CC 06-05-84 MINUTES OF THE JUlIE 5, 1984 CITY COUMCIL MBB'l'IIG (cc-61 6) It vas ao~ed by Couno. JobnIlOD. seconded by Couno. Sparks and paaaed with *,or Plunø dlaaentiDg that a letter be sent to the Cable TV idYisor)' ea.1ttee that the percentage of fl"allobiae tee received -J' be in jeopardJ' and that the, MJ' oal'l'J' over any _iell no~ expend~ this ,_r and wi1.1 reoeive 31 in 19811-85 fillcal ,_r. Howver, this situation MY ohange in the tuture, and therefore, theJ' should plan ahead. Disouasion rolloved re&ardins the hiring of a publio relations person to ooordinate photogrsphJ', preM releaaes. television, eto. Thill anould be inoluded in the budget prooeaa at the June 18 _ting. It vall IIOVed by Cl)uno. Gatto. seconded by Couno. Rogerll and pas~ed unanillOualJ' to approve $52,285 far the Govel'llll8l1t Cable ChaDnel and that lltart report baok to Counoil 1n six IIOntha regarding the suooeaa of the S,Stall and it there is any need tor it to be augMDted. Darlene Thorne, Director of the addressed Counoil regard~ng monies Chamber aotivities. Challber to be or eo.aeroe, budgeted for By oonsenllus, Counoil approved the tollowing s.::hedulel Mailing OOStll - $480 CoIBunitJ' protile - $250 Community oale~dar - $750 Citizen ot the Year recognition - $1,000 Busineas experienoe day - $200 Purohase of 1,000 Cupertino Bulliness Direotories at $1.10 a copy, for a total of $3,780 (City Clerk's Notel Counc. Rogers abstained from voting.) Ci ty Manager Quinlan informed Council that he would coate back at a later date regarding _king a tape for Toyokava. Council requested that the retirees' actuarial listed separately in the budget. Council also list or the emergency "uppl1es that the City of keeps on hand. amount be requested a Santa Clara Discussion followed regarding the amount budgeted for the League or California Cities, and Council requested inrormation regarding whether or not there is a separate billin3 ror the Peninsula ryivision of the League. (City Clerk's Note: meeting at 9:25 p.m.) Deputy Treasurer Hortman left the -2- · M~ OF TØB .ron 5. 19811 CITY COUlfCIL MBB'lIIG (cc-6116) ØJ CODHII8US, CoUDoil Inoreased the lIIIIOunt in the Ci t, Manage..'s budget tar oonterenoe and _tiDg expeose to $6,000. C<:-.moil inquired ot the Dlreoto.. ot PlamIing and DevelOPMnt when b18 NPOI't rePl'diDg the bulldiDg perait p..ooess would be ~ to.. their review. Be IntOl'Md thee that it IIbould be read)' around the end ot June. It vas lBOyed by Counc. Gatto, seconded by CoUDO. Sparks and passed UDaD1IIoual.y to authorize 08M'Y over to next t1808l year tor Acoounts 10. 7111 and 718 in Aotivit, 993. (AsalstAut to the Ci~ Manager Brown lett the _ting at 10:01 p...) CoUDcil requesteci tJat next ,ear the to....t ot -"'_."7 ot Capital Projects- be l'8Y1aed. It was IBOYed by Counc. Rogers, seconded by CoUDO. $parka and pasaed UDaDS-as17 to appropriate ~35.0oo troll the General Fund tor the purposes or negotiations "'PI'ding the trattio interoonnect ~st... At 10:23 p..., Counoil .cIjoumed. a~ -3-