2718 (2)LOT NO. /10 p� ��bTREET APPLICATION FOR GAS PERMIT N Q W (.14� Z 1964CI,OP CUPERTINO s0 y O (� LL (Jt� 3 ¢ Date ��Ta DG T�°196 Permit No. u p I LL Per$ / 0 Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas pipes o and/or gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said pipes > and/or appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City a w of Cupertino, and all othe laws appl. cable thereto. vx Fr Use of Premises 00 �d01, 3 Owne , Address 0a Z J J Z dres J o// RACTOR,//AGEN 3 0 Phone e"V, A�CP� _ W Z —r - oState License I Approved U I PLUMBIA'�G INSPECYOA of Appliance I Units Fees NAME TYPE HOUSE GAS PIPING Number of Outlets I t I Pize.0 Main 1 Gas Piping Fees i Tested and Approved '`�� DATE 1 INSPECTOR