Vallco Development Agreement 10-8-74P..£ SE XMM i4c 101 rir#. aE Cop2reina t r ILEA FOR "COCA ! 103W Terre AVe«Qa AT % ki NOT OF , ��er5lao, CA. �503� p�p 14 G ?2 F *t T +� i is AN •J iJX A This Agresment mad,s and entered intn this 9th day a 06tobe : ;- 1974 by and between the Ci ter of Cupertino, California. a M- Miti.Pal carvorxti -on (,city') . anti wilco- Park, rte ., a California limited �artr3esnh�p l�vaiYcu��, 1. "alias hereby irrevocably offers to grU[3t to City th•, following: a} Verpetual afd exclusive easements {i; for air ri -ghts permitting thin Cori Structivl7, MftiRtanance irk pla= ar.r' maiAtonauce, repair, r5placament, reebpMtMI-tion. ATId Use a'sfl�F� a plane twelve (12} feet above the p ?rtioA of tho real property owfte.d by vallco shown shaded on 19-xhi�i± S. and Uij fo: aiahti�r- rarieiYri rights permitting the oDrigtriCti :`mat terrance: is piaee i °.*t an$ maintenance. repair.,:r .6pU''r"I6 �,. p�tTio ti n- end"ks9 ,4i+;,.i= ;` , two { } levels-of r- kizkgi ben6at7s : aji't L ttim. of PIT the real property oT-med $y vaugao 8 oti+a'c a .' �iiiibit'•».( Ii . without expense to Valic"), mf auta&ohf,ie;[A kf •e iM, 88 aril a statiou serving the pohlic rapid t out, -IV ]., W,-coutompiated rr . to �m 4�=wt.r=ted can1'igmu I -2 Qi • _ }* '::. • �:,':'..,y, €. ;� is :..„ ..;: . andtlut�civ easement !or' drt.ther' #igvaed: jv a1+xy'• _ •'��� tuire "A statibft Mind for faciltti f. i ' for V 9S all tical provil 4Qd z 1 # } tj1 a grantiAq to city.. by Vallee eit $uch aasb- ments viljr be without coat or eap'enaa to City: q1) the iiv va- manta "natructed Or CALUikocl to bo coaattu t ° by. C t3r_- 71st ;uas�t t6: �. such grant mall not (after can trucl;tosi� -fa' 21r >h# h c is r r struct.ian aheii bet proaeouted to oamtpLoUgh with all cl a dtligenca) mat ^riallly impair the use of a=h automobile parkinq spdCwI$, and city , shall. at itu expenAR replaoa within said par)c z atruct=e a *lumbar f y autraw -khfie parking spaces equal to Lhoed xhi h`5 - $fiminataA .d%W to iO 6+. i_�.F!!.'U _ ' +�':.f�i . :•'}�"'.. •ai„�?4 }, _,'••s14 Y `.frS. Y•1. s•. ;I,}•. am B 135 MVIVI the tiu:tatrUr_ _tan{ co luona, $r..; +�gP faciYi# -tea an.l t.he Itkd; ( iiii Lraffic c;r•ht.rol faCilitiea are provided [IncludiT%q ih acae55 k'�" adjacenF. pubi9r street9 tct' =r�9d t in :'.?+ w::ce a inq Subparagraph h) 3 ,,fir vhit� u9e f ?E the parking sttriCt4lFp riay J:4 ; yk:lc nllu precluded to ;.he* end that said uaern F:h311 not SLjrcY,axcTq �`..� r3E'r_4r5q Cnpac ;ey aj� Vaiico-In parking arenas; anel iiv) VA11Cc }. -k-'e 3pprnVed the plane area rpacitications for all of RUCK = eisofar as thf�iy relate - t-U fjerfDr=nan of these conrli#•jansr no port inn of - whiich imc3rovanant.3 'LxUUpt fUC lighting st4ndardsa ah ill e=��-eev• [c] LIT teen (14) feet ab<�Ve the Lsottom iplana of thin air rigsL`_s as uemant hereby otfe±ad to ire granted.. Vallco hBf6by excepta and r4a -m"9a' all right-.e, t�'_tlt a :d intlar -08t FLbove3 the upper pl,aries ntV- 13 1x'- 0S[-'f6et above Said aartion of Vallc,y'P real grope -rty.1 of the air. tijhts�eaaez�gr�t. be1rw the bottom plane Gf'tha'atih a a�1 of i k4er+ na �'e•:; ��..... i, offeresd. b} 'A pe"tuai and excl taive-das lAent_ -far t)-.o Uge of" 3 r €ace=_ of said ozvlon of valloo's pnap$r -ter shown:3haekd oil i� is whitiu :La required for a,4ncome ak # ^TM Of 41 xmVIBrnnitt af' vahiclos ana ndoatrlans and A nail- f.xctuSive' easeaaentl. f r.the use in L_,_]em on with otheerq of Via Ecu_ :dCP '3f ValiCa`A. property which. � from tirns to time #s iRprove:.d Cox: ?'Ch�ekila£ ont-rances, nxita dnd .' ruadwaya in ca -6ESr to provide resdr,Lnably y *gyp SCOat direct rnutea from Wolfer ?VaxICP property ahown shaded air E habit R: Vt vid4d, fhQt^ : if ':4 11 111$rit 5r shall ftot affect #l�oee portln]�.!i 01 ".V II "�" 1C 4 Y.+A*h G1S are nut braved with veh icL l<ar r can ape , 8�ri s'. ark d r "i� , A. vallca and City .Xacagnf t ..it �a�';Taett neCe� e ;ary in the tutare t}haG-City ACgUiXe 1r�thDl3t. g t#� tb$'Cit+}} .Chef: €ae3 o,rneirahili of a posting ear gc�rtlns! 1"ai#e+ai-.FrOQe Jeh4`r^. �+a aheflocl on "hibs t 91 for t',r ccrLstrar -tion Of pub! iq-tjC�Mait faCiii4 tioiot provided lea -.aver that tha aczja49itlon by'City of .5"Uh fee interest ig cunditionad upa:i the r vlra eats fry*_ surface parking spate to Serve the 9hoPg>iAl c8e.tne befncr tiimiriklhed as 4�, +;ire cv B 115 rfol` .- , result aE the constructiOO Of ggch plbrliC transit facil'LEie1r and "l that, fur such reason, the shoppinq canter will AOL be adversely affected Toy City's acyuieitiom Of such fee ownmrship, AS and when city !�holl elect to accept t110 fore- going offer to grant said -6asementm, And if any requa9ted vacation or ahandcnrnent pursuant to Paragraph 2c) balow has been acCQmplishod, V 'Jul ;jell, pursuant to a writton aq- ee_aert incorporatfr,q the fora- q-aing provisions of this paragraph, grant sail easemeOtA to City. 2. city hereby nrants t4!) ; al lco {�r the benefit of , and appurtenant *.o, arnd rsinrilrq with the land in favor of, the real p�uperty wed ty Valle' which is deagTlbad in Lxhitiit A attached hereto and by this referanue incorporated herein: a) The perpetual and ezclU!�Li#A- easement to construct, to maintain iri place, aMd to maintadn, = aPair, replace, recanstruCt aiid to use buildings, structUMS end improvements: � A plane fifte -en [151 feet above the bis 'LF-At point of tt.e travelled surface of Wolfe Road, cro�FSinq W:plfe Road, a dedicated PrIblic street, key the location ahem on EXbjbLt B attached hereto and by thi* reterftCO irncorpora<ted harato, and Lai] above a p8a LL fifteen (15) feat abaiv . ' the highaut paitt of the traveilad surface. of vallco Park--ay, cross -:. ins Valleo ParkVay, a dedicated public street, in the location Shown on Exbihit �3: together with perpetual and exclusive easements for the construction, roAintenance in place, Arid Mainte -Ance, repair, rePlatQ- ment, reconatructiQU and *sae of C4lxm4k aupports, footizigsr and faundaticins for said buy Idings. atructuree and improvemenU tU be located in and above the public rights of way of each of said dedica- ted streets, except that such cplumns, supports, .aotiAgs and f0=4x a_ t.lons may not be located upon or within the median strip of Vallca 3 B 1 a- Farlvray Or Within the travelled surfao$ CE 9i"Or Of 841$ Aedi -oaten b) The perpetuaa anA exclusive aasampent t4 CC3rh&tr' +.ct, to maintain in place, and to maintain, repair, replace, reeen$truct anal line a vaji�aular tunnel and appurtenances hereto not in excess of seventy idol feat In width to be o -anstructed within the area shown on 8x1hihit H; Provided however that to the extend that such tunnel or any Portion thereof MY hO Proposed to be cons.tau; fad Within tha I -220 right of way, this grant is subject to City's obtainlLg of consents to s4eh grant from the State of California and the napartzeat of Tranaportati in of the united States of America. City agre¢s to use all reAscnahle dilfgeae$ to 4htair such con3exxts, the parties heraby "tually recognizing chi deBir- abiiity of conetracti -ng such tunnel within the moFPt Porther1y Portion of acid araa. c) The City will initiate appropriat-t proceedings to vacate or abandgn any public street rights in or to the air spate or subterranean spare which is subject tr the easemefits herein granted by the City, if zV"ated by halloo to do so. A. At the request of either p&xty the pasties shall join is thA axq�!cutfon of a recordable instrument 4vpplemcnUng this Agre nt an as to dascribe with particularity the araa with respect to wh#r�h the essemwmts granted heriafn are respec- tively located to the extent that 9%=h easements are not descxik particularly i-n the Exhibita harato. 4. Tnia Agraewmt ski biM and henaflt th—_ partlea here* -o emd their respective Inc a $era, Ruccessors in inter:at &nd aasigns . 5. All notices and other comet nicati.ons given here- under by either party to the other shall be in writing and shalt be deanmd given when mailed, postage prepaid, by cartified ar a 115 ?at-174 4 regist -ored waii, return receiVt requested, addressed a4, frrrtl +,rs: I f to C'ltx City of cupe.rtino city Hall CupertirLo, California 55014 if to VaIIQ0: Wallop Park, Ltd. P. D. Drawer V Cuperti= , California 95014 6, in the evert that by reagon of canstruCtior,t gattleMAt or shifting, any part of the imprcvemsntg xhail encroach outtid-O of its easemenr. area, Vailcv and City stall each have. rnd City hereby grants to vallco and Vallcv hereby grants t* City, an eaaeMOnt fqr the maintenance in plate of such e4,roachmanta. i_ ne parties rec❑gniaL that adjustmaets or mcdifiaationL iv the easements hereby granted and created they ba requir -ad or con-• veniant to rea:iust, realign. relocate or refine the varfon0 aaan- Ment areas, to reflect the actual building site conditions, to-peat thgo applicable reqUireMents of federal, state and local goveTxLAU sntai bodias or agencies ar to prow{a-0 for additional easementa not incon- sistent hero with which are not preseritIN, either a.aticipatsd or capable of being delineated. To provide contraotually for any e�ucb Modiffca_ tiaras to the easements harein gnatffid, car for any future camomants which may be required, the parties hereby covenant and agree to -execute any and all additirmmi jn:6txtmzknts, in recordable fora upon the request of eitABr party which ray be reasonably =ngti;rt ±d in the - C i.r� tirn.StbJYd9 � . g. The parties acknowledge that there are :no specific F remddias at law for a breaab of this 1gremant and that the perfer- { canoe of dny Unper#ormeci obligation by any party may, at eta option, • be compelled in an action for ep&oLfic performanca. 9. Up "o request of 9L party the other party Will certify promptly to the r-questing party, or to any propvaed aaai� ;:ue or grantee or proposed or existing trustee or benefic_ary under a d66d 1 e OL B 135 Par of trust whether Or ACt this Agreeme+n+ is subsisting, whether or ndt it has bQen mgalfiad (and i.f thnri% are -mDd i ft CatiQn$, stating them)! and whether or not the party executinq the certificate knows of any default or breach by th-0 Otter pdC'�Y under any Of the terms hereof (and rf any such breach or default exigts. Stating the nature thereA�f), a failure by the x&quested party to fu"ish shalt certifjoate within 20 dayn after the makinq of such request being deemed an acknowiddganent that this Agreement is valid and subafating, that tha same hae nOt< heea amended or modified, 2nd that there ht,s been no default or 'breach by the requesting party of the terms bereaf. 10. In the $xaraima of thp- aasam.nts QraaW to them pnr9oant to this Agreement. City and Vallco shall reaEectively indamnify And w1d harmless the other frm and againet all claiRs and all costs. axpfenaes and liabilities (inClioding reasonable &tt ego' tees and court costs} incurred in Qo=en atian with all O al , including any action or pr"a dfngn brought thereon, &rising from or as a result of the death of, or any aGtident, injury, Iaea or damage wT9atueever caused to auy [natural persam, QT zo property, as stall occur by virtue of its negligent act or amissionr excluding frxol soc]f ind-am- nifioatiolx any ClAtMN regultfnq from the negligPb4C8 cr lWillfal a -Ct or omfsaion on the part of the party ;eakinq to he indemnified. 11. City and Vaailuo shall respectiv -ely maintain, —* CaCSe to be maintained. in full force and -Aifd -rt, c0nPrahaneiva public 1 ability ins,sranae. covering their re-apsctivn easements and the k5uildings, structures, and improvements therWax with a'ftWnQia11Y responsible 1nsivrxnai§ comparny -or comparGios, irclading cox —rage for any accident resulting in personal injury to or death of any person and consequential damages ari,ainq -E �fefrom, including comprehensive property damage insurance, in the aunt of $1,400,000 per �rcurr —nE or much 6thez amount as City and uallco may from time to time agree upon as being a prudent amount of Rnaiar ce to be carzied under all relevant ctrrumata:ioas. Bach pa -,y shall fp;nish to tna other on 6 or befox-a the of €ect:.va datAR Qf any sucl� policy a certif ;care '_hareof statirnq that such insurance is in farce and effect and that the premiums therefor ha -e bean paid. Th4 other party shall to naa fi as an additional fnsi-,red under F.L.C:J1 poj,icy or poiietest whiCh shall provida that they may not be cancelled without at least ten days' prior vritt'n notice being given by the insurer to the other party. The insurance of each party shall oxf3ressly insure !�Z.e indemnification given by SWh party to the other pur- suant to the preceding piragrapn lQ. 12. As additional consideratlem for City's exeohtion and performance of this Agreement, Vallco agrees to pay to the City th fonowing aoms rf mQney at the followinV times; a) The Yuma Qf $33,500.00 on thO .first day Of the rtont' following fesu;nce by City of a certificate of Occupancy for the first to apex, of the department stwZes (except For the exiating department atore) on Vallcals property described in SxhiIjit A and a like sump pn eaa)k of the succeeding 19 anniversariae of such daY. b) The eum Qf Vi�,$OA.00 on the first day of the montl following issuance by City of a Cartifloate of OoeapaWY for th4 second to ,open of the dagartmant stores ("rapt for t]ze axiating department store) on Vallco'in property described in Exhibit A aYLd a like sum on each of the succeeding 19 ansiversarias of such day. such awes shall be utilized by City is a mariner as approvari by the City Council to enhance the anvironn i,tal quali{ of the community. The City Council shall give priority to applica- Lion of said funds to environmental prohlems in the vicinity of Valico park, but the deoieion of the City Council shall he final. 13. The parties agree that the e&&aO&ats grantee by City r,o Valley and the offer to grant aaam ate by 7allca t4 City are equal in value, 7 Le In witness w,3ereof, the paprtiea "reto ha%'r exetated this Agrdement as of the day and year ffrat abova wrLtten. r.lTyr aF c:upEx —[Nor cAiva.o mm By Mayor, CSCY of C«Ferz Rttezt: Gi r +• Clark VALLCO PARK, Lffa . By jt5 Thri2e Ouneral PartA*ro 1. 2. 3. 8 VALIM PAFK, a Calff4i'af,a C=PL JL ame . - -- —.. luzral Taanardt res nt 7 r•,r� - 115 ra . STATE Up CALIFoo n � CDUjrr� pF SAIETA CLARA on #his dayr of ey'* ' irk the yearl"g0 are W. ttae un r:igned. siTaFary FuDlia fn sn4 for said o tybenth4Lpr@Sident personally appeared Durres Leof1prd* kncr -m $ $r and Will W. Lester t lKnOdn to rue to be thei ecru rY oT Vaileo Perk. the 1--orpgratlon thSl,� eae3uted the within instrument and known to mt to be the persona who exeetitt,ed thO within i -iatriolmOt on he!lalt of said corporation, slid corporation being known t0 rt be 0"ed of the partners of YalY --o Yank. Ltd.. the partnership hat the same as au¢h partner "d that Suer, pELrtrerBhip -ezecutad the same. } of • . - - -- � e KY eopission expire:: ---- crATE OF CA;JFORF VL }ys CQTjNTY ;DP S.kNTA ARA } en thla day of (yl�- in the year` '�Aetare me, the undat`a i ad a rotary ruol f e 'pera anal ly IMPe a d Will W- Lester that �nown ed #the within 1rntruerentiand acknowied d tormePthatP such partnera?:ip executed the came. atary u is Cry commission expires: S'T'ATE OP CALIVOMIA �Ss -�OUXTy OF Sh"TA CLARA } MWOM or= it Wo caw" or tWi% Me&% Ut OYA% SUSM WPM *AM*W T. "M on this day of JA r- in the yeah` 74 bel'nre me, the under signed, ]a otsry Pvblie F per,30naiiy appeared Bur'rel i,eonard known to me to be one of the general partners of the .part- nerxhlp that executed the within instrument and & ^•knowledged to nee that such.partnership execrated the sane. , X31 co=jssiop expires: t R 135 PLA7 h� 0 71 Y{ S M� V 1 1,Y i 1 j 5 i €. AWT } WdS y7z34 . y10, di5,w �1 I PARCEL PARCEL 1 Kt I se-Tir CAM -p --wonff 16'-++ !w PARdE �-. 1&G7ist twki tr q1 ra��6,xr„rch:f7 � Par caerformxyr w/fA tie avviw vi, i z .fir -?S07 y ilr ;fork 5 ;4fx- 1. i - ter VJ�'�iL ..A i 4 Y r V ills F , F _t F `k 1 4 Y s � I �, In lul f E SJ 135 f1LA920 z IL ly a LU s � I �, In lul f E _? B 135 n.-18-3 JL �SCLU'tfox :0. 91:9 RUArLUTION aF UM ClI L -A:aim OF 61 "t CI7Y DF CLWMTLNO .3LM&DR1EMS UM'IlCa 0,- ACI1 DUEWC R1' t'ALLCO P.11kl:, UD' Ui; }fir ATR I-?C]15, 8',F.ErJ;L7{FhN RjcsTM tAFXIM k-MLISISS TTu,, SI7 nO1!L1TEE5, rAY?1W -.7F '67t {kY FOR CMLW1=pT -OF i7{1'IRO?C P. rM Ofir:LITOA� OF ArIR(WAL, lSr FM IT 6-U -73 FOR V1.-U0 PAW KG -VINAL S iO ^P]!X; GfrJCi E4} 1mEhs. therfi teas been preaenESd Ct, LFLc C -u fr+vvkcil an asrecmwt tMEWeeft Vh4 City of Cuperrivo and Rando Fatk, LEd.p a0d SrNVWS, the Leras and voT3AItIons GE Um VeLIAMt hR4F lb -O-LL apprar*d 11 %he csty n%wWer and the City Attorney; "I nffYZYOUI Sr IT R£56L1+Cb that the 'Wor at:d the CiC$t Clerk are heraby mm- horizcd to execute the agreement hwroin itcdtrred to in "h311 Of tb't Ci4y Of Cttp &[ciao-. FASM UM JMF M AE a ri%ular meeting of the GiCy C eau wail of ClhC CitY.oE CuprtCitla Chi/ _Eth_ -dftY of otto'har 13 ?4, by tltb i6110v3ug VUC4, Vote Mmber7 of the City Caun,e�1 iYUS: ReOlfth, 14;ars, N*1i1Mr Sparks Nom: 3iC1k#� ABSENT; Naoe AjW,kL`i: Matte APPRO'r'fD: }s} Lwd Sparks Us"rr, M7 Qe Oupezeluo AT=: f *f wm. 1. War t City Cler { IHSTR4JMS•' G.dPt' or THE fl ATT crrr rm [pwG ins t +4s-No Y ` 7A�+�alrwy�p s- w+FU% -4— r - k, * 4