CC 12-17-84 .. , CIrr or curmIlO, STATB or CALIPOUIA 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 Telephone: (1108) 252-4505 HINUTBS or T8B REGULAR MBETIIO or T8B CITY comrcIL HBLD OR DBClMBER 17, 1984 II TBB COUJ!CIL CIUMBRI, CITY HALL. CUPERTDlO, CALIPORRIA CC-661 Mayor Johnson oalled the -tinS to order at 6.45 p... in the Counoil Cbaaber, City Ball. SALUTE TO T8B FLAG ROLL CALL Counc. Present: Gatto, Plungy, Rogers, Sparks, Mayor JOhnSOD St.rr Present: City Manager Quinlan City Clerk Cornelius Direotor or Publio WOrks Viskovioh Direotor or Planning and Development Sisk Direotor or Finanoe Snyder Direotor or Parks and Recreation Dowling Planner I Binnendyk City Attorney Kilian Assistant to the City Manager Brown (7.35 p...) Po:!TPONEMEHTS OR NEW AGEHDA ITEMS - Request It_ 27 be reJaOved . It vas IDOved by Couno. Rogers, seconded by Couno. Gatto and passed unanimously to remove Items 27, 30 and 32 froa the agenda, STAFF REPORTS 1. Oral reports by starr _hers and submission or written reports. City Manager's Repart Government Acoess Channel - By consensus, Council reoeived the report and S6~ March 4, 1985 ror turther review and reoommendations. Liability Insuranoe seconded by Counc. appropriate $60,000 ror It was moved by Caunc. Sparks, Rogers and passed unanimously to premiums and ~50,OOO for claims. _1_ , MDIUTBS or THE DBClMBBR 17, 1984 CITr COUlfCIL MlBTIlfG Reallocation of UDuaed Private Aotivity Bonds - It .s IIOVed by Couno. Sparks, seconded by CouDo. Plunø aDd passed Ull8D1IIoualy to adopt Resolution No. 61173 per aPPl'OYal by the Cit, Attorney. Visibl11 ty of Traffio Signs on Bollinger - Marshal Cox - It vu eoved by Couno. Gatto, secondeod by Couno. PlWIIJ aDd passed Ull8Diaously to authorize stafr to inforrs the judge that there is no 1mpedt.ent of vision at the intersection in question. AllendMnt to County Ordinance on Sales Tax - By OonHDII1J8 Couno. Sparks vas authorized to attend the County Board of Supervisors Meting and express the Ci ty' s ooncerns regarding the County'S proposed sales tax ordinanoe. 2. Report on false alar-. bearing: Mr. George FrIU\8"dakis. By oonaenaus, Counoil oontinued this it_ to the œeeting of January 7, 1985. þ Non agenda item - Donation for reoreation equiPlllltnt or capital iJlprov..ent at park - It was !lOved by Couno. Sparks, seconded by Couno. Plungy and passed Ull8D1.IIOusly tQ aocept the donatton of $379.74. 3. Treasurer's Report for November, 1984 - Received. COUIICIL REPORTS 5. Couno. Gatto: - TransS'ortation 2000 Task Foroe - Couno. Gatto presented a Working Paper 2 - Identitioat.:.on of Alternatives to Council. CONSENT CALDDAR Couno. Rogers I'eIIOved Items 18 and 22, It was IIIOved by Couna. Sparks, seconded by Couna, Rogers and passed ~n1.llOualY to approve the ba)-.nae ot the Consent Calendar as subaitted. 9. lIesolution No, 6459: "A Resolution of the City Council or the City of CUpertino A110lling Certain Claim8 and Demands Payable in the Amount, and from the Funds as Hereinatter Described for Salaries and Wages for the Payroll Period Ending November 13, 1984." þ -2_ ~ MIHUTES OF THE DECBMBKR 17, 1984 CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10. Resolution No. 6460: "A Resolution of the City Counoil ot the Cit, ot CUpertino Allowing Certain Cla1ma and ~ds Payable In the Amounts and From the Funds as Hereinafter Desoribed for General and Misoellaneous Expenditures for the Period Ending November 21, 1984." 11. Resolution No. 6461: "A Resolution of the City Counoil of the Cit, ot CUpertino Allowing Certain Cla1œs and Dellands Payable in the Amountll and From the Funds all Hereinafter Described for General and Misoellaneoas Expenditures tor the Period Ending October 26, ~984." 12. Resolution No. 6463: "A Resolution or the City Counoil of the City of CUpertino Allolling Certain Cla1œs a~ Demands Payable in the ~ounts a:ld From the Funds as Hereinatter Desoribed tor General and Misoellaneous Expenditures tor the Period Ending December 7, 1984." þ 13. Resolution No. 6464: "A Resolution ot the City Counoil of the City of CUpertino Dealaring its Intention to Order Vaoation of a Portion ot Stevens Creek Boulevard Located at the Southeast Corner with orange Avenue, Retaining it as a Public utility Easement, Sanitery Sewer Ba~t, and Publio Servioe Easement as PMvided in Section 8320 Et Seq. ot the Streets and Highways Code of the State of Calit'ornia, Fixing T1IIIe and Plaoe t'or Publio Bearing and Providing tor Notice Thereot. 14. Resolution No. 61165: "A Resolution of the City Counoll of the City ot Cupertino Approving Contraot Change Order Ro. 4 tor Stelling Road and Stevens Creek Boulevard Trattio Signal Modit'ioation, Projeot 82-05. 15. Resolution No. 6466: "A Resolution ot' the City Council ot the City ot Cupertino Aooepting Grant Deed ot Real Property tor Roadway Purposes from Ro~ert L. Addington and Phyllis A. Addington, Trustees of Addington Family Trust; Located Along Regnart Road at Bubb Road." 16. Resolution No. 6V67: "A Resolution of the City Counoil ot' the City of Cupertino Authorizi~g Execution of Agreement with CUpertino Union School District ror the Maintenance ot' Certain School Sites. 17, R'solution No. 6468: "A Resolutio~ of the City Council of the City ot' Cupertino Allowing Certain Claims and Demands Payable in the Amounts and from the Funds as Hereinafter Described for Salaries and WaJes for the Payroll Period Ending November 27, 1984." þ -~ þ HløUT&S or THE DBCIIMBBR 17, 1984 CITY cooøCIL MBBTDIO 18. R.:!IOved. 19. Resolution Mo. 6'711 "A Resolution ot the City Counoll ot the City of CUpertino Declar1D8 its Intention to Sell Surplue Real Property." 20. Resolution Ro. 6'72s "A ResolutiOD ot the City Counoll ot the City ot CUpertino Declaring its IntentiOD to Sell SUrplus Real Property.- 21. Minutes ot the regular lleetins ot Hevember 19, 1984. 22. Removed. Vote Members ot the City Counoll AYBSs NOBS. ABSBIIT s ABSTAINs Plunø, Rogers, Sparks, Johnson Gatto, None NODe lone ITEMS R1H>VBD P'ROH COIISBIIT CALENDAR þ 18. Application BC-51,601.1 Beardon-Park Cirole Apartaenta (Jym-P1D8ILlly Chans) Requestins approval ot site, arohitecture. landscap1D8 and building oolors and ..terials tor two residential duplex buildings lcoated on Park Cirole Drive. RecOlBlended tor approval. Couno. Rogers requested a sample ot the proposed bulld1D8 oolors. 22. Minutes ot the regular lDeetins ot December 3, 1984. Page 4, last paraarapb, ohange to read, "Janu.,ry 21, 1985." It vas !lOved by Couno. Rogers, seconded by Couno. Gatto and passed unan1rJOusly to approve Items 18 and 22 with Couno. Plungy abstaining on the portion of the Deoember 3 minutes pertaining to the meeting after he left, ORAL COMÞP:nICATIONS Proolamation ~rtaining to National Guard and Reserves _ Counc. Sparks aocepted a proolamation on behalf or the National Guard and Reserves, þ 24. Proolamation declaring January 1~85 as Financial Aid Awareness Month. _4_ þ HDJUTES OF THE DECEMBER 17, 1984 cITr COUNCIL MUTING The Chy Clerk vas directed to send the Proc18lllltion to the appropriate parties. 25. Helllbers ot the audience regarding matters ,not on the agenda - lIone. PUBLIc HEARIIIGS 26. Aba~t ot weeds declared to be a public nuisance. (a) Resolution No. 6469: A Resolution ot tbe City Counoil ot the Cit, ot Cupertino Ordering the Abateaent ot Public Nuisance PursU8bt to Provisions ot Ordi/I8Dce No. 724 and Resolution Ho. 6443. Counc. Sparks read a letter received troll Mr. Dempster requesting that bis name and parcel I'IUIOved tl'Oll the resolution. J. Robert nllllbers be þ Mr. John Willer, Santa ~lara County Building Department _ Fire Marshal's Ottice, intorød Council that a tield inspector 11111 look at Mr. Deapater's property and it there are 110 weeds no action would be taken. It vas IDOved by Counc. Sparks, s8Cooded by Counc. Rogers and passed unaniaously to close the public bearing. It vas IDOVed by Counc. Rogers, seconded by Counc. Plungy and passed unaniaously to adopt Resolution Ho. 6469. 27. Consideration ot abandonment or vacation ot a portion ot Adriana Avenue. (Request that this item be relloved.) Removed trom agenda. 28. Request from certain residents of Rose neighborhood ror trarric mitigation measures. Blossom Director of Public Works Viskovich reviewed the proposed measures with Council, Mayor Johnson read a letter into the record from Mr, and Mrs. Bruce. Andy Smith, resident of proposed Measure No.2. Lily Court, spoke in oPposition to . -5- þ MIH1JTES OF THE DECEMBER 17, 198_ CITY COUIfCIL MBBTIIIG Luoien Coenen, 7864 Lily Court stated that he agr-eed witb Hr. Sa1th. Be asked what the purpose aDd intent ot the submitted petition 1... He telt tMt _thing sill1la1" to speed buaps would slow the trattio and opposed blocking tho residents ot the OOIIIIunity !!'OIl their 110I'I1II: 1 way boIIe. Patriok CUnn1..gt....., 939 Rose Blos_, stated that enaoting the proposed measures would give tranquility to the neighborhood. lie expressed conoem that people driVing through are beoOll.1ng tamil1ar with the children 011 the street and expressed o:>noern regarding possible kidMPPing, abuse, etc. He stated he has tried other routes and they take only about a llinute extra. Peter Letchworth, 905 Rose 8los_, telt that speed was a bigger danger than vol~ ot trattiu in the area. He was not in agree_nt with !lOving the stoP sign trom IÞmtridge. A resident ot 873 Lily Court urged Counoil not "1!1f IIOve the stop sign to JOllyman Court. He suaested they try a stop sign at Lilao and Rose Blossom and see it it helps. þ Barbara Cwminghaa, 939 Rosf. BlosSOlS, stated there '" I'e too many cars going too tast in the area. Doug Ebrelsen, 7766 Huntridge Lane, telt tile ettort to reduce trattio during the peak bours was ada1rable. lie telt the stop sign on Huntridge should not be !lOved. Mrs. Paul Farrier (?), Lily Avenue, requested a sign or barrier be placed that would close the street to through trattic and that it be monitored tor a month or so. She spoke against a no right turn sign. A gentleman tram Rose Blossom stated that he had !lOved tram Sunnyvale to get away trom trattic and spoke in tavor ot the proposed _sureSt Candace McGee, 930 Rose Blossom, ot traffic and speeding in the measures vere good solutions. said that there was lot~ area and felt the proposed It vas moved by Counc. Sparks, saconded by Counc, Rogers and passed unanimously to close the publi~ hearing, (City Clerk's Note: arrived at 7:35 p,m.) Assistant to the City Manager Brown ~ Director ot Public Works currently u~derway with De flow. Visk0~lch reviewed a project Anza CollegA regarding traffic -6- . MIHUTIS OF THE DECEr.B"'R 11, 1 ~84 CITr COUICIL KBB'1'IIO It was aoved by Couno. Rogers. seo~ded by Couno. Sparks aDd passed unaniaousl, to approve a1t1gaUon _aurea .. follows: 1. NO left turna northbound Stelling at Buntridge aDd L11ao WaY. 6:00 a.... to 9:00 a... 2. EtteoUve February 8. no right turns t'roa McClellan onto Roae BlosSO!l will be allowed. 11100 p... to 7:00 p....; March 8 sign IIIOVed to Lilao and Runtridge and "Jfo Through Traftio· aign posted at McClellan and Roae BlossOll. Prior to this being done. a sign is to be postod at McClellan and Roae Blossoa that this measure will be taken, Requested review ot this six IIMtha atter effeotive date. It was IIOVed by Counc. Sparka, seconded by Couno. Rogers and passed unaniaously to read Ordinance NO. 12911 (as _nded) by title only and the City Clerk's reading to oonstitute tho first reading thereot. . 29. Request from Cupertino High School Bc'Osters to oonduot bingo games on Saturday eveninga as well as on Wednesday. Mr. Richard Caldwell ot St. Joseph's Churoh requested that Council 11ll1t one game place per night. Be stated that approximately 30-40J of the crowd is the same at both St. Joseph's and at the sohool. Upon being asked by Counoil. he stated that St. Joseph's would consider giving up a night if necessary to allow for SOIIeone else to conduot games. It vas C)ved by Counc. Plungy, seconded by Counc, Sparks and passed unanimously to olose the public hearing. It vas IIIOved by Couno. Plungy, seoonded by Couno. Rogel's and passed unanimously to deny the request for Saturday bingo and inrorm the applicants that Tuesday or Thursday would be aoceptable. PLANNING APPLICATIONS 30. Applioation 24-u_84 or Calirornia Saloon, Ino. (P. J. Mulligan's): Use Permit to expand an existing 3,000 sq. ft, restaurant/bar by 1,700 sq, ft. and Environmental Review: The Planning Commission recommends the granting of a Negative Deolaration. The subject property is looated on the northeast ~or~er or . -7- " \_w.::'~~'''''~ý''':··~ . MINUTES OF THB DECEMBER 17, 19811 CITY COURCIL KBBTIIG 30. (continued) Blane, Avenue and Stevens craek Boulevard in a P (Planned Development with Coaaerolal and Residential intent and Offioe emphasis> zon1ng distriot. ReoJ Mended tor approval. Reaoved, as applicant had withdrawn the application. 31. Application 25-u-811 ot Deboor Corporation (RiobaJ'd Childresa)r Use Perait to construct a 3,200 sq. tt. tvo-stoI'J ottice bUilding and Environaental Review. The Planning CoaIII!ssion rec_ds the granting ot a Ifesative Declaration. The subjeot property is located on the northwest corner of Peninsula AvenUfl aDd Stevena Creek Boulevard in a P (Planned Dev~lopment with Ifeigbborhood Coameroial intent) zoning distriot. Reo_nded tor approval. It vas ..eved by Counc. Sparks, seoonded by Couno. Gatto and passed unant.ously to grant a Resative Declaration for Application 25-U-84. . It vas ..eved by Couna. Sparks, seoonded by Gouno. Gatto and passed u"""'<-usly to approve Applioation 25-U-811 per Planning eo.a1saion Resolution No. 2588. 32. Application 27-U-84 of Torre Protessional Center (Milton Pagonis): Use Perait to expand an existing 3,890 sq. ft. single-stoI'J offioe building into s tvo-stol'J building with 5,780 sq. ft. total and Environaer.tal Review: The Plann1ng eo-1ssion reo_nds the granting ot a Regati'" Declaration. The subjeot property is 10\1ated on the west side or Torre Avenue approxaately 225 tt. north of Paoltica Drive in a P (Planned Development with Otrice intent) zoning distriot. Recommended for approval. Removed from agenda, ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE APPROVAL COHHITTEE APPLICATIONS 33. None UNFINISHED BUSINESS 34. None NEW BUSINESS . 35. Report and recolIIDendation of Civ<.c Center Committee. -8- . MIllUTES or THE DECEMaER 17, 1981J CITr COOIICIL MBBTIIO It vas 80Ved bJ Couno. Rogers, seooaded bJ CoIlDO. Sparlca SlId passed unan1lloualy to appl'OYe Li bl'al'J eX )llD81Od, al\amat1ve 2B tor City Ball expana1Od, redes1gD of Clv10 Center, a roadva, oonnectlng C1'!"10 CeDter to Pa01t1oa, Cit, Manager _, 1apl_t Inter1a SOlUUOdS to reUeve Cit, Ball oond1Uons when neoeaAl'J', NC U8sted rep""t baok 111 t'uture reþrdlng tunding aeohan1. to be uaed. 36. Cla1a tor equitable In~ty SlId 0....rat1.. oontribuUOIIs, !Cathleen G. Vlahos vs. Judith L. Ør1aa. VemOll Barbero, Roundtree B\].._ra Aasooiat1011 et ale It vas 80Ved bJ CoUDO, Gatto, seconded bJ CoUDO. Rogers and passed unan1moual, to reject ~he olalll and direot the Cit, Clerk to notify the olataant's attorD4J. 37. Request tor appropriatiOll to establish solid vaste budget. . It vas IIIOVed by CoUDO. Plung ", HOODde~ bJ Couno. Rogers and passed muon1-usly to appl'OYe the soUd waste budþt tor the 19811-85 risoal year. 38. Aooess ot trucks to tel'll1nals and .e1'1'10e AB 856. It vas aoved bJ Couno. P1UDgJ. seconded bJ CoUDO. Spark. and passed unan1aoua1y to take no aotion at thu t1lle. 39. Report on bid opening, Project 85-106, Stol'll R"Uet Projeot, and award or contraot. It vas lIMed bJ Counc. PlUDgf, seconded by CoUDO. Sparks and passed unan1aouslY to awaM the oontraoi; to Wj.ngard a. Searle, in the aaount or ¥23,000 and to appropriate $25,000 (lnoluding $2,000 oont1ngeno,) rro. Master Store Dra1n fund. 40. Consideration or Drart Environaental lapaot Report or Proposed Residential Subdivision . Fremont Union High School Distriot site located on Prospect Road, south or Prospect Road/South Stelling Road intersection. . -9- . . ~ . , KIIIUTBS or THE D!CDeBR 17, 1984 CI'l! COUICIL MBB'1'DO It vall aoYed by CouDo. Plungy, aeoODded b1 Couno. Sparq and Passed 1",.,,1_Wlly to d1reot tbe PÞ_1,,& D1reotor to sip and rorvari . letter to tile Clt, or Santo.. statlnS oonool'llll resardlnS tile projeot and the dNtt BIB. 41. K..,1ev ot BMR Subo~ttee's ....o.eadat1on. to ...v1.. the BMR ProSJ'llll. By co.~lIOIIIIUS, CounoH set Janual'1 8, 7100 p..., COnteronGe Roca. tor a joint _t1ng with the BMR Su~ttee and d1rected the C1ty Attomey to attend tbat _ting. 112. Adopt1on or Citizen Part1c1Ptt1on PIe tor tbe 1985-1986 eo-unit, Developaent Bloolc Grant Progru. It vas IDOved by Couno. Sparks, seoODded by Couno. Roser. and passed unan1lloWll:r to approve tile tollov1ng aobedule ot tbe C1ty's part101pation prograa. Janual'1 3 - Øe1&llborbood _tInS, Cupertino 81&11 School. Janual'1 9 - Meigbborbood _t1ng, Ho4ta Vista Bigb School. Jl'nual'1 21 - Cit, Counoll _t1ng. JanWlI'1 31 - Deadl1œ to aubll1 t projeot Proposals to County. WRITTEH COttroHICATIONS 113. ORDIlIANCES 44. RESOLUTIONS 45. Resolution No. 64701 A Resolution ot the City Council or the City or Cupertino Amending Resolution 5214 and Rescinding Resolutions 5890 and 6230 w1th Respeot to the Appo1ntment or Deputy City Att_rneys ror the Limited Purpose or Criainally Proseout1ng C1ty Ordinances, It vas !lOved by Couno, Sparks, seoonded by Counc, Plungy and passed unanimously to adopt Resolution No, 6470. NON-AGENDA BUSINESS 46. Recognition by Mayor or special requests. (.> General Audience. -10_ · MIlltJTE3 or THE DECEMBER 17, 1981 CITr COUICIL MUrIllO Hr. !fax Christianson, residont ot 01enbr:lOk APartaent., addressed Counoil regardiDg oO!ldoainiua 'w ta gain¡ In aoross t!!o street t'!'OII Cit, Ball. He stated that he had purohased one and the root is leaking badly everr t1ll8 it nina. and evsrr tiee it rains there 18 vatar all over. He stated that he had been told he oou1d eo.. in in Auguat and Intoraed the developer that he would need to give 30 de,. notioe vbere he is presently renting. lie stated that he waa told Saturday to 001lIO S/!d sign the papers. The Director or Planning intormed Counoil that he was aeeting with the developer the to1lowing day and lIOu1d report back Ol'dly at the next meeting. (b) City Counoil. þ At 8:20 p.a, the meeting was adjourned to a olosed session. At 8:26 p.a., the meeting waa reconvened in Counoil Cballlber with all Counoi~bers present as 1M11 as C1t, Manager Quinlan, City Clerk Cornelius and City Attorney Ulian. Cup'rtino Sanitary Distriot - It was moved by Couno. Rogers, seconded by Couno. P1ungy and passed unanillOualy to approve settl..-nt ot 50J allocation ot oosts ot relocating stOI'll drains, will enter into a written agr_nt 011 tuture re1ocatiOlls 01\ the basis ot 50J until the la" is olear oonoerning the relationship between storm dra~4S and undersround sever pipes. At that tiee the agreeaen~,s will be aoditied to reflect the law. The meeting vas adjourned at 8:30 p.a. ~æ~~ CU Clerk þ -11-