51001.4 22195 VIA CAM I NOCT 51001 .4 F/P Franklin Homes REMODEL, LOT 107 OAK KNOLL HILLS SCANNED BOX #, Applicable Sections, Structural Pest Control Act of California 5516. (a) The provisions of this section shall apply only to wood- it will be assumed that conditions are as Originally reported. A control destroying pests or organisms. service contract shall state specifically the particular w,rod-destroying (b) No licensee shall commence work on a contract, or sign, issue ur pests or organisms and the portions of the buildingsor.structures;covered deliver any documents expressing an opinionorstatement'relating to the by such contract. absence or presence of wood-destroying Pests or organisms until an inspec- (c) Whenever a report is filed pursuant r9 ,subdivision (b) of this made. tion has been The licensee shat retain for three years all field section, the board shall forthwith send sir any person 4 firm designated reports from which a verbal or written estimate (if or solutions for work under paragraph 3 of said subdivision a ccr[i Fittf nrpybf all inspection are made. A written inspection report conforming to this section and on reports and completion notices made un the property and,filed\nth the a form prescribed bytheboard shall he Prepared and delivered to the board during the preceding den years. person requesting the inspection or his designated agent. A copy of each Bs16.1. Each copy of an inspection report filed with the board pur- such report shall be filed with the board at the time the report is delivered suantto Section 8516 shall have affixed therchr astanrp.issued by the board or not later than five days after the date the inspection is made.Thereport in the denomination fixed by- the board pursuant to n Sectio8674 as the shall be delivered to the person requestin the inspection,or his designated inspections report filing.fee.The board shall provide for the•sile of such agent before work is commenced.The following shall be set forth in the stamps and for the refund of moneys paid for stamps which ire,recurred report: to it unused. 1.. The date of the inspection and the name of the person making the 9517. Array work contract,billing,agreement,letter of work completed, inspection. or other correspondence or document expressing an c imun or.making 2. The name and address of the person or firm ordering the report. a statement relating to the presence or absence of wood-destroying:pests 3. The time and address of any person Who is a parry in interest to or organisms shall refer to the report defined in subsections 1 to'9,mclu= whom the board is to send certified copies of inspection reports and cum- sive of Section 9516. Such documents shall indicate specifically whahei pletion notices as provided in subdivision (c) of this section. all of the recommended work as set forth in the inspection report was 4. The addressor location of the:property. completed,or,if nor,it shall indicate specifically which recommendations 5. A general description of the building or premises inspected. were not completed. 6. A foundation diagram or sketch of the structure or structures or 8518. Whema licensee completes work under a contract. he shall not later than five days thereafter file with the'bnard a^notice of work cont- portions of such structure ), structures inspected,indicating thereon the pleted, on a form prescribed by the board. The notice shall include a' approxunam location of any infested or infected areas-evidenr,.and the statement of the cost the completed work and estimated cost of work i Paris of the structure where conditions exist which would ordinarily not completed, brach such notice shall lure affixed thereto a stamp issued j subject such parts to attack by wood-destroying pests or organisms. by the board in the denomination fixed by the board'pursuant to Section 7. Information regarding the substructure, foundation walls and four- 8674 az the fee for filing a notice of work completed. The board shall Ings, porches„patios and steps,air vents, abutments, attic spaces Or other provide for the sale ofsuch stamps and for the refund of moneys paid) parts subject to attack by.wood-destroying pests or organisms.Conditions for stamps which arc returned to It unused. usually deemed likelyto lead to infestation or infection,such as earth:dm- 86 U. Any person, whether or not a part to a real ro r taets; excessive all.use debris, faulty grade levels, excessive moisture Y p {arty trans- conditions and insufficient ventilation are to be reported. action, has a right m request and, upon payment (if the required (ce„to obtain directly from the board a certified copy of all inspection reports ! B. Indication or description of any areas normally subject tn.damage and completion notices prepared and'filed by any structural'pest control which are inaccessible or for other reason not inspected, with suggestion operator during the precedingtwo years. for further inspection if practicable. If;after the report has been made in 8615. The certified cop),feerequired by this chapter shall accon5pany compliance with the provisions of this section,authority is given later to each request for certified copies made m the board pursuant to Section open inaccessible areaz, a supplementary on conditions in these areas shall be made. 8614. In return for such fee-rhe board shall prepare and transmit to the requester certified copies of all inspection reports and completion notices 9. Recommendations for curreaivc measures. filedwiththe board On the..subject,property within the preceding two (c) Such report and any contract,entered into shall also state specifi- years, except that if a search of the board' records diw1oxes that no tally when any guarantee for the work is made, and if so, the specific Inspection report and completion notice has bean filed on the property termsofthe guarantee and the period of time for which the guarantee within he prect”ing two years,the board shall retain the fee as a search fee. shall be in effect. 'Yhe certified copy fee may be paid in stamps issued by the board in the . (d) Control service is defined as the regular reinspectiim of a pro rerty denomination fixed by it affix to Section 9674:-If the fee is so paid, after a report las been made in cumPliance with rite provisions o3 this the person requesting the certified copies shall ax ro his request a stamp section and such corrections !1 have been agreed upon have been cum- in the proper denomination.The board shall provide far the'sale of such pitted. Under a-control service agreement a licensee shall refer to the stamps and for the refund of moneys paid for stamps which are returned original report and contract in such manner as «r identify them clearly, o it unused. and said report shall be assumed to be a true report of conditions as 8616. Where a wood-destruyin• nism inspection of the property originally issued,except it may bemadified ager a control service insaec- is requested by any parry m a real orgaproperty-transaction,.the real estate tion.A licensee is not required to issue report as Outlined in subsections broker shall give a separate written notice Of the provisions of Section 1 m 9.inclusive after each control service inspection.If after control sen ice 8614 its each party and shall obtain from each such person writtenacknowl- inspection,no modification of the original report is made in writing,then edgement that said person has received such written notice. Applicable Board Regulations (6) Replace Or reinforce structural member visibly structurally weak- 1990. Report Requirements Under Section 8516 (b) 1.9 In ho,ivr. All ened by wood-destroying pests or organisms.Wood structurally weakened reports shall be completed as prescribed by the board. Copies filed with by fungus shall be removed. Wood which is surface-infected by fungus the board shall be clear-and legible. All reports most supply information may be treated by a woodpreservativeif no structural,damage,is present. and indicate conditions existing as required by paragraphs 1-9, inclusive, Correct the adverse'moisture condition. Of subdivision (h) of Section 8516 of the code and contain or describe the (7) Provide adequate ventilation. It .shall be considered inadequate following: when lack of ventilation has contributed to the growth of wood-destroy- (a) Date of the inspection. ing pests or organismts. Vents shall beabove:grade or protected by a vent (b) Name and Structural Pest Control License number of person mak- well which will not allow roof drainage or other water to enter the ing the inspection. subarea. (c) Name of person or firm ordering the report. (8) Correct conditions in frame and stucco walls and similar construe- (1) Name and address of any person whom the operator may desig- tion so that the wood framing is separated from the main structure by a nate as-a.parry-.nsinterest pursuant ro Section 8516,(b) 3 of the code. complete concrete or masonry plug with no voids that Will allow infesta- (d) Address or location of the'propary. - thins Or utfections toenter the struciut.frum:thc.wall.lf.there is no plug;, (e) General description of building and premises inspected. the foundation shall be 2 inches or more above the grade levels and at (f) A foundation diagram or sketch of the structure ur structures or least as high as the adjoining slabs or a 4 inch concrete barrier seal off portions of.such structure ur structures inspected. The diagram shall installed. indicate thereon the approximate location of any infested or infected (9� Exterminate all reported infestations of drywood termites (kalo- areas evident and the,parts of the structure where conditions exist Which termes), subterranean termites (renculitermes), dampwood termites would ordinarily subject such parts to attack by wood-destroying pests. (zootermopsis), or other wood-destroying pests. If evidence indicates or organisms. that an infestation of drywood termlres (kalotermes),;dampwood ter- (g) Infestations,infections or evidence thereof. mites (zootermopsis) or wood-boring beetles extendsiinto an inaccessible (h) Conditions usually deemed likely to lead to infestation or infection wall or area, recommendation shall be made to fumigate or to expose including,but nor limited to: the inf25ration for local chemical treatment. Where accessible, termite pellets shall be removed, covered, or masked over alter treatment. Sub- (1) Faulty Gradc Level. A faulty grade level exists when the top terranean.ramire tubes shall be removed where accessible. of the foundation is less than 2 inches above the adjacent earth,(it%% (10) Treat an infested arca under the structure when subterranean ter- the drainage.is such that an adverse moisture condition is evident on the mite tubes are found connected to the ground Or whenactiveinfestations substructure timbers..The existing earth level shall be:considered grade. are found in the ground. (1) Inaccessible subareas or portions thereof and areas where there (I1) ,Make all unimproved areas of the subarea accessible for inspection. is less than 12 inches clear space between the bottom of the floor'foists Twch c inches or more of clearance under floor joists shall be considered and the unimproved ground area. adequate except thatsuch clearance shall nor be necessary when ratproof- (3) Excessive Cellulose Debris. (This is defined as any cellulose ing or ocher paving is present,or where the subarea soil is of such a nature debris footings she that can pore raked of larger.Stumps and wood imbedded as to prevent excavation or where excavation would create a hazard from in footings shall be reported.) shifting suit or other causes. These.conditions must be fully,set forth in (4) Information regarding the substructure, foundation walls and the report. Recommendations shall be Madero provide crawl spaces so footings,porches,patios and steps,stairways,air vents,abutments,stucco that any part is sufficiently visible to enable the inspector to comply with walls,columns,or other parts of a structure normally subject to attack by wood-destroying pests or organiSection 8516 (b), hems 6,son. - (12) Correa excessive mo7,8,anid 9. any sture condition that is commonly con- (5) Structural members found to be structurally acakenod,by WouJ-- "trolhible.When there is reasonable evidence tmbelieve.a fungus infection destroying pests organisms. exists in a concealed scall or area..recommendations shall be made to open (6) Earth-wood contacts. exists wall or arca._ (7) Commonly controllable moisture conditions which would foster (13) Repair a stall shower:.ifit is found to Icak when water tested for the growth of a fungus infection materially damaging to woodwork,in- a minimum of 15 minures,after the shower drain has been plugged and eluding conditions resulting from stucco leaks, from first floor stall the base filled to aminimum. if 2 inches.'Showers Over finished ceilings showers when tested in the manner required by case Section 1991 (a) (13) are excluded unless water stains are evident on the ceiling, in whibh. of these regulations. and from shower baths. reanmmcndationsshall be m3iie for further testing. (8) Woodwork which is adjacent tour in contact with a concrete (b) "'hen recommendations are made to correct conditions set forrh slab floor. as required by paragraphs 6 to 8 inclusive of subdivision '(b) of Section (i) Areas normally subject to damage which are inaccessible or for 8516 of the Code, such recommendations.shall not be labeled other than other reasons not inspected.The Board recognizes the followingarias,as corrective. Under no circumstances shall the same be labeled as pre- inaccessible for the purposes mf this subdivision: inaccessible attics or Put- venave. tions thereof;the interior of hollow walls;spaces between floor or porch deck,and the ceiling,or soffit below; suchstructural segments as porre 1992. Secondary, Recommendations. In addition to the recommenda- cocheres, enclosed bay windows, buttresses, and similar areas to which tions required by Section 1991, the report may suggest secondary reconn- there is no access without defacing or tearing our lumber, masonry, or mcndations with a full explanation.of why they are made and that they finished work;areas behind stoves,refrigerators,and built-in cabinet work; are secondary measures. If secondary recommendations are performed foots beneath coverings; areas where storage conditions or lucks make as allowed under Section 1992,any letter of completion, billing or other inspection impraeticablc I document referring to the %cork completed, must state specifically.which (j) The report shall indicate Or describe any area which is nut inspected recommendations were secondary. because it is inaccessible, or which is not inspected for any ogler reason„ 1993: Supplementary Reports. All supplementary reports,:as required and shall either recommend inspection of such areas if inspection is prat- under Section 8516 (b) 8 o the Code shall indicate the absence or pres- c able or state the reason inspection isnot practicable. I ence of wood-destroying pests or organisms, or conditions conducive 1991. Repo rt Requirements Under Section 8516 (bj 9. (a) Reconu- thereto arid.shall be on the furor prescribed by and filed with the Board mandation for corrective measures for the conditions found shill be made w'nh stamps affixed. as required under paragraph 9 of subdivision (b) of Section 0516 of the 1994. Limited Inspection Reports. If a report is made on part of a code to accomplish the'following: building then it must be designated as'2 limited report. The report 'hall U) Break all contacts between wood members and the soil.l have a diagram of.theprea inspected and shall specifically indicate which (2) Clean the subarea of excessive cellulose debris. This excludes shav- portions of the building were inspected and the name of the person or ingsor other cellulose too small to be raked.Stumps and Wood imbedded agency requesting a limited report. in footings shall be created if removal is impractical. (3) Correa foundations or piers when faulty grade levels lexist. Piers 1995. Limitation of Report. The licensee shall limit the inspection with 4 inches or more of exposed concrete are acceptable. In lieu of nis- report to buildings shown on the diagram onlp and identified inthe report: ing the foundation,flub walls of a minimum of 3 inch thickness may be 1996. Requirements for Reporting All .Inspections Under Section installed provided they are properly bonded to the foundation'and insure 8516 (b). c proper drainage. (a) A written inspection reriurtconforming to Section 8516 (o),of the taWExterior grade may be lowered if natural exterior drains le is main- code shall be prepared and de ivered m the person requesting rhe inspec- h away from structure. tion or his designated agent W-herher ur not file licensee has„.fcred.to When evidence of moisture, infestation or infection exists as a result perform the inspection without charge. The granting of permission to of.loose stucco, a recommendation shall be made to correct the con- make an inspection shall be deemed a request to make an inspection. dition. I (b) A copy of each such report shall be filed with the Board at ar (4) Separate earth.in planters from all woodwork by.a to d,mam of 3 >vithin.tot time specified by Section 8516 (b) of the cute. inches o concrete or mpwnp•or by a waterproof container.I (c) After commencing any inspection the failure or refusal of the (5) Separate earth fills such as under porches or other paving from all person for whom the inspection was undertaken or his designated agent woodwork by concrete,masonry,or good qualit •cement plaster, there is no earth- P Se pay for the inspection or a written inspection report conforming to wood contact Chemical treatment is separated front arising from Section 8516 (b), whether or not any payment was agreed on,shall not earth fie,m consideredryg adequate if fill is plastered from woodwork by excuse the.licensee from preparing and delivering a report and filing a concrete,masonry or good quality cement plaster. I copy thereof,as required by this section. 'A,- G\ STANDARD STRUCTURAL PEST CONTROL INSPECTI ri. E �� A CENSER PEST COMM OPER-.' (WOOD-DESTROYING PESTS OR ORGANISMS)_ A R IS ANE ORM IN HIS FIELD. ' This is an inspection report only—not a Notice of Completion. JUN Q QUESRONS RELATNE TQ THIS REPORT SHOULD BE RETFRRED.TOS A B TERMITE -r CONTROL & GENERAL CONTRACTORS 20432 Silverado Ave. BLDG. INSPLOQUN DEPAR ALENP CsLIFORNIA �jln OF r11PERTIND .� Cupertino, California 95014 -- _. CO. REPO NO."(H any a ..o... si.�osm 253-7795 C-2579 STRUCTURAL PEST ' • FIRM LICENSE NUMBER STAMP NUMBER DATE OF INSPECTIONCONTROL'ROARD 582333C- 3605 5192333-C 6-9-6 CITY CODE ADDRESS OF :LDG. NO. STREET CITY s, PROPERTY _ 4 _18 INSPECTED 22Via Camino Ct. Cupertino.—Calif- Inspection u ertino al Irtspec6onOrdered by (Name and Address)-.. Franklin comes 2983 FTunridae Ave JRnta ^lara I Report Sent to(Name and Address).__._....... Same Owner's Name and Address.... ......................... Vacant - Franklin Homes ( Name and Address'of a Party in ._........... ' Interest as per Sec. 8516(b)3 LICENSE NO: This Is an This iso NePage " INSPECTED BY: * Original Report ll[J Supplemental Report O of this sf { 't TTTderwood r r 2"140 FINDINGS-To Be Explained in Detail Below (See reverse side for applicable sections of Regulation 1991) I j YES CODE SEE DIAGRAM BELOW YES I CODE SEE DIAGRAM BELOW YES I CODE SEE DIAGRAM BELOW � 1 5-Subterranean Termites FG-Faulty Grade Level, CD-Cellulose Debris K-Dry-Woad Termites EC-E.,Ih...od Contacts EM-Eicessive Moisture Canditiona F-Fungus or Dry Rat Z-Dampwood Tormitm IA-Inaccessible Arens B-Bowies-Other Wood Destroying Insects SL-Shower Looks FI-Faaher Inspection Recammendod i 1. SUBSTRUCTURE AREA (soil conditions, accessibility, etc.) I r — — 2. Was Stall Shower water tested? no Di_d Hoor coverings indicate leaks? no Sep 1_tpm ( 2 ) he CML- 3. FOUNDATIONS (Type, Relation to Grade, etc.) concrete—see item ( 3) belowe 4. PORCHES . . STEPS . . . PATIOS concrete—see item (1$), 5. VENTILATION (Amount, Relation to Grade, etc.) adequate—see 1 tpm( 5 ) bel nw a 6. ABUTMENTS Stucco walls, columns, arches, etc a 1 app i tem ,((i) be 1 rsw 7. ATTIC SPACES (accessibility, insulation, etc.) ins pe . .ed —s -.e 1 tem ( f) het nw B. GARAGES (Type accessibility, etc) detached—spe item ( 19 ) belowIs �. 9. OTHER ether improvements-see item (9 ) below 4 NOTICE: See Section 8516(6)8 and Regulation 1990(1).and (i) on reverse side for areas which were not inspected and not included in this report. Upon auMsad»t tion, and written contractual ugreemerst, inaccessible areas win be opened for Inspection and a supplementary report made. DIAGRAM AND EXPLANATION OF FINDINGS AND METHODS OF RECOMMENDED CORRECTIONS (This report is limited to structure or structures shown on diagram per Section 1995.) General Descriptior(_nP story.sinzle dwell"]Ylg._-xtsrLor_at,lnrn`,on� �ti9U� r�nf Since the- house-w:•1s- vacant c,-ne auth"orizAtion has been granted to move rugs or carpetiriz, an inspection of this area is not considered practicable , and is I , therefore , notir.rl-ued in this report . A previous report was issued on subject property by this firm on 9-1 •-69 State . Stamp X314042_- with certain Findings & Recommendations outlined . Controls were applied as per completion P'otice issued on 6-6-69 State Stamp `392110-A and com- pleted as per outline in same along; with a re-examination report as outline below. (A)Findings -ebris found scattered throua,hout subarea as marked CD on diagram. Recommend remove all debris an(I dispose of . (B)Findings Thls is a concrete earth fill porch. The earth is t'elnz retained with substructure wall sheathing". Fvldence of termites ( subterranean ) , earth wood contact exists . ;'irked -C-S on diagram. Recommend "rack out a strip of porch from surface adjoining house foundation wall, trey.^ soil r: rubble down to 6" be'l-ow top of foundation . Install metal shield agglrs` .k il, s'heathin , Apply ehemirals into ravlty , repour 'nor re`s into void `,T.*er_•n soil :wood pa _ a ing on the ♦;r. �rcaho q -srnn,=,:� rnnr rP,1'.e �'P tri 5l�nr �t� roc �^n r ((, YA ��• 1 1—s left t•:•)tinct front porch when. cancretz nor:` porch 1 nq,: .�+'m hear( ..� was D. •.."�] - .1ecOm.7en4 a(,..1 191Cpp;:n of (D)�1n31nzs ':o .;'hysir it 9^.reg; , nv iil-blrs to this portion of s4hstructur'41­: '1_0 7ezresertat.1or.s. c:an he mr+ae , Reccmm,er.l u= ,est arc(?.sc operant? h. pro,rtrle;', e' further sorve,y rtta.9e . -- )rIndln?s •7vi,lr.nr.c: o." teTnlItcs ( sub) found in this area as Qh _e_onlm-.nd ' rpat soil in subarea r, ,tn rhemirals ®71 y N +g n„Llr, to termites . J J V 3n ( 2 )STALL 5:10,1 PS 5 T r ( A) -o water test could be Applied to shower as W e k- is norm-T1 hecause shower encloser has been I © removed . ''oted as ir.forciation . .1 _ . Fil C;l file - ( A)"Sndlncs "o foundation prevails at this _ �- q pul.nt - Cry SP 1A © 1'tecommend Tnstall proper foundation to con- - / Y -7r)rn w. th 'Iniform vld ,, .' ^64e . 6 Dte'r L3u•CK .ec, f® s 6{5ou R T,P e'f '{+4 fl'vq . on pa;oF _,1 tR ® ortQ / / J Signature_/I ' �a•"" YOU ARE ENTITLED TO RECEIVE COPIES OF ALL REPORTS AND COMPLETION NOTICES ON THIS PROPERTY FILED BY ANY STRUCTURAL PEST CONTROL OPERATOR DURING THE PRECEDING TWO YEARS upon payment of a $2.00 search fee to the Structural Pest Control Eeud, 1021 0 Street, FIT. A-547, Sacramento, California 95811, luepaitment of Pwtessional and vocational Standards) I SECOND FACE OF STANDARD INSPECTION REPORT ON THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT Address of Property - 40 221.9 r Via Camino Ct . Cupertino — - -- -- -- ---- -- iBldg. No. Srrcet ---- Gq I a --------------52-3.33- - --- ----- 4-- 9-------- C-257—. 9 Stamp No. Dotc of Inspection - - - 'rCo:•Report.No.. - (ifan7) .. I (A)Findings Tnspectlon revealed foundation Is below outside grade at these areascausing a faulty grade conditions . Narked FG on diagram. 11 Recommend Pour-'a concrete curb 6" below top of foundation and 6" above with a minimum of 3" wide . (5)VE NTT 11,kTICY (A)Findings Inspection revealed vents as marked ( 5A) on diagram, have no open Recommend Remove vents , cut openings At replace vents . (6)APUT^!FNN71S (A)Flndings r'nclosed stucco wood frame wall around front entry porch tied to ' souse wall . -o vent openings prevail to examine members on inside. See reverse ,,` side , Section 1991 , paragraph ( R ) . I Recommend Suzaest vent opening be install at point where stucco, framed wall meets house wall for -further exploration . Then If infection or Infestation exists,' within same, separate from house wall with concrete plug . ( 7)ATTIC SF;\C� (A)Findings Tnsoer.tion revealed portion of attic Inaccessible to inspection as mar ed ?', on diagram. (7 )rindlnzs -ontrol has been appll.ed as per ( 7A ) of previous report . I ' (A) the garaze Is detached . "o survey was made of same nor is same included —Tn this retort and survey. (9)GT (A ) Any other improvements on property, If any, not shown on diazram, are not Included in this report and survey. /" Applicable Sections,-.Structural Pest Control Act of California �r . -- 6515. (a)sThe provisions Of this section shall apply only to wood- it will be assumed that conditions are as originally repo J. A -Olarrol d eroying pests or organisms servo¢¢ contract.shall rote specifically the particular wund-destroying (b) No licensee shall commence work on a contract, or sign, issue or pests or organisms and the portions ofihe buildings or structures covered deliver any documents expressing an opinion or statement relating to the by such contract. - absenceorpresence ofwood-deatroying pests or organisms until an.impose. (e) Whenever a report is filed pursuant to sulidivisil (b) of this tion has been made. The licensee shall retain for three years all field section, the board shall forrhwirh send to any person or firm designated reports from which a verbal or written estimate of or solutions for work under paragraph 3 of said subdivision a certified copy of till inspection are made. A written inspection report conforming to this section and on reports and completion notices made on the property and filed with the sea form prescribed by the board shall be prepared and delivered to the board during the preceding two years. ) persem,rbquesting the inspection or Rii'deldgnated agent. A copy of each 8516,1. Each copy of an inspection report filed with the board pur- such report shall with the board•nrthetime the report is delivered sailor to Section 8516 shall have affixed dnercto a,ramp issued by rhe bona or not later than five days after the date the inspection is made.The report in the denomination fixed by the board pursuant to Section 8674 as the shall be delivered to the person requesting the inspection,or his designated inspection report filing fee. -I-he board shall provide for the sale of such agent before work is commenced.The following shall be set forth in the scamps and for the refund of moneys paid for stamps which are returned report: mit unused. 1. The date of the inspection and the name of the person making the 85 v. Any work contract,billing,agreement,letter of`cork apittpleted, inspection. ser other correspondence ser document expressing an opinion or making 2. The name and address of the person or firm ordering rhe report. a statement relating it, the presence ser absence of wood-destroying pests 3. The name and address of any person who is a parry in interest to or organisms shall refer ro the report defined in subsections I to 9 inclu- whom the board is to send certified copies of inspection reports and com- site mf Section 9516. Such documents shall indicate specifically whether pletion notices as provided in subdivision (e) of this section. all of the recommended work as set forth in the inspection report was 4. The address or location of the property. completed,or,if not,it shall indicate specifically which recommendations 5. A general description of•thc building or premises inspected. were not completed. 6518. When a licensee completes work under a contract, he shall nut 6. o foundation diagram or sketch of the structure ti thereon a later than fire Jays thereafter file with the board a nonce of work cunn- portions of such structure or structures inspected,areas thereon the pleteJ, an a foam prescribed by the board. The notice shall include a approximate location of any infested or infected areaswidevident, and the statement mf the cost of the completed work and estimated cost of work parts of the structure where conditions exist which would ordinarily not completed. I-'.tell such notice shall have affixed thereto a stamp issued subject such parrs to attack he substruct ere, fou pests or organisms. by the board in the denomination fixed by the hoard pursuant m Section 7. Information regarding the substructure, foundation walls and foot- 8674 as the fee for filing a notice of lrork completed. The boar) shall Ings, porches, patios and steps,air vents,abutments, attic spaces ser other protide for the sale of such stamps and for the refund of moneys paid Pam subject to attack by wood-destroying pests ser organisms.Conditions for stamps which arc returned to it unused. usually deemed likely to lead to infestation or infection,such as earth con- 8614. Any person, whether or not a party to a real ropert • trans- conditions excessive cellulose debris, faulty grade a rep excessive moisture p 1 > obtain, has t right to request and, upon payment of the require) fee, to conditions and insufficient ventilation are tip.he reported. obtain directly from the board a certified ropy of all inspection reports 8. Indication ser description of any areas normally subject to damage and completion notices prepared and filed by any structural pest control which are inaccessible or for other reason not inspected, with suggestion operator during the preceding two years. for further inspection if practicable. If,after the report has been made in still. The terrified copy fee required by this chapter shall accompany compliance with the provisions of this section,authority is given later to each request for certified copies made to the boar) pursuant to Section open inaccessible areas, a supplementary report on conditions in these H614. In return for such fee the board shall prepare and transmit to the areas shall be made. '( 1 p requester certifiedthbo copies of all inspection property us and completion notices 9. Recommendations foncorrective measures. file) with de hoard on the subject property within the preceding two (c) Such report and6any contracr entered into shall also ,rate specifi- years, except that if a search of rile hoard's records;discloses that no tally when a guarantee for the work is made, and if so, the specific inspection report and cumpleriun notice has been filed oh [he property terms oiF the arantetr and,the p iod of time for which the guarantee within the preceding too years,the board shall retain the fee as a search fee. N hall be in a l'lie certified copy fee may be paid in stamp's wsual bv'the;boiard in the denomination fixed by it pursuant «i Section 8674.IlE (d) Curator his ee madeed ac[thc regular with til pro of a !"to denomination 1 the feu its so paid, after a re n has.Leen made nn cotppppliancc with the envisions a this the person requesting rbc certified copies shall affix to his rt ucse a stampv section and inch corrections as haveU'en agreed upon) hive been corn- ser the proper Jene refun on.'hhe bust) shall proud¢ wh the sale ojf,loch pleted. Under a control service agrecament a licensee shall refer m the ,[amps and for rbc refund of moneys paid for scamps suhioli arc tato ed original report and contract in such manner as to identify them clearly, mit unused. ' and said report shall ba'assumed to he a true report of conditions as 8616. Where a wood-destroying organism insp'=igjvlif the prq rty originally$,sued,except it maybe modified after a control service inspec. is requested by any para to a real property transaction, the real, tate tion. A lie nsee is obi required to issue's report as.outlined in subsections broker shall give a separate written notice,of the provisions of Section I to 9 inclusive after each control service inspection.Ifafter control service 8614 m each Patty and shall obtain from each;such penun written acknowl- inspectio j no modificariRn'of the original report is made in writing,then edgement that said person has received such w•rilten notice. I Applicable Board Regulations (6) Replace or reinforce structural member$ visibly atructurall)'v eak- 1990. Report Requirements Under Section 8516 (b) 1-9 Inclusive. All cited by wood-destroying pests or organisms.Wood sriucturally wca lied reports shall be completed as prescribed by the board. Copies filed with by fungus shall be removed. Wood which is surface)infected Ity'f ngus the board-'shall be clear and legible.'All reports must supply information mai'be created by a wood preservative if not structural damage is prdsent. and lndifafc conditions existing as required by paragraphs 1-9, inclusirc, Correct the adverse moisture condition. j damage / of subdivision (b) of Section 8516 of the code and contain ser describe the (7) provide adequate ventilation. It shall be comid"¢red inadequate following- 1 when lack of ventilation has contributed to'the growth of wood-dotroy- (a) Date ose f(the inspection. ing pests r uVentsrFanismsVentsshall Le ahnvcjgrade orprotected by a vent (b)/'Name and Structural Pest Control License number of person ink- swell which will nor allow roof drainage or other water to enter the ing the inspection. subarea. i (c). Name of person or firm 6rdering the report. (8) Correct conditions in franc and stub q walls and similar eonstrue- tion so that the woad framing is separated from doe main structure b• a (D Name and address of any person whom the operant may dcsie. K p 3 nate as a essay jocatio o pursuant rt Section 8516 (L) 3 of doe code. complete concrete or masonry plug with tit} the that will allow infero- (d) Addressor location o(i[heproperty, dons or in(ectiuns m enter the structure from dpi w'611.If there is no plug, (e) General description of building and premises inspected. the foundation shall be -p inches or more above the grade levels and at least as high as the adjoining slabs or a 4 inch concrete barrier seal off i (f) A foundation or sketch of the scted. T or structures ser installed, I ' Portions of such structure or structures inspected. The diagram shall (q) Exterminate all reported infestations of drywood termites (kalo- mdteate thereon the approximate location of any inferred ser infected tern¢,), subterranean termites (rcticulitermes), dam wood termites areas evident and the parts of the structure where conditions exist which p would ordinarily subject such pans to attack by wood-destroying pests (zoorennopsis), or other wood-destroying':Pests. if evidence indicans or organisms. that an infestation of drysvood termites (kalotermcs), dampwood ter-. (g) Infestations,.infections or evidence thereof. mites (zoornrmopsis) or wood-boring beetles extends into an inaccessible ' (h) Conditions usually deemed likely to lead to infestation ser infection "'all lir area, recommendation shall be made to fumigate or to expose including,but not limited to: the infestation for local chemical treatment. Where accessible, termite pellets shall be removed, covered, or masked over after treatment. Sub- (1) Faulty Grade Level. A faulty grade level exists when the top terranean termite tubes shall be removed where accessible. of the foundation is less than 2 inches above the adjacent earth,or when (10) Treat an infested area under the structure whensubterranean ter- the drainagc�is such that an adverse moisture condition is evident on the mite tubes are found connected to the ground lir when active infestations substructure timbers.The existing earth level shall be considered grade. are found in the ground. (2) Inaccessible subareas or portions thereof and areas `%here there (I1) ,11akc all unimproved areas of the subarea accessible for inspecrion. is less than 12 inches clear space between the bottom of the flour joists 'I'wclvc inches or more of clearance under floor joists shall be considered and the unimproved ground area. adequate except that such clearance shall nor be necessary when ratproof- (3) Excessive 'Cellulose Debris. (This is defined as ally cellulose ing ser other paving is present,or where the subarea soil is of such a nature debris of a size that can be raked ser larger.Stumps and wood imbedded as to prevent excavation or where excavation would cream a hazard from in footings shall be reported.) shifting soil or other causes. These conditionsnest be fully set forth in (4) Information regarding the substructure, foundation walls andthe report. Recommendations shall be made to provide crawl spaces so footings,porches,patios and steps,stairways,air vents,abutments,stucco that any part is sufficiently risible to enable the inspectJr to comply with walls,columns,or other parts of a structure normally subject «t attack Section 8516 (b), Items 6, 7, 8,and 9. by wood-destroying pests or organisms. (12) Correct any excessive moisture condition that is comment), con- (5) Structural members found to be structurally weakened by wood- tnpllablr.When[here is reasonable evidence m bdiece a fungus infection destroying pests lir organisms. exists in a concealed Mall lir arca,recommendations shall be made to open (6) Earth-wuud contacts. the wall ser arca. (7) Commonly, controllable moisture conditions which would foster (13) Repair a stall shower if it is found to leak when water tested for the growth of a fungus infection materially dannaging«n woodwork, in- a minimum of 15 minures after the shower drain has been plugged and eluding conditions resulting from stucco leaks, from first floor stall the base filled to a mininunn of 2 inches. Showers over finished ceilings showers when tested in the manner required by Section 1991 (a) (13) are exdUdcd unless water stains it,evident on the ceiling, in which case of these regulations. and frac shower haths. recommendations shall be made for further testing. (8) Woodwork which is adjacent to ser in contact with a concrete (b) When recommendations are made to correct conditions set forth slab floor. as required by {aragraphs 6 to 8 inclusive of subdivision (b) of Section (i) Areas normally subject to damage which are inaccessible ser for 8516 of the Code,such recommendations.shall not be labeled other than other reasons not inspected.The Board recognizes the following arias as corrective. Under no circumstances shall the same be labeled as pre- inaccessible for the purposes of this subdivision: inaccessible attics or poor- venrive. tions thereof;the interior of hollow walls;spaces between a floor or porch 1992. Secondary Recommendations. In addition to the recommends- deck and the ceiling or soffit below; such structural segments as Porte tions required by Section 1991, the report may suggest secondary reconn- cocheres, enclosed bav window's, buttresses, and similar areas to which mendatiuns with a full ex nation of why they arc made and that they there is no access without defacing or tearing our lumber, masonry, or are secondary rneasures. 1( secondary recommendations arc performed finished work;areas behind stoves,refrigerators,and built-in cabinet work; as allowed under Section 1092, any letter of completion, hitting lir other floors beneath coverings; areas where storage conditions or locks make document referring to the work completed, must stare specifically which inspection impracticable. recommendations were secondary. (j) The report shall indicate or describe any arca which is not inspected because it is inaccessible, or which is not inspected for any other reason, 1995. Supplementary Report,. All supplementary reports,as required and shall either recommend inspection of such areas if inspection is prat- under Section 8516 (b) 8 of the Code shall indicate the absence or pros- ticable or state the reason inspection is not practicable. once of wood-destroying pests or organisms, lir conditions conducive 1991. Report Requirements Under Section 8516 (b) 9. (a) Recmu- thereto and shall he in rhe form prescribed by and filed with the Board mendations for corrective measures for the conditions found shall be made with,ramps affixed. u required under paragraph 9 of subdivision (b) of Section 8516 of the 1994. Limited Inspection Reports. If a report is made on part of a code to accomplish the following: building then it must he designated as a limited report.The report.shall (1) Break all contacts between wood members and the soil. have a diagram of the area inspected and shall specifically indicate which (2) Clean the subarea of excessive cellulose debris. This excludes shav- portions of the building were inspected and the name of the person or ings or other cellulose too small to be raked.Stumps and wood imbedded agency requesting a limited report. in footings shall tee treated if removal is impractical. 1995. Limitation of Report. The licensee shall limit the inspection (3) Correct foundations or piers when faulty grade levels exist. Piers report to buildings shown on the diagram only an8'i6mihcdih'the report. with 4 inches or more of exposed concrete are acceptable. In lieu of nim- ing the foundation.Auh walls of.a minor— of 3 inek thickness ay be 1996. Requirements for Reporting All Inspections Under Sictie',o:1 installed provided they ate properly bonded to the In and",nsure 8556 (b). ti .proper drainage. - (a) A written inspection report conforming to Sectinm:8516 (b) of the" Exterior grade may be lowered if natural "letter drainage is main- code shall be prepared and delivered to the person requesting the,fi spec- tained away from structure. tion or his designated agent whether or not rhe licensee has (offered it, When-evidence of moisture,-infestation or infection exists as a result perform the inspection without charge. The granting of permission to of loosesmeco, a recommendation shall be-made to correct the con- make an inspection shall be deemed a request to make an inspection. dition. - - (b) A copy of each such report shall be filed with the Board at or (4) Separate earth.in planters front all woodwork-by.a minimum of 3. '-:—within the time specified by Section 8516 (b) of the code. / inches o concrete or masonry or by a waterproof container. (c) After commencing any inspection the failure or refusal of-the, (5) Separate earth fills such as under porches or other pawing from all person for whom the..inspection was undertaken or his designated agent woodwork by concrete,masonry,or good quality cement plaster,so there rt, pay for the inspection it written:inspection report conforming to is no earth-wood contact.Chemical treatment of infestations arising from Section 8516 (L), whether lir nor.any_paymenrw•as agreed-on,shall not earth fills is considered adequate if fill is separated from woodwork by excuse the licensee from preparing and delivering-a'report and filing a concrete,masonry or good quality cement plaster. copy thereof,as required by this section. q. 1.4 'STANDARD STRUCTURAL PEST CONTROL INSPECTION REPORT' I A LICENSED`+PEST COgTROI OPER 7 L; ' D !'• (WOOD-DESTROYING PESTS OR ORGANISMS) ,TOR IS AN EXPERT IN HIS FIELD'1, Tha h on trssp"ni report only-rat a Notice of Completion. 'L �� ccp ^ ` 1 03 ANY QUESTIONS RELATIVE TO THIS A 'B' TERMITE 'CONTROL & GENERAL CONTRACTORSREPORT,SNOULD;BE,REtTR0E0 TO 20432 Sllverado Ave. ] STATE OF CALIFORWA : Cupertiit0,_Califemla:95014 CO. REPORT INO. (it any) wrus,wa a isesec ws t •ro voraaas snuawme 'y' v t ... 253-7i91F'-1 R 37 STRUCTURAL PEST II. FIRM 11C@/SE NUMBER , - STAMP NUMBER DATE OF INSPECTION CONTROL BOARD i r3 yqAn� 114842-r 9-19-65 ' 14842 c, f 'CF7 CODE ADDRESS OF BLDG. NO. STREET CITY ,., ✓e ' -', PROPERTY 4 8 INSPEcrED ., 2219 Via '^amino Ct. Cupertino r' Ca] if� }R"r ^s 'InspecbonOrderedby(Name and Address)... Wm ' Tienevich 10300 Torre Ave , rnpertIng (R„dg �Repwt Sent to(Name and Address)-. --_-_., In I Owner's Name and Address...... .._ .....__ Unknown Name:at>d Address ofa Party in....._.. ..--- ty Interest as per Sec.,85160)3 I LICENSE NO::,,, This is an This u a ,•r. ' n . Number of Paras ,T rr r�' ,?INSPECTED BY: �, '' Originol Report ® SuPPlemenlal Repot �'„ et this Re n, +4't�'4'r Rn71n C 6o n4; I " ir t FINDINGS-To Be Explained in Detail Below (See reverse side for applicable sections of Regulation 1991) #6, ,, YES CODE SEE DIAGRAM SHOW YES CODE "'• SEE DIAGRAM BELOW YES CODE "SEE DIAGRAM BELOW ., S—Sublertonoee TvmiM X FG—Faulty Grade Levet. X CD—Cellulose Debris •1' '?L XI K—Dry-Wood Tarmitas X EC—Earih•wood Contocn EM—Esreuive Moisture lioet t "'v L: •}[ F-Fune,is w,Dry Rot Z—Oampwoad Tarmiios X IA—Inauessi6le Arses 'a B=8ee11vs-0Mei Wood Destroying Insech - SL—Shewer Leak. X FI—Further IntPodioq�ReMmnroaded� w't: n :-t;"1 �UBSTRU_CTURE'AREA (soil conditions,accessibility,etc.) dry-accessible-SPP Item (1 ) ' hP1ow ''`' ` r' lir Was 5!011 Shower water tested? Did floor coverings indicate leaks? ° '3.°FOUNDATIONS IType,RelotiontoGrade etc.) o�CTete-qee 1t,'.m (_'i) below ,'r,AL,PORCNES . STEPS . PATIbS DIOOd i .on .rete_soP I t m (4) below r 5. VENTILATION.(Amount,Relation to Grade,etc.) see item f 5) bel Ow-screen ?} '6.',ABUTMFt•TTS . . . Stucco walls,columns, arches,etc. porch bannister-see item -(6) ' 7 ATTIC SPACES (accessibility,insulation,etc. Fns,• l r, ) :-see Item (7 ) below - • ; 'r . rJ1.B.YGARAGES"(Type,accessibility,etc.) none' evident-see 1te,•, ( A) below 'r ?' fit\ 'F I It 19..OTHER door sills-settlement-interior finish-roof-other improvements-see''°f'9) beY'ox ! 'i"OTICEt,See NS.wim. 8316(6)8 and Regulation 1990( and (1) on reverse side for areas which were not Inspected and not,lncluded le.thu report. Upon'uutlnoetoq "F tioq,'abd serines contractual agreement, Inaccessible areae will be opened for inspection and a supplementary report made , `( _"} h DIAGRAM.AND EXPLANATION OF' FINDINGS AND METHODS OF RECOMMENDED CORRECTIONS '' , (Thu report Is limited to tructure or structures shown on diagram per Section 1995.) ti} GaF)aralDasaiptiar.One etoryingle dwelling. T2x . Io -a ben os Tar gravel g aaphalTf,, shingle . roof. J. 'T. IT ince 'the '`house 'was vacant and, ho authorization has been granted to move ruga or ,ca ting, an inspection of this area is not considered practicable and 'Isl, t eirefore•, otYincluded in this report 1')S65STrfUCTIIRE AREA A Findln s Evidence of 'termites (subterranean) confined in substructure members att: s po nt! as marked S on ,diagram. ecommendation,Serape off. surface shelter tubes on surface of substructure°members:y; Apply chemicals toxic toitermites . ( pentachlorophenol) . It B')Findin' Evidence of infestation of termites ( sub) , Kaloterme (drywoodi) , fupgue ,,wo rot--and; earth contaet, as' marked K-EC-S-F on diagram. 4 tecommendatlon. Remove all weakened ,members from under porch deck and')'in. prochj}h k��y+• bahniSters. Replace wlt:hinew' as needed, seal off earth fill from beneath around t,G ,noncrete earth,' fill steps � ApIlly .chemicals toxic to termites as described,'under`' viten.' ( lA) . j)C) Iifd' nos Wood ,poste"`,inT0soil enntact . ? yrs acommendation .Reset on ;proper concrete footings . :• r^ '''.,:' .'',l f')F1ndlat s No physical access-'available to this portion of substructure. No` rspreTa sentations ;can 'be made. ecommendation ,We' suggest -an access opening be provided and further survey, #,, Ii"' 7. )WAST St*ku. SHOWER WATER ,TESTED? ;Y- (A)Findin s No 'water test could ;,be applied to shower as is normal because showerl,en°- c oaer g ass is torn -out and there is no water at structure . Major refurbishing ; i•;, �) wonldtbe -required.wlthin entire bathroom. Suggest parties concerned vieVr ,the` area';? ,and 'decid ' 'trhat type"of„changes and corrections are to be made ', •' !f , r / it :fi� ,i1 f (3)FOUNDATIONS k i f gl ;[rA)Findin�s .o foundation prevails at this Recommendation Install a proper foundation to coriformMi' to Uniform T3ldg. Code. (UBC ) 4 , f • F W (4)PORCHF_,'S ,STEPS ,PATIOS l< 'rr•: a an (,)Findings This is a concrete earth fill } 6' ch-' The earth is being retained with';substructure� (K} ' wall sheathing. Evidence of termites` (,`sub) , L ,, s,t Ic yq earth wood contact exists . Marked "VrCf'S,`- , ', , ..� i -Z-t1 G. ,Ur . r 'I(KI Recommendation Crack out a strip of ;porch )from' sur}a j s-r;, CKI 1 ;face ad joining the house ,foundation Wall,+ .trench# 'y; soil & rubble down to 6”. below top of ,foundation F:?' I ,Jnstall metal shield against_ wall ,skieathing`: ,Apply O chemicals into cavity,, iepou', concrette ,\into`v'oid't tt create a ,prcper concrete`• retainer be li \ - " 1 •&' o its bearing ,on. "' ( Y B undation., � Signature fo1k t..i ' to. YOU ARE ENTITLED TO RECEIYE,COPIES IiAllREPORTS AND COMPLETION NOTICES ON THIS PRO TY Flt16 BY ANY STRUCTORAL'PEST CONTROL" i � f, ( •y r OPERATOR 01111111111 THE PRECEAINO TWO YEARS upon payment of a $2.00 search fee to the Structural Pest Control Board, 10210 Street,Rin.A547,�y 1:1' c ' . , ' Saeramentq Cahfornla 95814. Department of Professional and Vocational Standards) 'i fir;. SECOND FACE OF rSTANDAR D INSPECTION REPORT ON THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT I " w 1 : v w:"� 1 •�r t,i F { Y, laydimed J :yP�op� 221 aIa m :'t,-- __.0 ertino" f str Cit ry 314842-r 9-1 -69 ,f , '+ a��,r � y.y• ( i 19---_--_.__._'__ -1 _._—tee ' SxY i,j�t �i? J1tii• [ 1 lips 1.f ✓' r1 f1 Stamp.No. Date of Inspection ,, r 1 ,, YM1 w Co. Report,No. n :� �S),VENTILAT ION ` (A).Finditt•sI Ins � f 1' ' •} k#i ,' k pection revealed .that ventilation, does not conform to UBC regulation< ecommen ation We suggest additional. air vents be installed to meet :UBC:.regulations (�6)ABUTMENTS" rr r 4 `i A)FIndin s Infestation 'of-.Kaloterme-subterranean termites with mar ed - ;-IS around porch., por. h..bannIstera;as_� ------mends--on See item (13) & M) , � 7 PATTIiC SPACE ` A•)PIndin s•.Fvidence" of Faloierme (drywood ) termite infestation was found 'in1hattl�c Jy space, members as marked (K) on diagram and in substructure as marked K.' Recommendation Fumigate entire structure with lethal gases (� i}cane ) rfor 'control:, .: 1' i, acuum;:, eca pellets , apply chemical dusting compounds Snto attic space` .(Dr1-Dle')'nN ,,O�iriers must vacate --premises during fumigation period & provide for own lodging. '4' ? )GAAAG'E A) 'N0 garage was evident , on ( r ' property. Q x TMT J d 7 t� ti r vt a, Ir•.' m endationin s, 'Base of door" ,sill' ecoms. In earth contact as marked PC . Provide ecomm ,concrete.-shields or clear soil 'down so earth 1}bod ` ooritacts'�'' ,'' � kare a aminated: Replace any defective parts with new material, a•r N' '.?'> B)Findln s 'Some:'settlemenis ,,were evident within the structure A 10 c.soi movement over a„period. of ears . Noted to par a,1,result,., ,sir 1 „ Y parties cnncernied 'for informatlo `C)F hdifi sjNo vilndows, 'prevail within structure and other outward evidence:;on'dns de P s rue ure revealed'• eatenslve refurbishing would be required' throughout. '.ISuggest” ' paTtles aonoerned' view inter,ilor• & decide what type of changes `will -be made: u , w v; bD Fiii`di s ,No check of.:roof overhangs and roof was made . Su b ` ` Suggest a roofer 'be: {c�onsul� to for ,certificatlon: of1. . roof'and roof overhangs . " r BV'Ariy other mprovementst ori 'property, if any, not shown on diagram,`,sra, not i'ic�l�u3; Y ,ed� in this report and survey.,, Standard Notice of Work Completed of Completed Department of profession NOTICE and Vocational Standards - .III ,commendations may not have been completed - See Below - Recommendations not completed. Structural Pest Control Board This form is prescribed by the Structural Pest Control Board,with whom a copy must be filed by licensee within 5 days 1021 0 .Street after completion of work under a contract. .Sacramento, California 95814 THIS IS A NOTICE OF COMPLETION ONLY, NOT AN INSPECTION REPORT. i A B TERMITE CONTROL & GENERAL CONTRACTORS 20432 Silverado Ave. STATE OF CALIFORNIA oo..t»tnr of no�ssovu Cupertino, California 95014 Aw.Yo mx+u S:..wo5r2l 253-7795 STRUCTURAL PESTLICENSEE FIRM LICENSE NUMBER: COMPLETION STAMP NUMBER: DATE OF COMPLETION: * CONTROL BOA RD6 Qao ierorwon.—a 2 �- 6_6_6 CITY CODE: ADDRESS OF BLDG. NO. STREET: I CITY: PROPERTY ' - 9 INSPECTED: I Notice of Completion . P.rankll.ni"lonQB_._2393...Fxunxl.dge...Ave........ Sent To and Date: --•---•-•---•• b<.�a.-6.......... .................._......... - .............................................................................................-..... - Owner's Name and Address: ......T'.%' 1Tk.).1,T)....['..Qme.S.---'--__.........."......."......"......"".--'.."---.".--.."--..""".....-............"....-."...... .. Buyer's Name and Address: ------'----------.- ...._......_.........-............."-.._.".........-.._....."......---.".........."......."....."."...."................`---..-..""...---"...---....-----`--------. This is to certify that the recommendations on the above designated property, as outlined in STANDARD INSPECTION REPORT NO.".-193"C..... , dated .Q.-1Q-69...............,-- REGISTRATION STAMP NO. -314.942-with exceptions as noted below: gC"------ , have been com- i r i The following recommendations were not completed by this Company: �.�."A.,"R-,C-. -)"",-""_q!`.-2.-.A.) .._.... .5..A.). . ..A.)-t.....1.9n.).............._.... ...._(.3A.) L4411 ....... .. .. - .. .... -- ............. ......_...."....."............_ ..............................................................----------_- "....-.."....."...--..."..-......--....-....-.."....."....."_.."".- q. ; I ESTIMATED COST OF WORK RECOMMENDED BUT NOT COMPLETED BY THIS COMPANY - $ngne aLotP� -')y t' r I' The following recommendations have been completed and are considered secondary measures under Section 1992:of'theF' `.; Structural Pest Control Board's Rules and Regulations: ..................................... -------------------------- ......"....""...."__. " ..........:................. .. .- -- --------- - - ----.-.._-__....._.--..............__-_.._ ........................................................................................ --....................... ----- ` . ' 4 COST OF THE COMPLETED WORK - $ _ ih4-00 I�.Y REMARKS: e.te.d....15....AE L-..�.e.R.QC t.....d.&te.S�_..9"-19.-69.--S.t at.e._S.t MP---#.31.4842_r. ` ......".............." _.".................................._........"........._.._.._...................... .._.".-.. ......... . ............ _..................... .._......._.."...... ........ ............................................ ...........-"....._"..... ........... ._...."............................ -- ...._...........I. _."........................ u Signature 3d .y;I. s Use numbers, i.e.: 9.1-64 - - City of Cupertino INTER-OFFICE MEMO TO: FROM: SUBJECT: - i - - - - - - -ZSPAFL !VHAIGSS�- - - rox[Q waoD POST — _ _ - _ __ - - - _ _ -A..KK �ttif bt�iHr _ - - - - - _ - r • - _ _ - _ -1 _ i SL f. -.r. - -- - - _ - - - — - --- - - -- - - - =----- - - t rLotrc._sTs+ _Tc :-ri0►rs[_r:RA1cC r / �c�•`• � r O� 5E_ --- - - - - - - D.r.-AP_. 116L -i 1115X&c7* aAwq pLAKT-da I-& _ - - - - . ._ .-- - -_ - - _ _-__- -_- - - - _ - — - - •- -- \ - ` �._-_- - $01F W"w PLq NTt -011 1 _ _' OF GV_ _ J6hQ • P - _` e a - X - r - IF i srYeev _ V A.RC M- _ l MF R)sED - I - _ - - - - - i -{_-,• _.- _- - '9'�t1Ced - _ _ . _ - _ _ _ - - - - - - I. ;'� - '-> N - • 3 QGGO.- _- -. -__ _'_ - -_ - : - _ l�"-IA eN... - _ _ _ - r - - - I 3O` - - I OfL^ i _ - - { _ -LTJ a a6 _ .�Ls�u'CaRc .- - }- t ; ' tZ 45 1pra r= A17 0 KT CIIEC Ns .`- T j 7o.49, o r"0cp j EFT Vl . 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