CC 07-25-84 "'~~,f"~~'_:'-':'~''''':"~''-'- ,..... """."-""'--'.""'-"'- h...._·. __,__,. .''''.,,;....:~."'"..-''~~~>--' cc-651 CITf 09 O:IPMDlO. !U'!I 09 CH.I901\WU 10300 Torre Ayenue, Cu )lll't1no, CA 95014 Telephone: (408j 252-4505 þ HIIIUTBS OF THB SPECIAL MBBTIIIG 0.. THE CITY COOIICIL IIBLD OM JULY 25, 19811 III THE COuøCIL CHAMBIR, CITY BALL. CUPIRTIlIO CALIFORNIA Mayor Plung called tbe _ting to order at 1103 p... in the Counoil Challlber, Ci t, Ball. SALUTE TO THE FLAO ROLL CALL Couno. Present: Rogers. Sparka, Mayor Plungy. Counc. Absent: Gatto. Johnson start' Present: City IfaDager QuInlan City Clerk Cornelius Direotor ot Planning and DeYelo~t Sisk City Attorney 111ian 1, Resolution Ro. 6389: "A Resolution or the City Council or the City or Cupertino AuthoriZing the AcquisitiOll ot Real Property Consisting of a 1IesIdential unit. Located at 19803 Portal Plaza in the City or CU;lertino.." It was moved by Couno, $parka. seconded by Cormo, Rogers anel passed unan1llousl, to adopt Resolution Ro. 6:;89. 2, Request ror appropriation or $79.000 ~ the General Funel ror purchase or an existing Below Market Rate residential unit, It was moved by Couno. Rogers. soconded by Couno, Sparks and passed unan1llously to appro~rIate $80,000, 3, Resolution Ro, 6390: "A Resolution ot' the City Counoil or the City or Cupertino Accepting G,'8nt Deed trOll James Devin Ivester and Lois Lynne Ivester." It was moved by Counc. Sparks, seconded by Counc. Rogers and passed unanimously to adopt Resolution No. 6390, The Director or Planning and Developaent int'.r.ed Council there may be a change in the name or the title company specified in both resolutions. It was moved by Counc. Rogers, seconded by Counc. Sparks and passed unan1llously to delete thE! name of a specit'ic title company t'rom the resolutions and merely state "appropriate title company." At 1:07 p.m., the meeting was