2703 l o 114 r ID//A RA P DTR NO. 5 T - LOT NO. w r o PC T fOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT 0 ` 1�, 1 APR 27 1964 ,�.cl OF CUP-ERTINO 5 U - = o !� ow Dat /VUf L TF'r 19�I Permit No. Pee Spy. .s a m Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to Install electrical w wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said r � LL wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the 00 > City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. ° ` R rs t pr ,GF_ Use of Premises JE 0 3 a Owner /p UO LI b 7 Address /d-'L env W i gy 4 rfFf P F i r,C-TC Address / 0 2 CONTRACTOR, AGENT / _t1 Phone:? SG - 7�-��J� ( ELEClA1UL INS}EC1p1 State Licens7_-.Z4 O NEW RPL FEES 00 Size Service Srvce­=ondmtt NumSer of Outlets......_._..__. 0 Size Service Wires.-J11)JAV.2,�Number of'Switches. -------- -�7---- - --- - ----- Size Service Switch__Z509-------Nuinbz!r of'RL.ceptacles------------ . _3.-E3 3,z, ---------- ............. Size Sub Feed Conduit------------------Number of Fixtures........._ - 94-0.. ......../...P 6 Size Sub Feed Wires.--................Ranges---------/----- KW....-------- ---------- ---------- -------------- Number of Circuits------------------- Oven ....../...... .�L_�S KW----...----- ---I- ­* - -- ----- ------:mq_ Number of Meters---------I.............Signs......__� . Transformers-------- --------- ---------- --------'/- -5b - -6 Misc.................................. .............Dryers.,........../---- .... .............. ........ . ..------- -------------- Motors.......4-------- HP Phase...._...._......_ Motors.................... HP-------------------- Phase-------------------- Permit Fee $1.00 Motors.-..---------------- HP-------------------- Phase.................... H P Charge....----...... ----./D p TOTAL FEES 0 OF INSPECTION APPROVALS Rough Wirin -------------------------- Fixtures ._------------ -------------------- -- Finish Wiring --'---'---....L..-.....--'-'--......._D A ( ....E C T - Motors..t DATE .......�INSPICTQR DATE INSPECTOR11 A 0 Final ....... • -----------------_--------- DAY INSPECTOR