51220.12� - /R Z e—`'L Lor NO. /0 No B.F. pej. S AEF.I' APP-LI N <CON FOR PLUMBING PERMIT = i ® G78��` C OP CUPIiRTINO / g� wrc b x O Sanitary No. 3 a Dare,!zQ Permit No w LL Pee $ �2-9, a'a so A pn i reWT t , of Cu ertino for a permit to install plumbing `o piped �ot fiiFLi�resXtl fi�th�tlerse side hereof, and agrees to install sid price > and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of a w Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. LL Use of Premises 00 > N r 3 Owner Address moi!✓ OZ e o a ZJ _ a By Address ,A1//Yi 3 F p CONTRA TOR, AGENT Phone y \' n 2 State License /4 G6 �_/�_N ® oApproved A/PLUMBING INSPECTOR NUMBER Softener Size STORM To Curb Size Water I — Permit Fee Total / < I Tntal Fee