Regular Meeting
March 1, 2017, 7:00 p.m.
Conference Room A, City Hall
Commissioner Livingood called the meeting to order at 7:07 PM
Commissioners present:
Commissioners absent:
Staff Present:
Rod Livingood, Arnold de Leon, Keita Broadwater, Vaishali
Deshpande, Rajaram Soundararajan
Bill Mitchell
Mukesh Garg, Alternate TICC Co1mnissioner
1. Co1IDnissioner Livingood made a motion to approve the February 1, 2017 minutes with the
discussed corrections indicating who made a motion, seconded and the resulting vote for the work
plan, and adjournment. Commissioner Broadwater seconded the motion. The motion was cani.ed
2. This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter
not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes a person. In most cases, state law will
prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda.
a. Mukesh Garg introduced himself as the alternate TICC C01mnissioner appointed by Council.
He provided his background , including being involved in tech for over 30 years . He is
currently in the mobile communication and security space. He expressed an interest in giving
back to the community.
3. Letter dated February 16, 2017 from AT&T was discussed.
4 . Subcommittee Check-in.
5. SMART Cities -Colllinissioner Livingood had nothing to report.
6. Joint Venture Silicon Valley Regional Initiative Steering Colllinittee -Bi ll Mitchell reported that
Cupe1iino is guaranteed a seat on the steering committee. Since Cupertino is the last city to join,
the steering COlllinittee will form. The payment will be made to Joint Venture Silicon Valley soon .
The Cupertino City Manager will detennine who will sit on the c01mnittee .
7, NexLevel IT -Bill Mitchell discussed that NexLevel IT is a teclmical consultant who will help the
City of Cupertino Innovation & Technology 3-year strategic plan, focusing on applications and
infrastructure . He mentioned that city staff will send Commissioners a calendar invitation to the
kickoff meeting and an individual interview.
8. Teen C01mnission Hackathon -The Commissioners discussed that Commissioners Broadwater
and Deshpande plan to act as judges at the Teen Commission hackathon. The date has moved the
hackathon date to the weekend . Co1mnissioner Deshpande sent a list of potential sponsors to the
Teen Co1mnission liaison. She went to the RSA conference in San Francisco where they discussed
internet safety for children.
9. TICC Charter -Co1mnissioners discussed the TICC charter. Co1mnissioner de Leon reviewed that
the TICC charter is to advise and make recommendations to the City Council about technology.
Commissioner Livingood mentioned that City Ordinance 274060 describes TICC duties , powers
and responsibilities . Commissioner Broadwater wanted to clarify the relationship with De Anza
College and determine if they want collaboration TICC. Then Commissioners will detennine if the
requirement of a De Anza Liaison should remain in the charter. Commissioner Broadwater also
mentioned he would like to create an innovative hub which creates an enviromnent that fosters
smaller startups . He read the policy to Commissioners. He will provide the language of the draft
policy to Bill Mitchell for distribution to Co1mnissioners . Cormnissioners will then provide their
comments to the next meeting.
10 . TICC Work Plan -Commissioners discussed the TICC Work Plan. Cormnissioner Livingood
recommended that a subc01mnittee of two Commissioners collaborate on the development of a
work plan. Co1mnissioner de Leon requested that staff send him a work plan sample. Then he will
draft a Work Plan for Commissioners to review.
11. Cellular Coverage -Bill Mitchell mentioned that he is plam1ing to schedule OpenSignal to provide
a virtual presentation at the next C01mnission meeting . He mentioned that Verizon is on the
current City Hall cell tower and there are discussions with AT&T co-locating on the tower.
12. Bill Mitchell mentioned that Commissioners need to submit a Cupertino email policy fonn to the
City Clerk's Office so they can receive a city email address . Also mentioned was the conflict of
interest fonn .
13 . Co1mnissioner de Leon provided information from the Mayor 's meeting. The Sustainability
Commission reported that Apri l 22 , 2017 is Earth D ay. The Sustainability Commission has a
speaker scheduled on March 16, 2017 at their regularly schedul ed meeting. The C01mnission has
recommended a Zero Waste Policy to the City. Silicon Valley Clean Energy is going to be
implementing clean energy and is an "opt out" program. The Parks Commission is reviewing other
local parks in Palo Alto and San Jose that cater to children with special needs. The Mayor
discussed a starting a Citizens Advisory Cormnittee on the Vallco redevelopment. The Target and
Hampton projects are on hold . Council has approved a Fanner's Market at Creekside Park in the
spring. The Public Safety Cormnission had a gun safety meeting. They also discussed future
women's self-defense education , senior seminar on ID theft and burglary prev ention. The Library
Commission discussed support for limited mobility patrons and the digital gateway project on
which Commissioner D eshpande is collaborating. The Bicycle Pedestrian Cormnission discussed
family events that correspond with the work day. They also want to use the Santa Clara County
Library website for outreach. The Teen Cormnission discussed that a member of the Teen
Co1mnission is supposed to attend all other Commission meetings . The Teen hackathon date has
been moved to April 8 and 9 to avoid ACT testing. The Teen Commission is interested in hosting
an interschool dance. The Fine Arts C01mnission is looking for more spaces to sJ1ow art. They're
also working to review art for people with disabilities . The Housing Commission discussed
affordable housing.
14. Reviewed Activities Calendar.
Commissioners Dinner is May 3 rd
The Mayor's meeting representativ es were assigned for the remainder of the year.
15. Reviewed Action Items , and provided updates.
Commissioner Livingood moved for adjoununent. Commissioner Broadwater seconded the
motion. Vote 5-0 . Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm .
SUBMIITED ~ ~11'· ~
Lisa Maletis-Massey, Recording Secretary Arnold de Leon, Chair