CC 05-07-84 ~ CITY or CUPEaTIlIO, STATE OF CALIlOaIA 10300 Torr. Av.nu., Cup.rtino, CA 95014 T.lephone: (408) 252-4505 HINUTl8 or 'l'II! UGULAa CITY COUNCIL KUTIIIG ULD 011 MAr 7, 1984 111 TIlE COUICIL ClWIIIl!a, CITY BALL, CUP!lTIIO, CALIrORllIA · Th. ...tin. va. called to order at 6:50 p... by 1III,0r Plungy. SAwn 1'0 THI FLAG ROLL CALL Counc il Pr...nt: Gatto, John.on, JIoaer., Sparka Plun.y (7:10 p...), Mayor · St.ff Pre..nt: City Kens.er Quinlan City Cl.rk Corneliu. Dir.ctor of Public Worka Vi.kovicb Director of rinaDC. Snyder Director of Park. and "cr.ation Døwliaa A..i.tant to tb. Cit, Kans..r arova A..ociate Planner Pia.ecki City Attorney Kilian STA" REPORTS 1. Oral r.porU by .taU _ban an4 ...babeion of written report., City Mana.ero. Report Alcoholic Severa.e Control Licen.. (Safe.ay Store., Liquor Barn) - The City K8Da.er reviewed the ABC fora with the City Council and .tated that ._ people in tb. nei.hborbood of the .tore bad prote.tad the chan.e froe a groc.ry .tor. to a liquor .tore, Safeway to Liquor Barn · Vonna Harie Rodrigue., 10630 £, I.tat.., .ddr....d Council and informed tha. that .he repre.ent.d tha neighborbood immediately behind the Brantvood Supe~rket, propo.ed .ite for the Liquor aarn. Sh. eapre..ed concern re.ardinl drunk driver. and .tated that thera were a lot of young people in the neighborhood, She al.o told Council that hi:h school students go to tbe deli in tbe .upe~rket and tbat the plan i. to keep the d.li when the store becoae. a Liquor Barn. She also eapr..." concern. r.gardinl a higher cri.. r'~e, noi.e, large trucka ..king deliverie. in an ar.a that is difficult to .aneuv.r, increa.ed traffic, loit.ring and littering. By con.en.u., Council requ..ted that a letcer be drafted that eapre.ae. the conc.rn. to the Alcoholic Beveraa. Control. Council eapr.a..d the desire for a local hearing, Letter to ABC -1- aihan1s Highway 85 lorcement oise ord. r e licopter Tax increase Legislative Review Committee . IlINUTBS OF TIIR lIAr 7, 1184 CITY COUNCIL !lUTING (CC-643) Alcoholic Beve~.le Control (Houlih.n'.) - CouDeil the City MaDa&er to pre p.r. . lett.r to be .ant Alcoholic Bever..e CoDtrol expre..iftl their rel.rdiol Houlihan'.. They r.qu..ted th.t. coP1 to lIðu lih.n '.. dir.cted to the CODceru. be .ent (City Clerk". Note: Counc. Sp.rk. .rrived .t 7:10 p,..) Cit, Clerk". R.port Hiþ~vay 85 V.lley Vocu. - Two Councibaeaber. expre..ed the deaire to .ee the tape pert.ininl to Hipv., 8S and will contact the City Cl.rk reg.rdinl a vievin. ti~, 2. Report fro. City Attorney rel.rdinl noi.~ caapl.iat of Kr. J. Ander.on. Mr, Ander.on reque.ted that the City contact belicopt.r fira to .i.ul.te a lift to deter.ine tbe noi.. level. The City Attor~ey .t.t.d th.t the City would need. ...rcb w.rr.nt to do .ucb . thinl and certainly tbe fira could refu.e to incri.inat. it.elf, it i. vithin their ri¡bt. It v.. .oved by COUDe, Roaen, .ecODded by COUDe, a.tto and p....d uDaniaoual, that th. .t.ff look at the DOi.. ordin.nce i~ rel.rd to .nforceaent for helicopter.. COUNCIL REPORTS M.yor PlualY: Mayor Plunay inforaed tho.e pr...nt tb.t .hould . propo.ed ...aure for . h.lf cent t.x incr...e to be u.ed for tr.n.port.tion be p....d in Sant. Cl.r. County, a "pa.. throu¡b" aleney of elected offici.b would be .et up, Council .spre..ed support th.t the .leDcy .hould consist of rœpr.s.ntative. fro. each city and one frea the County. Cou DC . moved palled p..nd ing Johnson: Legisl.tive Review Co..ittee by Counc, Johnson. seconded by Counc. unaniDOusly to take the following .ctions legial.tion: - It w.s G.tto and rel·rdinl Support SB 1300 (Marks), long-term local government fin.nce. Oppose SB 1440 (Torres), loc.l public .g.n~y employer-employee relations. Oppose SB 1509 (Bill Greene), worken' compens.tion. Support SB 2333 (Roberti), fireworks. OpposeSB 2309 (M.ddy), vehicles: lenlth, vidth .nd weight liait.tions. Oppose SB 1585 (Montoya), the O.kl.nd Raider bill, eminent domain. Oppose A8 3822 (Filante), county contr.cts with citie. for pr~vi.ion of services. Oppose SB 1660 (Montoy.), vested rights. Get copy of AB 2281. Support 58 2126 (L. Greene), major -2- MINUTES OF rHE HAY 7, 1984 CITY COUNCIL ,'UrING (CC-643) IÞ ho~aing funding legialation propoaed. Qui..,,)" Act elttena1011. Support AI 2578, rhe Ci'7 Ma~ager aaked Council if it would like ataff to prepare a ba~kup ordinance regarding the aale of firevorka .hould the propoaed urgency legialation, SB 2333, not be adopted. By conaenaua Council req..eated that he prepare an ordin~_lclI allowing aale of fir-vorka by non-profit groupa only, CONSINI CALENDAR Counc. Rog:ara ra_ed Ite.. 17 and 18, Hayor Plungy re.....ed Itea 19 and COUDO. Cat to removed It. 11. It v.. lDoved by Counc. Gatto, aeconded by Counc. JohnaOll and paned unani80ualy to appro.. the balance of tbe Conaent Calender as a..b.itted, 8. Reaolution No. 6318: itA Reaolution of the City Council ~f tha Cit, of Cupertino Allowing Certain Clei.. and Deaanda Payable in tbe Aaounta and FrolD the Fuada .. Hereln~r~er Deacribed for CeDOral and Miacellane~. Iltpenditure. for the Period lading April 13, 1984," t 9, Reaolution No. 6319: itA le.olution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Allowing Certain Clai.a and Deaanda Payable in the "ounta and frOtll tbe Funda .. Hereinafter Deacribed for Salariea and Wagea for the Payroll Period lading April 17, 1984." 10. Reaolution No, 6320: "A leaolution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Allowing Certain Clai.. and Dea8nda Payable in tbe Aaounta .~d FrolD the Funda .. Hereinafter Deacribed for Cener.! and Miacellaneoua Expenditures for the Period Ending Apri I 27, 1984." 11. ReIDoved. 12. Acceptance of City projecta perfor..d under contract: (a) Stor. Inlet Project 84-06. (b) Bollinger load Iaproveaent Project 81-27. (No docuaencation required) 13. Requeat for waiver of buaineaa licenae feea California Public Intereat Rea.arch Group. þ -)- Fireworks Items removed balance of Coœ~nt Calen- dar approved . . HC-51,563.1 .pproved . MIøuTES or TIlE HAY 7, 1984 CI'1'Y COUIICIL MUTIIÇ (CC-643) 14. lelo1ution f..~. 6321: "A a.lolution of the Cit, Council of the City of CupertillGo Apprødq the rilUlI Map ad I.pro....nt Planl of Tract 10. 7616 Located at the Nortbveet Cornu of It...... Creek Boulevard Ind lcute 85; De.. lopeI', Aup8t Liebelt, .t d,; Acceptin. Certli" lale.nu; Autiloridq lipi... of rill81 Map Ind I.prov.....t .1....; Autboriai.. the I.~ution of Agr......t i.. Coeaection Therewitb." 15. lelo1utioD No. 6322: "A "'oluti~ of th. Cit, Couocil of t"e t:ity of Cuputiao A lprovÚl. loOt Line Adju.t_t betweln Tvo 'arcel. of Land Witbout I Parc.1 Hap in Accord.nce "itb S.ctioo 66412(d) of 8u~iviliOD Map Act II .....ded J......ry I, 1984, APII 366-9-30, Propert, of Dorothy L,ddon." 16, 1.lolution No. 6323: "A ..solution of the City Couoc;1 of thl City of Cupertiao Apprøri... P.rc.1 Map .nd Iapnwl..nt .1.... of properc, Locatld 011 Alucln A..nuI We.t of Or..... A....a: De..loper, '81ICy Ii_. at d.; Autbori&ÚI, a.acutiOll of IlIproY_t A'R_nt: Authoriai... SiaaÚl, of '.rcal Hap aDd IlIpr~"Dt PI.ft.." 17. a..DYed. IS. leaoved. 19. lIe1IoYed. 20, leaoved. ~ M.aben of tbe Cit, CoulICil AYES: G.tto, Jobn.oo, Iog.r., Spark., Plunl1 NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ITEMS REMOVED FlOM CONSENT CALENDAI 11. Application HC-51,563,1 - v. C, Won. Allociltel - Site, architecture, lighting and land,c.ping for a 115.000 .~. ft. i~du.tri.l building .t the ter.inu. of lidgeview Ccurt .outh of Pruneridge Avenue. Recommended for .pprov.l. It wa~ .oved by Coune. Gatto, leconded by Counc. IOlerl and paaaed unani.oully to approve Application HC-5I,563.1. -4- Hl!IUT1!S OF TI! KAY 7. 1984 CITY COUKClL HlITIRG (CC-643) þ 17. a.lolution fto, 6325: "A a..olution of th. Cit, Couacil of tb. City of Cupartino AlloviaS Certai~ Clei.. and Deulldl '.y.bl. ia the AoIouaU and trOll th. 'alld. .. R.uiaafter Delcdbed tor Salui...aeI 11.1" for th. 'e,roll P.riod laeIin. Kay 1, 1984," It v.. _...á by Coucc, G.tto, ..cond.d by Counc, I...n ... p....d unaDi~.ly to re.o9. thi. it.. fro. the .1.o4e. 18. a..olution Ro. 6326: "A a..olutioa of the City Couacil of tb. City of Cupertino Autbori.inl la.cutioa of Agr....at bet..en tb. City .ad Harri. .ad ".oci.ta. providin, for. '.v...nt Man.,eaent 'rolr..," It w.. _ved by Couac. Rosan, ucoaded by COUDC. G.tto'" p....d u~niaoualy to adopt aeaolution Ro. 6326, 19. Minutu of tba r....l.r ..at iDe of April 2, 1984 CC-641), It w." !!IOvad by CouDe. PIUDIY, HCOIIded by Couac. JoIIuoa .nd pa..ad ua.niaoual, to .pprov. tbe .i....t.. of tile Apri 1 2, 1984 Council ...tin,. þ 20. Minut.. of the r....l.r ..atin. of April 16, 1914 (CC-642). It v.. _v.d by COUDe, Roa.r., ..cOll"!!d by COUDe, G.tto ad p....d un.ni8Oualy to ra.... thia it.. frOll the .,.ad.. OiAL COHMUMlCATIORS 22, lapr...ion of appr.ci.tioa to Ma, I.th, Øuna. sad M.. Maraar.t Abe for tb.ir .ffort. ia pr~a.atina the Cb.rry 810..oa Fe.tiv.l. Mayor ,lualY prauntd Ita. Nune. and M., Abe . paper ..i&ht f..turing the 1010 of tb. City of Cup.rtino, 23. Ro.eaery C.llaban r.,.rdin, noi.. fro. .weep.r u..d in parkinl lot. M.. C.llah.n. 19954 Whe.ton Drive, .ddr....d Council reg.rding the vordin, in Cupertino Municipal Code Section 10.48.62. She infor..d Council tb.t tbe Sheriff'. D.p.rtaent b.d told ber it v.. difficult to .nforce tb.t p.rticula~ aection in reg.rd to noile cr..t.d by . aw~ping machine. . It was moved by Counc. Spark., .econded by Counc. Gatto and paaaed unanimou.ly to direct the City Manager to cont.ct the Sheriff I. Oepartment regarding t~e City'l n~ile ordinance. Tbe City M.nager ia to report blck to Council at their meeting of June 4. -5- Item removed Res. 63.£6 adopted April 2 minutes approved Item removed Noise ord. · · Measure G ABAG Regional transporta- tion · KlIIUTES OF TIlE KAY 7, 1981 CITY r.oIJIICIL !fBBTIIO (cc-643) 21 . Proo1_UOII declarilll tile _k ~linn1n¡ Ka, 13, 1981 ae "MUnioipal Clerk's Week." *'01' Plung presented the prool_tiOll to the City Clerk. 25. Prool_tion deolariD8 May .. "Older Aaerioans Month." Kayor PluneJ deliyered the prool_ti011 to a representative ot the Counoil 011 A31ns. 26. Prool_tiOll deolar1ng May 12-13, 1~1 as "H1111011s o!' MoGs Vote tor Survival '81 " _kend. The City Clerk viII ..il the prootaa.tion appropriate part,. 27. Prool_tiOll deolarill8 the .ek ot Ma, 11-18, 1981 .. "Child Passenþr Setet, Week" 1n CUpertino. to the The City Clerk will ..11 the prool_tion appropriate party. to tile 28. Prool_tion deolarilll *" 1981 .. "Deet Awareness Month" 1n Cupertino. The Cit, Clerk will ..il the prool_tion to ~ appropriate part,. 29. Mellbørs ot the audience reprdiftl ..tters not 011 tile agenda. Joan Berua, President or the Cupertino Union School Distriot Board, requested Counoil suppo~ tor Heasure G in the June election. It vas IIOY-,d by Couno. Gatto, seconded by Couno, Sparks and passed unant.ously to endorse Measure G, Mar~e Harame, 19735 Drake Drive, President or the Cupertino-Sunnyvale League or ~en Voters, thanked Council ror renewing the City's membership with ABAG, Dr. Nanoy Jewel Cross, Henlo Park, addressed Council regarding regional transportation. She stated that it i!l necessary to rethink how HTC is set up as there is laok or publio input prior to deoision ..king, She also reels that there is a laok or reprsentation rrom this region on the e"eoutive board, She stated that in the East Bay people elect BART board -.œbers and recommended a redistrloting in this area and an elactlon or board members. Council requested that she send them some inrormation regarding her id..3s and asked how the districts she proposed had been decided. Dr. Cross inrormed Counoil that there are two or -6_ · M{/lUTES OF THI MAY 7, 1984 CITY COUIIClL MIITlIIG (CC-643) more counties io .acb district .nd it w.. don. on a popul.tion b..i.. In re.pon.. to the .ulle.tion tb.t .~e addr... the SaDc. Clara Couoty Traoaportation Co..i..ion, Dr, Cro.. replied th.t they only .et iD SaD Jo.e which ..ke. it difficult for people out of the .re. to attend th.ir Matinl.. It w.. _ed by COlIne. aoa.r., p....d uaaai8Oual, to cODtinue ...tinl of Ka, 21, 1874. .acoaded by Coune, Gatto end It... 32, 35 and 42 to the PUBLIC 1llAlUIIGS 30. Con.id.r.tion of clo.ure of .-di.a Opeoinl on Wolf. Roed bet..... lIoMetud Roed .114 Pruaeridle Avenue, (.) Re.olutioo Mo. 6314: "A Couacil of the City of Cloeur.. of the !lediaD bet...en lIoMet.... Road .DeI Re.olution of the City Cupertiao Ord.rinl the OpeoiOI .t ~olfe Road Pruaaridl. Avenu.." Dir.ctor of Public WOrk. Vi.kovich re.iewed the request "i th Council. þ It wa. 80.... 117 CouDe. Spark., ..cooded 117 Couac. aoa.ra .DeI p..a'" uaaiaoualy to clo.. the public be.riaS' It w.. _".d 117 Couoc. Sparks, .econded 117 COUDe, Rolen .nd p....d uaaoi8Oualy to .dopt Re.oluton Mo. 6314, 31. Con.ider.tion of .xcen.ion of La. Alto. G.rbase Coap.ny fraochiae. (.) aeaolutioo Mo. 6324: "A Re.olution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Autborizins Ixt.uaioo of Fr.nchi.e Alr....ot with Lo. Alto. G.rbele eo.p.n, for the Collection and Di.pos.l of Refu.e in end froe the City of Cupertino." Assist.nt to the City Manager Brown reviewed her report with Council. P.ul Myers, .ttorney, repr.seating Loa Altos Garbage Co.paay, stated th.t th.y were requestial a five year exteasioa of the franchise with an option for five additional year.. It vas aoved by Couuc. Johnaon, aeconded by Counc. Rogers and pas.ed unaniaoualy to clos~ the ~ublic hearing. þ It va. moved by Counc. Johnson, .econded by Counc. Rogers and ~assed unani80us1y to adopt Resolution No. 6324 Council Itated they would diseuse the five year option at a later tillle. -7- Iteas contin- ued Public hearinl closed Res. 6314 sdopted Pub lie hear inl closed Res. 6324 adopted MINUTES OF TII! lIAr 7, 1984 CITY COUItCIL !l&ITlIIG (CC-643) · 32. Applic.tion 2-Z-84 of Lawr.nc. Guy: lleaODin. .pproxi_tely .68 Irou acn frOOt CG (Genard C.....rci.l) to P (Pl.nned De_lo,..nt) and EnvirOGMntal "view: Th. Plennin. Co_iuiOD recoaaend. the Irantinl of a N..ati.e Peclar~tiGn. Th. aubject propert, i. loc.tad on the .outh .id. of Silv.r.do Av.nue .ppro"i_tely 140 ft, ...t of De An.. Boulevard. a.c....nded for approv.l. (Thi. .pplic.tion to be h.ard in conjuDCtion with Applic.tion 3-U-84,) (Contiauanc. to Me, 21, 1984 reque.ted.) 2-7,-84 continued Continued to me.lin. of ~y 21, 1984. 33. Appeel fil.d by Tho... J. Buraar of i.....nce of ue. permit for Application 4O-U-83, Sy.or." In.titute f^r their u.. of the Sed._ick .chool .ite II. trainin8 facility. · It va. pointed out that the appeUant doe. DOt live in th. City limite, A re.iew of ~Iae appeal ordin.nce ebowd that .n .~ellant au.t li~e in or own property in the City of Cupntino. Counc. Sparlt. at"Ud tbat be joined in the .p¡."d. Council reque.ted a nview of the app..l ordinance that would .llow "int.r..ted part i.." to file an appeel. The City Attorney .tated that there ie . definition for Itintere.ted party." Tho.... A. Buraer, 10630 South Taata.. Av.aue, .howad a up of the .re. for the propo.ed .chao1. He .t.ted that Sed.ewick School had been for the co_nity beaefit. He expre..ed coac.ra re.ardiaa the _bar of Itudente Dlce...ry for a profit aad the poeeibility of uny people ridiaa motorcyclee to cl..., He iafor..d Council th.t Sy.or." v.. DOt y.t accredit.d in Califurai.. He e"pre.e.d concern r..ardin. the 10.. of .tudent. frOOt De Anaa and Foothill C..-uaity Colle... .hould thi. .chool open. He .t.ted ti ¡t Sed.ewicll WII for an .le_ntar, .chool, not a co....ercial enterpri... Jo.n 8.rr.e .tated that the .chool di.trict cannot .fford to leave Ichool .it.. vacant; it i. n.c....ry to either aell or le..e thea. She infor..d Council th.t Syaore" had .dded parking, v.. will in. to .t.ller the hour. of cl.aae. and ia in the co.....nity good .. it viii keep open ap.ce. She requeated Council to deny the .ppe.l. · Robert White, 1446 Glenlloor Way, S.n Jo.e, told Çouncil that he had moved fro. Tantau becauae of Sy.orex coming in. He stated there would be too auch traffic. ~r. White informed Council th.t there i. .lready .peeding in the area and that .top .igna could ...ke the traffic ~or.e aa the cars ~ollld back up. He said th.t 7-8,30 a.m. i. . peak traffic time on Tantau. He informed council that -8- . MINUTES or THE MAY 1, 1984 CITY COUIICIL MUTIIIG (CC-643) Sysorex .lso hu . poeeneial eraffic addre...d. building on Noreh Tantau and th.t the beeween ehe two buildings had noe be... Lind. Woee.n.r. 965 T...t.u Avenue, .1.0 .xpre..d coneer.. regarding the traffic. She requ..eed th.t Council not .pprove thl. Sy.orex .pplit.3tion and n..ted th.t others in the ar.a do not w.ne it eith.r. Ruth McK.lvey, 901 Tant.u Avenu.. informed Council eh.t .h. liv.. .pproxi..t.ly ten hou.e. froe the .it. of tb. propo..d .chool. She .1.0 stae~d tb.e th.re i. .p..ding tr.ffic in ehe area, Sh. told Council tbat vith tb. previous .chool not all c_ every d.y aad .. it vu . c~nity school, '0" .tudents even w.lked. Sh. felt the no,l. School lite would be better for this use, p.rticul.rly vith its .cce.e to Lawrenc. Expreesway, . Gary Cuper, Sysor.x, 10590 N. Tan tau , cold Council that he k_ traffic would be an i..u.. lie bed a traffi.c study aDd .ound study done. lie stated that not all of bis nudeata drive ~torcyclae and tbat tb.re are aany adult .tudente. ij. had pl.nned for parkinl on .ite, He felt that the propoeed .cbool wu an .ppropriate u.. of tbe aite and hed reque.ted approval for 900 ad~lt educatio.. .tudeats. It va. aoved by Counc. Joh...OII. uco..ded by Cou..c, G.tto .nd pas.ed unani~u.ly to clos. tbe public hearinl' It waa aoved by Coonc. Job...on, seconded by Coune. Spark. .nd p....d vith Council_lOban G.tto and Rolers di...ntina to den, the appeal of Hr. Burger. 34. App..l filed by Sysorex I...titute of conditions conceminl Applic.tion 40-U-83. . G.ry Cuper, SYlorex, told Council he va. ..inly app.din. Conditio... No. 16 and 18 of the Planninl Co...is.ion Re.olution. He felt the is.ue va. re.lly the tr.ffic p.tter~ .nd not the nuaber of students. He st.ted tb.t he is not talking Ibout 600 studentl at one ti... Ke told Council that the object ~f limitinl studencs VAl to controL parking. He also objected to opening the cnrollment book. to the City. He f~lt that in lix montha th.re vould not be enough Itudentl for the traffic report a. required by Condition No. 18. Sysorex il spending a significant amount of money for renovation and would not want a six month trial. Ke stated that he i. willing to talk and work out any problema. He understand. tbat if the school causes a problea, the City can close it down anyway. He .ug¡elted that Sysorex put a provision in the enrollment agreement regarding parking on site. -9- Public beari cloeed Burg.r appea denied · · Public hear in closed Appeal of Gond. 16 denied, other conditions amended · KIRUTlS OF TIll !lAY 7, 1984 CITY COUJICIL KllTlllG (CC-643) Tho... Burger expr....d .urpri.. th.t Sy.or.x viiI be op.n on S.turd.y. as _11 as wakel.y., H. ..k.d how scudent c.r. would be identifi.d aad a.kad vh.t kiad ot authority . n.ighborhood co..itt.. would hav.. Robert White r.qu..ted an .v.lu.tion to be Mn. .v.ry dx .....th.. Ruth McKelv.y ..kad it th.re _r. a c~itt.. who would arbitrate aad ..ttl. di.put.., Sh. t.lt that Conditione 16 and 18 reflect each oth.r and that the trattic st~dy v.. th. only appropri.t. w.y to d.t.raioa my incr.... that would al.o show the ti... ot incr...., Liada Woe..oar telt tb.t it va. DOt viae to remove writt.n r.straint.. Sh. stat.d th.t OCIC. the pr.c.d.nt is nt it i. r.t.rrad b.ck to at v.rious ti..., Joan Barr.. said m. .cbool di.trict do.. M.d to us. th.t .it.. It this propo.ed un do.. nOC work out, th.y vill be b.ck vith .oaatbina .1.., Director of Public Work. Vi.kovich intor...t Couocil that the .t.ff v.nt. to .edify Condition No, 19 ot th. r..olution '0 the .tre.t i.prcv...nt. includ. b.lt .tr..t ov.rlay .nd the .tandard condition p.rt.illina to und.rgrounding vould be vaiv.d. It was _.ed by Counc, Jobneon, ..coad.d by COUIIC. Spark. .nd p....d unaniaoualy to clo.. the public he.ring. It w.. IIOv.d by Counc, Jobnaon, ..conded by CouIlC. Sp.rk. .lId p....~ unalliaoualy to d.ny the .pp..l ot Condition No. l~ ot Pl.nning eo..i..ion I..olution No. 2497; to r.vi.. Condition No. 18 to .liain.t. p.raar.pb 1 and add a .t.te..nt that ,cudent. viii be lIotiti.d ot the n.ce..ity to park on ca..pu. at ti_ ot enroll_nc and of the penalty for not doing '0; to .edify Condition No.19 to includ. half .tr..t overlay and vaive the .tandard condition reg.rdillS underground ing. RECESS: 10:10-10:20 p.... PLANNING APPLICATIONS 35. Application 3-U-84 of Lawrence Guy: U.e Per..it to exp~nd an existing 5,000 sq. ft. office building by adding approximately 7,000 sq. ft. for a total building area of approxi..ately 12,000 sq. ft .and Environmental Review: The Planning Commi..ion recoœmends the granting of a Negative Declaration. The subject property is located on the south .ide of Silverado Avenue appro~i..tely 140 ft. east of De Anza Boulevard. Recommended for appcoval. (This -lO- · MIJIUTES OF THE KAY 7, 19811 CITr COUJICIL MlRTIIO (cc-6113) application to be heard in oonjunotion with Application 2-Z-84.) (Continuanoe to Itay 21, 19811 requested.) Continued to Itay 21, 1984. 36, Application 1-GPA-SII ot Cit, ot CUpertino I Minute Order requestinS auth,)rUatian to oOlUlider a Oeneral Plan AlDendMnt to desisnate speo1t10 _rotal centers to a o_roal use. !tec¡a_Ml'IIed tor appl'O'fal. It was IIOVed by Couno. Jtosers, seoanded by CoWlO. Johnson and passed with Counolœ.bera Gatto snd Sparks diNentinS to authorize the PlanninS ec-1aaion to cons1der a g_ral plan amendllent. ARCHITECTURAL AlII) SIm APPIIOYAL C<JttITTU APPLICATIONS 37, IIone. UNfINISHED BUSI»&SS 38. None, · NEW BUSINESS 39, Request ror ortio18l approval of a Cupertino Yearbook; subllitted by n.a Dippel, Alma DiPpel, 101102 Soaerset Court, addraned Counoil regarding a Cupert1l:o y....book 1f1th tile tentative 118M ot Cupertino 110_ Annual. Ita. Dippel inroraed Counoil that the tea PMposed to put thia '....book topther would be the.... as did last ,ear's Chaaber directory. She stated that st.e dc;es teal there is a need tor both the lIusineaa directory and a oit, direotory .. the Chaaber roous .ust be on business. The1r d1rectory is also used ror tunel raising. She requested the endorseaent ot the City ror the proposed yearbook and stated that she would work with the editor or the Cupertino Scene and requested access to the City's inrormation. Discussion followed regarding ads tor the yearbook and possible oonrliot between this book and the Chamber's, Darlene Thorne, Chamber or ~.roe, stated that the Chamber does propose to continue Its book anel that this year's book would have a derinite City emphasis. 3M reviewed last year', book anel subaitted books rroa other oommunities, She also requested orricial City approval. · -11- 3-U-84 continued I-GPA-84 MIMUTKS or TBI KAY 7, 1984 CITY COUIICIL IlUTI1I: (CC-643) · pertainins to .ach ..tt.r. Also Couacil .h.ll appoint th. ee.bor. of ~be ad boc coaaitt.... St.ff w.. dir.ct.d to ..nd SWAC _bore a l.tter inforaiDS th_ of Couacil action and a.kins if the, would like to .erve on eith.r of the ad hoc c....itt..., TheJ .hlll aho be .eDt. eoPJ of th. propo..d vork proar... It va. .tatad that racrait...t for tb. coaaitt... .hall be done vi. th. Cuportiao S:.... 42. Bid oponina for t.l.vÍlioa productioa .qui....nt, DPW 84-3, .nd avard of contract, Continued to May 21, 1984. 43. and Mill.r Avenue .nd avard of Report on bid opeaiDa aedian DOdification, contract. for Wolf. Project load 84-11, It va. IIOnd bJ Coone. Spark., ..conded b, CoUIIC. Gatto and p...... un.niaoual, to avard the project to An.a aDSi...riDS for their low bid of $12,837 plu. a 10% contins.ncJ for . tot.l project of $14,200. · 44. Pre.entatioa of the CitJ of Cup.rtino Annual rinancial Repor t , Council rec.h... the Annual Financial Report and requ..ted inforaation on th. co.t of earthquak. in.urance for tbe building, replac...nt of it. cont.nt. and loaa of cowput.r .torage. 4~, Conaider.tioa of ...nd..nt to Cupertino Municipal Code to provide for DO parkin¡ on R.inbow Drive .neI B.ndl'J Drive. (.) Piret r.dins of Ordinanc. No. 1266: "An Ordin.nce of the City of Cupertino Aaending Section 11,24.1~0 of the Cupertino Municip.l Code, Rel.tins to StoppinS, Staodins or P.rking on BandleJ Drive and Rainbow Drive." It waa Doved b, Counc. Rogera. aecond.d bJ Counc. Gatto and paaaed unaniDOualJ to read Ordina~ce No. 1266 bJ title only and the Cit, Clerk'a reading to conatitute the firat reading thereof. 46. Conaideration of a..ndeent to Cupertino ~nicipal Code to li.it t~e travel of interatate trucka to certoin City str~et.. · (a) Fi:at reading of Ordinance No. 1267: "An OXGinance of the City of Cupertino Amending ~hapter 11.32 of the Municipal Code Limiting the Travel of Inter. tate Trucks to Certain City Street.." -1)- Recruitment for ad hoc c~ttees. TV equipment Project to Anza Eng. Annual Finan- cial Report, earthquake insurance First reading of Ord. 1266 ·t read- ing of Ord. 1267 First reading of Ord. 1268 Appropriation for Jollyman .. Hoover _ sites . MINUTES or tII! MAY 7, 1984 CITY COUIICIL MUTING (CC-64) It w.. aond DJ Counc, lIDg.u, .ecoaded by CouDe. C.tto and p....d unaDimousl, to read OrdiD8DCe So. 1267 by titl_ aal, .ad the Cic, Clerk'. re.diol to coD.titute the firlt re.diol th.rlof. 47. Con.ider.tion of ...o~ot to raquire directidDal rernaodo. Cupertioo Municipel Code .c B,rne A,,_e, S811 co . to,. (.) Fint re.diol of Ordinaoce 110. 1268: "AD OrdiDGoce of the Cit, of Cupertino A.eDdiol Section 11.20.030 of the Cupertioo Municip.l Code Rel.tiol to All DirectioDll Vebicul.r Stop Required .t B,me A"eoue ad S.o Funaado A"nue. II It w.. .oved by COUDC. ROler., HcODded by COUDC. C.tto .od p.a.ed unaoiaoual, to re.d Ordiaaace Bo, 1268 b, title 001, .nd the Cit, Cl.rk". re.diol to con.titute the fir.t re.dinl thereof. 48. llequeet 10r .ppropri.tioa frOll the Geoeral FuDd for ..ioteDloce of Booyer .Dd Joliyaaa p.rk eit... It w.. lIOYed by Couoc. Catto, .ecoaded by COUDe, p...ed uo.oiaoual, to .ppropri.te $4,SOO froe ~uod for ..ioteo.oce of Booyer IDd Joll,..o p.rk Roau, .Dd tM Ceoual dte.. WRITTEN COKKUIlICATIONS 49. Nooe, ORDINANCES 50. None. RESOLUTIONS 51. NODe, NOH-AGENDA BUSINESS 51. Recognition by Mayor of .pecial requeata. (~) Geo.r.l Audience. Ann Anger addreaaed Council reg.rding pending legial.tion which would provide additional funding for Highw.y 152. Council requeated Ha. Anger to provide neceaaary inforaation to the City Clerk who will forward it to the Mayor. (b) City Counci 1. At 12:35 ..... the meeting waa 5djourned. -14- . . . . "I MilliS 0' THI HAY 7, 1984 CITY COOIICIL MEITIJIG (CC-643) -15- ~&