D-749 Quitclaim Deed and Authorization for Underground Water Rights, 10405 Ann Arbor Ave, APN 326-28-027RECORDING REQUESTED BY City of Cupertino WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO City Clerk's Office City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014-3255 NO FEE IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOV. CODE 27281 23762896 Regina Alcomendras Santa Clara County -Clerk-Recorder 09/27/2017 09:10 AM Ti t.les : 1 Fees : $0 .00 Taxes : $0 .00 ~ Tota 1 : $0. 00 Pages: 7 (SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE) QUITCLAIM DEED AND AUTHORIZATION FOR UNDERGROUND WATER RIGHTS 10405 Ann Arbor Ave, Cupertino, CA 95014 APN 326-28-027 Philip Su Trustee of the Philip Su 2004 Separate Property Trust dated October 18, 2004 ,31 Original 0 For Fast Endorsement "NO FEE" City of Cupertino CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE is hereby given m order to comply with the provisions of Section 27281 of the Government Code. This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the deed or grant dated August 30, 2017, from 10405 Ann Arbor Ave, Cupertino, CA 95014 to the City of Cupertino, a governmental agency, is hereby accepted by order of the Public Works Director, and the grantee consents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. Dated: By: September 22, 2017 /'t iCUM-&~ Lauren Sapudar Senior Office Assistant QUITCLAIM DEED AND A UTHORIZATIO N FOR UN DERGRO UND WATER RIGHTS A PN 326-28 -027 10 4 05 A nn A rb o r Ave, C upertino , CA 9501 4 Phili p Su Tru s tee of th e Philip Su 200 4 Separa te Prop e rt y Tru st dated Oc to be r 18, 2004 , here ina fter re fe rr ed to as th e ''GRA NTOR", thi s ~~ da y of ~v.+t , 201 7, here by gra nt s, barga in s, ass igns, con veys, remi ses, re lea ses and for eve r quitclaim s unto the C ITY OF CU PE RT fN O , a muni c ip a l co rpo rati o n, he re in a ft e r refe rr ed to as th e "GRA NTEE", its successo rs a nd ass igns , a ll the ri g ht s, t itl es , int eres ts. es ta tes , c la im s a nd demands, bot h at law and in equit y, and as we ll in possess ion as in ex pec ta ncy of th e GRANTOR as ow ne r of th at ce rt a in rea l pro pert y s ituat e in th e C ount y of Sa nta C lara, Sta te of Ca li forn ia, a nd specifica ll y desc rib ed as fo ll ows : SEE ATT ,i\C H FD EX HIB IT '·A" The right to pump , take o r oth er wise extract wa ter fr o m th e und e rgro und bas in or ·any un dergrou nd stra ta in the Sa nt a C lara Va ll ey for be nefi ci a l use up o n th e la nd s ove rl y in g sa id unde rg round bas in , a nd G RAN TOR he re by irr evoca bl y a uth o ri zed G RANTEE. its successors a nd ass ig ns, 0 11 b c h a ll'' of th e CiR .!\NT OR a nd it s successo rs in ow ne rs hip of over lying la nd s in th e lot to take from th e und e rground ba s in w ithin th e lo t a ny a nd a ll wate r whi c h th e ow ner o r owners o f sa id ove rl yin g land s may be entitl ed to ta ke for be nefic ia l use o n sa id la nd s a nd to suppl y suc h wa ter to such ow ner o r ow ne rs or oth ers as c1 publ ic uti lit y; prov ided , howeve r, th a t not hin g co nt a ine d in thi s in s trum e nt s ha ll be deemed to ct uth orize G RANTEE to en te r upo n a ny of the lot de linea ted up o n th e a bove desc rib ed lega l desc rip t io n o r to authori ze GRAN T EE to ma ke a ny w ithdr awa l of wa te r w hic h \Ni ll res ult in da mage to a ny buildin g o r stru c tur e ere ct e d up o n th e lot. T hi s ass ignm ent, co nveya nc e a nd a uthori za ti on is ma de fo r th e bene fit lot vv ithin the abo ve desc ribed lega l desc ripti on a nd s ha ll b ind th e ow ne r of the lo t(s) wi thin the lega l de sc ription. I N WITNESS WHEREOF, GRANTOR has executed thi s in strum e nt th e day and yea r first a bo ve w ritt en. OWNER: CITY OF CUPE RTTNO: T 1 _ ord e n, PE Dir ecto r o f Publi c Works (Acknow ledgme nt a nd Notaria l Sea l Attached) EXHIBIT A The land referred to is situated in the County of Santa Clara, City of Cupertino, State of Ca li fo rnia , and is des cribed as follows: Lot 105, as shown upon that certa in Map entitl ed, "Tract No. 68 2 Garden Gate Villa ge Unit No. 2", which Map was filed for Record in the Offic e of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of Ca lifornia on Fe bruary 20, 1950 in Book 26 of Maps, at Pag es 24 and 25. A PN: 326-28-027 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT A not,t r)' public or other offi ce r completing thi s cer t ificate verifies onl y th e identity of the individua l who signed t h e doc um en t to 1vhi ch thi s certirica te is a tt ached, and not the tru thfulness, accu racy, o r va li dity of that doc ument. S ta te or Ca li fornia County or __ Al_o...M-ed...,_C\~-- 0 n J., • "· V,S.-t: 3b ,2013-befo re m e , __ ! _0._-~"""h"""ne_.___._._.,e:j:,.___....____~S~1 ~-,--) q+--,1------------' No tar y Pub Ii c, ~(Here in se n naR and 1i1 1e or1 he office r) personally appea rcri---=: P'r·<t\'Lp __ S-·~u...~---------------------- who proved lu me o n th e bas is of sa ti sfac tory ev id e nce to be th e person(s) w ho se nam e(s) is/a re s ub sc rib ed to the w ithin in st rum e nt and ackno w ledge d to me that he/s he/th ey exec ut ed th e same in hi s/he r/their aut horii:'.cd ca pacity(ies), and that by hi s/her/the ir s ig nature(s) on the in s trum ent th e person(s), or th e e n tit y upon behalf of w h ich the p erson(s) ac ted , exec ut ed the in s trument. I ccrt i fY under PENALTY OF PERJURY und e r the laws of the State of Ca liforni a th at th e foregoing paragraph is tru e a nd cmrcct . WITNESS my hand and oftic ia l seal. X~~-~~--~~-#-'-1------------( ota ry Sea l) ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL I NFORMATION ,--------~-------------------~ D ESCRI PTIO N OF T H E ATTAC H ED DOCUMENT !Title or d,·scri p1i o11 of a11achnl documcnl J (T i1k or dc\nipt 11J1 ! or attached doc umc1ll co ntinued ) Numb er of Page s .. -·--Docum ent Dat e ____ _ [ ---·-·--___ 1_A_,_1<_1,_1io_,_"_i1_i_n_fo_r_111_a_,i_o_nl ________ ~ I C A PACJTY C L A IMED BY THE SIG 1FR D l11di vicl t1:i l (s) D Corpor:.it c Officer D D D D (T itle) Panncr(s) Attorne y .. in -Fac t Tru s tee(s ) Oth c1· ---------------------------~ fNSTRUCTJONS FOR COM PLETI NG Tl II S FORM Any ack1101dedg111cn1 complc.•tc'd i11 Cal{(ornia mu st co111 ui11 verbiage exacl~v as appears abov<! in the 1101t11 y s<!ct io n or a separate ,1c.:k1101!'/edg 111 t'111 .f(J rm m11 s1 be pruperfr co111pleted (llld 01/(l ('/,ed IU //,of dUClll/1<'111 . The on/\' e.\'Cl'/J/ion i., if' (I docum<'III is to bC' recorded outside of Califo rnia. /11 ,·11cl, i11sw11crs. any a/1er11a11vc a ck1101rledgm e111 1·cr biagc us may be printed 011 such ,1 do c umcnr so long as the 1·e rbiagc dues nut r eq uire thC' 1w1w:v Ju do sume1hi11J..!, thal is illegal /iJr a nor my in Ca/ijom ia (i.e . cenifi'ing 1he a111hori:ed capa cilr o/ 1he sign er). !'lease check 1/,e do rn11"''" rnre/i,iftjor p mpe1· 1101aria/ ,vordi11g and 1111a c l, !his fo rm if required • S1:11e and C1JL1111 y i11lcm11a1i n n 111u s1 be the S1a1c and County where the dorn111 c111 s ig ner(s) perso nall y app eared be l'nrc the no tary public· l,,r ack no wkdg111cn1. • Dal e of no1ari za1io11 must b e the dale tha t th e sig ner(si persona lly appeared whi ch mus t also be the sa 111e dat e the acknowkdgmcn1 is co111 pktcd • The 1101a1y publ ic mu s t print hi s or her na111e '" it appears 11·ithi n his o r he r commission lollowcd by a colll111a and th e n your 1i1lc (no tary public). • Print th e nam e(s) of docurncnl s ig ne r(s) who persn nall y appear at the time or notarization. • lndi calc the correct s in g ul ar o r plu ral forms by c rossi ng off inco rr ect forllls (i.e. ke /shc!thtey,-i, 'afe ) o r ci rcl in g th,· correct ror ms . h 1ilurc to correc t I\' 111dica 1c this info rmat ion ma y lc.·ad 10 rej ec tion ol document recording. • Th e nu 1ary sea l imprcs s 1nn must be c lea r and pho1ngraphica ll y reprod uci ble . Impressi on must not covt.:r k xt or lines. II' se al imprc:-.sio n sm udg es . rc,;-s cal ii' c1 suffi ciem area pe rmib, 01hen1 ·ise co mplet e a differen t .icknowledgmcm form. • Sig nature or the no tary publi c mus\ match th e signature 0 11 l,lc 11 ith th e oi'lir c nr the COUIII)' c lerk . •:• Additi ona l infonnat io n is not required but co trld he lp 10 ensu re thi s acknowledgm ent j:,; nnt misu se d or flttachcd lU H dil'I Crcnt documt>nt. •:• Jndi cak· ti tl e or type o raua chcd docurm.:.·111 , numbl•r of p,1g l'S and dat e. ,;, Indi ca te the rnpac1 1y clai med by the sig ner . 1r th e' c laimed capacity is a corpma1c o ni cer. indi ca te the 1i1l c (i.e . CEO , (TU. Sccrctary J. • Scnirc ly ~lltach lhis drn.:uml~nt 10 th e s ign ed duu11 nc11t l: lO(le\·201 1 Pro l ink !'i1g111ng S,·rviu· ln1.. -All Right,; lkscrved \\'Ww .T lw11rol mk.i:o m -Nati on\\'ld<..' Nnt;ir v Servic e CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California } County of ___.~..C...------'--~-'--~7)... __ _ } 0 n --f"~~"'t-"'~~'--11~1::-o~-'-1-__ before me' ~J~·~u=-=L~J·~~-~g..__,(""Ae"-,,~c'c;n=;:,-,,f ..,,.n~"'m=e=an,,.~""1,1~~,..,.t/!"-he,....;o..,,.,c-r,-r) --+Pt>:k~C<.-"-v-'='--' personally appeared _____ i\_~-~--~---U'\~----------' who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted , executed the instrument. I certify under PENAL TY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ia· ...... :, 1::.~:.::.· 1 I . --~ I: Gtfflffllllloll • 2117451 - ••••• 11&11:•ut1u&I (Notary Public Seal) T INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION This fo rm complies with current California statutes regarding notary wording and, DE SCRI PTION OF THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT if needed, should be completed and a ttached to th e do c ument. Acknoll'ledgments A ... , ,,.A_. . • ~ 4d-,:f A.."-hi,.. I \ .Ji ft __ from oth er states may be completed/or do cum ents being sent to that state so long WA~ J IPY-1 '" o· • -. • -:::, as th e wording do es not require th e California 11010/)' to violate California IIOtGI )' ~.c tJ~ ~ Im,,. (Ti ea( description Tattached do~~ Jrff\J • State and County information mu st be th e State and County where th e d ocum ent i Dt.iO~ ~ Av-~ ~ ~U. 1, f. s igner(sl personally appeared before thenotarypubtic foracknowtedgment. . . ~ ~ A.~ "l.. • Date o f notaii za tion mu st be th e date that th e signer(s) personally appeared which (Title or descnpt1on of attached do cument con~nued) <.J 4n-mu st a lso be th e same date th e acknow ledgment is completed . .:,. 8 1..,_ • 1l1e not a,y pub lic mu st p1int his or her name as it appears within hi s or her Number of Pages ~ Document Date .a:)· .,-commission fo ll owed by a comma and then yo ur title (notary public). CAPACITY CLAIMED BY THE SIGNER Ii' Individual (s) D Corporate Officer (Title) D Partner (s) D Attorney -i n-Fact o Trustee(s ) o Other ---------- 2015 Version w,.vw NotaryClasses .com 800-873-9865 • Print th e nam e(s) of do cument s igner(s) who personally appear at the tim e of notari zation . • Indi cate U1 e cmTect si ng ular or plural fonns by crossing off incmTec t fonns (i.e. h€/she/tHey, is /are) or circling th e con-ect fonns. Fai lure to con-ec tl y indicate thi s infonnation may lea d to rejection of do cum ent recording. • 1l1 e nota,y sea l impress ion must be c lea r and photographically reproducib le. Impress io n must not cover text o r lines. If sea l impress ion smudges, re-sea l if a s uffi cient area pe1mits , oth erwise comp lete a different acknow ledgment fonn. • Signature of th e no tary publi c must match th e signature on fil e with th e office of the county clerk . •:• Additional infonnation is not required but cou ld help to ensure thi s acknow ledgment is not mi suse d or attached to a different docum ent. •:• Indi cate titl e or type of attached document, number of pages and date. •:• Indi ca te th e capacity claimed by th e signer. If th e c laim ed capacity is a co rporate officer, indicate th e titl e (i.e. CEO , CFO, Sec retaiy). • Securely attac h thi s docume nt to th e s ig ned do cum ent wit h a staple . RECORDING REQUESTED BY: COUNTY of SANTA CLARA DEPARTMENT of TAX and COLLECTIONS 23762931 Regina Alcomendras Santa Clara County -Cl e rk-Recorde r 09 /27 /2017 09:12 AM Ti lles: 1 Fees : $28.00 Taxes : $0 Total : $28 . 00 Pages: 1 COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER 70 WEST HEDDING, EAST WING SAN JOSE CA 95110-1767 PHONE (408) 808-7900 WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: 1111 w,1~_.~:+~ L1t~.~1,ir~'1 '11t'1-t,,~f1f~','1l:1 ~ i ~li\t~l1'1i1 ,'~, 11111 I NGUYEN , YEN 3337 ROYAL MEADOW LN SAN JOSE, CA 95135 RELEASE OF LIEN PURSUANT TO SECTION 2194 OF THE REVENUE AND TAXATION CODE THE TAX COLLECTOR OF THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA HEREBY RELEASES AND CERTIFIES THAT THERE HAS BEEN RELEASED ALL PROPERTY FROM ANY LIEN IMPOSED THEREON BY THE FILING AND RECORDING OF THAT CERTIFICATE OF TAX LIEN IN THE NAME OF : ASSESSEEANPAPDRESS NGUYEN , YEN 2180 CEYLON CT SAN JOSE , CA US 95122 YEAR /ASSESSMENT NO AMOUNT 11-624423-7 $ 74 .57 CERTIFICATE OF TAX LIEN RECORDED AS DOCUMENT NUMBER 21529237 --------------------- 0 F THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA . THIS RELEASE OF LIEN MUST BE RECORDED IN THE COUNTY RECORDER 'S OFFICE TO RELEASE THE TAX LIEN AGAINST YOUR NAME . SEND$ 23 .00 IN CHECK OR MONEY ORDER , MADE PAYABLE TO THE CLERK-RECORDER , SANTA CLARA COUNTY AND THIS RELEASE OF LIEN FORM TO : DO NOT MAIL TO TAX COLLECTOR DATE: September 27 , 2017 GM13 BY : COUNTY RECORDER COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER 70 WEST HEDDING STREET, EAST WING SAN JOSE , CALIFORNIA 951 10-1767 TAX COLLECTOR COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA DEPUTY