51187/ems �eZ/ _ri;,,� •�(wua Lot N No. Street 1, 006 se APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT CITY OF C_UPERTINO File No. S//17 Sanitary No. S74w t Date 196 Application is hereby made for a permit to to be occupied only as in Estimated Value of Improvements FEE$ 7- O 0 Owner Contr. A Phone b k a story, Type u Z' Plan, Plans and Specification filed herewith. 1 Plan Check $ AA Address .?.i'9 .ftk fi1...rr Address State License ��� T 24 Approved WILLIAM D. BENEVIQ-� . APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT Dots �a 196Y / FEE$ 02.1,1, S Contr. c-+ / Address Phone -%.�� �.5��-,/ State License Approved APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING 8 GAS PERMIT Date196 GAS FEE $ PLUMBING FEE $ g Contr. '' // ✓�"""^' �96'Address Phone �H� _ -:�-3'2 State License Approved WILLIAM U. Fi"iyt:yiL-H APP�.ICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT Oa to 9` °' 1% FEES X10' Contr. Address /-J,—) 4'Z /� Phone i7 'f Yr 9 ✓i State License / 7( L 6 SG Z, WILLIMeA U. GGIVCVIQH Approved Applicants agree not to violate any of the Workman's Compensation Laws of the State of Califomia RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS �aa - 7-12 BUILDING I�.!►'�"-v""7'- 6 0 FOUNDATION 7—f Z_ 6 DATE EC TOR UNDERFLOOR _J'_ 6 a ` 30 -6 �TE INSP R FRAME d DATE IN 9P AT PLASTER �— 30-6 r _D DAIEf IN lPECTO FINAL Z DATE INSPECTOR ELECTRICAL ELECT. SERVICE _ UNDERGROUND AT ROUGH WIRING 0. FINISH WIRING '•'� FIXTURES MOTORS ^ FINAL DRAIN PLUMBING & GAS UND PAR ROU MAIN GAS FINA MISC MISC ERGROUND TIAL GH ROUGH AT ECTOR SPECTOR COMPLETE' ^ I SPECTOR DRAIN (//^ aJ/ E SPECTOR PIPING —��—� /y',DATE INSPECTOR DATE INSPECTOR DATE INSPECTOR DATE INS YECTDN INSPECTED DATE MISC MISC APPLIANCE INSVECTOR INSPECTOR I N.1.1 I VI'1 OFFICE COPY ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE BUILDING II pEcTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO .......................... .. ...... � . ........ ...... 196-� To You are hereby author ze Stec lectrical service for Owner or Tenant .......... At ....... 4'. ........... ......... No. of Wires ........................ Size of Wires ...................... Size of Switch ------ Motor Load .......................... Voltage ............................ - Phase ................................. Heating Load ........................ K. W . .............. ................ Voltage ...................... ...... . No. of Meters ...... N Light::�� ............ 110 ...... New Service..... He' No. of Add. at .... ...... j;8 ......... .khree rm hase-......... Move Meter... Power., F.I.EtTRICALLINSPECTOR CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO Date ... Y-eg ...................... 19. . Building Permit No. ........... The Building Located at Owned by ....A4 -4v.....' . HasBeen F Use As: ................................................................................. (AL�=� ....................................................... .................. ............................................ BUILDING INSPECTOR 102 12/66 -IM OFFICE COPY cif ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE -b BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE, CITY OF CUPERTINO To You are hereby a th ri to cot ect electrical service for Owner or Tenant .............. At _......... v.�� ..] ..1......._Je�.a,.�Q... _........... _._...M....._/.�..... No. of Wires ..... ............ Size of Wires Size of Switch Motor Load .............. :..... ...... Voltage ................................ Phase ........................, ..... HeatingLoad ........................ K.W.....;........../.................. Voltage ............................... 1 No. of Meters ..... 1 Ligh...1ervi ....... Reconnect .............. Heat./Move Service.....No. of Add. Meters . ... 220...17 W ../.. Power.............. a� / ..._'... .Move Meter.............. ELECTRICAL GAS SERVICE NOTICE OFFICE COPY BUILD ITG INSPECTOR'S OFFICE ' Y OF C7PE .TINO .......... �........................................... 196.1 To You are hereby aut razed to conned the GAS service for 4 r Owner or Tenant ... .: - At . New Service C�.............. No. of Meters .... ............. Reconnect ............................. Move Service ....................... No, of Add. Meters .............. Move Meter ........................ ........................... PLUMBING INSPECTOR Bldg. Dept. Office Copy BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO f7 Sewer Connection Sanitary Permit No. Q. -Plumbing Final Plumbing Permit No.,-f5/–/?,17 ...... Lot No --J. .................. Owner or TenantAAn�'---t) . ...... At Tract ........ Date Connected ................................l Date Final ................................. 111 12/66-1M PLUMBING INSPECTOR ROUTE SLIP File No. Date /o 9 y -(a V Location�3`� Subject Notes A Approved '/-G Date; s or OT NO. NO. STREET w FOR BUILDING PERMIT fo r C-I- CUPERTINO M, Sanitary No. s76 S- 5U< FPO, 9 6 m Date I Permit No. �//£i 7 r 0 o < Appltt' Ii@II is6Febyypp Ae�mit to A. 1A U) a_l%l� 11 stoUryf,TyppeU. I1 �J Building to be occupied only as n accordance with 00 Plans, Specifications and Plot-Plan AIA herewith. PI Ck Fee a F 0 Estimated Value of Improvements, $ ,=D Fee $ i J It is hereby agreed that the requirements, of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and * = all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of o Cupertino will be comp 'ed with. - e Owner Addres e wZ W a By Address Phoneme S 2 0?6 5 3 Approved WILLIAM D. BENEVIGH State License BUILDING INSPECTOR h / a ZQOU I/ fes(/-eG �/ �� LOT NO. NO. I �APPLICT�.ON FOR PLUMBING PERMIT iAITYOCUPERTINO196'IF Sanitary No. Dare ---•J 968 Permit No i, � ' :�I• CUP-- i IN Fee $�3 �-t Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install plumbing pipes and/or fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Dwelling Use of Premises _. Owner Ditz Crane Compmy B Palm Plumbi% Company By CONTRACTOR, AGENT Phone -2115-2323 State License 186579 22d95 De La Cruz Boulevard A dress ]A2 spunrwvale-Sara toga Rd. Approved WILLIAM D. BENEVICH PLUMBING INSPECTOR FIXTURES NUMBER MAIN DRAIN ' UNITS FEES UNI'T'S FEES Water Heater / Size Water Closet Drinkin Fountain _ Material Bath Tub / _ To Curb Shower / To Prop. Line ✓ Lavatories Gas Fee a S To Exi sting Kitchen 5ink z Not Conn. Dish WasherSewer Box Waste Disposal Wash Tray I STORM DRAINAGE Washing Machine Size WATER SYSTEM Water Softener Material Size Bar Sink To Main Drain Restaurant Sink Comb.Sink&Tray To Curb Dental Unit TOTAL FEES Drinkin Fountain Fixture Fee D Floor Thain WATER SYSTEM Hopper Size Restaurant Sink Material Sand Trap TOTAL FEES Urinal Fixture Fee D Area Thain Main Drain Fee Water Leader Storm Drain Fee Sprinkler Valve Water Sys. Fee Relief Valve Gas Fee a S Total I ? [12,y6II Total Fee ' I`2��1