CC 01-31-84 . . . . . CITY OF CUPERTINO. STAT: c.. CALIFORNIA 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino. CA 950111 Telephone: (1108) 252-4505 HIMES OF THE ADJOURNED REQlLAR HEETING OF THE CITY COUIICIL IN JOINT SESSION WITH ll1E SOLID \lASTE ADVISORY COHHITT£E. I£LD ON JANUARY 31. 1984 IN TIlE COUNCIL CHAMBER. CITY IfALL. CUPERTINO, caLIFORNIA CC-6311 MaJor PlunlY called the meeting to order at 7'35 p.ra. in the Council Ch_ber. Clt, Hall. ROLL CALL CoUIlO. Preaent: Getto, Johnson, Rogers, l1ayor PlunlY Counc. Abaent. Sparks Statt Presant: City lf8nalel' Quinlan City Clerk Cornelius SWAC Heabers Presents Balsano (7155 p...), Block. Boyd, Epstein, Heiner, IIol_an, M11_. ltukherjee, Shepela, Sl1tol; INTRODUCTION OF SOLID WASTE ADVISORY COHHITTEE HEMBERS PRESENT Chalrperl.Jn Boyd stated that there vas still some tine tunlns to be done with the Co_Utee'a rePürt. Ms. Epstein stated that she dld feel It vas a valid re Xll't: however. it tile eo..Utee had more time anel means they could look at things in Ireater depth. She expressed support ror reo,ollnl but realizes that that is only a part ot tha solution. She inrorlled Council that the report conelenses how the ~Ittee relt. Hr. Holzman expressed the opinlon that there was not technical information to make a decision relarding Canyon and fel t the issue vas not yet resolved. enough Bryan Council stated that the solid waste QUEstion had not yet been addressed and a~ked, "Where do we go from here?" Hr. Heiner atated that he felt evidence shows thst Bryan Ca"yon is unsuitable as a landfill al te and requested an ord Inance that Bryan Canyon could not be used as a dl.lDp site without a vote of the people. (City Clerk's Note: iJalsano arrived at 7:55 p,m,) -1- t þ þ . MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 31. 198/1 CITY COUNCIL MEI'I'IIG ( CC-63/1) Chairperson Boyd requested an update or the City Manalor's discussion with the Ferrari Brothers. He stated that on February 15 the North Santa Clara County Solid Wute Han....ent AuthOrlt, would be recaivinl a Countywide recyolinl progr.. report. City Hanaler Qldnlen stated that whet he vas discussing would be a tsollity ovned by Mountain Viell anel could not reveal the details or nelotiations at this time. He intol'llled the group that Sunnrvale also expresSed int....st in participating. The City would have to agree to purchase a capacity (8-1/2 to 11 years) but could nOlotiate out tor sale later. He expressed hope that he would have so.e alreemant on the details by the enel ot the week so they could be presented to Council. Santa Clera is also looking at a laneltl1l site anel milht be wlllilll to accept both Cupertino and SUIIIIJYale tor volUllle for purpo~s ot oOleneration. Discussion tollowed relardinl this Committee continuinl or possibly a~silniRl this topic to the EnerlY Co..ission. Hr. Mukherjee Energ, eo-isslon, stated that the EnerlY CotIIIIission was inter.sted in lookil\fl at recycling; however. it vas not a solution to the gerbag. problem. They are two separate issues. Council vas asked it SWAC were to con\inue. would there be a budlet for them to use. It was SU8lested that a committee milht be useful to educate and investigate and could be a rorce in a recycling prosrllll. Such a cOlllllttee might maintain citizen awareness. assimilate intormotlon anel keep the City Council inrof'lled. Council vas intoraed there vas a lot of technical Inrormation available through the EnerlY Commission. The possibility or continuing the Solid Wute Advisory Co_ittee with a reduced n\lllber or members was discussed, as well as assigning the recycl ing issue to the Energy CoDlllisslon. Cy consensus, Council stated that at their February 21, 1984 City Council meeting, they would make a decision regarding the Solid Waste Advisory Corrrnittee, They directed Colllllittee members to express their Interest in se~ving on a committee as well as the a~ea of study. Council also reque~te<J the reaction of the Energy Conrnisslon regarding their feel ings and area of interest. 4t 9:00 p.m., the meeting was adjourned. A it4f I.ÍlMj( _?-