CC 08-06-84 '~'t;~7~"\; ''':'-~:J;';'''<,';~:7-';:' ,.', . CITY OF CUPERTINO, STATE or CALIFOIIIU 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95011 Telephone: (408) 252-4505 cc-652 HIIfUTBS or '!III II!GULAR lmAullU at '!III CITY COOICIL IIBLD 011 AUOUST 6, 1984 III '!III cœICII. CIIAHBIII, CUPBRTIIO, CALIrœJlIA TIle meeting vas called to order at ·6145 p... by "',or Plungy. SALUTE TO '!III FUO ROLL CALL Couno. Prdsentl Gatto, Joœ.on, JIoSers, Sparke, MaJOr '1\l1li1 Starr Present 1 City Manager Quin1an Cit, Clerk CorDeUa Direotor ot PubUo Worke Visko'riob Director ot "__inl and DeYelopaant Sisk Direotor ot FiDanoe So,der (Ian at 7:45 p...) Dire<:tor ot Parka and ReoreatiOD Dowling Cit, Atto~y tilian . POSTPONEMENTS OR lEV AGEII])A ITEMS - Ioae. STAFF REPORTS 1, Oral reports by statt _bel'S and subll188ion ot writtOll reporta . City HanaRer's Reoort Committee tor Water POllCJ Consensus - Starr vas direoted to oheck with the Water Distriot reprc11n1 theiJ:' position, and the matter .. rererred to the Lelislative eo.1tt.. ror review. Request or Sunnyvale Citizen to Counoil to decline Support of Sales T~x Increase in the County - Should this m..sure be placed on the o.llot, Counoil requested that it 00lIO back to them at a tuture _ting. Appeal or Decision in Small Claims Court - Council was inrormed this would be disoussed in a olosed session. City Clerk's Report ~ It Policy Regarding Order of Business at Speoial meetings of the Clty Councll - Cou~cl1 determined they would n~t set a pollcy in this matter, but the Pledge would be placed at the Mayor-s discretion for special meetings. 1_ ...".... y",', , , /' Water policy Sales tax increase Flag sdute at special meetings '".r""""~~",".,~,"""""",,,"~~!:!"i';';~'~:'P:""""~~·· . '.......,... .' ,..,','.'.":.". "':",'-', ',' ,.'-.:..'.......,....".,....... . . ",,' ":. ,.·<-1.,·.>-,·:~;r:~ . . Pay grade 187 rarified Waiver of false alarm penalries . Financial report Use of ch10ramine .~g of ....l1s iiazardous urerials storage :iigbvay 85 rask Force ~gislarive aeview . MINUTES or TIlE AUGUST 6, 19811 CIn COUIf(,IL MUrI1lQ Ratir1cation or Qwlge ot Pa, ONde - It vas lIO't'ed bJ CounC. Gatto, s$ Ionded' II! CoœIo. Johnaœ and paued unan1ll0ual, to ratitJ pa, ¡roade 181 tor tM position ot E1aotrical IDapeotor. 2, Report md rao-.latiOD on appea". ot tala-. alara obargea. It was moved by Couno. Gatto, aeoonded by Couno. Jobn_ and passed u....nf...1III11 to nive tlve talee allU'll panalUea ror Whitehall Jewelers. It was IDOved· by CoImo. Rogers, _ODcIed bJ Couno. Jobn_ and passed UDa111IIous11 to nive two talH alara peaalties ror Mr. Crouch. 3. Inter1ll t1DaDo1al report. Counoil ....ei ved tIHI report. II. Sants Clara 'all., Water D18trtot; ~ oeue ot uae ot ohloraaiDe. Counoil reoeived tM report. 5. Sealing or wells. Counoil received tIHI report. COUIICIL REPORTS 6. Hayor Plungy: It vas lDOVed by CoImo. Jobnaon. secollcled by Couno, Rogers and passed ......nf...lIIIl1 to aupport restoration or t'und1Dg tor pol101Dg hazardous aterials storage. Counoil requested a oopf or tM lIou JohnaOD initiative. 7. Couno. Gatto: Bishwa1 85 Task Poroe _ Counoil requested that m update ot intoration reprd1Dg Highway 85 be publ1shed in a tuture issue or tIHI Cupertino Scene. 8. Couno. Johnson: Legislative Review Coaúttee _ It was moved by Couno, Gatto, seconeled by Couno. Johnson and passed unanimously to take the rollov1Dg aotions regarding proposed legi"lation: Oppose AD 3108 (trial oosts), SB 1547 (State approval tor local public buildings), SB 2216 (closed sessions) , Support AB 3119 (hazardous --waste management plan), -2- ., ~"'.-:~:'y>,'" ~.""'::;: MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 6, 19811 CITY COOllCIL KBBT1JIG 11; was IIOVed by Co·mc. Sparks, seconded by Couno. Johnson and passed unans.oualy that the City Hanaler OOIItaot other oities in the distriot reprcUJlg eataÞl1llbiDI a Central Fire Protection Distriot Board. CORSEØT CALEIIDAJI Couno. RCllers requested that It_ 111, 15 and 18 lie reaoved tl'Oll the Consent Calendar. 11; was moved by Couno. Gatto, seconded by Couno. Johnson and passed Ull8D1IIoual1 to approve the balanoe or the Coosent Calendar. 11. Resolution Ro. 63881 -A Jlesolution ot the City Counoil ot the City ot Cupertino Allowing Certain Claw and Demands Payable In the Aaounts and troll the Funds as bereinatter desoribed tor General and Kisoellaneoua Expenditures tor the Period EndiDI J_ 30, 198".- 12. Resolution Ro. 63921 -. Resolution or the City Counoil ot the Cit, or CUpertino Allovinl- Certain Claw and Demands Payable in the AIIIounts and troll the Funds as hereinatter desoribed tor Salaries and' Wages tor the Pa,roll endiDI Jul, 2/;, 19811.- 13, Resolution Ro. 6393: -. Resolution ot the City Counoil ot the City or Cupert1no .endiDI Polley " or the Management Co&.pensation Pro¡rm.- 111, Removed, 15. R8IIIOved. 16. Application HC-51,598.1 - Niok Papageorgiou - Site, architaoture, landscap1D8 and light1D8 ror an orrioe building located on the south side ot Homestead Road, approximately 1150 tt. vest ot Stellinl Road. Reoommended tor approval, 17. Resolution No. 6400: "A Resolution of the City Counoil or the City of Cupertino or Intent To Amend Article 10 or Title 18 ot the Cupertino Municipal Ordinance Code (Relating to Herger ot Parcels) to bring said Article into compliance with Section 66451.11 Et, Seq, of the California Government Code," 16, Removed. ~ 19. Resolution No. 61102: "A Resolution or the City Council of the City of Cupertino Approving Contract Change Order No. 2 and Change Order No. 3 of Stelling Road and Stevens Creek Boulev~rd Trafric Signal Modification Project 62-05." 3- ."~ :.- Central Fire Protecticm District Boat It_ removec Consent Caler. clar approved KIMUTES OF TIlE AUGUST 6, 191'/¡ CITY COUIICIL MEETING 20. Resolution No. 63911 "! Resolution ot the City Couaoll ot the Ci t, ot CupeI'G1no Allow1.nl Cemln Cla1as aDd Deunds P.1Sble In the AIDouat aDd troll the I"UDds u Bereina1'ter Deaoribed tor General and lUaoellaneoua Expenditures tor the Period £Dd1ng Jul, 20, 198/¡." 21. Reaolutlon No. 6396. ·A Reaolution ot the Cit, Couaoll ot the Cit, ot CUpertino Reacind1ng Chanp Order No. 1 tor Foothill Boulevard Wldan1Dl Project 80-08, Resolution No. 6329 dated Mr£y 21, 198/¡.. 22. Resolution N'o. 6397. ". iiesolution ot the City Counoil ot the City ot CUpertino Approving Iaprovement Plans ot Propert, Located on Iaperial Aveoue, Developer Be1ng Slcia Painting and authoriZing Exeoution or Improvement Alre_nt and AuthoriZ1ng Sf 8"h'l ot Improv_t Plana.· 23. Resolution No. 6398: ·1 Resolution ot the Cit, Counoil ot the Cit, ot Cupertino Approv1ns Contraot Change Order No.5 ror Boll1nger Road x.provement Project 81-27." 2/¡. Resolution No. 6399. "A Resolution ot the City Counoil at the Cit, ot CUpertino Approvin(¡ Contra.Jt Change Order No, 1 and ~ Order No. 2 ot DeAnza Boulevard and lIoIIeatead Road Tratfio S1gnal Moditication Project S5-OII. " 25. Aooeptance or !ta1oipel Improvemente: a. Valle, Church - S-.;ell1ns Road Stora Drain. 26. lUnutes at the ReSUlar Meet1ns or Jul, 16, 198/¡. 27. Minutes ot the ReSUlar Adjourned Meeting at July 25, 1984. .!2a Hemhers ot the Cit, Cou~oll AY!:S : NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN : Gatto, None None None Johnson, Rogers. Sparks, Plungy ITEMS REMOVED FROM TIlE CONSENT CALENDAR. 14. Request for vaiver or business Amerioan Youth Sports Foundation, or CODaeroe. lioense rees: a) b) Cupertino CIœ,mber _4_ . IWIUTBS or TIlE AUGUST 6, 1984 CITY COUIfClL ftfttDQ It .... lIO"ed b7 COuDo. aatto, seconded b7 C-. JobD_ sod paned unaniaoulll)' (øoept CoIIDO. Role,. a!lsbt"Od lID It. b) to appro"e tile R1 ver.. 15. Resolution No. 63911, RI Resolution ot the C1qr CouIIoll ot the City ot CUpertino Authorlzinl ExeaaUCIII ot Aaendment to the Servioe Acr_t tdth Gate., MoDonald.R It was lIOYed by CouIIo. JobDson, seconded b7 CouDo. Roser. sod pasaed unaniaoulll)' to adopt Resolution Ro. 6394. CouIIoll requested that in the future IIbeø ~inI oontraots, a ooPJ ot the current contraot be inoluded as well as the ne" one. 18, Resolution No. "011 RA Resolution ot the C1qr CouIIcll or the City ot Cupertino looeptinl Quitolaia Deed or Real Propert, troa Joaa Rsoo TraIl and L1dI Phi Lw, Looated in Traot Ro. 7039, Park Plaza, _ the intersection ot St."ena Creek Boulevard aDd Portal Avenue." . Direotor or PlaDninl and De"eloPMllt Sisk stated that the reaolution sbould sa)' RoptiCIII 1:0 purohue property.- It was lIO"ed b7 Couno. Johnson, seconded by Couno. _ers aDd passed unanillOusl)' to adopt Resolution 110. 6401 as l'OYisecl, (Cit)' Clerk's Note: Direotor or Finanoe SnYder lett at 7:45 P,..) ORAL COIIIUIIICATIOIfS 29, Request tram Ann Ansel' tor revie" and ponible aaendllent or tbe ( efteral Plan as it pertains to Monta Vista. Ann Anger, Honta Vista, expressed her oonoern regarding planned developments in Cupertino. She stated that the City was not following Ordlnanoe No, 618. She II '.""ed to review the dooument used as a guideline in the de" 'lopment or MOnts V1sta. She questioned aotions or starr aD stated tba t the ordinance loverning land uae was no', being rolloved. ~ . City Attorney Iilian requested that Ms. Anger put in writing what provisions ot the ordinanoe were Dot being fOllowed. He requested that speoifio items be listed. 5- :""~_F'{t~'''~~'' Wuwrs approved Ilea. 6394 oOdopted Ilea. No. 640: adopted '~ì"i~.~-:-.,_. . Items contin- ued . 'ublie hUring lased egative Dee. or 5-Z-84 -Z-84 pproved 'irat reading eOrd. 1262 '---~~'""nr·"-')':'¡'·'ø~~~.~",JI1!!'"~' ¡"':" .:' t.., 1'",,; :i.;; ,,~.:, MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 6, 198_ CITY COUNCIL HEETIIIO Couno. Gatto volunteered to lDOet with Direotor at Plan¡¡in¡ and DeveloPlHnt SiaIc and He. Anger to develop a list of bel' oonoorns. At IIUOh t1ae it could be detel'll1ned .....ther 01' not to continue with this oonsideration. The CitJ' lfanager 11111 also _t with the lI'Oup. CouncU approved I:Iús bJ oonaenaus. PUSTPOIIBIŒMTS OR JŒV AOIIIDA ITEMS It was IIOvod by Counc. Rosel's, seconded by Counc. Datto and passed unaniJlouslJ' to ooatinue it_ 32 and 38 to the ...tin¡ ot August 20, 19811. 30. Melllbers at the audienoe regardin¡ ...tters not CD the agenda. None. PUBLIC IlEARIHGS 31, Application 5-z-84 or PETEII CAMARDA, REZOIIKG approx1llatel, 1.1 II'Osa aores rl'Oll R1_10 (Residential Sin¡le-tllll1l" 10,000 sq. rt. IlinimUIII lot size) _e to R1-1.5 (Residential Single-ramily, 1,500 sq. rt. Ilin1mwl lot size) zone and ElfVIRONHEKTAL IIEVIBV, The Planntng eo..tsdCII recommends the srantin¡ ot a Neptive Deolaration. The subject propsrty is located 011 the southwst oorner or Forest "venue and North Blaney Avenue. Reo~d.d ror approval, a) First Reading or Ordinanc.. No. 1282: "An Ordinanoo of the Ci ty or Cupertino BeZODin¡ approx1llately 1.1 Gross Acres rl'Oll R1_10 Zone to R1-1.5 Located on the Southwest Corner of Forest Avenue and Korth Blaney Avenue.- Direotor of Planning and Developaent application with· Counoil. reviewed the It was moved by Couno. Sparks, seoonded '" Couno, Gatto and passed unanimously to close the publio hearing. It was moved by Counc. Sparks. and passed unan1JDously to grant a the projeot. seconded by Counc. Johnson Neptive Declaration ror It was !lOved by Counc. Spark.., seconded by Counc. .Johnson and passed unaniJlously to approve Application 5-Z-84 per Planning Commission Resolution No. 2533. It was moved by Counc. Rogers, seconded by Cauno. Sparks and passed unanimously to read Ordinanoe No. 1282 ùy title only and the City Clerk's reading to oonstitute the first reading thereot. _6_ .,~~.- . . . KIII\JT!S or THE AUGUST 6, 198/ CIn COUNCIL HUtIIIQ PL&lQlIIIG APPLICATIONS 32. Application 11-11-82 (Revised) ot eo.tm1ty HousinS Developers. Use Penait to include lIOditicatico or certain architeotural el_ts, exterior _toriala and tloor plans, In additico, a ....p, lift and .a.... or reruae· intandod tor _rlanoy evacuatico are proposed ror deletion. I:!nyi. OðoHAtal "Yip. The project vas preyioWlly ...essed, lIanoe, no action is required. The subject PNperty is located approx1Jlately 150 tt. south ot Ste...ns Creek BouleYard and 300 tt, east or SteUinS Road in a P (P18llDed De...lo )lllent) zoninS district. Re_ded tor approyal. (The applicant requests the t this be continued to the meetinS ot August 20, 198/ .) Continued to Augu"t 20, 19811. 33, Applications 11-U_8/ æ..t 5-TM-84 or Monta Vi..ta Properties (Terry Bl'OIIIIh use Pel'1Dit to construct 12 detaolled resid.ntial single-ruily d""llinS units; T.ntatiye Subd1Yisico Map to subdiyid. approxiJlate17 on. acre into 12 paroels 1'UIg1ng in sUe t'roII 2,150 to 3,380 ..q. tt. and l:!nyi.'Ouon.utsl R.view. Tb. P¡.....ins Coaaission recOlBflncls the ¡rantinS ot a "sati... Deolaratiœ. Tb. SUbject property is located co the nortbwest COrDer ot OranSe Innue end Granada Ivanue in a P (Planned Developaent with residential, 4.~12 dwelling units per ¡rosa aore intant) zoninS di..trict. Recomaencled ror d.nial. (At the _tinS ot July 16 Council requested IIIHIIdIIent to ten units,) Counc. Roser.. asked ir this 1 tOIl shculd So back to the Planning CcoIa1..sion. Th. City Attorney intol'lll6d h.r it was not necessary as doinS that would oontlict with the policy adopted art.r Ordinanc. No, 618. Dir.ctor ot PlanninS an~ Dev.lopm.nt Sisk reviewed the report, T.rry Brown, Monta Vi..ta Properti..., reviewed change.. h. bad made sino. the previous Council m..ting and pointed out ea..em.nts. He also revie....d the ..quare t.:>otage ot the proposed uni ts. Lanoe Brown, 10261 Orange Avenue, stated that a lot or what he had wished to ..ay wa.. based on Ordinance 618. He asked how much ot the ordin3nce had be6n "urerseded. He also stated that some development had already been done in the area and ott-site improvements installed as part ot a 7- .., ,'-:;0"',:" 11-0-82 (R.ev. CODtiDu.-'¡ "'!'I/II""'" '7.·' Æ". ... ,~ "':1~\ '. . · · egat1ve DeC. or ll-U-S4 ad 5-nt-84 · ., 'rr*,!r:w!~'--:'7'~':""";' , HI1ItITES OF TBB AUGUST 6, f9ðll CIn COOIICIL IIIEUIO P",vio"" applioation. Be __ 11 an1 at Ordi_ 618 ...... valid, Be speoifioa1l1 1iIquired reprdiDI Seou_ 1.1 UId 1.11, Be into'- Counoil that he did DOt 11_ &II1UI1na about the appl1oatioa be1aC ooaaidered. Be atated tile propoaed clevel_t doea not oontl'ibuta cae positl.... thiDI to the o_tJ UId requeated that .".. IIII1ta be ......ved UId open __ ..batitated. Juas D1... at MoDta Viata inqu1recl as to the .tllteIIt at OrdiDaDce No, 618, He stated that 11 Couacil CY&l'l'Ul..a the Pl&DIÛIII eoa.taaioa, the Cl'diDaDoe "')I~ ~t 1t is to IIØ back to tile Pl&DIÛIII eoa.tuioa. d.. tileD aslcecl 11111 this should 10 to the PlanD1n¡ eoa.taaloa. Counoil could IIa1 t tar 40 cla1s IIDd reñ_ tile 1aaaes. The Cit1 Attol'll81 stated that CoUllcil could a_ the applioatic:a ....ck It 1t _ to, that that is not oaat in cc:ao...ta, lie POinted oat tile val... at avoidiDI -<ftl'e.. -diDI ....ck IIDd rcrtb, Disou"ioa tollcwd reliU'd1Ïll 1IaPI'OV_ta alread1 pat in. the ezteosive otr.aita Di...ctor at Public llerka 'iskovicb iDrOl'lDed Couacil tbat this VU a Wlllal practice in this t)'pe at _. He. Allier aslcecl "'" on11 OrdiDaDce No, 618 bad .....D Itvea to b... IIDd DOt the ot..... Cl'diDaDce as "'11. She told Counoil that tlle1 bave a C1tT Atto....., as an advcoate tOt' tb_ IIDd aalced 11 it we... Ii_....,., rOt' ci ti_ to let au attome1 too, She aslcecl 11111 Council VU so heaitllDt to sead tile appl1catioa back to the Pl&DIÛIII CoIaiaaiora. City IlMa¡er Qu1aJ.an ezpla1ned tbat the C1t1 Atto....., cumot an...... all c1ti.... ~la1Dta, Be stated thet 1It', Brovn did _t with h1Ia aDd Director ot Pl&DIÛIII IIDd Davalc_Dt Sisko The Cit1 Halla¡er bad asked tOf' 1It', BI'OWD'a queations ir. vritiDI so tlle1 oould .... ...teM'ecl to tbe City Atto.....,. Sucb a urittea l1at was Dot subG1tted. He. Anlar ata ted tba t Couacil a... tha c:aly ones respoaai va to citizeDs. She stat~ tbat atatt. PlanniDI CoaeiaaicD and ctbara are not respoasi.a and that ia ""y notbiDI VU submitted in vritiDI. H waa IIOVed by Counc. Sparka, seconda~ by COUDC. Gatto and pan,~ un&l1111O""ly to apPl'Ova the Irant1Dg ot Nèiativa wolaratlona. It was moved by Counc. Sparks to approve Applications l'_U_~4 and 5-TM-84 per pages ·33-5 and 33-6 of the statt report. -8_ .~¿. 'T'O:-" ,!%r"'\?!,~}..~' , . . . .. ",.,....~.~ . -·-:_·~":.:~'r"";,r::~::.¥-·"~,T'"""I"· KIIIUTES or THE AUGUST 6, 19M CITY COUIICIL MJŒr1III COUno. Gatto staWd tile proposed pl.... wre bett... tIIaD tIIo.. øri81DaU1 ...._tWdI b........r. be stlU ...- resard1Dø interlor lota, partloular11 lots 9 aDd 10. Be staWd be could _ s..pport aU ten lota in tbls ooat'1&uratiOll. COomo. Jo/II son statacl tbet be .... opposed to tbe proJeot. r....., BI'OIIII 1nt0l'MCl COomoil be lIO..ld like to g.t tile proJeot IIOYiDg. lie statad lie OOI11d" redllO. tile .1M of _ or t/!e b..... Ms, ADger requ..ted tbet tile d....lo_t be re.lueed to .1gbt b..... r....., IIro1ID sald tb$ ower. or the n...t pIIa.. or tile d".lo_~ ...re IIOrriecl abo..t b.... llelII8 built tbet IIOI1ld be CKI~ or _1. to tbe1n, Ma)'Or P:.1IIII1 ....OIIded CouDo. Sparks IOOtlO11, 'DIe lOOt 1011 tailed 2-3 '" tb Gatto, JoIIllSOll UId 110&.... dlaH11t1Dø. It .... ....eeI b1 COomo, Gatto, ..ooncIed b1 COomo. noprs aDd pa_ wi tb COImo, JollDeoll UId Spurks dl......tlDS to dlreot tile applicant to I'eOODt'1gure tile d.".lo_t 1181118 b1a own jud/IMnt resardlDS 8 or 10 lots, UId ret..", to COomoil witb the r>e1I pl.... at tllelr _till8 of Sept_bar _, 198_, Colllloil .tated tllet lots 9 UId 10 eIIrrer troll olosure aDd lots 8 ...d 3 ...tt.r laCk or uterior ligb~. AIICBIT&.."TUIlAL AIID SIft APPROVAL cotMITTEE APPLICATYOHS )11, Hone UIIF1IIISBED BUSDIESS 35, Hone IŒII BUSIIIESS 36. R.q....~ ror City eo-.P71sorshlp or the MY Molllltaln IOK l'W1. It .... 110",<1 by CoWlO. Sparks, seocnded ty CoIIIIC. John.on and pa.sel """,,101011811 to approve co-.ponsorshlp lr MY Mountain obtains all necessary penatts, obtains liability ins..ranco naming City as co-spon.or and has all partlcipant. slgn a wai".r or l1abillt1. ~ 37. Con.lderatlon or restructuring or Cabls TV Advlsor:!' Coaa1 t tee . 9- IIDUo~ fail. Applicant to recont1g\. d.".lop.nt (ll-U and 5- 'IK-!4) Any Hountai 10it run ....., ~ . Fir.t roadiDg of Ord. 1280 BiaDChi Way .10¡>lleDt iDued BIIIi. obliga- tion - Wood- spring \oy Mountain )utdoor sale ~tension of ~erait - lIrey ,~~...~ ~~-'7"..'''' .~ .."~"'-'-~-"'''-~''~~'-'~''FC:")''"-''1r....:.~. n~ ê'~F~.",r~".~':ryl':'-"[.· è'r:: . IIIIctJT!3 or TIlE AUaUST 6, 1984 CITt COOIICIL ............ 37... Flr.t ......... ot 0I'd1ll8Doe 10. 1280. ..... OI'diDaDoe ot ti>e CitJ' ot CUpertiDo .lMlldiDS Seaticaa 2.7'.010, 2,7'.020, aDd 2.7'.030 ot tile CupertiDo 1b110ipeJ. Code, cabl. r.leYia1..... AdvUol'y co.1ttee.- b. Ilea-ProUt -....tica/PUblio ...... __1. It 1IU "'''eeI 111 CowIo,........, ...._ 111 CouIIo, JobDaOD aDd P'\Ued ,_ft' 0817 to Nåd 0I'd1ll8Doe 10, 1280 111 titl. OI11y aDd the CitJ' ~'. J"MdiDI: to OOD.titute tile U...t ....diDS thereot. It ... .,"eeI 111 CowIo. loti...., _eel 111 CouIIo. Sparl<a aDd pe..eeI ·...-·-..17 tbat tba Ci tJ' MuIq... worIc with ...p.......teti".. ot De _ Coll_ aDd tile cabl. TV CoaIitt.., It ... .,,,eeI 111 c:o.-. Gatto, ....OIIdeel 111 r.......... JOIln.OD aDd peaaecl ·......'-17 that thia IJ'OUP report to CouIooil .t their _tiDI: ot 00t0I>er 15, 198'. 38. R.port on bid op -'ftg tor Bl8Dobi Way DweJ._t, Proj...t 85-11, _ _ ot oontraot.· CoIItiDued to -tiDI ot &acust 20, 1984. 39, Reque.t tor det_t ot BIIR obliptlcm _ WoodaPI'iDS, It 1IU .,"eeI 111 CowIo, Sparka, ._eeI 111 CouIoo, loti.... and PUSeel With CoaDa, '1_ diaaeDtiDI: to delay tile IIIR obUptiOll tor ~ Dn.l~ witb tile est_1OD 0' the optlon d_dl1De, lfayor '1_ .teted lie vollld .pproYe that delay With tile Olar1UoatiOD that it 18 tor . Ua1teel IIIIOIJIIt ot tiM, 110. R~<r....t rrw '.n)" _biD tor ....1sn.... t'raa ..." tion 2d ot the Po1107 Sta_t or I)J'~oo:' 3&1.. It vas lIO"eeI 111 CouIIo, Jobnaon. ....OIIded 111 CoIIDO. Ror;.r. aM pasa"'¡ __17 to .pprove tile nrl8Doe t'raI s...tion 2d ot the Poli07 Sta_t ot OUtdoor Sale. 41. County Rete.....l. Application 10. 811-20-62-79P_84P ot Roger I R_. WOOley. Ose Pel'll1t ...newal tor a P",school tor . -",-- ot 16 cbild..... locateel.t 11593 Opland Way. Rona Wooley, applicant, stated that there would ...b, a Ilax1m\a ot 28 "b11dren, and she 13 aak1.n¡ tor a ten-:tear extension ot her Couat7 Ose Perait. It was ItOved by CoUDa. Sparks, .seconded by Couna. Rogers and: passed unaniJlouslJ to approve support tor . ten-year extension ot the uae pe~t. -10_ "'.,.", MIIIUTES OF TIlE 1uousr 6, 1984 CITY COUIfCIL IŒETIIIO _2. Consideration of an agu.ønt with the City ot Sumlyqle tal' aoc:.lfioaUca ot trarfio oontrol s1pal Sfstea and satety l!ptillS at iDterseotion ot HcMatead Road and Mary Aftaue. a. Resolutioa 110. 63951 -1 Resolution ot the CIt, CouDoll ~ 'ób<I CltJ or Cupert;1no Author1aiDS Execution of &cIUII It with the :";:y ot Simnyvale ProYidiDS tar tile KodifioaUœ \,r the Trarfio Control !It III"" 1 s,stea and Sate;:)' Li8htiDS at lIoaIeetaad ~ and IIIIrJ 1vcue.- It was IIOved by CoUDC. 1Ios~, seooaded by CoIIIIO. JohIIsoft and passed UIIaDiIIoual7 to adopt IIeaolutloa No. 6395. 43. Consideration ot an ~t to Cupert1no tb1ioipel Code SecUœ 2.16.020, CouDoll salarlea. a. First ØNott.. ot Ord1œnoe No. 1281: -AD Ord1DeDoe of the Clt, CouDoll ot the Cit, ot Cupert1no Aa8DdiDS Cupert1no tb1ioipel Code Section 2.16.020 RelatiDS to Counoil Salaries.- It was IIOved by CoUDC. !losers, secoacled by Couna. Sparks and passed ,...."t......!817 to read Ord1DeDoe 10. 1281 by title only and the Cit, Cleric'. readiDS to coostltute the tlrst reading thereot. 44. Minute Order or tile Arohi taotural and Site Approval eo.1ttee reo: it "I a staDclard oonditlon wh1ch requires plao_t aDd soreen1D& or tranatol'llOrs so they are not v1s1ble rr- publio street a....s. Rec1~lnded tor aPP._.-1. It was IIOved by CouDa. Jobnaon, seconded by Counc. Gatto and passed Uft.,,1-.usly to a¡-prove as revised to state eleotricel and telepboDe transroraers shall be screenad with tencing or land_pillS or undersrounded so they are not visible trom public street area, WRITTEN COHHUNICATIONS 45. Request trom Hartin B, Hiller tor passage ot a "No Smoking- ordinance, It was IDOved by Couno. Johnson, seconded by Counc. Ro¡>;ers and passed with Gatto and Sparks dissenting to ret~r the matter to statr tor inror.ati~n and to set a publio hearing. 11_ Iles. 6395 adopted Firat readin¡ of Ord. 1281 Screenil!g of tranaforars "No smoking" ordinar.ce . Fir.t reading of Ord. 1277 Parking ratio 5econd re.c.11ng of Ord. 1278 . Jrd. 1278 !Dacted iecond reading .f Ord. 1279 Jrd. 1279 :nacted .evote on a-smok,ing ssue . ,~~-,...".... - ;::-~"'~~""':~'"""'"'f__.·",!,,~·~' <~_ ~.... "'~~o/'~~~':~~""'~""'""-"_:'I':""':V"I.iDq<?~"",,-¡..~1'>~ .,!n.. .,...~ " ,'., . i, . . ~ ,. . ..', ~..' .... ','" KIIIUTBS or THB &OOUST 6, 19811 cm COUNCIL ............ ORDDlAIICBS _6. SeocacI -111& ot Ord1llallo. 110. 1277. ·an Ord1llalloe at tile Cl tJ at CUpert1Do Repeal1ll& CertaiD OrdiDaoes Outlined in Section 2 lIlIeS Eetabl1ab1D& &II O!'d1IIaDoe Replat1ll& l'aJ'Ic1ns,. It ... .."ed b1 CauDa. 1Iopn, noonded b1 Couno. O.tto lIlIeS passed ........-..1J' to NIId Ord1llallo. 110. 1277 b1 title 0IIlJ' lIlIeS tile CItJ' Cl...k' 's ....d1ll& to oonstItut. tile tiret ...ad1ll& tllereot. Director ot ".Pofti"l aDd Deftlopment Siak NYieved obullles. C0un01l requested . obaDþ in tile _Ioal/_tal PUI<1DC rati.o to 1.175, -1. SecODd Read1ll& at Ord1IIuIo. 110. 1218. ..111 Ord1IIaftoe or tile CltJ' ot Cupert1Do.loleDd1ll& Sections 10._8,0" and 10.U,053 ot tile Cupert1Do 1b210!pal Cod.. R.let1ll& to VIolatIons ot tbe C.... tJ' 1Io1H Clrd1llall... and tile Use ot Hel1copters in ~t1011 SlId _l1tiOll ActIntI.s,· It was .,,,eeI b1 CauDa, Rosers, _ODded b1 CauDa, Oatto ODd passsd ·........-11 to re8d Ord1DaDoe 110, 1218 b1 title 0II1J' and the CItJ' Cl...k's re8d1ll& to OOIIStitut. tile _ ....d1ll& tbereot, It was .,,,eeI b1 CauDa, Pose..s, seoODdacl b1 CoURO. JobIuOll and p&saecI -*....1J' to _at Ord1DaDae 10, 1218, _8. SeoODd Raad1ll& ot Ord1llallo. 110, 1219. ..111 Dr<I1l1&Doe ot tile CltJ' ot Cupert1Do _Ddinl Cbapt... 8,08, _land RabIes Cootrol, ot tile Cupert1Do _oIpal Code.. It .... .,,,eeI b1 Co'mo, Ros....., aeooncl..s by CoURO, Gatto and passed ....,*uslJ' ~.o ....d Ord1llalloe 110, 1219 by title 0II1J' and tII. CItJ' Cl."k·" ...acl1II& to constitute tIIe._ ....d1ll& tbereot. It ....s m"eeI b1 CoURO. Role..s. seoODd.d by Couno. G.tto and passeel unanÚlOuslY to .naot DrdI.....oa No, 1219. CoURC. ROlers ...quested ...oonsId....tIon at the pre"Ious IIOtIon to.. Alenda It_ 110, _5. It was EIOved by Counc. Rogers, seconded by Counc. Sparks and passed Wi tII Couno'. Johnson and PlUOI1 d ¡ssent:.nt¡ to not reconsider the previous .otlon. Council requested a ~Ycte for clarification. "-12- "..,.""..,.,-- !,."_"';""'7'r·.,·-' . WIJU.s rJI m lmt1S'f 6, í98. C!T! COOtCCIL MEmII1 It VIIS IDOVed by Coomo. JIoCers, seconded by ComIo. Sparks and passed with Johnson and PlUIISJ d1s_tills to not consider a DO ~'''r ord1rlanoe. RESOLUTIONS Jl9. Hone NON-AOBIIJ)A BUSIRSS 50, a) General Aud1enoe - J_s Ander_ - Hr. Andal'SClG stated he had reoe1ved a letter t'rca the rac1Ut1eS !lanalar at ø.vlatt-Packard IIIId IIIIY helioopter service used will be asked to CCIII )1J wi tit our new noise ordinan.,.. lie ezpre..ed. pi_sure that tha attar appears to be resolved. b) City Couno1l Al-.mative supply or animal contrcl - Council requested inrorution regardiDS anr reduot1en or CoomtY cost should we chang. our auppUer or animal centrol. The City I4IIDðser will check with the Coomty resardiDS tb1.s attar. Counc, Gatto stated that Seven SpriDp will be a-III back ill the future, and at that t1ae it appears that water will oe an 1.ssue. lie sussasted a su~tt.. ot Counoll be tormed as an iIIvest1ptive board. C')U oU-bel'S Rosers IIIId Sparks w1ll aezove as that su~tt"" Kayor Plunsy requested that start illvestisato the use or lllicrovave dishes on top ot Four Phase's tour-storr bu1ldinS· At 9:46 p,.., Coomo1l adjOlll"lled to a closed se..1on ill the Conrerenae ROOII At 10:07 p..., Coomc1l reconvened in Chulber with all Councilaembers and Cit, Hanaser QuinlUl, Ci',;y Clerk Cornelius, IIIId Cit, Attorney nlillll present. It VIIS IIOVed by Couno. Rosers, seconded by Counc. Gatto and passed unanllDousl, to take the tollovins actions: Small Claims - Larry Waite - authorized appeal. Hr. Stearn - ordinanue violations - authorized civil remedy ot injuncticn. State 'Is. Frederick - not rile or appeal, Franchise tee - directed starr to proceed as recommended by City Attorney. At 10:09 9,.., the meet1ns was adjourned. ~ ~~, C lerk 13- Consider IIO-nooking ordinance Jlelicopt.ers at. Bavlet.t.- Packard AniJlal cont.r( Seven Spring. watar Clo.ad .essie