CC 10-26-82 I . . . . ... .' '_..,...........~..~, .,.. ¡y" ._"~~;.'!"fJ?:~,..~,,""",~ ....~.: ':I';rr>.c.,. . CITY OF CUPERTINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA lOJOO Torre Avenue, Cupertino, GA 95014 Telenhone: (408) 252-4505 CC-589 Page 1 KINUTES or THE ADJOURNED RPr;ULAR MEETING OF rIlE CtTY COUNCIL HELD ON OCTOBER 26, 1982 IN 1'HE COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY RALI. CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA Mayor Gatto called the meeting to order in the Council Cha&ber at 7:06 p... SALUTE TO THE FLAG ROLL CALL Counc. Present: Johnson, Plungy, Rogers, Spar~. . Mayor Gatto Staff Present: City Manager Quinlan City C;2~k Cornelius Director of Public Works V~skovich Director of Planning and Development Sisk Director of Finance Snyder Director of Parks and Recreation Dowling City Attorney Kilian Assistapt Plaqning Director Cowan Associate Planner Piasecki PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Application l-GPA-80 of City of Cupertino: General Plan Aæendment to consider a comprehensive amendment to the City of Olpertino General Plan for the Stevens Creek Boulevard Planning Area. The General Plan ~nd....nt will conceqtrate un land use, tr"ffic cir- culation, ho" <ing and ec~nomic issues which affect the e..tire community. the Stevens Creek Boulevard S~ecific Plan will concen- trate on the development of a more detailed land use, circuLation and urban design plan for properties wnlch abut the reach of Steven Creek Boulevard between Stelling Road on the west and Stern Avenue on the east. Director of Planning and Development Sisk ,duced Cavid Dove and Duncan Fuller, pconomic ~onsultants who would be available to answer questions from Council. Associate Planner Piasecki reviewed the Planning report with Council. Mr. Bill Lewis, Vice President of Residential Streets fo~ Residents. informed Council that he ~~8 cepre;2nting Cuper.ino cesidents in traffi Å“attprs and not those living ip unincorporated areas. He told Council that members of his group had interviewed 90 registered vote~s ran- domly selected. These phone interviews were conducted O~tober 24 and October 25, He presented Council with a sUmm3ry of findings showing that 417. were aware of the General Plan Amendment public hearings. He 3tal~d that some confused th~ Seven Springs Ranch hearings with the General rlan hearings. He stdted that only LZ of those interviewed ~. . . . , MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER L6, 19&2 ~ITY COUNCIL MEETING had high familiarity with the General Plan amendment proceedings. The survey showed that traffic is considered the City's billeat problem and the feeling was that greater density would worsen traffic. Th03e answering the qcestions wanted no changes that would attract commuters and did desl.~ the completion of Highway 85. 1he .1ajority of the peopie w~re against high density and wish Cuper- tino :0 remain a suburb and not become a regional center. Seventy percent of those responding expressed opposition to high density to finance police. Twenty-three percent request more City parks, 64% said no more City parkð. Those interviewed gQv~ a high rating to the quality of life in Cupertino and said th~t the City did have good shopping areas. Mr. Lewis submitted a copy of the questions and the responses received. Nancy Burnett, 729 Stendahl Lane, stated that as a resident in the reorganization area, she felt like a stepchild. She expressed four concerns: l. Open space - She said that her nearest park was Portal Park and that most of the open space in her area consisted of school sites. 2. Traffic 4eterioration (this includes air quality) - She said that a level of service of D+ of ~ for the Stevens Crpek Boulevard and Miller Avenue intersection was bad. She was not in favor of greater density in Vallco. She felt that office building3 in that area would create more traffic problems. 3. Esthetics - She expressed concern regarding high rise in Vallco. 4. Neighborhood character - She ex- pressed concern regarding this and requested th~t the Council proceed with caution. Dave Klinger, 753 Waterford Drive, addressed Council regarding parks. He presented transparencies showing the trends in the Cupertino Union School District, and sports fields in Cupertino. These graphs shoved that the majority of 3ports fields and open space in the City were school sites. He stated that Cuptrtino needs the closed school sites and the community would like to hold onto this open space. He felt ~here was a need in the co~nity for a community center as ~~ll as a need for community ?arks. He discussed the purchase cost of school sites comparing fair garket value and the Naylor Bill. Mr. Walter Ward, General Manager, Vallco. requested no height limit at ~allco acd urged the Council to act expeditiously on the Genzral Plan Amecdment. He stated that Vallco will expand in stages and will continue ~ith high quality building. He felt that Vallco was the easterly gateway to the City and should make a community state- ment. It is away from resid~ntial areas, and studies have shown that anticipated traffic could be acceptably handled. Fire prote'tion could be provided and Vallco will pay its share. The ~rea was designed for the requested density and high quality has already been achieved. He stated that time was of the essence to Valleo. He stated that the artist's render;.ngs which are Exhibits 2-8 through 2-15 in the draft General Plan pre3ented to C~uncil are not bei~g considered by Vallco Park. He stated that income to the City Kenerated by Vallco will be more than that projected in the Questor report. He submitted a letter from Mr. Frank Hyland, Va:lco doard of Directvrs. I . . þ . ,~ . ~'~::?-(I':' , '.',' , MINUTES OF 1'HE OCTOBER 26, 1982 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Mr. FranK Juszczyk, Grosvenor International, requested a .45 FAR as a pp~tted density. He stated that he had acquired as many trip ends as po$sible and as of this point could only get a conditional use peralt. John Volkland, Stevens Creek Office Center, stat~d that all offices in his building are being used and there is an excess of parking space. He requested that Co~ncil give density credit for undergrounding parkin Higher FAR's will result in less concrete around the buildings for parking spaces. Brad Krauskup, Carl Swenson Co., San Jose, requested be all~cated to his North De Anza Boulevard building. various scenario buiidouts of North De Anza Boulevard. 130,000 sq. fe. He reviewed Johr. 8uchanan, Grosvenor International, told Council that there was a demand for the type of project Grosvenor wished to build. he stated that a .45 YAR was less than what the Planning Commission recommended for Vallco as a whole. He requested approval of his proposed plans. John Vidovich, De Anza-Forge, addressed Council regarding North De ADza Boulevard. He stated that with a taller building, more open space "MaS available. He did not consider three stories dS a highrise. Be pointed out that the remaining parcels on De Anza Boulevard were small parcels. Dr. Joseph Brown, 20985 Pepper Tree Lane, addressed Council regarding unstructured parks. In regard to traffic, he stated that problems co.e with people. Jobs for residents could cut traffic. He stated that restricting density would not necessarily mean less traffic as much of Cupertin~'s traffic comes from communities to the south. He al~o urged the continuance of home building. Mr. Robert Wagner, Executive Vice President, Prometheus Development, submitted a brochure to Council showing various stages of developr~nt being considered for their portion of Town Center. He ~poke re6arding the benefits of phasing development. He felt that a 1.0 to a 1.4 FAR was appropriate for the Cali Town Center property, and that housing fo~ that property was inappropriate. ~r. Bill Valentine, ar~hitect, HOK, San Francisco, presented slides showing the proposed phasing and of the San Francisco Levi Square project. He stated that most parking would be underground and there ~,uld be open space and many amenities. Mr. Wagner, Prometheus, stated that the firm would mitigate problems that might be created by this development. He said the project would be phased over a period of 8-10 years. He spoKe in support of d~n5ity bor.uses for good design. Mr. Sanford Diller, President, Prometheus, also spoke in suppor~ of the I proposed project. R£CESS: 9:45-10:05 p.~. -t...· CC-5~9 Page 3 . .. CA9 plf' 4 MINUTES OF TIlE OCT08Ek 26, 1982 CITY COUNCIL MEETING (City Clerk's Note: O~,ector of Finance Snyder left at 9:45 p...) JoAnne Springer, Santa Teresa, said that the phrase stating that traffic will get worse regard~~ss of development sounded like an excuse to develop and that the statement was absurd. Hr. Paul Bogan, representing the Karianis, requested a high FAR for the Mariani property. He felt that better quality development was really the key issue and asked what quality of development the Counci wanted. He stated that developers do not like traffic either as it lowers the I118rket deman<l for a project. . Mr. Paul Sonnenblick, 11525 Upland Way, discussed the telephone survey presented by Hr. Lewis with Council. He stated the belief that the survey could have been btructured better and suggested that the Council pursue this. Possibly they could appoi~t a group to do the actuál survey. He stated that he did believe development should be economically feasible. He expresseó a desire for quality development. He said that if 32% of the Vallco traffic goes south, it does not get on the freeway. He expressed the belief that Council should decide on overall cbjectives and then plan how to achieve those objectives. What kind of City do we want? Mr. Sonnenbl~ck said that if semi-urban is desired, then develop- ment should be allowed and the City would have a nice financial center. However, the RSR survey stated that the people wanted a suburban community. He felt that what kind of city is desired needed tc be decided. In regard to a proposed street network, he did not feel that Highway 85 link needed to be a major collector. Hp- also expressed a desire for agreement on a detailed methodology used for ccllecting traffic data and how traffic is distributed. He felt that the kind of city wanted needed to be decided prior to discussing street designs. Also to be decided is one's philosophy regarding flow of traffic. He asked what is a "minor collector" in regard to traffic count and lev"'l of service. He also stated he would like Miller to not be a major collecto~. However, in general the designations given streets represented good goals. Mr. Robert dernstein, architect of Foug and Associates, 2600 £. Bayshore Road, Palo Alto, requested a 1.0 rftR ~r greater. He felt the developer should earn such an FAR from the City. John Rakich, 11835 Upland way, objected to highrise in the proposed Town Center development presented by Prometheus. He stated that as ,he development is phased in, pa~k areas are gradually used for buildings. He stated that in general, developers gave good treatment to parking. However, access was inadequate. He felt the statement that traffic would become worse even without development was a poor ar~ument. He felt each development should be considered on its ~wn merits and developers sho~ld do something regarding t~affic solutions. . M~. Walter Ward said tnat Vallco had contributed aoproximately $7,000,000 !to traffic and road imp:ovements. I . . . . ,...;::-' "'.:-:: ',7"'JÇ-~' MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 26, 1982 crTY COUNCIL MEETING Ann Anger, Monta Vista, stated that she had been involved with the General Plan process since 1955. Vallco has proven what they call do. She urged co~letion of Righway 85. Hr. Walter Klingman, Hewlett-Packard, stated that H-? does have a par- cel they are planning to develop over the next ten years. Be asked what space would be considered in determining rARs, i.e., covered walk- ways, e.ployee kitchen/cafeteria areas, etc. Brad Krauskup inquired regarding the phone survey. He stated that at the Planning Commission hearings there had not been a great amount of public input· However, those present did favor some sort of increased density. Hr. Steven Hayes of northwest Cupertino stat~d that he had built under the 1974 General Plan and has attended General Plan heari~gs. He felt that growth was inevitable, ano the question was would it be a cancer- ous growth or would it serve some need. He expressed the opinion that a hotel would serve a need. However, he would not like a 20 story hotel. He said he c~uld not see how Cupertino streets could accommo- date the proposed increased plan. He found the Planning C~~ission recommendations more palatable. He stated that with buildout there was a 238% potential increaee in jobs. (Ci~y Clerk's Note: Mr. Hayes later requested that the cecord .be chang d to ,how l38% potential increase.) At 10:55 p..., Council adjourned this public hearing to 7:00 p.m., October 27, 1982. -L2¿~ ~c:~ City ClHk CC-589 Page 5