CC 06-22-84 '-"~~~.....~ ,-r'~. P'I'"'. ~" .~..;~-......;. .:7<t''''''4,¡,.'''.¡m,.,..,,,,",,,,·''''_'7<,·~~''O:?.r,,:·'~.:,,,,,.."':";\r"ì:W~ L~;~'~-,:!~~~ ~t·(l(·"'- ~ -,.,.. ,'.' ,,,, -' ~. " .' - . . '\., '.' ...~!;,. '<C<:.:' :-'" ?'~ ..~.~.., ,." " ,'.', .' ,.' . :. ~\:;:,Þ, ". ;._(/ '.", ,J::;-"', .:-,,': ~..,-:>',' -;.~'." · CITY or CUPKJl'rIIO, STATE or CALIPORlIA 10300 Torre Avenue Telephone: (1108) 252-4505 cc-MS MIIIUTBS or TRI SPECIAL MlBTIIO or THE CIn COUICI!. ØBLI) 01 JUIIB 22, 1981 , III TBI COUIICIL CHAMBER, CITY HAL!., CUPERTIIO, CALIPOIUIIA The llleetinga was called to order at 6:00 p... by Mayor Plunø 1D the Counoil Chaabers. ROLL CALL Counoil Present: Gatto, Rljgers, Sparks, Mayor Plungy Counoil Ab3ent' .J~imson Stat't' Present: Acting City Manager Viakovich City Clerk Corneliua SALUTE TO 1¡m FLAG 1. Consideration ot Ordinanoe to ban tile sale and use ot' firevorks. · It was mved by Couno. Sparks, seconded by Counc. Regera and passeó unanillously 1;(; approve the ban ot' sale and use ot t'1revor¡¡. in the Cit, ot' Cupertino. It was IIOved by Counc. Rogers, seconded by Couno. Gatto and pasaed unanimously to ~ead Orgency Ordinanoe Ro. 1272 by title onl, and the City Clerk's reading to oonstitute the reading thereat. It was IIOved by Couno. Rogers, seconded by Couno. Gatto and pasaed unanimously to enaot Urgency Ordinance No. 1212. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:02 p.m, L-! ~- / ~ / ~, r:;t~¿<~-~ Dorothy Cornel 5 Cit¡ Clerk ·