CC 09-04-84 r')J';:J,~....>~~µ·?,·",,~,~~, , .,.... ":'. . '.', . ~ . , . . . ""-.., ,. _C'". I'",.r. ",f- "'..,.1, em ~ CII....ullO, $TAft OF CALIPOIIIIU 10300 Tol'I'e AVellue, CupertillO, CA 9501~ Telepllcae s (1108) 252-4505 !wIu 111,,. OF TIlE RBOUUII MBlTI1IO ~ !lIB CITt COIJIICIL JØtI) 011 SBPTBMBIR II, 19811 II TIIB (,.œICIL CIIAHBIR, CIft BALL, CUPIRTIIIO, CALIFOI'!U cc-6511 MayOI' Pl1UlØ oalled the _t1tl& to OI'der at 6s5O p... in tbe C00m01l OIaaÞer, City Ball. S&LOTB TO !lIB rua ROLL CALL Couno. Pre_ts Gatto, JoIIDIIcn, Roge,.s, Sparka, Mayor Plungy Statt Preseots City Manager Quinlan City Clerk Comelius &lreotor ot Publio Vorka Vialcovich Direotor or Flann1 ng and Developaent SiaIc Direotor ot FinAnce Sr\7der Director ot Parka and RecreAtion Dowling City Attorney !tilian SBLECTION or MAtOR &JO) MAYOR PRO TBHPOR& It .... aoved b1 Couno. Rogers and """""dad by CoImo, Gatto to select Phil Jobnaon as Mayor. It vas aoved b1 Couno, Gatto, seooDded Rosers and _ad uDan1llously to olose DOIBinatimss. The vote tor JollD3o<; tor Mayor was 4_0 vi th Couno, Johuson abstain1Dg, Mal"r Jobn_ reviewed eveota which took plane clur1tl& Hr. Plungy's y.... as Mayor ot tbe City or CUpertino, Mayor JOhDaOD chaired the ........inder of tbe _ting. It was aoved by Cour.c. Gatto and secoflded by Couno. Plungy to select Barbara Rogers as Mayor Pro T...pore. It was IIOVed by Counc. Sparks, secoDded by Couno. Gatto and passed unaniaoualy to olose DOIIina ticas. The vote tor Rogers tor Mayor Pro Tempore vas unan~us. POSTPOHI!H&HTS OR NEW AGENDA ITEIIS - NoDe. _1_ ,~"?,..-,.-~"....",." Johnson select ed as mayor Rogers select- ed mayor pro tempore ~...,.. ,>~"""""" . SC Valley Water Dist. Board HR-4103 ~removed' nt Cal- en ar approved . , . - ""'\ . - "''''~~·'..-''''''~~"-,:''~~i''f1·-~ '>""""'->'>"~~>"" ," .'" '-'< "-., .' -" - ,.<.,~:.,.,.. . -.~ - . MIIIUTES or THB .sit lM8B11 4, 1984 CIn COUICIL Hl!BTIJIG - cc-654 STAFF REPORTS 1. Oral reporta bJ atarr _bara and auboliaalO11 ot lII'i t.t... report.s . CU, l!IIIIager' RePOrt. Sant.a Clara Valloy llat.ar Diat.rict. Board ot Direcwra -!IJ ccnaenaua, Council continued conaiderat1011 ot tbe reprea8llt.ative md alt.ernat.aa to tbe _ting ct Sept._bar 17, 1984, UpeSa te on HR-4103 - It IIIUI IIOVed by Couno, Regera, seconded by CoWlC. PIUDl)' md paased Wlllnlaoualy to aupport t.bia legialation. (City Clerk'a Iot.as CouDc. PIUDl)' lett Council Chamber at t.b1s t1me.) COUNCIL REPORTS - loDe, CONSKII'l' CALEIIDAR Counc. Sparlca ....que_ tllat It_ 15 be I'eIIOved, It IIIUI IIOved by Counc. Gatto, seconded by Couno, Regera and paased 111 th CouDc, PlUDl)' abaent to approve tbe baJ.ance ot tbe Consent Calendar, 7, Resolution 10. 641 11 -A Reaclution ot the CUy Council or the CUy ot Cupert1Do Allowing Certain Cla.iat md _ds Payable in tile Jsoount.s md Frcto the Fund" as Hereinatter Deaor1bec1 tor General and HiscellanflOua !xpendUurea ror the Period l!I!cIing August 17, 1984.· 8, Resolution 10. 6412s -A Resolution ot the CUy Coun"il ot t.be CUy ot CUpertino Allowing Certain Cla1aa and Deaan<ls Payable in tbe Jsoounta and t..... the ""ads as Hereinafter Deaoribecl ror Salaries and Wages tor tin Payroll Period 1!1!c11ng August 21, 198',- 9. Request tor waiver ot business lioense fees. (a) Karoh ot Dilles - Birth \Jetecta Fo"ndation. (b) MUltiple Solerosia Society. (c) U. S. Amateur Athletic Foundat1on. 10. Resolut10n No. 6413. "A Resolut1on ot the C1t7 Counc11 of the C1ty of CUpertino Approving Contract Change Order No. 1 for Regnart Road Repa1r, Project 84-07." -2- . KIJIUTKS OF TIIB SBPTBMBEII 4, 1984 CITY COOIICIL IŒBTDG- CC-6S11 11. Acceptance ot City projeots pert'oraed UDder OOIItraot: (a) SteU1D¡ IIOIId aDd Steveas creek Boulevard Trattio Sipal Modification, Projeot 62-05. (b) De ADza Boulevard and BoIIestead Rc.ad Traftio S18øal Modification, Projeot 85-04. 12. Resolutioa 110. 61115: -A Resolution of tl1e City Counoil ot the Cit, of CUp~rtino Autborizing the Execution of Deferred A þ 1.lnt with Albert A. IIott'IIIID and Michael J. Dbuey for the Iaprov~t of Frontage, San Juan Road.- 13. Resolution 110. 61116: dA Resolutioa ot the City Counoil ot t,i1e City ot Cupertino Aocepting Gl'IUIt ot Ba_t to:' Road.., Purposes t'roID Albert A. IIottJuD SDd Michael J. DINe, Coas1st1D¡ of ApproXiaately .01 Acres, Loo-.tad on San Juan Road. . 14. Resolutioa 110. 61117: -A Resolution of the City Council ot the Cit, of CUpertino Accept1D¡ Gl'IUIt of EasOIIIent for Road.., Purposes t'roID. Edv1n 1. Federspiel, Jr. Consisting of 1pproXillately .035 Acres, Located Stevens creek Boulevard Bast ot Carmen Roed.- 15. R~ved. 16. Minutes ot the ~,gular _ting ot August 6, 198J (cc-65;~) . 17. Resolution 110. 6'114: '" Resolution of the City Counoil ot the City or CUpertino Alloving Certain ClailllS and Deaancls Payable in tbe Amounts and Froa the Funds L1 Hereinafter Described tor (¡eneral and H1soellaneous Expenditures tor the Period Erlding August 28, 198J .- 18. Aooeptance ot lIW1ioipal 1IIIprovOlllenr.s: 10230 Imperial Avenue. Michael Lyncb, 19, Resolution 110. 61118 : -A Resolution or the City Counoil or the City or Cupertino Accepting a Grant or Easemen~ ror Sidewalk Purposes troll Top Investors L1III1 tad Located 01\ Stevens Creek boulevard West or Blane¡ Avenue, ApproXillately ,025 Acres," Vote Hellbers or the t:i ty Council . AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Gatto, Rogers, Sparks, Johnson None Plungy None -3- "-~... .". ....... ,--,-::"".~-,.,~, · HC-5! ,600.1 continued · · ·:':\"":.i':;::~~; MIllUTBS OP TBB SEPTl!MBER II, 19811 CIn COUNCIl. HEB'l'IIIJ - cc-6511 ITEMS RI!MOYBD PIDI COIISIIIT CALIIIDAR 15. He-51, 600. 1 _ 7-11 Stores (C.. H De...lIlo¡IIUDt/Sbell Oil CQlPllDY) - RequastiD& appro....l ot sit., archi taoture and laDdsoaPiD& rot' a proposed 2,600 aq, n. 7-11 ooa...enienoa ....lret to be located at tile soutbeaat corner ot Bubb aDd !IOCl.llsn Roads. Reoo_nded tor approval. Diaoussion took plao. reprdiDg adding windows to tile west.rly side ot the building. (City Clerk's Notal Couno. PlWID ....turned to Counoil CbaIIbflr. ) Counoll .xpressed tile desire to review tbia application tor such tbinsa sa houra ot operation, .1aot1'OlÚ0 saaas, .to. TIle City Attorney stated that posaiM¡ all gen.ral o.-.rotal areas COUld be rezoned ror planned d.....loPllant. It was ao...ed by Couno, Gatto, HOcod.d by ::Ouno. Sparlca and passed unanilloual1 to oontinua ooasid.ratico ot tbia it_ to tile regular _ting or Sapteabar 17 and requ.st starr to return at that tiM with an urgency ordiDaDoe reprding ...ratoriua or d.velO lllllDt in sao.ral o~oial zon.s. ORAL COHMOHICATIOHS 21, Malllbars ot th. audi.nc. regarding matt.rs not 011 tile ag.nda - None. I'OBLIC HEARINGS 22, Non., PLAllHIHG APPLICATIONS 23, Applications 11_U_84 and 5-TM-84 ot Monta Vis", Properti.s (T.rry Brown) I Use Pel'llit to oonstruot 12 detached residential single-raaily dwelling units I Tentativ. Subdi...ision Hap to subdivi1e approximat.ly on. aore into 12 parcels ranging in size t'roII 2,150 to 3,380 sq. rt. and En...il'Ol'lllental R.vi.w: Th. Planning CoaIIIission reo....nds tbe granting ot a Negati.... Declaration, The subjeet property is located on tb. nortbwest oorn.r or Orang. Avenu. and Granada Avenu. in a P (Planned De....lopaent witb resid.ntial, 4,4_12 dwelling units per gross ~re intent) zoning distriot, Reeo...ended tor denial. (At the meeting ot July 16 Counoll requestecl ...endment to ten units. At ....eting ot August 6 Counoil granted Negative Declaration and requested red.slgn tor 8_10 units.) _4_ þ lwIu.~ OF 'f1Œ SBPTBMBBJI Ii, 19M CITY COIJIICIL MBETIIO- cc-654 Director or Planning and Developsent Sisk pointed out that the ..vised plllD oOlltalns nine units. He stated that the prt.aJoy difference in d<;sign vas a larger structure troDtina Orange and a larger structure on the rear ot Lot 3. Terry Brow, applicant, reviewed the ohanles in design. He stated that it would be posaible to have windows 011 evel'1 elevatiOll of every lot ir desired. It vas aoved by Couno. Sparks, seconded by Couno. Rogers IIDd paMed unanÚloWlly to approve Application 11-0-811 per special findings and oonditions as per start memo with the exhibit nueber revised. Those tiDdings aDd oonditions are as r('llowsl SPECIAL FINDINGS: þ The app~val or a revised site plan (A 2nd Revision) results in a reduction of two dwelling units which prevents the applicant t'rOIa developina to the III&XÚlIIID pel'lllitted by the Planned Develop.ent district and rraa utilizina the densit, bonus provision offered of the G6Deral Plan. The City Counoil tinds that the reduotiOll in intensity is necessary to preserve the objective ot strengthening the existina detaohed residential oharaoter ot Old Monta Vista. The City Counoil finds that the reduotion ot intensity warrants a vsiver ot tbe BMR requireaent fot' the project, The deletion of two dwellings and eliaination or the potential c: additional "density bonus" units results in an extraord1na;'f econOllio burden ror the developeI'. Therefore, the requiNIHnt to partioipate in the Below Market Rate lIouisng Prograa is waived, The City Council approves Application 11-U-84 based upon its tindings that the Application is oonsistent with the General Plan and speoial Use Pel'lllit tindings, The approval is based upon the Conditions or Approv&1 listed below: CONDITIONS FOR 11-U-84: þ 1_14. Standard Conditions to the extent that they do not contlict with tbe special conditions enumerated herein, In the event a conflict does exist, the special conditions as enuael'ated herein st...:l apply, 15. That the recOllllle1'ldation or approval is based on Exhibits A 2nd Revision, B-8 and B-9 of Application 11_U_84 except as may be amended by special conditions enumerated herein. -5- -.' ~.-: . "-'.~:., .. 11-1J-84 approved "'~'''':r '~'~'-1-:o/" , . lwIunS:$ OF TIlE SEPT3MBBII II, 19811 CIn COOHCIL HDTIJrJ - cc-6S'1 16. All applioablo subaeotions ot Sections 13.5 and 13.6 ot the R1C Ordinance (Ordinance No. 6611) reprd1Dl street iIIprov_t requireaents and oov~ts shall apply to the subject development. 17. Prior to isauance ot construction peNltS, tile developer shall record an appropriate eas.act Providing ror use ot the internal prints roadva)' as a fire acoess and .ergenoy vehiole turn-around oorridor, Fora and ccotent o~ said ea_t dOCument shall be revised by starr prior to recordati.,n. 18. All lots with Grmada Avenue and Or~e Avenue rrontage shall be developed in a lIIUIIIer that establishes the frontages as a tront yard with pedest.'ian walkways, landscaping aDd tence heipta oonsistent with normal single-taaily subdivision tront yard rec ui~ta and appearanoe. Front yard setbacks shall be as established by the approved development plan, . 19. The developer shall Isntall Plu.bing oheses to raoilitate installatico or tuture solar syst.... The installation ot said system is optional, . 20. In the event that the applioant or subsequent property ower shall desire to ake any IIinor ohange, alteration 01' aaendlaent in the approved develcOllf>nt plan or building pel'lli t, a written request aDd revised development or bUilding pal'll1t shall be subaitted to the Direotor of Planning and Development. If the Director makes a rinding that the changes are II1nor and do not atreot the general appearance ot the area, the Director !laY oertify the change on the revised plan. Ir such approval is withheld, the applicant may appeal to the Planning c:o..tssion. Ir th.. changes are JUterial, the Director shall submit the ohange to the Planning ooaalssion ror approval. It thu ohange is denied by the Planning Comadssion, tt. applicant may appeal to the City Council as provided in City Ordinanoe No. 652. If t.1Ie change is ,>pproved, an appeal may be made by an interested party. Further, any lIember or the City Counoil ~y be request a hearing before the City Council, s..id request to be made within ten ( 10) days frolD the da te of approval - when tl\foo change has been approved by the Plann!ng Coaaissi.,n. 5-TM-84 continued It was IIIOve<l by Counc. Gatto, seconded by Counc. Roger" 'Uld passed unanimously to conti~ue Application 5-TM-84 to the _eting of September 17, 1984. _6_ lUIuf83 OF nil SBI'TIH8BI / , 1981f em COUICIL IINJ.&M - cc-6S4 24. Applioat1on 9-TM-84 ot Cupertino Union School Dilltl'iot (Jollyun El_tary School>: Tentatiye &IWi.l8iOD Map to subdiyide appNxiJlately 10.25 ac.... into 19 ...aidential parcels .....'1..g in sUe troIa 6,000 aq. ~. to 10,000 sq. tt. end one paroel oOllaiat1Dg ot 6.2;t ao...s tOI' a tutu... parle site and en'l1.ronMDtal Review. Tbe Plannill8 CoIIII1ssion reooJaeDds the grant1Dg ot . Negative Decl....tion. Approx1lllatelY tOl1l' ac........ zoned R1-6 (Residential Single-tuily, 6,000 sq. ft. III1n1ll18 lot SiN) and the relll8ining 6.2 ac.... .... SODed PR (Parka and Recreation). Tbe subject property 18 looatee! on the to...1' Jollyman El_tary School a1te, east ot Jollyman Park, north ot Øeathel'llOOd Dri.... aDd at the western tera1nus ot De roe Driye, ~. Drive and De La Farge Drive. Reo_nded tor .ppro....l. (ReoOlllllended It_ 127 be discussed in ooojunoticX1 v1.th this applioation.) 27. Petition trea ...sidents request1Dg III1tigation ot trartio proble. in area ot ltiJII Str'88t. (Roo-c_lnded to be disoussed in oonjunotion with i te. '24.) It vas moved by COuno. Gatto, seconded by COUno. JohDaOD and passed unan1ll0uslt to considel' It_ 24 end 27 together, Director ot PlanDill8 and DeyeloJIIIeDt Sisko Director ot Publio Works Viskovich and City MaDa8er Quinlen ....iewed the application and ...ports 1tith COunoil. Peggy Orqu2lart, 7552 Erin Way, exp...ssed oonoem ...gard1Dg excessive trartio problllllll. She rev~eved a history ot It1a Street with COunoil and stated that ooaaute tratt10 18 the probl_. She ssid that the ...s1denta we... wlll1Dg to be inoonvenienoed SOlDewhat ror a sater neighborhood. Henry Manzler, 1044 Westlynn Wa)', p...sented and ....d a letter to COunoil. !larnard McNeil, 7564 De Foe Drive, asked COunoil who they we... tor, the pecple or Cupertino or the people who go down De Anza Boulevard, He telt tha t aocess to the proposed new homes should be on Stelling. Walter Serniuk, 7555 De Foe Drive, requested that Counoil loo~ at the overall pioture and not ju"t one neighborhood against another, He read a definition of "oircuitous" to Counoil. lie reviewed the envirolllllental process used and asked when 85 would be tinish~d, Robert Hall, 7544 Kirwin Lane, ....~uested that Kim Street be closed and that Counoil reoonsider cutting Bollinger Through. Tony Kurcyoh, 1028 r-..Isoany Place, also requested that Council close 1Um, even though it would be an -7- t MIKUTBS OF THE ......IBHBD 4, 198. CITY COOIICIL MBBTDiG _ CC-654 inOOllv8Oi8Ooe for' hill. lie expresaed oonoorn resard1D8 a proposed road 00llinS in troll Stelling. Gregel')' McDonald, 761., urged Counllil to olose 1C1II. Adelaide Le.,is, 7573 Boll1D8er, had three requests I 1. Close na permanentl, or at least dur1D8 1IOrD1D8 ~'Jte hours. 2. No oirCUitous route. 3. Did not feel tbe City presented the full plan of the Joll~ area. $be felt that the Proposal for 8000sa to park1n8 witbin the perk and the int.ernal route of the park should be presented in its entirety as vell as tbe full cost of eaGb alternative. Renita prarr, Dullas Drive, spoke regard1D8 a petition suÞO!itted, She requested no tbrougb traffio in ber neighborhood and I\8N8d with the olosure of 1Cim. David Grove, Boll1D8or Road, alao approved the olosure of Kim. Connie Proftitt, 7520 nrvin, urged Counoil to olose ICim imIIIediately anG perhaps nrvin in the future. City Attorney Kilian stated thet a speoial procedure is neoessal')' to close streets. A gentleman resicl1D8 at 7503 De Foe Drive asked Council it it oould not olose na at tbis tille, could it elWnate turns for 23 holU'l' and 59 llinutes of eaoh cia,? Gerry Ferguson, 7561 Bollinger, Itsted that he vas a o~uter and sugested aoveable stop signs thet t'ould be moved around the aree. lie ,..,quested that Counoil _Ice it diffioult for traffio to go into the neighborhoods. Mr. Craven, 7589 Erin Vay, supported the olosure of Kill. He 'Stated that the 110 turn signs had worked and requested that COunoil reinstall tbe signs and stsrt prooeedings to olose the street, Rev. Kichael Rehak, pastor or Redeeaer Lutheran Church, stated that the ohurch has a cOllllJuter oongregation in that eaoh parishioner does have to leave home to get to church, He expressed ooncern as Jollyman Park was designated a oentral park for Cupertino in relationship to recreation aot! vHy, City Manager Quinlan intormed the pastor that JOllymaD Park is considered a neighborhood park. -8_ . ~,'~r~ !.,....~f~.l'·,'-C:;,;:" . · HINIITES OF TIIB SEPTEHBKII I , 1984 crn COUIICIL IIBI'fIIIJ ~ CC-65/ Rev. Rehak .xprelNled the desire to _ the street layout ror tile park. lie t.lt the iaaue .... a broader oae tIIaD just ror the ~s tllat ...o.ived the l.tter ...gardiDa the ..veniDa's beariDa. Bill Ptann, 7563 lleatllervood OriYS, stated that _ne will sul'fer tl'Cll trarrio ...gardle.. ot what is done. lie said tllat tt., resid..nts purchased their ~s there, and it is th.ir t..rritory, but they are williDa to give up tlleir sbortcuts , Ann "'rray, 856 Kia Stre.t, told Counoil tllat originally 1(111 vas planned aa a bike lane and requested that it tile str....t is olosed thet enough 1'00II be l..rt ror biorol. rid.rs to g.t to the park. Ed Jauoh, 10760 S. StalliDa Road, ...'11_ bis trattio counts with Counoil as...ll as .lapsed tw..s naoe_ry to g..t 1'roII oertain spots in a ...atrioted area to other locations within that area. · Mr. Harvey Cbaolœan, 7597 IUrwin, .xpre...ed OOIloem regardiDa the sanaa or o....mtty. lie ..xpre...ed opposition to 19 h.-. beiDa built on Jollyman Scbool sit.. lie r.lt the tratrio probl... should be sol...ed prior to the ÞuildiDa ot the boau. lie sua..ted thet it Counoil did olose 1111, that when Higbwa, 85 is OOII¡)l.ted, they ....y w1sb to oon.ider ...opaniDa the .treet, I(en I(.lly, 71 83 De La Parg.., told Counoil thet it ItiII is olosed a longer l.n turn ligbt will be needed goiDa north on De ADza Boul.vard. Andrea Harris, 1052 Tusoany Plao., urged Counoil to ICeap COllllUt.rs ott re.id.ntial st....ts and .xp......ed the opinion tllat Counoil actions haYS caused _uters to _k resid.ntial .t....ts. She .xp...ased oono..m regardiDa acc..ss to De Anza Boul....ard and ...qu.sted that Counoil hear trom oth....s and not ju.t those pres..nt tb14 ..v..niDa, She also requ.sted that Council .....aluat.. what areas are still really r.sid.ntial, It was moved by Couno, Plungy, seconded by Counc. Gatto and passed unaniaouslY to 1IIpl....nt rÞ entrance rrom Bollinl.r to ltiJII troll 6-9 a ,II. and at the end ot tour weeks to consider closu... or 1(111 Street. A public hearing to consider such olosure Will be held October 1. · It was lIoved by Counc. Plungy, seconded by Counc. Ga t to and passed with Couno. Sparks dissent1ng that as the park is designed the ....jor acc..ss to the parle be trom Stell1ng and tha t no road go through th.. park. -9- """"~-r ;,",,"~.-.",,-'" Entrance from Bollinger to Kim Access to park -&.onec- ~betveen De Anza and Stelling 9-TM-84 approved Reconsider IIOtion . Negative Declaration granted 9-IM-84 approved . KIIIJTIS or TBB SBPTBMBD II, 19811 em 00UIC1I. ....1~ - :;c..654 It ... IIOved by Counc. PlWl8!', seconded by Couno. Gatto ad paNed with Couno. Sparlca di_tinS that tile.. '- DO cormeotion ber-n De An.. Boulevarcl and StellinS IIoed in 8IIJ' t'aehion, h was IIOved by Counc. Sparks, _coded by Couno. PIliii&)' and paNed \JD8J1Wousl1 to approve Application 9-111-84 per Exhibit A and p'Anfti"g Coae1ssiCII Resolution 10. 25115. RECESS: 10.00-10.15 p.., It ... IIOVed by Couno. Sparks, seconded by Couno. Gatto and pas..ed unanWously to reconsider the previous IIOtion. Walte,. Serniuk addressed Counoil reprdinS the environaental review to... OOIapleted by the aohool distriot tor this tentative up application. Be also requeated that the "JolIyII8D tree" speoiaao oak be prese"Yed. HaIc:!ll Hesiwala, 7546 De Foe, atated that the application doe.. need to have an env1l'Oa1811tal study dODll and that the IIIIvi~tal review tora appears to have been oœpleted without thought. Walter Serniuk stated that since the City is listed as the developer or the land, isn't that a oonfiict ot illtarest when one is evaluatinS œa's 0IIII develoPlMDt? J:!II RalsteD, 7508 D<_s Drive, expressed conoern regardinS tuture development. Director or PlanninS and Ðeve.1opaent Sisk stated that ir this application ....... approved, a oondition could be ac!ded that the developer subloi t a plan listinS speoiaao trees, ete, Bob Carlson, 7562 Dumas Drive, said another City Council could put ill a street. HaIc:!ll Hesivala suggested that the street hEve barriers or a loop to allow ill only sarety vehicles. It was ..,ved by Counc, Sparks, seconded I;y (;oælC, C;atto and passed unanWously to grant a Negative Deolaration, It was ..,ved by Counc. Sparks, seconded by Counc. Gatto and passed unanillousl1 to approve Application 9-TM-84 per Planning CoIIIIII1ssion Resolution No. 2545 Wit.h the addition or Condition No. 17 to read as tollows. _10_ .-- , ,.-'~::-. ,;-':>·f-"~··' · MIIIUTIS OF THE SEPTEHBIUI II, 1984 cur COUIICIL IIBftD10 - cc-6SJ1 17. Prior to recordation or the final _p, plans lllla11 lie subolitted to aM approved by tile DepartllltDt or Plam1Dl _ De".101*8Dt looatillS all speo~ trees as ""tiDed in City Ordinanoe No. 778, Section 3.5, The intent or this condition is to saTe as 11811' trees as pouible. AlICBITECTUIW. .&HD SITE APPROVAL COII!ITTIK APPLICATIONS 25. lIone, tlllFI!IISHED BUSIIIESS 26. NOne. IIBII BUSI!lESS 27. Considered with It. 21; UDder PIIIDD1q Applioations. 28, Consideration or an ordinanoe 1IIIOIId1q tbe CupertinO Munioipal Code in regard to merlOI' or cont1 Uoua paroels or land. · (a) First read1q or Ordinance No. 12861 "AD Ordinanoe or the Ci ty ot Cupertino bend1q Artiole 10 or Title 18 or tile Itmioipal OrdiDaDoe Code (lIelatiDS to Merger or P.........1s) to BriDS Said Article into CoIIpl1anoe vi th Section 66451, 11 it. Seq. or the Caliromia Govel'llllODt Code." It was IIIOVed by CoUDO. Rogers, seconded by Couno. Gatto and passed unaniaoUsly to read Ordinanoe NO. 1286 by title onl1 and tile City Clerk's readiDS to constitute tile first read1q thereor, 29, Claim ror <lamages filed by Rita McGovern, It was IIIOved by Couno. Rogers, seconded by CoUDO, P1unø and passed ,.....ft' "ously to reject the clau. and direct tile City Clerk to notity the claimant, 30. Consideration or takiDS a position on various pieces or legislation, (a) Proposition 36 (Jarvis IV). It was IIIOved:>yo Counc. Plungy, seconded by CoUDC. Rogers and passed unanimously to oppose Prnposi tion 36. (b) Proposed 1/2 cent sales tax, · It was moved aDd passed sales tax. by Counc. Plungy, seconded by CcUDC. Sparks unanimously to support the proposed 1/2 cent _11_ First reading of Ord. 1286 II<:Govern claill rejected Oppose Prol' 36 Support 1/2 cent sales tax . Oppose løss Jolmson Initiative Pavement Restoration contract to Galeridge Construction; Slurry Seal ~~ct to .... Constr. Equipment bi:! rejected. Res. 6419 adopted Litigation authorized . Procedure for review of GPA's IffiIU'fBS Of 'fI!B SØT2I49D " ,ga, CITI r.œIt1\. dt!Im - cc-6511 (0) ROlla JoIm8oo Wtiative. It was aoYed by Couno, and paaaed ......., -..1)' Initiatiye. Plunl1, :seconded by Couno. Spa¡-ks to OPpoH tbe Hoa JobD_ Council ...quested tbat starr inrora tbe brd ot $u leM'isol'll reþJ'ding their *<Itiœ en tbe ballot .-au... pertaining to tbe 1/2 oeot sales tax inorease. 31, Report on bid o~'''e:'' and award or oontracts. (a) Pav_t Restoration, Projeot 85-102. (:» Street Ma1nteMnoa _ Slurry Seal, Project 85-101. It was aoYed by Couno, JohDaOD, secooded by Couno. Sparks and peaaed unanitIoWll1 to award tbe OODtract tor Pay_t RestoratioD, Pl'Ojeot 85-102, to Galeridge COIIlltl'UOtiœ in tile aaount ot $98,7"18.16, to award tile oontract tOf' Street Haiot-l-...... - Slurr)' Seal, Project 85-101, to GI'IIÞn COIIstruotion in tile aaount ot $89,077.7'. and to aut!lOf'Ue tile use ot $54,450 rroa tbe oyerlay _ budget to coyer both Pl'Ojeots. (0) BquiPD8Dt Bids - DPV 85-01, It was aoved by Couno. Rogen, seconded b)' COuno. Johaaon and puaed unaniaoWll1 to rejeot tbe bid and autbo1'Ue stsrr to negotäte intoNally ..œ award to the lowest biddef'. 32, A8M1c1Mnt to tbe Count7V1de SoUd !laste Manageaent Plan rOf' Sants Claf'~ COunt, rOf' Expansion ot Paoheco Pasa San1ta17 Landtill, It was aoved b)' COuno. Jobr.son, seoondad b1 Couno. Rogers and pasaed unaniaoWll1 to adopt Resolution 110, 6419, Wi Resolution or tile City Counoil ot tbe City or CUpef'tine iPPl'Oving an "endaent to Solid Waste Hana&eaent Plan ror Sants Clara Count)' to Inolude tile Expansion or the Paobeoo Pass Landtill." 33. Request rOf' autbof'ization to proceed with litigation . neteM"ed Ag~ts, It was aov.od b1 Cr.uno. Sparks, secor.ded ty Couno. Rogers t.nd pasaed unanisously to autborize litigation. 34. Pl'Ooedure tor review or General Plan Aœen~nt8. It waa JaOved by Counc. Rogers, seconded by Couno. Johnson and _ed unaniJlously to appl'Ove the Pl'Ocedure per Plann'ng eo..1ssion Resoluticn No. 2552, -12- --. _. . · · · ; MDIUTIS or THE SEPTlllBD II, 19811 CITY COUIIClI. HBB'lIIIG - cc-&.:4 35. "-a and erou-ooapla1Dt. Cb1U 'IS. *"Þy, at el.; IIUaD& ..... Kscltsy, II\mes, C1ty ot Cu¡NlrtinO. CouM1l received thia intONation. IIRITrBII CClMHUNICATIOIIS 36. lIOIIe, ORDIIIAllrES 37. Second ....ding or Ordinance No. 1283. "AD Ordinance ot the City Couno1l ot tile C1 ty ot Cu¡NlrtinO AaeDding Ordinanoe No. 652 ProoecIural Ordinances." It was lIO.,ed by Couno. l'lunø, secoDded by Co\IDO. Rogers aDd passed unaniaousl)' to ....d Ordinanoe 10. 1283 by title 0Dl7 IUIII the C1ty Clerk's reading to oonstitute tile secoOll reading thereor, It was ...,ed by Couno. Rosers, seconded by Couno, Sparka and pasaed unaniJ:C'usly to 8IWIt Orc1inaDoe No. 1283, 38, Secooc1 ....ding or OrdiDaDoe No. 128J1. "AD OrdiM~oe or the C1t, Couno1l or tile City or CUpartinO AMDding Ordinanoe No. 618 Plarmed De.,elo¡IIIeDt," It was !IO.,ed by Couno. P1UDgJ, seconded by Couno, Sparka and )USed unaniltously to....1 Ordinance No. 1284 by ti\;le 0Dl, and the City Clerk's reading to constitute the secoDcl ....ding tllereor, It was lIO.,ed by Counc. Rogers, seconded by CoIIDo. P1UDgJ and passed unan1llously to _ct Ordinance 110. 12811. 39, Second resding ot OrdiDaDce No, 1285: "AD Ordinance or the City ot CupertinO laeDcling Section 11,211,150 ot the CUpertino ItJnicipel Code, Relating to Stopping, Stancling or Parking on De ADza Boulevard.· It was IIOVed by Counc. P1IIDQ, seconded by CoIIDc, Gatto and passed unan1llously to read Ordinance 110, 1285 by title only and tile City Clerk's reading to constitute the second reading thereot. It was lIO.,.d by Counc. Rogers, StlConded by Counc. Plungy and passed unan1llously to enact Ordinance 110. 1265. RESOLUTIONS 40, IIone. -13- Info received SecoDcl reading of Ord. 1283 Ord. 1283 enacted Second reaòing of Ord. 1284 Ord. 1284 enacted Second reading of Ord. 1285 Ord. 1285 enacted . < . Waiver of business lic- ense fee - Cal. League of Conserva- tion Voters· . , "r-' .. . ''''<1', ¡>,<,\!'I'~~,."",,,,,~ " .~ ,...,,,,..:-:r,,~"jf:~.,, ...." "',. ;It.·~.~~' -' , ~..].. :':. '',. ...., ',' .:-;'.','" .- :,-;:' : !uIIu."", r:II 'lØ Slfr&. -" II, ~984 cItr COOJICIL ...........- cc-65/1 __1(JRIIft& BuSDBSS 111. 1Ieo0 ll1 t1cIa ." IIiIJ'OI' ot special requeata. <a) 0aeftl11ld1_. 11m Aapr, llllllta Viata, addressed CoImoll reprüns )III'JdJII en tile R'~ 85 ri8bt ot vq duriDg tile v!slt ot President IIeapD to niDt Center. Request ror waiver ot ""aiDealS Uo_ tee auÞa1tted ." CaUtorn1a ~ ot Callaenat1en Voters - It..a aoved by CoImo. Spvka. aeoonded by Couno, Pl\UlS1 and passed "-"'-17 to appro... tile waiver ot hes tor en. y..... (b) City C0un01l - !loDe. At 10130 p..., tile _tiDg aa edjOUl'Ded to 7:00 p..., Tueeda" Sept... 11, 19811111 tðe CaIIt.reDoe Rooa. & ø..:. -14.