CC 10-15-84 - .' . . '~"-"'7'_,:::.,., .' 7~' ''''~Y;m'::-~~''~:~ ..:;.... ";,'T , " cur ar "'....uIU, STAn ar CALUOUU 10300 fCIt'H Ay_, Cupertino, CA 950111 t.l~. (1108) 252-11505 IIIIIUTIS ar 'lIIB UGULAR MBB'I'DJO OF THB CITY COUIICIL BILD 01 OCTOBD 15, 19811 III THI COØDDCB ROCJf, CITY BALL, CUPBRTIRO, CALIl'OIUIIA cc-651 TIle _t1ng .... called to order at 6.011 p... 111 tile CoDterenoe ilooii, City Hall. ROLL CALL Couao. Present. Gatto, Plun&1, Rosers, Sparks, Hayor Johnson Start Present I Ci t, """"'pi' Quinlan C1t, Clerk Cornelius Cable Te1eyision Addsor)' eo-1tt.. - It vas JaOYOd by Couao. Gatto, eeconded by GoUDO. Plungy aDd passed UMDJ.oual, to appoint l.1Dda SQilson to the CoIIIIitt.. tor a t.... eDd1ng Sept_tier, 1987. lnerø C~iss1OD - It vas "'led by Couno. Gatto, seconded by CoUIIo. Plungy aDd passed unaaiaoUII1, to appo1Dt Judy nrkhu to a te... ending Sept_tier, 1988. At 6.30 p..., the ...ting vas adjourned to the Council Challtler. Ifa,or Jolmaon called the _ting to order 1D COUDoil ChallÞer at 61115 p... ROLL CALL Couno, Present I Gatto, Plungy, Rogers, Sparks, Mayor Johnson , Shtt Present I City Hanager Quinlan City Clerk Cornelius Direotor or Public Works Viskoviah Director ot Planning and Development Sisk Direotor ot 'inance Snyder Director c-r Parks and Recreation Dowlina Assistant to the City Manager Brown City Attorne, Kilian POSTPONEMENTS OR NEW AGENDA ITEMS - Starr reaonmends the aontinuance or It.. 33. It vas moved by Couna. Sparks, secon~ed by Couna. Rogers and passed unanimously to oontinue Item 33, -1- Cable TV Advisory Com. Evergy Com. Item continued . l-V-84 continued 33-U-83 removed Reagan-Bush ~ No survey by Energy Com. Appointments to housing ad hoc com. Mariani GPA . ",~",~·T-"TI~~.¡It~,· .,'..:...-._.....'~~.. ~.:''''M'rnw' ..~ " ~,'~~ ,-~~,"- -,'.,,' . -. , ';. ,. -::-, ',' , ~ ':: . ;.- " :.' ,; '::: .' MI111JTB3 OF THE REGULAR MBBTIIIG OF OCTOBER 15, 19811 - CC-657 It vas ..yed by Couno. Rogers, seconded by Couno. Sparks and passed unanimOusly to continue It_ 23 (Application 1_v_84 or Robert Fisher) to the _ttng ot lfov_ber 5, 1984. Ronald ae-n, attorney represeattng Hr. Fisher intoraed Council thet he had not had sdequate t1llll to prepare. Eel Auoh, Randy Lane, told Counoil that the _ttng had been published and notices sent. It vas !IOyed by Couno. Gatto, seconded by Couno. Rogers and passed unanimously to remon' -Itea 20 (Reyiew or use permit ot San Diego Armour Oil Company, 33-U-83) from the agenda. STAFF REPORTS 1, Oral reports by starr _bers and submission or vr1 tten reports. City ~n.aer's Report Letter FI'OII Reagan-Bush '84 - It was IDOved by Couno. Sparks, seconded by Couno. Gatto and pasaecl unaniaousl1 to direot the City Attorney to pursue tor payment and see ir 1t is a gitt or public tunds ir the City pays the bil:. Starr shall pN'sent an oral report to Counoil in olosed session prior to any legal action. Survey by Energy Commission - Council, with Cour,01lmembers Rogers and Johnson dissentinl, voted to request no survey be done, Follow-Up on Housing Meeting - The rollovinl appointments were !lade to the ad hoo cOlllll1ttee: Couno. Gatto appointed AI Shappel, Counc. Plungy appointed Sally Brennan, Couno, ~ogers appointed Ron Granville, and Couno. Sparks appointed Terry Brown, The Mayor will announoe his appointment at a future t1llle, Counoil directed starr to determine what ¡¡¡aterial needs to be gathered regarding the Hariani General Plan Amendment public hearings. City Clerk's Report Citizens for a Better Environment - It was moved by Coune, Gatto, seconded by Coune. Plungy and passed unanimously to waive the business Heense fees ror 1984. -2- -'-r- ·'.Y~~7';.'¡.:'~ - "C'\1~,~,,,,,,_ ...~;.;.. '.'f'';''''-' 'O;'''''.:-E' '-"',"'''-'' ···-:-'''·.'?'f;:'.i.Y'.?:..''':~~~ _~!:l":r .~_<:." ".!?' Þ I KDUTES OF THE R/!GUL&B HBB'l'DI1 OF OCTOBER 15, -; 384 - cc-651 Reso...ution 110. ~O _ A Resolution ot the CU, Counoil ,,·t tile CSt, ot CUpeI'UDO 1Dd0rs1D8 the County ot Santa Clara's App11oation tor l'uDda Pur_t to the Ca11forn1a Park IID4 Recreation ,..111tiea Act IJt 198/J for Park Iaprov_ta at 1Ia,1ands Park _ It w.. moved by Couno. Plunø, seconded by Couno. Rogers aDd passed unan1JlOusl1 to adopt Resolation 110. 6440. Res, 6440 adopted 2. Report on talM al&rlll hearing - ley Chevrolet. It vas moved by Couno. Sparks, seconded by Counc. Plungy and passed unan""usly to approve refuncS1ng the tees. Presentation to deleÞt10n troa Toyokava, Japan - Mayor Jolmaon and Couno. Plungy presented resolutions and gifts to the v1s1tors !rOIl Toyobw.. A _bar ot the v1s1t1D8 delegat10n read a letter tl'Oll Mayor t~to. In add1t1on, a v1deotape of our stud.mts v1s1t1n8 Japan vas presented to the C1ty. False alanlS Sister City 3. Tressurer's Investment Report. . Acoepted. CONSENT CALENDAR It ...s moved by Couno. Sparks, seoODded by Couno. Gatto and passed unan1llousl1 to approve the Consent Calendar as submitted. Consent Cal- endar approved 9. Resolut1on 110. 6435: "A Resolution ot the City Council or the City ot Cupertino Allowing Certain Cla1lDs and Demands Payable 10 the Amounts and lTOII the Funds as Here1natter Descr1bed tor General and K1soellaneous Expenditures tor the Per10d End1ng September 28, 1984." 10. Resolution 110. 6436: "A Resolution ot the City Counc1l or the City or Cupertino Allowing Certain Claims and DellSDds Payable 10 the Amounts and trom the Funds as Hereinatter Desor1bed ror Salaries and Wages tor the Payroll Period Ending Oct.>ber 2, 1984." 11. Aooeptancc or munioipal improvOlDents: Speno Oftice Bu1lding, Stevens Creek Boulevard and Stern Avenue. 12. Aoceptanoe ot City project perroraed under contraot: Wolre Road-Miller Avenue Median Modification, Project 84_11," . -3- ""~"!I"" · · · ~··"":""/~~_i;5o;;;~~. ,~-¡.,,:,~,~~,~\~~~~~~,,~..,"~.1~~0':~'~~ ~ ,-,,')' , '<.: .,.,.~v,,7<~':~:jo;_" ~)_: ---;'_"':g' ,>, ~~;, ,,0."N. '" ' . 'c" ,_" ",,-·,t', KIIUTBS or THI IIOULIJI ) uIJJIIt or OCTúB&o 15, 198/1 - cc-651 13. Resolutioa 110. 6431. ·A Resolutioa of tile Cit, CoaDol1 ot tb.I City ot CUpertino Deolar1DS ita InteDt1œ to order Vaoatioa ot a Pol'tioa of Jdl'ialla AVIDIIe 1'rce StaYena Creek BouleYaJ'd to. Point Approxtaatel1 200 Pt. IIorth, RetaiD1nS it.a Publio Utl11t1 bf.fID~, Sanitary Seller h-.ent md Publio SerYioe R.-._t, .a Provided 1D Sect10n 8320 It Seq. of tbe St....ta aDd 81gb_ya Code ot tile State ot CalItornia, F1X1nI Ttaa aDd Plaoe tor Publio hearing ,DeS ProYid1DS tor Iotioe Thereot. II 111. Application He-51,015.31 - Interall, Ino. - ReC UMt1DS approval ot ..-ohiteoture tor three enoloaed obem.oal storage oontaiDøra. The projeot 1a looated .t 10900 Tantau Avenue, 8ulld1DS T-(, Reoo.aDded tor approval. 15. Minutes ot the regular _t1DS ot Sept.-bar 17, 19811. 16. Minutes ot the regular _t1DS ot Ootober 1, 19811. Vote Heabara ot tile City Counoll AYES: NOES: ABSENT: A&!TAIN: Plungy, Rogers, Sparll:a, Jobnson Gatto, None None None ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR 11. None. ORAL CIHtUNICATIONS 18. Proclamatloa support1DS tile Cupert1l':.o COIIIIIun1ty Holiday Basket Prograa. Dinah SchUllllllll1 received tile proolaat100 t'rotI Johnson. Ma,or 19, Members of the audienoe regarding utters not oa th6 I agenda. 1 ¡:Alt Modine, Cupertino resident, addressed Counoil regarding the Reagan-Bush ino1dent. lie stated v1.::h an annual budget ,of approximately $9 million, the Cit, could spend $16,000 :for a President1al visit. lie rev1ewed the politioal ¡parties or Counoi1Dl8lllbers. He stated that the City does :not bill groups tor parades, eto. The C1ty Manage:' po1Dted lout that groups are b111ed ror the costs ot the Sheriff's ¡Department. , PUBLIC HEARINGS 20. Review ot use permit of San D1ego Armour 011 Company (33-u-83). _4_ · MIIIUTBS OF TIIB !ImULAlI MEETIIÐ or OCTOBER 15, 1984 - cc-657 This i~ had ~ raoved tl'Oll the calendar. PLAIIDIG APPLICATIOJIS 21. APPlication 7-nt-81 ot HV" Aaaooiates Inveatll8Dt Co.1 TeI1tatin Subdivision Hap to subdivide approxt.atelJ 1.15 aores Into 15 parcela CODs1st1n8 or 14 residential oODdoa1n1_ parcela and ooe paroel to be held in C¡~ t:. M1 ownership and Bnvi~tal Review: The p]:onnfng eo.1aaion reo08lle1lda the grant1n8 ot a Negative Declaration. The subject property is In a P (Planned Developaent v1tb residential Intent, 4.4_12 dvell1ng units P"''' gross acre) zoo1n8 diatriot located on the soutb side ot Olive Avenue betlMen Iaperial Avenue aDd Paeadena "venue, RaccAlIJIded tor approval, It vas aoved !)y CoUIIO. Sparks, aecODded by CoUII,-, Rogers and paaaed unaniaously to grant a Negative Declaration ror Application 7-nt-84. It vas aoved bJ CoUIIO, Sparks, secODded bJ CoUIIO. Gatto and passed IIn:onf_IJSly to approve the application per Plann1n8 eo-tssion Resolution No. 257'. · It vas pointed out that prior to the recordatioo or the tinal up, the cul-de-sao issue would have to be resolved. 22. Applicatioo 13-TM-84 or The Alden CoIapany (Hoo Gee !loa): Tentative Subdivision Map to subdivide approxaately 6.7 aores Into 31 parcels rang1n8 In siZe t'J'OII 6,000 sq. tt. to app:'OXilaately 9,900 sq. n. and Bnviroaaental Review: The Plann1n8 Co..nssioo re~s the grant1n8 ot a Negative Declaration, The subject property is located between the tel'lllinua or Septeaber Drive and lav.ber Drive, approJdJlately 800 rt. west or Stell1n8 Road In a R1-6 (Residential S1ng1e-rUlily, 6,000 sq. rt. llinia_ lot siZe) Z( (j1n8 distriot. Recomaended ror appr?val, It was aoved bJ Counc. Sparks, seoonded by Couno, Rogers and passed unaniaously to grant a Negative Declaration ror Application 13-TK-84. Kip Jones, Alden Co" addressed Cou.,cll regarding Condi t.1on No. 17, · It was !lOved by Counc, Sparks, seconded by Counc. Rogers and passed unaniaously to approve Applioation 13-TM-84 per Planning Commission Resolution No. 2572 with Condition 17 amended to add a sentedce as as rollows: "Said cash deposit shall be paid within 12 months cf recordation of the tinal map or at the close or escrow on each parcel wI thin the subdivision, whichever occurs earlier," and -5- 'f.·"I"'~',,-,~ ,.'., Negative Dec. for 7-TM-84 7-TM-84 approved Negative Dec. for 13-TM-84 13-TM-84 approved ,.....-~..~~~'!.?'. . . Continued C.. Rogers t d'tess Open Space District KIIU'lBS or TBB RmULAR IŒBTDIG or OCTOBER 15, 19M - cc-651 ConditiCD 19 _nded to read as tollOVl!lI -Sulld1l:l pad hei8hta shall not exoeed the pad heighta illustrated CD hb1bit B b7 _re than two teet unless approved b7 the Cit, lDg1neer and Planning Direotor,- The applicant's attorney dOClllleDts. shall prepare the aeoellll3l'1 23. Application 1-v_84 or Robert Fisher: Varianoe t'I'OII Section 81 . 3 ot the Z:>ning Ordinance to allow a 7 tt. side yard Htbaok ror an exiting residence where a 20 tt, setback ia required. Environaental Review: The projeot ia catego..ically ex_pt, hence, no actiCD is required. The subjeot property ia located at 10699 Randy Lane approx:lJlately 200 tt. south ot Lucille Avenue in an A1-113 (Agricultural-Residentinl, 43,000 sq. tt. IlinillUII l~t siZe) zoning district. Recaaended tor denial. (a) aesolutiCD No. 61138: -A Resolution or the City Counoil ot the City or Cupertino Granting a Varianoe to Robert Fisher t'I'OII Section 811.3 ot the Zoning ordiDanoe to Allow a 7 Ft. Side Yard Setbaok tor An ZXisting Residence Where a 20 Ft. Setback ia Required, Located at 10699 Randy Lane ApproX:lJlatelY 200 Ft. South or Lucille Avenue in an A1-43 (Agricultural-Residential, 113,000 Sq. Ft. HinillUID Lot Size) Zoning Distriot,· l'bia had previously been continued to Nov_ber 5, 1981 . 23. Application 8-'IK-76 (Revised) or Brent Lee: Goosideration ot a change in location or deletion ot a pedestrian and equestrian easement through Lots 7 and 8 or Traot 5990. Environmental Review: The project vss previously assessed, hence, no aotion is neoessary. The subject property ia located at the southerly terainut ot Rainbow Drive, RecCBIended ror approval, (Continued rraa September , 7, 1984.) It vas !lOved by Counc. Gatto and seconded b7 Counc. Sparks to approve Option 4 (abandonment or the trail easement entirely) . Jane Sutherst, 21695 Regnart Road, urged Council to keep the trail as it is used. Cou~cilmembers Gatto and Sparks withdrew the previous DotJ.on. It was moved by Counc, Gatto, seconded by Counc. Sparks and passed unaniDously to a~point Counc, Rogers as a delegate to address the Hidpeninsula Regional Open Space District regarding their maintaining the easement. _6_ .o/.~-:~ .,.....;'..".. . KIIIUTES OF THE REGULAR KEBTDIJ OF OCTOBBR 15, 1984 - cc-657 (City Clerk's Note: Caunc, Sparks lett CauDoil ~ber at 8:00 p,II.) ARCHITECTURAL AND SIT! APPROVAL CCØlITTU &PPLICATIOIS 24. IIone. UllFINISBED BUSI/fBSS 25, None. IIBW BUSINESS 26. Request ror appropriation tor redesign or Linda Vista Park, It was IDOved by Couno. Rogers, seconded by Couno. Gatto and passed with Couno. Sparks absent to appropriate $5,000 tl'Oll the General 1\md to retain a laDdsospa arohitaot. (City Clerk's Note: CauDo, Sparks returned to Counoil ChaœÞor at 8:02 p.II.) Appropriation for Linda Viata Pa::-k . 27. Approval or 1\mding ror m.an services prograllS. It vas IDOVed by Counc, Rogers, seconded by Couno. Gatto and passed unanimously to approve t'unding tor bwIan servioes progralllS as rec_nded with an additional $500 tor Cupertino Cœaunit, Services. Human services fund::'ng 26. Claim ror damages riled by )[aren Belas. 27, Claim ror daaages filed by Sharon Bellis. 28, Cla1lll ror d;œages filed by Lorraine Belas. 29. Claill ror daaage8 filed by Roland J. Burroni, It was IDOved by Couno. Sparks, seconded by Couno. Gatto and passed unanimously to approve pa~1MI\t upon signing or a release ror cla1lDs riled by bran Hellls and Sharon Hellls, Payment of claims for Helms It was moved by Couno, Sparks, seconded by wuno. Gatto and passed unan1lllouslY to oontinue consideration or olaims rUed by Lorraine Hellls and Roland J, Buttoni. Claims con- tinued . It ..as !lOved by Couno, Gatto, seconded by Couno, Sparks and passed unanillously to rescind the previous two motions and to discuss these ite... in closed session. Motions rescinded 30. Summons and complaint: Gerhard Schneider and Eva Schneider vs. Chamberlain Group; Will~8ID wells; City or Cl.:pertino; and Does I through lX, inclusive, -7- .- Hopkins claim :eferred to City Atty. First read- ing of Ord. 1289 . Res. 6429 adopted . ...C..''''''";v.....'''':..'I'''.'~...f''(::''!'~;~~,.''''.,y'~......._:.'".',..yP' ..'" ....",...:- ,- .. "-'-'~' .,. .,'-',':- .. .....-:~',':'~, ,.. .. """--""\I'fItl""':o.,"·" '"~~":T~~! '-'"7.-'-'-,',"",--, tuJI....... M !lIB ........ .......~ œ ~ 15. 198-' - cc-65T Counoil reoeived tile.,. .... aDd ooaplaiDt. 31. Cla1ll tor -.... tiled ÞJ Geo't'S. I. 1IopIr1.... It vas aoved ÞJ CouDo. ~... aeoeaded ÞJ Couno. Sparks and passed ........f....18lJ to reter tbia olaà to tile City Attorney. 32. CoIIsideratiOll ot aD OI'd1Danoe to pI'Ohibit pII't'k1nl 011 StelliDg Road. (a) Ord1Danoe 110. 1289. -I Ord1Danoe ot tile Cit, ot Cupe't'tino AaeDd1D8 SeotiOll 11.2'.150 ot the Cupertino ØUI10ipel Code to Prohibit Stoppiag, StandiDg or ParkiDg 011 Stell1n8 Road.- It vas moved by Couno. PlUIIQ, ll8Cloaded b7 CoUDO. Rogel's aDd pasaed lJJW11aoualJ to .-.:t Ord1Danoe 10. 1289 by title only and the Clt, Clel'k'. r.d1D& to OOII8titate the rirst readiDg the't'OOt. 33. Forution of non-profit a&eDOJ tor cable television publio aocess ohaDDel. This it. had previously Ilea ooat1Dued. WRITTEN CCHmIIIClnOllS 34. None. ORDIlfANCES 35. None, RESOLUTIONS 36. Resolution No. 611291 -A ResolutiOll ot the City Council or the City ot Cupe't'tino AIlthoriaiag Execution or Asre_nt ror RnlJf-riDg Se't'vioea With Jues F. Carro~l .. Asaoo1ates; 1984-85 Kiacellaneous Vater Line Replacement Project,- It was moved by Couno, Plungy, seconded by Counc, Rogel's and passed unanimously to adopt Resolution No, 6429. NON-AGENDA BUSIHESS 37. Recognition by Mayor or spec ial requesta, (a) General Audienoe None, (b) City Council. -8- e· . . , IfDIUTBS or THB RmOLAR MD'rIIIG OP OCTOBER 15, 1984 - CC-651 IIJ ooaaeasua, CoUDOil obansed tbe position or Coaaunit, Attairs orfioer to a t'IIll tille positioa and directed starr to readYertise. Cola. Affairs Officer changed to full time CuPertino Scene - Counoll requested l1li artiole be Inoluded 111 an iuued or the Scene regardin8 lIPI..t oan and cannot be leplly dOD8 with ;t¡;;;ts In regard to barriers and diverters. Park1n8 or oversized vehioles - Council received a report rree tbe City MlUlager regarding thia ..tter. He said be will study the ordinance and bring a revision to Counoil U necessary . Parking of oversized vehicles At 8:15 p..., Counoil adjourned to a olosed session. Counoil recœvened 111 Counoil Chambers at 8:20 p,.. with all Counci~bers, City Manager Qu1lllan, City Clerk CorneUua and Director ot PubUo Works Viakovich present. !tOIlS 26, 27, 28 and 29 - It vas aoyed by Couno. Rogers, seconded by Couno. Gatto and passed ."..,n"-usly to approve ror payaent upon signing or release the olaims filed by J[aren 1Ie~ and Sharon Helllls and to cont1llue claills riled by Lorraine Helllla and Roland J. Buttano. Claims At 8:25 p..., Counol1 adjourned to OCtober 30, 1984, 6:00 p.a. ~éJ-:~ City Clerk -9-