CC 09-09-80 :a,y of CUpertino "·103?O Torre Avenue Cupertioo, California, 95014 TelepboDe: (608) 252-45OS . '.. "-::øm" ".~;:~~:; :;, . ~'" .. SUMMARY OF GOALS COMMITTEE AND CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEr'rQJIS£R 9, 1980 PLACE: COURCIL PRESENT: STAPF PRESENT: CupertiDO Librery Gatto, Iogera, Plungy (7:50) QuinlllD, Vialtøv1ch, Sisk, Cava1l. Campagna-Blaise Chairman Miller opened the meeting at 7:40 p.m. and welcomed the City Council and a~ked Council to share and ~8affi~ the ch&rg8 to the Goals Committee. Mayor Rogers thanked the coaaittee for asking thea and allowed Coun~. Gatto to make some opening rem3rks. Counc. Gatto gave some brief pointa on the general direction of policy and complimented the C~ittee on their Consolidation of Issues report. He said that Council expects the Committee to evaluate the Koals and to update or alter and project the goals for at least the next 10 years. . CoUDC. Plungy !!!lid the t....tttee vas formed to educate t.he c~ity because they do not have enough It.~ledge. Be was plEdsed -.tth the good cross reference of committee _ber appointments. He diacus.ed the subject of land use and reminded the committee that Counr.il makes decisions of that kind, they cannot wait for the a committee report. The Coun.::il is waiting for the entire pac !cage frOlJl this committee. Mayor Rogers agreed they were not formed to discuss density. She sai1 th~ Goals Committee is a recommending body and wishes to have the community informed. The question was asked: ''How do we reach (outside) people?" The newspapers do not print all information and it was asked if more information could be put into the 'Scer..'. Mayor Roge,'s said the committee could have space in the next 2 issues of the Scene. The question was asked: "lihat is it exactly the City Council wants of the Co...itt",,~" Mayor Rogers again repeated the remarks sile and the other Council members had said but added that maybe Town Meetings would be the answer for publ' _ input. Mayor Rogers introduced the staff. The question was asked: "In the Cupertino Courier the paper quoted Mr. Viskovich as saying the Cit:' should :3£ 11 the land acquired for Highway 85. lias this indeed true?" Mr. Quinlan an~~ere¿ that the land is owned by the State and h~d s~gcest£d a JPA bet~een the Cities of Saratoga-Cupertino-San Jose-Los Gatos. Mr. Viskovich replied that the Three Phases (packets he distributed) covered the subject of Highway 85 and the Planning Commission meeting f~r the ~ollowing night would clarify some of ~he questions (General Plan Amendment). . , ..... 2 . ":'ç:>;"_;;:~;;':: ',wr:t: -"_':l':::":"',í~~~~ "", --,"<",' -~,F··."'· SUJIIAIY OF GOALS COMMIrrD AND CITY COORCIL ØDtIJIG ar S&h'lIIØA 9. 1980 (GOII't) . Mr. Quinlan said that the City hu to have alternativea to a lot of the.. problna. Hayor Rogers aaid if tbe cOl8:lttee needed UDalc1al help tlw1 coa1c1 c_ baton the City Council and requeat _iea and that &heJ wulel have 0IIIì fol1 t_ staff pel'801l if ueces..ary. The question was askeel: "\iould it belp to elo a survey?" MayoI' Iogera answered tbe~ many survsys have bean cIo1I8 aDd tbe1 are costly. The question was aakecll ...."hat per 'cent of &be people are illteratted ill their City?" Hayor Rogers answered that about 10% didn't care SlId only a _11 percsnt _re aware. The question was asked to Hayor Rogers about the letters to _ eo-iasi..-rs. She replied that the meet1lpare held at the library and they are to inform woman about Government. Chairman Miller thanked Council for aneudiDI their meetinl aad celIe" for a brief recess at 9:23 p.m. . ~ ....-~--!.~ -£, ~.- Deputy City Clerk ..