CC 04-19-82 '. , . , .' . . CITY OF CUPERTINO, STATE OF CAL.IFORNIA 10300 Tocre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014-3255 Tel~phone: (408) 252-4505 KINUTES I)r THE RE:;uLAR KEE'lING or THE CITY COUNCIL. HELD úN APRIL 19, 1982 IN 1'HE COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA Mayor Sparks called the meeting to order at 6:47 p.m. in the Council Chamber, City RaIl. SALUTE TO 1'HE FLAG ROLL CALL Counc. Present: Counc. Absent: Gatto, Johnson, Plun~y, Mayor Sparks Rogers Staff Present: City Manager Quinlan Çity Ci£rk Cornelius Director of Planning and Development Sisk Director of Parks and Recreation Dowling Assistant City Engineer Whitten City Atlorney Kilian Assistant Planning Director Cowan (8:00 p.m.) At the request of the City Attorney, it was moved by Counc. Plungy, s..conded by Counc. Johnson and passed unanimously to authorize reim- bursement of the Horthbrook Property & Casualty Co. in the amount ~f $224 upon signing of a release. This pertains to claims filed by Alfred D. Abshire and Elizabeth J. Frisz. STA!'F REPORTS 2. Report regarding possible use of a contract employee for prepara- tion of soils reports. By consensus, Council continued this item to the meeting of May 3, 1982. 3. Report regarding legal publi~ations for the City of Cupertino. The repJrt was accepted. 4. Report regarding distribution of housing needs by income as submitted by ABAC. The report was acc~pted. COûNCIL REPORTS çounc. Catto, LCC Transportation Committee - Cou~c. Gatto reportzd that the LCC Transportation Committee took the follo~ing action on pending legislation. SB 1355, &upport; AB 255l, support; SB 133l, support; SB l539, oppose; AS 2697. oppose; AB 31 '. support; SB 1711, tabled; SB 1934, support; SB IJ53, support; SB 1925, support. The City Clerk was requested to get a copt of SB 1925 (Foran). CC-567 Page 1 Abshire a"d Frisz claims Preparation of soils re- ports LCC Trans- p('rtation Com. action on legislat ion _7 .slattve Review Com- mittee actions . Planting of cherry trees . MINUTES or 1'HE Al'RIL 19, 1982 CITY COUNCIL JlBBTING Counc. Johnson, Legislative Review C01Dittee - It vas 1IOV8d by Counc. Johnson, seconde~ by Counc. Gatto and passed unanimously to take the following positions on pending legislation: Oppose AS 3492 (Bosc~), Updating the Present Stat. Energy Law Requir..-nta. 58 1651 (Russellj, SB 1667 (Davis) and SB 2634 (rarr), Amendin. Civic Center Act and School racility Changes. AS 2447 (Greene), Revisions to the Communi.y Redevelopment Lsw. AB 3011 (Torr~a), Workers' Comepnsation: Cancer Presumptions. Budget Item 8350, Workp.rs' Comepnsation Mandated Cost Reimbursements. ACA 85 (Pknnigan), Restricted Benefit Assessaent Tax Zones. AB 2480 (Nolan), Handatory Issuance of Concealed Weapon Permits (unnecessary). SB l786 (Foran), Tentative ,division Map. Support AS 2551 (Young), Transportation Funding. AS 3433 (Kapiloff), Waste. SB 500 (Beverly), Joint and Sev~ral Liabiiity. AS 3564 (Roos), Use of Benefit Assessments for Public Improvement Financing. The City Clerk was directed to get a copy of SB 2037. Counc. Plungy reported that the planting "f Cherry tree~ in Memorial Park shall take pl~ce In November, 1983 as part of the fifth anniversary of Cupertino's Sister City Program with Toyokawa. CONSENT CALENDAR Counc. Plungy removed items 12 and 15. ls, Application HC-Sl,382.2 - Good Samaritan United Methodist Church rc esting architectural, site, lighting, landscaping, and signing '¿vroval for an 8,000 sq. ft. addition to an existing church. The church is current',y 7,500 sq. ft. The subject property is located on the southeast corner of Homestead Roa4 and Linnet Lane. Recommended t0r approval. Condition No. 17 ",ao amende" to read, "The landscape strip fronting on nomestead Road shall be Lmds...aped with shrubs and trees as approv,ed by staff." . . , MINUTES OF 1'HE APRIL 19, 1982 CITY COUNCIL MEETING It was moved by Counc. Plungy, seconded by Counc. Johnson and passed unanimously to approve t~e Consent Calendar except for It~ 12. lO. Resolution No. 5849: "A Resolution of the City Council of t~~ City of Cupertino Allowing Certain Claims and Demands Payable in the Amounts and from the Funds as Herei~after Described for Salaries and Wages for the Payroll Period 1':nding April 6, 1982." ll. Resolution No. 5847: "A Resolution of the City Councilor the Cit of Cupertino Allowing Certain Claims and Demands Payable :In the Amounts and from the runds as Hereinafter Described for General and Miscellaneous Expenditures for the Period Ending April 2, 1982." l2. Removed. l3. Resolution No. 585l: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Authorizing Execution of Release of Deferred Agreement between the City of Cupertino and Mario Barbieri Et Al.; Northwest Corner of Stevens Creek Boulevard and Vista Drive." l4. Resolution No. 5852: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Accepting Dedication of Development Righta from _obert Nellis and Kathy NeJlis; Tract No. 6310, Lot 24; Regnørt Road." l5, Application H~-~I,383.2 - Good Samaritan United Methodist Church requesting architectural, site, lighting, landscaping, and signing approval for an 8,000 sq. ft. addition to an existing church. The church is currently 7,500 sq. ft. The subject property is located on the southeast corner of Homestead Road and Linnet Lane. Recommended for approval. l6. Request for waiver of business license fees - Minor Sports Founda- tion. 17. Resolution No. 5853: "A Resolution of the City Council of th~ City of Cupertino Approving Contract Change Order No, 3 f0r Annual Overlay Project 82-0l. l8. Minutes of the regular City Council meeting of April 5, 1982. (CC-566) Vote Members of the City Council AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN : Gatto, Johnson, Plungy, Sparks None Rogers None 12. Resolution No. ~850: "A R..solution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Allowing Certain Claims and Demands Payable in the Amounts and from the Funds as Hereinafter Described for Ceneral and Miscellaneous ~xpenditures for the Period Ending April 9, 1982." The amount for Check No. 45834 was amended to $24.48. It was moved by Counc. Gatto, seconded by Counc. Plungy and passed unanimously to adopt Resolution No. 5850 as amended. CC-567 Page 3 Approval of Consent Calen- dar Res. No. ';850 appr:wed ~s ai!lended .6r . Public hearing closed Closure of Byrne at SCB approved . MLWTES OF THE APRIL 19, 1982 CITY COUNCIL K£ETING ORAL COMKUIIICATIONS 19. Proclamation - Declaring Friday, April 30, 1982 aa ~ike to Work Day. 20. Proclamation - Declaring May 1-7, 1982 as Respect for Law Week. The City Clerk was directed to forward the proclamations to the appropriate parties. PUBLIC HEARINGS 2l. Consideration of immediate closure of Byrne Avenue from direct access to Stevens Creek Boulevard. Hrs. Stone of Byrne Avenue inf~rmed Council that it would be an inconvenience if Byrne Avenue were closed. Hr. Barry Garrison, lO¡_~ Byrne Avenue, inquired about access to Blackberry ran if Byrne Avenue were closed. Be stated that cars were bumper-to-bumper now. Mr. Ron Schmal, l0263 Byrne Avenue, stated that Byrne should be closed permanently. Cathy Griese, l0140 Byrne Avenue, stated that there were 3 lot of blind corners on the street and informed Council she was neither for nor r.~ain8t the closure but was concerned. Hike Cooper Hart, lOl15 Byrne Avenue, spoke in favor of toe closure. He ~hanked Terry Brown for Hr. Brown's offer of financial assistance in closure of tbe street and asked when it would be clo~,d. John Vincent, 21930 Stevens Creek Boulevarci, told Council that he ha4 purchased his house based on knowing that Byrne would be closed. In regard to Blackberry Fal~ traffic, he suggest cd a sign directing traffic along Bubb to McClellan to Byrne. It was moved by Cour.c. Johnson, secondp', by Coune. Plungy and passed unanimously tn close the public hearing. It wa, moved by Counc. Plungy, seconded by Counc. Johnson anù passed unantmously to approve the permanent closure of Byrne Avenue and 2.ppr.'prtate $38,000 from the General Fund for implementation of the project. PLANNING APPLICATIONS '2. ApplIcation 26-TM-81 of Lawrance C. Mayerle: fentative Map to consolidate and adjust the lot lines of si~ parcels consisting of approximately 1.5 acres into three parcels ranging in size from 18,000 sq. ft. to 26,650 sq. ft. and Environmental Review: The Planning Commission recommends the granting of a Negative . MINUTES OF THE APRIL 19, 1982 CITY COUNCIL MEETINC 22. (continued) Declaration. The subject property is located on the north side of Mercedes Road, approximately 500 ft. west of Cordova Road and on the west side of San Felipe Road approximately 230 ft. south ~f Alcalde Road in a Rl-IO (Residential Single-family, lO,OOO sq. ft. minimum lot size) zoning district and RHS (Residential, Hillside Development) zone. Recommended for approval. Director of Planning and Development Sisk reviewed the application with Counc i1. City Attorney Kilian informed Council that certain issues with regard to the lot line and the cul-de-sac are under litigation and the City of Cupertino is a defendant in the case i~ respect to the cul-de-sac area. However, he stated he haJ no problems with ~llowing a tentative map conditioned upon these two issues being resolved prior to recorda- tion of the final map despite the fact that the City is a defendant in the case. (*A partial tra~script is attached.) . Mr. George Tobin, 246 W. Main, Los Gatos, attorney for the applicant, stated that since the litigation had been instituted he had been in constant communication with Mr. Kilian regarding progress or lack of it, He further stated that the lot line aójustment between Mayerle and Pisano is miniscule and is only about four ft. on the westerly hase of a triangle. He further stated that the litigation involves a prescriptive easement which comes down through Mayerle's pro\,erty and across the corner of Pisano's lot no. 1 in about 15 ft. He stated that it was used by both Noland and the hayerles and had been used by their predecessors for years. He infor,,"~d Council that ,Ie had been on the site with ~he Uirector of Public Works and Mr. Pisano and his attorney and tried to resolve the problem. He further stated that Mr. Whaley was also pres~nt because his s\lbdivision was then under consider ation. Mr. Whaley's subdivision was a lot split of the Nolan property into three parcels. Mr. Tobin stated that he felt at the time there WßS an on-site agreement as to the location of the cul-de-sac. It was his understanding that the drawing for the cul-de-sac for the Whaley lot split of Nolan's property has been approved by the Department of Public Works and will be the sam~ location as that involved in respect to the utilization by th~ Mayerles, above the 25 ft. corridor, as a means of access to San Felipe Road. The problem was compounded when he requested that the agreement be i~plemented by Mr. Pisano. Mr. Tobin stated that he had sent the papers to the City Attorney and to Mr. Pisano's attorney, and the agreement would involve the è~dication by Mr, Pisano of a small section of the corner of the cul-de-sac, the relocation of the curb and gutter. and the moving of a PG&E an..} tele- phone undergrounding box. Mr. Tobin stated th?t he was informed that Hr. Pisano was in favor of everything but would not spend any mo~~y. Hr. Tobin also suggested to Mr. Pi3ano'~ attorney that a lot line adjustment be made for lot I a..J that he felt the adjustment could be done ariministratively to show that the southeast corner of t~c lvt is a portion of a segment of a cul-de-sJc. Mr. Tobin expres~ed the belief that prior to final map time the issues could be resolved. However, he stated that the response he had received from ~Ir. Pisano was that he would not do anything that will cost him money or would . CC-567 Page 5 CC-567 .6 MINUTES or THE APRIL 19, 1982 CITY COUNCIL MEETING require an application to the City of Cupertino. If the issues could not be resolved prior to recordation of the final map, he felt that perhaps s~ adjustment of the location of the cul-de-sac in the southerly direction might have to be affected and he did not see how that would really affect any of the subdivisions. It vas ~ete~ined that it would make a difference on Mr. Whaley'~ setback on certain building sites. The City Attorney stated that he felt if there were no judgment of prescriptive easement or any settlement reached ultimdtely the City may have to condemn that small parcel. Mr. Tobin said that is possible but he hoped that it would not be necessary. Counc. Gatto a~ked if the cul-de-sac in that configuration were on the Fisano subdivision. Mr. Tobin informed him it was not, The improved strret on the Pisano subdivision ends just as p dead ~nd street eighteen ft. wide with no bulb. The cul-de-sac was made a requiremen: when Warren Whaley filed his application for the division of the Nolan property. Counc. Gatto ststed that since it is not part of the Pisano map, it was really a request for Mr. Pisano to participate. . Mr. Tobin inforœed Council that he had talked with t~~ Cit.y Attorr.ey and the impression was that when someone develops, contributions will be required under the street improvement ordinance. Counc. Gatto suggested that since Mr. Pisano is not going to particioate and there is no way to force his participation, perhaps the City ou~ht to re-evaluate the shape of the ~ul-de-sac. The City AttornßY statcd that this is a tentatile map and if Council wished to change the cul-de-sac the proposed tentative map could be amenóed and Council could seek a change from Mr. Whaley who has already had his application approved. Counc. Gatto asked 3taff what the thinking was When Mr. Pisano's application was approved and no cul-de-sac was required or requested. . Assistant City Engineer Whitten stated that he did not feel that there was ever a questi~n of wh~ther or not there would be a cul-de-sac, but ther~ seemed to be some disagreement at that point on where the cul-Ge-sac was thought to be when Mr. Pisano developed. He stated that the plans were approved by the Department of Public Works without the short radius starting on the first lot of Mr. Pisano. The curb and gULter ran straight through. He further stated that there was always the intention of having a full bulb there. It was just a question of whe.c that radius started. He further stated that in discussions the Director of Pu' lic Works and he had with Mr. Mayerle and others in the field, there is still some disagreement as to what everyone thought at th~ t~me Mr. Pisano's development was approved. CC-567 P.7 Negative Dec. for 26-TK-8l 26-TM-81 approved . Second reading of Ord. 1168 cont inued 6-TM-82 awved KINUTES or 1'HE APRIL 19, 1982 CITY COUNCIL KEE'lING Counc. Gatto asked if with the Whaley application staff did not recog- nize that the sll8ll triangle fell on Mr. Pisano's land. Mr. Whitten said that staff did realize it. He further stated that the condition on Hr. Whaley's IISp which is approved and the condition on Hr. Mayerle's which is before Council tonight is that the firct one who records his map will fully improve the cul-de-sac, and if that requires the developer to pay the City to cond.-n that sll8ll triangle, then he viII have to do that. It was determined that the triangle vas approximately 30 sq. ft. Mr. Tobin stated that everything south of Mr. Mayerle's line on the flag lot, all the portion of San Felipe road from there to Mercedes was abandoned by the County before the City was incorporate~. San relipe Road as such did not exist beyond Mr. Mayerle's property and Mr. Nolan's property because it was officially abandoned by the County of Santa Clara. It was moved by Counc. Johnson, seconded by Counc. Plungy and passed unanimously to grant a Negative Declaratiml for Application 26-tM-8l. It was moved by Counc. Johnson, &~conded by Counc. Gatto and passed unanimously to app~ove Application 26-TM-8l per Planning ComMission Resolution No. 2297. By consensus Council took Item 37 out of order. ORDINANCES 37. Second reading of Ordinance No. l168: "An Ordinance of the City of Cupertino Amending Chapter l6.40 of the Cupertino Municipal Code by Adding Section~ 16.40.l65 and l6.40.l66 Regarding Smoke Detection Systéms and Section 16.40.180 Regarding Penalties for Violations." This item was continued to the May 3, 1982 City Council meeting. PLANNING APPLICATIONS (continued) 23. Application 6-TK-82 of Cupertino Commercial Development: Tentative Map to allow subdivision of a 9,700 sq. ft. commercial/ office building into eight office condominium units and Environ- mental Review: The project was previously assessed, hence, no action is required. The subject property is located on the northwest corner of Stevens Creek Boulevard and Hig;:"ay 85 at the termin~tion of Alhambra Avenue and Santa Clara Avenue in a P (Planned Development with Neighborhood Commercial Intent) zoning district. Recommended for approval, It was moved by Counc. Gatto, seconded by Counc. Plungy and passed unanimously to approve Application 6-TK-82 per Planning Commission Resolution No. 2298. · MINUTES OF 1'HE APRIL 19, 1982 CITY COUNCIL MEETING 24. Ap~¡1cations 7-TK-82 and l-V-82 of Michael Lynch: Tentative ~ap to conøolidate three parcels consisting of approxt.ateIy .4 .f an sere into one parcel, Variance from Section 118.5 of the l.ight Industrial Zoning Ordinance to permit a building height of 16.5 ft. on the property line in lieu of the 20 ft, maximum allowed by ordinance and Envirmtmental Review: The project is categorically exempt, hence, no action is required. The subject property is located on the east side of Imperial Avenue at the intersection of Olive Avenue (Approximately 300 rt. South of Lomita Avenue) in a Light Industrial zoning district. Tentative Hap application recommended for approval. Variance application recommended for denial. (a) Resolution No. 5854: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Granting a Variance to Michael Lynch -from Section ll8.5 of the Light Industrial Zoning Ordinance to Permit a Building Height of 26.5 Ft. on the Property Line in Lteu of the 20 Ft. Maximum Allowed by Ordinarce, Located on the East Side of Imperial Avenue at the Inter- section of Olive Avenue (Approximately 300 Ft. South of Lomita Aven'~") in a Light Industrial Zoning District." · Director of Planning and Development Sisk revived the application with Council. Mr. Ellis Jacobs, architect, stated that he felt the height restric- tion under question was meant for cases when the building would be surrounded by residential. This particular building would be sur- rounded by industrial. He stated that he felt the building layout was the only one which would allow adequate truck access for the busi- ness and believed that the proposed design would enhance Cupertino and Manta Vista. Mr. Michael Lynch, applicant, felt that the cost of construction was also an unnecessary hardship. He informed Council that ~is partic- ular business would have little traffic impact o~ the City. It was moved by Counc. Johnson, seconded by Counc. Gatto and passed with Counc, Sparks dissenting to approve Application 7-1M-82 per Plannirg Commission Resolution No. 2300. It was moved by Counc. Johnson, seconded by Counc. Gatto and passed with Counc. Sparks dissenting to deny Application I-V-82. (City Clerk's Note: Assistant Planning Director Cowan arrived at 8:00 p.m.) ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE APPROVAL COMMITTEE APPLICATIONS · 25. None ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR 26. Action on Items 12 and IS was taken under CONSENT CALENDAR, CC-567 Page 8 7-1M-82 approved l-V-82 denied .6~ BMR require- ments for Due d'l0pment Condominium conversions Solid waste presentation Settlement with Durand/ Franko rati- f. MINUTES OF THE APRIL 19, 1982 CITY COUNCIL MEETING UNrINISRED BUSINESS 28. Memo regarding the General Plan from Councilmember John Gatto. Assistant Planning Director Cowan reviewed the General Plan rlow Chart with Council and requested that Council approve a date for a General Plan public hearing at the Planning Commission. Council requested that the staff flow chart/work plan of the General Plan and the memo submitted by Counc. Gatto be consolidated for the April 27 meeting and requested that the Planning Commission conduct a hearing of the General Plan during the week of May 10, 1982. 29. Request from Jules Due for waiver of Below Market Rate require- ments. Janet Wright from the Kidpeninsula Citizens for Fair Housing stated that the organizatimt was in favor of the BKR Program and felt it should be appli~d as broadly as possible. She submitted a letter from the crganization for the record. It was moved by Counc. Plungy, seconded by Counc. Johnson and passed unanimously, in regard to the BMR requirement f~r the Due Wildflower Way development, to authoriz~ the increase of sales prices of the BKR unit to l20% of the median level and use of the sales price calculation currently in effect. This would result in a sales price of $92,752 and a qualifying income level of $33,826 to $39,900. 30. Condominium conversion arlditions to General Plan and conversion ordinance - letter from Davis, Young and Mendelson. It. was moved by Counc. Gatto, seconded by Counc. Johnson and passed unanimously to request that the issue of condominium conversions b~ added to the agenda for the April 27, 1982 meeting. RECESS: 8:35-8:47 p.m. 31. Presentation by Hr. Tom Henderson, Manager, No. Santa Clara County Solid Waste Management Program. Mr. Henderson presented Council with slides showing his recent tour of solid waste management plants and transfer stations. 32. Ratification of settlement: City of Cupertino v. Ryan B. Durand and Robert Franko. It was moved by Counc. Plungy, s~conded by Counc. Johnson and passed unanimously to ratify the settlement in regard to the City of Cuper- tino v. Ryan B. Durand and Rober~ Franko. Mr. Franko has paid the sum of $700 and the remaining amount is to be collected from the co- defendant. · MINUTES OF 1'HE APRIL 19, 1982 CITY COUNCIL MEETING 33. Request from the Braegen Corporation for 8-month extension of \lFoe of four modular trailers. It was moved by Counc. Johnson, seconded by Counc. Gatto and pasaed unanimousl¡ to continue this item to the meeting of May 3, 1982, 34. Guide to the operation of local cable TV in Cupertino for approval. (a) Resolution No. 5855: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Approving 'Guide to the Operation of Local Cable Television in Cupertino'." By consensus, consideration of adoption of th.. guide to the operation of local cable TV in Cupertino was continued to the meeting of Kay 3, 1982. 35. Appropriation of funds for removal of storm-damageå trees. It was moved by Counc. Gatto, seconded by Counc. Johnson and passed unanimously to appropriate $4,100 frma the General Fund for the re- moval of storm-damaged trees. · At 9:35 p.m. Council adjourned co the an'lual meeting of the Board of Directors of tne Cuperti~o Scene. Director of Parks and Recreation Dowling informed the board that the annual meeting was required for election of officers. He recommende~ that since the date of the General Election had been changed, perl.'ips they would like to post- pone electon of officers. It was moved by Counc. Johnson, ~econded by Counc. Plungy and passed unanimously to continue the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Cupertino Scene to the first meeting after the June election. At 9:36 p.m., Council reconvened and adjourned to April 27, 1982 at 7:00 p.m. for General Plan public hearings. A~ City Clerk · CC-567 Page 10 Braegen re- quest con- tinued Approval of cable TV guide contin- ued Aporopriation for removal o~ treees Cupertino Scene board meeting con- tinued --..~q -.. Apdl 19, 1992 These issues with regard to the lot line and the cul-de- sac are under litigation and the City of Cupertino is a defendant in t~is case in respect to the cul-de-sac area. I have no problem with allowin~ a tentative map condit- ioned upon these two issues being resolved prior to recordation of the final map despite the fact tha~ the City is a defendant in the case. · Item 22. Application 26-TH-Sl, Hayerle Kilian: Tobin: · · Since this litigation has been instituted, I have been in constant communication with Mr. Kilian re~arding progress or lack of it. The lot line sdjustment between Hayerle an~ Pisano, which is the little sliver, is miniscule. It's only about 4 ft. on the westerly base of that triangl Some time ago - the litigation involves a prescriptive easement which (Jim Sisk points) comes down throu~h Hayerle's anrl across the corner of Pisano's lot I, is about 15 ft. That was used by both Nolan and Mayerles and their predecessor's for years. We went out on the sit with the Director of Public Works and Hr. Pi~ano ~nd his attorney tried to resolve thia problem. Incidentally, Hr. Whaleq was there, too because his subdivision was then under' considerztion; that is, a lot split of Nolan's property into three parcels. And we had what I felt at the time was an on-si~e_agreemenl as tothe location of the cul-de-sac. Now t~drawin~ for theë-,Jí:'de-šâ'cföi'the"Whâlën.lòi: split of Nol~n's propert} / as I understand, has b~en approved by the Department of Public Works and would be the same locati9n which is involved in respect to the utilization by Hayerle's above that 25 ft. corridor as a means of access to San Felipe Road. The proble. suddenly got confounded when I requested that the agreement that I thought we had be im~l~ment~d by Pisano. I sent the papers to Chuck and I se~t thr papers 10 his attorney which would involve the dedication by Pisano of that little section of the corner of the cul-de- sac and the relocation of the curb and gutter and ~e has to move a PG&E+telephone undergrounding box. I was sudd- enly informed that Pisano is in favor of everything but will not pay a dime. I also suggested to his attorney that, properly, a lot line adjustment should be made for lot I which now just ~ome5 out to a 90° intersection, so that for lot I he would have a lot line adjustment Ihat r'm sure could almost be done administratively to show that the southeast corner of h~s Jot is now a portion of a s(>gment of a cul-de-sac. I believe that before final map time we can get these things resolved, but the thing is that the response that I got from Pisano was - I won't do anything - that costs me a~y money; I won't do anything that requires an application to the City of Cupertino. · · · '( Tobin: (con't) Kilian: Tobin: Gatto: Tobin: Gatto: T"~in: Gatto: Kf I L,n: Catto: Whitten: Ca t to: ..,~,-.. .. Maybe between now and a final Map we can set that worked out and if we can't perhaps they will require that some adjust.ent of the location of the ~ul-de-sac in a southerl direction might have to be affected and. I don't see how thst would really affect any of the subdivisions. I don't want to make a misrepresentation to ~ou if it would affect Warren's (W. Whaley) front yard setback en the southeast line. (It was deter.ined it would .ake a difference on Mr. Whaley's setbacks on certain build ins sites) , It seems to me that if no judge.ent of prescriptive ease- ment or any settle.ent is reached ulti.ately, the City may have to conde.n that small parcel. T~at's possible, but I hope that isn't necessary. we can resolve this thing. I hope Is that cul-de-sac basically in that configuration on the Pisano subdivision¥ No, the improved street on the Pisano subåivision ends just as a deadend street, 18 ft. wide, no bulb. The cul-de-sac was made a requirement when Warren Whaley filed his application for the division of the Nolan property. It's not part of the Pisano map so it really falls into a request for Pisano to participate. 1 talked to Hr. Kilian and T suspe~t whoever first develop. that contributions will be required under your street improvement ordinance. If that's the proper place for the cul-de-sac and Pisano's not going to participate and there's no way to force him to participate, perhaps we ought to re-evaluate the shape ef the cul-de-sac. This is a tentative map and if you want to change the cul- de-sac, it seems to me you have to get an amendment to the propos~d tentative map and also seek a change from Mr. Whaley who already has the existing cul-de-sac there. What was the thinking when Pisano's application went throug and no cul-de-sac was required or requested? 1 don't think there was ever a question of whether or not there would be a cul-de-sac. There seems to be some disagreement at this pnint on where that cul-de-sac was t1tought to be when Pisano developed. Those plans were approved by nur office without that short radius starting on that first lot of Mr. Pisano's. The curb and gutter ran straight through. Did that reflect a full cul-de-sac of ~ome sort, Travice? -2- Whitten: . Gatto: Whitten: Plungy: Tobin: . ~ Yes, ther~ was always the intention of hay!n, a full bulb there. It was just a questioJ of vhere thMt radius started. In discussions that Bert and I h.d with Mr. Mayerle and everyone in the field, ther~'s still disagree- ment .a to what everybody thought .t the timœ Mr. Pisano's development was approved. Pisano, first; Whaley came in after that. Didn't you recognize at that point that the little triangle fell on" Pisano'. land? Yes. The condition on Hr. Wh.ley's m.p which is approved and the condition of Mr. Hayerle's which is bef~re you tonight is that the first ~ne who records his msp will f~lly improve the cul-de-sac and if that requires the dev~loper to pay the City to condemn that small triangle, then ~~ will h~ve to do that. About how much land in thst triangle? (Determined to be about 30 square feet) Everything south of Mayerle's line on the flag lot, all the portion of San Felipe Road from there to Mercedes was abandoned by the County before you were incorporated. So San Felipe Road as such did not exist b~yond Mayerlc'~ property because it was officially abandoned by the County of Santa Clara. . . -3-