TC 01-05-05 Telecommunications Commission Regular Meeting January 5, 2005 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER L.T. Guttadauro called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Mountain View Community Television KMVT-15 studios. ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Steven Ting, Andrew Radle, Eric Klein, L.T. Guttadauro, Charlon McIntosh Staff: Rick Kitson, Linda Lagergren Guests: Linda Grodt, Andrea Dorey, Doug Broomfield APPROVAL OF DECEMBER 1, 2004 MINUTES I. Charlon McIntosh made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. Andy Radle seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion passed. COMMUNICATIONS Oral: None Written: Commission reviewed the following written commnnications. 2. Comcast letter regarding launch of Com cast's Digital Video Recorder (DVR) service. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 3. Update on VOIP articles for Scene - Charlon McIntosh submitted the first article on Voice Over Internet Protocol. She will send it to the commissioners and include L.T.'s edits. The commission will send edits to Charlon and she will forward the revised article to Rick. Eric Klein submitted a draft of the second article. Andy Radle will begin the third article. The commission discussed topic suggestions for a fomm in the summer. VOIP Article Series a. What is VOIP and How does it work? - Charlon McIntosh (February Scene) b. Advantages and disadvantages ofVOIP & VOIP or my traditionallandline phone, What's the difference? - Eric Klein (March Scene) c. How do I get VOIP? Andy Radle (April Scene) d. How much does VOIP cost? Steve Ting (May Scene) e. Summary L.T. Guttadauro (June Scene) 4. Update on E-Library Services - The Commission briefly discussed that E-Library services could be a completely independent service from the County Library. The commission will continue to look at this idea. Reports from: 6. City of Cupertino - No report 7. Comcast - Kitson said his goal is to have Eddie Garcia attend the February meeting. MISCELLANEOUS Activities Calendar -- The Commission reviewed the calendar and Linda Lagergren will update it with Mayor/Commissioner meetings. Action Item List - The Commission reviewed and updated the list. It was suggested to invite MetroFi to the March meeting. ADJOURNMENT Ting made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 p.m. Klein seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion passed 5. TOUR OF KMVT Studio Doug Broomfield led the commission on a tour of the KMVT-15 studios. SUBMITTED BY: ~~~ -ict0~~-- L.T. Guttadauro, Chairperson