CC 09-11-84 .~~~:: ,'>,:~,,~.7t.....!'l'f:l'1!'1/ftT.~.,. ,..; . ..,-"./. ~-'.. '-~. . .~ ~. , . cc-65I1A CITr or CIIl'DullO, STATS or CALIfORIU 10300 Torre jVeDUO, CUpertinO, CA 95014 TelepllonOl (1108) 252-4505 KIII1JTBS OF TBB ADJOURIIBD RIOULAR HlETIIIG OF TBB cnr COUIICIL, IJILI) 01 SlPTBMBBR 11, 1984 III TBB COIIPIRI!IICB 1IOOK, CIn HALL, CUPERTINO, CJLIPORIIIA Mayor Jobll8Ot1 called tile _ting to order at 7:00 p... Couno. P.........t: Gatto, Plungy, Rosers, Sparka (7:05 p...), Mayor Jobllson . start P....sent: City Clerk Cornelius Mayor Jobllsoo announced tbat two candidates tor tile Cable TV Advisory CoMaittee lIOuld be interviewed r1rst as they had p....vious ~tllents and IlUst leave early. !ben interviews would be beld tor tbe Planning eo..tssion, Arcbitectural and Site Approval CoaIIIittee, tile balanoe ot the applicanta tor the Cable TV AclYisory eo-! ttee, tile Energy CoIaission and tile Library CoaIIIission. It vas IIOVed b1 Couno, Plungy, seconded b1 Couno. Rogers and passed unan1aously to appoint Don Mac:;eDate, Lauralee SQrenaen and Niok Szabo to the Planning ec-isaion with terms expiring tbe end or Sept...ber, 1988, Betty Mann requested that her application be changed tl'Oll the Energy ec-ission to Architectural and Site Approval CollDitt... By consensus, Counoil approved. It was IIOVed b1 Counc, Gatto, seconded b1 Couno. Sparks and passed unan1aously to appoint Deborah Nobel and Rayaond Rooker to tile Architectural and Site Approval eo.ittee with teras expiring tbe enel ot Sept....ber. 1988, It was moved b1 Counc, Gatto, seconded by Counc, Plungy and passed unan1llOusly to appoint Betty Hann to the Architectural and Site Approval CoaIIIittee tor a term expiring tbe enel or Sept....ber, 1985. Hr. Pickler vas not present to be interviewed tor the Cable TV Advisory Comaittee. . It .as moved b1 Counc. Gatto, seconded "y Counc. Rogers and passed unan1llOusly to appoint Hichelle Harn to the Cable TV Advisory Committee tor a term expiring the end ot SepteClber, 1987 and Dean Coy and Iola Hendricsen to terms expiring the end ot September. 1986. _1. Planoin2 Com. appo1ntfle:'1t8 ASAC appoint- naentø Cable TV Ad- visory Com. appointoentä , ,;1 . .' . Ener gy Cea. appoint_nu h.""'U'" at 111 ø._ . 11. 19M em COOICII. _...... _ cc-65-'A It WI -.s '" CoImo. Pluaø. _ded '" CoImo. Sparks aDd pUHd ~ to appo1Dt cJal'J !.ene, !lhhM.. ItJIcbeIojee II1II 'ftIoaaa VeÞer to tile Inerl1 c-1_1œ 1111:11 te.... -.", U. and of Septeaber, 1988. It WI __ .., CoImo. Pl\IJI8J, HOœded bJ CoaDo. Gatto aDd paaaed - nf~.'" to OJ. l.ð the pre..' L1bru7 c-1sa1œ tor _ual prepared and to appo1Dt Patr101a Jackaœ. Patr101a lI7an and AIDes Locber to u. Libral'J c-1saiaa tor ~ c.l1D& the eacI ot Septeabv, 1988 and to appo1Dt l1li'7 AnD Herlihy to a t_ end1D& tile end or Septeaber. 1986. Library Com. appoint menta CourIoll IISII1caed the City Seleotioa eo.1tt.., InteraoYe~ Counoil, Inter Cit, COuDo1l aDd the Kayor'. CaIIf_oe to Kayor Pb11 :oœsor.. Other ~1l o~t~ 11111 I h, the _. . At 9:30 p.... .:0un01l adjoUl'lled. ~ . _2_