CC 06-26-79 , , . C[TV OF CUPEA7IOO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014 Trlrphone: 252-4505 MINUTES OF TBE Jonrr PLAlIHmG COMKtSSION/CITY COUNCIL :ME'!T1NG HELl> ON JUNE 26, 1919. IN TBE CONFERENCE ROOK, CITY HALL CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA Mayor Meyers called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. in the Conference Room of City Hall. SALUTE TO THE FLAG RO:.L CALL Coune. Present: Counc. Absent: Jackson, O'Keefe, Rogers, Mayor Meyers Sparks C~ty Manager Quinlan City Clerk Cornelius Assistant Planning Director Cowan Assistant City Engineer Whitten Associate Planner PiSBecki Administrative Services Off~cer Brown Assistant City Attorncy Kilian IÞ NEW BUSINESS (City Council) Staff Present: 2. Report on bid opening for Traffic Signal Maintenance, Pt~ject 79-25, and award of contract. It was moved by Counc. Rogers, seconded by Counc. O'Keefe and passed unan- imously by those present to sward the contract for Traffic Signal Mainten- ance, Project 79-25, to Signal Maintenance, Inc., for the negotiated price of $39,521.51. 3. Report on bid opening for Memorial Park Well, Proj2ct 79-26. It was moved by Counc. Rogers, seconded by Counc. Jackso~ and passed unan- imously by those present to authorize staf: to readvert;"e for bids for the Hemorial Park Well, Project 79-26. 4. Resolution No. 5039: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Adopting a M~randum of Understanding Between the City of Cupertino and the Operatir.g Engineer's Local No.3." It was moved by Counc. Jackson, seconded by Counc. Rogers and passed unan- imously by chose present to take action on Resolution No. 5039 after the Executive Session. . At 7:20 p.m., Council adjourned to the City Manager's Office for an Execu- tive Session pertnining to personnel matters. CC-466 Page 1 , . CC-466 pe2 MINUTES OF THE JOINT PLANNING COMMISSION/CITY COUNCIL MEETING or JUKE 26, 1979 Council recommended that Los Altos Garbage Company notify their customers of the location of pick-up sites by using billing addresses or advert1øements. Council recoDVePed in open session at 8:10 p.m. ROLL r.ALL Counc. Present: Jackson, O'Keefe, Rogers, Sparks, Mayor Meyers Planning Commissioners Present: Planning Commissioners Absent: Adams, J1aine, Claudy Koenit:çc, Gatto Staff Present: City Manager Quinla~ City Clerk Cornelius Assistant Planning Director Cowan Assistant Ci·y Engineer Whitten Associate Planner Piasecki Assista~t Ciey Attorney Kilian PUBLIC HEARING 1. City of Cupertino: Public Hearing to consider the adoption of a Comprehensive General Plan for the City of Cupertino's Sphere of Influence including territory involved in the proposed dan Jose Boundary Transfer. Said Plan shall include the following elements: Land Use, Housing, Open Space/Conservation, Seismic Safety, Public Safety, Noise, Circulation and Scenic Highways and Environmental Review: The Environmental Review Committee recommends the granting of a Negative Declaration. Continued Public Hearing. . ¡fr. Ed Cali and Mr. Tom O'Donnell, attorney, addressed Council regarding their objections to the use of the word "retention" in the Pla.1 in relation- ship to Cali Mill Buildings. Ie was moved by Counc. Jackson, seconded by Counc. Sparks and passed unanimously to amend page 2-37, Town Center, to include the following: "If feasible, the development scheme should provide for retention of the character and, if pos~ible, elements of buildings, of the Cali Mill site. Feasibility shall be evaluated in terms of economics, architec- tural design, and function." RECESS: 9:35-9:45 p.m. By consensuS Council I¿quested staff to clarify table 6-D on page 6-12. Staff was directed to determine if tllere are any differences between City standards and State standards for pub lic lit iJ ity buildings. Council, by consensus, approved the following: . 1. The following two poli~ies were added to page 6-28, before Policy 6-7: a. A secondary mean:; of access may be required for a hills ide subdivision where a dead-end public street is longer than 1,000 feet. The secondary means of access may be a private roadway with easement rights to allow public uge during an emergency. . . . MINUTES OF THE JOINT PLANNING COMMISSION/CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 26, 1979 b. The City shall continue to require smoke detectors in new resi- 'j d~ntial construction and shall continue to support the effort ! of fire protection agencies to educate the resident of existing homes to install smok2 detectors. 2. The map on page 6-24 is to be revised. 3. Staff was directed to bring to Council additional information including cost, pertaining to recommended interior noise level. 4. On page 6-34 a policy will be added to include repair of critical far.i1ities, if necessary. 5. Page 6-47, Policy 6-17 will be amended to read, "Foothill B(ulevard through restriction, preferably voluntary, on truck. . .... 6. Page 6-55, and in each section where appropriate, a statement re- garding staff informing citizens of their responsibility will be added. It was moved by Counc. Rogers, seconded by Counc. Jackson and passed with Counc. Sparks dissenting to retain the original wording of Policy 1 on page 7-2 pertaining to islands of less than 100 acres. Council, by consensus, approved the addition o{ Policy 2 on p&ge 7-2 which encourages areas exceeding 100 acres to annex. By consensus, Council took the fo11~wing act.ions: 1. Council approved review of the General Plan by a citizens' committee every five years. 2. On page 7-9 Policy 5-24 was am£~ded to 2 1/2 acres. 3. Planning Area 6, South Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road, was added to page 2-38. 4. Council requested rewording of page 4-20. new pc1icy to be inserted after Policy 4-6. 5. On page 5-5 insert a reference showing that the table does not address small particulate matter. 6. The following policy is added on page 5-19: "Natural creek beds should be retained in a natural state to facilitate ground water percola t ion. It 7. A policy will be added to page 5-28 stating that the City will strive to acquire open space lands a~rt trail as shown o~ Figure 5-G. I CC-466 Page 3 , , CC-466 pe4 MINUTES OF THE JOINT PLANNING COMMISSION/CITY COUNCIL MEBTIHG OF JUNE 26, 1979 NEW BUSINESS (City Council) (continued) 4. It was moved by Counc. Rogers, seconded by Counc. Jackson and passed unanimously to adopt Resolution No. 5039. The meeting was adjourned at 11:57 p.m. ",4 12. b'...:_ . e