CC 10-01-84 <:..,.-. . . . .<~.<.'~'7'''- ., . ". . - -',''1:''''- ;>~~':~~~~:'1(~:~;'J, CZTr or wPIIIHNO, STATB or C1LIPOIIIIA cc-656 10300 Torre henue, Cupertino, CA 95014 Telephone I (408) 252-11505 KIIIUTBS OF 'fill mOLAR MBlTDO at TIll cur COUICIL ØILD 011 OCtoBBR 1, 19811 D 'fill COUIICIL r.If~, CIrr BALL, CUPBBTDO, CALIFORIIA The _tiDg was oalled to order 111 MI,or JollaaGII 111 tbe Gounoil Cbulber, City Hall at 61115 p... SALUrB TO 'fill FLAG ROLL CALL Gouno. Presctl Gatto, Pl\IIIØ, Ros~rs, Sparks, lfllyor JOImIlOll Statr Present 1 Cl ty lfIIDaSer Qu1ll1an City Clerk Gornelius Direotor ot Publio Works Y1akOTIoh Direotor or PlanniDS all<l DeYelo lMllt Slsk Direotor ot Finance Sn,der (l.n at 1120 p...) Direotor or Parks and ReoreatiGII Dovl1D& Assistant to the City Kanaser Brown (11110 p...) wistat Planning Director Govaø (9125 p...) City Attorn., (ilian POSTPOIfDlBllTS OR REV AGBNDA ITEMS It was aoYed by Counc. Sparks, seoODded by Gouno. Rogers and passed \Ul8DiJao)usl1 to oont1llue Itea No. 21, the appeal ot the PlanniDS c.-ission deoision reprdiDS St.....ns C....k Ranch Stables, to the _tiDS or Nov_ber 19, 1984. STAFF REPORTS 1, Oral reports by starr _bars and subaiaaion ot wrItt.. reports, City Hanager's Report Surveyor Motor Homes, Trailers, Bto. in the City or Cupertino - By oonsensus, Gounoil requested that the City Attorney report back at the _tiDS or Nov_bar 5, 1984 reprdiDS what authority the City has to resulate perkins on the street and private propert, ror such reoreational vehicles. Tournaaent ot Bands - It was !lOved by Goun\,), Gatto, seconded by Goune. Rosers al'd passed unaniJlously to waive the tees tor City crews and to direot the Ci ty Hanaser to prepare a written policy resarding this ..tter, _1_ Parking of R'¡'s Tournament of bands . Affirmative a" tion Sheriff's contract Consent Calen- dar . . .' '·~~""'~"'TII' i ':';1oI[~~r~r.<f:>,\",v~,,;:, "'''''''<'':'''''''1I'·''~'''''''''~-q0:'.'7·;·~''''''''^'r.., ....~' . ,- '.'_,0'-"" -:'>"" '", "-,~,:.:-., "'. ,', . .,-.:..:~-,~,.,~;?t:~'>\"~J,:,.>~<,< .~ HIllUTBS or TIlE OCTOBER 1 , 198.- exn COOIICIl, MIoUIIQ CCC-656) Uti,.. ti ye Act10n - Counoil l"8Oei yed the report. U~te on ~rtiDO Site IlInst1øtloaa - Cal~ Re&ional vater Quality CoIItrol BoarcI - Director of 110 Works ViakoYiQb presented tile update to Counoil. 2, Update on tile Cit,'s _traot witb the SuIte C...... County SIIerltt's Depa~~. It vas lIOyed bJ CouDo. Rosers. seconded bJ Couno, Pl\lll&1 aDd pessed unanillOual1 to approve cban8es as leI' start reco.endation and authorize tile City Hanaser to De&ot1ate resardinl tile warrant senioe oosta ror 1983-811 fiscal year, The City Manaser will report back to Counoil bJ Noy_ber 5, 19811. CONSENT CALBIIDAR It vas IIOYed bJ Couno. Gatto, _GlIded bJ Couno. ReIIers and passed ,1ft...1_ualy to 'Wl'OYe the Coasent Calendar IS presented. 8, Resolution No. 6430. ". IIIIaolution or the City CouIIoil or the City or Cupertino AllOVinl Cartaill Cll1aa IIId Demands Payable ill tile Aaouuts and troa tile FuDcls IS He""inatter Desoribed for Salaries aDd Wases tor tile Payroll Period BDcIinI Septeaber 16, 19811." 9. Request ror waiver of bua1Deaa lioense fee~. Ca) l'urpl.a heart Veterans Rehabilitation Se,..,1ces, Ino, Cb) Rotary Club of Cupertino, 10, Resolution Jlo, 61121. ". IIIIaolution of tbe City Counoil or the City or Cupertino Making ita Order and Desoribinl Boundaries ror Reorganization between Cupertino, the County or Senta Clara and the County Lighting Servioe Area in Accordance with the Distl'iot ReorganiZation Act or ;965 without a Publio Hearing as Provided by LaWI ApproX1aatel1 ,56 Acres Lo04ted on the South Side or Stevens Creek Boulevard between Tantau Avenue and Pinoh Avenue," 11. Res)lution No. 6431: "A Resolution or the City Counoil of the City of Cupertino Authorizing Exeoution or Quitclaia Deed of Vacated !'roperty at the Northwst Corner or Mann Drive and Stevens Creek Boulevard to Adjacent Property awner." _2_ · MIIfUTES OF TIlE OCTOBER " 19811 CITY COIJICIL MlB'fDO (CC-656) 12. R.solution No. 6432r -A Resolution or the Cit, Counoil ot the Cit, or Cupert1Do IpproY1D& IapI'01'_t '1_ or 'ropert, Looated But Slde or So. De anz.a Soul.yard Soutb or Snyeredo AyenueJ Developr., BAM Propertles (Allan o. By.r); AuthorlzlnS Execution ot Iaproy_t Agreeaent; luthorlz1D& S1¡n1D& ot Iaproy_t PllDs.- 13. Resolution No. 6433. -A ResolutlOD ot the Clt, Counoil ot the Cit, ot Cupert1Do looept1D1 Orat of Ia__t tor Roadway Purposes troll Allan O. Ø,er and Marlan Ø,er, Husband and Wlre, as Joint Tenant_ Conelst1D& ot ApproX1ut.ly 0.05 Acres, Looated But Sld. ot So. De Anza Boul.vard South ot Snyeredo Innue.- 14. R.solutlOil No. 64341 -A ReeolutiOD ot the Cit, CounOn ot the Clt, or Cupert1Do IpproY1D& Cofttraot Change Ord.r No. 2 tor Cit, Ball 111' CoftditlODlng Hod1tlcation, Pt.... n - \taint_oe.- þ 15. Aooeptanoe or Cit, projeots perroraed under ooatrll4t. (a) BolllnSer Road-De Anza Boulevard Intersection Hoditication, Project 80_12. (b) R.pairs ot Re¡prart Road, Project 80-07. 16. Minutea or the adjourned reSlllar _tInS ot Sept.aber 11, 1984. (cC-6541). ~ Helllbers ot the City Counoil lYES: Gatto, Plungy, Rosers, Sparks, Johnson ROESr None 1BSBNT: None ABSTAIN: None ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSEIIT CALENDAR 17, None. ORAL COHHUNICATIOnS 18. Presentation to the Clty ot CUpertino ot 8L albUIII ot archival pho~graphs ot tbe C1t,. þ Álma Dippel and Judy T..brook presented an album teaturing archival photographs to the City, (City Clerk'a Note: Direotor ~t 'tr~nc~ Snyder lett at 1:20 p,œ.) -3- Archival photographs I MIIIUTBS or TIIB OCTOBER 1, 1984 CiTr Cot'IICIL MUTIIO Ccc-656) 19. .-bers or the audienoe reprding IIIIItt.e:'s not on the aaenda. PuBLIC BUJIIIIGS 20. Consideratlon ot olosure ot ~ St~et. (a) 1IeIIo1ution 110. 64281 "A Resolution ot the C1t, Counoil ot the Clt, ot CUpertino Ordering Closure ot t1a Street at Bollinger Road." Kayor JOMIIOft revlewed the prooess the t fC>u1d be tollOlled during tbe publio bearing. . City Attorne, Kilian explalned the paraaeters ot the hearing I Cal1torn1a Vehlole Code Seotlon 21101 pertains to street olosure. Counoil can <:10" a street when 1t ls no longer nesded tor vel icular tratt10. Should Counoil hyor olosure, the atter would be reterred to the Envlronaenta1 Review Calaittee tor revlew. Vehlo1e Code Seotion 21101(t) ~rta1ns to restrlotlons rather than olosure and lists the tindiDp 1t 1IOu1d neoessary tor Counoil to ..\1:.. tor suoh restrlotiOftll. The C1ty Attorne, alao stated that any aotion IBUIIt be oOftlllstent. with the olrculatlon plan ot the City. Peggy orc;ubart, Er1n Way, spoke 1n tavor ot the olosure ot 1[111 Street. Sbe stated that 1[111 111 a looal street that ls being used as a oonneotor. Sbe oiteJ trattic counts she had done 1n the area. Rachel Craven, Erin Way, also spoke In support ot olosure. Bernie 1Ca1vela8e. Tlptoe Lane, spolce aga1nst the proposed olosure. Be stated that what vas t0l'll8r1y a 4O-seoond trlp now takes 6-7 lõI1nutes. Be reoo.aended restrioted parking on ~ to _liorate the problea ot ohildren and aniaals running rro. behind parked oars. Be "tated that it a Git, street is blocked, Counoil !lUst s1llul taneouISly otter a vlable alternative. These !lUSt. be part ot an overall plan tor the whole o~un1ty. (C1ty Clerk's IIotel Assistant to the City Manager Brown arrlved 7140 p...) Rlch Bailey ot t1a Street supported the closure. He ssid that a school bus stop is located on Kill and the speed ot trattl0 oould be l1li high l1li 50 .ph. . Jerry Sullivan, 7360 Kirvin, said.any aooidents ooour in rront or bis house. He said that. residents have the right or peaoe and tranqullity as well as the right to park in the street. Be expressed support ror the closure. He suggested that Tusoany Plaoe be conneoted to Jollyman, _4_ . HINI1TBS or THE OC1OBEJI 1, 1984 crn COUNCIL HllfIlO (C".....656 ) AIm It1rray, n. Street, also spoke in support ot the olosure. SIlo said that the street was put throu&b tor obildren to get to sohool but tbe sobool 18 no lon¡~ tbere. Charles Banister, 7528 De Foe Drive, suggested a two-phase plan I 1. The ~iate reopening ot !Cia as two va, vith the present no turn and the ssme no turn restriotion at the other end during the atternoon oamute. lie also requested IIOre equitable tiaing or signals, particularly at McClellan and Stelling and on Bollinger and De Anza. 2. At tiae ot ooapletion ot Ø1gbway 85 reaeve IC1a Street restriotions. Doris Nye, !Centvood Avenue, spoke against the olosure ot 1C1a. Grelory McDonald, 76111 ICirwin, agreed with the Cit, Attorney regarding Counoil's ability to olose ~is street it it were no longer Deeded. Be suggested statt work with the Bollinger and De Anza light. lie spoke in s~'pport ot the proposed olosure. . Tony Itopo,ob, 1028 Tuaoany Plaoe, requested that it Counoil did olose Itia that when Highway 85 is oOllPleted the olosure be reoonsidered. He also requested that the green tiae ot the signal troll Bollinger to De Anza be extended. Bans Bredreldt, 7617 ltirwin Lane, reoomœended the tratrio solutions the City (It Sunnrvale uses, IJr.t also spoke or the need tor Highway 85 and supported the olosure ot 1C1a. Dana Grover, Bollinger Road, expressed oonoern regarding the !DOming trattio. He sqgested that Counoil keep the ourrent restriotions regarding turning onto 1t1m. He also suggested Counoil oonsider speed buaps and -rippers.- Robert Hall, 75411 ltirv1n Lane, stated that he had worked to deannex the area troll San Jose. He spoke in support ot the olosure or 1t1m and suggested Counoil vslk through the area berON! ..king their deoision. Manio A. Silva, 7424 Heàtherwood, stated that residents ot Heathervood also have trolble with drivers. He reoo.ended aggressive, positive ac:'ion by the polioe and requested that it streets are cl~sed deduotions should be ..de tram taxes. . Chris Oliver, 7544 Itirwin, stated that inoreased entorceaent would be good, but as it is expensive it is not a viable alternative, He spoke in support or the olosure. -5- . " "~".~-"<""~'" . " . . Public hearing closed . ~ ":"""'~- '.) .~. -~""'-"""i':>':·""-"I-"'.~~'.·'~L-:'·-:~';"'"7""'."'-·""··""·· ...,~_ """".y, .F',"''''' ~c"·"""., " '~j'~~' ." ''--.'" MIlItITIS OF THE OCTOBER 1, 19811 CITY COIJ1I/CIL MiIØG (cc-656) Alex Gernert, 1052 Veatlynn Way, alllØ spoke in support ot tile olosure. Blll Levis, 7573 l!.:.l1inpr, ID1'oraed CoUIIOU that he ba.s o_ted tllrouata ß¡¡ Street but reels gUilty. lie spoke in suPPOrt ot tbe olosure. Be also stated that trattl0 CIa 1111 iapaota Ve.tl,. aDd rallenleat. Be ursed Counoll to ......ber tbe tratfio en De Anze BouleYllrd wilen Counoll oonaiderecs the Mariani General Plan Aaendaent request. Connie Prottitt, 7520 ltirvin, spoke in support or tbe olosure. Pat Leaob, ~ Drive, expressed approval ot oloslng 1111 during the IIOI'II1n& o_ta hours ratber than all the tiM. She ravored partial re.triotion. Adelaide Levis, 7573 Bollinger, spoke in support or the nlosure, She stated tilat it oitizens obeyed tbe la", It would not be n_asar)'. Andrea Harris, Tuscany Plaoe, ravored tbe Present restriotien. She stated a neod ror aooo.. to Stelling. She asked Council not to baae tbeir deci.ion just em tbe nUllber ot people there ton1&bt aDd said that it ther were just going to be counting who 1. in ravor and who is opposed, the ballot proooss should be used. She aaked why Bollinger Road .... not put through as she asaUlled that would take plaoe. Charlotte Reetebry, 105117 Felton Way, said tbere is lots ot evening trarfio and it lia is olosed tbere would be IIOre en Felton lIay. She apoke against tbe propoaed olosure, Alvin Teerl1nk, 71178 S~ord Place, said that all people are _bers or tile c.-unity and oited the Ruarord v., Berkeley case In regard to simultaneous vlable alternatives and the streets serving tbe whole oaaunity, TOft Atkin, 836 lia Street, spoke in support or the olosure ot Itia and stated it was an opportunity to save tbe neighborbood. He also reo_nded signal light adjustllents. It was !lOved by Couno. P1UII8J, seoonded by Counc, Gatto and passed unaniaously to olose the publio bearing, Counoil disoussion rolloved regarding trarrio entorcement, and any 1IIpaot en °he rest or the ,,"-UnIty it the BollingerlDe Anze signal ....re adjusted, DIrector or Publio Works VIskoviob eaphasized that the trarrI0 interoonneot is a total system and the goal 1a to enoourage people to use the arterials, This 18 done by allowing "green tille" alOll& De Anze Boulevard. -6- :-n-~~- · · · ~'T.~,L:" ..c<..~~ '''''''':,....,.':~ , ,< .",,~'r<-/0'-_ +~',i -"~ IIDIUTI!S or THE OCTOBER 1 , 1984 CITY COOIICIL .......... (cc-656) City Manage.. QI'i"'." stated that lett turD tiM onto MoClellaD oould be inoreased, but the interseotI011 or MoClellaD aDd 3telllDg should be lII I!'Oved first. Be IIItOl'lHd Counoil tbat tbat illprov_nt is sobedllled tor this riscal year, COImoil discussed various aUel'D8tives reprdlDg 1111 Street, It vas !lOved by COUDO. Rogers, seconded by COUDO. PlIIIIØ and pessed with COUDoi~bera natto and Sparks di_tlDg to reopen the publio hearinS and _tinue tha 6-9 .... restriction ror 90 clays. Upon request by COUDoil, the IIOtion vas divided into two parts. It vas !lOved by COUDO. Gatto, seconded by COImo. RoIera and passed unaniaously to reopen tha publio baaring, It was IIOVed by COUDO. Rogera, seconded by COUDO. Gatto aDd pessed with Couno. SPft 'ks dissentlDg to oœtinue the 110 lett turn restriotion tor 90 cia,s. The publio hearing Will be on the January 7, 1985 City COUDoil agend.. It was !lOved by COUDO. Gatto and sllOOllded by COUDO. Sparka to stud, and 1IIpl_t trial sIgnal adjuat.nte .t Bollinger and De Ana to .11011 greater ....011 t1lle to get onto De Anza. The IIOtion vas deteated with COUDol~Þer. Plun¡¡y, RoIera and Sparks disaenting. It vas IDOved by COUDO. Plun¡¡y, seconded by COUDO. Sparks and peesed unaniaoual1 ror start to look into the possibility ot aD artitioisl barrier at 1111. It vas !lOved by COImo, Plung, seconded by COlli o. Rogers and pessed with COImO. Sparks diuentinS to rorward . llinute order to the Bnvironaental Review eo.ttt.. to look at any 1IIpact which would ocour t'roIa the olosure at 1111 Street, RECESS. 9.20-9.30 p... (City Clerk's Note. arrived ac 9.25 p...) Assistant PlaJlJling Director COwan 21. Appeal or PlaJlJling CooaIission deoision regarding Application 7-U-69, Stevens Creek Ranoh Stables, COntinued to the -ting of Nov_ber 19, 1984, 22. Consideration ot olosure ot Olive Avenue approxtsatelY 150 rt. easterly or the intersection or Olive Avenue and Pasadena Avenue. ~ -,- leopen public hearing Continue restrictions, public hearing Artificial barrier Minute order to DC 7-U-69 cODtinued ''''~'~''.'''''~- . . Public hear- ing closed Public hear- ing to be set in six DIOnths Niative Dec. f 2-U-84, 1 -84 approved ~ .. '.:-~F '_"W~-'I',,,~_,"·.__~ -....,.,-""'.~..>t...~".,..,..............:.,.....~.......,...è....._'......"'... ~,,~... . - .. . - .V., """'. ':".". c~. , . .' ""("~f-~~'... }þ ,_. "..'" , '::'~~^~'" ..," MIIIUTIS or TIlE OCTOBER 1, 1984 crt!' COOIICIL _.~ (cc-656) 22. Ca) RellOl1It1on 110. 6'129. -& "ao1utica ot tbIÞ CitJ Couao1l ot the Ci tJ ot CupertiDo Cll'd8l'1D& Closure ot OU.. A.OIIue betwea IIIper1al A.... ad p.,--- 1yaue.- PLAIDmIG Al'PLICATI0IIS 23. Applioat1oD 12-0.84 ot øv , Aaaooi&tes InYestaaot Co.. Use Pend~ to oonstruct 111 t_starJ residential single-ha117 ooadoaini.. ua1te 8DcI !Ð.i~tal Revi,nn !be P1_""1ng eo..:Laa1on reo_ads the grant1llg or a Negative Declaration. !be subject propertJ ia in a P (Pl8Dlled De.,e1~t viti! resideat1al intent, 1 .~_12 dwelllaa ua1ts per sroaa aore) _t.. distriot located on the south side ot Olive &.. ... between Illperia1 1.000ue and Paaad_ Avenue. B n"'!d tor approftl. Aotions to lie talCenl 1. Graat1aa or lfegati.e DeclaratlOll. 2. Ippl'Oftl/den1al ot ap¡ol1oation per P"""1ng C'-"'-' -tom Re301ution 110. 256'1. Ma. Hilda Weas. President, øv 'Aaaooiates Invest_t Co., spoke to Couao1l rega.i'd1llg COIICOras ot area residents. SIlo stated she -U Uke 01iYe 010aecl and would like the decision reSU"ll1D& the application 8DcI the I'08d olosure to be done separatel1. A.\yene Daggett, President, Menta fiata IIcIIIIovaers Association, atated that it is a low trartio area. The proposed projeot is well done and Menta fiata does baYe a trarrio o~ttee tlbioh would like to look at tbe proposed olosure or 011... Bob Bell stated that his fatb;¡!" lives on 011ve. Be also relt that the proposed project vas a good :)l1li aad urged Counoil to approYe it. In regard to the olosure ot 011.e, he stated be would go along vith the ~owners assooiation, It was !lOved ~ Couno, Gatto, seconded by Counc, Sparks and passed unant.oualJ to olose the publio hearing, It was !lOved ~ CoImo. Sparks, seconded by Couno, Rosars and passed .maftf.......sl.y to set a publio hear1llg on the Olive Avenue vacation a1z .ontba henoe, It was !lOved ~ CoImo. Sparks, seconded by Couno. Gatto and passed unanisoual1 to grant a Negative Declaration ror Application 12_0-84 and a~prove tbe appli03tion per Planning c.-:L..100 Resolution No, 2S64 with Condition No. 26 ....ended viti! tba deletion or thð last se'ltenoe aad Condition No. 16 -.lad to show that Exhibit 1_1 is rOf' grading purpoeas 001,. -8.. . "-''''''' . '~IV~~~"'!"~~-^'-"",~""""'".'!-·'---~~: :;:~'<'::; ""\.~.'~~"'"'' . KIIIUTBS OF tBB OCTOBER 1, 19811 CIrr COUIICIL MBBrIllO (cc-656) 21 . APPlication 5-TK-81 ot Maata Vista Propartiea (Te"" BI'OIIII) I Tentative Subd1v18ion Map to IlUbdlv1de approz1aatelY one acre 1IIto 9 parcels and BnvlrOlloMiltal Rev1e". The Pl_nnfn. C~f..ton reo~-4løds tbe srant1n8 ot a "pt1ve Declaration. The subject propart, 18 located on tile northwst oorner of Oranse AvOllue and Granada AVOllue 111 a P (Pl8Jllled Developaeat wltb residential, 1 .1 -12 dwU1n8 unite per arosa acres intaDt) -1118 dlstr1ot. Reo-.nded tor approval. (Continued rro. Sept_bar 17, 1981 .) Aotions to be taken! 1. Grant1n8 of Reptin Declaration. 2, Approval/de1lial ot application per eo.1eaion Resolution 110. 2535. Plann1ns It was aoved bJ Couno. Sparks, seconded bJ Cowo. Gatto and passed unaniaousl1 to ¡rant a Nes-tive Dealarat10n tor Application 5-TM-81 . . It was !lOved by CoIUIO. SpaJ'ks. seconded bJ Couno. Rogers and passed uuanilaousl1 to 'Approve APPlication 5-TH-81 1', .pl--nhup ~';:.~~~~. _~1"~ ..- e 25. Application 12-TM-81 ot Civil In&1neer1n8 Assoo18tion, Ino. (BAS Hœes)z Tentative Subdivision Hap to subdivide three paroels equal1ll& three aores into 14 paroels ~"1& In sUe rroa 6,300 sq. tt. to 8,000 sq. rt, and Bnvil'Ollllental Re-:otev! The PllUlD1D& eo.1ssion reo.-ends the srantins ot a Reptive Deolaration. The subject property is located on the east side ot Stell1n8 Road approximately 1,125 tt. north of Shadovhill LaDe 111 a R1-6 (Residential SiDgle-taaily, 6,000 sq. t't. IliDillua lot size) zonins distriot. Rec.-eDded ror approval. It was aoved by Couno, Sparks, seconded 'Jy Counc. Rogers and passed uuanilaoUSll' t... grant a Reptive Declaration tor Application 12-TM-81 and approve per Planning Comadssion Resolution No. 2559. . 26, Application 11-U-82 (Revised) or CoaIIIunity Housing Developers: Use Perait to modifY oertain arohitectural eleœGnts and add carport raoillties and Environaental Reviell! The project vas previously assessed, henoe, no aotion is required, The subject property is located approximately 150 rt, south or Stevens Creek Boulevard and 300 rt. east ot Stelling Road in a P (Planned Develo )lllent) zonins district, Reco_nded tor approval, -9- };."~" Negative Dee, for 5-'lM-84 5-'lM-84 þapproved Negative Dec. for 12-TH-84. 12-TH-84 approved ",::t .:; · 11-U-82 (bv,) approved 6-U-73 (Rev.) approved · Mariani GPA · Civic Center design KI1IUTB8 OF 1'IIB OCTOBER 1, 19811 CIn COOIICIL KØrIIG ( cc-656) It .. _ed by Couno. Sparks, _ÓDded by CouDo. 1IopJ'. ad pav'ld ,.......-lJ to a lpl'O'le IppUoatioa 11-0-82 (1eY1....) pep P1aa1llC Calaisaioa bsoluUOII 10. 2565. 27. AppUoatiOll 6-0-73 (....i8ed) or fa1100 Park, Ltd.. Vao '.Nit . AI! £ 'c. to ....trlpe tile 'a11oo rasbiOD ParIí:'. )III'Ir1JIø lota to obap stall v1dtb aDd ratio ot resø1u' ancI <)08pMt a1sed stalls. TIle restripiDS plllll inYOl... a NOOIIt1I11U'&UOII or Interaal lad_piDS ...... iD . tflll of tile late. ID91roDaental ReYiflll. The projeot .. oat:e¡Or1oaUy øeapt, hence, 110 aotiOll is ...quired. The 'a1100 hsb10a Park is loosted .sterlJ ot aDd easterlJ ot Wolt. Road, 1IO!'tb or Stevena CNeIt Bou1eftJ'd. Jeo ßllllded tor approYal. Assistant Pl-.I\I D1NOtor c- reported Calais.iOll ootlOll to COanoil. Pl·""· "I It .s _eel by CoaIIO. Sparks, seooadeel by Couno. Gatto aDd passed ,...........ulJ to approve APPUoatlOll 6-0-73 (Revised) per Plllllll1ll& CaIai..1oa Resolutlœ 10. 2567. ARCBITBC'fUIIAL AND SITE APPROVAL COtI4I'JTB& IPPLICATIORS 28. !loGe. u., .ue!SIIBD BUSIIBSS 29. Request tor Geaeral Plan AMndMolt - MlU'iani FiJlanoial CoII Iaø7 . JobII De¡.ap, Kal'isni FiJlanoial Group, stated that 0001101&0 tapaot 011 tile ,,_,ft. ty sbould allow tClt' a General P11III Aaødaent beariD&. Be stated that Cft'i8inall, 500 residential uni ta .re approved, ad 80' or these 1IOUld be kept. Be requested . llixed use tor the area - res1dential/0~ddlloial/ott1oe. Counoil stated that IIIIIIY tiees the, are told "the market will not support residential" and suggested a study be done regard1ll& tbat issue. It was .-Dyed by Couno. Sparks, seooaded by Couno. Rogers and pasaed with Couno. Plungy dissenting to approve the initiation or a General Plan Aaendaent changing the area ZOning rroa residential to mixed use. REV BUSINESS 30, Report 011 actions or Civic Center Design Committee, By consensus, Counoil approved the ooncept or a publio ..tety building, a library, a oity ball an.! possiblY. historical auseU8 tor tile oiYic center, They direoted the _10_ <~'~ ~.J;:~~~"'~~'~'~"f.!'",':~-':':'(~~:~;:-~(* ,<.,,,,~~,,<:,,¡¡_...... -;.- ·"·...;..-·.<,·...:..';·~7~~.,-;_ ~-~·f'-:'·· -,,-:..:, 'S·'!'~~_:;", . .....Ul_ OF TBB OCTOBER 1, 19811 CIn COIJIICIL IIII'fDO (cc-656 ) ~ttee to prepare a pb,a1oal (tllree dDans1oaal) pr.l8lltatioa. 31. Requeat tor authorization to file olaw .p1"ñ the CoaIIt" Stevena Canyon Road. It vas _ed that this it_ 1IOUld be disousaed dur1Jl8; . olosed ....ion. . (&salstaDt to the City IfIIDapr Brown lett C0uD0ll CbaabeJ" at 101110 p...) 32. Consideration of sdd:lng Ste'leIIS ean,on Road/Footh111 Boulenrd to StoVeIIS Creek Boulevard to overla, pro p'8ll. It; vas aoved bJ Couno, Gatto, seooacled bJ Couno. Sparka aDd ¡llaaeed unan1lloWlly to approve add:lng Ste'lOII8 ean,on RoadlFoothlll Boulenrd to the overla, Pl'ogt'4II. VRITTBII COMMUlIICATIONS 33. 1Ioae. . ORDnrUCBS 3_. Seooad read:lng of Ordinanoe 10. 12871 ~An Ord1Danoo ot the C1 t, or Cupertino AIIe11d:lng Section 1 ot Ord1nanOe 10, 2 by Rezoo:lng Approxiaatel, .60 Groas Acres troll R1-10 Zone to P zone, Located on the Southeast Corner or Footbill Boulevard and Cupertino Road.· It vaa IIOved bJ Couno. PlUDgJ, seconded !)y Couno. Gatto and paned .....n1-IJSI' to read Ordinanoe 10. 1287 by title ODlr and the Cit, Clerk's read:lng to oonstitute the second read:lng thereat, It vas IIOVed bJ Counc. Gatto, seoonded bJ Couno. Rogers and passed unaniaoualy to enact Ordinanoe No. 1287, RESOLUTIONS 35, None. NON-AGENDA BUSINESS . 36, Recognition by Mayor or special requests, (a) General Audience. Ann Anger addressed Council regarding parking on driveways. _11_ Overlay progr8ll\ Second read- ing of Ord. 1287 Ord. 1287 enacted , '~J,>¡'~'~'" , ,-=;'"'...."'~;':!r.Y~''t''''"~...-<.~~'''',~~.,~, ~. .~:"- .,' . ,~, ." .,..', H"~!,~~...".~~I~_,~I""'""'/''''''· >,.,. . -."~ .'.:':,. - ... ~:.\ .' '~~'3'",I';."\:~~¡~R;f,..~."l~": ·':~.:;'·':<;,'·:~';;.1~ ~;:': ,:',:: ',''', .,~ ",~- . . . Clailll against County. Cupertino Sanitsry Dist. . . MII1JTBS OF THB OCTOBER 1 , 1981t exn ;OuIWL MlBTIIG (cc-656) Bush JaokaOD addreSHd CouDoil resardiDI tile -.t ....diD& of tile OI'd1øaoe perbfnfng to DoD hole Aaa001at1C11 aDd stated that ... bad t1'''''I9't that his 1aDd voald be resoaed with tile Beak'.. ø. was intol'llled it voald be _...., tor h1a to file an appUoat1on. (b) City C0uD0ll. CowIo. Rogers requuted olarification of &SAC and PlaDninl Coaaission duties. Counoil adjourned to a olosed eeeaion at 10150 p... and reconvened ill Counoil Chulber 11:00 p... All Counoia.ber. llere present as llere Cit, Clerk Cornelius, Director ot Publlo Works V1akoYich and City AttorD., lillan. It was JaOyed by CouDo. Rogers, seoended by Counc. Spark. aDd paeaed unanilloual1 to direct statt to tile aDd negotiate (Itea 31) and to diMOt stau to oollect the .1,500 tor relocation ot lines (CUpertino Sanital'1 Distriot) . The _ting was adjoumed at 11:05 p.lII. to 7:00 p,a., Tuesda" October 9, 1981 ill Counoil O1eaber. _12_