CC 11-05-84 ......, -,....~,~~::- ",,"" "~'"':,..'":"-~.._~""' . . . , " "'O~~:""~f.'!>'r?': cc-658 CITr OF wPbrIlIO, STATE or CALlPORØIA 10300 Tor-re Avenue, Cupartino, CA 95014 TelepboQel (408) 252-11505 IIIJIUTBS OF THB REOULAII KBBTIIfG OF TBB CITr COUICIL HI!LD 011 IIO'lBMBBR 5, 1984 III TBB COO!'CIL CIIAMBD, CITY BALL, CUhKT,UlO, CALIrORRIA Keyor John8on oalled the _tiDg to order at 6.50 p... in the Counoil Chaaber, Cit, Ball. SALUTE TO THE FLAG ROLL CALL Couno. Present: Gatto, PIUDgJ, Rogers, Spark. (7:00 p...), Hayor Johnson Starr Present: City Kenager QuinlBn City Clerk Cornelius Direotor or Publio Works V1skovich Director or Planning aDd Developaent SiBle Director or Parks and Recreation DovliDg City Attorney lt1lian POSTPOIIBIŒIITS OR NEW &GEllDA ITEMS - Request IteIIS 3 and 24 be ...."ved rro. the agencia. By consensus. Counoil continued Itell 3 to the _tiDg or Dee_bar 3, 1984 and ...."ved It_ 24 traa the agenda. ST1PF REPORTS 1. Oral reports by start _bers an4 subll1ssion of written reports, City Manager's Report Voss Quarry - By conseusus, Council directeeS the starr to see it a written proposal ror disposition or reporteeS material was recei veeS by the County. 2. Report rrom City Attorney regarding City's authority to regulate parking cr recreation vehicles. The City Attorney stated that he had previously submitted an opinion that State law preempts regarding the parking or recreational vehicles on public streets, (City Clerk's Note: Counc. Sparks arrived at 7:00 p..,) However, the City probably could regulate such parking on p,'ivate property through zoning ordinances. _1_ Voss Quarry arking of RV. . No new ordin- ance No meeting with Open Space Dist. . Items removed, Calendar approved . MINUTES OF THE NOVEMBER 5, 1984 CITr cooøCIL MBBTDG (Cc-658) !IJ oonsensus, Counoil direoted the start not to pursue a new ordinanoe. In reprd to tile existin& ordiD8Jloe, CoUftoil requested that at the _tin& ot Deoeaber 3, 19811, Counoil oonsider settin& a publio hearin& at which t1ae repeal 1IOUld be OOIIsidered. Counoil requested that interested parties be not1ried and an announ.-t of this be placed iD the Cupertino Scene. 3. Report rro. City Manager resardin& Sherirt's Depal'tllent waM'ant service costa ror 1983-84 risoal year. (Request l'OIIOval rro. agenda,) Continued to meeting ot Dee_bel' 3, 1984. COOIICIL REPORTS 7, Coune , Rosers : CoUftC, Rosel's reported that she had attended a meetin& of the MidpeniDsula Open Space Distriot resardiDg tho Brent Lee easement. The Distriot stated it was not iDtarested iD lllaintaining suoh ea.-t and sugested that a joint City Counoil/District subc~ttee _t to olarity isaues. !IJ oonsensus, Council decided not to set such a lDeet~, CONSENT CALENDAR Counc, Rosel's rellOved Itea 17. It V!UI IIOved by Counc, Sparks, seconded by Couno. Gatto and passed unan1aoualy to approve the balance or the Consent Calendar. 9, Resolution No, 6441: Councilor the City of ClailDa and "-ends Payable Funds as Hereinafter Miscellaneous Expenditures October 12, 1984," "A Resolut1on or the City Cupertino Allowing Certain iD tile AIDOunta and Fro. tile Described tor General and ror the Period Bnding 10, Resolution No. 6428: "A Resolution ot the City Council jt the City ot Cupertino Allowing Certain Claims and Demands Payable in the Amounts and trom the Funds as Hereinarter Described ror Salaries and VaSes ror the Payroll Period Ending October 16, 1984." 11. Resolution No. 6429: "A Resolution ot the City Council or the City ot Cupertino idoptiDg A1DendlDents to ICHi RetirelDent Corporation Plan." 12. Request tor waiver at business license tees - Girl Scouts at Santa Clara County. -2_ -?-:.,' -~'-:-:-,~..;>o",:"-",,",,.,.. - _v,._...~·-:",; '";"'~~~-.~;...¡II'{'!.""''''!" '-:, ... MIHUTBS OF TBB 1O'lBMBBR 5, 193'1 Clrr COUIICIL tuwn..... (cc-658) 13. Aoceptanoe Or CitY project perrOlWld uader ooatraotl Volte Rod Jllld1aa Modltloat1011, Project 84-102. 14. Reaolut1011 110. 6"2: "A IIIIaolctlO11 0' tile City Counoil or tile CItY or CuPertino Aatllol'1S1D8 !zeoutlOll or Agres.':1t betweli tile Clt, or SlID Jo8e and tile City or CupertlDO tor r.proyeønt or tile v.,bum LaDe SteIN Drain Syst.." 15, Aoceptance ot øoa-4eter'l'8d a&>_t with Wlll1all .... It1nst, Pasadena Aae001&tes, a _01'01&1 deyeloJIIIf/Dt. 16. Minutes ot the adjOQl'Ded regular _tlag ot October 9, 1984. (CC-656A) 17, R.-oYOd. Vote MIoabers ot the City Counoil AYES: NOBS: ABSBlIT : ABSTADI: PlllllØ. Rosers. Sparka, Jolmson Gatw, Roae . Ifone. None ITEMS RJ!K)VBD FJi(If COIISBIIT CI.LBIIDAJI 17. Minutes ot tile regular _uag ot October 15, 1984. (cc-657) Counc. Rogers stated that 011 page 4, "Diane" should be changed to "Dinah." It was !lOved by Couno. Gatto, seconded by Couno. Rogers and passed unaniaouaIy to approve the October 15, 1984 Jainutes as _ded. ORAL COMMUNICATIOMS 19, Proolamation honoring 10th anniversary ot Women in MUnicipal Goverrœent. Mayor Johnson presented proclamation, Rogers with Couno, 20, Recognition ot winners ot Children's Poster Contest - Why Every Faa1ly Needs a Smoke Detector. . Kristie Stout, Sheila Pejavar, Sunanda Pejavar and Mimi Lo received proclamations honoring them tor their winnlr.g posters, -3- "t"., the M1øutes ap- proved as .-oded . Public headn closed Bingo permi t .Yavneh School . ""'.:!~i"7:~·"'~~I":~:~~r::,' . . '.. ).' ':. .-"-i'~.~. t . . ,".. . KIIIUTBS or THE NOYBMBBR 5, 1984 CITY COURCIL IIBBtIllO (cc-658) 21, KeaÞers ot the audience reprdins ..tters not en the agenda. None . PUBLIC RlUAtlJO!I 22. APPlication ror bingo pel'1l1t tiled by Yavneh lIB, School. It was IIOved by Couno, Gatto, seconded by Couno. Rosers and passed WllUllaously to close the publio bearing. Couno, PlUD8J inquired as to bow IIIIInY bingo pel'1l1 ts had been issued in the City aDd what night bingo pMs occurred. He also asked tr Cupartino residents were involved nth the day care oenter. Ted Stengel said that students attending t:1e day care center are located throughout the area including Cupertino. It was aoved by Couno, Sparks, seconded by Couno. Gatto and paS38CI IIIWD1aousJ.y to approve the iaauiD8 ot the bingo pal'1l1 t to the Yavneb Day School upon their payønt ot the $50 license rea and coaplianoe with conditions issued by the Central Fire Protection Distriot. 23, Application 8-Z-84 ot Jyan-Pins Lily Chang: Rezoning two parcels which are eaob ,21 acres (net) troll R3 (Residential ItJltiple Fuily) to R2 (Residential Do.plex) __ to allow construction or two residential duplex buildings (totsl or rour units). EnvirODllental Review: TJ " Planning ::C-iss1.on r..cooaends the grantiD8 ot a N5gati~e Declaration. The subject proparties are located at the northeast corner ot Park Cirole Drive and t~ northwest oorn~r or Park CIrcle Drive approxiaa;;ely 400 rt, north of Alves Drive, Reo~nded ror approval. (a) First readins of Or.:linance 110. 1291: "An Ordinance or the City of Cupertino AIIIend\ng Section 1 of Ordinance No. 2 b) Re30ni:,& T'IO Parcels lIbich are Eaoh .21 Acres (Net) fl'Olll R3 to R2 Zone to Allow Construction cf Twe Residential Duplex Buldings (Total of Four Units). Located at the Norfheast Corner of Park Circle Drive and the Northwest Corner of Park Circle Drive Approximately 400 Ft. North of Alves Drive." _4_ · iwlUIg OF TIm 1O'lBMIID 5, 1984 CITY CQOJICIL KlBTIIG (cc-658) Dil'eOtor of P"""'''II IIIId DeYltlopaent Sial: renewed tile applicatiCX1 with C0Ua0ll. It vas .."ed II)' CouDo. Gatto, seooaded II'; CouDo. Rollers aDd passed WUUlaousl1 to olose the publio hesl'iDg. It vas .."ed by CouDo. Gatto, seoŒded II)' CouDo. Ra&el'll and passed CoUDO. Sparks dissentiDg to "~r:'O"e tile srantiD8 of Jlqati"e Deolaratioa. It vas .."ed II)' Co.-. PlUIIIIJ, seconded by CaUDo. Gatto and passed unaniaousl1 to rud Ordinance No. 1291 by title 01111 and the Cit, Clerk's readiDg to constitute the first readiD8 thereof, It vas .."ed by CouDo. Gatto, secCX1ded by CoUDO. Rollers aDd passed with CouDo. Sparks dissentiDg to approve Application 8-z-84 per P"''''''''I c..msaiCX1 Resolution 10. 2573. · 24, Coosiderat1CX1 of zoniDg distriot. rroa tile agenda.) _Ddaent to CO (General Co.eroiaI) (Stan' requests this i tea rellOYed Re.o"ed rro. agenda, PUJDIIJIG APPLICAnOllS 25. ApplioatiCX1 1-'-84 or Robert Fisher: VariaDoe rro. Seot1CX1 84,3 of tile ~'''I OrdiDance to allow a 7 ft. side rsrd setback t"r an sxistiDg residence where a 20 n. setback 18 required. ED"iI·...-.tal Review: The projeot is cateaorieall1 exeapt, hence, 110 aotiCX1 is required, The SUbject propert, is located at 10699 llaDdy laDe approXåately 200 ft. south or Lucille AYeDue in an A1-113 (Agrioultur'IÙ-Residential, 43,000 sq, rt. alnia.. lot sUe) zoning distriot, Rec~endo(f ror denial. 25, (a) Resolution No, 6438: WAn ResolutiCX1 or the City Council or the City or CupertillO GrantiDg a Variance to Robert Fisher rrea Seotion 84. ~ or the ZoniDg Ordinance to Allow a 7 Ft, Side Yard Setback ror An ExistiDg Residence Where a 20 Ft, Setbaok is Required, Located at 10699 Randy Lane Approxiaately 200 Ft, South or Lucille Avenue in An A1-43 (agricultural-Residential, 43,000 Sq. Ft. Min1aUIII Lo~ Size) Zoning District,W · Director or Planning and Development Sisk reviewed the application and Planning Commission minutes with Council. -5- ~"'." ': Public hear- ing closed Regative Dec. for 8-Z-84 Yirst reading of Ord. 1291 S-Z-84 approved . . l-V-84 denied ~t1ve Dec. .17-U-84 ".,_ 1,-:-: .,,',""'''''', : '" :::,:,:.;-;'"T'"'\~"'~'~' '''''~''''''",,~~,:;p:?~;~r'1·;'' -'~/~_.~~..",:" ~~,_~~~ '.~'!>V '"-F' ":" HIIIUTBS OF THE IfOVEMBER 5, 1984 CITr COUIICIL ¡....nUG (CC-658 ) Ron Be....., attorney repr1lS<mting Mr. rialler, reviewed tbe bistory ot the propert, aDd 2iVIi'll ordinaaoes vitti CounoU aDd requested approval or the varianoe, Ted Biskupsk1, 10685 Randy L8De, questIoaec1 the val1dItJ ot tigures subll1tted by Mr, riIMr and requested that CouIIOll deny the variance. Laura Auob, 10713 Randy Lane, requested that the CitJ ent'orce its ordiDalloos. She stated tbat eIsht eontha aaø she had sent a letter to the City resardil1l the ord1DaDce violations aDd tbat little had been done. She asked ~t recourse the nei lbors would have should the variance be granted, Eel Aucb, 10713 Randy Lane, stated the residenoe 011 tM property vas a oœ!l1natiOll of legal aDd illegal tb1nga. !Ie stated that certain thing.. were lmoviD&ly illegal and that the property vas a sarety and health hazard. Nicky Ashley, a tOl'lller resident or tha Fisher property, stated that vbile living tbere she had never worried about her satety, She inrorlled Council that aile is Mr. Fisher's stepdaUlhter and that Mr. risber dces plan to make the residence eore attraotivð to neIghbors. Mrs. Marobose, 10572 Ra.xly L8De, stated that the Deilhbors testifying were tryiDI to ssve their property, It vas !DOved by CoUDO, Gatto, seconded by CoUDC. Plungy and passed unaniaOUaly to deny the request tor the variance per Plann1Dl eo-ission Resolution No. 2574. 26. Application 17-0-84 ot Norman C. Bulberg and Kenneth 11, Gilbeau: Use Penñt to construct a 5,280 sq. rt., two-story ottlce building and Environaental Review: The Planning Co..tssion reo~ends the grantil1l or a Negative Declaration. The subject property is located on the southeast corner ot Stevens Creek Boulevard and Orange Avenue in the Manta Vista ooaaercial area in a P (Planned Develo )llent vith neighborhood c~ercial, light industrial and residential intent) zonil1l district. Reo.-.ended tor approval, Director or Planning and Developmen t Sisk reviewed the application vith Council. It was moved by Counc. Gatto, seconded by Counc. Rogers and passed unanimously to approve the granting ot a negative Declaration tor Application 17-U-84. _6_ -·-""-7~'·.~_-;;::~- --"'~;~~'¡... ,j'- KIIiUTES OF THE NOVEMBER 5, 1984 CITY COUNCIL HBBTDIG (CC-658) It vas .oved by Couno. Gatto, seoonded by Couno. ROSel'S and passed unan1aoualy to approve Application 11-U-84 per Planning c:o.uaaion Resolution Ro. 2576. It vas .oved by Couno. Gatto, seconded by Counc. Plungy and passed uaan1lloualy to approve a III1nute orde!' to prooeed with the abandOlllBent of the street rigbt-ot-way. It was .oved by Counc, Gatto, seconded by Counc. Plungy and passed with Couno. Rogel'll disser.ting that the Planning Coamission be directed to look at encouraging commeroial in the Old Monta Vista area without increasing density. RECESS: 8:35-8:50 p.m. 27. Application 18-U-84 of Cupertino City Center Associates (P~theus Develo~ent eo.pany): Use Pera1t to construct a 140,000 sq, ft. four-story ortioe building, a rive to eight story residential/parking struoture and temporary at-grade parking. The residential/parking garage structure oonsists of 104+ residential units, and 1, 30~ vehicle parking spãces. Environmental Review: The Planning Co.-i.ssion reoo_nds the granting of a Negative Declaration. The subject property 18 located in the Town Center Planning Area at the southeast quadrant of Stevens Creek Boulevard and De Anza Boulevard approximately 210 ft. south or Stevens Creek Boulevard and 700 tt. east of South De Anza Boulevard in a P (Planned Development with Residential, Commercial, Office, Industrial and Hotel intent) zoning district. Recommended ror approval. Director of Planning and Develo~nt Sisk reviewed the application and introduced Hark Kroll of Prometheus Develo llBent Co, Hark Kroll, representing the Cupertino City Center Associates, outlined the form the Assooiates' presentation would take and introduced Bill Valentine, architect, HOK. Mr. Valentine reviewed various slides of the City Center master plan with Council. Steve Haines of Fisher-Friedman Associates, San Francisco, presented Council with slides showing the proposed residentia¡ and parking structures. -7- 17-D-S4 approved Alrandonment of right-of- way eo..ercial in Old Monta Vista . ~Ull5S or THE IOYBMBBR 5, 19M CI1't COUlCIL IwaUIIQ (ce-658) Direotor of Public Works Viskovioh reviewed the propolleà neighborhood protection plan nth Council. Hr. Iroll requested 8MI1dments to Condition 17 and 19 ot the Planning CoImission Resolution. Counoil requested the addition or a oondition that the aaphitheater would be oompleted nth the Phase II garage. It vas moved by Counc. Gatto, seconded by Coun:). Rogers and passed unanilsously that a minute order be sent to staff stating that ntn similar applications Council needs exhibits shoving the project and its relationship to adjacðnt properties. Marty Hiller, 20348 Cla, Street. addressed Council regarding protecting the integrity of the neighborhoods aDd requested that iaprov_ta be rsade prior to developaent. He also requested that traffic be measured as the project is done in stages. . Haurioe O'Shea, Clay Street, supported Mr. Hiller's position. He stated that traftic is already iapossible. He also expressed the opinion that the proposed buildings were too high. A resident living at 20368 Clay Street stated that traffic vas already to heavy to take his ohildren for a walk. He urged Council to solve the traffio probleu prior to any building. Alf Hedine addressed Council regarding mortgage revenue bonds for the aparteenta. City Attorney Kilian explained that nth these mortgage revenue bonds there was no finanoial impact on the City; they did not require a vote ot the people; the security would be the mortgage, Eleanor Werner, 20076 LaRoda Court, asked if anything had been done with the names taken during the disoussion at the Planning Commission, Director of Public W~rk~ Viskovich inrormed her that he vas working on implementing a committee to develop strategies to solve traffic problems in the Eaton area and that at a later date a public hearing would be held at Council. . Ms, Werner stated that she felt those traffic problems were not a separate issue but were directly related to this project. -8- . IwIUIIIS OF THE NOVEHBBII 5, 19811 CITY COOIICIL KilTIIO < cc-658 > TOIl' Scott, 20230 Job:! Drive, spoke in favor of b1ock1DS ort the interseotioo or Torre aDd Rodri&U8s diaIOna11)' across Rodrigues. He telt that there should be speoitlo t1Mtables tor trattio studies aDd _sures cIar1.n¡ the three phases ot the development. AI Chappell, 10139 S. Blaney, requested that CouD:lil approve the proposed residential UD1ta as there __, a need in the City. Counoil disoussed the appl1catioo and the various oonditions suboUtted by the Plann1n8 Coaaission. In regard to Condition 24, it was ðtated that the Mayor will appoint a ooaadttee to develop a van/oar pool prograa. Various concerns ot Counoil included the north race ot the residential unit, the _s~ and aaount ot visible prage area and the perceived ~~i8ht or the bui1d1n8. . Council building bui) dihi:: expressed the roor things as directed the appl10ant to look at c1epress1n8 the tour more teet and her'IÛng tour teet so the is visually lowered ODe story. Couacll also concern regard1n8 the view rroa the a~ts to or the park1n8 struotures and suggeñed such trellises to :lJaprove that view. It vas moved by Counc, ~arks, seconded by Couno. Gatto and passed unanimously to grant a Neptive Deolaration ror Application 18-U_84. It vas moved by Couno. Sparks, seconded by Couno. Gatto and passed with Counc, Plungy dissent1n8 to approve Appl1cati'JII 18_u_84 per Planning Coaaissioll Resolution No. 2579 :¡ended as rollows: Condi tion 17, line 2 shall read, "mixed use residential condominium and condominium parking garage.- Condition 19, opening paragraph, add, -An addit5.onal parking lot may be located on the westerly side or Torre Avenue." Conditon 19.9. shall be added to read, -Temporary parking may be provided in the northwest anel southwest corner or the Phase 2 land area until completion or the parking garage. . Co~dition 22, as presented, is deleted and su~stituted shall be a statement that within a maximum or 18 months the City shall have access to start De Anza Boulevard improvements including the widening or Steven$ Creek Boulevard/~e Anza Boulevard intersection. Torre Avenue -9- egative Dec. or 18-U-84 18-U-84 pproved --..';:t.:.~ . .... cla1. Reynen cla1a approved Pasos claim approved ~e8 claim "jected "",..-·",··_--~t,.·,·;c-· '".". <, ~:: . ~~~:i" KIIfUTES OF THE NOVEMBER 5, 1984 CITr COOICIL HlBTIlIG ( -;C-658) sllall no~ go through with this phase. Protectica _g_t plana .., be appropriate bJ Cit, Council, Future ae1lbÞorhoo6 revi..... .. d.... ConditiOD 23 shall inolude a s~steaent tha~ raoilities will be proyided tor oyolists. l1li_ CoIId1tiOD 32. AaPhitheater, shall be added to state that ~he amphitheater is to be oOllpleted with ~he Phase 2 ..rage faoilities. CoUi1oil direoted ~hat start come back wI~h a tiMtable tor i1>ple.enting and oOllpleting th" De Ansa SouleYard iaprov_ts. ARCHITECTURAL AIID SITE APPROVAL catlIngg APPLICATIONS 28. None. tlHFINISRED BUSINESS 29. ClaiJII ror dallages riled by Lorraine Halas. I~ vas aoYed by Couno. Plungy, seconded by Couno. Sparks and passed unan1aousl, to approve paYJll8llt or the 01a1ll in the aJIOunt ot $579.71 upon signing ot release, 30. Claill ror ~es riled by Roland J. Butroni. The Ci~y Manager reques~ed a closed session. NEW BUSINESS 31. Claill ror dallages riled by Paul H, Rernen. I~ vas aoved by Counc. Gatto, seconded by Couno. Rogers and passed unanuously to approve paymen~ upon furnishing or three estimates (City pay loveso estimate) anel execution or necessary release. 32, Claim ror damages riled by Clirrord Pasos. It was IIIOVed by Couno, Gatto, seconded by Couno. Rogers and passed unanimously to approve payment upon signing or general release. 33. Claim ror damages riled by Ro~ert Allen Bates. It was mov~d by Counc. Gatto, seconded by Counc, Rogers and passed unanimously to reject the claim and dl~ct that it be sent to tne contractor. _10_ ,-:'..":"'."'r"'., . KllUTES OF TBB ROVEHBEII 5, 1984 CIT! COOJICIL M&BTIJIO (cc-658) 311. ~s and Goaplaint filed in Superior Courtl St. Paul Proparty .. Liab1lity Ins. Co. vs. Cit, ot Cupart1no , Reoe1 ved. 35, ~s and Calplaint filed in Superior CourtJ Lisa Leard vs. County or Santa Clara, City or Cupartino. Rece1ved, 36. øeport on bid opening, DPW 85-02, Television Produotion Equi lllent, and avard ot oontract. It was aoved by Couno. Rogers, seconded by COIUIO, Pl\Ull1 and passed unanilloualy to approve the stafr rec~dat1on. Ted Wolber or Video Serv10e Center vas granted peraissi.x1 to address Counoil. He stated that with h1a b1d there would be a 5~ disoount it paid within 20 days or delivery. . It vas ..aved by Couno, Sparks, seconded by Couno. Gatto and passed unanilloualy to resoinel the prev10us action. It vas ..aved by Couno. Plungy, seconded by Couno, Rogers and passed unanillously to rerer the bids to the City Attorney ror review with the Director or Publio Works, 37. Request for dererment ot BHR obligation _ Town Center CondOlliniUIIS (ApPlication 17-U-83). It vas ..aved by Couno. Sparks, seconded by Couno, Rogers and passed unanillously to approve delay ror the tirst phase of project until modifications to the BHR Prograa are resolved, 38. Discussion or proposed County General Plan Amenc1lllent to allow greater intensity in the Hillside. It was moved by Counc. Pl\Ull1, seconded by Counc, Rogers and passed unanimously to oppose the proposed General Plan Amendment and if the amendment is pursued to request a full EIR. The Mayc~ shall send the Co~nty a letter. 39. Request for review to obtain a variance to building permit for construction or triplex at 10246 Alpine Drive (LdeK Construction Co., Inc.). . Director of Planning and DevelopQent Sisk reviewed the history of this request with Council. _11_ -~'" - ;;/"..' .....,. ~id. referred to attorney BMR PTogram, Town Center Opposed GPA . . Second reading of Ord. 1289 Ord. 1289 enacted . MIII1ITBS or !III IOVIMBD 5. 19811 CITY comrCIL MlftIIG (GC-658) Mr. DeCook stated tbat ... ren tile requirnet tor tile soreen .... _ble and is 1nOona1stellt wltI! tile rest or tile _. lie stated tbat IIbeø lie got his buil~ pel'lli t be oyerlooked tbe eoreen, A t_le aeiFbor requested tbat tile Cit, Council requirot Mr, DeCook to ban tile eoreeD InstaUed within ten _s. City Attorne, lilian requested a olosed aeasico to diaousa this, 40. Approyal tor tr8narer or t\IDcIs t'roII Master Stora Drain Fund to IUøor Road IaproY_nt P'Imd. It was aoved b1 Couno. PIUDD. secODded b1 Couno. Rogers and passed '.......-17 to reiaburaa tbe Minor Road Improv_t P'Imd troa tile Kuter Stol'll Drain t'Imd, $11,950 to establillb a Minor StoI'Ii Drain Fund and to appropriate $20,000 troa tile Kuter Stol'll Drain Fund. WRITTEN COIIIUIIICAtIONS 41, Rone. ORDINAHCES 42, SeoODd ruding ot Ordinance 10. 12891 "An Ordinance or the City ot Cupertino Aaending Sectico 11.211.150 ot the CupertinO Hunioipal Code to Prohibit Stopping, Standing or Parking co SteUin& Road." It was lIOyed Ly Counc. P1UDD. aecODded by Couno, Rogers and pas.secl ....·.......USly to read Ordinance 110. 1289 by title only and tile Cit, Clerk's reading to constitute the seccod reading thereot, It was !IOYed b1 Counc. Gatto, seccoded by Counc. Rogers and ~assed unaniaously to enact Ordinance &0, 1289. RESOLUTIONS 43. N<>ne. NON-AGENDA BUSINESS 44. Recognition by Hayor ot sp~ial requests. (a) General Audience. (ò) ~ity Council -12_ --"",,",":"""-'- ....-c,.".~~.,.~,.~!"!'~"'''?''~'''''",.. ~,'1~"I>~:'~:'1'.\'"I"'."~'t:::':f7i.~r.,:,~,,·.,~,;7~.~~;~ . ." . . . - . · ...-n_ œ !lIB -.ilL II' 5, 1984 em 00uik;ii. ......UN (cc-658) CLOIIJ) SlSSIOI At. 12.,0...., t.be _t1q we I14jOUl'll4lCl to t.be eooterenoe JIooa tor . o1oaed ....100. At. 12.,5...., t.be -tillS reooovaoed in C0ua011 Cbaaber 1I1t1! all CouDoi1 ...... aDd CitJ ...... Qu1nlllll, Cit, Cl..k Cornelius, Dinotoi' ot '1.....1.... me! D...lopaent. Siak aDd Cit.J Atto....., IiliaD present. 30. It ... _... bJ Couao. Sparks, seoODðed bJ CounO. RoseN aDd paased ·......._1' to .pprove paJllODt. or olaia upoa si¡DiaC ot ...1..... · 39. It we _114 _ Couao. Rogers, _ODðed bJ CQuDo. Gatto aad passed ........-.17 to direct tbe appliOllllt to install tbe ...quired SCreeD 111 thin tIIo _ks me! direCted the Cit, Uto....., to tsks lqal aotioo it DCD ooapl1l111oe. .. "," ..... .. -.... - "J~_ . ~~.. Ci tJ Clerk · -13- Closed session OpeD session Buffon1 claim Delock tri- plex