Exhibit CC 08-15-2017 Oral CommunicationsCouncil Meeting, August 15, 2017 Madame Mayor, Vice Mayor and fellow Council Members. My name is Jean Bedord and I've lived in Cupertino for over 20 years. I am here to thank the council for funding the Speaker Series on Creating Community Together. I attended both Don Weden's overview on growth in Santa Clara County and the panel on retail. Both were excellent, and well organized by the city staff. The discussions were quite pertinent to the issues so widely discussed in Cupertino. I have recommended recordings of these sessions to many other people, and thank the technical staff for ensuring that the videos are high quality. We all agree that traffic congestion and lack of housing are major issues in Cupertino, so I am looking forward to the next panel on Housing on August 24, and the panel on Transportation on Sept. 28. I hope to see the entire council at these events -the community needs you to move forward on solutions. Following these panels, I suggest that the city do a similar event on the planning process in Cupertino. There is confusion, and more specifically, a lot of erroneous information about the city planning process. The general public assumes that the "gateway" process is an actual approval, even though city messaging has been specific that it is not an approval. Having endured the previous council session, I think it's a bottleneck to effective collaboration between the city and developers. Frankly, I really think the process can be much better. Regardless, I'm here to say "Thank you" and that we are here to support you in your efforts to do what's best for Cupertino. ATTACHMENT A-BID CERTIFICATION NO BID SHALL BE ACCE PTED WHICH HAS NOT BEEN SIGNED IN INK IN THE APPROPRIATE SPACE BELOW Bidding Firm Name: Address : Telephone : Facsimile : E-Mail : Contact Person Name and Title : BIDDER REPRESENTATIONS 1. Bidder did not , in any way , collude, conspire or agree , directly or indirectly, with any person, firm, corporation or other Bidder in regard to the amount , terms, or conditions of this proposal. 2 . Bidder additionally certifies that neither bidder nor its principals are presently disbarred , suspended, proposed for disbarment, declared inelig ible or voluntarily excluded from participation in t his transaction by any federal department or agency , any California State agency , or any local governmental agency . 3. Bidder acknowledges that all requests for deviations , exceptions , and approved equals are enclosed herein and that only those deviations, exceptions, and approved equals included in the RFB document or permitted by formal addenda are accepted by the City . 4 . Bidder did not receive unauthorized information from any City staff member or City Consultant during the Bidding period except as provided for in the Request for Bid package , formal addenda issued by the City , or the pre-bid conference . 5. Bidder hereby certifies that they will meet the equipment delivery and installation services dates included in the RFB and/or its attachments . 6 . Bidder here by certifies tha t the information contained in the proposal and all accompanying documents is true and com:;ct. 7. Please check the appropriate box below: D If the proposal is submitted by an individual, it shall be signed by him or her, and if he or she is do ing business und er a fictitious name , the proposal shall so state. D If the proposal is rnade by a 2.§rtnership, the full names and addresses of all members and the address of the partn e rship , the f ull names and addresses of all members and the addresses of the partnership , the fui l names and addresses of all members and the address of the partnership shall be stated and the proposal shall be signed for all members by one or more members thereof. D If the proposal is made by a corporation, it shall be signed in the corporate name by an authori zed officer or officers. D If the proposa l is made by a .~imited liability company, it shall be signed in the corporate name by an authorized officer or office rs. D If the proposal is made by a joint venture, the full names and addresses of all members of the joint venture shall be stated and the bid shall be signed by each individual. All Bidders are expected to have read and understand the "Wage Theft Prevention Policy " adopted on May 24 , 2016. Any Bidder who has been found by a final court judgment or by final administrative action of an investigatory government agency to have violated applicable wage and hour laws on more than one occasion or has one unpaid wage judgment in the past five years shall be disqualified . The City , at its sole discretion , may disqualify a bidder based on the one disclosed satisfied judgment consistent with the criteria set forth in the aforementioned resolution. Bidder certifies that neither Bidder nor its principals have been found by a final court judgement or fin al administra ti ve action of an investigatory agency to have violated federal , state or local wage and hour laws within the past five years from the date of the submitted bid . If Bidder or its principals are unable to certify , bidder, for each disclosed wage and hour violation , shall provide a copy of the court order or judg me nt and whether the court order or judgment is satisfied including appropriate documentation de m onstrating either that the order/judgment has been satisfied , or if the order/judgment has not been fully satisfied , a written and signed description of Bidder's efforts t9 date to satisfy the order/judgment. By sign,ing below, the submission of a bid shall be deemed a representation and certification by the Bidder that they have investigated all aspects of the RFB, that they are aware of the applicable facts pertaining to the RFB process, its procedures and requirements, and that they have read and understand the RFB. Authori zed Representative Name (sign name): Authorized.-f:~epresentative Signature (print name): -· Authorized Representative Title (p ri nt title): · Compl ete Additional Signatures Below As Required Per# 7 Above Authori zed Representative Name (sign name): Authorized Representative Signature (print name): AuthorizedRepresentative Title (print title): Authorized Representative Name (sign name): Authorized Representative Signature (print name): Authorized Representative Title (print title):