2601 NEW RPL FEES Size Service Conduit------------- --------Number'of-Oueiets------------------ ---------- .._.--... _....... .... Size Service Wires--------------------------Number of Switches.----------- -------- .-.-.-- ---------..- Size Service Switch........................Number of Receptacles----.--.-- ------ --------- ------------ Size Sub Feed Conduit------------------Number of Fixtures------------------ ---------- -- ------- -------------- Size Sub Feed Wires-------------------Ranges------------ KW------------ -------- -------- ----------- Number of Circuits..---------------- Oven .............. KW----------- --------- -- ------ ------------ Number of Meters------------------------Signs_........ Transformers-------- ....__-- --------- -....._------ Misc-----_----------------------------`---------Dryers----------._..----------------- ------- -------- ------------- Motors---------------- HP--------- --------- PhasePerini[ Fee $1.00 Motors-------------------- HP------------------- Phas . . �rs�------------ - - ..... H P Charge............... ...... - et z ffjt� 6 - TOTAL FEES 61 RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS RoughWiring.-------------- ----------------------`--. Fixtures -------------....� ----'-----....--------- RATE IMSPECTON RE INSPECTOR Finish Wiring ................ - -.. Motors -- -- 8 �- �----`------------------- oATc INSr[croll bA S TOR Final . _.......... ...._...._-------------- AT[ INSPECTOR NO. STREET LOT NO. N Y o A� , ohkFOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT 01 Ff OF CUPERTICdO FEB 211964 0 Datc ' 195— Permit No. 0 O aFee S zm App'ltc3tio Q hel•ebyP to'the City of Cupertino for a permit t2 install electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said �. wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the 00 w City of Cupertino, d all other laws �pp}i le thereto.�1 z J Use of Premiise�s(� )nJ�'/'' (/ (///�(�(/(�— 3 a Owner w' (J " � Address — N w Zgy _ Address 4 CONTRACTOR, AGENT a aApproved _ —0 Phone 0�o Q ELEC[Il1CAL INS►ECTM State License:—