CC 12-19-83 · . þ ~ , ~ eIn OF CUfDJDO, STATE OF eALIFORiUA 10300 Torre AI I -.... CUpertino, eA 950111 T.l.pboae. (_> 252-4505 MIIUTD ,. THE IEGUUI MUTIIIG OF THE eIn COUNCIL -.0 01 DECÐ18U 19, 1913 II THE COUNCIL --"II, CIn JW.L, CUPEITIIO, CALIFOIIU Ma,or n..., ailed tile Metilll to order at 6'50 p... in the Counol1 - . .r. SALUTE TO _ ruG ROLL CALL CounCl. ....u.t.: Gatto. Johnson. Ros.rs, Sparka (6152 P...), Ma,or Pluaø Staff ......... eu, Manaser Quinlan CU, Clerk Cornel1ua Direator of Pllb110 Worka Yi8lcoYioh Director of naaai.. IIIId Dn.lo lMllt Si* Director of Finaaoe SeJd.r (len at 7140 p,.. ) Cit, Attorn.J Kilian STAFF REPOIID 1. Oral r _ La II, staff ....r» and su..iaaion of written re lOl'b. eu, Ma.....·. "pOrt Count, LibrarJ ~ission Appoint..nts - It was moved b, Couno. llDelra, _nded b, Couno. Johnson and paaaact unant.oualJ to request the LibrarJ eo..i..ion to appoint a repre..D\atlwe to replaoe Sbaron Rohde on tile Count, Librar, C Ission. Director of P1.n~ina and Developaant Siak presented Council with s s~'-a report on the Oakdell "noh Redwood tree. Discussion followed reaardinl the planned Clreplace in the hoae and tbe tr..·. drlp line. R. D. r-1tzar. 10060 Phar Lap Drive, stated that the plans show tbe Cireplace less than six Ceet Cr~ the tree. He submitted photos shawing the Redwood tree. Director of Planninl and Developaant Sisk will follow up on this It.. and cospile a list of concerns which w1\1 be presented to the landscape architect. -1- Appointment to County Library eo.rlssion Oaltdell Ranch Redwood Tree , . . Item removed, balance approved . , HIIUrES Œ THE D£CDfBEa 19, 1983 C111 COUICIL IŒITIIG. Cc-630 2. Intoraation reaardinl which, it any, proJecta would be delayed aa a result ot Focoth1l1/Stevena Canyon Oyerlay. 3. Intoraational letter to CUpertino water OOD~. re¡ardinl diaintectant. CONSENT CALENDAI Couno. Boler. r_ved It. 17. It wae IIOVed b, Cou1Io. G.tto. _nded by Couno. JOhnllOD and p.saed unan~.l, to .pprove the balanoe ot the Conaent Calend.r aa s~itted. 9. Reaolution 110. 62221 -A leaolution ot the City Counoll ot tile Cit, ot Cupertino Allowinl Cert.in Clai118 and Dellanda 'ayable in the _unt. .nd trOll the tund. .. Hereinafter Described tor General and "iaoell.neou. Ezpenditure. tor the Period Endina Nov-.ber 23. 1983.- 10. Reaolution 110. 62231 -A Resolution or the City Counoll ot the City ot Cupertino Allowinl Certain Clai.. .nd De8lnd. 'ay.ble in the _until .nd trOll tbe Fund. .. Hereinafter Deaoribed tor Salaries and W.lea tor tbe Payroll Period Endinl Nov.-Þer 29, 1983.- 11. Reaolution No. 62211: -A lesolution ot the City Counoll ot tbe Cit, ot Cupertino 'pproyinl Contract Qlanle Order 110. 3 tor Byrne Avenue Closure, Project 83-22.- 12. Reaolution 10. 6225: -. Resolution ot tile City Counoll ot the City ot CUpertino Approying Contract Chanae Order 110, 8 tor Hent. Vista 'ark, Project 79-53.- 13. Resolution No. 62261 -. Reaolution ot the City Counoll ot the City ot Cupertino Approving Lot Line Adjust.ent between Two Paroela ot Land without a Paroel Map in Accordanoe with Section 661112(d) ot SuÞdivision "ap Act ~a. A.ended January 1, 1980. P.rcel 2. Record ot Suryey Recorded in Book 175 ot "apa, Pale 32; San Ju.n ROad.- 111. lesolution 110. 6227: -A Resolution ot the City Counoll or the City or Cupertino Declarinl it. Intention to Order Vac.tion or a Portion or a Slope E.....nt within the City of Cupertino Pursuant to Section 50430 et aeq. or the Goyern.ent Code ot the State or Calitorni., Filinl Ti.. .nd Plsce tor Hearinl and Providinl tor Notice Thereor; Lota 12 and 13, Trsct No. 61101, Lindy Lane." -2- . ~ .' . <.r." ."-' , "' "",' _';-_,,-W,.-,_,_' '''',_;':_'_, HIIIITES Of TIlE ØECEHBD ", "'3 em COUICIL IIU1'IIG - Cc-630 . 15. Acceptance of .unlclpa1 t.pro....nt.a (a) Cypr.... Propert,. 8IIIIdl., and Mariani. (b) Cl.arlalce Dnelo llllnt. StaYen. Creek Boul..ard and landy. (0) Tand. c:o.puters III. '.1100 ParlMly. (d) De Anaa Venture.. st.... Creek Boul..ard. e.at ot De Anaa Boule.ard. 16. Appl1oaUon ~C-S1.591.1 - Robert Greaor, - "1I1I..tlnl appro.al ot site and arobtteoture tor oonatruotioa ot a alnlle-f..l1y reaidence vitbD a Planned Dnelop.ent zonina dlatrlot. The aubjeot property 1., looHad oa the north aide of Orovande Plaoe approd..tel, 600 ft. ....t ot 5tell1nl Rolld. In Indlld tar appro..l. 17, 1IInao.1Id. . 18. Resolution 110. 62291 SA "aolutioa ot tbe Cit, C0un01l of the City ot CUpertino Allov1na Certain Clai.. Ind Da.and. Payable in the ~t. and tr_ the Funda .. Hereinafter Deaoribld tor Gaaer.l and Misoellaneoua Expenditures tor the Period Indinl Deo"er 9. 1983.- 19. Minute. ot the replar Matinl ot 1Io.1IIber 21. 1ge3. (CC-627) 20. Minutes ot the relular ...tlnl of Deo"er 5. 1983. (C'-629) Vote ~rs of the City Counoll AYES: Gatto, Johnson, Roaers. Sparks, Plungy IIOES: IIone ABSEIIT: IIone ABSTAIII: None ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALEIIDAR 11. Application "-U-83, Cupertino Clty Center (Pr~theus Develop.ent Coapany) - ae.law of Specific Landscape Plan for a 160,000 sq. ft. office bullding per -3- - . Specific plan approved, mas ter plan taken under advisement . '''''';'> '1"I:i~""~"""''!1';!\!ë;:;j~,~;" ,'. "~,:;,,;,,« ..if', ~': ;;", IfIlIITU (I 1111 DfÇf fJU '9. ff83 em COUIQ. 1IItIII,. ;'i~¡t': ' CC-630 17. (OODtilllMd) CoadUion 19 ot n_i... '-1adoa lIuo1ut.ioa 10. 2393. .. ÇP'ft81 ot tile Coaoeptu81 I-l....øw n_ tor Cupertiao fOll8 CeDhr. TIle Mjeot oftl_ buildi... i. 100Red .t Use ~ _ _ ot Use r.ortber1, elltea.ioa of Torre .y..... to SteY_ c:r.. Boul....... "a1 1000.d tor apprltYal. CoUDOU ellpre8Hd ooaaerna rqardi.. Use ,la. to ,lat MlIOi. tr... aad .bo Use '1..... 100.tioa of Use tOUlluln. Mark 1ro11, 10800 1Io1te load, f'roMUIeua ÐneloPMllt, oUted tllat lie _lei ret... Use _.... .........~ Use Aoaoi. tr... to Use badllOape arobiteot. lie requaated tllat tile tountain r_in in lu ,lM11ed 1ooation. It v.. _ad b, Couao. OIItto, _adad b, Couao. Spark. aad ,ANd ....S-al, to an.0.8 tile apeo1tio ,1_ .. UIce tbe __ ,lan uadar adYl.....t. TIM a"l1oat alla11 ~t Vitia .tatt reprdll11 Use UN ot Maoia tr.... OIAL COIIIIIIJCAnOIlS 22. M 1.... ot tbe audieaoe reprdinl .t_. IIOt on Use ·IOIIda. lIoIIe. PUBLIC HEAlIIGS 23. COn.id....tion ot atr..t n_ oboa. troa St.... Creek Boul..ard to a,rae A._. (a) Rel101ution 110. 62281 -. Rel101ution ot tIa. Cit, Couaou ot tile CU, ot CupertillO Orel...inl Str..t 11_ Ch.ns. Within tbe Cit, ot eu,artillO PIIr.lWlt to Section 5026 ot tbe Str..t. aad HilbnJo Code, ~t.te or C.litornia, Chanle a Portion ot Ste.ens Cr..k Bou1e.ard to Byrne Ayenue.- Res. No. 6228 It "aa IIOVed b, Couno. Sparks, aecoaded bJ COunc. Rosera continued .nd pas.ed unsnt.Gua1, to continue tbe bear ins until Januer, 16, 1984. The Cit, Clerk shell readyertiae this hear ins. - 24. Consideration ot 11 increese or tr.n.ient OOcup.no, t.lI. (e) Ordinence No. 12461 -An Ordinanoe or the Cit, or Cupertino A.endinS Section 3.12.030&, Trenaie~t Oooupeno, Tea - Iapoaition, ot the Cupertino Munioipal Code.- -4- "I/lUTES OF THE DECEMBER 19, 1983 CITY COUICIL 1I~.&1'IJIG - I Cc-630 City HaD.IIr Quinlan CouIIall. r.vi.wed the .tatt r.port With IIaltar liard. Gen.ral "-IIr. Vl1loo Parle. r.t.....ed to hia lettar reque.tinc that tile proposed inor.... in t.. not lie approved. o.rl_ Thorn.. Euoutiwe Direotor. aw.IMr ot Ca....ero.. .tatad that tile I!h-'" eador..a a _jor hota1 in Cupertino aDd that oiti.s in Slnta Clara County th.t are tryinl to .ttract hota1. haY. low tr...iont oooupaaoJ ta.... Thoae oiti.. ourrently hpiDI th. hipest hotel ta. do not want Dell hotels. :!be statad that this ta. tIOIIld hav. no tinanoi.1 i.pact to tile City tor th. n..t tev y.ar. aDd requested that the taz lie 1.R at 51 thia J.ar. It l1li. aoved by Couno. Sparles. secoDded bJ Couno. Joba_ aDd paaHd unai_.1J to 010.. the pub110 h.ariDI It Ifa. IIOved by Counc. Sparles. _Dded bJ Couno, Ioa.rs aDd passed with Mayor PlUIIIJ diaaeatinl to tab1. oonslderation ot this it. tor on. y.ar. PLAN.IIG APPLICATIOIS t 25. Applioation 35-U-83 ot Leo aDd He1.n Blanohi: U.. P.l'II1t to ..plllll'l.. ..i.tinl 1.700 *I. R dup1.. by adding 800 sq. R. ot living spac.. oonverting the nisting caral. into a 11vill& r~. aDd eddinl a d.tached garal.. EaYiro_ntl1 lavi.lf: The project 1a oatagorically ..eapt. h.no.. no action is required. Th. sUbJeot propertJ ia located approd_t.ly 225 ft. south of Stev.na Creek Boulevard and 125 ft. .aat of South Stelling load in a P (Planned Qav.lop.ant) zoning di.triot. leoa...Dded tor approval. Direotor of Planninl and Qavalopaent Sisk r.viewed th. applioation Ifith Counoil. It ..as IIOVed by Couno. Sparks. seconded by Couno. Rolers and passed unanll10usly to approve Applioatlon 3S-U-B3 per Plannlnl eo..lsslon R.aolutlon 10. 2_55. 26. Applioatlon Internatlonal AIIend..nt of lno:-ease the frOll_95,OOO sq. 2B-U-80 (Revlsed) of Grosvenor Califot':lta, Ltd. (Valloo Park): a prevlouslY approved use perait to per.itted lndustrlal buildinl area ft. to 600,000 sq. ft. and þ -5- Public hearing closed Consideration of transient occupancy tsx tabled for one year 35-U-83 approved I. :'8-U-80 (Rev.) continued . 30-U-81 (Rev.) approved . M!MUTES OF' TilE D£CEMS!:R 19. 1983 CIn COUICIL MEETIIIG _ CC-630 26. (oontinued) Env1ro...ntlol Redew: The Envir_tIol R.dew eo-1ttn d.tel'lli.... tbIIt the prOject iIIpIIot. _. protYiOll.ly .s...aed .. part ot th. Enviro_tal z.peot Report tor Gea.n1 Pla ..aclMat 1-CiPA-80. 1M aubject property Cll)a.i.ta of 31!, acrea loo.ted on th. south .id. ot Prua.rid,. Av.nue appro.iutely 500 ft.. wst ot Taatau Anau. in.a MP (Plaaaecl Industrial Park) zoaina distriot. leoa..nded tor appro".l. Director ot Plaania, .nd DeYelo IIMnt S1sk reviewed the applioatioa with Counoil. It vas st.ted tba~ Condieioa No. 17 should r.ed ,1.00/sq. tt. Fr.ak Juazozyk. Gro.v.nor InterD8tional, addr..aed Counoil r.prdin, the dollar _t and (I...._t di.triot. It v.. aoted tbat not.U property ova.... MIl .iped tb. .pplio.tion tor tbe u.. pera1t. It va. BOved by Couno. Spvk.. seconded by Couno. Jobn_ tIIId palled _iIIou.ly to CODtoinIM oon.id....tion 0' th. .pp1io.tion to the tir.t ...tin, in F.bru.ry. 19a- to allow the Director ot n.uin, and Dn.10 llMftt to abtloin the nec.s....y aianatur.a. 27. AppUo.tioa 3o-tJ-81 <1Iev1sed) ot Eli IIoFly: Use ,....it to allOll daaoin, and Un ent.rtai_t within the ..i.tin, Eli MeFly Bestaur.nt/Bar .stabliabaeat .nd Endro_t Review: Th. project 1a oateprioally ....,t. benc.. 110 IIOtion i. r~uirecl. The Eli MeFly Re.taurat i. loc.ted in tb. Ilahobo-Ðe ADaa Sboppin, Cent.r oa the south".at oorn.r ot Vall.y Greea Driv. and Nortb De !au Soul.".rd in a P (Planned Dev.lo,...t) zoain, distriot. Ieo~nded tor :approval. Direotor ot Plaania, .nd Develo IIMnt Siak revi.ved the applio.tion vith Council and at.ted that Condition No. 18 should read 200 aq. ft. Condition No. 21 was r.daed to read six annths. It ves IIOved by ':cunc. Sparks, s.conded by Couao. John:JOn and paaaed ua..iaously to approve Application 3o-U-81 (Revised) per Planning Co.-isaion R.solution No. 2466 vith Condition No. 18 reading 200 sq. tt. and Condition No. 21 reeding six aonths. 28. Application 20-TK-83 of De Anza Properties (John Vidovich - Town Center): Tentative Subdivision Map to subdivide approxlmately 13.5 acres into 37 parcels consisting of one parcel to acco.aodate a future office buildlng and 36 parcels to accomMOdate 248 future r.sidential condoainium units and Envlron.ental -6- þ N!lUTES OF THE DECEMBER 19, 1983 CIn COUNCIL NEmIlG _ Cc-630 28. (conti/lued) BeYiew: TIw project Ifas pr..,1011Il, .....Md. h_ DO act10n 11 requ1red. the IIIbJect propert, 1. looatecl bet_n Stn_ c:rHk Boulenrd aDd IocIrilU4t. A_ approxtata17 800 ft. welt of Blen., AnDUe 1. . P (Planned DeYelOpllellt) zoning distr10t. Reoa.ended f. apprO'l8l. Director of n.nn1ng and DeYelo )lllllt stille r..,1ewd tlte applicat10n with COunoil. Diacu..10n followed re..rd1nc the t11K rr... for bui¡~inc the offio. portion and the r..1dent1al port10n of &be dnelo )lllllt . It .... .oYed b, COuno. Sparks. _ncled b, Couno. 10..... and p.sHcl witlt C0un01lM11b.. nunø IIIId IoIIDIOtI d1...ntinc to .pprove Applio.t10n 2O-TK-83 per n...!nl eo.1.11oa leaolu\ion 110. 2'68. . It IfIS .ond b7 Couao. Roc.I, _lIded b, Couno. Spwlrl and pa.sed uaaD1eoual, to detera1ne that park dedication fH' lhall equal tile equivalent land value of 1.539 _e.. the lalld value per ecre Ifill be detandned b, tM PubUo Work. Departllent prior to final up approval. IRCHITEC'UIAL AID SITE APPIOVAL COMMITTEE AP'LICATIOIS 29. IIone. UNFINISHED BUSIJESS 30. !lone. NEW BUSINESS 31. Notic. to tera1nate aff1l1at10n w1th the North Santa Clara County So11d W.ste Nan.r....n~ Author1ty in 1984. City Hanager Quinlan reviewed his re~rt with Council. It vas .oved by CoUDC. Johnson, seconded by Counc. Rogers and passed v1th Counc. Sparks dissenting to approve forvarding a letter of withdrawal fr~ the North Santa Clara Count~· SoUd Waste Han.gnent. Authority to be effective July 1, 198~ should ~h. JPA not terainate at an earlier date. . Cheryl Block, 22931 Yoss Avenue, e.preSS\~ concern regardlng the withdraw.l frOG SWHA. ~. stated that Cupertino should dr1ve SWHA to find alternatlyes to Bryan Canyon and requested that Cupertino pursue re.sonable alternatives for the re.ion. She stated that Concerned -1- 2Q-TK-83 approve': Withdrawal from SWMA . First reading of Ordinanc:e l25? . Ord. 1254 continued . "IIUTES OIF THE DECEHBEII 19. 1983 CIn COUIICIL IfUTIIG _ C~3Ci Cupertino Citizens .re still pursuln. aD lnltlatlye. She telt tbat oitie. were vlthdrew1n¡ t~ SMMA vitbovt reaonable IOlutlon. tor the .arba.a P"OIIl_ and ItItYiro_ntal i._.. 32. lIni.lon ot Haaarcloua Materials ston.. Clrdi....e. Ca) Clrdinanoe 110. 1253; Cupertino "!:din. Hateriala Stora.e. Code.- -An Ordin_e ot UIe cn, ot Chapter 9.12. Haurclou. ot the Cupertino _101,.1 It va. lIOYeeI b, Couno. Io.ers. seconded b, Couao. Getto and ,...... _~l, to reed Clrdlnance 10. 1253 b, title onl, and the Cit, Clerk's r.-dln. to oonstitute t~ tlrst reedin. tMreot. 33. anision ot Seotlon 2.7" ot tile _101,.1 Cod. r.....di. plao., da" .nd C1. ot Cabl. TV AdYlsor, eo.ittee ..tlnp. Ca) Clrdinano. 10. 125"; -An ClrdinallC'.e ot tba Cit, ot Cupertino AMndll11 C21apter 2.7il, Cable tel."ision AdY1sor, ~ntea. ot the OJpertlno _loi,.l Code.- It vas IOYeeI by Couno. Getto. HCIOaded by Counc. Ioaers and p...... uaent.ously to oontlnue consider.tlon or tbls It.. to the _tin. or Janu.ry 3. 196". (City Clerk's lot.; CoIIM. Sparks l.n. Couaoil Qo-......) 3". Town Center t.nants parkin. probl... 110bard IIadcIl.SII. Town Center. stated that the ourr.nt probl.. does not appe.r to be a density probl.. but rather . plannin¡ probl... John Rintsla representln. the owners or Town ~nter stated th.t the speed bu.ps In the oenter will be r-.oyecl. He expresaed that opinion that ohan.e upsets people. He said the aana....nt will look at l..-dlate restrlpln¡ or .reas that vill not be resurraced. Brenna Bol.er, Town Cente,. ,stated that the Council represents the people and they should do ao.ethin. re..rdln. the .eyere parking problem. City Attorney Kilian inroneed Council t~.t there could be a soratoriu. in order to allov a reylev or .11 p.rkln. requlr...nts .nd st.nd.rd ordinance. -8- ':7:Y~~"?~(,}"P . · IIINurES Of' THE DECI!ltBER 19, 1983 CIn COUNCIL MEETIIIG- Ct-630 (City Clerk's Note: Ch_.r. ) Counc. Sparks returned to Ccr.moll Ri"hard PopeJoy. DDS. Tow Cent.r. .xpr.ssed the opinion tbat the proposed second bulldin¡ will ruin the prot.ssion.1 n.tur. ot Tow Cent.r. He r.quested tbat only on. bulldin. be .llowed. but it it i. n.c.ssary to baY. the HCOnd, uncIer...ouncl parkins b. reqired. He st.ted tbat ba haa lost pat12Dtl bec.u.e of tbe parkip, probl.... He requested th.t COunoi1 r.view th.ir previous actio~~. lIucIolpb Propecb. Tow Center. phy.ician. said that he baa aany e1d.r1y patients .s well as otbers with very YOUD, obi1dren and intants. Beeau.. ot tb. parkinl probl... the, ar. required to walk lonl distano.s. He, too, hes 10lt patients. He requested that the City not iss... bulldina per.ita tor the proposed buildin¡a until the tenlnt. baye h.d . chaaoe to work with the landlord. He intOl'MCl CO..ncll that bi. 1.... .t Tow Celater doel say np1o,,,. park on the periph.ry. Howeyer. tbere i. nc way to .ntoro. t.hat condition. · Hr. lintala IUllested th.t a patient loadina and vn10adin. zone could be installed. "" requaltad th.t an.a_nt be aiv.n the opportunity to work out the probl_s witb the t.nants .s this i. . t..parary prob1... Guy Barry. Tow Center, exprlósaed resentMnt tor i.plic.tiona that the tenants are too l.zy to walk and not will1nl to chana.. He t.lt there is . s.rious probl.. iapectinl o11.lIts at Tow Center. He asked it Councll could stop tbis deyeloJIIIsnt. He also st.ted that alllOst no one can let a101ll with the predent property .anager. He requested Council's help to resolve the probl... Council intol'lled those landlord/tenant probl_, and landlord or his r.presentative. present that this was a they should d.al with the 35. Discussion of Trlp Policy - Orchard Valley Harket Place. Director ot Planninl and Development Sisk and COuncil discussed the proposed amendment to the Traftic Intenslty Pertor.ance Standard Policy Manual. · Merritt Sher ot Terrano.ics stated that Orchard Valley Harket Place would not contain a superaarket, and it is a specialty center. -9- e Trip end generation report New banner location approved .. No. 6f3<i ZPtgd MllIUTiS OF THE DECEMBER 19. 1983 CITY COUNCIL IlEETIIIG - cc-630 It _ IIOnd by CoIlll4. o.tto. .econded by CoIlll4. loa.... aad ,aaaed unani.ou.ly that the et.ft r....lu.te the trip eDd '.......Uon taotor and report beck to C0un01l with r..iHd .....,. . 36. lev loo.tion for di.pl.y of banners and requeet tOP appropri.tion to in.t.ll new taoilitie.. It _ lIOYed by CoIlll4. Jobnaon. HConcIed by Couno. Sp.rk" .ad ,..aed un.nillOu.ly to .ppron the new looaUon bet_ Portal Ayenue .nd the perilMter roed for in.t.ll.tlon of baneer. appropri.t. .7.000 frOll thO Geøeral runct for in.tallation of the new f.oility and r.ise tb. t.. to '220 per reque.t to di.,l.y b.nner, J7. ".illl.tlon of Deputy City Attorney Arthur Y. nank and de.illl.tion of ~. Caudill.. Deputy City Attorney. C.) "solution 10. ~I~A "solution ot ..1M City Counoll ot the City ot Cupertino AMadin, "solution 521_ Appointin. Deputy City AttorDey. tor the Lildted Purpo.e. of cri.tn.lly ProHCutilll City Ordin.no...· It l1li. IIOVed by CoIlll4. Spark.. ~ed by Couno. lose,. .net ,..aed un.nillOu.ly to adopt Resolution No. 6~0. ¡ø..., WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 38. Counoil bad received . l.tter reque.tin. . bike l.ne on Miller frOll Pro.pect to Bol11n..r. The Clerk Val directed to forllllrd tbat letter to the City of San Jon aI the .rea is within that City'. juri.diction. ORDIUNCES 39. Seoond re.din. of Ordinanc. No. 12_7: ·An Ordin.no. of the City of Cu~rtino Amending Section 15.08.020. "ending the Quantity Rate. for Do.e.tio Water Servioe, Chapter 15.0& of the Cupertlno Municipal Code." Second reading It IIIIS moved by Counc. Roger., seconded by Couno. Gatto and of Ord. 1247 pas.eeI unanillOusly to read ordinance No. 1~47 by title only .nd the City Clerk's reading to constitute the second readin. thereof. Ord. 1247 It V.. moved by Couno. Gatto, seconded by Counc. Rogers and enacted pas.ed unanlmously to enaot Ordinance No. 1247. . 40. Seoond reading of Ordinanoe No. 1248: "An Ordinance of the City of Cupertloo Amendin. Seotion 1 of Ordinance No. 2 by Amendin@ a Previously Approved -10- KIIUTES OF TIlE DECDlBEI 19. 1983 CITY COUICIL KEETIIG _ CC-630 110. (continued) ZoninlApp1ioation C]-Z-83) to Contor. with tho IoooDt1J '--nded Oaportino GoDaral Plan.- It vas IIOYod bJ CowIe. Iosors. _ndod by Couno. Glltto and passed un8D~lJ to road ordinono. 10. 12118 by tit1. onlJ ond tho CitJ Clerk ' a rOodinl to oonstieuCo the ..ooed r.odins thereot. S.cond reading of Ord. 1248 It 'fIIO IIOYod bJ Couno. GIlt to, soooadod by Couno. RoI.ro 0JId possed unani~slJ to .naot ordinono. 10. 12118. 111. Seoond r.odiel ot Ordinono. 110. 121191 -An Ordinono. ot the City ot CUpertino '--ndinl Sootion 1 ot Ordi....... 110. 2 bJ ".I0Il1111 Appro1liMtolJ o. 17 Acre tr.. SaIl... Claro CouetJ .'-8 Zon. to CitJ ot Cupertino .'-1.5 Zone, Located on the Eaot Sid. ot Sen Fernando ........ Appr01l1Mt.olJ 350 Ft. SouUtvest ot ø,r.. Avenue.- It vas lIOYod bJ Cou8o. Iolero, _ndod bJ Couno. Gatto and JNlNOd lIII8II~ly to r.od Ordinsnoo 10, 12119 by titl. oal, and th. CUJ Clerk's r.odiJII to oonstituCo the __ r.adinl thereot. It vas IIOYod bJ Couno. Gatto. _ndod bJ Couno. Rosers and possed unu_uslJ to uaot Ordiuno. 110, 12119. Ord. 1248 enacted Second reading of Ord. 1249 Ord. No. 1249 enacted 112. Seoond reodia. ot OrdinOllo. 110. 12501 -An Ordinano. ot the City ot Cupertino '--ndinl Seotion 1 of Ordinono. No, 2 bJ '--ndinl a PreYious1y ApproYed Zonina Application (1-Z-83) to Contor8 vieh tho ....ntly '-endod Cupertino GIIn.ra1 Plan.- It w.. IIOYed bJ Couno. Rolors, sooonded by Couno. Sparks and passed ~nani..vs1y to read Ordinanoe No. 1250 by tit10 only and tho City Hanaser's readinl to oonstituto tho second readies therecf. Second reading of Ortl. 1250 It was IIOved by Couno. Gatto, seoonded by Counc. Rosers and pa.sed unanillOus1y to onact Ordinance No. 1250. Ord. 1250 enacted þ "3. Seoond rudins ot Ordlnsnoe No. 1251: -An Ordinance of the City of Cupertino &.ondins Chaptor 3.08, Soles and Use Ta1l, of the Cupertino Municipal Code.- It was lIOn!! by Counc. Rosers, seconded by Counc. Sparks and passed una~illOus1y to read Ordinanco No. 1251 by title only and the City Clerk's reading to constitute the second readlng thereof. Second reading of Ord. 1251 It was IIOvod by Counc. Gatto, seconded by Counc. ROlers and passed unanillOusly to enact OrdInance No. 1251. O:d. No. 1251 enacted -11- e Second readin of Oroi. 1252 Ord. 1252 enacted . Stevens Creek Quarry - --. -".- CC-630 1111. Seoond relldin. 0' Ordinanoe 110. 12521 -An Ordi_e ot tile City 0' CUpertiao ....lIel1n. atapter 9.12. llaurdoul Mllterials Storl,l. ot thl Cupertino Itmioipal Codl.- It v.. .oYed by Couno. 10'11'1. _olldld by Counc. "'1 Ind pellld _i_I1y to rlld Ordillllnol 110. 1252 by titl. only aDd the City Clark's rl84inl to oOlllt1tutl the leooDd rlldinl tbereot. It l1li1 IIOYed by CoUllO. Gatto, llOOMed by Couno. Io.arl aDd pellld unlnilOUl1y to InlOt Ordinanol 110. 1252. RESOLUTIONS 115. 1Ion1. NON-AGENDA BUSINESS 116. leoosnit1on by Mayor 0' special requestl. (I) GenerI1 Audienoe. (b) City CouDoi1. CoUllOi1 requeltld that i' not10' 0' I ...tin. or eyent val rlOe1yQd by the City liter the dlte ot the propolld ...t1ne thlt tile City 1IaIIqer':' Seoretary i.edilte1y MIld I 1ùter ItRin. tbR tbe notio. hid arriYed too late to anelld. UIO, if I notiOI il rlOlhed in ti.. 'or tbe ...tin. ~ not in tiM tor NIOkù dl1hery, tbe CouIIoU. L..... sMalcl be phonect anet Ihen tile in'ol'llltion. CLOSED SESSION to disouI. &attlrs ot potlnt1al liti.atioll. At 10105 p.... tlM ...tinl v.. adjourned to I oloHd H.sioll, At 10115 p.... CcUllOi1 rlOOnyened in open .lllion. Counoil...ber. veri all present. ~~a" .enber. Corneliu.. Silk lnet Ki1iln were Ilso pr'lent. City Attorney Kilian announoed that the di.ou..ion in oloaed ....ion pertained to pending litigation. It wa. IIOVed by Couno. Gatto, ..conded by Couno. Spark. lnet plaaed unanillOu.ly that the City Attorney file aotion a.ainat the County contesting the granting of a Negatlv. Decllrltion for the Stevens Cre.k Quarry. At 10:20 p..., the ..eting wa. adjoUrned. ;7" / //¡:;_¿:.;' -12-