contained in this instrument shall be deemed to authorize GRANTEE to enter upon any of the lot delineated upon the above described legal description or to authorize GRANTEE to make any withdrawal of water which will result in damage to any building or structure erected upon the lot. This assignment, conveyance and authorization is made for the benefit lot within the above described legal description and shall bind the owner of the lot(s) within the legal 'f"{\ description. '2) ~ rV ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, GRANTOR has executed this instrument the day and year first above written . CITY OF CUPERTINO: ~E - Director of Public Works (Acknowledgment and Notarial Seal Attached) SEE ATIACHED CALIFORNIA NOTARIZATION Exhibit A LEGAL DESCRIPTION Real property in the Cit y of Cupertino , County of Santa Clara , State of California , de sc ribed as follow s: LOT 2, AS SAID LOT IS SHOWN UPON THAT CERTAIN MAP ENTITLED , "TRACT NO . 6028 ", WHICH MAP WAS FILED FOR RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ON MAY 24, 1977, IN BOOK 397 OF MAPS , PAGE{S) 20 AND 21. APN : 366 -33 -002-00 l! I! CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other offi ce r co m pleting this ce rtifica te ve rifi es onl y th e identity of th e individual who signed the d ocument to which this certifi ca te is attached, and n ot the truthfulness, acc uracy, or validity of th at docum ent. State of California County of ------'::s;~Q,r\-~ __ Cl_~ __ _ before me , __ b __ P_ciliJ_--'-_l'\.P_~ __ 1r '-1-+--+-p_u..b., __ L_c.. ________ , Notary Public , • 1 (Here in se ;.;Jame mW titl e o f th e offi cer) personally appeared __ -S~_°'-_h"l_.e-5 __ :J __ Z._h_v.. __ AA.~_d __ p~i'q§'---"-+--'1--'-'e.=-------------- who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person «:s ) whose narne {s) i~/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that~e/they executed the same in ~r/their authorized capacity @ ), and that by ~r/their signature @) on the instrument the perso n'@ , or the entity upon behalf of which the person@ acted , executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. ~· ~·00 "' 04 ;~:;;: 0001 1 ~ ,•., NOTARY PUBLIC -CALIFORNIA~ 3 ~ COMMISSION # 2024440 ~ ~ ·i SANTA CLARA COUNTY My Comm. Exp. May 17, 2017 WITN ES S m y hand and official se al. ~ -------------~'-----------------------(No tary Seal ) S ignature o f Notary Public ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION DES CRIPTION OF THE ATTACHED DO CUME NT Q\.u \-:cl d.,lf'f's 1).Q.A_cl a,,,[ f\vv/v.c n :z._o,J >c ~ (Title o r descript io n of att ache d d oc ument ) __ _t-o ( -l)_ 1,de,..,~l\u'-V'-.d -w~ --/6 j \.-.rs ________ _ (Ti tl e o r d escripti o n of a tt ac hed docum e nt continued) Numb er of Pa ges _3__ Docum ent Date ____ _ (A dd iti o nal in fo rm ati o n) CAPA C ITY CLAIMED BY THE SIG NE R Indi vidu al (s ) Corp orate Offi ce r (Ti tle) Partner(s) Att orn ey -in-Fact Trn ste e(s) Oth er ___________ _ TN STRU CTI ONS FOR COMP! ,ETING THI S FO RM A ny ack110 1r ledg111 e11/ co111p/e1ed in California 11111 s 1 com ain ve r hiage exactly as app ears above in !he no!CIIJ' sec/ion or a separale ack110 1r/edg111 e111 form 11111 s 1 be proper~y co111p /e 1ed a nd a //({c/1ed to rhar doc11111 enr . The on ~v excepri on is if a doc11111 ellf is ro be recorded outside of California. In su ch in s lances, any a lterna riv e ackno 1rledg111 enr verbiage as may be p r imed o n s uch a doc11111 em so long as rh e verbiage does 11 01 requ ire the nolmJ' lo do some rh i11 g rh a i is illegal for a n olwy in California (i.e. cer1[fj 1ing the author ized capaciry of rh e s igner). Please check 1he doc11111 e111 carefully.for proper norarial 11 ·ording a nd a lfach rh isfor111 if requ ired. • S tate ,ui d County in fo rmati o n mu s t be the State and Co unty w here th e do cument s ig ner(s) pe rso nall y appe,u-e d be fore th e no tary p ubli c fo r ac kn owledg ment. • D ate of no tari z ati o n must be the date that th e s ig ner(s) personall y a pp ear ed whi ch mu st a lso be the sa m e d ate th e ackn owle dg m ent is co mpl eted . • T he no tary public mus t pri nt hi s or her nmn e as it a pp ears w ithin hi s o r her com m iss io n fo ll owed by a comm a and th en yo ur titl e (notary pu bli c). • Print th e name(s) of docu ment s ig ner(s ) w ho pe rso nall y appea r at th e tim e o f notari za ti on. • Indi cate th e corr ect s in g ul ar or plu ral form s by cross in g o ff in correct form s (i.e. !te/s he/l'hey;-is /are ) o r c irclin g th e co rrec t fo rms. Fa ilure to correc tl y indi cate thi s in fo rmati o n may lead to rej ec ti o n o f doc um ent record ing. • The no tary seal impress io n must be cl ear and ph o togra phi ca ll y re pro duc ibl e . Im pre ss io n must no t cover tex t or lin es . If se al impress io n s mu dge s, re-seal if a s uffi cie nt area permits, o th e r wise co mpl ete a different ackn ow led g ment fo rm . • S ig natu re o f th e no tary publi c must match th e s ig nature on fil e w ith th e o ffi ce of the co unt y clerk . •:• A dditi onal in fo rmatio n is no t re quired but co uld he lp lo ens ure thi s ackn ow ledg me nt is no t m is use d or attac he d lo a differe nt docu ment. •:• Indi cate titl e or ty pe of attached doc um e nt. num ber of pages and date. •:• Indi cate th e capac ity cl a im e d by th e s ig ner. I f th e clai med capacit y is a co rp o rate o ffi cer, indi cate th e titl e (i.e. CEO, CFO, Secretary). • Secure ly att ac h thi s docum e nt to th e s igne d doc um ent C .2004-20 15 ProLink Signing Se rv ice , Inc . -AU Right s Reserved www.TheProLink.com -Nationwid e Notar y Service !i II II II ii ij CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness , accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California } County of_s_·~--~~~~~-} On .~ U 1 1,o(l--before me, :\ \J.1....-l ~ -1,L. c~sl', No~ 1 A -!r ·~ (Here insert name and ti tl e of tns officer) personally appeared '\I '"-~ ~ who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENAL TY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. i•nnoo oonnooaanoo+~ . JULIA KINST f -e Notary Public· California f ~ ·• Santa Clara County ~ Notary ~r ~ 1/1!,\f (Notary Public Seal) J Comm1111on # 2177456 :: Mv Comm. Exoirta Jin 25. 2021 I . INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION Thisfor111 complies with c urre111 C alifornia statutes regarding nota,ywordingand, DESCRIPTION OF THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT if needed , sh ould be completed and at1ached to the doc11111 e11t. Acknowledg111 e11ts I<.,,: l-,oot1,t._,.,0 ~ • • .J .f A,,._f(A_ I.,,. _ fro111 other sla tes may be completed for do cum en ts being sen/ to thal state so long ~ .....---~ LJ" ~ as !h e wording do es 11 01 require th e Californ ia nota,y to violate California notmy r.1.A ftJ\'-'....A 11..\~ .rt-'-Jc.. I 1~17''\ '//A~ -A f law. (Titl lll or description of attached documen~ J' ,-fJ • State and Co un ty infomiation mu st be th e State a nd Coun ty whe re th e doc ument }tp N ? L,~ . ~3 . DO z_ s ig ne1{s) pe rsonall y appea red befo re the nota1y publi c fo r acknow ledg ment. --• Date of nota 1i za tion mu st be th e date that th e s igner(s) perso nall y appea red whi ch {Title or description of attached document continued) must a lso be th e sa m e dat e th e acknow ledgmen t is completed . ,:z / L • T he notaiy pub li c mu st p1int hi s o r her name as it a ppears w ithin hi s or he r Number of Pages _:;,_ Do cument Date :3 ~ 'J ~ conuni ss ion fo ll owed by a co mma a nd th en yo ur titl e (notaiy publi c). CAPACITY CLAIMED BY THE SIGNER ~ Individual (s) D Corporate Officer (Title) D Partner(s) D Attorney-in-Fact o Trustee(s) 0 Other __________ _ 2015 Version www .NotaryClasses .com 800-873-9865 • P1int th e na me(s) of doc um ent s ig ner(s) who personall y app ea r at th e time of no ta1i za tion . • Indicate th e co ITec t s in g ul a r o r plural f01m s by c ross in g off in coITect f01ms (i.e. he/s he/they, is /are) or c irc lin g th e co ITec t fonns . Fa ilure to c01Tec tl y indi cate thi s infonnati on may lead to rejecti on of docum ent reco rdin g. • The notaiy sea l impress ion mu st be c lea r a nd photographi ca ll y re produ c ibl e. Impress io n mu st not cover tex t or lin es. If sea l impress ion s mudges, re-sea l if a s u ffic ient area pe rmits , o th e1w ise compl ete a d ifferent ac kno wled gm ent fo1 'm. • Signature o f th e no tai y pub li c mu s t match the s ig nature o n fil e with th e office of th e county c lerk. ••• Add iti o na l infonnat io n is not req uired but co uld help to e ns ure thi s acknowledg ment is not mi s used or attached to a diffe rent doc um ent. ••• In d icate titl e o r type of a ttac hed doc um ent , number of pages and date. •:• Indi cate the capacity c la imed by th e s igner. If th e c la im ed ca pa c it y is a c01µora te officer, indi ca te th e titl e (i.e . CEO , CFO, Sec reta ry). • Securely att ach thi s doc um e nt to th e s igned docum e nt wit h a sta ple .