5324 IV 7a LOT No. 3 2- NO. NO. STREET W ;�' � s AyPPLtCATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT o S) Fes' I CITY OP CUPERTINO Sanitary No. 5� DEC 6 19S7 ILL Uate - 196.7 Permit No. o a � A pplicatioasis h reby.made for a permit to Cl i Y 'JY ('01 �k I INIU Z N a story,Type .S—�L .T/ ,/ Building to be occupied only asA&,41 O4 ( ©�� 224AA in accordance with 00 Plans, Specifications and Plot-Plan filed herewith. Pl Ck Fee "; [stimated Value of Improvements, 5� Fee$Al2� z J It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and J z all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of O Cupertino will be complied tvitl . 3 N Owner /� Address�57 � G3 La z n By Address 0 Phon�s� � APProved i State License, BU NG INSPECTOR /